#End of Unit 0
###Final Project - Weather Clock
- Due 6pm Thursday 4/9
- Demo 7pm Thursday 4/9
- 8 groups of 4
- 10 min each
- 7 min Demo
- 3 min Questions
- Project evaluation
- Code
- Teamwork
- Effort
- Demo
- Product polish (Design + Creativity)
Team # | Team Members |
0 | Yuliya Kaleda, Janneisy Vidals, Elvis Boves, Pooja Pasawala |
1 | Raynaldie Acevedo, Jorge Reina, Vanice Yee, Luke Lee |
2 | Hoshiko Oki, Kadeem Maragh, Marbella Vidals, Abass Bayo-Awoyemi |
3 | Joshelyn Vivas, Sufei Zhao, Charlyn Buchanan, Hanbi Choi |
4 | Rosmary Fermin, Anthony McBride, Sarah Kim, George Syrimis |
5 | Alvin Kuang, Jose Garcia, Reinard Cox, Dison Ruan |
6 | Ramona Harrison, Na Li, John Gomez, Anthony Fermin |
7 | Jaellys Bales, Madelyn Tavarez, Tasha Smith, Allison Bojarski |
- 1 hour long in class assessment
- Will measure your comprehension of the topics we've covered this unit
- It will look a lot like your exercises/homework
###Submit all your homework!
- You must submit all of your homework by Monday 4/13 5pm
###One on One
- 20 min on Friday 4/10 (if possible)
- Aliya will reach out to schedule appointments
- Goal of 1-on-1: to check in on everything that’s happened in Unit 0