diff --git a/app/publications/[id]/page.tsx b/app/publications/[id]/page.tsx
index bfad4bd..d3747a0 100644
--- a/app/publications/[id]/page.tsx
+++ b/app/publications/[id]/page.tsx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { InlineList } from "@/components/inline-list";
 import { LanguageLink } from "@/components/language-link";
 import { MainContent } from "@/components/main-content";
 import { ClickablePublicationThumbnail, PublicationCover } from "@/components/publication-cover";
+import { PublisherLink } from "@/components/publisher-link";
 import { TranslatorLink } from "@/components/translator-link";
 import { getPublication, getSameLanguagePublications } from "@/lib/data";
 import type { Publication, Translator } from "@/lib/model";
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ export default async function PublicationPage(props: PublicationPageProps) {
 						<NameValue name={t("publisher")}>
-							{pub.publisher} {pub.publication_details}
+							<PublisherLink publisher={pub.publisher} /> {pub.publication_details}
 						<NameValue name={t("year")}>{pub.year_display}</NameValue>
diff --git a/components/publisher-link.tsx b/components/publisher-link.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69309d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/publisher-link.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import type { Publisher } from "@/lib/model";
+interface PublisherLinkProps {
+	publisher: Publisher;
+export function PublisherLink(props: PublisherLinkProps) {
+	return props.publisher.name;
diff --git a/lib/model.ts b/lib/model.ts
index a3d275f..0f86b68 100755
--- a/lib/model.ts
+++ b/lib/model.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ export const proseCategories = ["novels", "novellas", "autobiography", "fragment
 export type Category = (typeof otherCategories)[number] | (typeof proseCategories)[number];
+export type YesNoMaybe = "maybe" | "no" | "yes";
 /** Publication contains one or more translated works. */
 export interface Publication {
 	id: string;
@@ -21,12 +23,15 @@ export interface Publication {
 	year: number;
 	year_display: string;
 	isbn?: string;
-	publisher: string;
+	publisher: Publisher;
 	// misc info that varies between publications of the same publisher
 	// prime example: issue/page details when the 'publisher' is a periodical/magazine
 	publication_details?: string;
-	exemplar_suhrkamp_berlin: boolean;
-	exemplar_oeaw: boolean;
+	original_publication?: string;
+	zusatzinfos?: string;
+	exemplar_suhrkamp_berlin: YesNoMaybe;
+	exemplar_oeaw: YesNoMaybe;
 	images: Array<Asset>;
 	has_image: boolean; // redundant, derived from 'images' (workaround for https://github.com/typesense/typesense/issues/790)
@@ -59,6 +64,11 @@ export interface Translator {
 	wikidata?: string;
+export interface Publisher {
+	id: string;
+	name: string;
 interface Asset {
 	id: string; // same as filename (without extension, which is .jpg)
 	metadata?: string;
diff --git a/scripts/baserow.py b/scripts/baserow.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..274725a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/baserow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from acdh_baserow_pyutils import BaseRowClient
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog="baserow", description="import / export data from / to baserow"
+    "-from-baserow", action="store_true", help="make a backup/dump of baserow data"
+    "-to-baserow", action="store_true", help="import transformed data to Baserow"
+    "-typesense",
+    action="store_true",
+    help="import transformed publications to Typesense (default: %(default)s)",
+    "-env",
+    default="../.env.local",
+    help=".env file to be used for getting typesense server details",
+    "-v",
+    "--verbose",
+    action="count",
+    default=0,
+    help="Increase the verbosity of the logging output: default is WARNING, use -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG",
+args = parser.parse_args()
+    level=max(10, 30 - 10 * args.verbose),
+    format="%(count)-4s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s\n",
+if "BASEROW_USER" not in os.environ:
+    logging.fatal("Couldn't find baserow database information in environment files")
+    exit(1)
+BASEROW_USER = os.environ.get("BASEROW_USER")
+BASEROW_PW = os.environ.get("BASEROW_PW")
+BASEROW_TOKEN = os.environ.get("BASEROW_TOKEN")
+DATABASE_ID = "631"
+# initialize the client
+br_client = BaseRowClient(
+if args.from_baserow or args.to_baserow:
+    timestamp = datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+    folder = f"baserow-dump-{timestamp}"
+    os.mkdir(folder)
+    # writes all tables from Database as json.files into a folder
+    br_client.dump_tables_as_json(DATABASE_ID, folder_name=folder, indent="\t")
+table_ids = {}
+for table in br_client.list_tables(DATABASE_ID):
+    table_ids[table["name"]] = table["id"]
+if args.to_baserow:
+    def patch_table(name):
+        logging.info(f"loading data/{name}.json")
+        data = json.load(open(f"data/{name}.json"))
+        logging.info(f'updating baserow table "{name}"')
+        for i, d in enumerate(data):
+            r = br_client.patch_row(table_ids[name], str(i + 1), d)
+            if "error" in r:
+                logging.error(r["detail"])
+    patch_table("Übersetzer")
+    patch_table("BernhardWerk")
+    patch_table("Übersetzung")
+    patch_table("Publikation")
+if args.typesense:
+    logging.debug(f"Loading typesense access data from {args.env}")
+    from dotenv import load_dotenv
+    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+    load_dotenv(args.env)
+    if "TYPESENSE_ADMIN_API_KEY" not in os.environ:
+        logging.fatal(
+            "Couldn't find typesense database information in environment files"
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    logging.info(f"connecting to {os.environ.get('NEXT_PUBLIC_TYPESENSE_HOST')}")
+    import typesense
+    client = typesense.Client(
+        {
+            "api_key": os.environ.get("TYPESENSE_ADMIN_API_KEY"),
+            "nodes": [
+                {
+                    "host": os.environ.get("NEXT_PUBLIC_TYPESENSE_HOST"),
+                    "port": os.environ.get("NEXT_PUBLIC_TYPESENSE_PORT"),
+                    "protocol": os.environ.get("NEXT_PUBLIC_TYPESENSE_PROTOCOL"),
+                }
+            ],
+            "connection_timeout_seconds": 5,
+        }
+    )
+    collection_name = os.environ.get("TYPESENSE_COLLECTION_NAME")
+    r = client.collections[collection_name].retrieve()
+    if r["num_documents"] > 0:
+        logging.info(f'Clearing {r["num_documents"]} existing documents')
+        r = client.collections[collection_name].documents.delete(
+            {"filter_by": 'id :!= ""'}
+        )
+        logging.info(
+            f'Cleared {r["num_deleted"]} documents from collection {collection_name}'
+        )
+    r = client.collections[collection_name].documents.import_(publications.values())
+    nfails = list(map(lambda d: d["success"], r)).count(False)
+    if nfails == len(publications):
+        if args.verbose > 0:
+            print(r)
+        logging.error(
+            f"Failed to insert any of the documents. Either the documents don't comply with the schema of the collection, or maybe you are using an api key that only has read access to the collection? (run the script again with --verbose to see all {nfails} errors)"
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    elif nfails > 0:
+        logging.error(f"{nfails} documents could not be inserted.")
+        for doc in filter(lambda d: not d["success"], r):
+            logging.error(doc)
+        exit(1)
+    logging.info("Success!")
diff --git a/scripts/data/BernhardWerk.json b/scripts/data/BernhardWerk.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8975ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/data/BernhardWerk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1360 @@
+	{
+		"gnd": "1208645420",
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": 1957,
+		"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "105004097X",
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": 1958,
+		"title": "In hora mortis",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1306442915",
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": 1958,
+		"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1203737297",
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": 1962,
+		"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4140750-7",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1963,
+		"title": "Frost",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1045328219",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1964,
+		"title": "Amras",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1024915921",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1966,
+		"title": "Jauregg",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "7845728-2",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1966,
+		"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4140749-0",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1967,
+		"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1140157906",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1967,
+		"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1078686300",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1967,
+		"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1233642103",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1967,
+		"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1147793611",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1969,
+		"title": "Watten",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4734848-3",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1969,
+		"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4687798-8",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1969,
+		"title": "Der Italiener",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4493036-7",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1970,
+		"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4209488-4",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1970,
+		"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4576168-1",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1971,
+		"title": "Gehen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4485102-9",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1972,
+		"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4520814-1",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1974,
+		"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4281931-3",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1974,
+		"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4444005-4",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1974,
+		"title": "Der Kulterer",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4392770-1",
+		"category": "autobiography",
+		"year": 1975,
+		"title": "Die Ursache",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "7600801-0",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1975,
+		"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4126723-0",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1975,
+		"title": "Korrektur",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1162284560",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1976,
+		"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4998706-9",
+		"category": "autobiography",
+		"year": 1976,
+		"title": "Der Keller",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4487124-7",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1977,
+		"title": "Minetti",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4525059-5",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1978,
+		"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4738741-5",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1978,
+		"title": "Ja",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1057906050",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1978,
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4998708-2",
+		"category": "autobiography",
+		"year": 1978,
+		"title": "Der Atem",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4217797-2",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1979,
+		"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4636697-0",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1979,
+		"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1141917998",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1980,
+		"title": "Die Billigesser",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "7655973-7",
+		"category": "autobiography",
+		"year": 1981,
+		"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1270058894",
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": 1981,
+		"title": "Ave Vergil",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4509408-1",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1982,
+		"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4242075-1",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1982,
+		"title": "Beton",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1244933007",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1982,
+		"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4998709-4",
+		"category": "autobiography",
+		"year": 1982,
+		"title": "Ein Kind",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4280472-3",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1983,
+		"title": "Der Untergeher",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4253712-5",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1984,
+		"title": "Der Theatermacher",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4447199-3",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1984,
+		"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4281932-5",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1985,
+		"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4201254-5",
+		"category": "novels",
+		"year": 1986,
+		"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1123599505",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1986,
+		"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "7659613-8",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1987,
+		"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4221007-0",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1988,
+		"title": "Heldenplatz",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1158674678",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1988,
+		"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "124493318X",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": 1990,
+		"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1217488685",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": 1991,
+		"title": "Ereignisse",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "7846530-8",
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": 2009,
+		"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1214903665",
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": 2010,
+		"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1219327905",
+		"category": "adaptations",
+		"year": 2012,
+		"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4362534-4",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Am Ziel",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1123599106",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "4217798-4",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "108146285X",
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)",
+		"short_title": "Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "K\u00f6pfe",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Erfundene",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Rosa",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Fr\u00fchling",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Berg",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "A Doda",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Maiandacht",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Match",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Freispruch",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Eis",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Alles oder nichts",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1134906285",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Montaigne",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Wiedersehen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1269415670",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Hutmacher",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "MISSING cze_012 \"Dodatek\"",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1158696477",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ungenach",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Zimmerer",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Am Ortler",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1158695977",
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Das rote Licht",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Siedler",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen Stadt",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe  Weihnachtsgeschichte",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Letzter Wille und Testament",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Das Armenhaus von St. Laurin",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Wintertag im Hochgebirge",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Untergang des Abendlandes",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Landschaft der Mutter",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens August",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehen",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Schweineh\u00fcter",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Berg",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "drama & libretti",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Erfundene",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Von einer Katastrophe in die andere. Interview von Asta Scheib",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ich bin nur mehr kurz da. Interview von Kurt Hofmann",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Kurt Hofmann",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Gedichte 1952-1957",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Psalm",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Gedichte 1959-1963",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Drei Tage",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. Geburtstag",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "fragments",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Argumente eines Winterspazierg\u00e4ngers",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1153801205",
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Gerhard Fritsch. Der Briefwechsel",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Mein Weltenst\u00fcck",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Verstreut publizierte Gedichte",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Mein Gl\u00fcckliches \u00d6sterreich",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Mit der Klarheit nimmt die K\u00e4lte zu (Bremer Literaturpreis)",
+		"short_title": "Mit der Klarheit nimmt die K\u00e4lte zu"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Der Wahrheit und dem Tod auf der Spur (Anton-Wildgans-Preis)",
+		"short_title": "Der Wahrheit und dem Tod auf der Spur"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende (\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)",
+		"short_title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Unsterblichkeit ist unm\u00f6glich. Landschaft der Kindheit",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchner-Preis)",
+		"short_title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)",
+		"short_title": "Brief an Siegfried Unseld"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Brief an Henning Rischbieter",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ansichten eines unverbesserlichen Weltverbesserer. Interview mit Niklas Frank",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Junge K\u00f6pfe",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Meine eigene Einsamkeit",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Gerichtschroniken (Ein paar saure Zuckerl",
+		"short_title": "Gerichtschroniken"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Selbstmord in der Landesheilanstalt",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Vielgeliebt und nie bezahlt",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Gastspiel am Landesgericht",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ernestine kontra Lucie",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Paris",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Verfolgungswahn",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller",
+		"short_title": "Zwei Briefe"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael Guttenbrunner",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ein Brief aus einem Drama",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcger",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Als Verwalter im Asyl",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Frau aus Gu\u00dfwerk",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Brief an Claus Peymann, 02.12.1986",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "In Rom",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Erkl\u00e4rung",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": "1210310406",
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld (Ausz\u00fcge)",
+		"short_title": "Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Unseld",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauer",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Brief an Christoph von Schwerin",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Politische Morgenandacht",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Schriftstellerberuf heute. Die Kom\u00f6die der Eitelkeit",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard: Ein Brief an die ZEIT",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Bernhards Pl\u00e4doyer. Zur Wiener Gerichtsverhandlung \u201eHolzf\u00e4llen\u201c betreffend",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Vranitzky. Eine Erwiderung",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "\u201eSehr geehrter Herr Dr. Temnitschka \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 27.3.1986",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c. (= Schriftliche Stellungnahme am 4.4.1986 f\u00fcr Zeit im Bild, ORF)",
+		"short_title": "\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c."
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard an die Redaktion des Watzmann, 1.4.1984",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "letters, speeches, interviews",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Grand Hotel Imperial Dubrovnik (\u201eLiebe, verehrte Doktor Spiel \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 2.3.1971)",
+		"short_title": "Grand Hotel Imperial Dubrovnik"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "MISSING fra_085 \"Deuil\"",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Warum f\u00fcrchte ich mein Altern",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "MISSING fra_088",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": null,
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Im Garten der Mutter",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "An der Baumgrenze? Der Italiener?",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "poetry",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Frost (Version C)",
+		"short_title": "Frost"
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Beruhigung",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
+		"title": "Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem Rucksack",
+		"short_title": ""
+	},
+	{
+		"gnd": null,
+		"category": "novellas & short prose",
+		"year": null,
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-	"4447199-3": {
-		"id": "14",
-		"gnd": "4447199-3",
-		"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-		"category": ["novels"],
-		"year": 1984,
-		"count": 50,
-		"first seen": "bra_014"
-	},
-	"4738741-5": {
-		"id": "15",
-		"gnd": "4738741-5",
-		"title": "Ja",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1978,
-		"count": 29,
-		"first seen": "bra_016"
-	},
-	"1162284560": {
-		"id": "16",
-		"gnd": "1162284560",
-		"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1976,
-		"count": 7,
-		"first seen": "bul_001"
-	},
-	"4487124-7": {
-		"id": "17",
-		"gnd": "4487124-7",
-		"title": "Minetti",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1977,
-		"count": 22,
-		"first seen": "bul_001"
-	},
-	"4217797-2": {
-		"id": "18",
-		"gnd": "4217797-2",
-		"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1979,
-		"count": 20,
-		"first seen": "bul_001"
-	},
-	"4362534-4": {
-		"id": "19",
-		"gnd": "4362534-4",
-		"title": "Am Ziel",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "bul_001"
-	},
-	"1123599505": {
-		"id": "20",
-		"gnd": "1123599505",
-		"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1986,
-		"count": 13,
-		"first seen": "bul_001"
-	},
-	"4520814-1": {
-		"id": "21",
-		"gnd": "4520814-1",
-		"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1974,
-		"count": 18,
-		"first seen": "bul_002"
-	},
-	"4281931-3": {
-		"id": "22",
-		"gnd": "4281931-3",
-		"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1974,
-		"count": 23,
-		"first seen": "bul_002"
-	},
-	"1123599106": {
-		"id": "23",
-		"gnd": "1123599106",
-		"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 12,
-		"first seen": "bul_002"
-	},
-	"7659613-8": {
-		"id": "24",
-		"gnd": "7659613-8",
-		"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1987,
-		"count": 9,
-		"first seen": "bul_002"
-	},
-	"4493036-7": {
-		"id": "25",
-		"gnd": "4493036-7",
-		"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1970,
-		"count": 17,
-		"first seen": "bul_003"
-	},
-	"1057906050": {
-		"id": "26",
-		"gnd": "1057906050",
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1978,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "bul_003"
-	},
-	"4485102-9": {
-		"id": "27",
-		"gnd": "4485102-9",
-		"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1972,
-		"count": 12,
-		"first seen": "bul_004"
-	},
-	"4636697-0": {
-		"id": "28",
-		"gnd": "4636697-0",
-		"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1979,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "bul_005"
-	},
-	"1244933007": {
-		"id": "29",
-		"gnd": "1244933007",
-		"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1982,
-		"count": 10,
-		"first seen": "bul_005"
-	},
-	"4217798-4": {
-		"id": "30",
-		"gnd": "4217798-4",
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 22,
-		"first seen": "bul_005"
-	},
-	"108146285X": {
-		"id": "31",
-		"gnd": "108146285X",
-		"title": "Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"K\u00f6pfe": {
-		"id": "32",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "K\u00f6pfe",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Die Erfundene": {
-		"id": "33",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Erfundene",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Rosa": {
-		"id": "34",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Rosa",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Fr\u00fchling": {
-		"id": "35",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Fr\u00fchling",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Der Berg": {
-		"id": "36",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Berg",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"A Doda": {
-		"id": "37",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "A Doda",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 5,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Maiandacht": {
-		"id": "38",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Maiandacht",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 6,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Match": {
-		"id": "39",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Match",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 5,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Freispruch": {
-		"id": "40",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Freispruch",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 7,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Eis": {
-		"id": "41",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Eis",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 7,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche Mittagstisch": {
-		"id": "42",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichts": {
-		"id": "43",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 7,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheater\u0002direktor nach Wien": {
-		"id": "44",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheater\u0002direktor nach Wien",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen": {
-		"id": "45",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese": {
-		"id": "46",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 11,
-		"first seen": "bul_006"
-	},
-	"4140750-7": {
-		"id": "47",
-		"gnd": "4140750-7",
-		"title": "Frost",
-		"category": ["novels"],
-		"year": 1963,
-		"count": 29,
-		"first seen": "bul_013"
-	},
-	"4209488-4": {
-		"id": "48",
-		"gnd": "4209488-4",
-		"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-		"category": ["novels"],
-		"year": 1970,
-		"count": 24,
-		"first seen": "bul_015"
-	},
-	"1158674678": {
-		"id": "49",
-		"gnd": "1158674678",
-		"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1988,
-		"count": 8,
-		"first seen": "bul_016"
-	},
-	"4998709-4": {
-		"id": "50",
-		"gnd": "4998709-4",
-		"title": "Ein Kind",
-		"category": ["autobiography"],
-		"year": 1982,
-		"count": 46,
-		"first seen": "bul_017"
-	},
-	"1134906285": {
-		"id": "51",
-		"gnd": "1134906285",
-		"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 18,
-		"first seen": "bul_019"
-	},
-	"Montaigne": {
-		"id": "52",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Montaigne",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 17,
-		"first seen": "bul_019"
-	},
-	"Wiedersehen": {
-		"id": "53",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Wiedersehen",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "bul_019"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangen": {
-		"id": "54",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "bul_019"
-	},
-	"1208645420": {
-		"id": "55",
-		"gnd": "1208645420",
-		"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": 1957,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "bul_020"
-	},
-	"4998708-2": {
-		"id": "56",
-		"gnd": "4998708-2",
-		"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-		"category": ["autobiography"],
-		"year": 1978,
-		"count": 46,
-		"first seen": "bul_021"
-	},
-	"1269415670": {
-		"id": "57",
-		"gnd": "1269415670",
-		"title": "Der Hutmacher",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "chi_kurz_001"
-	},
-	"1217488685": {
-		"id": "58",
-		"gnd": "1217488685",
-		"title": "Ereignisse",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1991,
-		"count": 14,
-		"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-	},
-	"4998706-9": {
-		"id": "59",
-		"gnd": "4998706-9",
-		"title": "Der Keller",
-		"category": ["autobiography"],
-		"year": 1976,
-		"count": 49,
-		"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-	},
-	"7655973-7": {
-		"id": "60",
-		"gnd": "7655973-7",
-		"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-		"category": ["autobiography"],
-		"year": 1981,
-		"count": 41,
-		"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien": {
-		"id": "61",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 9,
-		"first seen": "cze_001"
-	},
-	"124493318X": {
-		"id": "62",
-		"gnd": "124493318X",
-		"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": 1990,
-		"count": 10,
-		"first seen": "cze_002"
-	},
-	"105004097X": {
-		"id": "63",
-		"gnd": "105004097X",
-		"title": "In hora mortis",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": 1958,
-		"count": 18,
-		"first seen": "cze_012"
-	},
-	"1306442915": {
-		"id": "64",
-		"gnd": "1306442915",
-		"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": 1958,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "cze_012"
-	},
-	"4126723-0": {
-		"id": "65",
-		"gnd": "4126723-0",
-		"title": "Korrektur",
-		"category": ["novels"],
-		"year": 1975,
-		"count": 33,
-		"first seen": "cze_013"
-	},
-	"1158696477": {
-		"id": "66",
-		"gnd": "1158696477",
-		"title": "Ungenach",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 13,
-		"first seen": "cze_020"
-	},
-	"1045328219": {
-		"id": "67",
-		"gnd": "1045328219",
-		"title": "Amras",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1964,
-		"count": 20,
-		"first seen": "cze_020"
-	},
-	"1147793611": {
-		"id": "68",
-		"gnd": "1147793611",
-		"title": "Watten",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1969,
-		"count": 17,
-		"first seen": "cze_020"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns": {
-		"id": "69",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Der Zimmerer": {
-		"id": "70",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"1024915921": {
-		"id": "71",
-		"gnd": "1024915921",
-		"title": "Jauergg",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1966,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Zwei Erzieher": {
-		"id": "72",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 15,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"1140157906": {
-		"id": "73",
-		"gnd": "1140157906",
-		"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1967,
-		"count": 20,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"1078686300": {
-		"id": "74",
-		"gnd": "1078686300",
-		"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1967,
-		"count": 22,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"7845728-2": {
-		"id": "75",
-		"gnd": "7845728-2",
-		"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1966,
-		"count": 10,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft": {
-		"id": "76",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"1233642103": {
-		"id": "77",
-		"gnd": "1233642103",
-		"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1967,
-		"count": 22,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Midland in Stilfs": {
-		"id": "78",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 20,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Der Wetterfleck": {
-		"id": "79",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 6,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Am Ortler": {
-		"id": "80",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Am Ortler",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 14,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbt": {
-		"id": "81",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "cze_025"
-	},
-	"1141917998": {
-		"id": "82",
-		"gnd": "1141917998",
-		"title": "Die Billigesser",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1980,
-		"count": 18,
-		"first seen": "cze_027"
-	},
-	"1214903665": {
-		"id": "83",
-		"gnd": "1214903665",
-		"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": 2010,
-		"count": 5,
-		"first seen": "cze_028"
-	},
-	"1158695977": {
-		"id": "84",
-		"gnd": "1158695977",
-		"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 11,
-		"first seen": "cze_030"
-	},
-	"Das rote Licht": {
-		"id": "85",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Das rote Licht",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Die Siedler": {
-		"id": "86",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Siedler",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen Stadt": {
-		"id": "87",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen Stadt",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe \nWeihnachtsgeschichte": {
-		"id": "88",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe  Weihnachtsgeschichte",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena": {
-		"id": "89",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Letzter Wille und Testament": {
-		"id": "90",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Letzter Wille und Testament",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Das Armenhaus von St. Laurin": {
-		"id": "91",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Das Armenhaus von St. Laurin",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger": {
-		"id": "92",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 4,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Wintertag im Hochgebirge": {
-		"id": "93",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Wintertag im Hochgebirge",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Der Untergang des Abendlandes": {
-		"id": "94",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Untergang des Abendlandes",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Die Landschaft der Mutter": {
-		"id": "95",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Landschaft der Mutter",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens August": {
-		"id": "96",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens August",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehen": {
-		"id": "97",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehen",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Der Schweineh\u00fcter": {
-		"id": "98",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Schweineh\u00fcter",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Der Italiener": {
-		"id": "99",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Italiener",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Der Kulterer": {
-		"id": "100",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Kulterer",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_031"
-	},
-	"Eine Zeugenaussage": {
-		"id": "101",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "cze_035"
-	},
-	"Berg": {
-		"id": "102",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Berg",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_040"
-	},
-	"Erfundene": {
-		"id": "103",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Erfundene",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_040"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien": {
-		"id": "104",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "cze_041"
-	},
-	"1219327905": {
-		"id": "105",
-		"gnd": "1219327905",
-		"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-		"category": ["adaptations"],
-		"year": 2012,
-		"count": 6,
-		"first seen": "cze_042"
-	},
-	"Von einer Katastrophe in die andere. Interview von Asta Scheib": {
-		"id": "106",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Von einer Katastrophe in die andere. Interview von Asta Scheib",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_047"
-	},
-	"Ich bin nur mehr kurz da. Interview von Kurt Hofmann": {
-		"id": "107",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ich bin nur mehr kurz da. Interview von Kurt Hofmann",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_047"
-	},
-	"Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Kurt Hofmann": {
-		"id": "108",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Kurt Hofmann",
-		"category": [],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "cze_048"
-	},
-	"Gedichte 1952-1957": {
-		"id": "109",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gedichte 1952-1957",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 4,
-		"first seen": "eng_060"
-	},
-	"Psalm": {
-		"id": "110",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Psalm",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 6,
-		"first seen": "eng_060"
-	},
-	"1203737297": {
-		"id": "111",
-		"gnd": "1203737297",
-		"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": 1962,
-		"count": 8,
-		"first seen": "eng_060"
-	},
-	"1270058894": {
-		"id": "112",
-		"gnd": "1270058894",
-		"title": "Ave Vergil",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": 1981,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "eng_060"
-	},
-	"Gedichte 1959-1963": {
-		"id": "113",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gedichte 1959-196",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 4,
-		"first seen": "eng_060"
-	},
-	"Drei Tage": {
-		"id": "114",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Drei Tage",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 10,
-		"first seen": "eng_079"
-	},
-	"4734848-3": {
-		"id": "115",
-		"gnd": "4734848-3",
-		"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1969,
-		"count": 11,
-		"first seen": "eng_091"
-	},
-	"4687798-8": {
-		"id": "116",
-		"gnd": "4687798-8",
-		"title": "Der Italiener",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1969,
-		"count": 16,
-		"first seen": "eng_092"
-	},
-	"Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. Geburtstag": {
-		"id": "117",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. Geburtstag",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "eng_094"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard": {
-		"id": "118",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 8,
-		"first seen": "eng_096"
-	},
-	"Argumente eines Winterspazierg\u00e4ngers": {
-		"id": "119",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Argumente eines Winterspazierg\u00e4ngers",
-		"category": ["fragments"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "eng_099"
-	},
-	"1153801205": {
-		"id": "120",
-		"gnd": "1153801205",
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Gerhard Fritsch. Der Briefwechsel",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fin_003"
-	},
-	"4444005-4": {
-		"id": "121",
-		"gnd": "4444005-4",
-		"title": "Der Kulterer",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": 1974,
-		"count": 13,
-		"first seen": "fin_004"
-	},
-	"Gehen": {
-		"id": "122",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gehen",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_016"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard": {
-		"id": "123",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 7,
-		"first seen": "fra_036"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann": {
-		"id": "124",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 5,
-		"first seen": "fra_037"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins Neffe": {
-		"id": "125",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-		"category": [
-			"letters, speeches, interviews",
-			"novels",
-			"novellas & short prose",
-			"autobiography"
-		],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_051"
-	},
-	"Mein Weltenst\u00fcck": {
-		"id": "126",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Mein Weltenst\u00fcck",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_052"
-	},
-	"Verstreut publizierte Gedichte": {
-		"id": "127",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Verstreut publizierte Gedichte",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "fra_052"
-	},
-	"Ein junger Schriftsteller": {
-		"id": "128",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "fra_059"
-	},
-	"Monologe auf Mallorca": {
-		"id": "129",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 4,
-		"first seen": "fra_059"
-	},
-	"Mein Gl\u00fcckliches \u00d6sterreich": {
-		"id": "130",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Mein Gl\u00fcckliches \u00d6sterreich",
-		"category": ["drama & libretti", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_059"
-	},
-	"Mit der Klarheit nimmt die K\u00e4lte zu (Bremer\nLiteraturpreis)": {
-		"id": "131",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Mit der Klarheit nimmt die K\u00e4lte zu (Bremer Literaturpreis)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_077"
-	},
-	"Der Wahrheit und dem Tod auf der Spur\n(Anton-Wildgans-Preis)": {
-		"id": "132",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Wahrheit und dem Tod auf der Spur (Anton-Wildgans-Preis)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_077"
-	},
-	"Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende\n(\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)": {
-		"id": "133",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende (\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 4,
-		"first seen": "fra_077"
-	},
-	"Unsterblichkeit ist unm\u00f6glich. Landschaft der Kindheit": {
-		"id": "134",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Unsterblichkeit ist unm\u00f6glich. Landschaft der Kindheit",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_077"
-	},
-	"Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchner-Preis)": {
-		"id": "135",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchner-Preis)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_077"
-	},
-	"Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)": {
-		"id": "136",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_078"
-	},
-	"Brief an Henning Rischbieter": {
-		"id": "137",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Brief an Henning Rischbieter",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_078"
-	},
-	"Ansichten eines unverbesserlichen Weltverbesserer. Interview mit Niklas Frank": {
-		"id": "138",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ansichten eines unverbesserlichen Weltverbesserer. Interview mit Niklas Frank",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_082"
-	},
-	"Junge K\u00f6pfe": {
-		"id": "139",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Junge K\u00f6pfe",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Meine eigene Einsamkeit": {
-		"id": "140",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Meine eigene Einsamkeit",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Gerichtschroniken (Ein paar saure Zuckerl": {
-		"id": "141",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gerichtschroniken (Ein paar saure Zuckerl",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Selbstmord in der Landesheilanstalt": {
-		"id": "142",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Selbstmord in der Landesheilanstalt",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Vielgeliebt und nie bezahlt": {
-		"id": "143",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Vielgeliebt und nie bezahlt",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Gastspiel am Landesgericht": {
-		"id": "144",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gastspiel am Landesgericht",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Ernestine kontra Lucie": {
-		"id": "145",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ernestine kontra Lucie",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Paris": {
-		"id": "146",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Paris",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Verfolgungswahn": {
-		"id": "147",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Verfolgungswahn",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller": {
-		"id": "148",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael Guttenbrunner": {
-		"id": "149",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael Guttenbrunner",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Ein Brief aus einem Drama": {
-		"id": "150",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ein Brief aus einem Drama",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Ein Fr\u00fchling": {
-		"id": "151",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcger": {
-		"id": "152",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcger",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Als Verwalter im Asyl": {
-		"id": "153",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Als Verwalter im Asyl",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Die Frau aus Gu\u00dfwerk": {
-		"id": "154",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Frau aus Gu\u00dfwerk",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Brief an Claus Peymann, 02.12.1986": {
-		"id": "155",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Brief an Claus Peymann, 02.12.1986",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"In Rom": {
-		"id": "156",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "In Rom",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Erkl\u00e4rung": {
-		"id": "157",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Erkl\u00e4rung",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld (Ausz\u00fcge)": {
-		"id": "158",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld (Ausz\u00fcge)",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Unseld": {
-		"id": "159",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Unseld",
-		"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_083"
-	},
-	"Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauer": {
-		"id": "160",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauer",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Brief an Christoph von Schwerin": {
-		"id": "161",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Brief an Christoph von Schwerin",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Politische Morgenandacht": {
-		"id": "162",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Politische Morgenandacht",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Schriftstellerberuf heute. Die Kom\u00f6die der Eitelkeit": {
-		"id": "163",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Schriftstellerberuf heute. Die Kom\u00f6die der Eitelkeit",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard: Ein Brief an die ZEIT": {
-		"id": "164",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard: Ein Brief an die ZEIT",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Bernhards Pl\u00e4doyer. Zur Wiener Gerichtsverhandlung \u201eHolzf\u00e4llen\u201c betreffend": {
-		"id": "165",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Bernhards Pl\u00e4doyer. Zur Wiener Gerichtsverhandlung \u201eHolzf\u00e4llen\u201c betreffend",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Vranitzky. Eine Erwiderung": {
-		"id": "166",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Vranitzky. Eine Erwiderung",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"\u201eSehr geehrter Herr Dr. Temnitschka \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 27.3.1986": {
-		"id": "167",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "\u201eSehr geehrter Herr Dr. Temnitschka \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 27.3.1986",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c. (= Schriftliche Stellungnahme am 4.4.1986 f\u00fcr Zeit im Bild, ORF)": {
-		"id": "168",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c. (= Schriftliche Stellungnahme am 4.4.1986 f\u00fcr Zeit im Bild, ORF)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)": {
-		"id": "169",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Die Billigesser (Auszug)": {
-		"id": "170",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Billigesser (Auszug)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard an die Redaktion des Watzmann, 1.4.1984": {
-		"id": "171",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard an die Redaktion des Watzmann, 1.4.198",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"die rosen der ein\u00f6de": {
-		"id": "172",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "die rosen der ein\u00f6de",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_084"
-	},
-	"Grand Hotel Imperial Dubrovnik (\u201eLiebe, verehrte Doktor Spiel \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 2.3.1971)": {
-		"id": "173",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Grand Hotel Imperial Dubrovnik (\u201eLiebe, verehrte Doktor Spiel \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 2.3.1971)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_085"
-	},
-	"Warum f\u00fcrchte ich mein Altern": {
-		"id": "174",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Warum f\u00fcrchte ich mein Altern",
-		"category": [],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_088"
-	},
-	"???": {
-		"id": "175",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "???",
-		"category": [],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_088"
-	},
-	"Im Garten der Mutter": {
-		"id": "176",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Im Garten der Mutter",
-		"category": [],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "fra_088"
-	},
-	"An der Baumgrenze? Der Italiener?": {
-		"id": "177",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "An der Baumgrenze? Der Italiener?",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "geo_008"
-	},
-	"Frost (Version C)": {
-		"id": "178",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Frost (Version C)",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "gri_028"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)": {
-		"id": "179",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "gri_031"
-	},
-	"Viktor Halbnarr": {
-		"id": "180",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 3,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Beruhigung": {
-		"id": "181",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Beruhigung",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem Rucksack": {
-		"id": "182",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem Rucksack",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Ebene": {
-		"id": "183",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ebene",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee": {
-		"id": "184",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Das Verm\u00e4chtnis": {
-		"id": "185",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Das Verm\u00e4chtnis",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "hun_024"
-	},
-	"Wahnsinn": {
-		"id": "186",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Wahnsinn",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "isl_003"
-	},
-	"Die Magd": {
-		"id": "187",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Die Magd",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "isl_003"
-	},
-	"Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter Hamm": {
-		"id": "188",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter Hamm",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 2,
-		"first seen": "ita_001"
-	},
-	"An der Baumgrenze": {
-		"id": "189",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "jpn_014"
-	},
-	"Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchnerpreis-Rede)": {
-		"id": "190",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchnerpreis-Rede)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "jpn_024"
-	},
-	"Neun Psalmen": {
-		"id": "191",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Neun Psalmen",
-		"category": ["poetry"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "kat_005"
-	},
-	"Der Diktator": {
-		"id": "192",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Diktator",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Pisa und Venedig": {
-		"id": "193",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Pisa und Venedig",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Hotel Waldhaus": {
-		"id": "194",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Hotel Waldhaus",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Warnung": {
-		"id": "195",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Warnung",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Unerf\u00fcllter Wunsch": {
-		"id": "196",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Unerf\u00fcllter Wunsch",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Zuviel": {
-		"id": "197",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Zuviel",
-		"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "per_010"
-	},
-	"Brief an Erwin Axer": {
-		"id": "198",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Brief an Erwin Axer",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_044"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann (excerpt)": {
-		"id": "199",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann (excerpt)",
-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_046"
-	},
-	"Im Tal": {
-		"id": "200",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Im Tal",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
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-	"Krieger": {
-		"id": "201",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Krieger",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Eine Strophe f\u00fcr Padraic Colum": {
-		"id": "202",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Eine Strophe f\u00fcr Padraic Colum",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
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-	"Geburtstagsode": {
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-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Geburtstagsode",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Morgen": {
-		"id": "204",
-		"gnd": null,
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
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-	"Beschreibung einer Familie": {
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-		"title": "Beschreibung einer Familie",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Jetzt im Fr\u00fchling": {
-		"id": "206",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Jetzt im Fr\u00fchling",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"An H. W.": {
-		"id": "207",
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-		"title": "An H. W.",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llen (Auszug)": {
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-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen (Auszug)",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Der Literaturpreis der Freien und\nHansestadt Bremen": {
-		"id": "209",
-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Der Literaturpreis der Freien und Hansestadt Bremen",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
-	},
-	"Ereignisse (Auswahl)": {
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "pol_047"
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-	"Gedichte (selection)": {
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-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Gedichte (selection)",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "rum_006"
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-	"Drei Tage (Auszug)": {
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-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Drei Tage (Auszug)",
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-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "slw_022"
-	},
-	"1210310406": {
-		"id": "213",
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-		"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-		"year": null,
-		"count": 1,
-		"first seen": "spa_001"
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-	"Ereignisse (Auszug)": {
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-		"gnd": null,
-		"title": "Ereignisse (Auszug)",
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-		"year": null,
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-					"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
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-						"id": "1",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Mjeshtra t\u00eb vjet\u00ebr. Komedi"
-			}
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-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044a\u0442"
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-					"count": 15,
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-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 17,
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-				},
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-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0437\u0430 \u0411\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "27",
-					"gnd": "4485102-9",
-					"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1972,
-					"count": 12,
-					"first seen": "bul_004"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041d\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0438\u044f\u0442 \u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043c\u043d\u0438\u044f\u0442"
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-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "21",
-					"gnd": "4520814-1",
-					"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u043d\u0430"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "29",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "22",
-					"gnd": "4281931-3",
-					"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0421\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a\u0430"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "11",
-					"gnd": "7600801-0",
-					"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 14,
-					"first seen": "bra_010"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044a\u0442"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "23",
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-					"id": "16",
-					"gnd": "1162284560",
-					"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0447\u0443\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435"
-			},
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-				"id": "24",
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-					"title": "Minetti",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1977,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0438"
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-			{
-				"id": "34",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "26",
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-					"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0418\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0435\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
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-				"id": "25",
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-					"id": "18",
-					"gnd": "4217797-2",
-					"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438 \u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0435"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 14,
-			"name": "Riva"
-		},
-		"isbn": null,
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-		"title": "\u0421\u044a\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438 \u043f\u0438\u0435\u0441\u0438. \u0442\u043e\u043c 2",
-		"year": 2010,
-		"year_display": "2010",
-		"language": "bulgarian",
-		"contains": [
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-				"id": "37",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "28",
-					"gnd": "4636697-0",
-					"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
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-				"title": "\u041e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430"
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-					"gnd": "1244933007",
-					"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041d\u0430\u0434 \u0432\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0438 \u0432\u044a\u0440\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0435 \u0435 \u0442\u0438\u0448\u0438\u043d\u0430"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
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-				],
-				"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0433\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0446\u0435\u043b"
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-					"count": 12,
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-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u0438"
-			},
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-				"id": "35",
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-					"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
-					"first seen": "bra_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0422\u0435\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044a\u0442"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0420\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440, \u0414\u0435\u043d\u0435, \u0424\u043e\u0441"
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-			{
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-					"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e"
-			},
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-				"id": "31",
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-					"year": 1987,
-					"count": 9,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 \u0412\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430"
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0442\u0435"
-			}
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-			"name": "Riva"
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-					"count": 2,
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-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0413\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438"
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-					"count": 1,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
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-					}
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-				"title": "\u0418\u0437\u043c\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
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-				},
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-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 5,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0446"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 6,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430"
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-			{
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-					"gnd": null,
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 5,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0447"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044a\u0434\u0430"
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
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-					"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-						"gnd": "10317656X"
-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-				],
-				"title": "\u0412\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u043e"
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheater\u0002direktor nach Wien",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
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-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-					}
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
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-					"count": 11,
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-				],
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-			"id": 14,
-			"name": "Riva"
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-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
-					"first seen": "alb_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "16",
-						"name": "Teocharov, Vladimir",
-						"gnd": "1332464289"
-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
-					"first seen": "bra_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "17",
-						"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-						"gnd": "1043474846"
-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
-					"first seen": "alb_002"
-				},
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-						"id": "15",
-						"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
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-					}
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-			"name": "Atlantis KL"
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-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
-					"first seen": "baq_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "17",
-						"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-						"gnd": "1043474846"
-					}
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
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-					}
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-			"name": "Atlantis KL"
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-				"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
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-				"title": "\u7ef4\u7279\u6839\u65af\u5766\u7684\u4f84\u5b50"
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-					"year": 1974,
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-					"count": 14,
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-						"name": "Ma, Wentao",
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-						"name": "Ma, Wentao",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
-				},
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-						"id": "22",
-						"name": "Ma, Wentao",
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-					}
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-					"count": 14,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Ma, Wentao",
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-				"title": "\u4e8b\u4ef6"
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-					"count": 51,
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-						"id": "22",
-						"name": "Ma, Wentao",
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-				"title": "Je to komedie? Je to trag\u00e9die?"
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-				"title": "Je to komedie? Je to trag\u00e9die?"
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-					"year": 2010,
-					"count": 5,
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Zimn\u00ed den ve velehor\u00e1ch"
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-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-					}
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-				"title": "Sv\u011bdeck\u00e1 v\u00fdpov\u011b\u010f "
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-					"count": 17,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-					}
-				],
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-				"id": "156",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
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-				],
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
-				},
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-						"id": "31",
-						"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-						"gnd": "136336906"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Za\u0161l\u00e9 v plamenech"
-			}
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-			"name": "Prostor"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
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-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Jednodu\u0161e komplikovan\u011b"
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-					"year": 1987,
-					"count": 9,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Al\u017eb\u011bta II"
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					}
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-				"title": "Portr\u00e9t um\u011blce jako star\u00e9ho mu\u017ee. Minetti"
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Portr\u00e9t um\u011blce jako star\u00e9ho mu\u017ee. Minetti"
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "P\u0159ed penz\u00ed"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 12,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					},
-					{
-						"id": "42",
-						"name": "B\u00edl\u00e9ho, Jaroslava",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Zd\u00e1n\u00ed klame"
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-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-					}
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "43",
-						"name": "Lang\u00e1\u0161kov\u00e1, Ta\u0165jana",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "N\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed hrdin\u016f"
-			}
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-			"id": 32,
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-		"language": "czech",
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-				"id": "166",
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-					"id": "25",
-					"gnd": "4493036-7",
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 17,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "45",
-						"name": "Spitzbard, Wolfgang",
-						"gnd": "Q112365138"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Slavnost pro Borise"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Spole\u010dnost na lovu"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "S\u00edla zvyku"
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 16,
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-				},
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-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Sv\u011btan\u00e1pravce"
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-						"id": "46",
-						"name": "Ullrichov\u00e1, Daria",
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-				],
-				"title": "U c\u00edle"
-			}
-		],
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-				"id": "171",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "31",
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "pou\u0161tn\u00ed r\u016f\u017ee"
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-					"count": 1,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Hora"
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-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
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-					}
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-					"year": 1972,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ignorant a \u0161\u00edlenec"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "178",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 14,
-					"first seen": "bra_010"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Prezident"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 32,
-			"name": "N\u00e1rodn\u00ed divadlo"
-		},
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-				"id": "179",
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-					"id": "16",
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "47",
-						"name": "Cejpek, V\u00e1clav",
-						"gnd": "1048022838"
-					}
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "41",
-						"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-						"gnd": "116046775"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-			},
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-					"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "30",
-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Nad vrcholky str\u00e1n\u00ed a v\u00fd\u0161"
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-					"count": 5,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Nebo\u017et\u00edk"
-			},
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-					"id": "38",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Maiandacht",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 6,
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-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
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-				"title": "M\u00e1jov\u00e1"
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-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
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-				"title": "Z\u00e1pas"
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-					"title": "Freispruch",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "48",
-						"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Zpro\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed viny"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "48",
-						"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Zmrzlina"
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 8,
-					"first seen": "bul_016"
-				},
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-						"id": "48",
-						"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "N\u011bmeck\u00fd ob\u011bd"
-			},
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-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-						"gnd": "122472446"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "V\u0161echno nebo nic"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_041"
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-						"id": "29",
-						"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
-						"gnd": "134111346"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann opou\u0161t\u00ed Bochum a jde jako \u0159editel Burgtheatru do V\u00eddn\u011b"
-			},
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-				"id": "102",
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-					"id": "62",
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1990,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "cze_002"
-				},
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-						"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-						"gnd": "129164100"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann si kupuje kalhoty a jdese mnou na ob\u011bd"
-			},
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-					"id": "46",
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 11,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
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-						"id": "29",
-						"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
-						"gnd": "134111346"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": " Claus Peymann a Hermann Beil na Huspeninov\u00e9 louce"
-			}
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-					"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
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-						"gnd": null
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-				},
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-						"name": "Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "38",
-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "38",
-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "49",
-						"name": "Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav",
-						"gnd": "113652445"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Dech. Jedno rozhodnut\u00ed"
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-						"id": "38",
-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-						"gnd": "131386654"
-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
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-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-						"gnd": "131386654"
-					}
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "38",
-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-						"gnd": "131386654"
-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav",
-						"gnd": "113652445"
-					}
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "38",
-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-						"gnd": "131386654"
-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-						"gnd": "131386654"
-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 22,
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-				},
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-				],
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-					}
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-					"year": 1971,
-					"count": 24,
-					"first seen": "bra_009"
-				},
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-						"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
-						"gnd": "131470000"
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-				"id": "201",
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-					"id": "5",
-					"gnd": "4280472-3",
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-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-						"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-						"gnd": "130646482"
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-					"year": 1978,
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-						"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-				},
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-						"name": "McLintock, David",
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-					}
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-					}
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-				"title": "Montaigne. A Story in Twenty-Two Instalments"
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-						"id": "84",
-						"name": "Williams, Eric",
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-				"title": "The Italian"
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 16,
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-				},
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-						"id": "84",
-						"name": "Williams, Eric",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "The Italian"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-						"id": "85",
-						"name": "Decker, Craig",
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-				],
-				"title": "Crimes of an Innsbruck Merchant's Son"
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-			"name": "Ariadne Press"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
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-				},
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-						"id": "86",
-						"name": "Case, Holly",
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-				],
-				"title": "Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. For his 100th Birthday"
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-			"name": "The Baffler 22: \u00bbModem & Taboo\u00ab"
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-				"id": "284",
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-					"id": "101",
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-						"name": "Waidson, Herbert Morgan",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A Testimony"
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-			"name": "Chicago Review 29/3, S. 118-124"
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-						"id": "88",
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-				],
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-					"year": 1986,
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-				},
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-						"id": "54",
-						"name": "McLintock, David",
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-				],
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-				},
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-				],
-				"title": "Is it a Comedy? Is it a Tragedy?"
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-						"id": "91",
-						"name": "Sirkel, Mati",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 47,
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-					"year": 1974,
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-					{
-						"id": "93",
-						"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
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-					{
-						"id": "93",
-						"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
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-						"id": "93",
-						"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
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-					"year": 1978,
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-						"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
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-						"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
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-				"title": "Deux \u00e9ducateurs"
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-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
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-						"id": "105",
-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-						"gnd": "141257946"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Est-ce une com\u00e9die? Est-ce une trag\u00e9die?"
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-				"id": "332",
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-					"id": "76",
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-					"count": 16,
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-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
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-				"title": "L'attach\u00e9 \u00e0 l'ambassade de France"
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-					"count": 17,
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-						"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
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-					}
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-				"title": "Midland \u00e0 Stilfs"
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-					"count": 6,
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-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
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-				"title": "La cape de loden"
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-						"gnd": "141257946"
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-				"title": "Dans le massif de l'Ortler"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Marcher"
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-					"year": 1982,
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-					"count": 32,
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-					"year": 1978,
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-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
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-						"id": "99",
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "99",
-						"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
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-				},
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-					}
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-				},
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-						"name": "Kohn, Albert",
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-				"title": "La cave. Un retrait"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Kohn, Albert",
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-					}
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-				"title": "Le souffle. Une d\u00e9cision"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Kohn, Albert",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "101",
-						"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-						"gnd": "126505152"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un enfant"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "338",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "122",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Gehen",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_016"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "105",
-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-						"gnd": "141257946"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Marcher"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "342",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "15",
-					"gnd": "4738741-5",
-					"title": "Ja",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 29,
-					"first seen": "bra_016"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "104",
-						"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-						"gnd": "1152034472"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Oui"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "345",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "9",
-					"gnd": "4525059-5",
-					"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "104",
-						"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-						"gnd": "1152034472"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'imitateur"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "321",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "82",
-					"gnd": "1141917998",
-					"title": "Die Billigesser",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1980,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "cze_027"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Les Mange-pas-chere"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "343",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "2",
-					"gnd": "4509408-1",
-					"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
-					"first seen": "alb_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "104",
-						"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-						"gnd": "1152034472"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Le neveu de Wittgenstein. Un amiti\u00e9"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "118",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-					"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 8,
-					"first seen": "eng_096"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Entretien d'Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller avec Thomas Bernhard"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 90,
-			"name": "Gallimard (Quarto)"
-		},
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-		"year_display": "2012",
-		"language": "french",
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-				"id": "362",
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-					"id": "126",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Mein Weltenst\u00fcck",
-					"category": ["poetry"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_052"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "110",
-						"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1027599265"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Mon bout de monde"
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-					"id": "55",
-					"gnd": "1208645420",
-					"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-					"category": ["poetry"],
-					"year": 1957,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_020"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "110",
-						"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1027599265"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Sur la terre et en enfer"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "364",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "63",
-					"gnd": "105004097X",
-					"title": "In hora mortis",
-					"category": ["poetry"],
-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "cze_012"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "110",
-						"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1027599265"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "In hora mortis"
-			},
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-					"id": "64",
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-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_012"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "110",
-						"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1027599265"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Sous le fer de la lune"
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-					"count": 3,
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-						"id": "110",
-						"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1027599265"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Annexe"
-			}
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-			"id": 91,
-			"name": "Orph\u00e9e / La Diff\u00e9rence"
-		},
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-					"id": "105",
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-					"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-					"category": ["adaptations"],
-					"year": 2012,
-					"count": 6,
-					"first seen": "cze_042"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "97",
-						"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-						"gnd": "127140581"
-					}
-				],
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-			"name": "L'Association"
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-				"id": "368",
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-					"id": "19",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Au but"
-			}
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-					"count": 20,
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-				},
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-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Avant la retraite. Une com\u00e9die de l'\u00e2me allemande"
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-			"name": "L'Arche"
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-					"count": 22,
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-				},
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-						"id": "111",
-						"name": "Nebenzahl, Michel",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "D\u00e9jeuner chez Wittgenstein"
-			}
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 5,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un mort"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Le Mois de Marie"
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-					}
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-				"title": "Match"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Acquittement"
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 8,
-					"first seen": "bul_016"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Le D\u00e9jeuner allemand"
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-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tout ou rien"
-			},
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-					"id": "104",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
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-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann quitte Bochum et va \u00e0 Vienne comme directeur du Burgtheater"
-			},
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-				"id": "379",
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-					"id": "62",
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
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-					"year": 1990,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "cze_002"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann s'ach\u00e8te un pantalon et va d\u00e9jeuner avec moi"
-			}
-		],
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-				"id": "380",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "26",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
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-						"id": "112",
-						"name": "Demet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois",
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-					}
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-					},
-					{
-						"id": "114",
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-			},
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-						"id": "114",
-						"name": "Lortholary, Bernard",
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-				],
-				"title": "Un jeune \u00e9crivain"
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-						"id": "115",
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-				],
-				"title": "Monologues \u00e0 Majorque"
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-					"count": 6,
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-				"title": "Le Mois de Marie"
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-				"title": "Claus Peymann et Hermann Beil sur la Sulzwiese"
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-				],
-				"title": "Mon heureuse Autriche"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-						"id": "116",
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-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-					"gnd": "4687798-8",
-					"title": "Der Italiener",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_092"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "117",
-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-						"gnd": "141257946"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'Italien"
-			},
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-					"id": "77",
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "117",
-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-						"gnd": "141257946"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u00c0 la lisi\u00e8re des arbres"
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-					"id": "121",
-					"gnd": "4444005-4",
-					"title": "Der Kulterer",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "fin_004"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "117",
-						"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-						"gnd": "141257946"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kulterer"
-			}
-		],
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-					"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
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-					"year": 1957,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_020"
-				},
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-						"id": "118",
-						"name": "Hofer-Bury, Roland",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Sur la terre comme en enfer"
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-					"count": 18,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "118",
-						"name": "Hofer-Bury, Roland",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "In hora mortis"
-			}
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 16,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'Italien"
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-					"count": 10,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Trois jours"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 96,
-			"name": "\u00c9ditions Arcane 17"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kulterer"
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-				"id": "408",
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-					"title": "Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)",
-					"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_078"
-				},
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-						"id": "100",
-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-						"gnd": "114277966"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Siegfried Unseld (extrait)"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Porcell, Claude",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Henning Rischbieter"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 97,
-			"name": "LEXI/textes 12. IN\u00c9DITS et commentaires, S. 148 / S. 150-151"
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-				"id": "320",
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 35,
-					"first seen": "aze_003"
-				},
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-						"id": "99",
-						"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Perturbation"
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-				"id": "342",
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-					"id": "15",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 29,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "104",
-						"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-						"gnd": "1152034472"
-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"id": "138",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
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-				},
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ma propre solitude"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
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-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Suicide \u00e0 l'h\u00f4pital psychiatrique r\u00e9gional"
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-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tant aim\u00e9e, jamais pay\u00e9e"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "R\u00e9presentation au tribunal p\u00e9nal r\u00e9gional"
-			},
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-				"id": "417",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ernestine contre Lucie1)"
-			},
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-				"id": "418",
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-					"title": "Paris",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Deux po\u00e8mes, deux lettres et un t\u00e9l\u00e9gramme (Paris"
-			},
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-				"id": "419",
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-					"title": "Verfolgungswahn",
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-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "D\u00e9lire de pers\u00e9cution"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "420",
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-					"id": "148",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller",
-					"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Deux lettres (1960-1963) \u00e0 Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "421",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "149",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael Guttenbrunner",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Telegramme du 30 Novembre 1960 \u00e0 Michael Guttenbrunner)"
-			},
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-				"id": "422",
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-					"id": "150",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Ein Brief aus einem Drama",
-					"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "R\u00e9cits (Une lettre tir\u00e9e d'un drame"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "423",
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-					"id": "151",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un printemps"
-			},
-			{
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-					"first seen": "fra_083"
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-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un imposteur \u00e0 la campagne"
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-					"count": 2,
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-				},
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-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "En tant qu'administrateur de l'asile"
-			},
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-					"count": 1,
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-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "La femme de la fonderie et l'homme avec le sac \u00e0 dos2)"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-						"id": "96",
-						"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-						"gnd": "1056937912"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Claus Peymann"
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-						"gnd": "1152034472"
-					}
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-				"title": "\u00c0 Rome"
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-						"id": "121",
-						"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-						"gnd": "131565587X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "D\u00e9claration"
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-				"id": "430",
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-					"id": "158",
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-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
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-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Correspondance. Extraits. Thomas Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld"
-			},
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-				"id": "431",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
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-						"id": "122",
-						"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-						"gnd": "109855019"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Unseld"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 99,
-			"name": "L'Herne (Le Cahier de l'Herne)"
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-		"isbn": null,
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-		"language": "french",
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-			{
-				"id": "432",
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-					"id": "160",
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-					"title": "Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauer",
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-					},
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-						"id": "124",
-						"name": "W\u00f6gerbauer, Werner",
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-					}
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-				"title": "Werner W\u00f6gerbauer: Conversation avec Thomas Bernhard"
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-						"id": "125",
-						"name": "Joachim, Fran\u00e7ois",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Christoph von Schwerin"
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-					}
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-				"title": "Elias Canetti"
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-				"id": "436",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_084"
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-						"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Bruno Kreisky"
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-				"id": "437",
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-						"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Litt\u00e9rature et justice"
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-						"id": "123",
-						"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Franz Vranitzky"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "fra_084"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'Assembl\u00e9e de auteurs \u00e0 Graz"
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-						"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Le titre de professeur"
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-					"title": "Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)",
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-						"id": "126",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "La bureaucratie culturelle autrichienne)"
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-						"id": "97",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ceux de la cantine"
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-					}
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-				"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u00e0 la r\u00e9daction du Watzmann 5020 Salzburg"
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-						"id": "127",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Les Roses du d\u00e9sert"
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-		],
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-				"title": "Dans le jardin de ma m\u00e8re"
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-		"language": "greek",
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-				"id": "463",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "82",
-					"gnd": "1141917998",
-					"title": "Die Billigesser",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1980,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "cze_027"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "141",
-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd\u03bf\u03c6\u03b1\u03b3\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03c2"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 115,
-			"name": "Nisides"
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-		"year": 1991,
-		"year_display": "1991",
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-				"id": "464",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-						"id": "143",
-						"name": "Matziri, Sotiria",
-						"gnd": null
-					},
-					{
-						"id": "146",
-						"name": "Vogiatzis, Lefteris",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
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-				"title": "\u03a1\u03af\u03c4\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1, \u039d\u03c4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5, \u03a6\u03bf\u03c2"
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
-					"first seen": "alb_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "145",
-						"name": "Varsou, Dimitri",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c8\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0392\u03af\u03c4\u03b3\u03ba\u03b5\u03bd\u03c3\u03c4\u03ac\u03ca\u03bd (excerpt)"
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-					"id": "65",
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-					"title": "Korrektur",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 33,
-					"first seen": "cze_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "137",
-						"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
-						"gnd": "133548910"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0394\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7 (excerpt)"
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-					"id": "6",
-					"gnd": "4201254-5",
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
-					"first seen": "bra_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "142",
-						"name": "Mastorak\u0113, Tzen\u0113",
-						"gnd": "129471550"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0397 \u03b5\u03be\u03ac\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03c8\u03b7 (excerpt)"
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-					"id": "129",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 4,
-					"first seen": "fra_059"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "144",
-						"name": "Tselentis, Dionysis",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u039c\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03ba\u03b1"
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-					"id": "112",
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "136",
-						"name": "Kentrotis, Georgios",
-						"gnd": "137598556"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u03a7\u0391\u0399\u03a1\u0395 \u0392\u0399\u03a1\u0393\u0399\u039b\u0399\u0395"
-			}
-		],
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-			"name": "I Nea Skini"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 22,
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-				},
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-						"id": "140",
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"year": 1971,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "148",
-						"name": "Gkenkopulu, Maria",
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
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-				},
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-					}
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-				},
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-				},
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-				},
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-						"id": "141",
-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-					}
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "141",
-						"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
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-					"count": 4,
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-					"year": 1957,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_020"
-				},
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-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 6,
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-				},
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-						"id": "151",
-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u03a8\u03b1\u03bb\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
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-					"year": 1962,
-					"count": 8,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "151",
-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03af \u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c5\u03bb\u03b1\u03ba\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03b9"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 4,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
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-						"id": "151",
-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u03a0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ae\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 1959-1963"
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-					"id": "112",
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-					"category": ["poetry"],
-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "151",
-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ave Vergil"
-			},
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-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Frost (Version C)",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "gri_028"
-				},
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-						"id": "151",
-						"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Frost. \u03a4\u03c1\u03af\u03c4\u03b7 \u03ad\u03ba\u03b4\u03bf\u03c7\u03ae"
-			}
-		],
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "153",
-						"name": "Sarikas, Zissis",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 24,
-					"first seen": "bul_015"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "154",
-						"name": "Koperti, Iakovos",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "gri_031"
-				},
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-					"count": 4,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
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-					}
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-				},
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-					}
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-					"count": 23,
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-				},
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-					}
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-					"count": 20,
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-				},
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-					}
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-			"name": "Am Oved"
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-					"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "161",
-						"name": "Milstein, Avishai",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 47,
-					"first seen": "aze_002"
-				},
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-						"id": "162",
-						"name": "Ben-Ari, Nitza",
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"id": "12",
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "163",
-						"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
-						"gnd": "1114408301"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u05d4\u05dc\u05d3\u05e0\u05e4\u05dc\u05d0\u05e5"
-			},
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-				"id": "507",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "18",
-					"gnd": "4217797-2",
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "163",
-						"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e4\u05e8\u05d9\u05e9\u05d4 \u05dc\u05d2\u05d9\u05de\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05ea"
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-		],
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-			"id": 132,
-			"name": "Schocken"
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-				"id": "508",
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-					"id": "6",
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-			"name": "Schocken"
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-				"id": "509",
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-					"id": "50",
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-					"title": "Ein Kind",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "164",
-						"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-						"gnd": "137916272"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u05d9\u05dc\u05d3"
-			}
-		],
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-			"name": "Ha-Me\u2019orer"
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-					"id": "59",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "164",
-						"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-						"gnd": "137916272"
-					}
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-					"id": "7",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "165",
-						"name": "Shargal, Judith",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
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-				"id": "512",
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-					"id": "5",
-					"gnd": "4280472-3",
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-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
-					"first seen": "baq_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "164",
-						"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-						"gnd": "137916272"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u05d4\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1\u05e2"
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-				"id": "513",
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-					"id": "56",
-					"gnd": "4998708-2",
-					"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "165",
-						"name": "Shargal, Judith",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u05d4\u05e0\u05e9\u05d9\u05de\u05d4. \u05d4\u05d7\u05dc\u05d8\u05d4"
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-			"name": "Dvir Gallery"
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-		"year_display": "2006",
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-				"id": "514",
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-					"id": "60",
-					"gnd": "7655973-7",
-					"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
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-						"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
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-				},
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-					"count": 57,
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-				},
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-				},
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-						"id": "170",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 47,
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-				},
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-						"id": "170",
-						"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Beton"
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-			"id": 143,
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-				"id": "528",
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-					"id": "65",
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-					"title": "Korrektur",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 33,
-					"first seen": "cze_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "170",
-						"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-						"gnd": null
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
-					"first seen": "alb_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "170",
-						"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-						"gnd": null
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-				],
-				"title": "R\u00e9gi mesterek. Kom\u00e9dia"
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-					"count": 18,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "172",
-						"name": "Kukorelly, Endre",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 35,
-					"first seen": "aze_003"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
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-					"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "170",
-						"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 11,
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-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Magasban. Ment\u00e9sk\u00eds\u00e9rlet, badars\u00e1g"
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-				},
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-					}
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-					"count": 16,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az olasz f\u00e9rfi"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
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-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"id": "78",
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-					}
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-						"id": "174",
-						"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
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-					}
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "174",
-						"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-						"gnd": "113410824"
-					}
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-					"year": 1969,
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A k\u00f6rgall\u00e9r"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 29,
-					"first seen": "bra_016"
-				},
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-						"id": "175",
-						"name": "Halasi, Zolt\u00e1n",
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
-		],
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-					"year": 1957,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_020"
-				},
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-					"count": 18,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
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-				"title": "In hora mortis"
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-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_012"
-				},
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-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
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-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
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-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
-				],
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-					"id": "27",
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-					"year": 1972,
-					"count": 12,
-					"first seen": "bul_004"
-				},
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-						"id": "174",
-						"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
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-					"gnd": "4281931-3",
-					"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "169",
-						"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-						"gnd": "119101580"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A szok\u00e1s hatalma"
-			},
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-				"id": "552",
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-					"id": "13",
-					"gnd": "4253712-5",
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
-					"first seen": "bra_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "174",
-						"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-						"gnd": "113410824"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A sz\u00ednh\u00e1zcsin\u00e1l\u00f3"
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-				"id": "553",
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-					"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "174",
-						"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-						"gnd": "113410824"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
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-				"id": "521",
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-					"title": "Heldenplatz",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "169",
-						"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-						"gnd": "119101580"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Heldenplatz"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 147,
-			"name": "Palatinus"
-		},
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-					"id": "26",
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
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-				"title": "A c\u00e9ln\u00e1l"
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
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-				"title": "Egyszer\u0171en komplik\u00e1lt"
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-				},
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-						"id": "176",
-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"year": 1971,
-					"count": 24,
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-				},
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-						"name": "R\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor",
-						"gnd": "115452141"
-					}
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-			}
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-			"name": "Eur\u00f3pa"
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-		"title": "Egy innsbrucki keresked\u0151fi\u00fa b\u0171ne. \u00d6sszegy\u0171jt\u00f6tt elbesz\u00e9l\u00e9sek",
-		"year": 2012,
-		"year_display": "2012",
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-				"id": "559",
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-					"id": "58",
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-					"year": 1991,
-					"count": 14,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A hangimit\u00e1tor"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "K\u00e9t nevel\u0151"
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-					"year": 1967,
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A sapka"
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kom\u00e9dia? Trag\u00e9dia?"
-			},
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-					"year": 1966,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Jauregg"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "565",
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-					"id": "76",
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A francia attas\u00e9"
-			},
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-				"id": "566",
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-					"id": "69",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Egy innsbrucki keresked\u0151fi\u00fa b\u0171ne"
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-					"id": "70",
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-					"title": "Der Zimmerer",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az \u00e1cs"
-			},
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-				"id": "568",
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-					"id": "77",
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": " Az erd\u0151hat\u00e1ron"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az angol f\u00e9rfi"
-			},
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-					"id": "115",
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 11,
-					"first seen": "eng_091"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A k\u00f6rgall\u00e9r"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "570",
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-					"id": "80",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Am Ortler",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 14,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az Ortleren"
-			},
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-				"id": "571",
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-					"id": "151",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tavasz"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "572",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "101",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "cze_035"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tan\u00favallom\u00e1s"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "573",
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-					"id": "128",
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-					"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "fra_059"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A fiatal \u00edr\u00f3"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "574",
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-					"id": "180",
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "hun_024"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "F\u00e9ln\u00f3t\u00e1s Viktor"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "575",
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-					"id": "181",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Beruhigung",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "hun_024"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Megnyugv\u00e1s"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "576",
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-					"id": "152",
-					"gnd": null,
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Egy vid\u00e9ki csal\u00f3"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "577",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "153",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Als Verwalter im Asyl",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "fra_083"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A menhelyi gondnok"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "578",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "182",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem Rucksack",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "hun_024"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A n\u0151 az \u00f6nt\u0151d\u00e9b\u0151l meg a h\u00e1tizs\u00e1kos f\u00e9rfi"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "579",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "183",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Ebene",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "hun_024"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "S\u00edks\u00e1g"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "580",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "81",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Goethe megh\u00f3"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "581",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "52",
-					"gnd": null,
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 17,
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-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Montaigne"
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-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Viszontl\u00e1t\u00e1s"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L\u00e1ngok martal\u00e9ka lett)"
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-				"id": "584",
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-					"id": "85",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Das rote Licht",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A v\u00f6r\u00f6s f\u00e9ny"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A telepesek"
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-				"id": "586",
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-					"id": "87",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "D\u00e9lut\u00e1n a nagyv\u00e1rosban"
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-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "hun_024"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A h\u00e9t feny\u0151f\u00e1r\u00f3l \u00e9s a h\u00f3r\u00f3l"
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-				"id": "588",
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-					"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 3,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Bolond Magdal\u00e9na"
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A hagyat\u00e9k"
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-					"id": "91",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A Szent L\u0151rinc szeg\u00e9nyh\u00e1z"
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-				"id": "591",
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-					"id": "92",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 4,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Nagy, felfoghatatlan \u00e9hs\u00e9g"
-			},
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-				"id": "592",
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-					"id": "93",
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-					"title": "Wintertag im Hochgebirge",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
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-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "T\u00e9li nap a magashegys\u00e9gben"
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-					"id": "94",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
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-				},
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Alkonyf\u00f6ld pusztul\u00e1sa"
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-					"title": "Die Landschaft der Mutter",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az anyai t\u00e1j"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 2,
-					"first seen": "cze_031"
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-						"id": "173",
-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az \u00f6reg\u00far, akit Augustnak h\u00edvtak"
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-						"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-						"gnd": "120290863"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Az ember, aki elindult vil\u00e1got l\u00e1tni"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A diszn\u00f3p\u00e1sztor"
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-		"year_display": "1994",
-		"language": "hungarian",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
-				},
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-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
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-					"count": 14,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-						"gnd": "Q124815409"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
-			}
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-				},
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-			"name": "Ab Ovo"
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
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-					}
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "181",
-						"name": "Sarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta",
-						"gnd": "142048941"
-					}
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-				"title": "Az ok. R\u00e1vil\u00e1g\u00edt\u00e1s"
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "182",
-						"name": "Szijj, Ferenc",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "A pince. Kivonu\u00e1s"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "179",
-						"name": "L\u0151rinczy, Attila",
-						"gnd": "1035422026"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Nagy leveg\u0151. (Egy d\u00f6nt\u00e9s)"
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-						"id": "179",
-						"name": "L\u0151rinczy, Attila",
-						"gnd": "1035422026"
-					}
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-				"title": "Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edt\u00e9s. (A hideg)"
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-			"name": "Ab Ovo"
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 47,
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-						"name": "Sveinsson, Hj\u00e1lmar",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tutto o niente"
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-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Menin, Roberto",
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-					}
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-					"count": 17,
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-					}
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-				},
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-						"id": "198",
-						"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Alla meta"
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-						"name": "Chiusano, Italo Alighiero",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Alla meta"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 13,
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-				},
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-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"first seen": "bul_004"
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-						"id": "197",
-						"name": "Menin, Roberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'ignorante e il folle"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
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-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-			},
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-						"name": "Menin, Roberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Prima della pensione"
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-						"name": "Menin, Roberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'ignorante e il folle"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Immanuel Kant"
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "197",
-						"name": "Menin, Roberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Prima della pensione"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il Presidente"
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-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-					{
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-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il teatrante"
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-					"year": 1987,
-					"count": 9,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Elisabetta II"
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-						"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il teatrante"
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-					"year": 1987,
-					"count": 9,
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-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-						"id": "200",
-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-						"gnd": "1272177750"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Su tutte le vette \u00e8 pace"
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-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
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-						"id": "200",
-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 8,
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-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
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-					}
-				],
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un morto"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 6,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Funzione di maggio"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "200",
-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-						"gnd": "1272177750"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Gelati"
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-					"count": 7,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "200",
-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Assoluzione"
-			},
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-					"year": null,
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-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "200",
-						"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-						"gnd": "1272177750"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tutto o niente"
-			},
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-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Match",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 5,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "196",
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-						"gnd": "114324247"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Match"
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-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 50,
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-				"id": "688",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "7",
-					"gnd": "4392770-1",
-					"title": "Die Ursache",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "196",
-						"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-						"gnd": "114324247"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "L'origine. Un accenno"
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-					"id": "59",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "198",
-						"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-						"gnd": "1017918821"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "La cantina. Una via di scampo"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "690",
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-					"id": "56",
-					"gnd": "4998708-2",
-					"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "205",
-						"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
-						"gnd": "111625785"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il respiro. Una decisione"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "691",
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-					"id": "60",
-					"gnd": "7655973-7",
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "205",
-						"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
-						"gnd": "111625785"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Il freddo. Una segragazione"
-			},
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "189",
-						"name": "Colorni, Renata",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Un bambino"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 6,
-					"first seen": "eng_060"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "190",
-						"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1962,
-					"count": 8,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "190",
-						"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "I folli I carcerati"
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-		],
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-			"name": "Poesia 337/5, S. 6-7 / S. 8-11"
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-						"id": "208",
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-				],
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-					{
-						"id": "209",
-						"name": "Ruberl, Vittoria Rovelli",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u00c8 una commedia? \u00c8 una tragedia?"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "210",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1967,
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-						"name": "Ruberl, Vittoria Rovelli",
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-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-					}
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "fin_004"
-				},
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-						"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-						"gnd": "1147124078"
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-				"title": "Claus Peymann es compra uns pantalons i despr\u00e9s anem a dinar"
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-					"year": 1967,
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-						"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
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-					}
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-				"title": "\uc601\uc6c5\uad11\uc7a5"
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "243",
-						"name": "Gim, Yeong ok",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\uc6d0\uc778"
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
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-						"name": "Hwan-deok, Park",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
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-						"id": "242",
-						"name": "Hyeon-cheon, Cho",
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-					"count": 17,
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-				},
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-					"count": 30,
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-						"id": "246",
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-					"year": 1984,
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-					}
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-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 35,
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-				},
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-					}
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-						"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
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-						"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
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-						"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 17,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "252",
-						"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "251",
-						"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-						"gnd": "1017241961"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Lova\u010dko dru\u0161tvo"
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-					"id": "18",
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-					{
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-						"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
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-						"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
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-				"id": "800",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
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-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Peri\u0107, Boris",
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-					"count": 41,
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-					"year": 1983,
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-				},
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-						"id": "256",
-						"name": "\u010cetrauskas, Teodoras",
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-					}
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-					"count": 24,
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-					}
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
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-						"id": "262",
-						"name": "Rijnders, Gerardjan",
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-					}
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-				"id": "816",
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-					"id": "9",
-					"gnd": "4525059-5",
-					"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
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-						"id": "263",
-						"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 24,
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-				},
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-						"id": "263",
-						"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
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-				},
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-						"id": "260",
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-					}
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
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-						"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
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-					"count": 10,
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-				],
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-					"count": 15,
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-				],
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-					"count": 16,
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-				"title": "Jauregg"
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-				"title": "Twee leraren"
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-						"id": "267",
-						"name": "Groot, Jacob",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Is het een komedie? Is het een tragedie?"
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-					"year": 1966,
-					"count": 10,
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-					"count": 16,
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-						"id": "267",
-						"name": "Groot, Jacob",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Attach\u00e9 bij de Franse ambassade"
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-					}
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-				"title": "Op de boomgrens"
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Midland in Stilfs"
-			},
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-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "fin_004"
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-						"id": "269",
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-						"id": "269",
-						"name": "Bes, Gerard",
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-					}
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-				"title": "De Italiaan"
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
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-						"id": "269",
-						"name": "Bes, Gerard",
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-					"count": 17,
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-					"year": 1978,
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
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-						"id": "272",
-						"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
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-					}
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
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-						"id": "273",
-						"name": "Klinkenberg, P.P.J.",
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-				},
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-						"id": "265",
-						"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"id": "55",
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-					"year": 1957,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_020"
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-					{
-						"id": "274",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 18,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "274",
-						"name": "Wigman, Menno",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "In hora mortis"
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-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_012"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "274",
-						"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-						"gnd": "Q4110542"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes"
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 16,
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-						"id": "274",
-						"name": "Wigman, Menno",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ave Vergil"
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-					"count": 20,
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-				},
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-					}
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-						"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
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-						"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
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-						"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
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-						"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
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-					"year": 1986,
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-				},
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-					"count": 27,
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-					"year": 1979,
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-						"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
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-					}
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-					"count": 26,
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-						"id": "305",
-						"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
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-					}
-				],
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-						"name": "Matysik, Grzegorz",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-						"gnd": "141954027"
-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"id": "296",
-						"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-						"gnd": "141954027"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Minetti"
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
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-				},
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-						"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
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-					"year": 1982,
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-						"id": "305",
-						"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1984,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "305",
-						"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "305",
-						"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-						"gnd": "120362694"
-					}
-				],
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "296",
-						"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-						"gnd": "141954027"
-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
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-					}
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-				},
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-						"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Si\u0142a przyzwyczajenia"
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-						"name": "Wo\u0142kowicz, Anna",
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-					}
-				],
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-			"name": "Literatura na \u015awiecie: \u00bbAustriacy Hrabal\u00ab, 1-2/306-307"
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-					"count": 9,
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann opuszcza Bocum i udaje si\u0119 jako dyrektor Burgtheater do Wiednia"
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-					"count": 10,
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-					}
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-					"count": 11,
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
-					"first seen": "bra_008"
-				},
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-						"id": "305",
-						"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-						"gnd": "120362694"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Na\u015bladowca g\u0142os\u00f3w"
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-					"year": 1985,
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-					"year": 2012,
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-						"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
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-				},
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-				},
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-					}
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-					}
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-					}
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
-					}
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
-					}
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-						"id": "297",
-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
-					}
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-					"gnd": "4998708-2",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
-					}
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-				"title": "Oddech. Decyzja"
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-						"id": "297",
-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
-					}
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-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
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-						"id": "297",
-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-						"gnd": "12857688X"
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-				],
-				"title": "Dziecko"
-			}
-		],
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-					"count": 5,
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-						"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
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-			}
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-				"title": "Attach\u00e9 ambasady francuskiej. Dziennik wakacyjny, zako\u0144czenie"
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-					"year": 1967,
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-				},
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-				},
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-				"title": "List do Erwina Axera"
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-					"count": 35,
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-						"id": "316",
-						"name": "Almeida, Leopoldina",
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-				],
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-					"year": 1975,
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-						"id": "317",
-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-					"year": 1984,
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-				},
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-						"id": "317",
-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-					"year": 1985,
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-						"id": "317",
-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-						"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
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-					"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 7,
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 14,
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
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-					"year": 1963,
-					"count": 29,
-					"first seen": "bul_013"
-				},
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-						"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
-					"first seen": "alb_001"
-				},
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-						"id": "323",
-						"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
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-				},
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-						"id": "324",
-						"name": "Madritsch Marin, Florica",
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "324",
-						"name": "Madritsch Marin, Florica",
-						"gnd": "128824050"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Simplu complicat"
-			}
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-					}
-				],
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-			}
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-					"count": 29,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
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-					"year": 1985,
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-				},
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-				},
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-			}
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-						"id": "330",
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-					"count": 14,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442"
-			},
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-				"id": "999",
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-					"year": 1977,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "330",
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-				"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0442\u0438"
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-					"id": "26",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_003"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0418\u043c\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0438\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Ha \u043fo\u043a\u043e\u0439"
-			},
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-					"id": "28",
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "1003",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "23",
-					"gnd": "1123599106",
-					"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 12,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0431\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430"
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-			{
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
-					"first seen": "bra_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041b\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0439"
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-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "330",
-						"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044c \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0435\u0432"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 286,
-			"name": "Ad Marginem"
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-					"count": 20,
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-				},
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-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
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-					"count": 13,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041a\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0440"
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-					"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
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-				"title": "\u0410\u0442\u0442\u0430\u0448\u0435 \u0444\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0446\u0443\u0437\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-						"id": "328",
-						"name": "Khlebnikowa, Borisa",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0435 \u043b\u0435\u0441\u0430"
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-					"id": "68",
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-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 17,
-					"first seen": "cze_020"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "332",
-						"name": "Schlapoberskaja, Serafima",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0444\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441"
-			},
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-				"id": "1006",
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-					"id": "78",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041c\u0438\u0434\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434 \u0432 \u0421\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0444\u0441\u0435"
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-				"work": {
-					"id": "115",
-					"gnd": "4734848-3",
-					"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-					"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 11,
-					"first seen": "eng_091"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0438\u043a"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "1013",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "7",
-					"gnd": "4392770-1",
-					"title": "Die Ursache",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430"
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-				"id": "1014",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "59",
-					"gnd": "4998706-9",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "331",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 286,
-			"name": "Raduga"
-		},
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "335",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljow, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
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-					"id": "59",
-					"gnd": "4998706-9",
-					"title": "Der Keller",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "335",
-						"name": "Rajt-Kowaljow, Rita",
-						"gnd": "1057558192"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b: \u0443\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"
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-					"id": "56",
-					"gnd": "4998708-2",
-					"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "329",
-						"name": "Fadeeva, Vladimira",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
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-					"id": "60",
-					"gnd": "7655973-7",
-					"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-						"id": "333",
-						"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
-						"gnd": "1017399611"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434: \u0438\u0437\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0446\u0438\u044f"
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-				"id": "1019",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "50",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_017"
-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "334",
-						"name": "Mikhelevich, Jewgenija",
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-					}
-				],
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-			"name": "Ivan Limbakh"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Cherkasow, V.",
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 46,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Mikhelevich, Jewgenija",
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-					"year": 1982,
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-						"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
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-			"name": "Inostranka Literatura 2: \u00bb\u043d\u0435\u0438\u0441\u0447\u0435\u0440\u043f\u0430\u0435\u043c\u0430\u044f \u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438\u044f\u00ab"
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-					"year": 1976,
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-				},
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Radovi\u0107, Marinko",
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-					}
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-					"count": 29,
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-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
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-				},
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-						"id": "350",
-						"name": "A\u0107in, Jovica",
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-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
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-				},
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-						"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
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-				},
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-						"id": "351",
-						"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
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-					}
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-						"id": "351",
-						"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
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-					}
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-					"count": 44,
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-						"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 32,
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-						"id": "348",
-						"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
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-					"year": 1985,
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-					"count": 49,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Virk, Jani",
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-				"title": "Ob Ortlerju. Poro\u010dilo iz Gomagoija"
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-					"year": 2009,
-					"count": 27,
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-						"id": "362",
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-					"year": 1964,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "cze_020"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "361",
-						"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-						"gnd": "101402708X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Amras"
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_092"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "361",
-						"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-						"gnd": "101402708X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Italijan"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "fin_004"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "361",
-						"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-						"gnd": "101402708X"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kulterer"
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-			"name": "LUD Literatura"
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-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 53,
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-				},
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-						"id": "365",
-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-				],
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-					"year": 1983,
-					"count": 57,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-					"year": 1979,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-						"id": "366",
-						"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
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-						"id": "366",
-						"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 9,
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-						"id": "366",
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-				],
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-						"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 23,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
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-					}
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-						"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
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-					"year": null,
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-					"year": 1978,
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-					"count": 46,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 17,
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-						"id": "359",
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-					}
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-					"count": 4,
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-					"count": 20,
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-						"id": "365",
-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-				"title": "Pred upokojitvijo. Komedija o nem\u0161ki du\u0161i"
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-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-					"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
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-					"year": 1982,
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-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-					}
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-			}
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-					"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
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-						"id": "371",
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-			"id": 317,
-			"name": "Srce in oko 7, S. 440-442"
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
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-				},
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-						"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
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-				},
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-						"id": "373",
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-				],
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-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 16,
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": null,
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-					"year": 1957,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"count": 27,
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
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-				"title": "En el Ortler"
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				],
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"count": 12,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				},
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-					"count": 13,
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-						"gnd": "113071043"
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-					"count": 5,
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-				],
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-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Helados"
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-					"count": 8,
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"title": "Alles oder nichts",
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-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-						"gnd": "113071043"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Todo o nada"
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 14,
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-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"count": 7,
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-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Los famosos"
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-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "bul_005"
-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				"title": "La paz reina en las cumbres"
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "En la meta"
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-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 26,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": 1977,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-						"gnd": "113071043"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Minetti"
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-					"year": null,
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-				},
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-					"year": 1987,
-					"count": 9,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 9,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Claus Peymann deja Bochum y se va a Viena de director del Burgtheater"
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-					"year": 1990,
-					"count": 10,
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-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"count": 11,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": 1978,
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					}
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-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
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-						"id": "373",
-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-						"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
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-				"title": "El origen. Una indicaci\u00f3n"
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-						"id": "379",
-						"name": "Cordchado, Ricardo",
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-				"title": "Hambre indescriptible"
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-					"year": 1970,
-					"count": 24,
-					"first seen": "bul_015"
-				},
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-						"id": "381",
-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-					{
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-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
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-					{
-						"id": "381",
-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-					{
-						"id": "381",
-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"id": "383",
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-						"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
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-					"year": null,
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-					"first seen": "bul_019"
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-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Goethe d\u00f6\u00f6r"
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-					"count": 17,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
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-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
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-					}
-				],
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-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u00c5terseende"
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-				"id": "1226",
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 15,
-					"first seen": "bul_019"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "F\u00f6rt\u00e4rt i l\u00e5gor"
-			},
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-					"id": "77",
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-					"year": 1967,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Vid tr\u00e4dgrensen"
-			},
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-					"id": "121",
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 13,
-					"first seen": "fin_004"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kulterer"
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-				"id": "1229",
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-					"id": "116",
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 16,
-					"first seen": "eng_092"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Italienaren"
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-					"year": null,
-					"count": 20,
-					"first seen": "cze_025"
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-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Midland i Stilfs"
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-					"year": 1969,
-					"count": 11,
-					"first seen": "eng_091"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "384",
-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Regncapen"
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-					"count": 14,
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-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "P\u00e5 Ortler"
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-					"count": 1,
-					"first seen": "swe_027"
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-						"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-						"gnd": "137299931"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Tilldragelser"
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-					"count": 9,
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-					"year": 1990,
-					"count": 10,
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-					"year": null,
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"id": "386",
-						"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
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-					}
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-			}
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-					"id": "59",
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
-					"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "386",
-						"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
-						"gnd": "1018886249"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
-					"first seen": "bul_021"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "385",
-						"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-						"gnd": "107890143"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": " Andh\u00e4mtningen: Ett avg\u00f6rande"
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-				},
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-						"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
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-					"year": 1982,
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-				},
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-						"id": "385",
-						"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
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-					}
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-						"id": "388",
-						"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-						"gnd": "103434453"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Boris \u0130\u00e7in Bir \u015e\u00f6len"
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-					"year": 1974,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "bul_002"
-				},
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-						"id": "388",
-						"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-						"gnd": "103434453"
-					}
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-				"title": "Av Meclisi"
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-					"year": 1977,
-					"count": 22,
-					"first seen": "bul_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "388",
-						"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-						"gnd": "103434453"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Minetti. Sanat\u00e7\u0131n\u0131n Ya\u015fl\u0131 Bir Adam Olarak Portresi"
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-					"year": 1958,
-					"count": 18,
-					"first seen": "cze_012"
-				},
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-						"name": "Murad, Efe",
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-					}
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-					"id": "7",
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-					"category": ["autobiography"],
-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-						"id": "391",
-						"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
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-					"year": 1975,
-					"count": 50,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "389",
-						"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-						"gnd": "135753279"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Neden. Bir De\u011fini"
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-					"year": 1976,
-					"count": 49,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
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-						"id": "391",
-						"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Mahzen. Bir Vazge\u00e7i\u015f"
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-					"count": 49,
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-				},
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-						"id": "389",
-						"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-						"gnd": "135753279"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Kiler. Bir Ka\u00e7\u0131\u015f"
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-					"year": 1978,
-					"count": 46,
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-				},
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-						"id": "401",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Soluk. Bir Karar"
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-				},
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-						"id": "389",
-						"name": "Duru, Sezer",
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-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Nefes. Bir Karar"
-			}
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-					"year": 1981,
-					"count": 41,
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-				},
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-						"id": "402",
-						"name": "Amasyal\u0131, Nadide",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
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-				},
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-						"name": "Duru, Sezer",
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-					}
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-				},
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-						"name": "Duru, Sezer",
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-					}
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-				"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0456\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 II"
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-					"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1990,
-					"count": 10,
-					"first seen": "cze_002"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "404",
-						"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-						"gnd": "137196059"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0443\u0454 \u0448\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438, \u0456 \u043c\u0438 \u0439\u0434\u0435\u043c\u043e \u0457\u0441\u0442\u0438"
-			},
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-				"id": "1291",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "46",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 11,
-					"first seen": "bul_006"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "404",
-						"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-						"gnd": "137196059"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u0456 \u0413\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043b\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u0417\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0432\u0456\u0437\u0435"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 359,
-			"name": "Lileja-NV"
-		},
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-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0457\u0432",
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-		"year_display": "2008",
-		"language": "ukrainian",
-		"contains": [
-			{
-				"id": "1292",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "12",
-					"gnd": "4221007-0",
-					"title": "Heldenplatz",
-					"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-					"year": 1988,
-					"count": 30,
-					"first seen": "bra_011"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "404",
-						"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-						"gnd": "137196059"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0457\u0432"
-			}
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-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 359,
-			"name": "Klasyka"
-		},
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-		"year": 2013,
-		"year_display": "2013",
-		"language": "ukrainian",
-		"contains": [
-			{
-				"id": "1293",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "47",
-					"gnd": "4140750-7",
-					"title": "Frost",
-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1963,
-					"count": 29,
-					"first seen": "bul_013"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "405",
-						"name": "Andrushchenko, Igor",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0435\u0447\u0430"
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-				"id": "1286",
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-					"id": "1",
-					"gnd": "4281932-5",
-					"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1985,
-					"count": 51,
-					"first seen": "alb_001"
-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "404",
-						"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-						"gnd": "137196059"
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0456 \u043c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 360,
-			"name": "Folio"
-		},
-		"isbn": null,
-		"exemplar_suhrkamp_berlin": true,
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-		"year": 1991,
-		"year_display": "1991",
-		"language": "ukrainian",
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-				"id": "1294",
-				"work": {
-					"id": "114",
-					"gnd": null,
-					"title": "Drei Tage",
-					"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-					"year": null,
-					"count": 10,
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-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "406",
-						"name": "Kravchenko, Lesya",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u0422\u0440\u0438 \u0434\u043d\u0456"
-			}
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-			"id": 361,
-			"name": "Vsesvit 4/748, S. 174-178"
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-		"title": "\u06a9\u0646\u06a9\u0631\u06cc\u0679",
-		"year": 1996,
-		"year_display": "1996",
-		"language": "urdu",
-		"contains": [
-			{
-				"id": "1295",
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-					"id": "3",
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-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1982,
-					"count": 47,
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-				},
-				"translators": [
-					{
-						"id": "407",
-						"name": "\u1e92af\u0101r, Iqb\u0101l",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "\u06a9\u0646\u06a9\u0631\u06cc\u0679"
-			}
-		],
-		"publisher": {
-			"id": 362,
-			"name": "Austrian Embassy Lahore"
-		},
-		"isbn": null,
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-			{
-				"id": "1296",
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-					"id": "6",
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-					"year": 1986,
-					"count": 44,
-					"first seen": "bra_001"
-				},
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-					{
-						"id": "408",
-						"name": "L\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng",
-						"gnd": null
-					}
-				],
-				"title": "Di\u1ec7t Vong"
-			}
-		],
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-			"id": 364,
-			"name": "Tao Dan"
-		},
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-			{
-				"id": "1297",
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-					"id": "14",
-					"gnd": "4447199-3",
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-					"category": ["novels"],
-					"year": 1984,
-					"count": 50,
-					"first seen": "bra_014"
-				},
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-					{
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-						"name": "L\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng",
-						"gnd": null
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-			"name": "Tao Dan"
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-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieGedaj, Doreida": {
-		"id": "1",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "1",
-				"name": "Gedaj, Doreida",
-				"gnd": "1012844331"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mjeshtra t\u00eb vjet\u00ebr. Komedi"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeGedaj, Doreida": {
-		"id": "2",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "1",
-				"name": "Gedaj, Doreida",
-				"gnd": "1012844331"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nipi i Wittgensteinit. Nj\u00eb miq\u00ebsi"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins Neffe\u01e6iryis, Sam\u012br": {
-		"id": "3",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "2",
-				"name": "\u01e6iryis, Sam\u012br",
-				"gnd": "1091070733"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0635\u062f\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u0645\u0639 \u0627\u0628\u0646 \u0634\u0642\u064a\u0642 \u0641\u064a\u062a\u063a\u0646\u0634\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0646"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins Neffe": {
-		"id": "4",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein'in qarda\u015f\u0131 o\u011flu. Bir dostlu\u011fun hekay\u00e4si"
-	},
-	"Beton": {
-		"id": "5",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rung": {
-		"id": "6",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [],
-		"title": "Sars\u0131nt\u0131"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherUribarri, Ibon": {
-		"id": "7",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "3",
-				"name": "Uribarri, Ibon",
-				"gnd": "121638472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Alferrikaldua"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallMacedo, Jos\u00e9 Marcos": {
-		"id": "8",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "4",
-				"name": "Macedo, Jos\u00e9 Marcos",
-				"gnd": "136666825"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extin\u00e7\u00e3o. Uma derrocada"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "9",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mestres Antigos. Com\u00e9dia"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungMelo, Jos\u00e9 Laurenio de": {
-		"id": "10",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "6",
-				"name": "Melo, Jos\u00e9 Laurenio de",
-				"gnd": "1056367539"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Perturba\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "11",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O n\u00e1ufrago"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "12",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Origem"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "13",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Meus pr\u00eamios"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "14",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O imitador de vozes"
-	},
-	"GehenCorreia, Marcelo Cordeiro": {
-		"id": "15",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "8",
-				"name": "Correia, Marcelo Cordeiro",
-				"gnd": "1186818190"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Andar"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentEbersp\u00e4cher, Gisele": {
-		"id": "16",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "9",
-				"name": "Ebersp\u00e4cher, Gisele",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O presidente"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzR\u00f6hrig, Christine": {
-		"id": "17",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "11",
-				"name": "R\u00f6hrig, Christine",
-				"gnd": "128687894"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pra\u00e7a dos Her\u00f3is"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeScherer, Ana Maria": {
-		"id": "18",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "12",
-				"name": "Scherer, Ana Maria",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O sobrinho de Wittgenstein. Uma amizade"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherSigneu, Samir": {
-		"id": "19",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "13",
-				"name": "Signeu, Samir",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O fazedor de teatro"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenLuft, Lya": {
-		"id": "20",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "14",
-				"name": "Luft, Lya",
-				"gnd": "11891426X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c1rvores abatidas. Uma provoca\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "21",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Derrubar \u00e1rvores. Uma irrita\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"JaTellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "22",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "5",
-				"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
-				"gnd": "132456168"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sim"
-	},
-	"Die Ber\u00fchmtenMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "23",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "16",
-			"gnd": "1162284560",
-			"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0447\u0443\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435"
-	},
-	"MinettiMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "24",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0438"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "25",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438 \u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0435"
-	},
-	"Am ZielMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "26",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0433\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0446\u0435\u043b"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "27",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "28",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u043d\u0430"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "29",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a\u0430"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "30",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u0438"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "31",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 \u0412\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "32",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0437\u0430 \u0411\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "33",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044a\u0442"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "34",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0435\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "35",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0422\u0435\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044a\u0442"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "36",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041d\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0438\u044f\u0442 \u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043c\u043d\u0438\u044f\u0442"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "37",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "38",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041d\u0430\u0434 \u0432\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0438 \u0432\u044a\u0440\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0435 \u0435 \u0442\u0438\u0448\u0438\u043d\u0430"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "39",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0420\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440, \u0414\u0435\u043d\u0435, \u0424\u043e\u0441"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "40",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0442\u0435"
-	},
-	"Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)Murdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "41",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "31",
-			"gnd": "108146285X",
-			"title": "Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0420\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043f\u0443\u0449\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043a\u0430"
-	},
-	"K\u00f6pfeMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "42",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "32",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "K\u00f6pfe",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0413\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438"
-	},
-	"Die ErfundeneMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "43",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "33",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Erfundene",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0418\u0437\u043c\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
-	},
-	"RosaMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "44",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "34",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Rosa",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0420\u043e\u0437a"
-	},
-	"Fr\u00fchlingMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "45",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "35",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Fr\u00fchling",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442"
-	},
-	"Der BergMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "46",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "36",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Berg",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
-	},
-	"A DodaMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "47",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "37",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "A Doda",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0446"
-	},
-	"MaiandachtMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "48",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "38",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Maiandacht",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430"
-	},
-	"MatchMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "49",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "39",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Match",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0447"
-	},
-	"FreispruchMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "50",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044a\u0434\u0430"
-	},
-	"EisMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "51",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "52",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "42",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0437\u0430"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "53",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u043e"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheater\u0002direktor nach WienMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "54",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "44",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheater\u0002direktor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u0411\u043e\u0445\u0443\u043c \u0438 \u0437\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0412\u0438\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u0442\u043e \u0434\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u043d\u0430 \u0411\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0442\u0435\u0430\u0442\u044a\u0440"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "55",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "45",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0441\u0438 \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0443\u0432\u0430 \u043f\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043b\u043e\u043d \u0438 \u0438\u0434\u0432\u0430 \u0441 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435 \u0434\u0430 \u044f\u0434\u0435"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "56",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0438 \u0425\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043b \u043d\u0430 \u0417\u0443\u043b\u0446\u0432\u0438\u0437\u0435"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieTeocharov, Vladimir": {
-		"id": "57",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "16",
-				"name": "Teocharov, Vladimir",
-				"gnd": "1332464289"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallAndreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "58",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "17",
-				"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-				"gnd": "1043474846"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0418\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043f\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0435"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "59",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0412\u0438\u0442\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0449\u0430\u0439\u043d. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherAndreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "60",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "17",
-				"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-				"gnd": "1043474846"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u0440\u0443\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0446\u044a\u0442"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzAndreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "61",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "17",
-				"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-				"gnd": "1043474846"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u043e\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenAndreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "62",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "17",
-				"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-				"gnd": "1043474846"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0435\u0447. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u044a\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0430"
-	},
-	"FrostIliev, Ljubomir": {
-		"id": "63",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "18",
-				"name": "Iliev, Ljubomir",
-				"gnd": "139444394"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0440\u0430\u0437"
-	},
-	"BetonIliev, Ljubomir": {
-		"id": "64",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "18",
-				"name": "Iliev, Ljubomir",
-				"gnd": "139444394"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0411\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043d"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkIliev, Ljubomir": {
-		"id": "65",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "18",
-				"name": "Iliev, Ljubomir",
-				"gnd": "139444394"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0430\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430\u0442\u0430"
-	},
-	"FreispruchStudents, Ana Dimova &": {
-		"id": "66",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "19",
-				"name": "Students, Ana Dimova &",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044a\u0434\u0430"
-	},
-	"EisStudents, Ana Dimova &": {
-		"id": "67",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "19",
-				"name": "Students, Ana Dimova &",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischStudents, Ana Dimova &": {
-		"id": "68",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "19",
-				"name": "Students, Ana Dimova &",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u044f\u0434 \u043do \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0438"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsStudents, Ana Dimova &": {
-		"id": "69",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "19",
-				"name": "Students, Ana Dimova &",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u043e"
-	},
-	"Ein KindMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "70",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0435. \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043a\u0430\u0437"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheMurdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "71",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "15",
-				"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
-				"gnd": "10317656X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430. \u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d \u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043a"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtKaramelska, Teodora": {
-		"id": "72",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "20",
-				"name": "Karamelska, Teodora",
-				"gnd": "1029621152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0423\u043c\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0442\u0438\u044f\u0442 \u0413\u044c\u043e\u0442\u0435"
-	},
-	"MontaigneKaramelska, Teodora": {
-		"id": "73",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "20",
-				"name": "Karamelska, Teodora",
-				"gnd": "1029621152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0435\u043d. \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043a\u0430\u0437"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenKaramelska, Teodora": {
-		"id": "74",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "20",
-				"name": "Karamelska, Teodora",
-				"gnd": "1029621152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0435"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenKaramelska, Teodora": {
-		"id": "75",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "20",
-				"name": "Karamelska, Teodora",
-				"gnd": "1029621152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412 \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043c\u044a\u0446\u0438. \u041f\u044a\u0442\u0435\u043f\u0438\u0441 \u0434\u043e \u043d\u044f\u043a\u043e\u0433\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043d \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0435\u043b"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleStanishev, Krastyo": {
-		"id": "76",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "21",
-				"name": "Stanishev, Krastyo",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041d\u0430 \u0437\u0435\u043c\u044f\u0442\u0430 \u0438 \u0432 \u0430\u0434\u0430"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungAndreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "77",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "17",
-				"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
-				"gnd": "1043474846"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0414\u0438\u0445\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435\u0442\u043e"
-	},
-	"JaMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "78",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6ce2\u65af\u5973\u4eba"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "79",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u7ef4\u7279\u6839\u65af\u5766\u7684\u4f84\u5b50"
-	},
-	"Der HutmacherMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "80",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "57",
-			"gnd": "1269415670",
-			"title": "Der Hutmacher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u573a\u53cb\u8c0a, \u5236\u5e3d\u5320"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "81",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4e60\u60ef\u7684\u529b\u91cf"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "82",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u603b\u7edf"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "83",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u82f1\u96c4\u5e7f\u573a"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "84",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u8072\u97f3\u6a21\u4eff\u8005"
-	},
-	"EreignisseMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "85",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4e8b\u4ef6"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "86",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5386\u4ee3\u5927\u5e08"
-	},
-	"BetonMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "87",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6c34\u6ce5\u5730"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzMa, Wentao": {
-		"id": "88",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "22",
-				"name": "Ma, Wentao",
-				"gnd": "1057987050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6211\u7684\u6587\u5b66\u5956"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheJie, Gong": {
-		"id": "89",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "23",
-				"name": "Jie, Gong",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u539f\u56e0"
-	},
-	"Der KellerJie, Gong": {
-		"id": "90",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "23",
-				"name": "Jie, Gong",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5730\u4e0b"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungJie, Gong": {
-		"id": "91",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "23",
-				"name": "Jie, Gong",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u547c\u5438"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteJie, Gong": {
-		"id": "92",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "23",
-				"name": "Jie, Gong",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5bd2\u51b7"
-	},
-	"Ein KindJie, Gong": {
-		"id": "93",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "23",
-				"name": "Jie, Gong",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u500b\u5b69"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "94",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u72e9\u730e\u805a\u4f1a"
-	},
-	"MinettiXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "95",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u7c73\u5948\u8482"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "96",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4f0a\u9a6c\u52aa\u57c3\u5c14\u00b7\u5eb7\u5fb7"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "97",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u9000\u4f11\u4e4b\u524d"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "98",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4e16\u754c\u6539\u9020\u8005"
-	},
-	"Am ZielXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "99",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u62b5\u8fbe\u76ee\u7684\u5730"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherXie, Fang": {
-		"id": "100",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "28",
-				"name": "Xie, Fang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u620f\u5267\u4eba"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienSchnelle, Barbora": {
-		"id": "101",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "29",
-				"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
-				"gnd": "134111346"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann opou\u0161t\u00ed Bochum a jde jako \u0159editel Burgtheatru do V\u00eddn\u011b"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "102",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann si kupuje kalhoty a jdese mnou na ob\u011bd"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "103",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vyhlazen\u00ed. Rozpad"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil": {
-		"id": "104",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "32",
-				"name": "\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sta\u0159\u00ed mist\u0159i. Komedie"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffePet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "105",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein\u016fv synovec. O jednom p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed"
-	},
-	"BetonCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "106",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"KorrekturPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "107",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Korektura"
-	},
-	"JaStavia\u0159ov\u00e1, Hana": {
-		"id": "108",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "35",
-				"name": "Stavia\u0159ov\u00e1, Hana",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ano"
-	},
-	"GehenPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "109",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ch\u016fze"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "110",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Rozru\u0161en\u00ed"
-	},
-	"FrostCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "111",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mr\u00e1z"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "112",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "V\u00e1penka"
-	},
-	"UngenachPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "113",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"AmrasJacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela": {
-		"id": "114",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "37",
-				"name": "Jacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela",
-				"gnd": "129483176"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"WattenPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "115",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mou\u0161lov\u00e1n\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "116",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Imit\u00e1tor hlas\u016f"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "117",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ztroskotanec"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "118",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zlo\u010din kupeck\u00e9ho syna z Innsbrucku"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "119",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tesa\u0159"
-	},
-	"JauerggNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "120",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "121",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dva vychovatel\u00e9"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "122",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u010cepice"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "123",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Je to komedie? Je to trag\u00e9die?"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "124",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Viktor Pomaten\u00fd"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "125",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ata\u0161\u00e9 z francouzsk\u00e9ho velvyslanectv\u00ed"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzePet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "126",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na okraji lesa"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "127",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland ve Stilfsu"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "128",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "79",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Havelok"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerJacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela": {
-		"id": "129",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "37",
-				"name": "Jacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela",
-				"gnd": "129483176"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na Ortleru"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbt\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil": {
-		"id": "130",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "81",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "32",
-				"name": "\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hum\u00edraj\u00edc\u00ed Goethe"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "131",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Konzumenti levn\u00fdch j\u00eddel"
-	},
-	"Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, FeuilletonsMizerov\u00e1, Nikola": {
-		"id": "132",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "83",
-			"gnd": "1214903665",
-			"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2010,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "cze_028"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "39",
-				"name": "Mizerov\u00e1, Nikola",
-				"gnd": "1189349515"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pravd\u011b na stop\u011b"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "133",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Moje ceny"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnPet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "134",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "33",
-				"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
-				"gnd": "114005958"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na v\u00fd\u0161in\u00e1ch. Pokus o z\u00e1chranu, nesmysl"
-	},
-	"Das rote LichtCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "135",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "85",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das rote Licht",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Rud\u00e9 sv\u011btlo"
-	},
-	"Die SiedlerCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "136",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "86",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Siedler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Osadn\u00edci"
-	},
-	"Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen StadtCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "137",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "87",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen Stadt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O odpoledni v jednom velk\u00e9m m\u011bst\u011b"
-	},
-	"Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe  WeihnachtsgeschichteCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "138",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "88",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe  Weihnachtsgeschichte",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O sedmi jedl\u00edch a o sn\u011bhu..."
-	},
-	"Die verr\u00fcckte MagdalenaCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "139",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "89",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bl\u00e1zniv\u00e1 Magdalena"
-	},
-	"Letzter Wille und TestamentCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "140",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "90",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Letzter Wille und Testament",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Posledn\u00ed v\u016fle"
-	},
-	"Das Armenhaus von St. LaurinCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "141",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "91",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Armenhaus von St. Laurin",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Chudobinec u sv. Laurina"
-	},
-	"Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher HungerCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "142",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "92",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Velk\u00fd, nepochopiteln\u00fd hlad"
-	},
-	"Wintertag im HochgebirgeCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "143",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "93",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wintertag im Hochgebirge",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zimn\u00ed den ve velehor\u00e1ch"
-	},
-	"Der Untergang des AbendlandesCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "144",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "94",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Untergang des Abendlandes",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Z\u00e1nik Z\u00e1padu"
-	},
-	"Die Landschaft der MutterCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "145",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "95",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Landschaft der Mutter",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mat\u010dina krajina"
-	},
-	"Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens AugustCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "146",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "96",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens August",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Star\u0161\u00ed mu\u017e jm\u00e9nem August"
-	},
-	"Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehenCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "147",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "97",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O mu\u017ei, kter\u00fd ode\u0161el, aby vid\u011bl sv\u011bt"
-	},
-	"Der Schweineh\u00fcterCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "148",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "98",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Schweineh\u00fcter",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Str\u00e1\u017ece vep\u0159e"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "149",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "99",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ital"
-	},
-	"Der KultererCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "150",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "100",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "151",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "M\u00fdcen\u00ed. Roz\u010dilen\u00ed"
-	},
-	"EreignisseCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "152",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ud\u00e1losti"
-	},
-	"Fr\u00fchlingCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "153",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "35",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Fr\u00fchling",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jaro"
-	},
-	"Eine ZeugenaussageCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "154",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "101",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_035"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sv\u011bdeck\u00e1 v\u00fdpov\u011b\u010f "
-	},
-	"MontaigneCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "155",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "156",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Shled\u00e1n\u00ed"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenCharv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "157",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "31",
-				"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
-				"gnd": "136336906"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Za\u0161l\u00e9 v plamenech"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "158",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "159",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jednodu\u0161e komplikovan\u011b"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "160",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Al\u017eb\u011bta II"
-	},
-	"MinettiBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "161",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Portr\u00e9t um\u011blce jako star\u00e9ho mu\u017ee. Minetti"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "162",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "P\u0159ed penz\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtBalvin, Josef+B\u00edl\u00e9ho, Jaroslava": {
-		"id": "163",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "42",
-				"name": "B\u00edl\u00e9ho, Jaroslava",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zd\u00e1n\u00ed klame"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherTome\u0161, Vladim\u00edr": {
-		"id": "164",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "44",
-				"name": "Tome\u0161, Vladim\u00edr",
-				"gnd": "114470448"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Divadeln\u00edk"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzLang\u00e1\u0161kov\u00e1, Ta\u0165jana": {
-		"id": "165",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "43",
-				"name": "Lang\u00e1\u0161kov\u00e1, Ta\u0165jana",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "N\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed hrdin\u016f"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisSpitzbard, Wolfgang": {
-		"id": "166",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "45",
-				"name": "Spitzbard, Wolfgang",
-				"gnd": "Q112365138"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Slavnost pro Borise"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "167",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Spole\u010dnost na lovu"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "168",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "S\u00edla zvyku"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "169",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sv\u011btan\u00e1pravce"
-	},
-	"Am ZielUllrichov\u00e1, Daria": {
-		"id": "170",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "46",
-				"name": "Ullrichov\u00e1, Daria",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "U c\u00edle"
-	},
-	"Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "171",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "31",
-			"gnd": "108146285X",
-			"title": "Die Rosen der Ein\u00f6de (Libretto)",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "pou\u0161tn\u00ed r\u016f\u017ee"
-	},
-	"BergAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "172",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "102",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Berg",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_040"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hora"
-	},
-	"K\u00f6pfeAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "173",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "32",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "K\u00f6pfe",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hlavy"
-	},
-	"ErfundeneAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "174",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "103",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Erfundene",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_040"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vyb\u00e1jen\u00e1"
-	},
-	"RosaAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "175",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "34",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Rosa",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00f3za"
-	},
-	"Fr\u00fchlingAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "176",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "35",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Fr\u00fchling",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jaro"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "177",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ignorant a \u0161\u00edlenec"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "178",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Prezident"
-	},
-	"Die Ber\u00fchmtenCejpek, V\u00e1clav": {
-		"id": "179",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "16",
-			"gnd": "1162284560",
-			"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "47",
-				"name": "Cejpek, V\u00e1clav",
-				"gnd": "1048022838"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Velik\u00e1ni"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "180",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhAugustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "181",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "30",
-				"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
-				"gnd": "129164100"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nad vrcholky str\u00e1n\u00ed a v\u00fd\u0161"
-	},
-	"A DodaJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "182",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "37",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "A Doda",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nebo\u017et\u00edk"
-	},
-	"MaiandachtJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "183",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "38",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Maiandacht",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "M\u00e1jov\u00e1"
-	},
-	"MatchJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "184",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "39",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Match",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Z\u00e1pas"
-	},
-	"FreispruchJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "185",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zpro\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed viny"
-	},
-	"EisJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "186",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zmrzlina"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "187",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "N\u011bmeck\u00fd ob\u011bd"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsJ\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "188",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "48",
-				"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
-				"gnd": "122472446"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "V\u0161echno nebo nic"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienSchnelle, Barbora": {
-		"id": "189",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "104",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_041"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "29",
-				"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
-				"gnd": "134111346"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann opou\u0161t\u00ed Bochum a jde jako \u0159editel Burgtheatru do V\u00eddn\u011b"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseSchnelle, Barbora": {
-		"id": "190",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "29",
-				"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
-				"gnd": "134111346"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": " Claus Peymann a Hermann Beil na Huspeninov\u00e9 louce"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil": {
-		"id": "191",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "32",
-				"name": "\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sta\u0159\u00ed mist\u0159i nakreslil Mahler"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungSlez\u00e1k, Vratislav": {
-		"id": "192",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "49",
-				"name": "Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav",
-				"gnd": "113652445"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dech. Jedno rozhodnut\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "193",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "P\u0159\u00ed\u010dina"
-	},
-	"Der KellerNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "194",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sklep"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "195",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Chlad"
-	},
-	"Ein KindNekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "196",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "38",
-				"name": "Nekula, Marek",
-				"gnd": "131386654"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00edt\u011b"
-	},
-	"Von einer Katastrophe in die andere. Interview von Asta ScheibDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "197",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "106",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von einer Katastrophe in die andere. Interview von Asta Scheib",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_047"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Od jedn\u00e9 katastrofy k dal\u0161\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Ich bin nur mehr kurz da. Interview von Kurt HofmannDimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "198",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "107",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ich bin nur mehr kurz da. Interview von Kurt Hofmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_047"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "36",
-				"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
-				"gnd": "132734117"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "U\u017e tady budu jen kr\u00e1tce"
-	},
-	"Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Kurt HofmannBalvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "199",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "108",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Kurt Hofmann",
-			"category": [],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "cze_048"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "41",
-				"name": "Balvin, Josef",
-				"gnd": "116046775"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Z rozhovor\u016f s Thomasem Bernhardem"
-	},
-	"GehenJensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean": {
-		"id": "200",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "50",
-				"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
-				"gnd": "131470000"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "G\u00e5ende"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "201",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Underg\u00e6ngeren"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenJensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean": {
-		"id": "202",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "50",
-				"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
-				"gnd": "131470000"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tr\u00e6f\u00e6ldning. En ophidselse"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieJensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean": {
-		"id": "203",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "50",
-				"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
-				"gnd": "131470000"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gamle mestre. Komedie"
-	},
-	"JaFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "204",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ja"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "205",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mine priser"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "206",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c5rsagen. En antydning"
-	},
-	"Der KellerFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "207",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00e6lderen. En unddragelse"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "208",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c5ndedr\u00e6ttet. En afg\u00f8relse."
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "209",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulden. En isolation"
-	},
-	"Ein KindFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "210",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Et barn"
-	},
-	"BetonFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "211",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungFauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "212",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "52",
-				"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
-				"gnd": "130646482"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Forstyrrelse"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeBille, Karen-Maria": {
-		"id": "213",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "53",
-				"name": "Bille, Karen-Maria",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteins nev\u00f8. Et venskab"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "214",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extinction"
-	},
-	"Ein KindMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "215",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Child"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "216",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "An Indication of the Cause"
-	},
-	"Der KellerMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "217",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Cellar: An Escape"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "218",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Breath: A Decision"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "219",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In the Cold"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzJaneway, Carol Brown": {
-		"id": "220",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "55",
-				"name": "Janeway, Carol Brown",
-				"gnd": "138370176"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "My Prizes"
-	},
-	"BetonMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "221",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Concrete"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von MahlerReidel, James": {
-		"id": "222",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Old Masters. A Comedy. Illustrated by Nicolas Mahler"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieOsers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "223",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "57",
-				"name": "Osers, Ewald",
-				"gnd": "117744441"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Old Masters. A Comedy"
-	},
-	"KorrekturWilkins, Sophie": {
-		"id": "224",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "58",
-				"name": "Wilkins, Sophie",
-				"gnd": "Q95703843"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correction"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkWilkins, Sophie": {
-		"id": "225",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "58",
-				"name": "Wilkins, Sophie",
-				"gnd": "Q95703843"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Lime Works"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherAnderson, Jack Dawson a.k.a. Mark": {
-		"id": "226",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "59",
-				"name": "Anderson, Jack Dawson a.k.a. Mark",
-				"gnd": "1196980330 / 11329977X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Loser"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "227",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Woodcutters"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenOsers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "228",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "57",
-				"name": "Osers, Ewald",
-				"gnd": "117744441"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Cutting Timber. An Irritation"
-	},
-	"FrostHofmann, Michael": {
-		"id": "229",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "60",
-				"name": "Hofmann, Michael",
-				"gnd": "132306174"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Frost"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeOsers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "230",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "57",
-				"name": "Osers, Ewald",
-				"gnd": "117744441"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein's Nephew"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMcLintock, David": {
-		"id": "231",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "54",
-				"name": "McLintock, David",
-				"gnd": "143687727"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein's Nephew"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserOsers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "232",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "57",
-				"name": "Osers, Ewald",
-				"gnd": "117744441"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Cheap-Eaters"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "233",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Cheap-Eaters"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungWinston, Clara": {
-		"id": "234",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "62",
-				"name": "Winston, Clara",
-				"gnd": "Q59525372"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gargoyles"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnStockman, Russell": {
-		"id": "235",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "64",
-				"name": "Stockman, Russell",
-				"gnd": "124036007"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "On the Mountain. Rescue attempt, nonsense"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleWaugh, Peter": {
-		"id": "236",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "65",
-				"name": "Waugh, Peter",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "On Earth and in Hell. Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisReidel, James": {
-		"id": "237",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In Hora Mortis"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesReidel, James": {
-		"id": "238",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Under the Iron of the Moon"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisJansen, Peter": {
-		"id": "239",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "66",
-				"name": "Jansen, Peter",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Party for Boris"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossJansen, Peter": {
-		"id": "240",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "66",
-				"name": "Jansen, Peter",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherJansen, Peter": {
-		"id": "241",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "66",
-				"name": "Jansen, Peter",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Histrionics"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "242",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzOakes, Meredith": {
-		"id": "243",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "69",
-				"name": "Oakes, Meredith",
-				"gnd": "138551731"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitPlaice, Neville": {
-		"id": "244",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "71",
-				"name": "Plaice, Neville",
-				"gnd": "105626568X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Force of Habit. A Comedy"
-	},
-	"JaOsers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "245",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "57",
-				"name": "Osers, Ewald",
-				"gnd": "117744441"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Yes"
-	},
-	"MinettiHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "246",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"MinettiCairns, Tom": {
-		"id": "247",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "73",
-				"name": "Cairns, Tom",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. A portrait of the artist as an old man"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "248",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Hunting Party"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "249",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann and Hermann Beil on Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "250",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Appearances Are Deceiving"
-	},
-	"AmrasJansen, Peter": {
-		"id": "251",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "66",
-				"name": "Jansen, Peter",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"WattenNorthcott, Kenneth J.": {
-		"id": "252",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "67",
-				"name": "Northcott, Kenneth J.",
-				"gnd": "127219501"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Playing Watten"
-	},
-	"GehenNorthcott, Kenneth J.": {
-		"id": "253",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "67",
-				"name": "Northcott, Kenneth J.",
-				"gnd": "127219501"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Walking"
-	},
-	"Drei TageLindgren, Laura": {
-		"id": "254",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "75",
-				"name": "Lindgren, Laura",
-				"gnd": "1036333043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Three Days"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "255",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The German Lunch Table"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorKinosian, Craig": {
-		"id": "256",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "76",
-				"name": "Kinosian, Craig",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Voice Impersonator"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorNorthcott, Kenneth J.": {
-		"id": "257",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "67",
-				"name": "Northcott, Kenneth J.",
-				"gnd": "127219501"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Voice Imitator"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "258",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Two Tutors"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "259",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Cap"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Chalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "260",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Is it a Comedy? Is it a Tragedy?"
-	},
-	"JauerggChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "261",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "262",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Attach\u00e9 at the French Embassy"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "263",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Crime of an Innsbruck Shopkeeper's Son"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "264",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Carpenter"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtReidel, James": {
-		"id": "265",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe Dies"
-	},
-	"MontaigneReidel, James": {
-		"id": "266",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne. A Story in Twenty-Two Instalments"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenReidel, James": {
-		"id": "267",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Reunion"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenReidel, James": {
-		"id": "268",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "56",
-				"name": "Reidel, James",
-				"gnd": "142366803"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Going Up in Flames. A Travelogue to an Erstwhile Friend"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererGlowa, Josef": {
-		"id": "269",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "79",
-				"name": "Glowa, Josef",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The World-Fixer"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhMitchell, Michael": {
-		"id": "270",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "82",
-				"name": "Mitchell, Michael",
-				"gnd": "113837895"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Over All the Mountain Tops"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrChalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "271",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "78",
-				"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
-				"gnd": "114173567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Victor Halfwit. A Winter's Tale"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "272",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The President"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandHonegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "273",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Eve of Retirement"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Honegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "274",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "68",
-				"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
-				"gnd": "124619533"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Is It A Comedy? Is It A Tragedy?"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenSearls, Damion": {
-		"id": "275",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "83",
-				"name": "Searls, Damion",
-				"gnd": "132954214"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann Buys Himself a Pair of Pants and Joins Me for Lunch"
-	},
-	"UngenachRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "276",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "277",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Weatherproof Cape"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "278",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland in Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "279",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "At the Ortler"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeRobertson, Douglas": {
-		"id": "280",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "61",
-				"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "At the Timberline"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerWilliams, Eric": {
-		"id": "281",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "84",
-				"name": "Williams, Eric",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "The Italian"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsDecker, Craig": {
-		"id": "282",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "85",
-				"name": "Decker, Craig",
-				"gnd": "128883626"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Crimes of an Innsbruck Merchant's Son"
-	},
-	"Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. GeburtstagCase, Holly": {
-		"id": "283",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "117",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. Geburtstag",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "eng_094"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "86",
-				"name": "Case, Holly",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. For his 100th Birthday"
-	},
-	"Eine ZeugenaussageWaidson, Herbert Morgan": {
-		"id": "284",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "101",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_035"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "87",
-				"name": "Waidson, Herbert Morgan",
-				"gnd": "Q59628070"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Testimony"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas BernhardSiegel, Adam": {
-		"id": "285",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "118",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_096"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "88",
-				"name": "Siegel, Adam",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Conversation. Thomas Bernhard and Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller"
-	},
-	"Argumente eines Winterspazierg\u00e4ngersSiegel, Adam": {
-		"id": "286",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "119",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Argumente eines Winterspazierg\u00e4ngers",
-			"category": ["fragments"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "eng_099"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "88",
-				"name": "Siegel, Adam",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Arguments from a Winter\u2019s Walk (excerpt)"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Wilson, A. Lesllie": {
-		"id": "287",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "89",
-				"name": "Wilson, A. Lesllie",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Is it a Comedy? Is it a Tragedy?"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeWilkins, Sophie": {
-		"id": "288",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "58",
-				"name": "Wilkins, Sophie",
-				"gnd": "Q95703843"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "At the Timberline"
-	},
-	"FrostTasa, Toivo": {
-		"id": "289",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "90",
-				"name": "Tasa, Toivo",
-				"gnd": "Q14503060"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00fclm"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieSirkel, Mati": {
-		"id": "290",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "91",
-				"name": "Sirkel, Mati",
-				"gnd": "113737300"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vanad Meistrid. Kom\u00f6\u00f6dia"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherSirkel, Mati": {
-		"id": "291",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "91",
-				"name": "Sirkel, Mati",
-				"gnd": "113737300"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hukkasaaja"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenM\u00e4gar, Heli": {
-		"id": "292",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "92",
-				"name": "M\u00e4gar, Heli",
-				"gnd": "1138306738"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Metsaraiumine. Erutus"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallSirkel, Mati": {
-		"id": "293",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "91",
-				"name": "Sirkel, Mati",
-				"gnd": "113737300"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c4rakustutamine. Lagu"
-	},
-	"BetonSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "294",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Betoni"
-	},
-	"JaSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "295",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kyll\u00e4"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Gerhard Fritsch. Der BriefwechselSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "296",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "120",
-			"gnd": "1153801205",
-			"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Gerhard Fritsch. Der Briefwechsel",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fin_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard. Gerhard Fritsch. Kirjeenvaihtoa"
-	},
-	"Der KultererSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "297",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "298",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Italialainen"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "299",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Puurajalla"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "300",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Syy"
-	},
-	"Der KellerSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "301",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kellari. Vet\u00e4ytyminen"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "302",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hengitys. P\u00e4\u00e4t\u00f6s"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "303",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kylmyys. Eristys"
-	},
-	"Ein KindSarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "304",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "93",
-				"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
-				"gnd": "137246536"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Muuan lapsi"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "305",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Haaskio"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "306",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hakkuu. Muuan mielenkuohu"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "307",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vanhat mestarit. Komedia"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "308",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Palkintopuhetta"
-	},
-	"FrostRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "309",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pakkanen"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "310",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Halvallasy\u00f6j\u00e4t"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "311",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteinin veljenpoika"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "312",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "H\u00e4iri\u00f6"
-	},
-	"AmrasRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "313",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"WattenRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "314",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kortinpeluu"
-	},
-	"GehenRoinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "315",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "94",
-				"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
-				"gnd": "118148532"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00e4vely"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenSpreng, Eberhard": {
-		"id": "316",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "95",
-				"name": "Spreng, Eberhard",
-				"gnd": "114692562X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann s'ach\u00e8te un pantalon et vient manger avec moi"
-	},
-	"Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, FeuilletonsMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "317",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "83",
-			"gnd": "1214903665",
-			"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2010,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "cze_028"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sur le traces de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9. Discours, lettres, entretiens, articles"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallLambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "318",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "97",
-				"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-				"gnd": "127140581"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extinction. Un effondrement"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungEstrangin, Guy F.": {
-		"id": "319",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "98",
-				"name": "Estrangin, Guy F.",
-				"gnd": "127105778"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Perturbation"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungKreiss, Bernard": {
-		"id": "320",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "99",
-				"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
-				"gnd": "140640894"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Perturbation"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "321",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Les Mange-pas-chere"
-	},
-	"KorrekturKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "322",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Corrections"
-	},
-	"FrostSimon, Boris": {
-		"id": "323",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "102",
-				"name": "Simon, Boris",
-				"gnd": "1205565698"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gel"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenKreiss, Bernard": {
-		"id": "324",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "99",
-				"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
-				"gnd": "140640894"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Des arbres \u00e0 abattre. Une irritation"
-	},
-	"AmrasH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "325",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "326",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le crime d'un fils de commer\u00e7ant d'Innsbruck"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "327",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le charpentier"
-	},
-	"JauerggKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "328",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "329",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Deux \u00e9ducateurs"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "330",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La casquette"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "331",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Est-ce une com\u00e9die? Est-ce une trag\u00e9die?"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "332",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'attach\u00e9 \u00e0 l'ambassade de France"
-	},
-	"UngenachKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "333",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"WattenH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "334",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Watten"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "335",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland \u00e0 Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "336",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "79",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La cape de loden"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "337",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dans le massif de l'Ortler"
-	},
-	"GehenKaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "338",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "122",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "105",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Marcher"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieLambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "339",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "97",
-				"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-				"gnd": "127140581"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ma\u00eetres anciens. Com\u00e9die"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "340",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mes prix litt\u00e9raires"
-	},
-	"BetonLambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "341",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "97",
-				"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-				"gnd": "127140581"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "B\u00e9ton"
-	},
-	"JaH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "342",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Oui"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "343",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le neveu de Wittgenstein. Un amiti\u00e9"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkServicen, Louise": {
-		"id": "344",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "106",
-				"name": "Servicen, Louise",
-				"gnd": "1036521567"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La pl\u00e2tri\u00e8re"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "345",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'imitateur"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherKreiss, Bernard": {
-		"id": "346",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "99",
-				"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
-				"gnd": "140640894"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le naufrag\u00e9"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "347",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dans le hauteurs. Tentative de sauventage, non-sens"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "348",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goehte se mheurt"
-	},
-	"MontaigneMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "349",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "350",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Retrouvailles"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenMirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "351",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Parti en fum\u00e9e"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilHoll, Herbert": {
-		"id": "352",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "107",
-				"name": "Holl, Herbert",
-				"gnd": "120991268"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Je te salue Virigile"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardMoreau, Jean-Luc": {
-		"id": "353",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "109",
-				"name": "Moreau, Jean-Luc",
-				"gnd": "123611431"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Entretiens avec Thomas Bernhard. Je n'insulte vraiment personne"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista FleischmannPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "354",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "124",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "fra_037"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Entretiens avec Krista Fleischmann"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "355",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'origine. Simple indication"
-	},
-	"Der KellerKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "356",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La cave. Un retrait"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "357",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le souffle. Une d\u00e9cision"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "358",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le froid. Une mise en quarantaine"
-	},
-	"Ein KindKohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "359",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "101",
-				"name": "Kohn, Albert",
-				"gnd": "126505152"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un enfant"
-	},
-	"Drei TagePorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "360",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trois jours"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas BernhardPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "361",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "118",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_096"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Entretien d'Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller avec Thomas Bernhard"
-	},
-	"Mein Weltenst\u00fcckHommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "362",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "126",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Mein Weltenst\u00fcck",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_052"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "110",
-				"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1027599265"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mon bout de monde"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleHommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "363",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "110",
-				"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1027599265"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sur la terre et en enfer"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisHommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "364",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "110",
-				"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1027599265"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesHommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "365",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "110",
-				"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1027599265"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sous le fer de la lune"
-	},
-	"Verstreut publizierte GedichteHommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "366",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "127",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Verstreut publizierte Gedichte",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "fra_052"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "110",
-				"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1027599265"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Annexe"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von MahlerLambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "367",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "97",
-				"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-				"gnd": "127140581"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ma\u00eetres anciens. Com\u00e9die dessin\u00e9 par Mahler"
-	},
-	"Am ZielPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "368",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Au but"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "369",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Avant la retraite. Une com\u00e9die de l'\u00e2me allemande"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossNebenzahl, Michel": {
-		"id": "370",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "111",
-				"name": "Nebenzahl, Michel",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00e9jeuner chez Wittgenstein"
-	},
-	"A DodaPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "371",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "37",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "A Doda",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un mort"
-	},
-	"MaiandachtPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "372",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "38",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Maiandacht",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le Mois de Marie"
-	},
-	"MatchPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "373",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "39",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Match",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Match"
-	},
-	"FreispruchPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "374",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Acquittement"
-	},
-	"EisPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "375",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Glaces"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "376",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le D\u00e9jeuner allemand"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "377",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tout ou rien"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "378",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "104",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_041"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann quitte Bochum et va \u00e0 Vienne comme directeur du Burgtheater"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "379",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann s'ach\u00e8te un pantalon et va d\u00e9jeuner avec moi"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantDemet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois": {
-		"id": "380",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "112",
-				"name": "Demet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois",
-				"gnd": "116069015"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Emmanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"EreignisseEtor\u00e9-Lortholary, Jeanne+Lortholary, Bernard": {
-		"id": "381",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "113",
-				"name": "Etor\u00e9-Lortholary, Jeanne",
-				"gnd": "137449232"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "114",
-				"name": "Lortholary, Bernard",
-				"gnd": "138972516"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ev\u00e9nements"
-	},
-	"Ein junger SchriftstellerLortholary, Bernard": {
-		"id": "382",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "128",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "114",
-				"name": "Lortholary, Bernard",
-				"gnd": "138972516"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un jeune \u00e9crivain"
-	},
-	"MontaignePorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "383",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"Monologe auf MallorcaPetit, Dominique": {
-		"id": "384",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "129",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "115",
-				"name": "Petit, Dominique",
-				"gnd": "1017918856"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Monologues \u00e0 Majorque"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwiesePorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "385",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann et Hermann Beil sur la Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"Mein Gl\u00fcckliches \u00d6sterreichPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "386",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "130",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Mein Gl\u00fcckliches \u00d6sterreich",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mon heureuse Autriche"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "387",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La Force de l'habitude"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "388",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de chasse"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherDarnaud, Edith": {
-		"id": "389",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "116",
-				"name": "Darnaud, Edith",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le Faiseur de th\u00e9\u00e2tre"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "390",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le Pr\u00e9sident"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererNebenzahl, Michel": {
-		"id": "391",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "111",
-				"name": "Nebenzahl, Michel",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le R\u00e9formateur"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtDarnaud, Edith": {
-		"id": "392",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "116",
-				"name": "Darnaud, Edith",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Les Apparences sont trompeuses"
-	},
-	"Die Ber\u00fchmtenPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "393",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "16",
-			"gnd": "1162284560",
-			"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Les C\u00e9l\u00e8bres"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweitePorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "394",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c9lisabeth II"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeDemet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois": {
-		"id": "395",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "112",
-				"name": "Demet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois",
-				"gnd": "116069015"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'Ignorant et le fou"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "396",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ma\u00eetre. La journ\u00e9e d'un po\u00e8te allemand vers 1980"
-	},
-	"MinettiPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "397",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. Portrait de l'artiste en viel homme"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "398",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Place des h\u00e9ros"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertNebenzahl, Michel": {
-		"id": "399",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "111",
-				"name": "Nebenzahl, Michel",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Simplement compliqu\u00e9"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "400",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Une f\u00eate pour Boris"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerKaufholz-Messmer, Eliane": {
-		"id": "401",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "117",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'Italien"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeKaufholz-Messmer, Eliane": {
-		"id": "402",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "117",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c0 la lisi\u00e8re des arbres"
-	},
-	"Der KultererKaufholz-Messmer, Eliane": {
-		"id": "403",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "117",
-				"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
-				"gnd": "141257946"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleHofer-Bury, Roland": {
-		"id": "404",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "118",
-				"name": "Hofer-Bury, Roland",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sur la terre comme en enfer"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisHofer-Bury, Roland": {
-		"id": "405",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "118",
-				"name": "Hofer-Bury, Roland",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "406",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'Italien"
-	},
-	"Der KultererPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "407",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)Porcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "408",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "136",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Brief an Siegfried Unseld (excerpt)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_078"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Siegfried Unseld (extrait)"
-	},
-	"Brief an Henning RischbieterPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "409",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "137",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Brief an Henning Rischbieter",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_078"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Henning Rischbieter"
-	},
-	"Ansichten eines unverbesserlichen Weltverbesserer. Interview mit Niklas FrankPara, Jean-Baptiste": {
-		"id": "410",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "138",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ansichten eines unverbesserlichen Weltverbesserer. Interview mit Niklas Frank",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_082"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "120",
-				"name": "Para, Jean-Baptiste",
-				"gnd": "14117479X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Points de vue d'un incorrigible redresseur de torts"
-	},
-	"Junge K\u00f6pfeTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "411",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "139",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Junge K\u00f6pfe",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jeunes t\u00eates"
-	},
-	"Meine eigene EinsamkeitTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "412",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "140",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Meine eigene Einsamkeit",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ma propre solitude"
-	},
-	"Gerichtschroniken (Ein paar saure ZuckerlTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "413",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "141",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gerichtschroniken (Ein paar saure Zuckerl",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Chroniques judiciaires (Pour quelques friandises acidul\u00e9es"
-	},
-	"Selbstmord in der LandesheilanstaltTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "414",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "142",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Selbstmord in der Landesheilanstalt",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Suicide \u00e0 l'h\u00f4pital psychiatrique r\u00e9gional"
-	},
-	"Vielgeliebt und nie bezahltTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "415",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "143",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Vielgeliebt und nie bezahlt",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tant aim\u00e9e, jamais pay\u00e9e"
-	},
-	"Gastspiel am LandesgerichtTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "416",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "144",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gastspiel am Landesgericht",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00e9presentation au tribunal p\u00e9nal r\u00e9gional"
-	},
-	"Ernestine kontra LucieTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "417",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "145",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ernestine kontra Lucie",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ernestine contre Lucie1)"
-	},
-	"ParisHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "418",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "146",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Paris",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Deux po\u00e8mes, deux lettres et un t\u00e9l\u00e9gramme (Paris"
-	},
-	"VerfolgungswahnHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "419",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "147",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Verfolgungswahn",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00e9lire de pers\u00e9cution"
-	},
-	"Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-SillerTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "420",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "148",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Briefe (1960-1963) an Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Deux lettres (1960-1963) \u00e0 Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller"
-	},
-	"Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael GuttenbrunnerTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "421",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "149",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Telegramm vom 30. November 1960 an Michael Guttenbrunner",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Telegramme du 30 Novembre 1960 \u00e0 Michael Guttenbrunner)"
-	},
-	"Ein Brief aus einem DramaHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "422",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "150",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein Brief aus einem Drama",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00e9cits (Une lettre tir\u00e9e d'un drame"
-	},
-	"Ein Fr\u00fchlingHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "423",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "151",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un printemps"
-	},
-	"Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcgerHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "424",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "152",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un imposteur \u00e0 la campagne"
-	},
-	"Als Verwalter im AsylHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "425",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "153",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Als Verwalter im Asyl",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En tant qu'administrateur de l'asile"
-	},
-	"Die Frau aus Gu\u00dfwerkTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "426",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "154",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Frau aus Gu\u00dfwerk",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La femme de la fonderie et l'homme avec le sac \u00e0 dos2)"
-	},
-	"Brief an Claus Peymann, 02.12.1986Mirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "427",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "155",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Brief an Claus Peymann, 02.12.1986",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "96",
-				"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "1056937912"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Claus Peymann"
-	},
-	"In RomH\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "428",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "156",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Rom",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "104",
-				"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
-				"gnd": "1152034472"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c0 Rome"
-	},
-	"Erkl\u00e4rungTautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "429",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "157",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Erkl\u00e4rung",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "121",
-				"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
-				"gnd": "131565587X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00e9claration"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld (Ausz\u00fcge)Hornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "430",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "158",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Thomas Bernhard und Siegfried Unseld (Ausz\u00fcge)",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correspondance. Extraits. Thomas Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld"
-	},
-	"UnseldHornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "431",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "159",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Unseld",
-			"category": ["poetry", "letters, speeches, interviews", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "122",
-				"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
-				"gnd": "109855019"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Unseld"
-	},
-	"Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauerLenormand, Herv\u00e9+W\u00f6gerbauer, Werner": {
-		"id": "432",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "160",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Leute, die ein Gespr\u00e4ch f\u00fchren wollen, sind mir verd\u00e4chtig. Interview mit Werner W\u00f6gerbauer",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "124",
-				"name": "W\u00f6gerbauer, Werner",
-				"gnd": "130301078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Werner W\u00f6gerbauer: Conversation avec Thomas Bernhard"
-	},
-	"Brief an Christoph von SchwerinJoachim, Fran\u00e7ois": {
-		"id": "433",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "161",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Brief an Christoph von Schwerin",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "125",
-				"name": "Joachim, Fran\u00e7ois",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Christoph von Schwerin"
-	},
-	"Politische MorgenandachtLenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "434",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "162",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Politische Morgenandacht",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lettres \u00e0 la presse (L'Europe"
-	},
-	"Schriftstellerberuf heute. Die Kom\u00f6die der EitelkeitLenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "435",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "163",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Schriftstellerberuf heute. Die Kom\u00f6die der Eitelkeit",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Elias Canetti"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard: Ein Brief an die ZEITLenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "436",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "164",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Thomas Bernhard: Ein Brief an die ZEIT",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bruno Kreisky"
-	},
-	"Bernhards Pl\u00e4doyer. Zur Wiener Gerichtsverhandlung \u201eHolzf\u00e4llen\u201c betreffendLenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "437",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "165",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Bernhards Pl\u00e4doyer. Zur Wiener Gerichtsverhandlung \u201eHolzf\u00e4llen\u201c betreffend",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Litt\u00e9rature et justice"
-	},
-	"Vranitzky. Eine ErwiderungLenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "438",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "166",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Vranitzky. Eine Erwiderung",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Franz Vranitzky"
-	},
-	"\u201eSehr geehrter Herr Dr. Temnitschka \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 27.3.1986Lenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "439",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "167",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "\u201eSehr geehrter Herr Dr. Temnitschka \u2026\u201c. Brief vom 27.3.1986",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'Assembl\u00e9e de auteurs \u00e0 Graz"
-	},
-	"\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c. (= Schriftliche Stellungnahme am 4.4.1986 f\u00fcr Zeit im Bild, ORF)Lenormand, Herv\u00e9": {
-		"id": "440",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "168",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "\u201eMein Beitrag zur Eind\u00e4mmung der Professoreninflation \u2026\u201c. (= Schriftliche Stellungnahme am 4.4.1986 f\u00fcr Zeit im Bild, ORF)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "123",
-				"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le titre de professeur"
-	},
-	"Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)Mannoni, Olivier": {
-		"id": "441",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "169",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Bernhard gegen Europalia. Kein Gastspiel des \u201eTheatermachers\u201c in Br\u00fcssel?)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "126",
-				"name": "Mannoni, Olivier",
-				"gnd": "136813089"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La bureaucratie culturelle autrichienne)"
-	},
-	"Die Billigesser (Auszug)Lambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "442",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "170",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Billigesser (Auszug)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "97",
-				"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
-				"gnd": "127140581"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ceux de la cantine"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard an die Redaktion des Watzmann, 1.4.198Mannoni, Olivier": {
-		"id": "443",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "171",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Thomas Bernhard an die Redaktion des Watzmann, 1.4.198",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "126",
-				"name": "Mannoni, Olivier",
-				"gnd": "136813089"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u00e0 la r\u00e9daction du Watzmann 5020 Salzburg"
-	},
-	"die rosen der ein\u00f6deStephan, Claudia": {
-		"id": "444",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "172",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "die rosen der ein\u00f6de",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti", "novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_084"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "127",
-				"name": "Stephan, Claudia",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Les Roses du d\u00e9sert"
-	},
-	"VerfolgungswahnPorcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "445",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "147",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Verfolgungswahn",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "100",
-				"name": "Porcell, Claude",
-				"gnd": "114277966"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Manie de pers\u00e9cution"
-	},
-	"Warum f\u00fcrchte ich mein AlternLefebvre, Jean-Pierre": {
-		"id": "446",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "174",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Warum f\u00fcrchte ich mein Altern",
-			"category": [],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_088"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "129",
-				"name": "Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre",
-				"gnd": "121462609"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pourquoi ai-je peur de vieillir"
-	},
-	"???Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre": {
-		"id": "447",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "175",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "???",
-			"category": [],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_088"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "129",
-				"name": "Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre",
-				"gnd": "121462609"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La mort et le temps"
-	},
-	"Im Garten der MutterLefebvre, Jean-Pierre": {
-		"id": "448",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "176",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Im Garten der Mutter",
-			"category": [],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "fra_088"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "129",
-				"name": "Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre",
-				"gnd": "121462609"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dans le jardin de ma m\u00e8re"
-	},
-	"Am ZielBecerra de Becerre\u00e1, Afonso": {
-		"id": "449",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "130",
-				"name": "Becerra de Becerre\u00e1, Afonso",
-				"gnd": "1033609943"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na meta"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherL\u00f3pez Pato, Catuxa": {
-		"id": "450",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "132",
-				"name": "L\u00f3pez Pato, Catuxa",
-				"gnd": "1046629735"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O facedor de teatro"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherMiriana\u0161vili, Maia": {
-		"id": "451",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "133",
-				"name": "Miriana\u0161vili, Maia",
-				"gnd": "133964981"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10dd\u10e0\u10d8 \u10d0\u10e6\u10db\u10d6\u10e0\u10d3\u10d4\u10da\u10d8"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeMiriana\u0161vili, Maia": {
-		"id": "452",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "133",
-				"name": "Miriana\u0161vili, Maia",
-				"gnd": "133964981"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10e5\u10e3\u00ad\u10d3\u10d8"
-	},
-	"Der KellerMiriana\u0161vili, Maia": {
-		"id": "453",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "133",
-				"name": "Miriana\u0161vili, Maia",
-				"gnd": "133964981"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10e1\u10d0\u10e0\u10d3\u10d0\u10e4\u10d8"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherP\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia": {
-		"id": "454",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "134",
-				"name": "P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia",
-				"gnd": "1160330182"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10d3\u10d0\u10e6\u10db\u10d0\u10db\u10d0\u10d5\u10d0\u10da\u10d8"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenP\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia": {
-		"id": "455",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "134",
-				"name": "P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia",
-				"gnd": "1160330182"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10e2\u10e7\u10d8\u10e1 \u10e9\u10d4\u10ee\u10d0"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherP\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia": {
-		"id": "456",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "134",
-				"name": "P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia",
-				"gnd": "1160330182"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10e1\u10d0\u10dc\u10d0\u10ee\u10d0\u10dd\u10d1\u10d8\u10e1 \u10db\u10dd\u10db\u10ec\u10e7\u10dd\u10d1\u10d8"
-	},
-	"An der Baumgrenze? Der Italiener?Datuaschwili, Natia": {
-		"id": "457",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "177",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze? Der Italiener?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "geo_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "135",
-				"name": "Datuaschwili, Natia",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "???"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieP\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia": {
-		"id": "458",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "134",
-				"name": "P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia",
-				"gnd": "1160330182"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u10eb\u10d5\u10d4\u10da\u10d8 \u10dd\u10e1\u10e2\u10d0\u10e2\u10d4\u10d1\u10d8"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilKentrotis, Georgios": {
-		"id": "459",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "136",
-				"name": "Kentrotis, Georgios",
-				"gnd": "137598556"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a7\u0391\u0399\u03a1\u0395 \u0392\u0399\u03a1\u0393\u0399\u039b\u0399\u0395"
-	},
-	"BetonIsar\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "460",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "137",
-				"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
-				"gnd": "133548910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039c\u03c0\u03b5\u03c4\u03cc\u03bd"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantPerlegkas, Yannos": {
-		"id": "461",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "138",
-				"name": "Perlegkas, Yannos",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0399\u03bc\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5\u03ad\u03bb \u039a\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeDepastas, Giorgos": {
-		"id": "462",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "140",
-				"name": "Depastas, Giorgos",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f \u0391\u03b4\u03b1\u03ae\u03c2 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf \u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03c6\u03c1\u03c9\u03bd"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "463",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd\u03bf\u03c6\u03b1\u03b3\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossMatziri, Sotiria+Vogiatzis, Lefteris": {
-		"id": "464",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "143",
-				"name": "Matziri, Sotiria",
-				"gnd": null
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "146",
-				"name": "Vogiatzis, Lefteris",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a1\u03af\u03c4\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1, \u039d\u03c4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5, \u03a6\u03bf\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeVarsou, Dimitri": {
-		"id": "465",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "145",
-				"name": "Varsou, Dimitri",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c8\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0392\u03af\u03c4\u03b3\u03ba\u03b5\u03bd\u03c3\u03c4\u03ac\u03ca\u03bd (excerpt)"
-	},
-	"KorrekturIsar\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "466",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "137",
-				"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
-				"gnd": "133548910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0394\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7 (excerpt)"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallMastorak\u0113, Tzen\u0113": {
-		"id": "467",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "142",
-				"name": "Mastorak\u0113, Tzen\u0113",
-				"gnd": "129471550"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0397 \u03b5\u03be\u03ac\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03c8\u03b7 (excerpt)"
-	},
-	"Monologe auf MallorcaTselentis, Dionysis": {
-		"id": "468",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "129",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "144",
-				"name": "Tselentis, Dionysis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u039c\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03ba\u03b1"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossDepastas, Giorgos": {
-		"id": "469",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "140",
-				"name": "Depastas, Giorgos",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a1\u03af\u03c4\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1, \u039d\u03c4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5, \u03a6\u03bf\u03c2"
-	},
-	"GehenGkenkopulu, Maria": {
-		"id": "470",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "148",
-				"name": "Gkenkopulu, Maria",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0392\u03b1\u03b4\u03af\u03b6\u03bf\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03c2"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzTsalis, Vasilis": {
-		"id": "471",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "147",
-				"name": "Tsalis, Vasilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a0\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1 \u0397\u03c1\u03ce\u03c9\u03bd"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzMoskovou, Spyros": {
-		"id": "472",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "149",
-				"name": "Moskovou, Spyros",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a4\u03b1 \u03b2\u03c1\u03b1\u03b2\u03b5\u03af\u03b1 \u03bc\u03bf\u03c5"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorIsar\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "473",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "137",
-				"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
-				"gnd": "133548910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f \u039c\u03af\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2 \u03c4\u03c9\u03bd \u03c6\u03c9\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd. 104 \u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03b5\u03c2"
-	},
-	"EreignisseKypri\u014dt\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "474",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "150",
-				"name": "Kypri\u014dt\u0113s, Alexandros",
-				"gnd": "12915170X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0393\u03b5\u03b3\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "475",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b9\u03bf\u03af \u03b4\u03ac\u03c3\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03b9. \u039a\u03c9\u03bc\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "476",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0391\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2. M\u03b9\u03b1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c1\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "477",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039e\u03cd\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7. \u0388\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2 \u03b5\u03c1\u03b5\u03b8\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
-	},
-	"KorrekturTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "478",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0394\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "479",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03b7\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "480",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u0399\u03a4\u0399\u0391.  \u0388\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2 \u03c5\u03c0\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Der KellerTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "481",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a4\u039f \u03a5\u03a0\u039f\u0393\u0395\u0399\u039f. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "482",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u039d\u0391\u03a3\u0391. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03cc\u03c6\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "483",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a4\u039f \u039a\u03a1\u03a5\u039f. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03bc\u03cc\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"Ein KindTomanas, Vassilis": {
-		"id": "484",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "141",
-				"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0395\u039d\u0391 \u03a0\u0391\u0399\u0394\u0399"
-	},
-	"Gedichte 1952-1957Diamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "485",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "109",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gedichte 1952-1957",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ae\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 1952-1957"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "486",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b7 \u03b3\u03b7 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "487",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b7 \u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b1 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03b8\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "488",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039a\u03ac\u03c4\u03c9 \u03b1\u03c0\u03cc \u03c4\u03bf \u03c3\u03af\u03b4\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03ba\u00f2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03c6\u03b5\u03b3\u03b3\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03cd"
-	},
-	"PsalmDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "489",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "110",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Psalm",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a8\u03b1\u03bb\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlingeDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "490",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "111",
-			"gnd": "1203737297",
-			"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1962,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03af \u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c5\u03bb\u03b1\u03ba\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03b9"
-	},
-	"Gedichte 1959-196Diamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "491",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "113",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gedichte 1959-196",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ae\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 1959-1963"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilDiamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "492",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Vergil"
-	},
-	"Frost (Version C)Diamantopoulou, Ioanna": {
-		"id": "493",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "178",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Frost (Version C)",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "gri_028"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "151",
-				"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Frost. \u03a4\u03c1\u03af\u03c4\u03b7 \u03ad\u03ba\u03b4\u03bf\u03c7\u03ae"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererSarikas, Zissis": {
-		"id": "494",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "153",
-				"name": "Sarikas, Zissis",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c1\u03c6\u03c9\u03c4\u03ae\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03ba\u03cc\u03c3\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkKoperti, Iakovos": {
-		"id": "495",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "154",
-				"name": "Koperti, Iakovos",
-				"gnd": "120990261"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a4\u03bf \u03b1\u03c3\u03b2\u03b5\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03bf"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas BernhardLoupasakis, Theodoros": {
-		"id": "496",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "118",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_096"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "155",
-				"name": "Loupasakis, Theodoros",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5 \u03bc\u03b9\u03bb\u03b5\u03c1 \u03c3\u03c5\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b9\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9 \u03bc\u03b5 \u03c4\u03bf\u03bd T\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c2 M\u03b7\u03b5\u03c1\u03bd\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03bd\u03c4\u03af\u03c4"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)Loupasakis, Theodoros": {
-		"id": "497",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "179",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "gri_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "155",
-				"name": "Loupasakis, Theodoros",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a4\u03bf \u03b8\u03ad\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf \u03c9\u03c2 \u03ad\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7 \u03c4\u03b5\u03bb\u00b5\u03b1\u03c4\u03cc\u03b8\u03b9\u03c9\u03bd"
-	},
-	"Monologe auf MallorcaLoupasakis, Theodoros": {
-		"id": "498",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "129",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "155",
-				"name": "Loupasakis, Theodoros",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u039c\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03ba\u03b1"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungPsaltou, Katharina": {
-		"id": "499",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "156",
-				"name": "Psaltou, Katharina",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u039d\u0391\u03a3\u0391"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitVelentzas, Seraphim": {
-		"id": "500",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "157",
-				"name": "Velentzas, Seraphim",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0397 \u03b4\u03cd\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03b7 \u03c4\u03b7\u03c2 \u03c3\u03c5\u03bd\u03ae\u03b8\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Am ZielMarkar\u0113s, Petros": {
-		"id": "501",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "158",
-				"name": "Markar\u0113s, Petros",
-				"gnd": "121868338"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd \u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandPoulantzas, Vasilis": {
-		"id": "502",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "159",
-				"name": "Poulantzas, Vasilis",
-				"gnd": "Q60733190"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u03a0\u03c1\u03b9\u03bd \u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03ba\u03c9\u03bc\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1 \u03c4\u03b7\u03c2 \u03b3\u03b5\u03c1\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2 \u03c8\u03c5\u03c7\u03ae\u03c2"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMirs\u1e33i, Nili": {
-		"id": "503",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "160",
-				"name": "Mirs\u1e33i, Nili",
-				"gnd": "1114402494"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d0\u05d7\u05d9\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d5\u05d9\u05d8\u05d2\u05e0\u05e9\u05d8\u05d9\u05d9\u05df. \u05e1\u05d9\u05e4\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d9\u05d3\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitMilstein, Avishai": {
-		"id": "504",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "161",
-				"name": "Milstein, Avishai",
-				"gnd": "124219553X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05db\u05d5\u05d7\u05d5 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d4\u05e8\u05d2\u05dc"
-	},
-	"BetonBen-Ari, Nitza": {
-		"id": "505",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "162",
-				"name": "Ben-Ari, Nitza",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d1\u05d8\u05d5\u05df"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzKarmel, Avraham": {
-		"id": "506",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "163",
-				"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
-				"gnd": "1114408301"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05dc\u05d3\u05e0\u05e4\u05dc\u05d0\u05e5"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandKarmel, Avraham": {
-		"id": "507",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "163",
-				"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
-				"gnd": "1114408301"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e4\u05e8\u05d9\u05e9\u05d4 \u05dc\u05d2\u05d9\u05de\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05ea"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallKarmel, Avraham": {
-		"id": "508",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "163",
-				"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
-				"gnd": "1114408301"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05de\u05d7\u05d9\u05e7\u05d4. \u05d4\u05ea\u05e4\u05d5\u05e8\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea"
-	},
-	"Ein KindBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "509",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d9\u05dc\u05d3"
-	},
-	"Der KellerBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "510",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05de\u05e8\u05ea\u05e3. \u05d4\u05d9\u05de\u05dc\u05d8\u05d5\u05ea"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheShargal, Judith": {
-		"id": "511",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "165",
-				"name": "Shargal, Judith",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05e1\u05d9\u05d1\u05d4. \u05e8\u05de\u05d6"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "512",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1\u05e2"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungShargal, Judith": {
-		"id": "513",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "165",
-				"name": "Shargal, Judith",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05e0\u05e9\u05d9\u05de\u05d4. \u05d4\u05d7\u05dc\u05d8\u05d4"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "514",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05d4\u05e7\u05d5\u05e8. \u05d1\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05d3"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "515",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05de\u05d9\u05d9\u05e1\u05d8\u05e8\u05d9\u05dd \u05d3\u05d2\u05d5\u05dc\u05d9\u05dd. \u05e7\u05d5\u05de\u05d3\u05d9\u05d4"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenBar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "516",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "164",
-				"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
-				"gnd": "137916272"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05dc\u05d7\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1 \u05e2\u05e6\u05d9\u05dd. \u05e1\u05e2\u05e8\u05ea \u05e8\u05d5\u05d7"
-	},
-	"Ja\u1e32onas, \u1e6cali": {
-		"id": "517",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "166",
-				"name": "\u1e32onas, \u1e6cali",
-				"gnd": "1031842128"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05db\u05df"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossMilstein, Avishai": {
-		"id": "518",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "161",
-				"name": "Milstein, Avishai",
-				"gnd": "124219553X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u05e8\u05d9\u05d8\u05e8, \u05d3\u05d9\u05d9\u05e0\u05d4, \u05e4\u05d5\u05e1"
-	},
-	"MinettiG\u0151rgey, G\u00e1bor": {
-		"id": "519",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "167",
-				"name": "G\u0151rgey, G\u00e1bor",
-				"gnd": "103313311"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. A m\u0171v\u00e9sz arck\u00e9pe \u00f6regember kor\u00e1bol"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorToronyi, Attila": {
-		"id": "520",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "168",
-				"name": "Toronyi, Attila",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A hangut\u00e1nz\u00f3 m\u0171v\u00e9sz tan\u00edt\u00e1sai (Pisa \u00e9s velence / Sima jegy / Sz\u00e9p kil\u00e1t\u00e1s / Moosprugger t\u00e9ved\u00e9se / \u00c1ll\u00edtas / Mim\u00f3z\u00e1k / Hamis hang / Igaz szerelem / \u0150r\u00fclet)"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzTandori, Dezs\u0151": {
-		"id": "521",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "169",
-				"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-				"gnd": "119101580"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"FrostTandori, Dezs\u0151": {
-		"id": "522",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "169",
-				"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-				"gnd": "119101580"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Fagy"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkTandori, Dezs\u0151": {
-		"id": "523",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "169",
-				"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-				"gnd": "119101580"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A m\u00e9sz\u00e9get\u0151"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "524",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein unoka\u00f6ccse"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherR\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor": {
-		"id": "525",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "171",
-				"name": "R\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A menthetetlen"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "526",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Irt\u00e1s. Indulatm\u0171"
-	},
-	"BetonHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "527",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"KorrekturHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "528",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Korrekt\u00fara"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "529",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00e9gi mesterek. Kom\u00e9dia"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisKukorelly, Endre": {
-		"id": "530",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "172",
-				"name": "Kukorelly, Endre",
-				"gnd": "120234556"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "531",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Megzavarod\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallHaj\u00f3s, Gabriella": {
-		"id": "532",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "170",
-				"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kiolt\u00e1s. Boml\u00e1sreg\u00e9ny"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "533",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00edjaim"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "534",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Magasban. Ment\u00e9sk\u00eds\u00e9rlet, badars\u00e1g"
-	},
-	"AmrasAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "535",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "536",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az olasz f\u00e9rfi"
-	},
-	"Der KultererAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "537",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "538",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland Stilfsben"
-	},
-	"WattenGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "539",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Als\u00f3z\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "540",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az erd\u0151hat\u00e1ron"
-	},
-	"UngenachGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "541",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "542",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A k\u00f6rgall\u00e9r"
-	},
-	"JaHalasi, Zolt\u00e1n": {
-		"id": "543",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "175",
-				"name": "Halasi, Zolt\u00e1n",
-				"gnd": "115418989"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Igen"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "544",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A f\u00f6ld\u00f6n \u00e9s a pokolban"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "545",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "546",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A hold kardja alatt"
-	},
-	"PsalmErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "547",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "110",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Psalm",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az \u0151r\u00fcltek A fegyencek"
-	},
-	"Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlingeErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "548",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "111",
-			"gnd": "1203737297",
-			"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1962,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Vergilius"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "549",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "F\u00fcggel\u00e9k"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "550",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A tudatlan \u00e9s az \u0151r\u00fclt"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitTandori, Dezs\u0151": {
-		"id": "551",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "169",
-				"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
-				"gnd": "119101580"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A szok\u00e1s hatalma"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "552",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A sz\u00ednh\u00e1zcsin\u00e1l\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossGy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "553",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "174",
-				"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
-				"gnd": "113410824"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "554",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"Am ZielErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "555",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A c\u00e9ln\u00e1l"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "556",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egyszer\u0171en komplik\u00e1lt"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "557",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"GehenR\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor": {
-		"id": "558",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "171",
-				"name": "R\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "J\u00e1r\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"EreignisseAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "559",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "560",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A hangimit\u00e1tor"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "561",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00e9t nevel\u0151"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "562",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A sapka"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Adamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "563",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kom\u00e9dia? Trag\u00e9dia?"
-	},
-	"JauerggAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "564",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "565",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A francia attas\u00e9"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "566",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy innsbrucki keresked\u0151fi\u00fa b\u0171ne"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "567",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az \u00e1cs"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "568",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": " Az erd\u0151hat\u00e1ron"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "569",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az angol f\u00e9rfi"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "570",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az Ortleren"
-	},
-	"Ein Fr\u00fchlingAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "571",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "151",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein Fr\u00fchling",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tavasz"
-	},
-	"Eine ZeugenaussageAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "572",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "101",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Zeugenaussage",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_035"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tan\u00favallom\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"Ein junger SchriftstellerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "573",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "128",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A fiatal \u00edr\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "574",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "180",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "F\u00e9ln\u00f3t\u00e1s Viktor"
-	},
-	"BeruhigungAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "575",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "181",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Beruhigung",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Megnyugv\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcgerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "576",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "152",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein l\u00e4ndlicher Betr\u00fcger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy vid\u00e9ki csal\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Als Verwalter im AsylAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "577",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "153",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Als Verwalter im Asyl",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "fra_083"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A menhelyi gondnok"
-	},
-	"Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem RucksackAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "578",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "182",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Frau aus dem Gu\u00dfwerk und der Mann mit dem Rucksack",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A n\u0151 az \u00f6nt\u0151d\u00e9b\u0151l meg a h\u00e1tizs\u00e1kos f\u00e9rfi"
-	},
-	"EbeneAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "579",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "183",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ebene",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "S\u00edks\u00e1g"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "580",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "81",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe megh\u00f3"
-	},
-	"MontaigneAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "581",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "582",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Viszontl\u00e1t\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "583",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L\u00e1ngok martal\u00e9ka lett)"
-	},
-	"Das rote LichtAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "584",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "85",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das rote Licht",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A v\u00f6r\u00f6s f\u00e9ny"
-	},
-	"Die SiedlerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "585",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "86",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Siedler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A telepesek"
-	},
-	"Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen StadtAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "586",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "87",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von einem Nachmittag in einer gro\u00dfen Stadt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00e9lut\u00e1n a nagyv\u00e1rosban"
-	},
-	"Von sieben Tannen und vom SchneeAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "587",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "184",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A h\u00e9t feny\u0151f\u00e1r\u00f3l \u00e9s a h\u00f3r\u00f3l"
-	},
-	"Die verr\u00fcckte MagdalenaAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "588",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "89",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bolond Magdal\u00e9na"
-	},
-	"Das Verm\u00e4chtnisAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "589",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "185",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verm\u00e4chtnis",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A hagyat\u00e9k"
-	},
-	"Das Armenhaus von St. LaurinAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "590",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "91",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Armenhaus von St. Laurin",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Szent L\u0151rinc szeg\u00e9nyh\u00e1z"
-	},
-	"Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher HungerAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "591",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "92",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nagy, felfoghatatlan \u00e9hs\u00e9g"
-	},
-	"Wintertag im HochgebirgeAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "592",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "93",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wintertag im Hochgebirge",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "T\u00e9li nap a magashegys\u00e9gben"
-	},
-	"Der Untergang des AbendlandesAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "593",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "94",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Untergang des Abendlandes",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Alkonyf\u00f6ld pusztul\u00e1sa"
-	},
-	"Die Landschaft der MutterAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "594",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "95",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Landschaft der Mutter",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az anyai t\u00e1j"
-	},
-	"Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens AugustAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "595",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "96",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein \u00e4lterer Mann namens August",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az \u00f6reg\u00far, akit Augustnak h\u00edvtak"
-	},
-	"Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehenAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "596",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "97",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Von einem, der auszog die Welt zu sehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az ember, aki elindult vil\u00e1got l\u00e1tni"
-	},
-	"Der Schweineh\u00fcterAdamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "597",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "98",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Schweineh\u00fcter",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "173",
-				"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
-				"gnd": "120290863"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A diszn\u00f3p\u00e1sztor"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "598",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A hangimit\u00e1tor"
-	},
-	"EreignisseErd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos": {
-		"id": "599",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "176",
-				"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
-				"gnd": "Q124815409"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheEmber, M\u00e1ria": {
-		"id": "600",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "177",
-				"name": "Ember, M\u00e1ria",
-				"gnd": "119379848"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy okkal t\u00f6bb. K\u00f6zel\u00edt\u00e9si k\u00eds\u00e9rlet"
-	},
-	"Der KellerTolm\u00e1r, Tam\u00e1s": {
-		"id": "601",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "178",
-				"name": "Tolm\u00e1r, Tam\u00e1s",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy h\u00e1traarc. (A pince)"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungL\u0151rinczy, Attila": {
-		"id": "602",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "179",
-				"name": "L\u0151rinczy, Attila",
-				"gnd": "1035422026"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nagy leveg\u0151. (Egy d\u00f6nt\u00e9s)"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteL\u0151rinczy, Attila": {
-		"id": "603",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "179",
-				"name": "L\u0151rinczy, Attila",
-				"gnd": "1035422026"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edt\u00e9s. (A hideg)"
-	},
-	"Ein KindTeglasy, Gergely": {
-		"id": "604",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "180",
-				"name": "Teglasy, Gergely",
-				"gnd": "1070048836"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy gyerek megindul"
-	},
-	"Ein KindSarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta": {
-		"id": "605",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "181",
-				"name": "Sarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta",
-				"gnd": "142048941"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Egy gyerek"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheSarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta": {
-		"id": "606",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "181",
-				"name": "Sarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta",
-				"gnd": "142048941"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Az ok. R\u00e1vil\u00e1g\u00edt\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"Der KellerSzijj, Ferenc": {
-		"id": "607",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "182",
-				"name": "Szijj, Ferenc",
-				"gnd": "103304207"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A pince. Kivonu\u00e1s"
-	},
-	"BetonSveinsson, Hj\u00e1lmar": {
-		"id": "608",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "183",
-				"name": "Sveinsson, Hj\u00e1lmar",
-				"gnd": "1032752440"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Steinsteypa"
-	},
-	"Wahnsinn\u00d3skarssonar, \u00d3skars \u00c1rna": {
-		"id": "609",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "186",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wahnsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "isl_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "184",
-				"name": "\u00d3skarssonar, \u00d3skars \u00c1rna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Brj\u00e1l\u00e6\u00f0i"
-	},
-	"Die Magd\u00d3skarssonar, \u00d3skars \u00c1rna": {
-		"id": "610",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "187",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die Magd",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "isl_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "184",
-				"name": "\u00d3skarssonar, \u00d3skars \u00c1rna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Fj\u00f3sakonan"
-	},
-	"Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter HammGut Bozzetti, Elsbeth": {
-		"id": "611",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "188",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter Hamm",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "ita_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "185",
-				"name": "Gut Bozzetti, Elsbeth",
-				"gnd": "1019346833"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Una conversazione notturna"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "612",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann lascia Bochum trasferendosi a Vienna come direttore del Burgtheater"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "613",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann compra un paio di pantaloni e viene a mangiare con me"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "614",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymanne Hermann Beil sulla Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"FreispruchNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "615",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Assoluzione"
-	},
-	"EisNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "616",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gelati"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "617",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "618",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tutto o niente"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischArioso, Enrico": {
-		"id": "619",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "187",
-				"name": "Arioso, Enrico",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzZorzi, Rolando": {
-		"id": "620",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "188",
-				"name": "Zorzi, Rolando",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Piazza degli eroi"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherColorni, Renata": {
-		"id": "621",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "189",
-				"name": "Colorni, Renata",
-				"gnd": "112839223"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il soccombente"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleApostolo, Stefano": {
-		"id": "622",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "190",
-				"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
-				"gnd": "1211209792"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sulla terra e all'inferno"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesThabet, Samir": {
-		"id": "623",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "191",
-				"name": "Thabet, Samir",
-				"gnd": "1141391872"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sotto il ferro della luna"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilCarpi, Anna Maria": {
-		"id": "624",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "192",
-				"name": "Carpi, Anna Maria",
-				"gnd": "123134382"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Virgilio"
-	},
-	"JaGroff, Claudio": {
-		"id": "625",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "193",
-				"name": "Groff, Claudio",
-				"gnd": "112858953"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ja"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "626",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In alto. Tentativo di salvezza, nonsenso"
-	},
-	"Der KultererGini, Enza": {
-		"id": "627",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "195",
-				"name": "Gini, Enza",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerGini, Enza": {
-		"id": "628",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "195",
-				"name": "Gini, Enza",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'Italiano"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeGini, Enza": {
-		"id": "629",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "195",
-				"name": "Gini, Enza",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Al limite boschivo"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardNiccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "630",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "186",
-				"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Conversazioni di Thomas Bernhard. A cura di Kurt Hofmann"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "631",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Una festa per Boris"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "632",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La forza dell' abitudine"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "633",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il riformatore del mondo"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas BernhardMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "634",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "118",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_096"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un colloquio con Thomas Bernhard a cura di Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftChiusano, Italo Alighiero": {
-		"id": "635",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "199",
-				"name": "Chiusano, Italo Alighiero",
-				"gnd": "11936462X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La brigata d e i cacciatori"
-	},
-	"MinettiGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "636",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"Am ZielBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "637",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Alla meta"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "638",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'apparenza inganna"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "639",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "640",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Semplicemente complicato"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "641",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'ignorante e il folle"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "642",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandMenin, Roberto": {
-		"id": "643",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "197",
-				"name": "Menin, Roberto",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Prima della pensione"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "644",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il Presidente"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "645",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il teatrante"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "646",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Elisabetta II"
-	},
-	"Die Ber\u00fchmtenGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "647",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "16",
-			"gnd": "1162284560",
-			"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Le celebrit\u00e0"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "648",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Su tutte le vette \u00e8 pace"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "649",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Piazza degli Eroi"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "650",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
-	},
-	"A DodaGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "651",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "37",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "A Doda",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un morto"
-	},
-	"MaiandachtGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "652",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "38",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Maiandacht",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Funzione di maggio"
-	},
-	"EisGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "653",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gelati"
-	},
-	"FreispruchGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "654",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Assoluzione"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "655",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tutto o niente"
-	},
-	"MatchGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "656",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "39",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Match",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Match"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "657",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann lascia Bochum e si trasferisce a Vienna a direttore del Burgtheater"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "658",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "45",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann si compra un paio di pantaloni e viene a mangiare con me"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseGardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "659",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "200",
-				"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
-				"gnd": "1272177750"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann e Hermann Beil sulla Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"KorrekturAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "660",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correzione"
-	},
-	"FrostOlivetti, Magda": {
-		"id": "661",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "201",
-				"name": "Olivetti, Magda",
-				"gnd": "137595050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gelo"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkOlivetti, Magda": {
-		"id": "662",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "201",
-				"name": "Olivetti, Magda",
-				"gnd": "137595050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La fornace"
-	},
-	"UngenachBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "663",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"AmrasOlivetti, Magda": {
-		"id": "664",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "201",
-				"name": "Olivetti, Magda",
-				"gnd": "137595050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"WattenOlivetti, Magda": {
-		"id": "665",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "201",
-				"name": "Olivetti, Magda",
-				"gnd": "137595050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La partita a carte"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisReitani, Luigi": {
-		"id": "666",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "202",
-				"name": "Reitani, Luigi",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista FleischmannRovagnati, Alessandra": {
-		"id": "667",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "124",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "fra_037"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "203",
-				"name": "Rovagnati, Alessandra",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard: Un incontro. Conversazioni con Krista Fleischmann"
-	},
-	"BetonGroff, Claudio": {
-		"id": "668",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "193",
-				"name": "Groff, Claudio",
-				"gnd": "112858953"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Cemento"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossReitani, Luigi": {
-		"id": "669",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "202",
-				"name": "Reitani, Luigi",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"EreignisseReitani, Luigi": {
-		"id": "670",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "202",
-				"name": "Reitani, Luigi",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Eventi"
-	},
-	"Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende (\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)Reitani, Luigi": {
-		"id": "671",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "133",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende (\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "fra_077"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "202",
-				"name": "Reitani, Luigi",
-				"gnd": "115452141"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Discorso in occasione del conferimento del Premio di Stato austriaco per la letterature, 1968"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallLavagetto, Andreina": {
-		"id": "672",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "204",
-				"name": "Lavagetto, Andreina",
-				"gnd": "1173331999"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Estinzione. Uno sfacelo"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "673",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Perturbamento"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeColorni, Renata": {
-		"id": "674",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "189",
-				"name": "Colorni, Renata",
-				"gnd": "112839223"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il nipote di Wittgenstein. Un' amicizia"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieRuchat, Anna": {
-		"id": "675",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "205",
-				"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
-				"gnd": "111625785"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Antichi maestri. Commedia"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "676",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "I mangia a poco"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenColorni, Renata": {
-		"id": "677",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "189",
-				"name": "Colorni, Renata",
-				"gnd": "112839223"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A colpi d'ascia. Una irritazione"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "678",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'imitatore di voci"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzCiancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna": {
-		"id": "679",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "207",
-				"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
-				"gnd": "123634601"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "I miei premi"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtCiancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna": {
-		"id": "680",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "207",
-				"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
-				"gnd": "123634601"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe muore"
-	},
-	"MontaigneCiancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna": {
-		"id": "681",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "207",
-				"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
-				"gnd": "123634601"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenCiancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna": {
-		"id": "682",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "207",
-				"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
-				"gnd": "123634601"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Incontro"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenCiancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna": {
-		"id": "683",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "207",
-				"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
-				"gnd": "123634601"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Andata a fuoco"
-	},
-	"GehenAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "684",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Camminare"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "685",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland a Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "686",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il mantello di Loden"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerAgabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "687",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "194",
-				"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
-				"gnd": "132354330"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sull'Ortles"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheGandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "688",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "196",
-				"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
-				"gnd": "114324247"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'origine. Un accenno"
-	},
-	"Der KellerBernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "689",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "198",
-				"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
-				"gnd": "1017918821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La cantina. Una via di scampo"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungRuchat, Anna": {
-		"id": "690",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "205",
-				"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
-				"gnd": "111625785"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il respiro. Una decisione"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteRuchat, Anna": {
-		"id": "691",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "205",
-				"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
-				"gnd": "111625785"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Il freddo. Una segragazione"
-	},
-	"Ein KindColorni, Renata": {
-		"id": "692",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "189",
-				"name": "Colorni, Renata",
-				"gnd": "112839223"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un bambino"
-	},
-	"PsalmApostolo, Stefano": {
-		"id": "693",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "110",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Psalm",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "190",
-				"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
-				"gnd": "1211209792"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Salmo"
-	},
-	"Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlingeApostolo, Stefano": {
-		"id": "694",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "111",
-			"gnd": "1203737297",
-			"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1962,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "190",
-				"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
-				"gnd": "1211209792"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "I folli I carcerati"
-	},
-	"Drei TageCalligaris, Anna": {
-		"id": "695",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "208",
-				"name": "Calligaris, Anna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tre giorni"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Ruberl, Vittoria Rovelli": {
-		"id": "696",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "209",
-				"name": "Ruberl, Vittoria Rovelli",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c8 una commedia? \u00c8 una tragedia?"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtLatini, Micaela": {
-		"id": "697",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "210",
-				"name": "Latini, Micaela",
-				"gnd": "132807114"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe \"muore\""
-	},
-	"MontaigneFiorato, Pierfrancesco": {
-		"id": "698",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "211",
-				"name": "Fiorato, Pierfrancesco",
-				"gnd": "1073275078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne. Un racconto"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherIwashita, Masayoshi": {
-		"id": "699",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "212",
-				"name": "Iwashita, Masayoshi",
-				"gnd": "114712406X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u7834\u6ec5\u8005 \u30b0\u30ec\u30f3\u30fb\u30b0\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u3092\u898b\u3064\u3081\u3066"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeIwashita, Masayoshi": {
-		"id": "700",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "212",
-				"name": "Iwashita, Masayoshi",
-				"gnd": "114712406X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30f4\u30a3\u30c8\u30b2\u30f3\u30b7\u30e5\u30bf\u30a4\u30f3\u306e\u7525"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieYamamoto, Hiroshi": {
-		"id": "701",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "213",
-				"name": "Yamamoto, Hiroshi",
-				"gnd": "139679022"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u53e4\u5178\u7d75\u753b\u306e\u5de8\u5320\u305f\u3061"
-	},
-	"AmrasHatsumi, Motoi": {
-		"id": "702",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "214",
-				"name": "Hatsumi, Motoi",
-				"gnd": "1073619796"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30a2\u30e0\u30e9\u30b9"
-	},
-	"GehenHatsumi, Motoi": {
-		"id": "703",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "214",
-				"name": "Hatsumi, Motoi",
-				"gnd": "1073619796"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6b69\u304f"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "704",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6d88\u53bb (1)"
-	},
-	"KorrekturIijima, Yutaro": {
-		"id": "705",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "215",
-				"name": "Iijima, Yutaro",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u63a8\u6572"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "706",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u79c1\u306e\u3082\u3089\u3063\u305f\u6587\u5b66\u8cde"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkMisao, Takeuchi": {
-		"id": "707",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "217",
-				"name": "Misao, Takeuchi",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u77f3\u7070\u5de5\u5834"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "708",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30d8\u30eb\u30c7\u30f3\u30d7\u30e9\u30c3\u30c4"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "709",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5ea7\u9577\u30d6\u30eb\u30b9\u30b3\u30f3"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "710",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30f4\u30a3\u30af\u30c8\u30eb\u30fb\u30cf\u30eb\u30d7\u30ca\u30eb"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "711",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4e8c\u4eba\u306e\u6559\u5e2b"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "712",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u3075\u3061\u306a\u3057\u5e3d"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Nishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "713",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u559c\u5287?\u60b2\u5287?"
-	},
-	"JauerggNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "714",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30e4\u30a6\u30ec\u30af"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "715",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30d5\u30e9\u30f3\u30b9\u5927\u4f7f\u9928\u54e1"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "716",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30a4\u30f3\u30b9\u30d6\u30eb\u30af\u306e\u5546\u4eba\u306e\u606f\u5b50\u304c\u72af\u3057\u305f\u7f6a"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "717",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5927\u5de5"
-	},
-	"Der KultererNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "718",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30af\u30eb\u30c6\u30e9\u30fc"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "719",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30a4\u30bf\u30ea\u30a2\u4eba"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeNishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "720",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "189",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "jpn_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "218",
-				"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
-				"gnd": "1147124078"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u68ee\u6797\u9650\u754c\u3067"
-	},
-	"Ein KindImai, Atsushi": {
-		"id": "721",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "219",
-				"name": "Imai, Atsushi",
-				"gnd": "122224868"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u3042\u308b\u5b50\u4f9b"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheImai, Atsushi": {
-		"id": "722",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "219",
-				"name": "Imai, Atsushi",
-				"gnd": "122224868"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u539f\u56e0. \u4e00\u3064\u306e\u793a\u5506"
-	},
-	"FrostIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "723",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u51cd\uff08\u3044\u3066\uff09"
-	},
-	"Der KellerImai, Atsushi": {
-		"id": "724",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "219",
-				"name": "Imai, Atsushi",
-				"gnd": "122224868"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u5730\u4e0b. \u3042\u308b\u9003\u4ea1"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "725",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u660f\u4e71"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenHatsumi, Motoi": {
-		"id": "726",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "214",
-				"name": "Hatsumi, Motoi",
-				"gnd": "1073619796"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u6a35\u308b. \u6fc0\u60c5"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsHiguchi, Daisuke": {
-		"id": "727",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "220",
-				"name": "Higuchi, Daisuke",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30b7\u30c6\u30a3\u30eb\u30d5\u30b9\u8fb2\u5834\u306e\u30df\u30c3\u30c9\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckHatsumi, Motoi": {
-		"id": "728",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "214",
-				"name": "Hatsumi, Motoi",
-				"gnd": "1073619796"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u96e8\u5408\u7fbd"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossIkeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "729",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "216",
-				"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
-				"gnd": "1075348315"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u30ea\u30c3\u30bf\u30fc\u3001\u30c7\u30fc\u30cd\u3001\u30d5\u30a9\u30b9"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungImai, Atsushi": {
-		"id": "730",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "219",
-				"name": "Imai, Atsushi",
-				"gnd": "122224868"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u606f. \u4e00\u3064\u306e\u6c7a\u65ad"
-	},
-	"Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchnerpreis-Rede)Kazuki, Eri": {
-		"id": "731",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "190",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchnerpreis-Rede)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "jpn_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "221",
-				"name": "Kazuki, Eri",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u4f55\u3072\u3068\u3064\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6c7a\u7740\u306f\u3064\u304b\u306a\u3044"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMurgades, Josep": {
-		"id": "732",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "222",
-				"name": "Murgades, Josep",
-				"gnd": "1050810910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El nebot de Wittgenstein. Una amistat"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeGarrigasait, Ra\u00fcl": {
-		"id": "733",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "223",
-				"name": "Garrigasait, Ra\u00fcl",
-				"gnd": "1068300116"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El nebot de Wittgenstein"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorMurgades, Josep": {
-		"id": "734",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "222",
-				"name": "Murgades, Josep",
-				"gnd": "1050810910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Historietes inexemplars (L'imitador de veus)"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "735",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'imitador de veus"
-	},
-	"Neun PsalmenFarr\u00e9s, Ramon": {
-		"id": "736",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "191",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Neun Psalmen",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "kat_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "225",
-				"name": "Farr\u00e9s, Ramon",
-				"gnd": "123509556"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nou salms"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisFarr\u00e9s, Ramon": {
-		"id": "737",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "225",
-				"name": "Farr\u00e9s, Ramon",
-				"gnd": "123509556"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"MinettiMurgades, Josep": {
-		"id": "738",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "222",
-				"name": "Murgades, Josep",
-				"gnd": "1050810910"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. Un retrat de l'artista vell"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "739",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Els meus premis"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzFormosa, Feliu": {
-		"id": "740",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "226",
-				"name": "Formosa, Feliu",
-				"gnd": "128450231"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pla\u00e7a dels Herois"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnFontcuberta i Gel, Joan": {
-		"id": "741",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "227",
-				"name": "Fontcuberta i Gel, Joan",
-				"gnd": "130132454"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A les altures. Intent de salvaci\u00f3, bestieses"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienSoler Horta, Anna": {
-		"id": "742",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "228",
-				"name": "Soler Horta, Anna",
-				"gnd": "140013458"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Peymann deixa Bochum i se'n va a Viena com a director del Burgtheater"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenSoler Horta, Anna": {
-		"id": "743",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "228",
-				"name": "Soler Horta, Anna",
-				"gnd": "140013458"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann es compra uns pantalons i despr\u00e9s anem a dinar"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseSoler Horta, Anna": {
-		"id": "744",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "228",
-				"name": "Soler Horta, Anna",
-				"gnd": "140013458"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann i Hermann Beil a la Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"BetonFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "745",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Formig\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Am ZielBou, Eugeni": {
-		"id": "746",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "229",
-				"name": "Bou, Eugeni",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A la meta"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "747",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mestres antics. Com\u00e8dia"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungRoig, N\u00faria": {
-		"id": "748",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "230",
-				"name": "Roig, N\u00faria",
-				"gnd": "1026759412"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trasbals"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherPuigtobella, Bernat": {
-		"id": "749",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "231",
-				"name": "Puigtobella, Bernat",
-				"gnd": "1056497629"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El comediant"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherFontcuberta i Gel, Joan": {
-		"id": "750",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "227",
-				"name": "Fontcuberta i Gel, Joan",
-				"gnd": "130132454"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El malaguanyat"
-	},
-	"JaFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "751",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "S\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentPuigtobella, Bernat": {
-		"id": "752",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "231",
-				"name": "Puigtobella, Bernat",
-				"gnd": "1056497629"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El President"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesFarr\u00e9s, Ramon": {
-		"id": "753",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "225",
-				"name": "Farr\u00e9s, Ramon",
-				"gnd": "123509556"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sota el ferro de la lluna"
-	},
-	"Ein KindFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "754",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un nen"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "755",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El fred"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "756",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'al\u00e8. Un decisi\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "757",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'origen"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheIba\u00f1ez, Jordi": {
-		"id": "758",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "232",
-				"name": "Iba\u00f1ez, Jordi",
-				"gnd": "1020429593"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "L'origen. Una insinuacio"
-	},
-	"Der KellerFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "759",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El soterrani"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitFormosa, Feliu": {
-		"id": "760",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "226",
-				"name": "Formosa, Feliu",
-				"gnd": "128450231"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La for\u00e7a del costum"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertSoler Horta, Anna": {
-		"id": "761",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "228",
-				"name": "Soler Horta, Anna",
-				"gnd": "140013458"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Senzillament complicat"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenFormosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "762",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "224",
-				"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
-				"gnd": "141993855"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tala. Una exaltaci\u00f3"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherBag, In won": {
-		"id": "763",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "233",
-				"name": "Bag, In won",
-				"gnd": "139005625"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubab0\ub77d\ud558\ub294 \uc790"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungYeon-sun, Kim": {
-		"id": "764",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "234",
-				"name": "Yeon-sun, Kim",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ud63c\ub780"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeSeon-a, Yun": {
-		"id": "765",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "236",
-				"name": "Seon-a, Yun",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ube44\ud2b8\uac90\uc288\ud0c0\uc778\uc758 \uc870\uce74. \uc5b4\ub5a4 \uc6b0\uc815"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeBae, Su a": {
-		"id": "766",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "237",
-				"name": "Bae, Su a",
-				"gnd": "1022100165"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ube44\ud2b8\uac90\uc288\ud0c0\uc778\uc758 \uc870\uce74. \uc5b4\ub5a4 \uc6b0\uc815"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieYeon-sun, Kim": {
-		"id": "767",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "234",
-				"name": "Yeon-sun, Kim",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc61b \uac70\uc7a5\ub4e4. \ud76c\uadf9"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "768",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ub450 \uba85\uc758 \uad50\uc0ac"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "769",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubaa8\uc790"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Kim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "770",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ud76c\uadf9\uc785\ub2c8\uae4c? \ube44\uadf9\uc785\ub2c8\uae4c?"
-	},
-	"JauerggKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "771",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc57c\uc6b0\ub808\ud06c"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "772",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ud504\ub791\uc2a4 \ub300\uc0ac\uad00 \ubb38\uc815\uad00"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "773",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc778\uc2a4\ubd80\ub974\ud06c \uc0c1\uc778 \uc544\ub4e4\uc758 \ubc94\uc8c4"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "774",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubaa9\uc218"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "775",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc288\ud2f8\ud504\uc2a4\uc758 \ubbf8\ub4e4\ub79c\ub4dc"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "776",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ube44\uc637"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerKim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "777",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "239",
-				"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc624\ub974\ud2c0\ub7ec\uc5d0\uc11c\u2015\uace0\ub9c8\uace0\uc774\uc5d0\uc11c \uc628 \uc18c\uc2dd"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitJong-yeong, Ryu": {
-		"id": "778",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "240",
-				"name": "Jong-yeong, Ryu",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc2b5\uad00\uc758 \ud798"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzJong-yeong, Ryu": {
-		"id": "779",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "240",
-				"name": "Jong-yeong, Ryu",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc601\uc6c5\uad11\uc7a5"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallEun-hui, Ryu": {
-		"id": "780",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "241",
-				"name": "Eun-hui, Ryu",
-				"gnd": "115744363"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc18c\uba78"
-	},
-	"MinettiEun-hui, Ryu": {
-		"id": "781",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "241",
-				"name": "Eun-hui, Ryu",
-				"gnd": "115744363"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubbf8\ub124\ud2f0"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheGim, Yeong ok": {
-		"id": "782",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "243",
-				"name": "Gim, Yeong ok",
-				"gnd": "172830494"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc6d0\uc778"
-	},
-	"Der KellerHwan-deok, Park": {
-		"id": "783",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "244",
-				"name": "Hwan-deok, Park",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc9c0\ud558\uc2e4. \ud558\ub098\uc758 \ud0c8\ucd9c"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungHyeon-cheon, Cho": {
-		"id": "784",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "242",
-				"name": "Hyeon-cheon, Cho",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ud638\ud761"
-	},
-	"Ein KindYeon-sun, Kim": {
-		"id": "785",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "234",
-				"name": "Yeon-sun, Kim",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ud55c \uc544\uc774"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisByeon, Hag-su": {
-		"id": "786",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "245",
-				"name": "Byeon, Hag-su",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubcf4\ub9ac\uc2a4\ub97c \uc704\ud55c \ud30c\ud2f0"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzBag, Yeong hui": {
-		"id": "787",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "246",
-				"name": "Bag, Yeong hui",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc601\uc6c5\uad11\uc7a5"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenGim, Mi hye": {
-		"id": "788",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "247",
-				"name": "Gim, Mi hye",
-				"gnd": "118134086"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\ubc8c\ubaa9\uafbc"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherEun-su, Chang": {
-		"id": "789",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "248",
-				"name": "Eun-su, Chang",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\uc5f0\uadf9\uc7c1\uc774"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeStama\u0107, Truda": {
-		"id": "790",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "249",
-				"name": "Stama\u0107, Truda",
-				"gnd": "1020655135"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteinov ne\u0107ak. Jedno prijateljstvo"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherPeri\u0107, Boris": {
-		"id": "791",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "250",
-				"name": "Peri\u0107, Boris",
-				"gnd": "123586763"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gubitnik"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsKne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "792",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "251",
-				"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "1017241961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland na Stilfsu"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckKne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "793",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "251",
-				"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "1017241961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hubertus"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerKne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "794",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "251",
-				"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "1017241961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na Ortleru"
-	},
-	"JaKne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "795",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "251",
-				"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "1017241961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Da"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisMuhamedagi\u0107, Sead": {
-		"id": "796",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "252",
-				"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
-				"gnd": "1017884579"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sve\u010danost za Borisa"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftKne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "797",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "251",
-				"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "1017241961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Lova\u010dko dru\u0161tvo"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandMuhamedagi\u0107, Sead": {
-		"id": "798",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "252",
-				"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
-				"gnd": "1017884579"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pred mirovinom"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzMuhamedagi\u0107, Sead": {
-		"id": "799",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "252",
-				"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
-				"gnd": "1017884579"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trg heroja"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorPeri\u0107, Boris": {
-		"id": "800",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "250",
-				"name": "Peri\u0107, Boris",
-				"gnd": "123586763"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Imitator glasova"
-	},
-	"FrostPranjkovi\u0107 Karas, Ana": {
-		"id": "801",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "253",
-				"name": "Pranjkovi\u0107 Karas, Ana",
-				"gnd": "1091593388"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mraz"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallMuhamedagi\u0107, Sead": {
-		"id": "802",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "252",
-				"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
-				"gnd": "1017884579"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Brisanje. Raspad"
-	},
-	"Die UrsachePeri\u0107, Boris": {
-		"id": "803",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "250",
-				"name": "Peri\u0107, Boris",
-				"gnd": "123586763"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Uzrok"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4ltePranjkovi\u0107, Ana": {
-		"id": "804",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "254",
-				"name": "Pranjkovi\u0107, Ana",
-				"gnd": "1091593388"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hladno\u0107a. Izolacija"
-	},
-	"Der KellerSinkovi\u0107, Helen": {
-		"id": "805",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "255",
-				"name": "Sinkovi\u0107, Helen",
-				"gnd": "141551526"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Podrum"
-	},
-	"Der Untergeher\u010cetrauskas, Teodoras": {
-		"id": "806",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "256",
-				"name": "\u010cetrauskas, Teodoras",
-				"gnd": "123290376"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Grimzd\u0117jas"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkSodeikien\u0117, Giedr\u0117": {
-		"id": "807",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "257",
-				"name": "Sodeikien\u0117, Giedr\u0117",
-				"gnd": "1048311376"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kalkin\u0117"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieMikutyt\u0117, Jurgita": {
-		"id": "808",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "258",
-				"name": "Mikutyt\u0117, Jurgita",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Senieji meistrai"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenLindner, Elizabeta": {
-		"id": "809",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "259",
-				"name": "Lindner, Elizabeta",
-				"gnd": "140167625"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "C\u0435\u0447\u0435\u045a\u0435 \u0448\u0443\u043c\u0430. E\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u043e\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0430"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieLindner, Elizabeta": {
-		"id": "810",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "259",
-				"name": "Lindner, Elizabeta",
-				"gnd": "140167625"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "C\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u043c\u0430\u0458\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438. K\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0458\u0430"
-	},
-	"FrostGraftdijk, Thomas": {
-		"id": "811",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "260",
-				"name": "Graftdijk, Thomas",
-				"gnd": "112828264"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vorst"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeBrogt, Janine": {
-		"id": "812",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "261",
-				"name": "Brogt, Janine",
-				"gnd": "1192275144"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Der domkop en de gek"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "813",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Het jachtgezelschap"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "814",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De wereldverbeteraar"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftRijnders, Gerardjan": {
-		"id": "815",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "262",
-				"name": "Rijnders, Gerardjan",
-				"gnd": "1013260554"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Het jachtgezelschap"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "816",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De stemmenimitator"
-	},
-	"AmrasGraftdijk, Thomas": {
-		"id": "817",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "260",
-				"name": "Graftdijk, Thomas",
-				"gnd": "112828264"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "818",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De kalkfabriek"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieGraftdijk, Thomas": {
-		"id": "819",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "260",
-				"name": "Graftdijk, Thomas",
-				"gnd": "112828264"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Oude meesters"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeBussink, Gerrit": {
-		"id": "820",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "265",
-				"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
-				"gnd": "11440853X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De neef van Wittgenstein. Een vriendschap"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnBussink, Gerrit": {
-		"id": "821",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "265",
-				"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
-				"gnd": "11440853X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Op de hoogte. Reddingspoging, onzin"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardBussink, Gerrit": {
-		"id": "822",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "265",
-				"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
-				"gnd": "11440853X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Muizen, ratten en dagloners"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "823",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Voor het pensioen. Komedie van de Duitse ziel"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhDuquesnoy, Theodor": {
-		"id": "824",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "266",
-				"name": "Duquesnoy, Theodor",
-				"gnd": "1070720577"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh. Een dag uit het leven van een duitse schrijver rond 1980"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "825",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De misdaad van een koopmanszoon uit Innsbruck"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "826",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De timmerman"
-	},
-	"JauerggGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "827",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "828",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Twee leraren"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "829",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De pet"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Groot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "830",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Is het een komedie? Is het een tragedie?"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "831",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Viktor Halfnar"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "832",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Attach\u00e9 bij de Franse ambassade"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "833",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Op de boomgrens"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "834",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland in Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "835",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "79",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De loden cape"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerGroot, Jacob": {
-		"id": "836",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "267",
-				"name": "Groot, Jacob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Aan de voet van de Ortler"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "837",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De onderspitdelver"
-	},
-	"Der KultererBes, Gerard": {
-		"id": "838",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "269",
-				"name": "Bes, Gerard",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerBes, Gerard": {
-		"id": "839",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "269",
-				"name": "Bes, Gerard",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De Italiaan"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeBes, Gerard": {
-		"id": "840",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "269",
-				"name": "Bes, Gerard",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Op de boomgrens"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "841",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Houthakken. Een afrekening"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "842",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Uitwissing. Een verval"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "843",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe sterft"
-	},
-	"MontaigneBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "844",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne. Een vertelling"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "845",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Weerzien"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "846",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In vlammen opgegaan. Reisverslag aan een vroegere vriend"
-	},
-	"WattenHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "847",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Watten. Een nalatenschap"
-	},
-	"JaHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "848",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ja"
-	},
-	"GehenHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "849",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wandeling"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "850",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De dagschotelaars"
-	},
-	"BetonHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "851",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"KorrekturHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "852",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correctie"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheBakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "853",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "263",
-				"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
-				"gnd": "1018015213"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De oorzak"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "854",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De\u00a0oorzaak. Een benadering"
-	},
-	"Der KellerHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "855",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De\u00a0kelder. En onttrekking"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "856",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De\u00a0adem. En besluit"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "857",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "De\u00a0kou. En isolement"
-	},
-	"Ein KindHengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "858",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "272",
-				"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
-				"gnd": "122811682"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Een kind"
-	},
-	"Ein KindKlinkenberg, P.P.J.": {
-		"id": "859",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "273",
-				"name": "Klinkenberg, P.P.J.",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Een kind"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzBussink, Gerrit": {
-		"id": "860",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "265",
-				"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
-				"gnd": "11440853X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mijn prijzen"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleWigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "861",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "274",
-				"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-				"gnd": "Q4110542"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisWigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "862",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "274",
-				"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-				"gnd": "Q4110542"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesWigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "863",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "274",
-				"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-				"gnd": "Q4110542"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilWigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "864",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "274",
-				"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-				"gnd": "Q4110542"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Vergil"
-	},
-	"Verstreut publizierte GedichteWigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "865",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "127",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Verstreut publizierte Gedichte",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "fra_052"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "274",
-				"name": "Wigman, Menno",
-				"gnd": "Q4110542"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Verspreide Gedichten"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtThijs, Ger": {
-		"id": "866",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "275",
-				"name": "Thijs, Ger",
-				"gnd": "Q2356157"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Schijn bedriegt"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteDuquesnoy, Theodor": {
-		"id": "867",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "266",
-				"name": "Duquesnoy, Theodor",
-				"gnd": "1070720577"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Elisabeth II"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzKleijn, Tom": {
-		"id": "868",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "276",
-				"name": "Kleijn, Tom",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"MinettiLoo, Christope van de": {
-		"id": "869",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "277",
-				"name": "Loo, Christope van de",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. Een portret van de kunstenaar als oude man"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrKan, Jeroen van": {
-		"id": "870",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "278",
-				"name": "Kan, Jeroen van",
-				"gnd": "112675725X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Victor Halfnar. Een wintersprookje"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossScholten, Rob": {
-		"id": "871",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "279",
-				"name": "Scholten, Rob",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungBakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "872",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "268",
-				"name": "Bakker, Chris",
-				"gnd": "1200664884"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Verstoring"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "873",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteins nev\u00f8. Et vennskap"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "874",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gamle mestere. Komedie"
-	},
-	"BetonDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "875",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Betong"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "876",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tr\u00e6r som faller. En opphisselse"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "877",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Utslettelse. En oppl\u00f8sning"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "878",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Havaristen"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "879",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe dauer (Goethe dauer"
-	},
-	"MontaigneDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "880",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "881",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gjensyn"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "882",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "G\u00e5tt opp i flammer)"
-	},
-	"GehenAasprong, Monica": {
-		"id": "883",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "281",
-				"name": "Aasprong, Monica",
-				"gnd": "138392307"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "G\u00e5"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "884",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Teatermakeren"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "885",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ganske enkelt komplisiert"
-	},
-	"AmrasDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "886",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "887",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Billigspiserne"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "888",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Forstyrrelse"
-	},
-	"JaDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "889",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ja"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "890",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mine priser"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossFosse, Jon": {
-		"id": "891",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "283",
-				"name": "Fosse, Jon",
-				"gnd": "120052547"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "892",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c5rsaken. En antydning"
-	},
-	"Der KellerDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "893",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kjelleren. En unndragelse"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "894",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pusten. En avgj\u00f8relse"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "895",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulden. En isolasjon"
-	},
-	"Ein KindDahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "896",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "280",
-				"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
-				"gnd": "10933230X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Et barn"
-	},
-	"Am ZielFosse, Jon": {
-		"id": "897",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "283",
-				"name": "Fosse, Jon",
-				"gnd": "120052547"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ved m\u00e5let"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandStub\u00f8, Eirik": {
-		"id": "898",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "284",
-				"name": "Stub\u00f8, Eirik",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Himmlers f\u00f8dselsdag. En komedie om den tyske sjel"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorGhayashi, Nasser": {
-		"id": "899",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "285",
-				"name": "Ghayashi, Nasser",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0645\u0642\u0644\u062f \u0635\u062f\u0627"
-	},
-	"BetonJamani, Abdullah": {
-		"id": "900",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "286",
-				"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0628\u062a\u0646"
-	},
-	"JauerggHaddad, Ali Asghar": {
-		"id": "901",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "288",
-				"name": "Haddad, Ali Asghar",
-				"gnd": "1068191961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u06cc\u0627\u0626\u0648\u0631\u0650\u06af"
-	},
-	"GehenRa\u0161\u012bd, \u0160ahr\u016bz": {
-		"id": "902",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "289",
-				"name": "Ra\u0161\u012bd, \u0160ahr\u016bz",
-				"gnd": "1081376856"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0642\u062f\u0645 \u0632\u062f\u0646"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentJahanshahi, Jahid": {
-		"id": "903",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "290",
-				"name": "Jahanshahi, Jahid",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0646\u0645\u0627\u06cc\u0634\u0646\u0627\u0645\u0647: \u0631\u0626\u06cc\u0633\u200c\u062c\u0645\u0647\u0648\u0631"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeMousavi, Mohammad Reza": {
-		"id": "904",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "291",
-				"name": "Mousavi, Mohammad Reza",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0628\u0631\u0627\u062f\u0631\u0632\u0627\u062f\u0647 \u0648\u06cc\u062a\u06af\u0646\u0634\u062a\u0627\u06cc\u0646"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieJamani, Abdullah": {
-		"id": "905",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "286",
-				"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0627\u062f\u0627\u0646 \u0628\u0632\u0631\u06af"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenJamani, Abdullah": {
-		"id": "906",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "286",
-				"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0686\u0648\u0628 \u0628\u0631\u0647\u0627"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherAhangar, Aboozar": {
-		"id": "907",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "293",
-				"name": "Ahangar, Aboozar",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062f\u0647"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherJamani, Abdullah": {
-		"id": "908",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "286",
-				"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062f\u0647"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungArab, Hassan": {
-		"id": "909",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "294",
-				"name": "Arab, Hassan",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0622\u0634\u0641\u062a\u06af\u06cc"
-	},
-	"KorrekturArmand, Zainab": {
-		"id": "910",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "295",
-				"name": "Armand, Zainab",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u0648\u06cc\u0633\u06cc"
-	},
-	"KorrekturJamani, Abdullah": {
-		"id": "911",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "286",
-				"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u062a\u0635\u062d\u06cc\u062d"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisHaddad, Ali Asghar": {
-		"id": "912",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "288",
-				"name": "Haddad, Ali Asghar",
-				"gnd": "1068191961"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u062c\u0634\u0646 \u062a\u0648\u0644\u062f \u0628\u0648\u0631\u06cc\u0633"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "913",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wycinka. Ekscytacja"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "914",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wymazywanie. Rozpad"
-	},
-	"FrostB\u0142aut, S\u0142awomir": {
-		"id": "915",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "298",
-				"name": "B\u0142aut, S\u0142awomir",
-				"gnd": "115162283"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mr\u00f3z"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkDyzek, Ernest": {
-		"id": "916",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "299",
-				"name": "Dyzek, Ernest",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kalkwerk"
-	},
-	"KorrekturK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "917",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Korekta"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "918",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Przegrany"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "919",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bratanek Wittgensteina. Przyja\u017a\u0144"
-	},
-	"WattenMycielska, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "920",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "302",
-				"name": "Mycielska, Gabriela",
-				"gnd": "127249869"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Partyjka Prze\u0142o\u01b6y\u0142a"
-	},
-	"GehenLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "921",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Chodzenie"
-	},
-	"AmrasLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "922",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "923",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zaburzenie"
-	},
-	"BetonDyzek, Ernest": {
-		"id": "924",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "299",
-				"name": "Dyzek, Ernest",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"JaMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "925",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tak"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "926",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wyjadacze"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "927",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Moje nagrodi"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "928",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "929",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u015awi\u0119to borysa"
-	},
-	"Vor dem Ruhestand\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta": {
-		"id": "930",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "306",
-				"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
-				"gnd": "1215107900"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Przed odej\u015bciem w stan spoczynku"
-	},
-	"Der Weltverbesserer\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta": {
-		"id": "931",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "306",
-				"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
-				"gnd": "1215107900"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Naprawiacz \u015bwiata"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "932",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na szczytach panuje cisza"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "933",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Komediant"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "934",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Rodze\u0144stwo"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzMatysik, Grzegorz": {
-		"id": "935",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "307",
-				"name": "Matysik, Grzegorz",
-				"gnd": "1061823695"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Plac Bohater\u00f3w"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "936",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Si\u0142a przyzwyczajenia"
-	},
-	"MinettiMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "937",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "938",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Plac Bohater\u00f3w"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftMuska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "939",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "296",
-				"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
-				"gnd": "141954027"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na polowaniu"
-	},
-	"Drei TageWo\u0142kowicz, Anna": {
-		"id": "940",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "308",
-				"name": "Wo\u0142kowicz, Anna",
-				"gnd": "Q117871566"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trzy dni"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "941",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann opuszcza Bocum i udaje si\u0119 jako dyrektor Burgtheater do Wiednia"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "942",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann kupuje sobie spodnie i idzie ze mn\u0105 na obiad"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "943",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann i Hermann Beil na Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"EreignisseLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "944",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zdarzenia"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorBuras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "945",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "305",
-				"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
-				"gnd": "120362694"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na\u015bladowca g\u0142os\u00f3w"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "946",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dawni mistrzowie. Komedia"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von MahlerK\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "947",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dawni mistrzowie. Komedia rysowana przez Mahlera"
-	},
-	"Der KellerLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "948",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Suterena. Wyzwolenie"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "949",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Oddech. Decyzja"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "950",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ch\u0142\u00f3d. Izolacja"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "951",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Przyczyna"
-	},
-	"Ein KindLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "952",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dziecko"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista FleischmannLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "953",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "124",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "fra_037"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Spotkanie. Rozmowy z Krist\u0105 Fleischmann"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftDyzek, Ernest": {
-		"id": "954",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "299",
-				"name": "Dyzek, Ernest",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Attach\u00e9 ambasady francuskiej. Dziennik wakacyjny, zako\u0144czenie"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeLisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "955",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "297",
-				"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
-				"gnd": "12857688X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na granicy las\u00f3w"
-	},
-	"Brief an Erwin Axer": {
-		"id": "956",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "198",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Brief an Erwin Axer",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "pol_044"
-		},
-		"translators": [],
-		"title": "List do Erwina Axera"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtKunicki, Wojciech": {
-		"id": "957",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "309",
-				"name": "Kunicki, Wojciech",
-				"gnd": "121265501"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe \u00f3miera"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)K\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "958",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "179",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "gri_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Katolicka egzystencja, z rozm\u00f3w z Kurtem Hofmannem"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann (excerpt)K\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "959",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "199",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann (excerpt)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "pol_046"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "301",
-				"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
-				"gnd": "120039753"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Spotkanie. Rozmowy z Krist\u0105 Fleischmann"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeBochenek, Zbigniew": {
-		"id": "960",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "312",
-				"name": "Bochenek, Zbigniew",
-				"gnd": "Q9387781"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Czapka"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgt\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta": {
-		"id": "961",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "306",
-				"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
-				"gnd": "1215107900"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pozory myl\u0105"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisSurowska, Barbara L.": {
-		"id": "962",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "313",
-				"name": "Surowska, Barbara L.",
-				"gnd": "1089574959"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u015awi\u0119to Borysa"
-	},
-	"BetonMalheiro, Maria Olema": {
-		"id": "963",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "315",
-				"name": "Malheiro, Maria Olema",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bet\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherAlmeida, Leopoldina": {
-		"id": "964",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "316",
-				"name": "Almeida, Leopoldina",
-				"gnd": "138312737"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O N\u00e1ufrago"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungAlmeida, Leopoldina": {
-		"id": "965",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "316",
-				"name": "Almeida, Leopoldina",
-				"gnd": "138312737"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Perturba\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"KorrekturCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "966",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correc\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "967",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O sobrinho de Wittgenstein. Uma amizade"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "968",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extin\u00e7\u00e3o. Uma derrocada"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "969",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O fazedor de teatro"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "970",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Antigos mestres. Com\u00e9dia"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "971",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na terra e no inferno"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "972",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Derrubar \u00e1rvores. Uma irrita\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"FrostDuarte, Bruno": {
-		"id": "973",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "318",
-				"name": "Duarte, Bruno",
-				"gnd": "141122455"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Geada"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "974",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Os Meus Pr\u00e9mios"
-	},
-	"MinettiBarrento, Jo\u00e3o": {
-		"id": "975",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "319",
-				"name": "Barrento, Jo\u00e3o",
-				"gnd": "121553779"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"Am ZielMendes, Anabela": {
-		"id": "976",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "320",
-				"name": "Mendes, Anabela",
-				"gnd": "121903326X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "No Alvo"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitPimenta, Alberto": {
-		"id": "977",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "321",
-				"name": "Pimenta, Alberto",
-				"gnd": "17230881X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A For\u00e7a do H\u00e1bito"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertBarrento, Jo\u00e3o": {
-		"id": "978",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "319",
-				"name": "Barrento, Jo\u00e3o",
-				"gnd": "121553779"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Simplesmente Complicado"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzParreira, Francisco Lu\u00eds": {
-		"id": "979",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "322",
-				"name": "Parreira, Francisco Lu\u00eds",
-				"gnd": "1234182270"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pra\u00e7a dos her\u00f3is"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "980",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Causa"
-	},
-	"Der KellerCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "981",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Cave"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "982",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A Respira\u00e7\u00e3o"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "983",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O Frio"
-	},
-	"Ein KindCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "984",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Uma Crian\u00e7a"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "985",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Em conversa com Thomas Bernhard"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentCaetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma": {
-		"id": "986",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "317",
-				"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
-				"gnd": "110602897"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "O presidente"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallDan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "987",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "323",
-				"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extinc\u0163ie. O destr\u0103mare"
-	},
-	"FrostDan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "988",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "323",
-				"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Frig"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieDan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "989",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "323",
-				"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vechi mae\u015ftri. Comedie"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisMadritsch Marin, Florica": {
-		"id": "990",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "324",
-				"name": "Madritsch Marin, Florica",
-				"gnd": "128824050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis. Ciclu de poeme"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertMadritsch Marin, Florica": {
-		"id": "991",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "324",
-				"name": "Madritsch Marin, Florica",
-				"gnd": "128824050"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Simplu complicat"
-	},
-	"Gedichte (selection)Evu, Ioan": {
-		"id": "992",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "211",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gedichte (selection)",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "rum_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "325",
-				"name": "Evu, Ioan",
-				"gnd": "140531726"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Biografia durerii"
-	},
-	"JaDan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "993",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "323",
-				"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Da"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererIsb\u0103\u0219escu, Mihai": {
-		"id": "994",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "327",
-				"name": "Isb\u0103\u0219escu, Mihai",
-				"gnd": "133234487"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dulgherul"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieKhlebnikowa, Borisa": {
-		"id": "995",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "328",
-				"name": "Khlebnikowa, Borisa",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f"
-	},
-	"FrostFadeeva, Vladimira": {
-		"id": "996",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "329",
-				"name": "Fadeeva, Vladimira",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0443\u0436\u0430"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "997",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0438\u043b\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0447\u043a\u0438"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "998",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442"
-	},
-	"MinettiRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "999",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0442\u0438"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1000",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0438\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1001",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ha \u043fo\u043a\u043e\u0439"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1002",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1003",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0431\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1004",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041b\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0439"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzRudnitzki, Michael": {
-		"id": "1005",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "330",
-				"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044c \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0435\u0432"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1006",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u0434\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434 \u0432 \u0421\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0444\u0441\u0435"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1007",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0440\u0430\u043a"
-	},
-	"Der KultererRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1008",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0440"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1009",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0410\u0442\u0442\u0430\u0448\u0435 \u0444\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0446\u0443\u0437\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeKhlebnikowa, Borisa": {
-		"id": "1010",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "328",
-				"name": "Khlebnikowa, Borisa",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0435 \u043b\u0435\u0441\u0430"
-	},
-	"WattenSchlapoberskaja, Serafima": {
-		"id": "1011",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "332",
-				"name": "Schlapoberskaja, Serafima",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0444\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1012",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0438\u043a"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1013",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430"
-	},
-	"Der KellerRajt-Kowaljowa, Rita": {
-		"id": "1014",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "331",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheRajt-Kowaljow, Rita": {
-		"id": "1015",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "335",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljow, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430: \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0441\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"
-	},
-	"Der KellerRajt-Kowaljow, Rita": {
-		"id": "1016",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "335",
-				"name": "Rajt-Kowaljow, Rita",
-				"gnd": "1057558192"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b: \u0443\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungFadeeva, Vladimira": {
-		"id": "1017",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "329",
-				"name": "Fadeeva, Vladimira",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0414\u044b\u0445\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435: \u0432\u044b\u0431\u043e\u0440"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteBaskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna": {
-		"id": "1018",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "333",
-				"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
-				"gnd": "1017399611"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434: \u0438\u0437\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0446\u0438\u044f"
-	},
-	"Ein KindMikhelevich, Jewgenija": {
-		"id": "1019",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "334",
-				"name": "Mikhelevich, Jewgenija",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0420\u0435\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043e\u043a \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0440\u0435\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043e\u043a"
-	},
-	"EreignisseCherkasow, V.": {
-		"id": "1020",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "336",
-				"name": "Cherkasow, V.",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044f"
-	},
-	"BetonMatveeva, Anna": {
-		"id": "1021",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "339",
-				"name": "Matveeva, Anna",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0411\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043d"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeBaskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna": {
-		"id": "1022",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "333",
-				"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
-				"gnd": "1017399611"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0435\u043c\u044f\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0412\u0438\u0442\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0448\u0442\u0435\u0439\u043d\u0430"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Slawinskaja, A.": {
-		"id": "1023",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "345",
-				"name": "Slawinskaja, A.",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f? \u0418\u043b\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f?"
-	},
-	"JauerggDmitrijewa, J.": {
-		"id": "1024",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "346",
-				"name": "Dmitrijewa, J.",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u042f\u0443\u0440\u0435\u0433\u0433"
-	},
-	"EreignisseBaskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna": {
-		"id": "1025",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "333",
-				"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
-				"gnd": "1017399611"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044f"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorOgnew, Alexej": {
-		"id": "1026",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "338",
-				"name": "Ognew, Alexej",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeRadovi\u0107, Marinko": {
-		"id": "1027",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "347",
-				"name": "Radovi\u0107, Marinko",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vitgen\u0161tajnov sinovac. Jedno prijateljstvo"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1028",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vitgen\u0161tajnov ne\u0107ak. Jedno prijateljstvo"
-	},
-	"FrostGrujic, Borivoj": {
-		"id": "1029",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "349",
-				"name": "Grujic, Borivoj",
-				"gnd": "1078380821"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041c\u0440\u0430\u0437"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieA\u0107in, Jovica": {
-		"id": "1030",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "350",
-				"name": "A\u0107in, Jovica",
-				"gnd": "113613555"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1031",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1032",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Uzrok"
-	},
-	"Der KellerDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1033",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Podrum"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1034",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dah"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1035",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hladno\u0107a"
-	},
-	"Ein KindDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1036",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dete"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1037",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trg heroja"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista FleischmannGuslov, Novak": {
-		"id": "1038",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "124",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "fra_037"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "352",
-				"name": "Guslov, Novak",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Razgovori s Tomasom Bernhardom"
-	},
-	"BetonAvramovi\u0107, Mirjana": {
-		"id": "1039",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "353",
-				"name": "Avramovi\u0107, Mirjana",
-				"gnd": "1227236212"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von MahlerKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1040",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija (Mahler)"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallDra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "1041",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "351",
-				"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
-				"gnd": "141036028"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Brisanje. Raspad"
-	},
-	"KorrekturKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1042",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Korektura"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1043",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kre\u010dana"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1044",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Poreme\u0107aj"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1045",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Se\u010da \u0161ume. Jedno uzbu\u0111enje"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherKrasni, Zlatko": {
-		"id": "1046",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "355",
-				"name": "Krasni, Zlatko",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gubitnik"
-	},
-	"AmrasKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1047",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"GehenKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1048",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hodanje"
-	},
-	"WattenKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1049",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vaten. Zaostav\u0161tina"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1050",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gete na sssamrti"
-	},
-	"MontaigneDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1051",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montenji"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1052",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ponovi susret"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1053",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Izgorela"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzDeni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "1054",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "354",
-				"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
-				"gnd": "1016946325"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Moje nagrade"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorKaranovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "1055",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "348",
-				"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
-				"gnd": "1133516378"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Imitator glasov"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieDvorsk\u00fd, Juraj": {
-		"id": "1056",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "356",
-				"name": "Dvorsk\u00fd, Juraj",
-				"gnd": "14026289X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Star\u00ed majstri. Kom\u00e9dia"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenKrej\u010dikov\u00e1, Jana": {
-		"id": "1057",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "357",
-				"name": "Krej\u010dikov\u00e1, Jana",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00fabanie lesa. Rozhor\u010denie"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherDvorsk\u00fd, Juraj": {
-		"id": "1058",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "356",
-				"name": "Dvorsk\u00fd, Juraj",
-				"gnd": "14026289X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Skrachovanec"
-	},
-	"Der KellerKubica, Peter": {
-		"id": "1059",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "358",
-				"name": "Kubica, Peter",
-				"gnd": "102911658X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pivnica"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1060",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Se\u010dnja. Razburjenje"
-	},
-	"FrostVevar, \u0160tefan": {
-		"id": "1061",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "360",
-				"name": "Vevar, \u0160tefan",
-				"gnd": "Q18646326"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mraz"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1062",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Stari mojstri. Komedija"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1063",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dva vzojitela"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1064",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kapa"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Virk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1065",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Je to komedija? Je to tragedija? Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1066",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ata\u0161e na trancoskem veleposlani\u0161tvu"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1067",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zlo\u010din innsbru\u0161kega trgovskega sina"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1068",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tesar"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1069",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na drevesni meji"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1070",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland v Stilfsu"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1071",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pelerina"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1072",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ob Ortlerju. Poro\u010dilo iz Gomagoija"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1073",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "180",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "hun_024"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Viktor Polnori. Zimsa Pravljica"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzBrodar, Ur\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "1074",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "362",
-				"name": "Brodar, Ur\u0161ka",
-				"gnd": "Q114305369"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Moje nagrade"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnVirk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "1075",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-				"gnd": "101402708X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "V vi\u0161avah"
-	},
-	"AmrasVirk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "1076",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-				"gnd": "101402708X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerVirk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "1077",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-				"gnd": "101402708X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Italijan"
-	},
-	"Der KultererVirk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "1078",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-				"gnd": "101402708X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1079",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteinov ne\u010dak. Prijateljstvo"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1080",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Potonjenec"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1081",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Izboljs\u030cevalec sveta"
-	},
-	"Am ZielKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1082",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na cilju"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1083",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann zapusti Bochum in gre kot direktor Burgtheatra na Dunaj"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1084",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Opona\u0161alec glasov"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1085",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mo\u010d navade"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1086",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Videz vara"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossMarinc\u030cic\u030c, Katarina": {
-		"id": "1087",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "367",
-				"name": "Marinc\u030cic\u030c, Katarina",
-				"gnd": "1089854382"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallFlis, Davorin": {
-		"id": "1088",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "368",
-				"name": "Flis, Davorin",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Izbris. Razpad"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1089",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vzrok. Nakazovanje"
-	},
-	"Der KellerJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1090",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Klet. Odtegnitev"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1091",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dih. Odlo\u010ditev"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1092",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hlad. Izolacija"
-	},
-	"Ein KindJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1093",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Otrok"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisVirk, Jani": {
-		"id": "1094",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "359",
-				"name": "Virk, Jani",
-				"gnd": "Q4022080"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Zabava za Borisa"
-	},
-	"Monologe auf MallorcaKranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "1095",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "129",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Monologe auf Mallorca",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "366",
-				"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
-				"gnd": "115835970"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Monologi z Mallorce. Thomas Bernhard o sebi"
-	},
-	"Drei Tage (Auszug)Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1096",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "212",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage (Auszug)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews", "drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "slw_022"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trije dnevi"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1097",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Pred upokojitvijo. Komedija o nem\u0161ki du\u0161i"
-	},
-	"Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas BernhardVirk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "1098",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "118",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller im Gespr\u00e4ch mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_096"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "361",
-				"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
-				"gnd": "101402708X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller v pogovoru s Thomasom Bernhardom"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhKralj, Lado": {
-		"id": "1099",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "369",
-				"name": "Kralj, Lado",
-				"gnd": "1043476903"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Po vseh vis\u030cavah je mir"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherTrekman, Borut": {
-		"id": "1100",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "370",
-				"name": "Trekman, Borut",
-				"gnd": "Q12786235"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Komedijant"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?Borovnik, Silvija": {
-		"id": "1101",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "371",
-				"name": "Borovnik, Silvija",
-				"gnd": "1234736527"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Je komedija? Je tragedija?"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeJen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "1102",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "365",
-				"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
-				"gnd": "115212396"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Na drevesni meji"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeMiladinovi\u0107 Zalaznik, Mira": {
-		"id": "1103",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "372",
-				"name": "Miladinovi\u0107 Zalaznik, Mira",
-				"gnd": "1063226295"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u010cepica"
-	},
-	"Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Siegfried Unseld. Der Briefwechsel (excerpt)S\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1104",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "213",
-			"gnd": "1210310406",
-			"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Siegfried Unseld. Der Briefwechsel (excerpt)",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "spa_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correspondencia"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1105",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Virgilio"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1106",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In hora mortis"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des MondesS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1107",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bajo el hierro de la luna"
-	},
-	"Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. GeburtstagS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1108",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "117",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Jean Arthur Rimbaud. Zum 100. Geburtstag",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "eng_094"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "A quel hombre azotado por tempestades"
-	},
-	"Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lleS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1109",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "55",
-			"gnd": "1208645420",
-			"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1957,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "As\u00ed en la tierra como en el infierno"
-	},
-	"Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlingeS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1110",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "111",
-			"gnd": "1203737297",
-			"title": "Die Irren, die H\u00e4ftlinge",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1962,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Los locos Los reclusos"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1111",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Las posesiones"
-	},
-	"KorrekturS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1112",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Correcci\u00f3n"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1113",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Maestros antiguos. Comedia"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von MahlerCruz Santaella, Esther": {
-		"id": "1114",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "105",
-			"gnd": "1219327905",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die. Gezeichnet von Mahler",
-			"category": ["adaptations"],
-			"year": 2012,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "cze_042"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "374",
-				"name": "Cruz Santaella, Esther",
-				"gnd": "1165093812"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Maestros antiguos seg\u00fan Mahler"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1115",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Trastorno"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1116",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El malogrado"
-	},
-	"FrostS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1117",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Helada"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1118",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El sobrino de Wittgenstein. Una amistad"
-	},
-	"BetonS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1119",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hormig\u00f3n"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1120",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tala"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1121",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La calera"
-	},
-	"JaS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1122",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "S\u00ed"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1123",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Extinci\u00f3n. Un desmoronamiento"
-	},
-	"In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, UnsinnS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1124",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "84",
-			"gnd": "1158695977",
-			"title": "In der H\u00f6he. Rettungsversuch, Unsinn",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "cze_030"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En las alturas. Tentativa de salvamento, absurdo"
-	},
-	"AmrasS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1125",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"UngenachS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1126",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"WattenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1127",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jugar al watten"
-	},
-	"GehenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1128",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Andar"
-	},
-	"Der ZimmererS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1129",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "70",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Der Zimmerer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El carpintiero"
-	},
-	"JauerggS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1130",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "71",
-			"gnd": "1024915921",
-			"title": "Jauergg",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jauregg"
-	},
-	"Zwei ErzieherS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1131",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "72",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Zwei Erzieher",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Dos preceptores"
-	},
-	"Die M\u00fctzeS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1132",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "73",
-			"gnd": "1140157906",
-			"title": "Die M\u00fctze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La gorra"
-	},
-	"Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?S\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1133",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "74",
-			"gnd": "1078686300",
-			"title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die?",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00bfEs una comedia? \u00bfEs una tragedia?"
-	},
-	"Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen BotschaftS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1134",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "76",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Attach\u00e9 an der franz\u00f6sischen Botschaft",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Agregado en la Embajada de Francia"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1135",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland en Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1136",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El abrigo de loden"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1137",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En el Ortler"
-	},
-	"EreignisseS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1138",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Acontecimientos"
-	},
-	"Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher HungerS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1139",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "92",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hambre grande, inconcebible"
-	},
-	"Ein junger SchriftstellerS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1140",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "128",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ein junger Schriftsteller",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "fra_059"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un joven escritor"
-	},
-	"Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker KaufmannssohnsS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1141",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "69",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Das Verbrechen eines Innsbrucker Kaufmannssohns",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El crimen del hijo de un comerciante de Innsbruck"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1142",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En la linde de los \u00e1rboles"
-	},
-	"Viktor HalbnarrS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1143",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "75",
-			"gnd": "7845728-2",
-			"title": "Viktor Halbnarr",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1966,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "V\u00edctor Seminecio"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1144",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe se mmmuere"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserFortea, Carlos": {
-		"id": "1145",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "375",
-				"name": "Fortea, Carlos",
-				"gnd": "11541522X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Los comebarato"
-	},
-	"MontaigneS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1146",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1147",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Reencuentro"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1148",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ard\u00eda"
-	},
-	"Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, FeuilletonsS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1149",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "83",
-			"gnd": "1214903665",
-			"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2010,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "cze_028"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En busca de la verdad. Discursos, cartas de lector, entrevistas, art\u00edculos"
-	},
-	"Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter HammS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1150",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "188",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Sind Sie gern b\u00f6se? Ein Nachtgespr\u00e4ch zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Peter Hamm",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 2,
-			"first seen": "ita_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00bfLe gusta ser malvado? Conversaci\u00f3n noctura entre Thomas Bernhard y Peter Hamm en la casa de Bernhard en Ohlsdorf, 1977"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1151",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El imititador de voces"
-	},
-	"Der Ignorant und der WahnsinnigeS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1152",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "27",
-			"gnd": "4485102-9",
-			"title": "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1972,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El ignorante y el demente"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1153",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La partida de caza"
-	},
-	"Die Macht der GewohnheitS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1154",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "22",
-			"gnd": "4281931-3",
-			"title": "Die Macht der Gewohnheit",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 23,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La fuerza de la costumbre"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1155",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El reformador des mundo"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1156",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Simplemente complicado"
-	},
-	"Der Schein tr\u00fcgtS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1157",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "23",
-			"gnd": "1123599106",
-			"title": "Der Schein tr\u00fcgt",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 12,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Las aspariencias enga\u00f1an"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1158",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"A DodaS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1159",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "37",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "A Doda",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un muerto"
-	},
-	"MaiandachtS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1160",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "38",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Maiandacht",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 6,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El mes de Mar\u00eda"
-	},
-	"MatchS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1161",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "39",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Match",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Partido"
-	},
-	"FreispruchS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1162",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "40",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Freispruch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Absoluci\u00f3n"
-	},
-	"EisS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1163",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "41",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eis",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Helados"
-	},
-	"Der deutsche MittagstischS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1164",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "49",
-			"gnd": "1158674678",
-			"title": "Der deutsche Mittagstisch",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 8,
-			"first seen": "bul_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Comida alemana"
-	},
-	"Alles oder nichtsS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1165",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "43",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Alles oder nichts",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Todo o nada"
-	},
-	"Der Pr\u00e4sidentS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1166",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "11",
-			"gnd": "7600801-0",
-			"title": "Der Pr\u00e4sident",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "bra_010"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El presidente"
-	},
-	"Die Ber\u00fchmtenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1167",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "16",
-			"gnd": "1162284560",
-			"title": "Die Ber\u00fchmten",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Los famosos"
-	},
-	"\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist RuhS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1168",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "29",
-			"gnd": "1244933007",
-			"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "La paz reina en las cumbres"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr BorisS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1169",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Una fiesta para Boris"
-	},
-	"Am ZielS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1170",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "19",
-			"gnd": "4362534-4",
-			"title": "Am Ziel",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "En la meta"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1171",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El teatrero"
-	},
-	"Vor dem RuhestandS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1172",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "18",
-			"gnd": "4217797-2",
-			"title": "Vor dem Ruhestand",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ante la jubilaci\u00f3n (Comedia del alma alemana)"
-	},
-	"MinettiS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1173",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1174",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1175",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Isabel II"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1176",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann deja Bochum y se va a Viena de director del Burgtheater"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1177",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann se compra unos pantalones y luego nos vamos a comer"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1178",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann y Hermann Beil en la Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1179",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz (Plaza de los H\u00e9roes)"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1180",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Conversaciones con Thomas Bernhard"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1181",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El origen. Una indicaci\u00f3n"
-	},
-	"Der KellerS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1182",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El s\u00f3tano"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1183",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El aliento"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1184",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El fr\u00edo"
-	},
-	"Ein KindS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1185",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Un ni\u00f1o"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1186",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El Italiano"
-	},
-	"Drei TageS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1187",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tres dias"
-	},
-	"Der KultererS\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "1188",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "373",
-				"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
-				"gnd": "113071043"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "El Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossCosta, Nicol\u00e1s": {
-		"id": "1189",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "377",
-				"name": "Costa, Nicol\u00e1s",
-				"gnd": "127221085"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Almuerzo en casa de Ludwig W."
-	},
-	"Die verr\u00fcckte MagdalenaCordchado, Ricardo": {
-		"id": "1190",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "89",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Die verr\u00fcckte Magdalena",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 3,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "379",
-				"name": "Cordchado, Ricardo",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Magdalena la Loca"
-	},
-	"Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher HungerCordchado, Ricardo": {
-		"id": "1191",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "92",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Gro\u00dfer, unbegreiflicher Hunger",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 4,
-			"first seen": "cze_031"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "379",
-				"name": "Cordchado, Ricardo",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hambre indescriptible"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkHolmqvist, Margaretha": {
-		"id": "1192",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "381",
-				"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
-				"gnd": "107718731"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kalkbruket"
-	},
-	"BetonHolmqvist, Margaretha": {
-		"id": "1193",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "381",
-				"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
-				"gnd": "107718731"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Betong"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallHolmqvist, Margaretha": {
-		"id": "1194",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "381",
-				"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
-				"gnd": "107718731"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Utpl\u00e5ning. Ett s\u00f6nderfall"
-	},
-	"Drei TageBirnbaum, Daniel": {
-		"id": "1195",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "382",
-				"name": "Birnbaum, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "12150011X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tre dafar"
-	},
-	"GehenBirnbaum, Daniel+Olsson, Anders": {
-		"id": "1196",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "382",
-				"name": "Birnbaum, Daniel",
-				"gnd": "12150011X"
-			},
-			{
-				"id": "383",
-				"name": "Olsson, Anders",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "G\u00e5"
-	},
-	"Einfach kompliziertOlsson, Anders": {
-		"id": "1197",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "20",
-			"gnd": "1123599505",
-			"title": "Einfach kompliziert",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "383",
-				"name": "Olsson, Anders",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Helt enkelt komplicerat"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins NeffeHolmqvist, Margaretha": {
-		"id": "1198",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "381",
-				"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
-				"gnd": "107718731"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgensteins brorson. En v\u00e4nskap"
-	},
-	"Ave VergilBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1199",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "112",
-			"gnd": "1270058894",
-			"title": "Ave Vergil",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_060"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ave Vergilius"
-	},
-	"AmrasBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1200",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"UngenachBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1201",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"WattenBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1202",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Watten"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1203",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Billig\u00e4terna"
-	},
-	"Die JagdgesellschaftBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1204",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Jakts\u00e4llskapet"
-	},
-	"MinettiBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1205",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, VossBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1206",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1207",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Skogshuggning"
-	},
-	"KorrekturBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1208",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Korrigering"
-	},
-	"FrostBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1209",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Frost"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1210",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Gamla m\u00e4stare. Komedi"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1211",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Anst\u00f6t"
-	},
-	"JaBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1212",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ja"
-	},
-	"GehenBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1213",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "G\u00e5"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1214",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Underg\u00e5ngaren"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1215",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Heldenplatz"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1216",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mina priser"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1217",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "R\u00f6stimitat\u00f6ren"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheFreij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "1218",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "385",
-				"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-				"gnd": "107890143"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Orsaken: En antydan"
-	},
-	"Der KellerFreij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "1219",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "385",
-				"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-				"gnd": "107890143"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00e4llaren: En frig\u00f6relse"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungFreij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "1220",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "385",
-				"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-				"gnd": "107890143"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": " Andh\u00e4mtningen: Ett avg\u00f6rande"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteFreij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "1221",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "385",
-				"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-				"gnd": "107890143"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kylan: En isolering"
-	},
-	"Ein KindFreij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "1222",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "385",
-				"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
-				"gnd": "107890143"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ett barn"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbtBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1223",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe d\u00f6\u00f6r"
-	},
-	"MontaigneBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1224",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"WiedersehenBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1225",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c5terseende"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangenBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1226",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "F\u00f6rt\u00e4rt i l\u00e5gor"
-	},
-	"An der BaumgrenzeBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1227",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "77",
-			"gnd": "1233642103",
-			"title": "An der Baumgrenze",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Vid tr\u00e4dgrensen"
-	},
-	"Der KultererBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1228",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "121",
-			"gnd": "4444005-4",
-			"title": "Der Kulterer",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "fin_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kulterer"
-	},
-	"Der ItalienerBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1229",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "116",
-			"gnd": "4687798-8",
-			"title": "Der Italiener",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "eng_092"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Italienaren"
-	},
-	"Midland in StilfsBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1230",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "78",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Midland in Stilfs",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Midland i Stilfs"
-	},
-	"Der WetterfleckBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1231",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "115",
-			"gnd": "4734848-3",
-			"title": "Der Wetterfleck",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "eng_091"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Regncapen"
-	},
-	"Am OrtlerBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1232",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "80",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Am Ortler",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "cze_025"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "P\u00e5 Ortler"
-	},
-	"Ereignisse (Auszug)Bornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1233",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "214",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Ereignisse (Auszug)",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 1,
-			"first seen": "swe_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tilldragelser"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienLindmann, Magnus": {
-		"id": "1234",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "387",
-				"name": "Lindmann, Magnus",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann l\u00e4mnar Bochum och \u00e5ker till Wien som Burgtheaterchef"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenLindmann, Magnus": {
-		"id": "1235",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "387",
-				"name": "Lindmann, Magnus",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann k\u00f6per sig ett par byxor och g\u00e5r ut med mig och \u00e4ter"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseLindmann, Magnus": {
-		"id": "1236",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "387",
-				"name": "Lindmann, Magnus",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Claus Peymann och Hermann Beil p\u00e5 Sulzwiese"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheWid\u00e9n, Susanne": {
-		"id": "1237",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "386",
-				"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1018886249"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Orsaken. En antydan"
-	},
-	"Der KellerWid\u00e9n, Susanne": {
-		"id": "1238",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "386",
-				"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1018886249"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "K\u00e4llaren. En frig\u00f6relse"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteWid\u00e9n, Susanne": {
-		"id": "1239",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "386",
-				"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
-				"gnd": "1018886249"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kylan: En isolering"
-	},
-	"Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista FleischmannBornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "1240",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "124",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "fra_037"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "384",
-				"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
-				"gnd": "137299931"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u2013ett m\u00f6te. Samtal med Krista Fleischmann"
-	},
-	"Wittgensteins Neffe\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1241",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "2",
-			"gnd": "4509408-1",
-			"title": "Wittgensteins Neffe",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 53,
-			"first seen": "alb_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Wittgenstein'\u0131n Ye\u011feni. Bir Dostluk"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1242",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Odun Kesmek. Bir \u00d6fke"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1243",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Eski Ustalar"
-	},
-	"Der UntergeherDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1244",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "5",
-			"gnd": "4280472-3",
-			"title": "Der Untergeher",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1983,
-			"count": 57,
-			"first seen": "baq_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bitik Adam"
-	},
-	"Das KalkwerkTezel, Esen": {
-		"id": "1245",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "48",
-			"gnd": "4209488-4",
-			"title": "Das Kalkwerk",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bul_015"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "390",
-				"name": "Tezel, Esen",
-				"gnd": "102948354X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kire\u00e7 Oca\u011f\u0131"
-	},
-	"BetonDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1246",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Beton"
-	},
-	"Verst\u00f6rungTezel, Esen": {
-		"id": "1247",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "4",
-			"gnd": "4140749-0",
-			"title": "Verst\u00f6rung",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1967,
-			"count": 35,
-			"first seen": "aze_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "390",
-				"name": "Tezel, Esen",
-				"gnd": "102948354X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Sars\u0131nt\u0131"
-	},
-	"Ungenach\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1248",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "66",
-			"gnd": "1158696477",
-			"title": "Ungenach",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 13,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ungenach"
-	},
-	"GehenDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1249",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "10",
-			"gnd": "4576168-1",
-			"title": "Gehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1971,
-			"count": 24,
-			"first seen": "bra_009"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Y\u00fcr\u00fcmek"
-	},
-	"JaDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1250",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "15",
-			"gnd": "4738741-5",
-			"title": "Ja",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bra_016"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Evet"
-	},
-	"FrostT\u00fczel, Mustafa": {
-		"id": "1251",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "391",
-				"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Don"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1252",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Yok Etme. Bir Par\u00e7alanma"
-	},
-	"Der StimmenimitatorDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1253",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "9",
-			"gnd": "4525059-5",
-			"title": "Der Stimmenimitator",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 32,
-			"first seen": "bra_008"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ses Taklit\u00e7isi"
-	},
-	"Meine Preise. Eine BilanzDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1254",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "8",
-			"gnd": "7846530-8",
-			"title": "Meine Preise. Eine Bilanz",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2009,
-			"count": 27,
-			"first seen": "bra_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00d6d\u00fcllerim"
-	},
-	"Goethe schtirbt\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1255",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "51",
-			"gnd": "1134906285",
-			"title": "Goethe schtirbt",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Goethe \u00d6leyaz\u0131yor"
-	},
-	"Montaigne\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1256",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "52",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Montaigne",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Montaigne"
-	},
-	"Wiedersehen\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1257",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "53",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Wiedersehen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Yeniden G\u00f6r\u00fc\u015fme"
-	},
-	"In Flammen aufgegangen\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1258",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "54",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "In Flammen aufgegangen",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_019"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Alev Alev Yand\u0131, K\u00fcl Oldu"
-	},
-	"AmrasT\u00fcrk, M. Sami": {
-		"id": "1259",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "67",
-			"gnd": "1045328219",
-			"title": "Amras",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1964,
-			"count": 20,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "392",
-				"name": "T\u00fcrk, M. Sami",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Amras"
-	},
-	"WattenT\u00fcrk, M. Sami": {
-		"id": "1260",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "68",
-			"gnd": "1147793611",
-			"title": "Watten",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1969,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "cze_020"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "392",
-				"name": "T\u00fcrk, M. Sami",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Watten"
-	},
-	"KorrekturDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1261",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "65",
-			"gnd": "4126723-0",
-			"title": "Korrektur",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 33,
-			"first seen": "cze_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00fczelti"
-	},
-	"Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, FeuilletonsT\u00fcrk, M. Sami": {
-		"id": "1262",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "83",
-			"gnd": "1214903665",
-			"title": "Der Wahrheit auf der Spur. Reden, Leserbriefe, Interviews, Feuilletons",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": 2010,
-			"count": 5,
-			"first seen": "cze_028"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "392",
-				"name": "T\u00fcrk, M. Sami",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Hakikatin \u0130zinde. Konu\u015fmalar, Okur Mektuplar\u0131, S\u00f6yle\u015filer, Edebiyat Yaz\u0131lar\u0131"
-	},
-	"EreignisseNalc\u0131o\u011flu, Ahmet U\u011fur": {
-		"id": "1263",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "58",
-			"gnd": "1217488685",
-			"title": "Ereignisse",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1991,
-			"count": 14,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_004"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "393",
-				"name": "Nalc\u0131o\u011flu, Ahmet U\u011fur",
-				"gnd": "1187984000"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Olaylar"
-	},
-	"Der WeltverbessererSar\u0131, Ahmet": {
-		"id": "1264",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "28",
-			"gnd": "4636697-0",
-			"title": "Der Weltverbesserer",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1979,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "394",
-				"name": "Sar\u0131, Ahmet",
-				"gnd": "139907858"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "D\u00fcnya D\u00fczelticisi"
-	},
-	"Immanuel Kant\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma": {
-		"id": "1265",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "396",
-				"name": "\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma",
-				"gnd": "139907440"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
-	},
-	"Ritter, Dene, Voss\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma": {
-		"id": "1266",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "30",
-			"gnd": "4217798-4",
-			"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_005"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "396",
-				"name": "\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma",
-				"gnd": "139907440"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
-	},
-	"Unter dem Eisen des Mondes\u00c7a\u011flar, Arif": {
-		"id": "1267",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "64",
-			"gnd": "1306442915",
-			"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 16,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "397",
-				"name": "\u00c7a\u011flar, Arif",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ay\u0131n Demiri Alt\u0131nda"
-	},
-	"Der TheatermacherNutku, \u00d6zdemir": {
-		"id": "1268",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "13",
-			"gnd": "4253712-5",
-			"title": "Der Theatermacher",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 26,
-			"first seen": "bra_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "398",
-				"name": "Nutku, \u00d6zdemir",
-				"gnd": "107830302"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Tiyatrocu"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzArpad, Ahmet": {
-		"id": "1269",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "399",
-				"name": "Arpad, Ahmet",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kahramanlar Alan\u0131"
-	},
-	"Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas BernhardDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1270",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "123",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 7,
-			"first seen": "fra_036"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Thomas Bernhard\u2019la Konu\u015fmalar"
-	},
-	"Die BilligesserTezel, Esen": {
-		"id": "1271",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "82",
-			"gnd": "1141917998",
-			"title": "Die Billigesser",
-			"category": ["novellas & short prose"],
-			"year": 1980,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_027"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "390",
-				"name": "Tezel, Esen",
-				"gnd": "102948354X"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Ucuzayiyenler"
-	},
-	"Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1272",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "25",
-			"gnd": "4493036-7",
-			"title": "Ein Fest f\u00fcr Boris",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1970,
-			"count": 17,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Boris \u0130\u00e7in Bir \u015e\u00f6len"
-	},
-	"Die Jagdgesellschaft\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1273",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "21",
-			"gnd": "4520814-1",
-			"title": "Die Jagdgesellschaft",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1974,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Av Meclisi"
-	},
-	"Minetti\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "1274",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "17",
-			"gnd": "4487124-7",
-			"title": "Minetti",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1977,
-			"count": 22,
-			"first seen": "bul_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "388",
-				"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
-				"gnd": "103434453"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Minetti. Sanat\u00e7\u0131n\u0131n Ya\u015fl\u0131 Bir Adam Olarak Portresi"
-	},
-	"In hora mortisMurad, Efe": {
-		"id": "1275",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "63",
-			"gnd": "105004097X",
-			"title": "In hora mortis",
-			"category": ["poetry"],
-			"year": 1958,
-			"count": 18,
-			"first seen": "cze_012"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "400",
-				"name": "Murad, Efe",
-				"gnd": "1280573597"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "In Hora Mortis"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheT\u00fczel, Mustafa": {
-		"id": "1276",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "391",
-				"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Neden. Bir De\u011fini"
-	},
-	"Die UrsacheDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1277",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "7",
-			"gnd": "4392770-1",
-			"title": "Die Ursache",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1975,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Neden. Bir De\u011fini"
-	},
-	"Der KellerT\u00fczel, Mustafa": {
-		"id": "1278",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "391",
-				"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Mahzen. Bir Vazge\u00e7i\u015f"
-	},
-	"Der KellerDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1279",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "59",
-			"gnd": "4998706-9",
-			"title": "Der Keller",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1976,
-			"count": 49,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Kiler. Bir Ka\u00e7\u0131\u015f"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungOmay, Ebru": {
-		"id": "1280",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "401",
-				"name": "Omay, Ebru",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Soluk. Bir Karar"
-	},
-	"Der Atem. Eine EntscheidungDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1281",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "56",
-			"gnd": "4998708-2",
-			"title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_021"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Nefes. Bir Karar"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteAmasyal\u0131, Nadide": {
-		"id": "1282",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "402",
-				"name": "Amasyal\u0131, Nadide",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "So\u011fukluk. Bir D\u0131\u015flanma"
-	},
-	"Die K\u00e4lteDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1283",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "60",
-			"gnd": "7655973-7",
-			"title": "Die K\u00e4lte",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1981,
-			"count": 41,
-			"first seen": "chi_kurz_007"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "So\u011fuk. Bir Soyutlama"
-	},
-	"Ein KindBoztepe, Kemal": {
-		"id": "1284",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "403",
-				"name": "Boztepe, Kemal",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Bir \u00c7ocuk"
-	},
-	"Ein KindDuru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "1285",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "50",
-			"gnd": "4998709-4",
-			"title": "Ein Kind",
-			"category": ["autobiography"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 46,
-			"first seen": "bul_017"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "389",
-				"name": "Duru, Sezer",
-				"gnd": "135753279"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u00c7ocuk"
-	},
-	"Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6dieHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1286",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "1",
-			"gnd": "4281932-5",
-			"title": "Alte Meister. Kom\u00f6die",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1985,
-			"count": 51,
-			"first seen": "alb_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0456 \u043c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438"
-	},
-	"Elisabeth die ZweiteHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1287",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "24",
-			"gnd": "7659613-8",
-			"title": "Elisabeth die Zweite",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1987,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "bul_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0456\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 II"
-	},
-	"Immanuel KantHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1288",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "26",
-			"gnd": "1057906050",
-			"title": "Immanuel Kant",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1978,
-			"count": 15,
-			"first seen": "bul_003"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0406\u043c\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0457\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach WienHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1289",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "61",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4\u00dft Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 9,
-			"first seen": "cze_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u043f\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0434\u0430\u0454 \u0411\u043e\u0445\u0443\u043c \u0456 \u0432\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0454 \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u0443 \u0434\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u0411\u0443\u0440\u0491\u0442\u0435\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0443 \u0443 \u0412\u0456\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essenHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1290",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "62",
-			"gnd": "124493318X",
-			"title": "Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1990,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "cze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0443\u0454 \u0448\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438, \u0456 \u043c\u0438 \u0439\u0434\u0435\u043c\u043e \u0457\u0441\u0442\u0438"
-	},
-	"Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der SulzwieseHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1291",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "46",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Claus Peymann und Hermann Beil auf der Sulzwiese",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 11,
-			"first seen": "bul_006"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u0456 \u0413\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043b\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u0417\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0432\u0456\u0437\u0435"
-	},
-	"HeldenplatzHavryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "1292",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "12",
-			"gnd": "4221007-0",
-			"title": "Heldenplatz",
-			"category": ["drama & libretti"],
-			"year": 1988,
-			"count": 30,
-			"first seen": "bra_011"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "404",
-				"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
-				"gnd": "137196059"
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0457\u0432"
-	},
-	"FrostAndrushchenko, Igor": {
-		"id": "1293",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "47",
-			"gnd": "4140750-7",
-			"title": "Frost",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1963,
-			"count": 29,
-			"first seen": "bul_013"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "405",
-				"name": "Andrushchenko, Igor",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0435\u0447\u0430"
-	},
-	"Drei TageKravchenko, Lesya": {
-		"id": "1294",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "114",
-			"gnd": null,
-			"title": "Drei Tage",
-			"category": ["letters, speeches, interviews"],
-			"year": null,
-			"count": 10,
-			"first seen": "eng_079"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "406",
-				"name": "Kravchenko, Lesya",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0422\u0440\u0438 \u0434\u043d\u0456"
-	},
-	"Beton\u1e92af\u0101r, Iqb\u0101l": {
-		"id": "1295",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "3",
-			"gnd": "4242075-1",
-			"title": "Beton",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1982,
-			"count": 47,
-			"first seen": "aze_002"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "407",
-				"name": "\u1e92af\u0101r, Iqb\u0101l",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u06a9\u0646\u06a9\u0631\u06cc\u0679"
-	},
-	"Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein ZerfallL\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng": {
-		"id": "1296",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "6",
-			"gnd": "4201254-5",
-			"title": "Ausl\u00f6schung. Ein Zerfall",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1986,
-			"count": 44,
-			"first seen": "bra_001"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "408",
-				"name": "L\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "Di\u1ec7t Vong"
-	},
-	"Holzf\u00e4llenL\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng": {
-		"id": "1297",
-		"work": {
-			"id": "14",
-			"gnd": "4447199-3",
-			"title": "Holzf\u00e4llen",
-			"category": ["novels"],
-			"year": 1984,
-			"count": 50,
-			"first seen": "bra_014"
-		},
-		"translators": [
-			{
-				"id": "408",
-				"name": "L\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng",
-				"gnd": null
-			}
-		],
-		"title": "\u0110\u1ed1n H\u1ea1"
-	}
diff --git a/scripts/data/translators.json "b/scripts/data/\303\234bersetzer.json"
similarity index 57%
rename from scripts/data/translators.json
rename to "scripts/data/\303\234bersetzer.json"
index f077ee4..a888c7d 100644
--- a/scripts/data/translators.json
+++ "b/scripts/data/\303\234bersetzer.json"
@@ -1,2042 +1,1634 @@
-	"Gedaj, Doreida": {
-		"id": "1",
+	{
 		"name": "Gedaj, Doreida",
 		"gnd": "1012844331"
-	"\u01e6iryis, Sam\u012br": {
-		"id": "2",
+	{
 		"name": "\u01e6iryis, Sam\u012br",
 		"gnd": "1091070733"
-	"Uribarri, Ibon": {
-		"id": "3",
+	{
 		"name": "Uribarri, Ibon",
 		"gnd": "121638472"
-	"Macedo, Jos\u00e9 Marcos": {
-		"id": "4",
+	{
 		"name": "Macedo, Jos\u00e9 Marcos",
 		"gnd": "136666825"
-	"Tellaroli, Sergio": {
-		"id": "5",
+	{
 		"name": "Tellaroli, Sergio",
 		"gnd": "132456168"
-	"Melo, Jos\u00e9 Laurenio de": {
-		"id": "6",
+	{
 		"name": "Melo, Jos\u00e9 Laurenio de",
 		"gnd": "1056367539"
-	"Hans Peter Welper": {
-		"id": "7",
+	{
 		"name": "Welper, Hans Peter",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Correia, Marcelo Cordeiro": {
-		"id": "8",
+	{
 		"name": "Correia, Marcelo Cordeiro",
 		"gnd": "1186818190"
-	"Gisele Ebersp\u00e4cher": {
-		"id": "9",
+	{
 		"name": "Ebersp\u00e4cher, Gisele",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Paulo Rog\u00e9rio Pacheco Jr.": {
-		"id": "10",
-		"name": "Jr., Paulo Rog\u00e9rio Pacheco",
+	{
+		"name": "Pacheco, Paulo Rog\u00e9rio Jr.",
 		"gnd": null
-	"R\u00f6hrig, Christine": {
-		"id": "11",
+	{
 		"name": "R\u00f6hrig, Christine",
 		"gnd": "128687894"
-	"Ana Maria Scherer": {
-		"id": "12",
+	{
 		"name": "Scherer, Ana Maria",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Samir Signeu": {
-		"id": "13",
+	{
 		"name": "Signeu, Samir",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Luft, Lya": {
-		"id": "14",
+	{
 		"name": "Luft, Lya",
 		"gnd": "11891426X"
-	"Murdarov, Vladko": {
-		"id": "15",
+	{
 		"name": "Murdarov, Vladko",
 		"gnd": "10317656X"
-	"Teocharov, Vladimir": {
-		"id": "16",
+	{
 		"name": "Teocharov, Vladimir",
 		"gnd": "1332464289"
-	"Andreev, Alexander": {
-		"id": "17",
+	{
 		"name": "Andreev, Alexander",
 		"gnd": "1043474846"
-	"Iliev, Ljubomir": {
-		"id": "18",
+	{
 		"name": "Iliev, Ljubomir",
 		"gnd": "139444394"
-	"Ana Dimova & Students": {
-		"id": "19",
-		"name": "Students, Ana Dimova &",
+	{
+		"name": "Dimova, Ana & Students",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Karamelska, Teodora": {
-		"id": "20",
+	{
 		"name": "Karamelska, Teodora",
 		"gnd": "1029621152"
-	"Krastyo Stanishev": {
-		"id": "21",
+	{
 		"name": "Stanishev, Krastyo",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ma, Wentao": {
-		"id": "22",
+	{
 		"name": "Ma, Wentao",
 		"gnd": "1057987050"
-	"Gong Jie": {
-		"id": "23",
+	{
 		"name": "Jie, Gong",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Zi Ma Jian": {
-		"id": "24",
+	{
 		"name": "Jian, Zi Ma",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Han, Ruixiang": {
-		"id": "25",
+	{
 		"name": "Han, Ruixiang",
 		"gnd": "1053037864"
-	"Liu, Wenjie": {
-		"id": "26",
+	{
 		"name": "Liu, Wenjie",
 		"gnd": "116026273X"
-	"Wang, Zhongxin": {
-		"id": "27",
+	{
 		"name": "Wang, Zhongxin",
 		"gnd": "1012218384"
-	"Xie, Fang": {
-		"id": "28",
+	{
 		"name": "Xie, Fang",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Schnelle, Barbora": {
-		"id": "29",
+	{
 		"name": "Schnelle, Barbora",
 		"gnd": "134111346"
-	"Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana": {
-		"id": "30",
+	{
 		"name": "Augustov\u00e1, Zuzana",
 		"gnd": "129164100"
-	"Charv\u00e1t, Radovan": {
-		"id": "31",
+	{
 		"name": "Charv\u00e1t, Radovan",
 		"gnd": "136336906"
-	"Bohumil \u0160pl\u00edchal": {
-		"id": "32",
+	{
 		"name": "\u0160pl\u00edchal, Bohumil",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav": {
-		"id": "33",
+	{
 		"name": "Pet\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, Miroslav",
 		"gnd": "114005958"
-	"Kufnerov\u00e1, Zlata": {
-		"id": "34",
+	{
 		"name": "Kufnerov\u00e1, Zlata",
 		"gnd": "129638900"
-	"Hana Stavia\u0159ov\u00e1": {
-		"id": "35",
+	{
 		"name": "Stavia\u0159ov\u00e1, Hana",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161": {
-		"id": "36",
+	{
 		"name": "Dimter, Tom\u00e1\u0161",
 		"gnd": "132734117"
-	"Jacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela": {
-		"id": "37",
+	{
 		"name": "Jacobsenov\u00e1, Michaela",
 		"gnd": "129483176"
-	"Nekula, Marek": {
-		"id": "38",
+	{
 		"name": "Nekula, Marek",
 		"gnd": "131386654"
-	"Mizerov\u00e1, Nikola": {
-		"id": "39",
+	{
 		"name": "Mizerov\u00e1, Nikola",
 		"gnd": "1189349515"
-	"Novotn\u00fd, Pavel": {
-		"id": "40",
+	{
 		"name": "Novotn\u00fd, Pavel",
 		"gnd": "1171453116"
-	"Balvin, Josef": {
-		"id": "41",
+	{
 		"name": "Balvin, Josef",
 		"gnd": "116046775"
-	"Jaroslava B\u00edl\u00e9ho": {
-		"id": "42",
+	{
 		"name": "B\u00edl\u00e9ho, Jaroslava",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ta\u0165jana Lang\u00e1\u0161kov\u00e1": {
-		"id": "43",
+	{
 		"name": "Lang\u00e1\u0161kov\u00e1, Ta\u0165jana",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Tome\u0161, Vladim\u00edr": {
-		"id": "44",
+	{
 		"name": "Tome\u0161, Vladim\u00edr",
 		"gnd": "114470448"
-	"Wolfgang Spitzbard": {
-		"id": "45",
+	{
 		"name": "Spitzbard, Wolfgang",
 		"gnd": "Q112365138"
-	"Daria Ullrichov\u00e1": {
-		"id": "46",
+	{
 		"name": "Ullrichov\u00e1, Daria",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Cejpek, V\u00e1clav": {
-		"id": "47",
+	{
 		"name": "Cejpek, V\u00e1clav",
 		"gnd": "1048022838"
-	"J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka": {
-		"id": "48",
+	{
 		"name": "J\u00edlkov\u00e1, Jitka",
 		"gnd": "122472446"
-	"Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav": {
-		"id": "49",
+	{
 		"name": "Slez\u00e1k, Vratislav",
 		"gnd": "113652445"
-	"Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean": {
-		"id": "50",
+	{
 		"name": "Jensen, Ren\u00e9 Jean",
 		"gnd": "131470000"
-	"Tommy Kierkegaard": {
-		"id": "51",
+	{
 		"name": "Kierkegaard, Tommy",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.": {
-		"id": "52",
+	{
 		"name": "Fauth, S\u00f8ren R.",
 		"gnd": "130646482"
-	"Karen-Maria Bille": {
-		"id": "53",
+	{
 		"name": "Bille, Karen-Maria",
 		"gnd": null
-	"McLintock, David": {
-		"id": "54",
+	{
 		"name": "McLintock, David",
 		"gnd": "143687727"
-	"Janeway, Carol Brown": {
-		"id": "55",
+	{
 		"name": "Janeway, Carol Brown",
 		"gnd": "138370176"
-	"Reidel, James": {
-		"id": "56",
+	{
 		"name": "Reidel, James",
 		"gnd": "142366803"
-	"Osers, Ewald": {
-		"id": "57",
+	{
 		"name": "Osers, Ewald",
 		"gnd": "117744441"
-	"Wilkins, Sophie": {
-		"id": "58",
+	{
 		"name": "Wilkins, Sophie",
 		"gnd": "Q95703843"
-	"Jack Dawson a.k.a. Mark Anderson": {
-		"id": "59",
+	{
 		"name": "Anderson, Jack Dawson a.k.a. Mark",
 		"gnd": "1196980330 / 11329977X"
-	"Michael Hofmann": {
-		"id": "60",
+	{
 		"name": "Hofmann, Michael",
 		"gnd": "132306174"
-	"Douglas Robertson": {
-		"id": "61",
+	{
 		"name": "Robertson, Douglas",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Winston, Clara": {
-		"id": "62",
+	{
 		"name": "Winston, Clara",
 		"gnd": "Q59525372"
-	"Winston, Richard": {
-		"id": "63",
+	{
 		"name": "Winston, Richard",
 		"gnd": "1037208870"
-	"Stockman, Russell": {
-		"id": "64",
+	{
 		"name": "Stockman, Russell",
 		"gnd": "124036007"
-	"Waugh, Peter": {
-		"id": "65",
+	{
 		"name": "Waugh, Peter",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Peter Jansen": {
-		"id": "66",
+	{
 		"name": "Jansen, Peter",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Northcott, Kenneth J.": {
-		"id": "67",
+	{
 		"name": "Northcott, Kenneth J.",
 		"gnd": "127219501"
-	"Honegger, Gitta": {
-		"id": "68",
+	{
 		"name": "Honegger, Gitta",
 		"gnd": "124619533"
-	"Oakes, Meredith": {
-		"id": "69",
+	{
 		"name": "Oakes, Meredith",
 		"gnd": "138551731"
-	"Tierney, Andrea": {
-		"id": "70",
+	{
 		"name": "Tierney, Andrea",
 		"gnd": "1019872926"
-	"Plaice, Neville": {
-		"id": "71",
+	{
 		"name": "Plaice, Neville",
 		"gnd": "105626568X"
-	"Plaice, Stephen": {
-		"id": "72",
+	{
 		"name": "Plaice, Stephen",
 		"gnd": "1171560575"
-	"Cairns, Tom": {
-		"id": "73",
+	{
 		"name": "Cairns, Tom",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Eyre, Peter": {
-		"id": "74",
+	{
 		"name": "Eyre, Peter",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Lindgren, Laura": {
-		"id": "75",
+	{
 		"name": "Lindgren, Laura",
 		"gnd": "1036333043"
-	"Craig Kinosian": {
-		"id": "76",
+	{
 		"name": "Kinosian, Craig",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Eduard Stoklosinski": {
-		"id": "77",
+	{
 		"name": "Stoklosinski, Eduard",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Chalmers, Martin": {
-		"id": "78",
+	{
 		"name": "Chalmers, Martin",
 		"gnd": "114173567"
-	"Josef Glowa": {
-		"id": "79",
+	{
 		"name": "Glowa, Josef",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Susan Hurly-Glowa": {
-		"id": "80",
+	{
 		"name": "Hurly-Glowa, Susan",
 		"gnd": null
-	"McManus, Donald Cameron": {
-		"id": "81",
+	{
 		"name": "McManus, Donald Cameron",
 		"gnd": "1089326556"
-	"Michael Mitchell": {
-		"id": "82",
+	{
 		"name": "Mitchell, Michael",
 		"gnd": "113837895"
-	"Searls, Damion": {
-		"id": "83",
+	{
 		"name": "Searls, Damion",
 		"gnd": "132954214"
-	"Eric Williams": {
-		"id": "84",
+	{
 		"name": "Williams, Eric",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Decker, Craig": {
-		"id": "85",
+	{
 		"name": "Decker, Craig",
 		"gnd": "128883626"
-	"Case, Holly": {
-		"id": "86",
+	{
 		"name": "Case, Holly",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Waidson, Herbert Morgan": {
-		"id": "87",
+	{
 		"name": "Waidson, Herbert Morgan",
 		"gnd": "Q59628070"
-	"Siegel, Adam": {
-		"id": "88",
+	{
 		"name": "Siegel, Adam",
 		"gnd": null
-	"A. Lesllie Wilson": {
-		"id": "89",
+	{
 		"name": "Wilson, A. Lesllie",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Toivo Tasa": {
-		"id": "90",
+	{
 		"name": "Tasa, Toivo",
 		"gnd": "Q14503060"
-	"Sirkel, Mati": {
-		"id": "91",
+	{
 		"name": "Sirkel, Mati",
 		"gnd": "113737300"
-	"M\u00e4gar, Heli": {
-		"id": "92",
+	{
 		"name": "M\u00e4gar, Heli",
 		"gnd": "1138306738"
-	"Sarrivaara, Olli": {
-		"id": "93",
+	{
 		"name": "Sarrivaara, Olli",
 		"gnd": "137246536"
-	"Roinila, Tarja": {
-		"id": "94",
+	{
 		"name": "Roinila, Tarja",
 		"gnd": "118148532"
-	"Spreng, Eberhard": {
-		"id": "95",
+	{
 		"name": "Spreng, Eberhard",
 		"gnd": "114692562X"
-	"Mirsky, Daniel": {
-		"id": "96",
+	{
 		"name": "Mirsky, Daniel",
 		"gnd": "1056937912"
-	"Lambrichs, Gilberte": {
-		"id": "97",
+	{
 		"name": "Lambrichs, Gilberte",
 		"gnd": "127140581"
-	"Guy F. Estrangin": {
-		"id": "98",
+	{
 		"name": "Estrangin, Guy F.",
 		"gnd": "127105778"
-	"Kreiss, Bernard": {
-		"id": "99",
+	{
 		"name": "Kreiss, Bernard",
 		"gnd": "140640894"
-	"Porcell, Claude": {
-		"id": "100",
+	{
 		"name": "Porcell, Claude",
 		"gnd": "114277966"
-	"Kohn, Albert": {
-		"id": "101",
+	{
 		"name": "Kohn, Albert",
 		"gnd": "126505152"
-	"Simon, Boris": {
-		"id": "102",
+	{
 		"name": "Simon, Boris",
 		"gnd": "1205565698"
-	"Turk-Meyer, Jos\u00e9e": {
-		"id": "103",
+	{
 		"name": "Turk-Meyer, Jos\u00e9e",
 		"gnd": "127531399X"
-	"H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude": {
-		"id": "104",
+	{
 		"name": "H\u00e9mery, Jean-Claude",
 		"gnd": "1152034472"
-	"Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane": {
-		"id": "105",
+	{
 		"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, \u00c9liane",
 		"gnd": "141257946"
-	"Servicen, Louise": {
-		"id": "106",
+	{
 		"name": "Servicen, Louise",
 		"gnd": "1036521567"
-	"Holl, Herbert": {
-		"id": "107",
+	{
 		"name": "Holl, Herbert",
 		"gnd": "120991268"
-	"Han, Kza": {
-		"id": "108",
+	{
 		"name": "Han, Kza",
 		"gnd": "137436971"
-	"Jean-Luc Moreau": {
-		"id": "109",
+	{
 		"name": "Moreau, Jean-Luc",
 		"gnd": "123611431"
-	"Hommel, Susanne": {
-		"id": "110",
+	{
 		"name": "Hommel, Susanne",
 		"gnd": "1027599265"
-	"Michel Nebenzahl": {
-		"id": "111",
+	{
 		"name": "Nebenzahl, Michel",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Demet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois": {
-		"id": "112",
+	{
 		"name": "Demet, Michel-Fran\u00e7ois",
 		"gnd": "116069015"
-	"Etor\u00e9-Lortholary, Jeanne": {
-		"id": "113",
+	{
 		"name": "Etor\u00e9-Lortholary, Jeanne",
 		"gnd": "137449232"
-	"Lortholary, Bernard": {
-		"id": "114",
+	{
 		"name": "Lortholary, Bernard",
 		"gnd": "138972516"
-	"Petit, Dominique": {
-		"id": "115",
+	{
 		"name": "Petit, Dominique",
 		"gnd": "1017918856"
-	"Edith Darnaud": {
-		"id": "116",
+	{
 		"name": "Darnaud, Edith",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Eliane Kaufholz-Messmer": {
-		"id": "117",
+	{
 		"name": "Kaufholz-Messmer, Eliane",
 		"gnd": "141257946"
-	"Roland Hofer-Bury": {
-		"id": "118",
+	{
 		"name": "Hofer-Bury, Roland",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Jean de Meur": {
-		"id": "119",
+	{
 		"name": "Meur, Jean de",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Para, Jean-Baptiste": {
-		"id": "120",
+	{
 		"name": "Para, Jean-Baptiste",
 		"gnd": "14117479X"
-	"Tautou, Alexis": {
-		"id": "121",
+	{
 		"name": "Tautou, Alexis",
 		"gnd": "131565587X"
-	"Hornig, Dieter": {
-		"id": "122",
+	{
 		"name": "Hornig, Dieter",
 		"gnd": "109855019"
-	"Herv\u00e9 Lenormand": {
-		"id": "123",
+	{
 		"name": "Lenormand, Herv\u00e9",
 		"gnd": null
-	"W\u00f6gerbauer, Werner": {
-		"id": "124",
+	{
 		"name": "W\u00f6gerbauer, Werner",
 		"gnd": "130301078"
-	"Fran\u00e7ois Joachim": {
-		"id": "125",
+	{
 		"name": "Joachim, Fran\u00e7ois",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Mannoni, Olivier": {
-		"id": "126",
+	{
 		"name": "Mannoni, Olivier",
 		"gnd": "136813089"
-	"Stephan, Claudia": {
-		"id": "127",
+	{
 		"name": "Stephan, Claudia",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Eliane Kaufholz": {
-		"id": "128",
+	{
 		"name": "Kaufholz, Eliane",
 		"gnd": "141257946"
-	"Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre": {
-		"id": "129",
+	{
 		"name": "Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre",
 		"gnd": "121462609"
-	"Becerra de Becerre\u00e1, Afonso": {
-		"id": "130",
+	{
 		"name": "Becerra de Becerre\u00e1, Afonso",
 		"gnd": "1033609943"
-	"Ana Contreras": {
-		"id": "131",
+	{
 		"name": "Contreras, Ana",
 		"gnd": null
-	"L\u00f3pez Pato, Catuxa": {
-		"id": "132",
+	{
 		"name": "L\u00f3pez Pato, Catuxa",
 		"gnd": "1046629735"
-	"Miriana\u0161vili, Maia": {
-		"id": "133",
+	{
 		"name": "Miriana\u0161vili, Maia",
 		"gnd": "133964981"
-	"P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia": {
-		"id": "134",
+	{
 		"name": "P\u0315an\u01f0ikije, Maia",
 		"gnd": "1160330182"
-	"Natia Datuaschwili": {
-		"id": "135",
+	{
 		"name": "Datuaschwili, Natia",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kentrotis, Georgios": {
-		"id": "136",
+	{
 		"name": "Kentrotis, Georgios",
 		"gnd": "137598556"
-	"Isar\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "137",
+	{
 		"name": "Isar\u0113s, Alexandros",
 		"gnd": "133548910"
-	"Yannos Perlegkas": {
-		"id": "138",
+	{
 		"name": "Perlegkas, Yannos",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ismini Theodoropoulou": {
-		"id": "139",
+	{
 		"name": "Theodoropoulou, Ismini",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Giorgos Depastas": {
-		"id": "140",
+	{
 		"name": "Depastas, Giorgos",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Vassilis Tomanas": {
-		"id": "141",
+	{
 		"name": "Tomanas, Vassilis",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Mastorak\u0113, Tzen\u0113": {
-		"id": "142",
+	{
 		"name": "Mastorak\u0113, Tzen\u0113",
 		"gnd": "129471550"
-	"Sotiria Matziri": {
-		"id": "143",
+	{
 		"name": "Matziri, Sotiria",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Dionysis Tselentis": {
-		"id": "144",
+	{
 		"name": "Tselentis, Dionysis",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Dimitri Varsou": {
-		"id": "145",
+	{
 		"name": "Varsou, Dimitri",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Lefteris Vogiatzis": {
-		"id": "146",
+	{
 		"name": "Vogiatzis, Lefteris",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Vasilis Tsalis": {
-		"id": "147",
+	{
 		"name": "Tsalis, Vasilis",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Maria Gkenkopulu": {
-		"id": "148",
+	{
 		"name": "Gkenkopulu, Maria",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Spyros Moskovou": {
-		"id": "149",
+	{
 		"name": "Moskovou, Spyros",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kypri\u014dt\u0113s, Alexandros": {
-		"id": "150",
+	{
 		"name": "Kypri\u014dt\u0113s, Alexandros",
 		"gnd": "12915170X"
-	"Ioanna Diamantopoulou": {
-		"id": "151",
+	{
 		"name": "Diamantopoulou, Ioanna",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Christina-Panagiota Grammatikopoulou": {
-		"id": "152",
+	{
 		"name": "Grammatikopoulou, Christina-Panagiota",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Zissis Sarikas": {
-		"id": "153",
+	{
 		"name": "Sarikas, Zissis",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Iakovos Koperti": {
-		"id": "154",
+	{
 		"name": "Koperti, Iakovos",
 		"gnd": "120990261"
-	"Theodoros Loupasakis": {
-		"id": "155",
+	{
 		"name": "Loupasakis, Theodoros",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Katharina Psaltou": {
-		"id": "156",
+	{
 		"name": "Psaltou, Katharina",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Seraphim Velentzas": {
-		"id": "157",
+	{
 		"name": "Velentzas, Seraphim",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Markar\u0113s, Petros": {
-		"id": "158",
+	{
 		"name": "Markar\u0113s, Petros",
 		"gnd": "121868338"
-	"Vasilis Poulantzas": {
-		"id": "159",
+	{
 		"name": "Poulantzas, Vasilis",
 		"gnd": "Q60733190"
-	"Mirs\u1e33i, Nili": {
-		"id": "160",
+	{
 		"name": "Mirs\u1e33i, Nili",
 		"gnd": "1114402494"
-	"Milstein, Avishai": {
-		"id": "161",
+	{
 		"name": "Milstein, Avishai",
 		"gnd": "124219553X"
-	"Nitza Ben-Ari": {
-		"id": "162",
+	{
 		"name": "Ben-Ari, Nitza",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Karmel, Avraham": {
-		"id": "163",
+	{
 		"name": "Karmel, Avraham",
 		"gnd": "1114408301"
-	"Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el": {
-		"id": "164",
+	{
 		"name": "Bar-\u1e24ayim, Ra\u1e25el",
 		"gnd": "137916272"
-	"Judith Shargal": {
-		"id": "165",
+	{
 		"name": "Shargal, Judith",
 		"gnd": null
-	"\u1e32onas, \u1e6cali": {
-		"id": "166",
+	{
 		"name": "\u1e32onas, \u1e6cali",
 		"gnd": "1031842128"
-	"G\u00e1bor G\u0151rgey": {
-		"id": "167",
+	{
 		"name": "G\u0151rgey, G\u00e1bor",
 		"gnd": "103313311"
-	"Attila Toronyi": {
-		"id": "168",
+	{
 		"name": "Toronyi, Attila",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Tandori, Dezs\u0151": {
-		"id": "169",
+	{
 		"name": "Tandori, Dezs\u0151",
 		"gnd": "119101580"
-	"Gabriella Haj\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "170",
+	{
 		"name": "Haj\u00f3s, Gabriella",
 		"gnd": null
-	"R\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor": {
-		"id": "171",
+	{
 		"name": "R\u00e9vai, G\u00e1bor",
 		"gnd": "115452141"
-	"Kukorelly, Endre": {
-		"id": "172",
+	{
 		"name": "Kukorelly, Endre",
 		"gnd": "120234556"
-	"Adamik, Lajos": {
-		"id": "173",
+	{
 		"name": "Adamik, Lajos",
 		"gnd": "120290863"
-	"Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s": {
-		"id": "174",
+	{
 		"name": "Gy\u00f6rffy, Mikl\u00f3s",
 		"gnd": "113410824"
-	"Halasi, Zolt\u00e1n": {
-		"id": "175",
+	{
 		"name": "Halasi, Zolt\u00e1n",
 		"gnd": "115418989"
-	"Z. J\u00e1nos Erd\u00e9lyi": {
-		"id": "176",
+	{
 		"name": "Erd\u00e9lyi, Z. J\u00e1nos",
 		"gnd": "Q124815409"
-	"Ember, M\u00e1ria": {
-		"id": "177",
+	{
 		"name": "Ember, M\u00e1ria",
 		"gnd": "119379848"
-	"Tam\u00e1s Tolm\u00e1r": {
-		"id": "178",
+	{
 		"name": "Tolm\u00e1r, Tam\u00e1s",
 		"gnd": null
-	"L\u0151rinczy, Attila": {
-		"id": "179",
+	{
 		"name": "L\u0151rinczy, Attila",
 		"gnd": "1035422026"
-	"Teglasy, Gergely": {
-		"id": "180",
+	{
 		"name": "Teglasy, Gergely",
 		"gnd": "1070048836"
-	"Sarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta": {
-		"id": "181",
+	{
 		"name": "Sarank\u00f3, M\u00e1rta",
 		"gnd": "142048941"
-	"Szijj, Ferenc": {
-		"id": "182",
+	{
 		"name": "Szijj, Ferenc",
 		"gnd": "103304207"
-	"Hj\u00e1lmar Sveinsson": {
-		"id": "183",
+	{
 		"name": "Sveinsson, Hj\u00e1lmar",
 		"gnd": "1032752440"
-	"\u00d3skars \u00c1rna \u00d3skarssonar": {
-		"id": "184",
+	{
 		"name": "\u00d3skarssonar, \u00d3skars \u00c1rna",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Gut Bozzetti, Elsbeth": {
-		"id": "185",
+	{
 		"name": "Gut Bozzetti, Elsbeth",
 		"gnd": "1019346833"
-	"Niccolini, Elisabetta": {
-		"id": "186",
+	{
 		"name": "Niccolini, Elisabetta",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Enrico Arioso": {
-		"id": "187",
+	{
 		"name": "Arioso, Enrico",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Rolando Zorzi": {
-		"id": "188",
+	{
 		"name": "Zorzi, Rolando",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Colorni, Renata": {
-		"id": "189",
+	{
 		"name": "Colorni, Renata",
 		"gnd": "112839223"
-	"Apostolo, Stefano": {
-		"id": "190",
+	{
 		"name": "Apostolo, Stefano",
 		"gnd": "1211209792"
-	"Thabet, Samir": {
-		"id": "191",
+	{
 		"name": "Thabet, Samir",
 		"gnd": "1141391872"
-	"Carpi, Anna Maria": {
-		"id": "192",
+	{
 		"name": "Carpi, Anna Maria",
 		"gnd": "123134382"
-	"Groff, Claudio": {
-		"id": "193",
+	{
 		"name": "Groff, Claudio",
 		"gnd": "112858953"
-	"Agabio, Giovanna": {
-		"id": "194",
+	{
 		"name": "Agabio, Giovanna",
 		"gnd": "132354330"
-	"Enza Gini": {
-		"id": "195",
+	{
 		"name": "Gini, Enza",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Gandini, Umberto": {
-		"id": "196",
+	{
 		"name": "Gandini, Umberto",
 		"gnd": "114324247"
-	"Roberto Menin": {
-		"id": "197",
+	{
 		"name": "Menin, Roberto",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bernardi, Eugenio": {
-		"id": "198",
+	{
 		"name": "Bernardi, Eugenio",
 		"gnd": "1017918821"
-	"Chiusano, Italo Alighiero": {
-		"id": "199",
+	{
 		"name": "Chiusano, Italo Alighiero",
 		"gnd": "11936462X"
-	"Gardoncini, Alice": {
-		"id": "200",
+	{
 		"name": "Gardoncini, Alice",
 		"gnd": "1272177750"
-	"Olivetti, Magda": {
-		"id": "201",
+	{
 		"name": "Olivetti, Magda",
 		"gnd": "137595050"
-	"Reitani, Luigi": {
-		"id": "202",
+	{
 		"name": "Reitani, Luigi",
 		"gnd": "115452141"
-	"Alessandra Rovagnati": {
-		"id": "203",
+	{
 		"name": "Rovagnati, Alessandra",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Lavagetto, Andreina": {
-		"id": "204",
+	{
 		"name": "Lavagetto, Andreina",
 		"gnd": "1173331999"
-	"Ruchat, Anna": {
-		"id": "205",
+	{
 		"name": "Ruchat, Anna",
 		"gnd": "111625785"
-	"Grieco, Agnese": {
-		"id": "206",
+	{
 		"name": "Grieco, Agnese",
 		"gnd": "172985013"
-	"Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna Ciancia": {
-		"id": "207",
+	{
 		"name": "Ciancia, Elisabetta dell\u2019Anna",
 		"gnd": "123634601"
-	"Anna Calligaris": {
-		"id": "208",
+	{
 		"name": "Calligaris, Anna",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Vittoria Rovelli Ruberl": {
-		"id": "209",
+	{
 		"name": "Ruberl, Vittoria Rovelli",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Latini, Micaela": {
-		"id": "210",
+	{
 		"name": "Latini, Micaela",
 		"gnd": "132807114"
-	"Fiorato, Pierfrancesco": {
-		"id": "211",
+	{
 		"name": "Fiorato, Pierfrancesco",
 		"gnd": "1073275078"
-	"Iwashita, Masayoshi": {
-		"id": "212",
+	{
 		"name": "Iwashita, Masayoshi",
 		"gnd": "114712406X"
-	"Hiroshi Yamamoto": {
-		"id": "213",
+	{
 		"name": "Yamamoto, Hiroshi",
 		"gnd": "139679022"
-	"Hatsumi, Motoi": {
-		"id": "214",
+	{
 		"name": "Hatsumi, Motoi",
 		"gnd": "1073619796"
-	"Yutaro Iijima": {
-		"id": "215",
+	{
 		"name": "Iijima, Yutaro",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ikeda, Nobuo": {
-		"id": "216",
+	{
 		"name": "Ikeda, Nobuo",
 		"gnd": "1075348315"
-	"Takeuchi Misao": {
-		"id": "217",
+	{
 		"name": "Misao, Takeuchi",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Nishikawa, Kenichi": {
-		"id": "218",
+	{
 		"name": "Nishikawa, Kenichi",
 		"gnd": "1147124078"
-	"Imai, Atsushi": {
-		"id": "219",
+	{
 		"name": "Imai, Atsushi",
 		"gnd": "122224868"
-	"Daisuke Higuchi": {
-		"id": "220",
+	{
 		"name": "Higuchi, Daisuke",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Eri Kazuki": {
-		"id": "221",
+	{
 		"name": "Kazuki, Eri",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Murgades, Josep": {
-		"id": "222",
+	{
 		"name": "Murgades, Josep",
 		"gnd": "1050810910"
-	"Garrigasait, Ra\u00fcl": {
-		"id": "223",
+	{
 		"name": "Garrigasait, Ra\u00fcl",
 		"gnd": "1068300116"
-	"Formosa Plans, Clara": {
-		"id": "224",
+	{
 		"name": "Formosa Plans, Clara",
 		"gnd": "141993855"
-	"Farr\u00e9s, Ramon": {
-		"id": "225",
+	{
 		"name": "Farr\u00e9s, Ramon",
 		"gnd": "123509556"
-	"Formosa, Feliu": {
-		"id": "226",
+	{
 		"name": "Formosa, Feliu",
 		"gnd": "128450231"
-	"Fontcuberta i Gel, Joan": {
-		"id": "227",
+	{
 		"name": "Fontcuberta i Gel, Joan",
 		"gnd": "130132454"
-	"Soler Horta, Anna": {
-		"id": "228",
+	{
 		"name": "Soler Horta, Anna",
 		"gnd": "140013458"
-	"Eugeni Bou": {
-		"id": "229",
+	{
 		"name": "Bou, Eugeni",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Roig, N\u00faria": {
-		"id": "230",
+	{
 		"name": "Roig, N\u00faria",
 		"gnd": "1026759412"
-	"Puigtobella, Bernat": {
-		"id": "231",
+	{
 		"name": "Puigtobella, Bernat",
 		"gnd": "1056497629"
-	"Iba\u00f1ez, Jordi": {
-		"id": "232",
+	{
 		"name": "Iba\u00f1ez, Jordi",
 		"gnd": "1020429593"
-	"Bag, In won": {
-		"id": "233",
+	{
 		"name": "Bag, In won",
 		"gnd": "139005625"
-	"Kim Yeon-sun": {
-		"id": "234",
+	{
 		"name": "Yeon-sun, Kim",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Song Geum-bong": {
-		"id": "235",
+	{
 		"name": "Geum-bong, Song",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Yun Seon-a": {
-		"id": "236",
+	{
 		"name": "Seon-a, Yun",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bae, Su a": {
-		"id": "237",
+	{
 		"name": "Bae, Su a",
 		"gnd": "1022100165"
-	"Park Hui-seok": {
-		"id": "238",
+	{
 		"name": "Hui-seok, Park",
 		"gnd": "130485551"
-	"Kim, Seong-Hyeon": {
-		"id": "239",
+	{
 		"name": "Kim, Seong-Hyeon",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ryu Jong-yeong": {
-		"id": "240",
+	{
 		"name": "Jong-yeong, Ryu",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ryu Eun-hui": {
-		"id": "241",
+	{
 		"name": "Eun-hui, Ryu",
 		"gnd": "115744363"
-	"Cho Hyeon-cheon": {
-		"id": "242",
+	{
 		"name": "Hyeon-cheon, Cho",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Gim, Yeong ok": {
-		"id": "243",
+	{
 		"name": "Gim, Yeong ok",
 		"gnd": "172830494"
-	"Park Hwan-deok": {
-		"id": "244",
+	{
 		"name": "Hwan-deok, Park",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Byeon, Hag-su": {
-		"id": "245",
+	{
 		"name": "Byeon, Hag-su",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bag, Yeong hui": {
-		"id": "246",
+	{
 		"name": "Bag, Yeong hui",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Gim, Mi hye": {
-		"id": "247",
+	{
 		"name": "Gim, Mi hye",
 		"gnd": "118134086"
-	"Chang Eun-su": {
-		"id": "248",
+	{
 		"name": "Eun-su, Chang",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Stama\u0107, Truda": {
-		"id": "249",
+	{
 		"name": "Stama\u0107, Truda",
 		"gnd": "1020655135"
-	"Peri\u0107, Boris": {
-		"id": "250",
+	{
 		"name": "Peri\u0107, Boris",
 		"gnd": "123586763"
-	"Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka": {
-		"id": "251",
+	{
 		"name": "Kne\u017eevi\u0107, Snje\u0161ka",
 		"gnd": "1017241961"
-	"Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead": {
-		"id": "252",
+	{
 		"name": "Muhamedagi\u0107, Sead",
 		"gnd": "1017884579"
-	"Pranjkovi\u0107 Karas, Ana": {
-		"id": "253",
+	{
 		"name": "Pranjkovi\u0107 Karas, Ana",
 		"gnd": "1091593388"
-	"Pranjkovi\u0107, Ana": {
-		"id": "254",
+	{
 		"name": "Pranjkovi\u0107, Ana",
 		"gnd": "1091593388"
-	"Sinkovi\u0107, Helen": {
-		"id": "255",
+	{
 		"name": "Sinkovi\u0107, Helen",
 		"gnd": "141551526"
-	"\u010cetrauskas, Teodoras": {
-		"id": "256",
+	{
 		"name": "\u010cetrauskas, Teodoras",
 		"gnd": "123290376"
-	"Sodeikien\u0117, Giedr\u0117": {
-		"id": "257",
+	{
 		"name": "Sodeikien\u0117, Giedr\u0117",
 		"gnd": "1048311376"
-	"Jurgita Mikutyt\u0117": {
-		"id": "258",
+	{
 		"name": "Mikutyt\u0117, Jurgita",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Lindner, Elizabeta": {
-		"id": "259",
+	{
 		"name": "Lindner, Elizabeta",
 		"gnd": "140167625"
-	"Graftdijk, Thomas": {
-		"id": "260",
+	{
 		"name": "Graftdijk, Thomas",
 		"gnd": "112828264"
-	"Brogt, Janine": {
-		"id": "261",
+	{
 		"name": "Brogt, Janine",
 		"gnd": "1192275144"
-	"Rijnders, Gerardjan": {
-		"id": "262",
+	{
 		"name": "Rijnders, Gerardjan",
 		"gnd": "1013260554"
-	"Bakx, Hans Willem": {
-		"id": "263",
+	{
 		"name": "Bakx, Hans Willem",
 		"gnd": "1018015213"
-	"Engelander, Ruud": {
-		"id": "264",
+	{
 		"name": "Engelander, Ruud",
 		"gnd": "1169097006"
-	"Bussink, Gerrit": {
-		"id": "265",
+	{
 		"name": "Bussink, Gerrit",
 		"gnd": "11440853X"
-	"Duquesnoy, Theodor": {
-		"id": "266",
+	{
 		"name": "Duquesnoy, Theodor",
 		"gnd": "1070720577"
-	"Jacob Groot": {
-		"id": "267",
+	{
 		"name": "Groot, Jacob",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bakker, Chris": {
-		"id": "268",
+	{
 		"name": "Bakker, Chris",
 		"gnd": "1200664884"
-	"Bes, Gerard": {
-		"id": "269",
+	{
 		"name": "Bes, Gerard",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Philip Grisel": {
-		"id": "270",
+	{
 		"name": "Grisel, Philip",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bok, Pauline de": {
-		"id": "271",
+	{
 		"name": "Bok, Pauline de",
 		"gnd": "139189637"
-	"Hengel, Ria van": {
-		"id": "272",
+	{
 		"name": "Hengel, Ria van",
 		"gnd": "122811682"
-	"P.P.J. Klinkenberg": {
-		"id": "273",
+	{
 		"name": "Klinkenberg, P.P.J.",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Wigman, Menno": {
-		"id": "274",
+	{
 		"name": "Wigman, Menno",
 		"gnd": "Q4110542"
-	"Thijs, Ger": {
-		"id": "275",
+	{
 		"name": "Thijs, Ger",
 		"gnd": "Q2356157"
-	"Tom Kleijn": {
-		"id": "276",
+	{
 		"name": "Kleijn, Tom",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Christope van de Loo": {
-		"id": "277",
+	{
 		"name": "Loo, Christope van de",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kan, Jeroen van": {
-		"id": "278",
+	{
 		"name": "Kan, Jeroen van",
 		"gnd": "112675725X"
-	"Rob Scholten": {
-		"id": "279",
+	{
 		"name": "Scholten, Rob",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Dahl, Sverre": {
-		"id": "280",
+	{
 		"name": "Dahl, Sverre",
 		"gnd": "10933230X"
-	"Aasprong, Monica": {
-		"id": "281",
+	{
 		"name": "Aasprong, Monica",
 		"gnd": "138392307"
-	"St\u00f8lan, Arne Hugo": {
-		"id": "282",
+	{
 		"name": "St\u00f8lan, Arne Hugo",
 		"gnd": "105315626X"
-	"Fosse, Jon": {
-		"id": "283",
+	{
 		"name": "Fosse, Jon",
 		"gnd": "120052547"
-	"Stub\u00f8, Eirik": {
-		"id": "284",
+	{
 		"name": "Stub\u00f8, Eirik",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Nasser Ghayashi": {
-		"id": "285",
+	{
 		"name": "Ghayashi, Nasser",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Abdullah Jamani": {
-		"id": "286",
+	{
 		"name": "Jamani, Abdullah",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Khadijah Kazem Alilou": {
-		"id": "287",
+	{
 		"name": "Alilou, Khadijah Kazem",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ali Asghar Haddad": {
-		"id": "288",
+	{
 		"name": "Haddad, Ali Asghar",
 		"gnd": "1068191961"
-	"Ra\u0161\u012bd, \u0160ahr\u016bz": {
-		"id": "289",
+	{
 		"name": "Ra\u0161\u012bd, \u0160ahr\u016bz",
 		"gnd": "1081376856"
-	"Jahid Jahanshahi": {
-		"id": "290",
+	{
 		"name": "Jahanshahi, Jahid",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Mousavi, Mohammad Reza": {
-		"id": "291",
+	{
 		"name": "Mousavi, Mohammad Reza",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Alazreg, Abdullahi": {
-		"id": "292",
+	{
 		"name": "Alazreg, Abdullahi",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Aboozar Ahangar": {
-		"id": "293",
+	{
 		"name": "Ahangar, Aboozar",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Arab, Hassan": {
-		"id": "294",
+	{
 		"name": "Arab, Hassan",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Zainab Armand": {
-		"id": "295",
+	{
 		"name": "Armand, Zainab",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Muska\u0142a, Monika": {
-		"id": "296",
+	{
 		"name": "Muska\u0142a, Monika",
 		"gnd": "141954027"
-	"Lisiecka, S\u0142awa": {
-		"id": "297",
+	{
 		"name": "Lisiecka, S\u0142awa",
 		"gnd": "12857688X"
-	"B\u0142aut, S\u0142awomir": {
-		"id": "298",
+	{
 		"name": "B\u0142aut, S\u0142awomir",
 		"gnd": "115162283"
-	"Ernest Dyzek": {
-		"id": "299",
+	{
 		"name": "Dyzek, Ernest",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Marek Feliks Nowak": {
-		"id": "300",
+	{
 		"name": "Nowak, Marek Feliks",
 		"gnd": null
-	"K\u0119dzierski, Marek": {
-		"id": "301",
+	{
 		"name": "K\u0119dzierski, Marek",
 		"gnd": "120039753"
-	"Mycielska, Gabriela": {
-		"id": "302",
+	{
 		"name": "Mycielska, Gabriela",
 		"gnd": "127249869"
-	"Jasku\u0142a, Zdzis\u0142aw": {
-		"id": "303",
+	{
 		"name": "Jasku\u0142a, Zdzis\u0142aw",
 		"gnd": "1014069262"
-	"Wojnakowski, Ryszard": {
-		"id": "304",
+	{
 		"name": "Wojnakowski, Ryszard",
 		"gnd": "124711944"
-	"Buras, Jacek St.": {
-		"id": "305",
+	{
 		"name": "Buras, Jacek St.",
 		"gnd": "120362694"
-	"\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta": {
-		"id": "306",
+	{
 		"name": "\u017bmij-Zieli\u0144ska, Danuta",
 		"gnd": "1215107900"
-	"Matysik, Grzegorz": {
-		"id": "307",
+	{
 		"name": "Matysik, Grzegorz",
 		"gnd": "1061823695"
-	"Wo\u0142kowicz, Anna": {
-		"id": "308",
+	{
 		"name": "Wo\u0142kowicz, Anna",
 		"gnd": "Q117871566"
-	"Kunicki, Wojciech": {
-		"id": "309",
+	{
 		"name": "Kunicki, Wojciech",
 		"gnd": "121265501"
-	"Bara\u0144czak, Stanis\u0142aw": {
-		"id": "310",
+	{
 		"name": "Bara\u0144czak, Stanis\u0142aw",
 		"gnd": "119229129"
-	"Agnieszka Borkiewicz": {
-		"id": "311",
+	{
 		"name": "Borkiewicz, Agnieszka",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Zbigniew Bochenek": {
-		"id": "312",
+	{
 		"name": "Bochenek, Zbigniew",
 		"gnd": "Q9387781"
-	"Surowska, Barbara L.": {
-		"id": "313",
+	{
 		"name": "Surowska, Barbara L.",
 		"gnd": "1089574959"
-	"Sauerland, Karol": {
-		"id": "314",
+	{
 		"name": "Sauerland, Karol",
 		"gnd": "123637015"
-	"Maria Olema Malheiro": {
-		"id": "315",
+	{
 		"name": "Malheiro, Maria Olema",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Almeida, Leopoldina": {
-		"id": "316",
+	{
 		"name": "Almeida, Leopoldina",
 		"gnd": "138312737"
-	"Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma Caetano": {
-		"id": "317",
+	{
 		"name": "Caetano, Jos\u00e9 Antonio Palma",
 		"gnd": "110602897"
-	"Duarte, Bruno": {
-		"id": "318",
+	{
 		"name": "Duarte, Bruno",
 		"gnd": "141122455"
-	"Barrento, Jo\u00e3o": {
-		"id": "319",
+	{
 		"name": "Barrento, Jo\u00e3o",
 		"gnd": "121553779"
-	"Mendes, Anabela": {
-		"id": "320",
+	{
 		"name": "Mendes, Anabela",
 		"gnd": "121903326X"
-	"Pimenta, Alberto": {
-		"id": "321",
+	{
 		"name": "Pimenta, Alberto",
 		"gnd": "17230881X"
-	"Parreira, Francisco Lu\u00eds": {
-		"id": "322",
+	{
 		"name": "Parreira, Francisco Lu\u00eds",
 		"gnd": "1234182270"
-	"Gabriela Dan\u0163i\u015f": {
-		"id": "323",
+	{
 		"name": "Dan\u0163i\u015f, Gabriela",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Madritsch Marin, Florica": {
-		"id": "324",
+	{
 		"name": "Madritsch Marin, Florica",
 		"gnd": "128824050"
-	"Ioan Evu": {
-		"id": "325",
+	{
 		"name": "Evu, Ioan",
 		"gnd": "140531726"
-	"Theresia Haas": {
-		"id": "326",
+	{
 		"name": "Haas, Theresia",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Isb\u0103\u0219escu, Mihai": {
-		"id": "327",
+	{
 		"name": "Isb\u0103\u0219escu, Mihai",
 		"gnd": "133234487"
-	"Borisa Khlebnikowa": {
-		"id": "328",
+	{
 		"name": "Khlebnikowa, Borisa",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Vladimira Fadeeva": {
-		"id": "329",
+	{
 		"name": "Fadeeva, Vladimira",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Michael Rudnitzki": {
-		"id": "330",
+	{
 		"name": "Rudnitzki, Michael",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Rita Rajt-Kowaljowa": {
-		"id": "331",
+	{
 		"name": "Rajt-Kowaljowa, Rita",
 		"gnd": "1057558192"
-	"Serafima Schlapoberskaja": {
-		"id": "332",
+	{
 		"name": "Schlapoberskaja, Serafima",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna": {
-		"id": "333",
+	{
 		"name": "Baskakova, Tat\u02b9jana Aleksandrovna",
 		"gnd": "1017399611"
-	"Jewgenija Mikhelevich": {
-		"id": "334",
+	{
 		"name": "Mikhelevich, Jewgenija",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Rita Rajt-Kowaljow": {
-		"id": "335",
+	{
 		"name": "Rajt-Kowaljow, Rita",
 		"gnd": "1057558192"
-	"V. Cherkasow": {
-		"id": "336",
+	{
 		"name": "Cherkasow, V.",
 		"gnd": null
-	"\u0415. Gajdukowa": {
-		"id": "337",
+	{
 		"name": "Gajdukowa, \u0415.",
 		"gnd": "1044377364"
-	"Alexej Ognew": {
-		"id": "338",
+	{
 		"name": "Ognew, Alexej",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Anna Matveeva": {
-		"id": "339",
+	{
 		"name": "Matveeva, Anna",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Paul Tropinin": {
-		"id": "340",
+	{
 		"name": "Tropinin, Paul",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kotelevskaja, Vera Vladimirovna": {
-		"id": "341",
+	{
 		"name": "Kotelevskaja, Vera Vladimirovna",
 		"gnd": "1177089246"
-	"Evgenia Belorusets": {
-		"id": "342",
+	{
 		"name": "Belorusets, Evgenia",
 		"gnd": "1051756766"
-	"Markin, Aleksandr": {
-		"id": "343",
+	{
 		"name": "Markin, Aleksandr",
 		"gnd": "131681745"
-	"Michail Rudnizki": {
-		"id": "344",
+	{
 		"name": "Rudnizki, Michail",
 		"gnd": null
-	"A. Slawinskaja": {
-		"id": "345",
+	{
 		"name": "Slawinskaja, A.",
 		"gnd": null
-	"J. Dmitrijewa": {
-		"id": "346",
+	{
 		"name": "Dmitrijewa, J.",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Marinko Radovi\u0107": {
-		"id": "347",
+	{
 		"name": "Radovi\u0107, Marinko",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Karanovi\u0107, Sanja": {
-		"id": "348",
+	{
 		"name": "Karanovi\u0107, Sanja",
 		"gnd": "1133516378"
-	"Borivoj Grujic": {
-		"id": "349",
+	{
 		"name": "Grujic, Borivoj",
 		"gnd": "1078380821"
-	"A\u0107in, Jovica": {
-		"id": "350",
+	{
 		"name": "A\u0107in, Jovica",
 		"gnd": "113613555"
-	"Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja": {
-		"id": "351",
+	{
 		"name": "Dra\u017ei\u0107, Relja",
 		"gnd": "141036028"
-	"Novak Guslov": {
-		"id": "352",
+	{
 		"name": "Guslov, Novak",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Avramovi\u0107, Mirjana": {
-		"id": "353",
+	{
 		"name": "Avramovi\u0107, Mirjana",
 		"gnd": "1227236212"
-	"Deni\u0107, Bojana": {
-		"id": "354",
+	{
 		"name": "Deni\u0107, Bojana",
 		"gnd": "1016946325"
-	"Krasni, Zlatko": {
-		"id": "355",
+	{
 		"name": "Krasni, Zlatko",
 		"gnd": "115835970"
-	"Dvorsk\u00fd, Juraj": {
-		"id": "356",
+	{
 		"name": "Dvorsk\u00fd, Juraj",
 		"gnd": "14026289X"
-	"Jana Krej\u010dikov\u00e1": {
-		"id": "357",
+	{
 		"name": "Krej\u010dikov\u00e1, Jana",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kubica, Peter": {
-		"id": "358",
+	{
 		"name": "Kubica, Peter",
 		"gnd": "102911658X"
-	"Virk, Jani": {
-		"id": "359",
+	{
 		"name": "Virk, Jani",
 		"gnd": "Q4022080"
-	"Vevar, \u0160tefan": {
-		"id": "360",
+	{
 		"name": "Vevar, \u0160tefan",
 		"gnd": "Q18646326"
-	"Virk, Sara Marina": {
-		"id": "361",
+	{
 		"name": "Virk, Sara Marina",
 		"gnd": "101402708X"
-	"Ur\u0161ka Brodar": {
-		"id": "362",
+	{
 		"name": "Brodar, Ur\u0161ka",
 		"gnd": "Q114305369"
-	"Morel, Alenka": {
-		"id": "363",
+	{
 		"name": "Morel, Alenka",
 		"gnd": "1156675316"
-	"Ana Monika Pirc": {
-		"id": "364",
+	{
 		"name": "Pirc, Ana Monika",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka": {
-		"id": "365",
+	{
 		"name": "Jen\u010di\u010d, Lu\u010dka",
 		"gnd": "115212396"
-	"Kranjc, Mojca": {
-		"id": "366",
+	{
 		"name": "Kranjc, Mojca",
 		"gnd": "115835970"
-	"Katarina Marinc\u030cic\u030c": {
-		"id": "367",
+	{
 		"name": "Marinc\u030cic\u030c, Katarina",
 		"gnd": "1089854382"
-	"Davorin Flis": {
-		"id": "368",
+	{
 		"name": "Flis, Davorin",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Kralj, Lado": {
-		"id": "369",
+	{
 		"name": "Kralj, Lado",
 		"gnd": "1043476903"
-	"Trekman, Borut": {
-		"id": "370",
+	{
 		"name": "Trekman, Borut",
 		"gnd": "Q12786235"
-	"Borovnik, Silvija": {
-		"id": "371",
+	{
 		"name": "Borovnik, Silvija",
 		"gnd": "1234736527"
-	"Miladinovi\u0107 Zalaznik, Mira": {
-		"id": "372",
+	{
 		"name": "Miladinovi\u0107 Zalaznik, Mira",
 		"gnd": "1063226295"
-	"S\u00e1enz, Miguel": {
-		"id": "373",
+	{
 		"name": "S\u00e1enz, Miguel",
 		"gnd": "113071043"
-	"Cruz Santaella, Esther": {
-		"id": "374",
+	{
 		"name": "Cruz Santaella, Esther",
 		"gnd": "1165093812"
-	"Fortea, Carlos": {
-		"id": "375",
+	{
 		"name": "Fortea, Carlos",
 		"gnd": "11541522X"
-	"Margarita Mizraji": {
-		"id": "376",
+	{
 		"name": "Mizraji, Margarita",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Costa, Nicol\u00e1s": {
-		"id": "377",
+	{
 		"name": "Costa, Nicol\u00e1s",
 		"gnd": "127221085"
-	"Fehling, Ruth": {
-		"id": "378",
+	{
 		"name": "Fehling, Ruth",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ricardo Cordchado": {
-		"id": "379",
+	{
 		"name": "Cordchado, Ricardo",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Sabina Scherzer": {
-		"id": "380",
+	{
 		"name": "Scherzer, Sabina",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Holmqvist, Margaretha": {
-		"id": "381",
+	{
 		"name": "Holmqvist, Margaretha",
 		"gnd": "107718731"
-	"Daniel Birnbaum": {
-		"id": "382",
+	{
 		"name": "Birnbaum, Daniel",
 		"gnd": "12150011X"
-	"Anders Olsson": {
-		"id": "383",
+	{
 		"name": "Olsson, Anders",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Bornlid, Jan Erik": {
-		"id": "384",
+	{
 		"name": "Bornlid, Jan Erik",
 		"gnd": "137299931"
-	"Freij, Lars W.": {
-		"id": "385",
+	{
 		"name": "Freij, Lars W.",
 		"gnd": "107890143"
-	"Wid\u00e9n, Susanne": {
-		"id": "386",
+	{
 		"name": "Wid\u00e9n, Susanne",
 		"gnd": "1018886249"
-	"Magnus Lindmann": {
-		"id": "387",
+	{
 		"name": "Lindmann, Magnus",
 		"gnd": null
-	"\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih": {
-		"id": "388",
+	{
 		"name": "\u00d6zg\u00fcven, Fatih",
 		"gnd": "103434453"
-	"Duru, Sezer": {
-		"id": "389",
+	{
 		"name": "Duru, Sezer",
 		"gnd": "135753279"
-	"Tezel, Esen": {
-		"id": "390",
+	{
 		"name": "Tezel, Esen",
 		"gnd": "102948354X"
-	"T\u00fczel, Mustafa": {
-		"id": "391",
+	{
 		"name": "T\u00fczel, Mustafa",
 		"gnd": null
-	"T\u00fcrk, M. Sami": {
-		"id": "392",
+	{
 		"name": "T\u00fcrk, M. Sami",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Nalc\u0131o\u011flu, Ahmet U\u011fur": {
-		"id": "393",
+	{
 		"name": "Nalc\u0131o\u011flu, Ahmet U\u011fur",
 		"gnd": "1187984000"
-	"Sar\u0131, Ahmet": {
-		"id": "394",
+	{
 		"name": "Sar\u0131, Ahmet",
 		"gnd": "139907858"
-	"Uyan\u0131k, G\u00fcrsel": {
-		"id": "395",
+	{
 		"name": "Uyan\u0131k, G\u00fcrsel",
 		"gnd": "140037438"
-	"\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma": {
-		"id": "396",
+	{
 		"name": "\u00d6zt\u00fcrk Da\u011fabakan, Fatma",
 		"gnd": "139907440"
-	"Arif \u00c7a\u011flar": {
-		"id": "397",
+	{
 		"name": "\u00c7a\u011flar, Arif",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Nutku, \u00d6zdemir": {
-		"id": "398",
+	{
 		"name": "Nutku, \u00d6zdemir",
 		"gnd": "107830302"
-	"Arpad, Ahmet": {
-		"id": "399",
+	{
 		"name": "Arpad, Ahmet",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Murad, Efe": {
-		"id": "400",
+	{
 		"name": "Murad, Efe",
 		"gnd": "1280573597"
-	"Ebru Omay": {
-		"id": "401",
+	{
 		"name": "Omay, Ebru",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Nadide Amasyal\u0131": {
-		"id": "402",
+	{
 		"name": "Amasyal\u0131, Nadide",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Boztepe, Kemal": {
-		"id": "403",
+	{
 		"name": "Boztepe, Kemal",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Havryliv, Tymofij": {
-		"id": "404",
+	{
 		"name": "Havryliv, Tymofij",
 		"gnd": "137196059"
-	"Igor Andrushchenko": {
-		"id": "405",
+	{
 		"name": "Andrushchenko, Igor",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Lesya Kravchenko": {
-		"id": "406",
+	{
 		"name": "Kravchenko, Lesya",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Iqb\u0101l \u1e92af\u0101r": {
-		"id": "407",
+	{
 		"name": "\u1e92af\u0101r, Iqb\u0101l",
 		"gnd": null
-	"Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng L\u00e3nh": {
-		"id": "408",
+	{
 		"name": "L\u00e3nh, Ho\u00e0ng \u0110\u0103ng",
 		"gnd": null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/scripts/data/\303\234bersetzung.json" "b/scripts/data/\303\234bersetzung.json"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db69b94
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/scripts/data/\303\234bersetzung.json"
@@ -0,0 +1,9897 @@
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			102,
+			103
+		],
+		"title": "Gel"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			349
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0440\u0430\u0437"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			327
+		],
+		"title": "Dulgherul"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			62,
+			63
+		],
+		"title": "Gargoyles"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			98
+		],
+		"title": "Perturbation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			209
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c8 una commedia? \u00c8 una tragedia?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			381
+		],
+		"title": "Kalkbruket"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			58
+		],
+		"title": "The Lime Works"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			106
+		],
+		"title": "La pl\u00e2tri\u00e8re"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			169
+		],
+		"title": "Fagy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			89
+		],
+		"title": "Is it a Comedy? Is it a Tragedy?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			313,
+			314
+		],
+		"title": "\u015awi\u0119to Borysa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			71,
+			72
+		],
+		"title": "The Force of Habit. A Comedy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			263
+		],
+		"title": "De kalkfabriek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			263
+		],
+		"title": "De oorzak"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Na drevesni meji"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 101,
+		"translators": [
+			87
+		],
+		"title": "A Testimony"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "Corrections"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			167
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. A m\u0171v\u00e9sz arck\u00e9pe \u00f6regember kor\u00e1bol",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Trastorno"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			58
+		],
+		"title": "Correction"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			168
+		],
+		"title": "A hangut\u00e1nz\u00f3 m\u0171v\u00e9sz tan\u00edt\u00e1sai (Pisa \u00e9s velence / Sima jegy / Sz\u00e9p kil\u00e1t\u00e1s / Moosprugger t\u00e9ved\u00e9se / \u00c1ll\u00edtas / Mim\u00f3z\u00e1k / Hamis hang / Igaz szerelem / \u0150r\u00fclet)",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Stimmenimitator, selection"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			169
+		],
+		"title": "A m\u00e9sz\u00e9get\u0151"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			298
+		],
+		"title": "Mr\u00f3z"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "The Hunting Party"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Oui"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			263,
+			264
+		],
+		"title": "Het jachtgezelschap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			263,
+			264
+		],
+		"title": "De wereldverbeteraar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			302
+		],
+		"title": "Partyjka Prze\u0142o\u01b6y\u0142a",
+		"work_display_title": "Watten. Ein Nachlass"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Na granicy las\u00f3w"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			58
+		],
+		"title": "At the Timberline"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "L'imitateur"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "L'origine. Simple indication"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			195
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			195
+		],
+		"title": "L'Italiano"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			195
+		],
+		"title": "Al limite boschivo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "Perturbamento"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			217
+		],
+		"title": "\u77f3\u7070\u5de5\u5834"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			263,
+			260
+		],
+		"title": "De stemmenimitator"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			263
+		],
+		"title": "Voor het pensioen. Komedie van de Duitse ziel"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			306
+		],
+		"title": "Naprawiacz \u015bwiata"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u0434\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434 \u0432 \u0421\u0442\u0438\u043b\u044c\u0444\u0441\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "S\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "The German Lunch Table"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "The President"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Eve of Retirement"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Is It A Comedy? Is It A Tragedy?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			171
+		],
+		"title": "J\u00e1r\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			187
+		],
+		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "Una festa per Boris"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "La forza dell' abitudine"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "Il riformatore del mondo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "Un colloquio con Thomas Bernhard a cura di Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "L'origine. Un accenno"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			260
+		],
+		"title": "Vorst"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			266
+		],
+		"title": "\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh. Een dag uit het leven van een duitse schrijver rond 1980"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			17
+		],
+		"title": "\u0414\u0438\u0445\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435\u0442\u043e",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Appearances Are Deceiving"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "La cave. Un retrait"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "Le souffle. Une d\u00e9cision",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "La Force de l'habitude"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. Portrait de l'artiste en viel homme",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 138,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Manie de pers\u00e9cution"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			193
+		],
+		"title": "Ja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			201
+		],
+		"title": "La partita a carte",
+		"work_display_title": "Watten. Ein Nachlass"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Suterena. Wyzwolenie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Oddech. Decyzja",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u041f\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0440\u0430\u043a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0440"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u0410\u0442\u0442\u0430\u0448\u0435 \u0444\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0446\u0443\u0437\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			328
+		],
+		"title": "\u041d\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0435 \u043b\u0435\u0441\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			332
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0444\u0435\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0438\u043a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			331
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Correcci\u00f3n"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			49
+		],
+		"title": "Dech. Jedno rozhodnut\u00ed",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "Concrete"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			90
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00fclm"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "Le froid. Une mise en quarantaine",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			101
+		],
+		"title": "Un enfant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			112
+		],
+		"title": "L'Ignorant et le fou"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			199
+		],
+		"title": "La brigata d e i cacciatori"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "Alla meta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			201
+		],
+		"title": "La fornace"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "La cantina. Una via di scampo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			261,
+			262
+		],
+		"title": "Der domkop en de gek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			273
+		],
+		"title": "Een kind"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			369
+		],
+		"title": "Po vseh vis\u030cavah je mir"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "La calera"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El imititador de voces"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El origen. Una indicaci\u00f3n"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El s\u00f3tano"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "A Child"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "An Indication of the Cause"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "The Cellar: An Escape"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "Breath: A Decision"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "In the Cold"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "B\u00e9ton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Le neveu de Wittgenstein. Un amiti\u00e9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			116
+		],
+		"title": "Les Apparences sont trompeuses"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			189
+		],
+		"title": "Il soccombente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			220
+		],
+		"title": "\u30b7\u30c6\u30a3\u30eb\u30d5\u30b9\u8fb2\u5834\u306e\u30df\u30c3\u30c9\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			222
+		],
+		"title": "El nebot de Wittgenstein. Una amistat"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			222
+		],
+		"title": "Historietes inexemplars (L'imitador de veus)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			275
+		],
+		"title": "Schijn bedriegt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Betong"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			299,
+			300
+		],
+		"title": "Kalkwerk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			306
+		],
+		"title": "Pozory myl\u0105"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			372
+		],
+		"title": "\u010cepica"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El malogrado"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Helada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El aliento",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El fr\u00edo",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			381
+		],
+		"title": "Betong"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			57
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein's Nephew"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			99
+		],
+		"title": "Le naufrag\u00e9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			116
+		],
+		"title": "Le Faiseur de th\u00e9\u00e2tre"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 122,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "Le froid augmente avec la clart\u00e9 (Discours pour le Prix de litt\u00e9rature de Br\u00eame)",
+		"work_display_title": "Mit der Klarheit nimmt die K\u00e4lte zu (Bremer\nLiteraturpreis)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 123,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c0 la recherche de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9 et de la mort. Deux discours (Discours pour le prix Wildgans)",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Wahrheit und dem Tod auf der Spur\n(Anton-Wildgans-Preis)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 124,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c0 la recherche de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9 et de la mort. Deux discours (Discours pour le prix de l\u2019\u00c9tat autrichien)",
+		"work_display_title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende\n(\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 125,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "L\u2019immortalit\u00e9 est impossible. Paysage d\u2019enfance"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 126,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "N\u2019en finir jamais ni de rien (Discours pour le prix B\u00fcchner)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			100,
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "Entretien avec Thomas Bernhard, propos recueillis par Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			119
+		],
+		"title": "Trois jours"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			201
+		],
+		"title": "Gelo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			260
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "Orsaken. En antydan"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "Woodcutters"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			99
+		],
+		"title": "Des arbres \u00e0 abattre. Une irritation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Le crime d'un fils de commer\u00e7ant d'Innsbruck"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Le charpentier"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Deux \u00e9ducateurs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "La casquette"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Est-ce une com\u00e9die? Est-ce une trag\u00e9die?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "L'attach\u00e9 \u00e0 l'ambassade de France"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Watten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Midland \u00e0 Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "La cape de loden"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Dans le massif de l'Ortler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			105
+		],
+		"title": "Marcher"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Au but"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Avant la retraite. Une com\u00e9die de l'\u00e2me allemande"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			118
+		],
+		"title": "Sur la terre comme en enfer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			118
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "L'Italien"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Trois jours"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 151,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124
+		],
+		"title": "Recontre avec Thomas Bernhard"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			128
+		],
+		"title": "Viktor Halbnarr. Un conte d'hiver"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			128
+		],
+		"title": "A la lisi\u00e8re des arbres"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 162,
+		"translators": [
+			108,
+			107
+		],
+		"title": "Grand Hotel Imp\u00e9rial. Dubrovnik"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 163,
+		"translators": [
+			108,
+			107
+		],
+		"title": "Deuil"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			108,
+			107
+		],
+		"title": "Sc\u00e9nes de V\u00e9rone",
+		"work_display_title": "Ave Vergil (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			128
+		],
+		"title": "La casquette"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			128
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe se meurt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			137
+		],
+		"title": "\u039c\u03c0\u03b5\u03c4\u03cc\u03bd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "Midland Stilfsben"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "Als\u00f3z\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "Az erd\u0151hat\u00e1ron"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A k\u00f6rgall\u00e9r"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			175
+		],
+		"title": "Igen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "L'imitatore di voci"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Ch\u0142\u00f3d. Izolacja",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			347
+		],
+		"title": "Vitgen\u0161tajnov sinovac. Jedno prijateljstvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Jugar al watten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Andar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El ignorante y el demente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "La partida de caza"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "La fuerza de la costumbre"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Un ni\u00f1o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 122,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "El fr\u00edo aumenta con la claridad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 123,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "En busca de la veridad y de la muerte"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 125,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "La immortalidad es imposible"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 126,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "No terminar nunca con ello ni con nada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "Tres d\u00edas"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			376
+		],
+		"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller. Entrevista con Thomas Bernhard"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00e4llaren. En frig\u00f6relse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			57
+		],
+		"title": "Cutting Timber. An Irritation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			95
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann s'ach\u00e8te un pantalon et vient manger avec moi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Ma\u00eetres anciens. Com\u00e9die"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			107,
+			108
+		],
+		"title": "Je te salue Virigile"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			113,
+			114
+		],
+		"title": "Ev\u00e9nements"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 119,
+		"translators": [
+			114
+		],
+		"title": "Un jeune \u00e9crivain"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 120,
+		"translators": [
+			115
+		],
+		"title": "Monologues \u00e0 Majorque"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 66,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Les mois de Marie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann et Hermann Beil sur la Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 121,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Mon heureuse Autriche"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "La Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de chasse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			111
+		],
+		"title": "Simplement compliqu\u00e9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			222
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. Un retrat de l'artista vell",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			277
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. Een portret van de kunstenaar als oude man",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			279
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			316
+		],
+		"title": "O N\u00e1ufrago"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			334
+		],
+		"title": "\u0420\u0435\u0431\u0451\u043d\u043e\u043a \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0440\u0435\u0431\u0451\u043d\u043e\u043a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Virgilio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El sobrino de Wittgenstein. Una amistad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Tala"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			381
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteins brorson. En v\u00e4nskap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			385
+		],
+		"title": "Andh\u00e4mtningen. Ett avg\u00f6rande",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			57
+		],
+		"title": "Old Masters. A Comedy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein's Nephew"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			99
+		],
+		"title": "Perturbation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			111
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00e9jeuner chez Wittgenstein"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			112,
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Emmanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			145
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c8\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0392\u03b9\u03c4\u03b3\u03ba\u03b5\u03bd\u03c3\u03c4\u03ac\u03b9\u03bd. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03af\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			156
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u039d\u0391\u03a3\u0391",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			169
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz",
+		"work_display_title": "Heldenplatz (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Conversazioni di Thomas Bernhard. A cura di Kurt Hofmann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			201
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			202
+		],
+		"title": "Eventi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 124,
+		"translators": [
+			202
+		],
+		"title": "Discorso in occasione del conferimento del Premio di Stato austriaco per la letterature, 1968",
+		"work_display_title": "Verehrter Herr Minister, verehrte Anwesende\n(\u00d6sterreichischer Staatspreis)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			189
+		],
+		"title": "Il nipote di Wittgenstein. Un' amicizia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			205
+		],
+		"title": "Il respiro. Una decisione",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			230
+		],
+		"title": "Trasbals"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			226
+		],
+		"title": "La for\u00e7a del costum"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteins nev\u00f8. Et vennskap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Vzrok. Nakazovanje"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			370
+		],
+		"title": "Komedijant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			371
+		],
+		"title": "Je komedija? Je tragedija?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Hormig\u00f3n"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			375
+		],
+		"title": "Los comebarato"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "Kylan: En isolering",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein'\u0131n Ye\u011feni. Bir Dostluk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Klet. Odtegnitev"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			57
+		],
+		"title": "The Cheap-Eaters"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			66,
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "A Party for Boris"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			66,
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			66,
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "Histrionics"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Extinction. Un effondrement"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			109
+		],
+		"title": "Entretiens avec Thomas Bernhard. Je n'insulte vraiment personne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			111
+		],
+		"title": "Le R\u00e9formateur"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Place des h\u00e9ros"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein unoka\u00f6ccse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann lascia Bochum trasferendosi a Vienna come direttore del Burgtheater"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann compra un paio di pantaloni e viene a mangiare con me"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymanne Hermann Beil sulla Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Assoluzione"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Gelati"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			186
+		],
+		"title": "Tutto o niente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "In alto. Tentativo di salvezza, nonsenso"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			193
+		],
+		"title": "Cemento"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			189,
+			206
+		],
+		"title": "A colpi d'ascia. Una irritazione"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			212
+		],
+		"title": "\u30f4\u30a3\u30c8\u30b2\u30f3\u30b7\u30e5\u30bf\u30a4\u30f3\u306e\u7525"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			227
+		],
+		"title": "A les altures. Intent de salvaci\u00f3, bestieses"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			232
+		],
+		"title": "L'origen. Una insinuacio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			265
+		],
+		"title": "Muizen, ratten en dagloners"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Tr\u00e6r som faller. En opphisselse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Komediant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			315
+		],
+		"title": "Bet\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			316
+		],
+		"title": "Perturba\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			319
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			320
+		],
+		"title": "No Alvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			357
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00fabanie lesa. Rozhor\u010denie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Maestros antiguos. Comedia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			385
+		],
+		"title": "Ett barn"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			14
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c1rvores abatidas. Uma provoca\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			59
+		],
+		"title": "The Loser"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			64
+		],
+		"title": "On the Mountain. Rescue attempt, nonsense"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			57
+		],
+		"title": "Yes"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			84
+		],
+		"title": "The Italian"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Dans le hauteurs. Tentative de sauventage, non-sens"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 65,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Un mort"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 67,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Match"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Acquittement"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Glaces"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Le D\u00e9jeuner allemand"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Tout ou rien"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann quitte Bochum et va \u00e0 Vienne comme directeur du Burgtheater",
+		"work_display_title": "Claus Peymann verl\u00e4sst Bochum und geht als Burgtheaterdirektor nach Wien"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann s'ach\u00e8te un pantalon et va d\u00e9jeuner avec moi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			143,
+			146
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a1\u03af\u03c4\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1, \u039d\u03c4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5, \u03a6\u03bf\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			137
+		],
+		"title": "\u0394\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7 (excerpt)",
+		"work_display_title": "Korrektur (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			142
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u03b5\u03be\u03ac\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03c8\u03b7 (excerpt)",
+		"work_display_title": "Ausl\u00f6schung (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 120,
+		"translators": [
+			144
+		],
+		"title": "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u039c\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03ba\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			136
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Virgil (excerpt)",
+		"work_display_title": "Ave Vergil (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			161
+		],
+		"title": "\u05db\u05d5\u05d7\u05d5 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d4\u05e8\u05d2\u05dc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			162
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d1\u05d8\u05d5\u05df"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			192
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Virgilio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "L'apparenza inganna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Semplicemente complicato"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			205
+		],
+		"title": "Il freddo. Una segragazione",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			234
+		],
+		"title": "\ud63c\ub780"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			234
+		],
+		"title": "\ud55c\uc544\uc774"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			262
+		],
+		"title": "Het jachtgezelschap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			260
+		],
+		"title": "Oude meesters"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			265
+		],
+		"title": "Op de hoogte. Reddingspoging, onzin"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "De misdaad van een koopmanszoon uit Innsbruck"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "De timmerman"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Twee leraren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "De pet"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Is het een komedie? Is het een tragedie?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Viktor Halfnar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Attach\u00e9 bij de Franse ambassade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Op de boomgrens"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Midland in Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "De loden cape"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			267
+		],
+		"title": "Aan de voet van de Ortler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			276
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Gamle mestere. Komedie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Bratanek Wittgensteina. Przyja\u017a\u0144"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			321
+		],
+		"title": "A For\u00e7a do H\u00e1bito"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			319
+		],
+		"title": "Simplesmente Complicado"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			382
+		],
+		"title": "Tre dafar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			382,
+			383
+		],
+		"title": "G\u00e5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			383
+		],
+		"title": "Helt enkelt komplicerat"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			406
+		],
+		"title": "\u0422\u0440\u0438 \u0434\u043d\u0456"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			12
+		],
+		"title": "O sobrinho de Wittgenstein. Uma amizade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Le Pr\u00e9sident"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			154
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u03bf \u03b1\u03c3\u03b2\u03b5\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03bf"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			157
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u03b4\u03cd\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03b7 \u03c4\u03b7\u03c2 \u03c3\u03c5\u03bd\u03ae\u03b8\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			171
+		],
+		"title": "A menthetetlen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			180
+		],
+		"title": "Egy gyerek megindul"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			188
+		],
+		"title": "Piazza degli eroi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			205
+		],
+		"title": "Antichi maestri. Commedia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			212
+		],
+		"title": "\u7834\u6ec5\u8005 \u30b0\u30ec\u30f3\u30fb\u30b0\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u3092\u898b\u3064\u3081\u3066"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			227
+		],
+		"title": "El malaguanyat"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			265
+		],
+		"title": "De neef van Wittgenstein. Een vriendschap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Utslettelse. En oppl\u00f8sning"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			345
+		],
+		"title": "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f? \u0418\u043b\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Dih. Odlo\u010ditev",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Extinci\u00f3n. Un desmoronamiento"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "En las alturas. Tentativa de salvamento, absurdo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Odun Kesmek. Bir \u00d6fke"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			398
+		],
+		"title": "Tiyatrocu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			399
+		],
+		"title": "Kahramanlar Alan\u0131"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Entretiens avec Krista Fleischmann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 164,
+		"translators": [
+			129
+		],
+		"title": "Pourquoi ai-je peur de vieillir"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 165,
+		"translators": [
+			129
+		],
+		"title": "La mort et le temps"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 166,
+		"translators": [
+			129
+		],
+		"title": "Dans le jardin de ma m\u00e8re"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			161
+		],
+		"title": "\u05e8\u05d9\u05d8\u05e8, \u05d3\u05d9\u05d9\u05e0\u05d4, \u05e4\u05d5\u05e1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			177
+		],
+		"title": "Egy okkal t\u00f6bb. K\u00f6zel\u00edt\u00e9si k\u00eds\u00e9rlet"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			247
+		],
+		"title": "\ubc8c\ubaa9\uafbc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			359
+		],
+		"title": "Se\u010dnja. Razburjenje"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El carpintiero"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Dos preceptores"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "La gorra"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "\u00bfEs una comedia? \u00bfEs una tragedia?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Agregado en la Embajada de Francia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Midland en Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El abrigo de loden"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "En el Ortler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			381
+		],
+		"title": "Utpl\u00e5ning. Ett s\u00f6nderfall"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			391
+		],
+		"title": "Neden. Bir De\u011fini"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			32
+		],
+		"title": "Sta\u0159\u00ed mist\u0159i. Komedie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Ma\u00eetre. La journ\u00e9e d'un po\u00e8te allemand vers 1980"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b9\u03bf\u03af \u03b4\u03ac\u03c3\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03b9. \u039a\u03c9\u03bc\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "Irt\u00e1s. Indulatm\u0171"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "A hangimit\u00e1tor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			178
+		],
+		"title": "Egy h\u00e1traarc. (A pince)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			189
+		],
+		"title": "Un bambino"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			229
+		],
+		"title": "A la meta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			266
+		],
+		"title": "Elisabeth II"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Havaristen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			282
+		],
+		"title": "Bitterhetens ild",
+		"work_display_title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			368
+		],
+		"title": "Izbris. Razpad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Hlad. Izolacija",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Trije dnevi",
+		"work_display_title": "Drei Tage (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Pred upokojitvijo. Komedija o nem\u0161ki du\u0161i"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			391
+		],
+		"title": "Mahzen. Bir Vazge\u00e7i\u015f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			53
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteins nev\u00f8. Et venskab"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			54
+		],
+		"title": "Extinction"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			76
+		],
+		"title": "The Voice Impersonator"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u0399\u03a4\u0399\u0391.  \u0388\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2 \u03c5\u03c0\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u039f \u03a5\u03a0\u039f\u0393\u0395\u0399\u039f. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u0391\u039d\u0391\u03a3\u0391. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03cc\u03c6\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u039f \u039a\u03a1\u03a5\u039f. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03bc\u03cc\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u0395\u039d\u0391 \u03a0\u0391\u0399\u0394\u0399"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			158
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd \u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			179
+		],
+		"title": "Nagy leveg\u0151. (Egy d\u00f6nt\u00e9s)",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			179
+		],
+		"title": "Elk\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00edt\u00e9s. (A hideg)",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "Correzione"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 176,
+		"translators": [
+			225
+		],
+		"title": "Nou salms"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			225
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			246
+		],
+		"title": "\uc601\uc6c5\uad11\uc7a5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Et barn"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			284
+		],
+		"title": "Himmlers f\u00f8dselsdag. En komedie om den tyske sjel"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			328
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			394,
+			395
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00fcnya D\u00fczelticisi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "O n\u00e1ufrago"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein\u016fv synovec. O jednom p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 106,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Z rozhovor\u016f s Thomasem Bernhardem"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Une f\u00eate pour Boris"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u039e\u03cd\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7. \u0388\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2 \u03b5\u03c1\u03b5\u03b8\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			160
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d0\u05d7\u05d9\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d5\u05d9\u05d8\u05d2\u05e0\u05e9\u05d8\u05d9\u05d9\u05df. \u05e1\u05d9\u05e4\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4 \u05e9\u05dc \u05d9\u05d3\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05ea"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "Korrekt\u00fara"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			204
+		],
+		"title": "Estinzione. Uno sfacelo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c5rsaken. En antydning"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Kjelleren. En unndragelse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			407
+		],
+		"title": "\u06a9\u0646\u06a9\u0631\u06cc\u0679"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			38,
+			49
+		],
+		"title": "P\u0159\u00ed\u010dina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			38,
+			49
+		],
+		"title": "Sklep"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			38,
+			49
+		],
+		"title": "Chlad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			38,
+			49
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00edt\u011b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "The Voice Imitator"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			172
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			236
+		],
+		"title": "\ube44\ud2b8\uac90\uc288\ud0c0\uc778\uc758 \uc870\uce74. \uc5b4\ub5a4 \uc6b0\uc815"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			234,
+			238
+		],
+		"title": "\uc61b \uac70\uc7a5\ub4e4. \ud76c\uadf9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			274
+		],
+		"title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle",
+		"work_display_title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			274
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis",
+		"work_display_title": "In hora mortis (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			274
+		],
+		"title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes",
+		"work_display_title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			274
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergil",
+		"work_display_title": "Ave Vergil (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 118,
+		"translators": [
+			274
+		],
+		"title": "Verspreide Gedichten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			283
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Pusten. En avgj\u00f8relse",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Kulden. En isolasjon",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			288
+		],
+		"title": "\u062c\u0634\u0646 \u062a\u0648\u0644\u062f \u0628\u0648\u0631\u06cc\u0633"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			308
+		],
+		"title": "Trzy dni"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			346
+		],
+		"title": "\u042f\u0443\u0440\u0435\u0433\u0433"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Acontecimientos"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 94,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Hambre grande, inconcebible"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 119,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Un joven escritor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El crimen del hijo de un comerciante de Innsbruck"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "En la linde de los \u00e1rboles"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "V\u00edctor Seminecio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe se mmmuere"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			401
+		],
+		"title": "Soluk. Bir Karar",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			402
+		],
+		"title": "So\u011fukluk. Bir D\u0131\u015flanma",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			403
+		],
+		"title": "Bir \u00c7ocuk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			21
+		],
+		"title": "\u041d\u0430 \u0437\u0435\u043c\u044f\u0442\u0430 \u0438 \u0432 \u0430\u0434\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Korektura"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Jednodu\u0161e komplikovan\u011b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Al\u017eb\u011bta II"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "P\u0159ed penz\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			41,
+			42
+		],
+		"title": "Zd\u00e1n\u00ed klame"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			44
+		],
+		"title": "Divadeln\u00edk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			43
+		],
+		"title": "N\u00e1m\u011bst\u00ed hrdin\u016f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann and Hermann Beil on Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd\u03bf\u03c6\u03b1\u03b3\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u0394\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03b7\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00e9gi mesterek. Kom\u00e9dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "A tudatlan \u00e9s az \u0151r\u00fclt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			169
+		],
+		"title": "A szok\u00e1s hatalma"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "A sz\u00ednh\u00e1zcsin\u00e1l\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			174
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			244
+		],
+		"title": "\uc9c0\ud558\uc2e4. \ud558\ub098\uc758 \ud0c8\ucd9c"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			250
+		],
+		"title": "Imitator glasova"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Przyczyna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Dziecko"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Bajo el hierro de la luna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz (Plaza de los H\u00e9roes)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			6,
+			7
+		],
+		"title": "Perturba\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			29
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann opou\u0161t\u00ed Bochum a jde jako \u0159editel Burgtheatru do V\u00eddn\u011b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Vyhlazen\u00ed. Rozpad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			38
+		],
+		"title": "M\u00fdcen\u00ed. Roz\u010dilen\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			45
+		],
+		"title": "Slavnost pro Borise"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Spole\u010dnost na lovu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "S\u00edla zvyku"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Sv\u011btan\u00e1pravce"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			46
+		],
+		"title": "U c\u00edle"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "Walking"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Les C\u00e9l\u00e8bres"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c9lisabeth II",
+		"work_display_title": "Elisabeth II. Keine Kom\u00f6die"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			159
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a0\u03c1\u03b9\u03bd \u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7. \u039c\u03b9\u03b1 \u03ba\u03c9\u03bc\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1 \u03c4\u03b7\u03c2 \u03b3\u03b5\u03c1\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2 \u03c8\u03c5\u03c7\u03ae\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			163
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05dc\u05d3\u05e0\u05e4\u05dc\u05d0\u05e5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			163
+		],
+		"title": "\u05dc\u05e4\u05e0\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e4\u05e8\u05d9\u05e9\u05d4 \u05dc\u05d2\u05d9\u05de\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05ea"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			163
+		],
+		"title": "\u05de\u05d7\u05d9\u05e7\u05d4. \u05d4\u05ea\u05e4\u05d5\u05e8\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d9\u05dc\u05d3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "L'ignorante e il folle"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			197
+		],
+		"title": "Prima della pensione"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			210
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe \"muore\""
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			242
+		],
+		"title": "\ud638\ud761",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			245
+		],
+		"title": "\ubcf4\ub9ac\uc2a4\ub97c \uc704\ud55c \ud30c\ud2f0"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			256
+		],
+		"title": "Grimzd\u0117jas"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0438\u043b\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0447\u043a\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0442\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0438\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "Ha \u043fo\u043a\u043e\u0439"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043e\u0431\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u041b\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0439"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			330
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044c \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0435\u0432"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Otrok"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			377,
+			378
+		],
+		"title": "Almuerzo en casa de Ludwig W."
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 91,
+		"translators": [
+			379,
+			380
+		],
+		"title": "Magdalena la Loca"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 94,
+		"translators": [
+			379,
+			380
+		],
+		"title": "Hambre indescriptible"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0456 \u043c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0456\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 II",
+		"work_display_title": "Elisabeth II. Keine Kom\u00f6die"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			4
+		],
+		"title": "Extin\u00e7\u00e3o. Uma derrocada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			37
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Mou\u0161lov\u00e1n\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			68
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 167,
+		"translators": [
+			135
+		],
+		"title": "???"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			137
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u039c\u03af\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2 \u03c4\u03c9\u03bd \u03c6\u03c9\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd. 104 \u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03b5\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "I mangia a poco"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 126,
+		"translators": [
+			221
+		],
+		"title": "\u4f55\u3072\u3068\u3064\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6c7a\u7740\u306f\u3064\u304b\u306a\u3044",
+		"work_display_title": "Nie und mit nichts fertig werden (B\u00fcchnerpreis-Rede)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			226
+		],
+		"title": "Pla\u00e7a dels Herois"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "O sobrinho de Wittgenstein. Uma amizade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Na terra e no inferno"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			329
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0443\u0436\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Ante la jubilaci\u00f3n (Comedia del alma alemana)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Bitik Adam"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard\u2019la Konu\u015fmalar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann si kupuje kalhoty a jdese mnou na ob\u011bd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			34
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			34
+		],
+		"title": "Pod okovy m\u011bs\u00edce"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 78,
+		"translators": [
+			34
+		],
+		"title": "Dodatek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			211
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne. Un racconto"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Teatermakeren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Ganske enkelt komplisiert"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			288
+		],
+		"title": "\u06cc\u0627\u0626\u0648\u0631\u0650\u06af"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			299,
+			300
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "\u015awi\u0119to borysa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			306
+		],
+		"title": "Przed odej\u015bciem w stan spoczynku"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			350
+		],
+		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			367
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 120,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Monologi z Mallorce. Thomas Bernhard o sebi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El reformador des mundo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Simplemente complicado"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Las aspariencias enga\u00f1an"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Una fiesta para Boris"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "En la meta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El teatrero"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El Italiano"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Tres dias"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			16
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438. \u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0412\u0438\u0442\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0449\u0430\u0439\u043d. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			19
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044a\u0434\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			19
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			19
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u044f\u0434 \u043do \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			19
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u043e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Imit\u00e1tor hlas\u016f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Ztroskotanec"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 152,
+		"translators": [
+			125
+		],
+		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Christoph von Schwerin"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 153,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Lettres \u00e0 la presse (L'Europe"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 154,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Elias Canetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 155,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Bruno Kreisky"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 156,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Litt\u00e9rature et justice"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 157,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Franz Vranitzky"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 158,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "L'Assembl\u00e9e de auteurs \u00e0 Graz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 159,
+		"translators": [
+			123,
+			124,
+			125,
+			126,
+			127,
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Le titre de professeur"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 160,
+		"translators": [
+			126
+		],
+		"title": "La bureaucratie culturelle autrichienne)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Ceux de la cantine",
+		"work_display_title": "Die Billigesser (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 161,
+		"translators": [
+			126
+		],
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard \u00e0 la r\u00e9daction du Watzmann 5020 Salzburg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 59,
+		"translators": [
+			127
+		],
+		"title": "Les Roses du d\u00e9sert",
+		"work_display_title": "die rosen der ein\u00f6de"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05de\u05e8\u05ea\u05e3. \u05d4\u05d9\u05de\u05dc\u05d8\u05d5\u05ea"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			165
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05e1\u05d9\u05d1\u05d4. \u05e8\u05de\u05d6"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			202
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			231
+		],
+		"title": "El comediant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			234,
+			235
+		],
+		"title": "\ud63c\ub780"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Przegrany"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Na polowaniu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Portret artysty z czas\u00f3w staro\u015bci"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Si\u0142a przyzwycajenia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			324
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis. Ciclu de poeme"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			324
+		],
+		"title": "Simplu complicat"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Eski Ustalar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			393,
+			394
+		],
+		"title": "Olaylar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u0406\u043c\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0457\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u043f\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0434\u0430\u0454 \u0411\u043e\u0445\u0443\u043c \u0456 \u0432\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0454 \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0434\u0443 \u0434\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u0411\u0443\u0440\u0491\u0442\u0435\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0443 \u0443 \u0412\u0456\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0443\u0454 \u0448\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438, \u0456 \u043c\u0438 \u0439\u0434\u0435\u043c\u043e \u0457\u0441\u0442\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u044f\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d\u043d \u0456 \u0413\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043b\u044c \u043d\u0430 \u0417\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0432\u0456\u0437\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0437\u0430 \u0411\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044a\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0435\u043b \u041a\u0430\u043d\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0422\u0435\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044a\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			17
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u0440\u0443\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0446\u044a\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Zlo\u010din kupeck\u00e9ho syna z Innsbrucku"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Tesa\u0159"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			38
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg",
+		"work_display_title": "Jauergg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			38
+		],
+		"title": "Dva vychovatel\u00e9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			38
+		],
+		"title": "\u010cepice"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Je to komedie? Je to trag\u00e9die?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Viktor Pomaten\u00fd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			38
+		],
+		"title": "Ata\u0161\u00e9 z francouzsk\u00e9ho velvyslanectv\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Na okraji lesa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Midland ve Stilfsu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Havelok"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			37
+		],
+		"title": "Na Ortleru"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			32
+		],
+		"title": "Hum\u00edraj\u00edc\u00ed Goethe"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			66
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			67
+		],
+		"title": "Playing Watten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			133
+		],
+		"title": "\u10e1\u10d0\u10e0\u10d3\u10d0\u10e4\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			141
+		],
+		"title": "\u0391\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2. M\u03b9\u03b1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c1\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			203
+		],
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard: Un incontro. Conversazioni con Krista Fleischmann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			240
+		],
+		"title": "\uc2b5\uad00\uc758 \ud798"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			240
+		],
+		"title": "\uc601\uc6c5\uad11\uc7a5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			243
+		],
+		"title": "\uc6d0\uc778"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			249
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteinov ne\u0107ak. Jedno prijateljstvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			252
+		],
+		"title": "Sve\u010danost za Borisa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			251
+		],
+		"title": "Lova\u010dko dru\u0161tvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			252
+		],
+		"title": "Pred mirovinom"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			252
+		],
+		"title": "Trg heroja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			281
+		],
+		"title": "G\u00e5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Billigspiserne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Ja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			283
+		],
+		"title": "Ved m\u00e5let"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Antigos mestres. Com\u00e9dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			333
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0435\u043c\u044f\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0412\u0438\u0442\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0448\u0442\u0435\u0439\u043d\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Ses Taklit\u00e7isi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u043d\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043a\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0415\u043b\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0435\u0442 \u0412\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			35
+		],
+		"title": "Ano"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Rozru\u0161en\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			82
+		],
+		"title": "Over All the Mountain Tops"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			85
+		],
+		"title": "Crimes of an Innsbruck Merchant's Son"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			198
+		],
+		"title": "Il Presidente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Il teatrante"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Elisabetta II"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u6d88\u53bb (1)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			214
+		],
+		"title": "\u96e8\u5408\u7fbd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u30ea\u30c3\u30bf\u30fc\u3001\u30c7\u30fc\u30cd\u3001\u30d5\u30a9\u30b9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			255
+		],
+		"title": "Podrum"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Forstyrrelse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			290
+		],
+		"title": "\u0646\u0645\u0627\u06cc\u0634\u0646\u0627\u0645\u0647: \u0631\u0626\u06cc\u0633\u200c\u062c\u0645\u0647\u0648\u0631"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Wymazywanie. Rozpad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Na szczytach panuje cisza"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Rodze\u0144stwo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			307
+		],
+		"title": "Plac Bohater\u00f3w"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			299,
+			300
+		],
+		"title": "Attach\u00e9 ambasady francuskiej. Dziennik wakacyjny, zako\u0144czenie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Extin\u00e7\u00e3o. Uma derrocada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "O fazedor de teatro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			323
+		],
+		"title": "Da"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Izboljs\u030cevalec sveta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Na cilju"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Underg\u00e5ngaren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			2
+		],
+		"title": "\u0635\u062f\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u0645\u0639 \u0627\u0628\u0646 \u0634\u0642\u064a\u0642 \u0641\u064a\u062a\u063a\u0646\u0634\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0646"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0447\u0443\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438 \u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0414\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0433\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0446\u0435\u043b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043b\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Ch\u016fze"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "V\u00e1penka"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 104,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Od jedn\u00e9 katastrofy k dal\u0161\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 105,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "U\u017e tady budu jen kr\u00e1tce"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			50,
+			51
+		],
+		"title": "G\u00e5ende"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			77
+		],
+		"title": "Prosa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			79,
+			80,
+			81
+		],
+		"title": "The World-Fixer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Les Mange-pas-chere"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			155
+		],
+		"title": "O\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5 \u03bc\u03b9\u03bb\u03b5\u03c1 \u03c3\u03c5\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b9\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9 \u03bc\u03b5 \u03c4\u03bf\u03bd T\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c2 M\u03b7\u03b5\u03c1\u03bd\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03bd\u03c4\u03af\u03c4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			155
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u03bf \u03b8\u03ad\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf \u03c9\u03c2 \u03ad\u03bd\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7 \u03c4\u03b5\u03bb\u00b5\u03b1\u03c4\u03cc\u03b8\u03b9\u03c9\u03bd",
+		"work_display_title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 120,
+		"translators": [
+			155
+		],
+		"title": "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u039c\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03cc\u03c1\u03ba\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			170
+		],
+		"title": "Kiolt\u00e1s. Boml\u00e1sreg\u00e9ny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "A f\u00f6ld\u00f6n \u00e9s a pokolban"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "A hold kardja alatt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 108,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Az \u0151r\u00fcltek A fegyencek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergilius"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "F\u00fcggel\u00e9k"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			183
+		],
+		"title": "Steinsteypa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			208
+		],
+		"title": "Tre giorni"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30f4\u30a3\u30af\u30c8\u30eb\u30fb\u30cf\u30eb\u30d7\u30ca\u30eb"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u4e8c\u4eba\u306e\u6559\u5e2b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u3075\u3061\u306a\u3057\u5e3d"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u559c\u5287?\u60b2\u5287?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30e4\u30a6\u30ec\u30af"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30d5\u30e9\u30f3\u30b9\u5927\u4f7f\u9928\u54e1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30a4\u30f3\u30b9\u30d6\u30eb\u30af\u306e\u5546\u4eba\u306e\u606f\u5b50\u304c\u72af\u3057\u305f\u7f6a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u5927\u5de5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30af\u30eb\u30c6\u30e9\u30fc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u30a4\u30bf\u30ea\u30a2\u4eba"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			218
+		],
+		"title": "\u68ee\u6797\u9650\u754c\u3067"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			250
+		],
+		"title": "Gubitnik"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			251
+		],
+		"title": "Midland na Stilfsu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			251
+		],
+		"title": "Hubertus"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			251
+		],
+		"title": "Na Ortleru"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			251
+		],
+		"title": "Da"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			250
+		],
+		"title": "Uzrok"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			258
+		],
+		"title": "Senieji meistrai"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Dawni mistrzowie. Komedia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 184,
+		"translators": [],
+		"title": "List do Erwina Axera"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			323
+		],
+		"title": "Vechi mae\u015ftri. Comedie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			333
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044f",
+		"work_display_title": "Ereignisse (selection)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			353
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			358
+		],
+		"title": "Pivnica"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 65,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Un muerto"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 66,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El mes de Mar\u00eda"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 67,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Partido"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Absoluci\u00f3n"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Helados"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Comida alemana"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Todo o nada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El presidente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Los famosos"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "La paz reina en las cumbres"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 48,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Isabel II"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann deja Bochum y se va a Viena de director del Burgtheater"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann se compra unos pantalones y luego nos vamos a comer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann y Hermann Beil en la Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Yok Etme. Bir Par\u00e7alanma"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "Origem"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u8072\u97f3\u6a21\u4eff\u8005"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u4e8b\u4ef6"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u5386\u4ee3\u5927\u5e08",
+		"work_display_title": "Alte Meister"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u6c34\u6ce5\u5730"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			36
+		],
+		"title": "Konzumenti levn\u00fdch j\u00eddel"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			60
+		],
+		"title": "Frost"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "In Hora Mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Under the Iron of the Moon"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			153
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c1\u03c6\u03c9\u03c4\u03ae\u03c2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03ba\u03cc\u03c3\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1\u05e2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			165
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05e0\u05e9\u05d9\u05de\u05d4. \u05d4\u05d7\u05dc\u05d8\u05d4",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05d4\u05e7\u05d5\u05e8. \u05d1\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05d3",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Megzavarod\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Em conversa com Thomas Bernhard"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			335
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430: \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0441\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			335
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0432\u0430\u043b: \u0443\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			329
+		],
+		"title": "\u0414\u044b\u0445\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435: \u0432\u044b\u0431\u043e\u0440"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			333
+		],
+		"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434: \u0438\u0437\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0446\u0438\u044f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Conversaciones con Thomas Bernhard"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			391
+		],
+		"title": "Don"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			17
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0447\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u043e \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043f\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Mr\u00e1z"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Hakkuu. Muuan mielenkuohu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Entretien d'Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller avec Thomas Bernhard"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			181
+		],
+		"title": "Egy gyerek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			181
+		],
+		"title": "Az ok. R\u00e1vil\u00e1g\u00edt\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			182
+		],
+		"title": "A pince. Kivonu\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			228
+		],
+		"title": "Peymann deixa Bochum i se'n va a Viena com a director del Burgtheater"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			228
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann es compra uns pantalons i despr\u00e9s anem a dinar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			228
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann i Hermann Beil a la Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			312
+		],
+		"title": "Czapka"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Correc\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Derrubar \u00e1rvores. Uma irrita\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			359
+		],
+		"title": "Stari mojstri. Komedija"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteinov ne\u010dak. Prijateljstvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Skogshuggning"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			396,
+			394
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			396,
+			394
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Underg\u00e6ngeren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			83
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann Buys Himself a Pair of Pants and Joins Me for Lunch"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Betoni"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 127,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Siegfried Unseld (extrait)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 128,
+		"translators": [
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Henning Rischbieter"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			133
+		],
+		"title": "\u10dd\u10e0\u10d8 \u10d0\u10e6\u10db\u10d6\u10e0\u10d3\u10d4\u10da\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			133
+		],
+		"title": "\u10e5\u10e3\u00ad\u10d3\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Magasban. Ment\u00e9sk\u00eds\u00e9rlet, badars\u00e1g",
+		"work_display_title": "In der H\u00f6he"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az olasz f\u00e9rfi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u30d8\u30eb\u30c7\u30f3\u30d7\u30e9\u30c3\u30c4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u5ea7\u9577\u30d6\u30eb\u30b9\u30b3\u30f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "L'origen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			241,
+			242
+		],
+		"title": "\uc18c\uba78"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "O presidente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann zapusti Bochum in gre kot direktor Burgtheatra na Dunaj"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Opona\u0161alec glasov",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Stimmenimitator (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Mo\u010d navade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			404
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0457\u0432"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			3
+		],
+		"title": "Alferrikaldua"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "O imitador de vozes"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Moje ceny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Na v\u00fd\u0161in\u00e1ch. Pokus o z\u00e1chranu, nesmysl"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Haaskio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 129,
+		"translators": [
+			120
+		],
+		"title": "Points de vue d'un incorrigible redresseur de torts"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00edjaim"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			207
+		],
+		"title": "I miei premi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "El soterrani"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ub450 \uba85\uc758 \uad50\uc0ac"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ubaa8\uc790"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ud76c\uadf9\uc785\ub2c8\uae4c? \ube44\uadf9\uc785\ub2c8\uae4c?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\uc57c\uc6b0\ub808\ud06c"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ud504\ub791\uc2a4 \ub300\uc0ac\uad00 \ubb38\uc815\uad00"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\uc778\uc2a4\ubd80\ub974\ud06c \uc0c1\uc778 \uc544\ub4e4\uc758 \ubc94\uc8c4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ubaa9\uc218"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\uc288\ud2f8\ud504\uc2a4\uc758 \ubbf8\ub4e4\ub79c\ub4dc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\ube44\uc637"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			239
+		],
+		"title": "\uc624\ub974\ud2c0\ub7ec\uc5d0\uc11c\u2015\uace0\ub9c8\uace0\uc774\uc5d0\uc11c \uc628 \uc18c\uc2dd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			265
+		],
+		"title": "Mijn prijzen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Zaburzenie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 115,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Katolicka egzystencja, z rozm\u00f3w z Kurtem Hofmannem",
+		"work_display_title": "Kurt Hofmann: Aus Gespr\u00e4chen mit Thomas Bernhard (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Spotkanie. Rozmowy z Krist\u0105 Fleischmann",
+		"work_display_title": "Eine Begegnung. Gespr\u00e4che mit Krista Fleischmann (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 185,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "W dolinie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 186,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Wojownik"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 187,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Strofa dla Padraic Columa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 188,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Oda na urodziny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 189,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Poranek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 190,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Opis pewnej rodziny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 191,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Teraz, wiosn\u0105"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 192,
+		"translators": [
+			310
+		],
+		"title": "Do H.W."
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Chodzenie (fragment powie\u015bci)",
+		"work_display_title": "Gehen (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Korekta (fragment powie\u015bci)",
+		"work_display_title": "Korrektur (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Wycinka (fragment powie\u015bci)",
+		"work_display_title": "Holzf\u00e4llen (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 193,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Moje nagrody \u2013 Nagroda Literacka Wolnego Hanzeatyckiego Miasta Bremy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			310,
+			311,
+			301,
+			297,
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Zdarzenia4 (Malarz, Dwoje m\u0142odych ludzi, Profesor, Celnik, Ober\u017cysta, Zarz\u0105dczyni  maj\u0105tku, Prezydent, Wiolonczelistka, Maszyna, Silniejsi)",
+		"work_display_title": "Ereignisse (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			311
+		],
+		"title": "Wiktor Szajbus. Ba\u015b\u0144 zimowa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 147,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "W Rzymie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Os Meus Pr\u00e9mios"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 194,
+		"translators": [
+			325,
+			326
+		],
+		"title": "Biografia durerii"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Mis premios"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Y\u00fcr\u00fcmek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Evet"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041d\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0438\u044f\u0442 \u0438 \u0431\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043c\u043d\u0438\u044f\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041d\u0430\u0434 \u0432\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u0438 \u0432\u044a\u0440\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0435 \u0435 \u0442\u0438\u0448\u0438\u043d\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0420\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440, \u0414\u0435\u043d\u0435, \u0424\u043e\u0441"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0449\u0430\u0434\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0442\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 59,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0420\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432 \u043f\u0443\u0449\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043a\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 60,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0413\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 61,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u0437\u043c\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 62,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0420\u043e\u0437a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 63,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 64,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 65,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0446"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 66,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u043c\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 67,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0430\u0447"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044a\u0434\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0434"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u0431\u044f\u0434 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0437\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0441\u0438\u0447\u043a\u043e \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u043e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430 \u0411\u043e\u0445\u0443\u043c \u0438 \u0437\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u0437\u0430 \u0412\u0438\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u0442\u043e \u0434\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u043d\u0430 \u0411\u0443\u0440\u0433\u0442\u0435\u0430\u0442\u044a\u0440"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0441\u0438 \u043a\u0443\u043f\u0443\u0432\u0430 \u043f\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043b\u043e\u043d \u0438 \u0438\u0434\u0432\u0430 \u0441 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435 \u0434\u0430 \u044f\u0434\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041a\u043b\u0430\u0443\u0441 \u041f\u0430\u0439\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0438 \u0425\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d \u0411\u0430\u0439\u043b \u043d\u0430 \u0417\u0443\u043b\u0446\u0432\u0438\u0437\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			17
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u043e\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u6ce2\u65af\u5973\u4eba"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u7ef4\u7279\u6839\u65af\u5766\u7684\u4f84\u5b50"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 77,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u573a\u53cb\u8c0a, \u5236\u5e3d\u5320"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 87,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Rud\u00e9 sv\u011btlo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 88,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Osadn\u00edci"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 89,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "O odpoledni v jednom velk\u00e9m m\u011bst\u011b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 90,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "O sedmi jedl\u00edch a o sn\u011bhu...",
+		"work_display_title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee... Eine m\u00e4rchenhafe \nWeihnachtsgeschichte"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 91,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Bl\u00e1zniv\u00e1 Magdalena"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 92,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Posledn\u00ed v\u016fle"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 93,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Chudobinec u sv. Laurina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 94,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Velk\u00fd, nepochopiteln\u00fd hlad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 95,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Zimn\u00ed den ve velehor\u00e1ch"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 96,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Z\u00e1nik Z\u00e1padu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 97,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Mat\u010dina krajina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 98,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Star\u0161\u00ed mu\u017e jm\u00e9nem August"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 99,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "O mu\u017ei, kter\u00fd ode\u0161el, aby vid\u011bl sv\u011bt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 100,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Str\u00e1\u017ece vep\u0159e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Ital"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 59,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "pou\u0161tn\u00ed r\u016f\u017ee"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 102,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Hora"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 60,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Hlavy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 103,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Vyb\u00e1jen\u00e1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 62,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00f3za"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 63,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Jaro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Ignorant a \u0161\u00edlenec"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Prezident"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			55
+		],
+		"title": "My Prizes. An Accounting"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			69,
+			70
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "Two Tutors"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "The Cap"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "Is it a Comedy? Is it a Tragedy?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "Attach\u00e9 at the French Embassy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "The Crime of an Innsbruck Shopkeeper's Son"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "The Carpenter"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			88
+		],
+		"title": "A Conversation. Thomas Bernhard and Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Mes prix litt\u00e9raires"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			130,
+			131
+		],
+		"title": "Na meta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			149
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u03b1 \u03b2\u03c1\u03b1\u03b2\u03b5\u03af\u03b1 \u03bc\u03bf\u03c5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05de\u05d9\u05d9\u05e1\u05d8\u05e8\u05d9\u05dd \u05d3\u05d2\u05d5\u05dc\u05d9\u05dd. \u05e7\u05d5\u05de\u05d3\u05d9\u05d4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			213
+		],
+		"title": "\u53e4\u5178\u7d75\u753b\u306e\u5de8\u5320\u305f\u3061"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			225
+		],
+		"title": "Sota el ferro de la lluna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Mine priser"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Moje nagrodi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Spotkanie. Rozmowy z Krist\u0105 Fleischmann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			343
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0439",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Untergeher (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			342,
+			343,
+			344
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u0437 \u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0438 \u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0437\u044b \u00bb\u0418\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u00ab1 (\u0413\u0430\u043c\u0441\u0443\u043d, \u0418\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432, \u0423\u0431\u0438\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0434\u0438\u0441\u043a\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f, \u0424\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438, \u0420\u0435\u043a\u043b\u0430\u043c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0442, \u041f\u0438\u0437\u0430 \u0438 \u0412\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0446\u0438\u044f)",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Stimmenimitator (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			344
+		],
+		"title": "\u0417\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u044b\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Uzrok"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Podrum"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Dah"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Hladno\u0107a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Dete"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			365
+		],
+		"title": "Potonjenec"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 111,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "A quel hombre azotado por tempestades"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "As\u00ed en la tierra como en el infierno"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Los locos Los reclusos"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Gamla m\u00e4stare. Komedi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "\u00d6d\u00fcllerim"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "Meus pr\u00eamios"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Ud\u00e1losti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 63,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Jaro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 101,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Sv\u011bdeck\u00e1 v\u00fdpov\u011b\u010f "
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Shled\u00e1n\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			31
+		],
+		"title": "Za\u0161l\u00e9 v plamenech"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			47
+		],
+		"title": "Velik\u00e1ni"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			41
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			30
+		],
+		"title": "Nad vrcholky str\u00e1n\u00ed a v\u00fd\u0161"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 65,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "Nebo\u017et\u00edk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 66,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "M\u00e1jov\u00e1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 67,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "Z\u00e1pas"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "Zpro\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed viny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "Zmrzlina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "N\u011bmeck\u00fd ob\u011bd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			48
+		],
+		"title": "V\u0161echno nebo nic"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			29
+		],
+		"title": " Claus Peymann a Hermann Beil na Huspeninov\u00e9 louce"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c5rsagen. En antydning"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			78
+		],
+		"title": "Victor Halfwit. A Winter's Tale"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Syy"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Kellari. Vet\u00e4ytyminen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "Mestres antics. Com\u00e8dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			233
+		],
+		"title": "\ubab0\ub77d\ud558\ub294 \uc790"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			252
+		],
+		"title": "Brisanje. Raspad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			259
+		],
+		"title": "C\u0435\u0447\u0435\u045a\u0435 \u0448\u0443\u043c\u0430. E\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u043e\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			355
+		],
+		"title": "Gubitnik"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Gete na sssamrti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Montenji"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Ponovi susret"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Izgorela"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			356
+		],
+		"title": "Skrachovanec"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Mina priser"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			385,
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "Orsaken: En antydan"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			385,
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00e4llaren: En frig\u00f6relse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			385,
+			386
+		],
+		"title": " Andh\u00e4mtningen: Ett avg\u00f6rande"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			385,
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "Kylan: En isolering"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			385,
+			386
+		],
+		"title": "Ett barn"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00fczelti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			17
+		],
+		"title": "\u0421\u0435\u0447. \u0415\u0434\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u044a\u0437\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00e6lderen. En unddragelse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Hengitys. P\u00e4\u00e4t\u00f6s",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Kylmyys. Eristys",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 117,
+		"translators": [
+			110
+		],
+		"title": "Mon bout de monde"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			110
+		],
+		"title": "Sur la terre et en enfer",
+		"work_display_title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			110
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis",
+		"work_display_title": "In hora mortis (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			110
+		],
+		"title": "Sous le fer de la lune",
+		"work_display_title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 118,
+		"translators": [
+			110
+		],
+		"title": "Annexe"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Esem\u00e9nyek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A hangimit\u00e1tor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00e9t nevel\u0151"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A sapka"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Kom\u00e9dia? Trag\u00e9dia?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A francia attas\u00e9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Egy innsbrucki keresked\u0151fi\u00fa b\u0171ne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az \u00e1cs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": " Az erd\u0151hat\u00e1ron"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az angol f\u00e9rfi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az Ortleren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 142,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Tavasz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 101,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Tan\u00favallom\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 119,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A fiatal \u00edr\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "F\u00e9ln\u00f3t\u00e1s Viktor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 169,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Megnyugv\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 143,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Egy vid\u00e9ki csal\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 144,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A menhelyi gondnok"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 170,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A n\u0151 az \u00f6nt\u0151d\u00e9b\u0151l meg a h\u00e1tizs\u00e1kos f\u00e9rfi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 171,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "S\u00edks\u00e1g"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe megh\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Viszontl\u00e1t\u00e1s"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "L\u00e1ngok martal\u00e9ka lett)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 87,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A v\u00f6r\u00f6s f\u00e9ny"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 88,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A telepesek"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 89,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00e9lut\u00e1n a nagyv\u00e1rosban"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 90,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A h\u00e9t feny\u0151f\u00e1r\u00f3l \u00e9s a h\u00f3r\u00f3l",
+		"work_display_title": "Von sieben Tannen und vom Schnee"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 91,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Bolond Magdal\u00e9na"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 172,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A hagyat\u00e9k"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 93,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A Szent L\u0151rinc szeg\u00e9nyh\u00e1z"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 94,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Nagy, felfoghatatlan \u00e9hs\u00e9g"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 95,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "T\u00e9li nap a magashegys\u00e9gben"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 96,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Alkonyf\u00f6ld pusztul\u00e1sa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 97,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az anyai t\u00e1j"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 98,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az \u00f6reg\u00far, akit Augustnak h\u00edvtak"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 99,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "Az ember, aki elindult vil\u00e1got l\u00e1tni"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 100,
+		"translators": [
+			173
+		],
+		"title": "A diszn\u00f3p\u00e1sztor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			254
+		],
+		"title": "Hladno\u0107a. Izolacija",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			278
+		],
+		"title": "Victor Halfnar. Een wintersprookje"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe dauer (Goethe dauer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "Gjensyn"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			280
+		],
+		"title": "G\u00e5tt opp i flammer)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Moje nagrade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 149,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Correspondencia",
+		"work_display_title": "Thomas Bernhard \u2013 Siegfried Unseld. Der Briefwechsel (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Reencuentro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Ard\u00eda"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u6211\u7684\u6587\u5b66\u5956"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 54,
+		"translators": [
+			39,
+			40,
+			33
+		],
+		"title": "Pravd\u011b na stop\u011b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			32
+		],
+		"title": "Sta\u0159\u00ed mist\u0159i nakreslil Mahler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			50
+		],
+		"title": "Tr\u00e6f\u00e6ldning. En ophidselse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c5ndedr\u00e6ttet. En afg\u00f8relse.",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 111,
+		"translators": [
+			86
+		],
+		"title": "Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. For his 100th Birthday"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 113,
+		"translators": [
+			88
+		],
+		"title": "Arguments from a Winter\u2019s Walk (excerpt)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			91
+		],
+		"title": "Vanad Meistrid. Kom\u00f6\u00f6dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Kyll\u00e4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Muuan lapsi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Vanhat mestarit. Komedia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 54,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Sur le traces de la v\u00e9rit\u00e9. Discours, lettres, entretiens, articles"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Goehte se mheurt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Retrouvailles"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Parti en fum\u00e9e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			207
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe muore"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			207
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			207
+		],
+		"title": "Incontro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			207
+		],
+		"title": "Andata a fuoco"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "Un nen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "El fred",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "L'al\u00e8. Un decisi\u00f3",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			228
+		],
+		"title": "Senzillament complicat"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			259
+		],
+		"title": "C\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u043c\u0430\u0458\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438. K\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0458\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			287
+		],
+		"title": "\u062f\u0627\u0631\u0645\u0631\u0632"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			287
+		],
+		"title": "\u06a9\u0648\u0644\u062a\u0631\u0631"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			287
+		],
+		"title": "\u0645\u0631\u062f \u0627\u06cc\u062a\u0627\u0644\u06cc\u0627\u06cc\u06cc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			323
+		],
+		"title": "Extinc\u0163ie. O destr\u0103mare"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			354
+		],
+		"title": "Se\u010da \u0161ume. Jedno uzbu\u0111enje"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			362,
+			363,
+			364
+		],
+		"title": "Moje nagrade"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			374,
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "Maestros antiguos seg\u00fan Mahler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 175,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "\u00bfLe gusta ser malvado? Conversaci\u00f3n noctura entre Thomas Bernhard y Peter Hamm en la casa de Bernhard en Ohlsdorf, 1977"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Frost"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe \u00d6leyaz\u0131yor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Yeniden G\u00f6r\u00fc\u015fme"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Alev Alev Yand\u0131, K\u00fcl Oldu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			392
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			392
+		],
+		"title": "Watten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			405
+		],
+		"title": "\u0425\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0435\u0447\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 21,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u4e60\u60ef\u7684\u529b\u91cf"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u603b\u7edf"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			22
+		],
+		"title": "\u82f1\u96c4\u5e7f\u573a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Kulden. En isolation",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			73,
+			74
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. A portrait of the artist as an old man",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Italialainen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Puurajalla"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Palkintopuhetta"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "H\u00e4iri\u00f6"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 173,
+		"translators": [
+			184
+		],
+		"title": "Brj\u00e1l\u00e6\u00f0i"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 174,
+		"translators": [
+			184
+		],
+		"title": "Fj\u00f3sakonan"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u79c1\u306e\u3082\u3089\u3063\u305f\u6587\u5b66\u8cde"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "Els meus premis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			231
+		],
+		"title": "El President"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			237
+		],
+		"title": "\ube44\ud2b8\uac90\uc288\ud0c0\uc778\uc758 \uc870\uce74. \uc5b4\ub5a4 \uc6b0\uc815"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "A Causa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "A Cave"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "A Respira\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "O Frio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			317
+		],
+		"title": "Uma Crian\u00e7a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Brisanje. Raspad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Poreme\u0107aj"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 54,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "En busca de la verdad. Discursos, cartas de lector, entrevistas, art\u00edculos"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Korrigering"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Et barn"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			65
+		],
+		"title": "On Earth and in Hell. Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			97
+		],
+		"title": "Ma\u00eetres anciens. Com\u00e9die dessin\u00e9 par Mahler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			134
+		],
+		"title": "\u10e1\u10d0\u10dc\u10d0\u10ee\u10d0\u10dd\u10d1\u10d8\u10e1 \u10db\u10dd\u10db\u10ec\u10e7\u10dd\u10d1\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			138,
+			139
+		],
+		"title": "\u0399\u03bc\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5\u03ad\u03bb \u039a\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u0394\u03cd\u03bf \u03c0\u03b1\u03b9\u03b4\u03b1\u03b3\u03c9\u03b3\u03bf\u03af"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u0397 \u03c4\u03c1\u03b1\u03b3\u03b9\u03ac\u03c3\u03ba\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u0395\u03af\u03bd\u03b1\u03b9 \u03c4\u03c1\u03b1\u03b3\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1; \u0395\u03af\u03bd\u03b1\u03b9 \u03ba\u03c9\u03bc\u03c9\u03b4\u03af\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u0393\u03b9\u03ac\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b5\u03ba"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u0391\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03c5\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7 \u03b3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bb\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae \u03c0\u03c1\u03b5\u03c3\u03b2\u03b5\u03af\u03b1. \u0397\u03bc\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf \u03b4\u03b9\u03b1\u03ba\u03bf\u03c0\u03ce\u03bd, \u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1\u03ba\u03bb\u03b5\u03af\u03b4\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a4\u03bf \u03ad\u03b3\u03ba\u03bb\u03b7\u03bc\u03b1 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03b3\u03b9\u03bf\u03c5 \u03b5\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2 \u03b5\u03bc\u03c0\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5 \u03b1\u03c0\u03cc \u03c4\u03bf \u038a\u03bd\u03c3\u03bc\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03b3\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			184
+		],
+		"title": "Eftirherman. XL \u00f6rs\u00f6gur \u00far Der Stimmenimitator (Hamsun / Eftirherman / Fer\u00f0amannab\u00e6klingur / Pisa og Feneyjar / \u00cd L\u00edma / N\u00e6stum / G\u00f3\u00f0mennska / Skipti / Umns\u00faningur / H\u00f3tel Waldhaus / Haumer sk\u00f3garh\u00f6ggsma\u00f0ur / Ofvi\u00f0a / Lyfse\u00f0ill / Vonsviknir Englendingar / Fr\u00e1b\u00e6rir t\u00f3nleikar / \u00cd v\u00edsindaskyni / Mist\u00f6k Moospruggers / P\u00f3stur / Vi\u00f0v\u00f6run / Fullyr\u00f0ing / Lj\u00f3smyndarar / Schluemberger / Uppg\u00f6tvun / Fr\u00e6gur dansari / Samviskubit / Gleymska / Piccadilly Circus / Hl\u00e9bar\u00f0inn / F\u00f6lsk n\u00f3ta / Gamli b\u00f3ndinn / Fj\u00f3sakona / Markasteinn / T\u00faristah\u00f3pur / S\u00f6nn \u00e1st / Potocki fursti / Eftir y\u00f0ur / Reynt \u00e1 \u00edmyndunarafli\u00f0 / \u00cd grennd vi\u00f0 Sulden / Perast / Brj\u00e1l\u00e6\u00f0i)",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Stimmenimitator, selection"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			191
+		],
+		"title": "Sotto il ferro della luna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			241
+		],
+		"title": "\ubbf8\ub124\ud2f0",
+		"work_display_title": "Minetti. Ein Portrait des K\u00fcnstlers als alter Mann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			253
+		],
+		"title": "Mraz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Tak"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			296
+		],
+		"title": "Wyjadacze"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 117,
+		"translators": [
+			304
+		],
+		"title": "Moja cz\u0105stka \u015bwiata"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Na ziemi i w piekle (selection)",
+		"work_display_title": "Auf der Erde und in der H\u00f6lle (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "In hora mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Pod \u017celazem ksi\u0119\u017cyca (selection)",
+		"work_display_title": "Unter dem Eisen des Mondes (Auswahl)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Pomyle\u0144cy Wi\u0119\u017aniowie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergil (selection)",
+		"work_display_title": "Ave Vergil (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 183,
+		"translators": [
+			303,
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Aneks"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			322
+		],
+		"title": "Pra\u00e7a dos her\u00f3is"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Vitgen\u0161tajnov ne\u0107ak. Jedno prijateljstvo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			351
+		],
+		"title": "Trg heroja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Imitator glasov"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			356
+		],
+		"title": "Star\u00ed majstri. Kom\u00e9dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Kire\u00e7 Oca\u011f\u0131"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Neden. Bir De\u011fini"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Kiler. Bir Ka\u00e7\u0131\u015f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			27
+		],
+		"title": "\u539f\u56e0"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			26
+		],
+		"title": "\u5730\u4e0b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			25
+		],
+		"title": "\u547c\u5438"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			23
+		],
+		"title": "\u5bd2\u51b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			24
+		],
+		"title": "\u500b\u5b69"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			50
+		],
+		"title": "Gamle mestre. Komedie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 110,
+		"translators": [
+			75
+		],
+		"title": "Three Days"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe Dies"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne. A Story in Twenty-Two Instalments"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Reunion"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Going Up in Flames. A Travelogue to an Erstwhile Friend"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 114,
+		"translators": [
+			93
+		],
+		"title": "Thomas Bernhard. Gerhard Fritsch. Kirjeenvaihtoa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Kortinpeluu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "K\u00e4vely"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 19,
+		"translators": [
+			140
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f \u0391\u03b4\u03b1\u03ae\u03c2 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf \u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03c6\u03c1\u03c9\u03bd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			147
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a0\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1 \u0397\u03c1\u03ce\u03c9\u03bd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Immanuel Kant"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "A c\u00e9ln\u00e1l"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 47,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Egyszer\u0171en komplik\u00e1lt"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			176
+		],
+		"title": "Heldenplatz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			219
+		],
+		"title": "\u3042\u308b\u5b50\u4f9b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "S\u00ed"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			269,
+			270
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			269,
+			270
+		],
+		"title": "De Italiaan"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			269,
+			270
+		],
+		"title": "Op de boomgrens"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			289
+		],
+		"title": "\u0642\u062f\u0645 \u0632\u062f\u0646"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 177,
+		"translators": [
+			292
+		],
+		"title": "\u0627\u06cc\u06a9\u0627\u0631\u0648\u0633 \u0648 \u062f\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646\u200c\u0647\u0627\u06cc \u062f\u06cc\u06af\u0631 \u0627\u0632 \u0646\u0648\u06cc\u0633\u0646\u062f\u06af\u0627\u0646 \u0622\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646\u06cc \u0632\u0628\u0627\u0646"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			294
+		],
+		"title": "\u0622\u0634\u0641\u062a\u06af\u06cc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			301
+		],
+		"title": "Dawni mistrzowie. Komedia rysowana przez Mahlera"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			323
+		],
+		"title": "Frig"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Hodanje"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Vaten. Zaostav\u0161tina",
+		"work_display_title": "Watten. Ein Nachlass"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			360
+		],
+		"title": "Mraz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "Nefes. Bir Karar",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "So\u011fuk. Bir Soyutlama",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			389
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c7ocuk"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			8
+		],
+		"title": "Andar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			13
+		],
+		"title": "O fazedor de teatro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 53,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Mine priser"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 107,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Early Poems (1952-1956)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "On Earth and in Hell"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 108,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Psalm"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "The Insane The Inmates"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergil"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 109,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Later Poems (1959-1963)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			132
+		],
+		"title": "O facedor de teatro"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			164
+		],
+		"title": "\u05dc\u05d7\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1 \u05e2\u05e6\u05d9\u05dd. \u05e1\u05e2\u05e8\u05ea \u05e8\u05d5\u05d7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			219
+		],
+		"title": "\u539f\u56e0. \u4e00\u3064\u306e\u793a\u5506"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "L'imitador de veus"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Chodzenie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Korektura"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Dva vzojitela"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Kapa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Je to komedija? Je to tragedija? Jauregg",
+		"work_display_title": "Ist es eine Kom\u00f6die? Ist es eine Trag\u00f6die? Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Ata\u0161e na trancoskem veleposlani\u0161tvu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Zlo\u010din innsbru\u0161kega trgovskega sina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Tesar"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Na drevesni meji"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Midland v Stilfsu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Pelerina"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Ob Ortlerju. Poro\u010dilo iz Gomagoija"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			359,
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Viktor Polnori. Zimsa Pravljica"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Ja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "G\u00e5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 54,
+		"translators": [
+			392
+		],
+		"title": "Hakikatin \u0130zinde. Konu\u015fmalar, Okur Mektuplar\u0131, S\u00f6yle\u015filer, Edebiyat Yaz\u0131lar\u0131"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Ucuzayiyenler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			400
+		],
+		"title": "In Hora Mortis"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			338
+		],
+		"title": "\u0418\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0432",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Stimmenimitator (selection)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			18
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u0440\u0430\u0437"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			56
+		],
+		"title": "Old Masters. A Comedy. Illustrated by Nicolas Mahler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Pakkanen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "Camminare"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 108,
+		"translators": [
+			190
+		],
+		"title": "Salmo"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			190
+		],
+		"title": "I folli I carcerati"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			223
+		],
+		"title": "El nebot de Wittgenstein"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			291
+		],
+		"title": "\u0628\u0631\u0627\u062f\u0631\u0632\u0627\u062f\u0647 \u0648\u06cc\u062a\u06af\u0646\u0634\u062a\u0627\u06cc\u0646"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			286
+		],
+		"title": "\u062a\u0635\u062d\u06cc\u062d"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			309
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe \u00f3miera"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			336,
+			337,
+			338
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 57,
+		"translators": [
+			366
+		],
+		"title": "Videz vara"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Jakts\u00e4llskapet"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Sars\u0131nt\u0131"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			408
+		],
+		"title": "Di\u1ec7t Vong"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			408
+		],
+		"title": "\u0110\u1ed1n H\u1ea1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Ja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			150
+		],
+		"title": "\u0393\u03b5\u03b3\u03bf\u03bd\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 107,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ae\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 1952-1957"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b7 \u03b3\u03b7 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03c3\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd \u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 2,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b7 \u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b1 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03b8\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u039a\u03ac\u03c4\u03c9 \u03b1\u03c0\u03cc \u03c4\u03bf \u03c3\u03af\u03b4\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03ba\u00f2 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u03c6\u03b5\u03b3\u03b3\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03cd"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 108,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a8\u03b1\u03bb\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 4,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u039f\u03b9 \u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03af \u039f\u03b9 \u03c6\u03c5\u03bb\u03b1\u03ba\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03b9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 109,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a0\u03bf\u03b9\u03ae\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 1959-1963"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergil"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 168,
+		"translators": [
+			151,
+			152
+		],
+		"title": "Frost. \u03a4\u03c1\u03af\u03c4\u03b7 \u03ad\u03ba\u03b4\u03bf\u03c7\u03ae"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			214,
+			215
+		],
+		"title": "\u30a2\u30e0\u30e9\u30b9"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			214,
+			215
+		],
+		"title": "\u6b69\u304f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u51cd\uff08\u3044\u3066\uff09"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			268,
+			271
+		],
+		"title": "Houthakken. Een afrekening"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Ja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Wandeling"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "De dagschotelaars"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			293
+		],
+		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062f\u0647"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			286
+		],
+		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062f\u0647"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			295
+		],
+		"title": "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0646\u0648\u06cc\u0633\u06cc"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann opuszcza Bocum i udaje si\u0119 jako dyrektor Burgtheater do Wiednia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann kupuje sobie spodnie i idzie ze mn\u0105 na obiad"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann i Hermann Beil na Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			359
+		],
+		"title": "Zabava za Borisa"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 112,
+		"translators": [
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Andr\u00e9 M\u00fcller v pogovoru s Thomasom Bernhardom"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			373
+		],
+		"title": "El Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Anst\u00f6t"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 3,
+		"translators": [
+			397
+		],
+		"title": "Ay\u0131n Demiri Alt\u0131nda"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			1
+		],
+		"title": "Mjeshtra t\u00eb vjet\u00ebr. Komedi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 24,
+		"translators": [
+			9,
+			10
+		],
+		"title": "O presidente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			11
+		],
+		"title": "Pra\u00e7a dos Her\u00f3is"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			18
+		],
+		"title": "\u0411\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043d"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0435. \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043a\u0430\u0437"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Halvallasy\u00f6j\u00e4t"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			94
+		],
+		"title": "Wittgensteinin veljenpoika"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			134
+		],
+		"title": "\u10e2\u10e7\u10d8\u10e1 \u10e9\u10d4\u10ee\u10d0"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			140
+		],
+		"title": "\u03a1\u03af\u03c4\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1, \u039d\u03c4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5, \u03a6\u03bf\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 175,
+		"translators": [
+			185
+		],
+		"title": "Una conversazione notturna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 1,
+		"translators": [
+			190,
+			191
+		],
+		"title": "Sulla terra e all'inferno"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "Midland a Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "Il mantello di Loden"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			194
+		],
+		"title": "Sull'Ortles"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			219
+		],
+		"title": "\u5730\u4e0b. \u3042\u308b\u9003\u4ea1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "Formig\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "De onderspitdelver"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			286
+		],
+		"title": "\u0628\u062a\u0646"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			286
+		],
+		"title": "\u0686\u0648\u0628 \u0628\u0631\u0647\u0627"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			297
+		],
+		"title": "Zdarzenia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Na\u015bladowca g\u0142os\u00f3w"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			352
+		],
+		"title": "Razgovori s Tomasom Bernhardom"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [
+			1
+		],
+		"title": "Nipi i Wittgensteinit. Nj\u00eb miq\u00ebsi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "Mestres Antigos. Com\u00e9dia"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			18
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0430\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430\u0442\u0430"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			15
+		],
+		"title": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430. \u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d \u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u72e9\u730e\u805a\u4f1a"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u7c73\u5948\u8482"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 31,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u4f0a\u9a6c\u52aa\u57c3\u5c14\u00b7\u5eb7\u5fb7"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 33,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u9000\u4f11\u4e4b\u524d"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 34,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u4e16\u754c\u6539\u9020\u8005"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 56,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u62b5\u8fbe\u76ee\u7684\u5730"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			28
+		],
+		"title": "\u620f\u5267\u4eba"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			52
+		],
+		"title": "Forstyrrelse"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "The Cheap-Eaters"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			91
+		],
+		"title": "Hukkasaaja"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			117,
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "L'Italien",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Italiener2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			117,
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c0 la lisi\u00e8re des arbres",
+		"work_display_title": "An der Baumgrenze1"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			117,
+			100
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Kulterer2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 130,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "Jeunes t\u00eates"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 131,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "Ma propre solitude"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 132,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "Chroniques judiciaires (Pour quelques friandises acidul\u00e9es"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 133,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "Suicide \u00e0 l'h\u00f4pital psychiatrique r\u00e9gional"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 134,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "Tant aim\u00e9e, jamais pay\u00e9e"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 135,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00e9presentation au tribunal p\u00e9nal r\u00e9gional"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 136,
+		"translators": [
+			121,
+			122,
+			96,
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Ernestine contre Lucie1)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 137,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "Deux po\u00e8mes, deux lettres et un t\u00e9l\u00e9gramme (Paris"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 138,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00e9lire de pers\u00e9cution"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 139,
+		"translators": [
+			121,
+			122,
+			96,
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Deux lettres (1960-1963) \u00e0 Annemarie Hammerstein-Siller"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 140,
+		"translators": [
+			121,
+			122,
+			96,
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "Telegramme du 30 Novembre 1960 \u00e0 Michael Guttenbrunner)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 141,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00e9cits (Une lettre tir\u00e9e d'un drame"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 142,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "Un printemps"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 143,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "Un imposteur \u00e0 la campagne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 144,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "En tant qu'administrateur de l'asile"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 145,
+		"translators": [
+			121,
+			122,
+			96,
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "La femme de la fonderie et l'homme avec le sac \u00e0 dos2)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 146,
+		"translators": [
+			96
+		],
+		"title": "Lettre \u00e0 Claus Peymann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 147,
+		"translators": [
+			104
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c0 Rome"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 148,
+		"translators": [
+			121
+		],
+		"title": "D\u00e9claration"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 149,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "Correspondance. Extraits. Thomas Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 150,
+		"translators": [
+			122
+		],
+		"title": "Unseld"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 26,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Le celebrit\u00e0"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 40,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Su tutte le vette \u00e8 pace"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Piazza degli Eroi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 50,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Il pranzo tedesco"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 65,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Un morto"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 66,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Funzione di maggio"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 69,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Gelati"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 68,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Assoluzione"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 70,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Tutto o niente"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 67,
+		"translators": [
+			196
+		],
+		"title": "Match"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann lascia Bochum e si trasferisce a Vienna a direttore del Burgtheater"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann si compra un paio di pantaloni e viene a mangiare con me"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			200
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann e Hermann Beil sulla Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 58,
+		"translators": [
+			202
+		],
+		"title": "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			215
+		],
+		"title": "\u63a8\u6572"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			216
+		],
+		"title": "\u660f\u4e71"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 43,
+		"translators": [
+			248
+		],
+		"title": "\uc5f0\uadf9\uc7c1\uc774"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			257
+		],
+		"title": "Kalkin\u0117"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Watten. Een nalatenschap",
+		"work_display_title": "Watten. Ein Nachlass"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 27,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "De\u00a0kelder. En onttrekking"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "De\u00a0adem. En besluit",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 36,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "De\u00a0kou. En isolement",
+		"work_display_title": "Die K\u00e4lte. Eine Isolation"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 41,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Een kind"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			286
+		],
+		"title": "\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0627\u062f\u0627\u0646 \u0628\u0632\u0631\u06af"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 49,
+		"translators": [
+			305
+		],
+		"title": "Plac Bohater\u00f3w"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 107,
+		"translators": [
+			341
+		],
+		"title": "\u041e\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 17,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Kre\u010dana"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 37,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Ave Vergilius"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 13,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Watten"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 35,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Billig\u00e4terna"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 38,
+		"translators": [],
+		"title": "Wittgenstein'in qarda\u015f\u0131 o\u011flu. Bir dostlu\u011fun hekay\u00e4si"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "Derrubar \u00e1rvores. Uma irrita\u00e7\u00e3o"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			20
+		],
+		"title": "\u0423\u043c\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0442\u0438\u044f\u0442 \u0413\u044c\u043e\u0442\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			20
+		],
+		"title": "\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0435\u043d. \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043a\u0430\u0437"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			20
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412\u0438\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0435"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			20
+		],
+		"title": "\u0412 \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043c\u044a\u0446\u0438. \u041f\u044a\u0442\u0435\u043f\u0438\u0441 \u0434\u043e \u043d\u044f\u043a\u043e\u0433\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043d \u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0435\u043b"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 79,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "Ungenach"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "The Weatherproof Cape"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "Midland in Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "At the Ortler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			61
+		],
+		"title": "At the Timberline"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			92
+		],
+		"title": "Metsaraiumine. Erutus"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 42,
+		"translators": [
+			134
+		],
+		"title": "\u10d3\u10d0\u10e6\u10db\u10d0\u10db\u10d0\u10d5\u10d0\u10da\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 18,
+		"translators": [
+			148
+		],
+		"title": "\u0392\u03b1\u03b4\u03af\u03b6\u03bf\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03c2"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			166
+		],
+		"title": "\u05db\u05df"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			214
+		],
+		"title": "\u6a35\u308b. \u6fc0\u60c5"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "Uitwissing. Een verval"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 23,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "De\u00a0oorzaak. Een benadering"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			285
+		],
+		"title": "\u0645\u0642\u0644\u062f \u0635\u062f\u0627"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 5,
+		"translators": [
+			318
+		],
+		"title": "Geada"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 55,
+		"translators": [
+			348
+		],
+		"title": "Stari majstori. Komedija (Mahler)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 86,
+		"translators": [
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "V vi\u0161avah",
+		"work_display_title": "In der H\u00f6he"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 6,
+		"translators": [
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Amras"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Italijan"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			361
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 29,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "R\u00f6stimitat\u00f6ren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 71,
+		"translators": [
+			387
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann l\u00e4mnar Bochum och \u00e5ker till Wien som Burgtheaterchef"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 51,
+		"translators": [
+			387
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann k\u00f6per sig ett par byxor och g\u00e5r ut med mig och \u00e4ter"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 72,
+		"translators": [
+			387
+		],
+		"title": "Claus Peymann och Hermann Beil p\u00e5 Sulzwiese"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 16,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Boris \u0130\u00e7in Bir \u015e\u00f6len"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 20,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Av Meclisi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 28,
+		"translators": [
+			388
+		],
+		"title": "Minetti. Sanat\u00e7\u0131n\u0131n Ya\u015fl\u0131 Bir Adam Olarak Portresi"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [],
+		"title": "Beton"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [],
+		"title": "Sars\u0131nt\u0131"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 30,
+		"translators": [
+			5
+		],
+		"title": "Sim"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 46,
+		"translators": [
+			91
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c4rakustutamine. Lagu"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 45,
+		"translators": [
+			134
+		],
+		"title": "\u10eb\u10d5\u10d4\u10da\u10d8 \u10dd\u10e1\u10e2\u10d0\u10e2\u10d4\u10d1\u10d8"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 32,
+		"translators": [
+			219
+		],
+		"title": "\u606f. \u4e00\u3064\u306e\u6c7a\u65ad",
+		"work_display_title": "Der Atem. Eine Entscheidung"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 44,
+		"translators": [
+			224
+		],
+		"title": "Tala. Una exaltaci\u00f3"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe sterft"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne. Een vertelling"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "Weerzien"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "In vlammen opgegaan. Reisverslag aan een vroegere vriend"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 25,
+		"translators": [
+			272
+		],
+		"title": "Correctie"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 39,
+		"translators": [
+			339,
+			340
+		],
+		"title": "\u0411\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043d"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 73,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Goethe d\u00f6\u00f6r"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 74,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Montaigne"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 75,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "\u00c5terseende"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 76,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "F\u00f6rt\u00e4rt i l\u00e5gor"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Vid tr\u00e4dgrensen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 22,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Kulterer"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 15,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Italienaren"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Midland i Stilfs"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Regncapen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "P\u00e5 Ortler"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 52,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "Tilldragelser",
+		"work_display_title": "Ereignisse (Auszug)"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 116,
+		"translators": [
+			384
+		],
+		"title": "\u2013ett m\u00f6te. Samtal med Krista Fleischmann"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 80,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Innsbrucklu Bir Bakkal O\u011flunun Su\u00e7u"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 81,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Marangoz"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 7,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Jauregg"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 82,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "\u0130ki E\u011fitmen"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 10,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Kasket"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 11,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Komedi mi? Trajedi mi?"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 8,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Viktor Yar\u0131ka\u00e7\u0131k"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 83,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Frans\u0131z B\u00fcy\u00fckel\u00e7ili\u011fi\u2019nde Ata\u015fe"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 12,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Orman S\u0131n\u0131r\u0131nda"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 84,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Midland Stilfs\u2019te"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 14,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Pelerin"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 85,
+		"translators": [
+			390
+		],
+		"title": "Ortler\u2019in Ete\u011finde"
+	},
+	{
+		"work": 9,
+		"translators": [
+			268
+		],
+		"title": "Verstoring"
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/requirements.txt b/scripts/requirements.txt
index a059667..3f8fc54 100644
--- a/scripts/requirements.txt
+++ b/scripts/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/scripts/tsv-to-json.py b/scripts/tsv-to-json.py
index 2fce48c..52e9af2 100755
--- a/scripts/tsv-to-json.py
+++ b/scripts/tsv-to-json.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-    default="thb-20241028.tsv",
+    default="thb-20241031.tsv",
     help="the tsv file exported from OpenRefine (default: %(default)s)",
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def filter(self, record):
 def sort_and_add_ids(dct):
     dct = {k: v for k, v in sorted(dct.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]["year"] or 9999)}
     for i, (_, v) in enumerate(dct.items()):
-        v["id"] = str(i + 1)
+        v["id"] = i + 1
     return dct
@@ -112,14 +112,35 @@ def getn(n, ss):
     return best
+def yes_no_maybe(val):
+    if val == "":
+        return "no"
+    elif val.lower() == "x":
+        return "yes"
+    else:
+        return "maybe"
 def origtitle(pub, i):
     return pub[orig(i)].replace("\n", " ")
-# use gnd as key if it's available, otherwise fall back to title..
+def bwkeytitle(pub, i):
+    return (
+        origtitle(pub, i)
+        .replace("verlässt", "verläßt")
+        .replace(" (Auszug)", "")
+        .replace(" (excerpt)", "")
+        .replace(" (Büchner-Preis)", "")
+        .replace(" (Büchnerpreis-Rede)", "")
+        .replace("... Eine märchenhafe  Weihnachtsgeschichte", "")
+    )
+# use gnd as key if it's available, otherwise fall back to (sanitized) title..
 def workkey(pub, i):
     prel = pub[f"original_{i}_GND"] if f"original_{i}_GND" in pub else None
-    return prel or origtitle(pub, i)
+    return prel or bwkeytitle(pub, i)
 # first pass -- extract bernhardworks and translators
@@ -205,6 +226,7 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
         if pub[translatorkey] not in translators:
             translators[pub[translatorkey]] = {
+                "id": len(translators) + 1,
                 "name": tr,
                 "gnd": pub[f"{translatorkey} GND"] or None,
                 # 'wikidata': None
@@ -215,12 +237,10 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
 # infer unique categories
 for k, v in bernhardworks.items():
     v["title"] = Counter(v["titles"]).most_common(1)[0][0]
-    v["short_title"] = v["title"]
+    v["short_title"] = ""
     if "(" in v["title"]:
-        # cut off before '()'
+        # cut off before '()' # FIXME bwkey should be the shortened thing
         v["short_title"] = v["title"].split(" (")[0]
-    if v["title"] == v["short_title"]:
-        v["short_title"] = None
     if len(v["category"]) == 1:
         v["category"] = v["category"][0]
     elif any(
@@ -240,19 +260,11 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
     del v["titles"]
     del v["first seen"]
-bernhardworks["???"] = {
-    "title": "???",
-    "gnd": None,
-    "category": [],
-    "year": "XXXX",
 translations = {}
-nrepublications = 0
 publications = {}
-# second pass to create publications after all the other entities have ids
-for pub in data:
+# second pass to create publications
+for pub in sorted(data, key=lambda v: v["year"]):
     # zuerst translation extrahieren (könnte bereits existieren von früherer
     # publikation!)
     source = pub["contains transl. (wenn leer identisch mit 'title')"]
@@ -260,7 +272,7 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
     ts = getn(len(pub["origworks"]), [source])
     if len(ts) != len(pub["origworks"]):
         # print(f"1. [{pub['Signatur']}](https://thomas-bernhard-global.acdh-ch-dev.oeaw.ac.at/publication/{pub['Signatur']}) has {len(ts)} translated titles for {len(pub['origworks'])} original works:")
-        logger.error(
+        logger.warning(
             f"{pub['Signatur']}: found {len(ts)} translated title(s) for {len(pub['origworks'])} original works ({ts} <> {pub['origworks']})"
         if len(ts) == 1:
@@ -268,12 +280,7 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
         elif len(pub["origworks"]) == 1:
             ts = [" / ".join(ts)]
-            while len(ts) < len(pub["origworks"]):
-                ts.append("???")
-            while len(ts) > len(pub["origworks"]):
-                pub["origworks"].append("???")
-        # for t1, t2 in zip(pub['origworks'], ts):
-        #     print(f'    - [ ] `{t1}` <> `{t2}`')
+            logging.fatal("can't recover")
     for i, t in enumerate(ts):
         # check if translator indices have been marked on the translated title
@@ -292,7 +299,7 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
             if pub[f"translator {tid}"]
-        bwkey = workkey(pub, i + 1) or "???"
+        bwkey = workkey(pub, i + 1)
         work = bernhardworks[bwkey]
         newt = {
@@ -311,21 +318,17 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
         translationkey = work["title"] + worktranslatornames
         if translationkey in translations:
-            nrepublications = nrepublications + 1
             newt["id"] = translations[translationkey]["id"]
             if translations[translationkey] != newt:
                     f"{pub['Signatur']}: {worktranslatornames}'s translation of '{work['title']}' (GND: {work['gnd']}) was previously published as '{translations[translationkey]['title']}', now found translation titled '{newt['title']}'"
-            newt["id"] = str(len(translations) + 1)
+            newt["id"] = len(translations) + 1
             translations[translationkey] = newt
         ts[i] = translations[translationkey]
-    eltern = (
-        [el.strip() for el in pub["Eltern"].split(" \\ ")] if pub["Eltern"] else None
-    )
-    # TODO incorporate info from column "rev. translation, originally published as"
+    eltern = [el.strip() for el in pub["Eltern"].split(" \\ ")] if pub["Eltern"] else []
@@ -335,28 +338,26 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
     assets = (
-        [{"id": pub["Signatur"]}]
+        pub["Signatur"]
         if os.path.isfile(f'../public/covers/{pub["Signatur"]}.jpg')
-        else []
+        else ""
     if len(pub["more"]):
-        assets += [{"id": name} for name in pub["more"].split(", ")]
+        assets += " " + " ".join([name for name in pub["more"].split(", ")])
     publisher = pub["publisher / publication"]
-    publication_details = None
-    # split publisher into leading string + first occurrence of a digit (or 'S. {digit}')
+    publication_details = ""
+    # split publisher into initial string followed by first occurrence of a leading digit (or 'S. {digit}')
     mt = re.match(r"^(.+?),? ((?:S\. ?)?\d.*)$", pub["publisher / publication"])
     if mt is not None:
         publisher = mt.group(1)
         publication_details = mt.group(2)
     publications[pub["Signatur"]] = {
+        "id": len(publications) + 1,
         "signatur": pub["Signatur"],
-        "erstpublikation": pub["EP?"]
-        == "x",  # means at least one translation is published first time?
+        "erstpublikation": pub["EP?"].lower() == "x",
         "parents": eltern,
-        "later": [],
-        "more": pub["more"].split(", ") if pub["more"] else None,  # TODO
         "title": pub["title"],
         "year": int(pub["year"][0:4]),
         "year_display": pub["year"],
@@ -364,39 +365,24 @@ def workkey(pub, i):
         "contains": ts,
         "publisher": publisher,
         "publication_details": publication_details,
-        # 'categories': [c for c in [c for c in pub['category 1'].split(' \\ ')] + [c for c in pub['category 2'].split(' \\ ')] if len(c) and c != 'prose'],
-        "isbn": pub["ISBN"] or None,
-        "exemplar_suhrkamp_berlin": pub["Exemplar Suhrkamp Berlin (03/2023)"].lower()
-        == "x",  # TODO handle "X (mit Vorbehalt)"
-        "exemplar_oeaw": pub["Exemplar ÖAW"].lower() == "x",
+        "isbn": pub["ISBN"],
+        "exemplar_suhrkamp_berlin": yes_no_maybe(
+            pub["Exemplar Suhrkamp Berlin (03/2023)"]
+        ),
+        "exemplar_oeaw": yes_no_maybe(pub["Exemplar ÖAW"]),
+        "original_publication": pub["rev. translation, originally published as"],
+        "zusatzinfos": pub["zusatzinfos"],
         "images": assets,
-        "has_image": assets != [],
-categories = [
-    "autobiography",
-    "novels",
-    "novellas & short prose",
-    "adaptations",
-    "poetry",
-    "drama & libretti",
-    "letters, speeches, interviews",
-for w in bernhardworks.values():
-    if w["category"] and w["category"] not in categories:
-        logger.warning(f"{w['title']}: unknown category {w['category']}")
-# redundantly store children ids in parent
+# replace nested objects with relation ids before dumping
+for t in translations.values():
+    t["work"] = t["work"]["id"]
+    t["translators"] = [tr["id"] for tr in t["translators"]]
 for pub in publications.values():
-    if pub["parents"]:
-        for par in pub["parents"]:
-            try:
-                publications[par]["later"].append(pub["signatur"])
-            except KeyError:
-                logger.warning(
-                    f"{pub['signatur']} was previously published in {par} but couldn't find a record for {par}"
-                )
+    pub["contains"] = [t["id"] for t in pub["contains"]]
+    pub["parents"] = [publications[t]["id"] for t in pub["parents"]]
 def dump_dict(dct, name):
@@ -408,10 +394,7 @@ def dump_dict(dct, name):
     json.dump(vs, open(f"data/{name}.json", "w"), indent="\t")
-# TODO replace nested objects with relation ids before dumping
-publications = sort_and_add_ids(publications)
-dump_dict(publications, "publications")
-dump_dict(translations, "translations")
-dump_dict(bernhardworks, "bernhardworks")
-dump_dict(translators, "translators")
+dump_dict(publications, "Publikation")
+dump_dict(translations, "Übersetzung")
+dump_dict(bernhardworks, "BernhardWerk")
+dump_dict(translators, "Übersetzer")