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#ActionML Minimum Cluster Setup Guide

This is a guide to setting up PredictionIO and the Universal Recommender in a 3 node cluster with all services running on one large memory (32G) machine and Spark Workers on 2 medium memory (16G) machines. The Spark Workers can be temporary, and spun up for `pio train' only so this is the minimal config for a medium sized UR instance. This setup will scale by creating more "EventServer" and "PredictionServer" instances and by scaling to more Spark Workers. An alternative is to go straight to separated fully clustered services with multiple masters for High Availability and indefinite scalability.

####Other Guides:

  • Small High Availabiltiy Cluster Setup Guide: For a 3 machines with all services running on all machine in HA mode see this guide. For this setup make sure to give each machine 16g or more.
  • Distributed Cluster Setup Guide: For setting up to use all external cluster machines for a large scale installation see this guide.

Note also that the details of having any single machine reboot and rejoin all clusters are left to the reader and not covered here.


In this guide we create a master that runs all services, is an EventServer and PredictionServer, as well as running the Spark Master, HDFS, Elasticsearch, and HBase. The temporary Spark Workers may be launched before pio train and shutdown after.

  • Hadoop 2.6.2
  • Spark 1.6.1
  • Elasticsearch 1.7.5
  • HBase 1.1.4 due to a bug in 1.1.2 and earlier HBase it is advised you move to 1.1.4+ as quickly as you can.
  • PredictionIO 0.9.6 (as of this writing a work in progress so must be built from source here using the v0.9.6 tag (Provided by ActionML)
  • Universal Recommender here using the v0.3.0 tag (Provided by ActionML)
  • 'Nix server, some instructions below are specific to Ubuntu, a Debian derivative and Mac OS X. Using Windows it is advised that you run a VM with a Linux OS.

##1. Setup User, SSH, and host naming on All Hosts:

1.1 Create user for PredictionIO pio in each server

adduser aml # Give it some password

1.2 Give the aml user sudoers permissions and login to the new user. This setup assumes the pio user as the owner of all services including Spark and Hadoop (HDFS).

sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/sudo-group

Add this line to the file

# Members of the sudo group may gain root privileges
# with no password (somewhat controversial)

Then save and add aml user to sudoers

sudo usermod -a -G sudo aml
sudo su aml # or exit and login as the aml user
cd ~
sudo service sudo restart # just to be sure permission are all active 

Notice that we are now logged in as the aml user and are in the home directory

1.3 Setup passwordless ssh between all hosts of the cluster. This is a combination of adding all public keys to authorized_keys and making sure that known_hosts includes all cluster hosts, including any host to itself. There must be no prompt generated when any host tries to connect via ssh to any other host. Note: The importance of this cannot be overstated! If ssh does not connect without requiring a password and without asking for confirmation nothing else in the guide will work!

1.4 Modify /etc/hosts file and name each server

  • Note: Don't use "localhost" or "".

    # Use IPs for your hosts. some-master some-slave-1 some-slave-2

##2. Download Services on all Hosts:

Download everything to a temp folder like /tmp/downloads, we will later move them to the final destinations.

2.1 Download Hadoop 2.6.2

2.2 Download Spark 1.6.0

2.3 Download Elasticsearch 1.7.4 Note: Don't use the Elasticsearch 2.x branch until PredictionIO supports it. The change will force and upgrade and pio will not be backwardly compatible with older versions of Elasticsearch.

2.4 Download HBase 1.1.4 Note: due to a bug in pre 1.1.3 Hbase upgrade this asap to HBase 1.1.3+

2.5 Clone PIO from its root repo into ~/pio

git clone pio
cd ~/pio
git checkout v0.9.6 #get the latest branch

2.6 Clone Universal Recommender Template from its root repo into ~/universal

git clone universal
cd ~/universal
git checkout v0.3.0 # or get the latest branch

##3. Setup Java 1.7 or 1.8

3.1 Install Java OpenJDK or Oracle JDK for Java 7 or 8, the JRE version is not sufficient.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

3.2 Check which versions of Java are installed and pick a 1.7 or greater.

sudo update-alternatives --config java

3.3 Set JAVA_HOME env var.

Don't include the /bin folder in the path. This can be problematic so if you get complaints about JAVA_HOME you may need to change depending on which service complains. For instance has a JAVA_HOME setting if HBase complains when starting.

vim /etc/environment
# add the following
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/open/jdk/jre
# some would rather add JAVA_HOME to /home/aml/.bashrc

##4. Create Folders:

4.1 Create folders in /opt

mkdir /opt/hadoop
mkdir /opt/spark
mkdir /opt/elasticsearch
mkdir /opt/hbase
chown aml:aml /opt/hadoop
chown aml:aml /opt/spark
chown aml:aml /opt/elasticsearch
chown aml:aml /opt/hbase

##5. Extract Services

5.1 Inside the /tmp/downloads folder, extract all downloaded services.

5.2 Move extracted services to their folders. This can be done on the master and then copied to all hosts using scp as long as all hosts allow passwordless key based ssh and the ownership has been set correctly on all hosts to aml:aml

sudo mv /tmp/downloads/hadoop-2.6.2 /opt/hadoop/
sudo mv /tmp/downloads/spark-1.6.0 /opt/spark/
sudo mv /tmp/downloads/elasticsearch-1.7.4 /opt/elasticsearch/
sudo mv /tmp/downloads/hbase-1.1.4 /opt/hbase/

Note: Keep version numbers, if you upgrade or downgrade in the future just create new symlinks.

5.3 Symlink Folders

sudo ln -s /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.6.2 /usr/local/hadoop
sudo ln -s /opt/spark/spark-1.6.0 /usr/local/spark
sudo ln -s /opt/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.7.4 /usr/local/elasticsearch
sudo ln -s /opt/hbase/hbase-1.1.4 /usr/local/hbase
sudo ln -s /home/aml/pio /usr/local/pio		

##6. Setup Clustered services

6.1. Setup Hadoop Cluster

Read this tutorial

  • Files config: this defines the defines where the root of HDFS will be. To write to HDFS you can reference this location, for instance in place of a local path like file:///home/aml/file you could read or write hdfs://some-master:9000/user/aml/file

    • etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

    • etc/hadoop/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml This sets the actual filesystem location that hadoop will use to save data and how many copies of the data to be kept. In case of storage corruption, hadoop will restore from a replica and eventually restore replicas. If a server goes down, all data on that server will be re-created if you have at a dfs.replication of least 2.

    • etc/hadoop/masters One master for this config.

    • etc/hadoop/slaves Slaves for HDFS means they have datanodes so the master may also host data with this config

    • etc/hadoop/ make sure the following values are set

      export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}
      # this has been set for hadoop historically but not sure it is needed anymore
      export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=${HADOOP_CONF_DIR:-"/etc/hadoop"}
  • Format Namenode

    bin/hadoop namenode -format

    This will result actions logged to the terminal, make sure there are no errors

  • Start dfs servers only.


    Do not use sbin/ because it will needlessly start mapreduce and yarn. These can work together with PredictionIO but for the purposes of this guide they are not needed.

  • Create /hbase and /zookeeper folders under HDFS

    bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /hbase /zookeeper

6.2. Setup Spark Cluster.

  • Read and follow this tutorial The primary thing that must be setup is the masters and slaves, which for our purposes will be the same as for hadoop

  • conf/masters One master for this config.

  • conf/slaves Slaves for Spark means they are workers so the master be included

  • Start all nodes in the cluster


6.3. Setup Elasticsearch Cluster

  • Change the /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml file as shown below. This is minimal and allows all hosts to act as backup masters in case the acting master goes down. Also all hosts are data/index nodes so can respond to queries and host shards of the index. your-app-name false # most cloud services don't allow multicast ["some-master", "some-slave-1", "some-slave-2"] # add all hosts, masters and/or data nodes ```

  • copy Elasticsearch and config to all hosts using scp -r /opt/elasticsearch/... aml@some-host://opt/elasticsearch. Like HBase, all hosts are identical.

6.4. Setup HBase Cluster (abandon hope all ye who enter here)

This tutorial is the best guide, many others produce incorrect results. The primary thing to remember is to install and configure on a single machine, adding all desired hostnames to backupmasters, regionservers, and to the hbase.zookeeper.quorum config param, then copy all code and config to all other machines with something like scp -r ... Every machine will then be identical.

6.4.1 Configure with these changes to /usr/local/hbase/conf

  • conf/hbase-site.xml

  • conf/regionservers

  • conf/backupmasters

  • conf/

    export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}
    export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true # when you want HBase to manage zookeeper

6.4.2 Start HBase


At this point you should see several different processes start on the master and slaves including regionservers and zookeeper servers. If there is an error check the log files referenced in the error message. These log files may reside on a different host as indicated in the file's name.

Note: It is strongly recommend to setup these files in the master /usr/local/hbase folder and then copy all code and sub-folders or the to the slaves. All members of the cluster must have the same code and config

##7. Setup PredictionIO

Setup PIO on the master or on all servers (if you plan to use a load balancer). The Setup must not use the since you are using clustered services and that script only supports a standalone machine.

7.1 Build PredictionIO

We put PredictionIO in /home/aml/pio Change to that location and run


This will create an artifact for PredictionIO

7.2 Setup Path for PIO commands

Add PIO to the path by editing your ~/.bashrc on the master. Here is an example of the important values I have in the file. After changing it remember for execute source ~/.bashrc to get the changes into the running shell.

Note: Some of the service setup may ask for you to add other things so the ones below are only for PIO itself and the Universal Recommender.

# Java
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4g" # The Universal recommender driver likes memory so I set it here
# You may need to experiment with this setting if you get "out of memory: heap size"
# type error for the driver, executor memory and Spark settings can be set in the
# sparkConf section of engine.json

# Spark
# this tells PIO which host to use for Spark
export SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/spark

# pio
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/pio/bin:/usr/local/pio

Run source ~/.bashrc to get changes applied.

7.3 Setup PredictionIO to connect to the services

You have PredictionIO in ~/pio so edit ~/pio/conf/ to have these settings:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# PredictionIO Main Configuration
# This section controls core behavior of PredictionIO. It is very likely that
# you need to change these to fit your site.

# Safe config that will work if you expand your cluster later

# Filesystem paths where PredictionIO uses as block storage.

# PredictionIO Storage Configuration
# This section controls programs that make use of PredictionIO's built-in
# storage facilities.

# Storage Repositories



# Need to use HDFS here instead of LOCALFS to account for future expansion

# Storage Data Sources, lower level that repos above, just a simple storage API
# to use

# Elasticsearch Example
# the next line should match the in elasticsearch.yml

# For single host Elasticsearch, may add hosts and ports later

    # dummy models are stored here so use HDFS in case you later want to
    # expand the Event and PredictionServers

# HBase Source config
# Hbase single master config

Then you should be able to run

pio status

The status of all the stores is checked and will be printed but no check is made of the HDFS or Spark services so check them separately by looking at their GUI status pages. They are here:

##8. Setup the Universal Recommender

The Universal Recommender is a PredictionIO Template. Refer to the UR for configuration.


To run the integration test start by getting the source code.

cd ~
git clone universal
cd universal
pio app new handmade

This will take a little time to complete. It will insert app data into the EventServer started with pio-start-all, will train a model, and will run several sample queries. It will then print a diff of the actual results with the expected results. It is common to have one line that is different, this is due to JVM differences and it can be safely ignored (as we try to find a way to avoid it).