[Live demo] (http://achacttn.github.io/explore)
Explore is a rendering of a scene using THREE.js. More specifically, attributes of three-dimensional objects (shape, mesh, etc) are defined and manipulated. The results of these interactions between the objects, lighting, and the environment, are projected onto a canvas element.
The orders of magnitude vary from 1e-6 to 1e18. Logarithmic depth buffering allows for the scaling of camera movement speed proportional to the log of its displacement from the origin.
Through WebGL (JavaScript API used by a browser to directly access the GPU), shader code written in GLSL can be combined with JavaScript control code to produce complex image-processing or physics. THREE.js supports several image and 3d object formats. Most simple geometries were created by specifying a geometry and a mesh.
Complicated objects with many vertices and faces (such as a human) were imported with its respective loader.
Typical result when googling "human model"
Galaxy was created by defining a vertex shader to describe particle dimensions, as well as afragment shader for texture and color.
Shader code was specified to be as the mesh of a single particle, and these particles were added to a more general Buffer Geometry.
The particles were uniformly distributed to produce a circular-shape in the x-z plane and a mirrored slope in the y-plane. The particles by themselves have potential to be used in visualizing probability density functions.
On loading page, camera needs to move for proper alignment of objects.
CSS3D plane object has opacity issue.
CSS3D Object does not make a GET request.
Rendering WebGL within CSS3D objects.
Passing browser events to the rendered WebGL inside the CSS3D in the normal GL renderer.