BusRush is web and mobile application that allows users to monitor bus metrics such as delays in real-time. It hopes to solve the existing transparency issue attached to public bus service, where commuters aren’t aware of the current state of the bus they want to take. In a more administrative perspective, it can provide tools for control and analysis of a bus fleet, helping on the decision making process.
The system revolves around the Spring Boot framework, which provides a bridge between the frontend and backend components.
NMEC | Name | Role |
98384 | Inês Castro Baptista | Team Manager |
103154 | João Manuel Pedrosa Fonseca | Architect |
103183 | Diogo Luís de Albuquerque Paiva | DevOps Master |
103530 | André Gabriel Butuc | Product Owner |
Agile Backlog Management: https://nudibranchicb.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/IP/boards/1
Editable Report: https://uapt33090-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/joao_fonseca_ua_pt/EWKHR8MgK25Mn2vZWIuS0m4B26eQAYKhHtW7r2NYdb4hqg?e=w8hrZl
API Documentation: