diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/Changes.md b/graphics/glloadgen/Changes.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de430e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/Changes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+## Version 2.0.3
+* Supports OpenGL 4.5 and recent extensions.
+* Adds `-geninfo` option, for creating comments in generated files about how it was generated.
+* Issue #50 fixed: LFS file loading.
+* Issue #29 fixed: Errors in MacOSX compilation.
+* Issue #61 fixed:
+* Fixed IsVersionGEQ bug in multiple styles.
+* Issued #59 fixed: Working directory can be something other than the glLoadGen directory.
+* C-based styles now conform to C expectations in comments and empty parameter lists.
+## Version 1.0:
+* New Noload loader. Works like GLee.
+* -stdext now works relative to the extfiles directory, not just LoadGen. So no need to do -stdext=extfiles/gl_name_of_standard_file.txt.
+* A test suite.
+* Lua Filesystem is now in use; if it's not available, then you must create the destination directory yourself.
+## Version 0.3:
+* Replaced the old generation system with a flexible structure system.
+* Migrated the styles to the structure system.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/GenTests.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/GenTests.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..683a535a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/GenTests.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+local prelims =
+ [[lua $
MakeAllExts.lua -spec=gl $allgl.txt]],
+ [[lua $MakeAllExts.lua -spec=wgl $allwgl.txt]],
+ [[lua $MakeAllExts.lua -spec=glX $allglx.txt]],
+local tests =
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=max -profile=core -style=pointer_cpp -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/ptr_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core -style=pointer_c -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/ptr_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core -style=func_cpp -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/func_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=compatibility -style=pointer_cpp -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/ptr_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=2.1 -style=func_cpp -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/func_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=4.4 -profile=compatibility -style=pointer_c -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/ptr_c_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=compatibility -style=noload_cpp -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/noload_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=compatibility -style=noload_cpp $test/noload_cpp_noext/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core -style=noload_c -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/noload_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=2.1 -style=noload_c -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt $test/noload_c_old/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=compatibility -style=noload_c $test/noload_c_noext/test]],
+local platTests =
+ wgl =
+ {
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=pointer_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/ptr_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=pointer_c -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/ptr_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=func_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/func_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=pointer_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/ptr_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=func_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/func_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=pointer_c -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/ptr_c_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=noload_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/noload_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=noload_cpp -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/noload_cpp_noext/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=noload_c -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/noload_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=noload_c -stdext=wgl_common.txt $test/noload_c_old/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=wgl -style=noload_c $test/noload_c_noext/test]],
+ },
+ glX =
+ {
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=pointer_cpp -extfile=allglx.txt $test/ptr_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=pointer_c -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/ptr_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=func_cpp -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/func_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=pointer_cpp -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/ptr_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=func_cpp -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/func_cpp_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=pointer_c -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/ptr_c_comp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=noload_cpp -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/noload_cpp/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=noload_cpp -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/noload_cpp_noext/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=noload_c -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/noload_c/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=noload_c -stdext=glx_common.txt $test/noload_c_old/test]],
+ [[lua $LoadGen.lua -spec=glX -style=noload_c $test/noload_c_noext/test]],
+ },
+local glXTests = {}
+local baseDir = arg[0]:match("^(.*[\\/])")
+baseDir = baseDir or "./"
+local function ExecTests(testList)
+ for _, test in ipairs(testList) do
+ test = test:gsub("%$", baseDir)
+ print(test)
+ os.execute(test)
+ end
+if(arg[1]) then
+ assert(platTests[arg[1]], "Invalid platform " .. arg[1])
+if(arg[1]) then
+ ExecTests(platTests[arg[1]])
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/License.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/License.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5bc9240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/License.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Jason L. McKesson
+The source code in this distribution is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, as stated below. The source code generated by this tool is yours to do with as you will.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/LoadGen.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/LoadGen.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..687e74fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/LoadGen.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+assert(arg and arg[0], "You ran this script incorrectly.")
+--Get the location of our modules relative to here.
+local baseDir = arg[0]:match("^(.*[\\/])")
+baseDir = baseDir or "./"
+assert(baseDir, arg[0] .. " No directory")
+--Fixup the package path to be relative to this directory.
+package.path = baseDir .. "modules/?.lua;" .. package.path
+--Make a function to get the correct directory name.
+function SysRelPath(relativePath)
+ return baseDir .. relativePath
+FixupPath = SysRelPath --Older name.
+local opts = require "GetOptions"
+local Specs = require "Specs"
+local Styles = require "Styles"
+local LoadSpec = require "LoadLuaSpec"
+local util = require "util"
+--Get the options.
+local status, options = pcall(opts.GetOptions, arg)
+if(not status) then
+ io.stdout:write(options, "\n")
+ return
+--Load the spec data.
+local spec = Specs.GetSpec(options.spec)
+local specData = spec.LoadSpec()
+--Verify that every extension in `options.extensions` is a real extension.
+local badExts = {}
+for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ if(not specData.extdefs[extName]) then
+ badExts[#badExts + 1] = extName
+ end
+if(#badExts > 0) then
+ io.stdout:write("The following extensions are not in the spec ", options.spec, ":\n")
+ for _, extName in ipairs(badExts) do
+ io.stdout:write("\t", extName, "\n")
+ end
+ return
+--Extract the path and base-filename from the filename.
+local simplename, dir = util.ParsePath(options.outname)
+dir = dir or "./"
+ "There is no filename in the path '" .. options.outname .. "'")
+local style, structure = Styles.GetStyle(options.style)
+--Compute the filename, minus style-specific suffix.
+local basename = dir .. spec:FilePrefix() .. simplename
+structure.Proc(basename, style, specData, spec, options)
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/MakeAllExts.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/MakeAllExts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..217f69cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/MakeAllExts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+assert(arg and arg[0], "You ran this script incorrectly.")
+--Get the location of our modules relative to here.
+local baseDir = arg[0]:match("^(.*[\\/])")
+baseDir = baseDir or "./"
+--Fixup the package path to be relative to this directory.
+package.path = baseDir .. "modules/?.lua;" .. package.path
+--Make a function to get the correct directory name.
+function SysRelPath(relativePath)
+ return baseDir .. relativePath
+FixupPath = SysRelPath --Older name.
+local cmd = require "CmdLineOptions"
+local Specs = require "Specs"
+local parseOpts = cmd.CreateOptionGroup()
+ "spec",
+ "spec",
+ "Specification to use.",
+ {"gl", "glX", "wgl"})
+ 1,
+ "outname",
+ "Output filename to generate.",
+ "outname")
+local options, pos_args = parseOpts:ProcessCmdLine(arg)
+local dups = {}
+local exts = {}
+local spec = Specs.GetSpec(options.spec)
+local specData = spec.LoadSpec()
+local coreExts = spec.GetCoreExts()
+for _, version in ipairs(specData.versions or {}) do
+ if(coreExts[version]) then
+ for _, extName in ipairs(coreExts[version]) do
+ if(not dups[extName]) then
+ exts[#exts + 1] = extName
+ dups[extName] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local sortExts = {}
+for _, extName in ipairs(specData.extensions) do
+ if(not dups[extName]) then
+ sortExts[#sortExts + 1] = extName
+ dups[extName] = true
+ end
+local hFile = io.open(options.outname, "w")
+for _, extName in ipairs(exts) do
+ hFile:write(extName, "\n")
+for _, extName in ipairs(sortExts) do
+ hFile:write(extName, "\n")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/Readme.md b/graphics/glloadgen/Readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b82f124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/Readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+glLoadGenerator, version 2.0.3
+Please see the documentation available on the web at https://bitbucket.org/alfonse/glloadgen/wiki/Home for detailed information on how to use this software.
+The license for this distribution is available in the `License.txt` file.
+This loader generation system is used to create OpenGL headers and loading code for your specific needs. Rather than getting every extension and core enumerator/function all in one massive header, you get only what you actually want and ask for.
+The scripts in this package are licensed under the terms of the MIT License. You will need to have Lua installed for this to work.
+To use the code generator, with Lua in your path (assuming that "lua" is the name of your Lua executable), type this:
+ lua LoadGen.lua -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core core_3_3
+This tells the system to generate a header/source pair for OpenGL ("-spec=gl", as opposed to WGL or GLX), for version 3.3, the core profile. It will generate it in the "pointer_c" style, which means that it will use function pointer-style, with C linkage and source files. Such code is usable from C and C++, or other languages that can interface with C.
+The option "core_3_3" is the basic component of the filename that will be used for the generation. Since it is generating OpenGL loaders (again, as opposed to WGL or GLX), it will generate files named "gl_core_3_3.*", where * is the extension used by the particular style.
+The above command line will generate "gl_core_3_3.h" and "gl_core_3_3.c" files. Simply include them in your project; there is no library to build, no unresolved extenals to filter through. They just work.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/_FindFileInPath.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/_FindFileInPath.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..428d6b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/_FindFileInPath.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require "ufs"
+function FindFileInPath(filename)
+ local path = ex.getenv("PATH");
+ for pathname in path:gmatch("([^%;%\"]+)%;?") do
+ pathname = ufs.path(pathname);
+ local testName = pathname / filename;
+ if(ufs.exists(testName)) then
+ return tostring(testName);
+ end
+ end
+ return nil;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreexts.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreexts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b3cb338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreexts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+--[[ This function returns a table of core extensions and the versions they were made core in.
+The table is indexed by version number (as a string). In each version is an array of extension names.
+This list must be manually updated, as there is no equivalent in the spec files. Just add to the list. When a new version comes out with new core extensions, add a new list and add the local variable name to the master table as shown below.
+local coreExts1_2 = {
+ "ARB_imaging",
+local coreExts3_0 = {
+ "ARB_vertex_array_object",
+ "ARB_texture_rg",
+ "ARB_texture_compression_rgtc",
+ "ARB_map_buffer_range",
+ "ARB_half_float_vertex",
+ "ARB_framebuffer_sRGB",
+ "ARB_framebuffer_object",
+ "ARB_depth_buffer_float",
+local coreExts3_1 = {
+ "ARB_uniform_buffer_object",
+ "ARB_copy_buffer",
+local coreExts3_2 = {
+ "ARB_depth_clamp",
+ "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex",
+ "ARB_fragment_coord_conventions",
+ "ARB_provoking_vertex",
+ "ARB_seamless_cube_map",
+ "ARB_sync",
+ "ARB_texture_multisample",
+ "ARB_vertex_array_bgra",
+local coreExts3_3 = {
+ "ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui",
+ "ARB_texture_swizzle",
+ "ARB_timer_query",
+ "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev",
+ "ARB_blend_func_extended",
+ "ARB_occlusion_query2",
+ "ARB_sampler_objects",
+local coreExts4_0 = {
+ "ARB_draw_indirect",
+ "ARB_gpu_shader5",
+ "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64",
+ "ARB_shader_subroutine",
+ "ARB_tessellation_shader",
+ "ARB_transform_feedback2",
+ "ARB_transform_feedback3",
+local coreExts4_1 = {
+ "ARB_ES2_compatibility",
+ "ARB_get_program_binary",
+ "ARB_separate_shader_objects",
+ "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit",
+ "ARB_viewport_array",
+local coreExts4_2 = {
+ "ARB_base_instance",
+ "ARB_shading_language_420pack",
+ "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced",
+ "ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage",
+ "ARB_conservative_depth",
+ "ARB_internalformat_query",
+ "ARB_map_buffer_alignment",
+ "ARB_shader_atomic_counters",
+ "ARB_shader_image_load_store",
+ "ARB_shading_language_packing",
+ "ARB_texture_storage",
+local coreExts4_3 = {
+ "KHR_debug",
+ "ARB_arrays_of_arrays",
+ "ARB_clear_buffer_object",
+ "ARB_compute_shader",
+ "ARB_copy_image",
+ "ARB_ES3_compatibility",
+ "ARB_explicit_uniform_location",
+ "ARB_fragment_layer_viewport",
+ "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments",
+ "ARB_internalformat_query2",
+ "ARB_invalidate_subdata",
+ "ARB_multi_draw_indirect",
+ "ARB_program_interface_query",
+ "ARB_shader_image_size",
+ "ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object",
+ "ARB_stencil_texturing",
+ "ARB_texture_buffer_range",
+ "ARB_texture_query_levels",
+ "ARB_texture_storage_multisample",
+ "ARB_texture_view",
+ "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding",
+local coreExts4_4 = {
+ "ARB_buffer_storage",
+ "ARB_clear_texture",
+ "ARB_enhanced_layouts",
+ "ARB_multi_bind",
+ "ARB_query_buffer_object",
+ "ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge",
+ "ARB_texture_stencil8",
+ "ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev",
+local coreExts4_5 = {
+ "ARB_cull_distance",
+ "ARB_ES3_1_compatibility",
+ "ARB_clip_control",
+ "ARB_conditional_render_inverted",
+ "ARB_derivative_control",
+ "ARB_direct_state_access",
+ "ARB_get_texture_sub_image",
+ "ARB_shader_texture_image_samples",
+ "ARB_texture_barrier",
+ "KHR_context_flush_control",
+ "KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior",
+ "KHR_robustness",
+return {
+ ["1.2"] = coreExts1_2,
+ ["3.0"] = coreExts3_0,
+ ["3.1"] = coreExts3_1,
+ ["3.2"] = coreExts3_2,
+ ["3.3"] = coreExts3_3,
+ ["4.0"] = coreExts4_0,
+ ["4.1"] = coreExts4_1,
+ ["4.2"] = coreExts4_2,
+ ["4.3"] = coreExts4_3,
+ ["4.4"] = coreExts4_4,
+ ["4.5"] = coreExts4_5,
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48940458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_speccoreversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+return {
+ "1.0",
+ "1.1",
+ "1.2",
+ "1.3",
+ "1.4",
+ "1.5",
+ "2.0",
+ "2.1",
+ "3.0",
+ "3.1",
+ "3.2",
+ "3.3",
+ "4.0",
+ "4.1",
+ "4.2",
+ "4.3",
+ "4.4",
+ "4.5",
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specinit.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d33ffe30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--Initialization text for the 'gl' spec header.
+return [[
+#if defined(__glew_h__) || defined(__GLEW_H__)
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated header after including glew.h
+#if defined(__gl_h_) || defined(__GL_H__)
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated header after including gl.h
+#if defined(__glext_h_) || defined(__GLEXT_H_)
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated header after including glext.h
+#if defined(__gltypes_h_)
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated header after gltypes.h
+#if defined(__gl_ATI_h_)
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated header after including glATI.h
+#define __glew_h__
+#define __GLEW_H__
+#define __gl_h_
+#define __GL_H__
+#define __glext_h_
+#define __GLEXT_H_
+#define __gltypes_h_
+#define __gl_ATI_h_
+#ifndef APIENTRY
+ #if defined(__MINGW32__)
+ #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
+ #endif
+ #ifndef NOMINMAX
+ #define NOMINMAX
+ #endif
+ #include
+ #elif (_MSC_VER >= 800) || defined(_STDCALL_SUPPORTED) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+ #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
+ #endif
+ #ifndef NOMINMAX
+ #define NOMINMAX
+ #endif
+ #include
+ #else
+ #define APIENTRY
+ #endif
+#endif /*APIENTRY*/
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #else
+ #endif
+#ifndef GLAPI
+ #define GLAPI extern
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specloaderfunc.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specloaderfunc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de713511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specloaderfunc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+--[[ The function pointer loading function takes a string and returns either NULL or a valid pointer. It is the responsibility of the loader to take care of any platform-specific oddities in pointer fetching.
+return [====[
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+static void* AppleGLGetProcAddress (const char *name)
+ static void* image = NULL;
+ if (NULL == image)
+ image = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/OpenGL", RTLD_LAZY);
+ return (image ? dlsym(image, name) : NULL);
+#endif /* __APPLE__ */
+#if defined(__sgi) || defined (__sun)
+static void* SunGetProcAddress (const GLubyte* name)
+ static void* h = NULL;
+ static void* gpa;
+ if (h == NULL)
+ {
+ if ((h = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)) == NULL) return NULL;
+ gpa = dlsym(h, "glXGetProcAddress");
+ }
+ if (gpa != NULL)
+ return ((void*(*)(const GLubyte*))gpa)(name);
+ else
+ return dlsym(h, (const char*)name);
+#endif /* __sgi || __sun */
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable: 4055)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4054)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+static int TestPointer(const PROC pTest)
+ ptrdiff_t iTest;
+ if(!pTest) return 0;
+ iTest = (ptrdiff_t)pTest;
+ if(iTest == 1 || iTest == 2 || iTest == 3 || iTest == -1) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static PROC WinGetProcAddress(const char *name)
+ PROC pFunc = wglGetProcAddress((LPCSTR)name);
+ if(TestPointer(pFunc))
+ {
+ return pFunc;
+ }
+ glMod = GetModuleHandleA("OpenGL32.dll");
+ return (PROC)GetProcAddress(glMod, (LPCSTR)name);
+#define IntGetProcAddress(name) WinGetProcAddress(name)
+ #if defined(__APPLE__)
+ #define IntGetProcAddress(name) AppleGLGetProcAddress(name)
+ #else
+ #if defined(__sgi) || defined(__sun)
+ #define IntGetProcAddress(name) SunGetProcAddress(name)
+ #else /* GLX */
+ #include
+ #define IntGetProcAddress(name) (*glXGetProcAddressARB)((const GLubyte*)name)
+ #endif
+ #endif
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e336f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/gl_specversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+return {
+ "1.1",
+ "1.2",
+ "1.3",
+ "1.4",
+ "1.5",
+ "2.0",
+ "2.1",
+ "3.0",
+ "3.1",
+ "3.2",
+ "3.3",
+ "4.0",
+ "4.1",
+ "4.2",
+ "4.3",
+ "4.4",
+ "4.5",
+ "4.6",
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreexts.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreexts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5647075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreexts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5647075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_speccoreversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specinit.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baa432a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--Initialization text for the 'glX' spec header.
+return [[
+#ifdef __glxext_h_
+#error Attempt to include glx_exts after including glxext.h
+#define __glxext_h_
+typedef unsigned int GLenum;
+typedef unsigned char GLboolean;
+typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
+typedef signed char GLbyte;
+typedef short GLshort;
+typedef int GLint;
+typedef int GLsizei;
+typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
+typedef unsigned short GLushort;
+typedef unsigned int GLuint;
+typedef float GLfloat;
+typedef float GLclampf;
+typedef double GLdouble;
+typedef double GLclampd;
+#define GLvoid void
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specloaderfunc.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specloaderfunc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef48bada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specloaderfunc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+local util = require "util"
+return assert(dofile(util.GetDataFilePath() .. "gl_specloaderfunc.lua"))
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22b2c2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/glx_specversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+--Initialization text for the 'glX' spec header.
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/style_commontypedefs.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/style_commontypedefs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6c40177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/style_commontypedefs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- Returns an array of strings, for proper indenting and such.
+return {
+ "typedef unsigned int GLenum;\n",
+ "typedef unsigned char GLboolean;\n",
+ "typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;\n",
+ "typedef signed char GLbyte;\n",
+ "typedef short GLshort;\n",
+ "typedef int GLint;\n",
+ "typedef int GLsizei;\n",
+ "typedef unsigned char GLubyte;\n",
+ "typedef unsigned short GLushort;\n",
+ "typedef unsigned int GLuint;\n",
+ "typedef float GLfloat;\n",
+ "typedef float GLclampf;\n",
+ "typedef double GLdouble;\n",
+ "typedef double GLclampd;\n",
+ "#define GLvoid void\n",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreexts.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreexts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5647075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreexts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5647075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_speccoreversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specinit.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..953b59ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+--Initialization text for the 'wgl' spec header.
+return [[
+#ifdef __wglext_h_
+#error Attempt to include auto-generated WGL header after wglext.h
+#define __wglext_h_
+#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+ #define NOMINMAX
+typedef unsigned int GLenum;
+typedef unsigned char GLboolean;
+typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
+typedef signed char GLbyte;
+typedef short GLshort;
+typedef int GLint;
+typedef int GLsizei;
+typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
+typedef unsigned short GLushort;
+typedef unsigned int GLuint;
+typedef float GLfloat;
+typedef float GLclampf;
+typedef double GLdouble;
+typedef double GLclampd;
+#define GLvoid void
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specloaderfunc.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specloaderfunc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef48bada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specloaderfunc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+local util = require "util"
+return assert(dofile(util.GetDataFilePath() .. "gl_specloaderfunc.lua"))
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specversions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specversions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35d5f704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/data/wgl_specversions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+return {}
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Command_Line_Options.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Command_Line_Options.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71d72b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Command_Line_Options.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ Command Line Options
+ The command-line options for the code generation tools are explained here. They work more
+ or less like the standard command-line options for typical Linux/Windows programs. Options
+ that have a single value can take their parameters as either
+ -opt_name=parameter or -opt_name parameter .
+ With Lua on the path, the command-line should be specified as follows:
+ lua pathToLoadgen/LoadGen.lua <output filename> <options>
+ The <output filename> must be specified. The path provided is
+ relative to the current directory. The base filename of the path (everything after the last
+ directory separator) will be decorated as appropriate for generating the output files. You
+ should not provide an extension; the system will provide those as needed. The generated
+ files will append an appropriate prefix, depending on which specifications you are
+ generating (OpenGL, WGL, or GLX), so you can provide the same base filename for all of
+ these.
+ The output filename should be specified before any of the options. You can specify it
+ after the options or even between options, but if you specify it after the
+ -exts option (but before any subsequent options), the system will
+ mistake it for an extension name. Just specify it first to be safe.
+ -spec
+ Defines the particular specification to generate loading code for. It must be
+ one of the following values:
+ gl : default
+ glX
+ wgl
+ -prefix
+ The code generation system will try to minimize the number of non-static
+ global variables it defines as much as possible. However, it will have to use
+ some non-static variables for various things.
+ Code generated from the different specifications are guaranteed not to have
+ name collisions. However, if you generate code from the
+ same specification, with different sets of extensions
+ or versions, collisions will occur.
+ The prefix option allows you to define a string that will be prepended to any
+ non-static (or otherwise hidden) global variables, where possible. As such, the
+ prefix should start with characters that are valid for C/C++ identifiers. The
+ prefix will be used as the style decides, so a prefix could just as well be a
+ namespace as an actual name prefix.
+ If the option is not specified, no prefix will be used.
+ -version
+ The highest version of OpenGL to export. You may only use
+ this when -spec is gl . And you must use it
+ when the specification is gl . You can specify a valid OpenGL
+ version number, or your can specify max
. This means to use the
+ highest available OpenGL version.
+ -profile
+ The OpenGL profile to export. It must be one of the following values:
+ core : default
+ compatibility : It is an error to specify this for
+ OpenGL versions that do not have the core/compatibility
+ distinction.
+ -style
+ The code generation suite has a number of different ways of outputting the
+ functions and enumerators that define OpenGL. This option allows the user to
+ select between these particular mechanisms.
+ The specified style must be one of the available
+ styles. Note that the system is designed to be user-extensible; new
+ styles can be added by creating an appropriate script and hooking it into the
+ right place in modules/Styles.lua .
+ -indent
+ The indentation style for the output text. It must be one of the
+ following:
+ tab : default
+ space : Will use 2 spaces to indent.
+ -lineends
+ The line ending style for the output text. It must be one of the
+ following:
+ plat : default. This writes the platform-native line
+ endings.
+ unix : Uses the Unix default of using the "\n"
+ character for text file line ending.
+ -geninfo
+ Specifies which information about glLoadGen should be added to each file. The
+ different styles have their own way of providing this information, but all of
+ the standard ones put them in comments at the top of the file.
+ If this option is not specified, then no information is generated. If the
+ option is specified, but that specification is not followed by any actual values
+ (anything not prefixed by "-"), then all of the available
+ data are provided. Otherwise, only the data items specified are provided.
+ Multiple items can be specified.
+ The available generator data are:
+ version : The version of glLoadGen used to generate
+ the file.
+ location : The URL for glLoadGen's website.
+ cmdline : The command line parameters used to
+ generate the file.
+ -exts
+ Defines a list of extensions to the given specification to export. Every
+ argument that doesn't start with a "-" following this option will be assumed to
+ be an extension name. You do not need to prefix the extensions with GL_, WGL_,
+ or GLX_, but you may do so if you wish.
+ This argument can be specified multiple times. It is fine to specify an
+ extension name more than once.
+ -ext
+ Defines a single extension to export. It adds the given parameter to the list
+ of extensions.
+ This argument can be specified multiple times. It is fine to specify an
+ extension name more than once.
+ -extfile
+ Specifying dozens of extensions on the command line can be exceedingly
+ tedious. Therefore, the system can be instructed to read a list of extensions
+ from a file with this option. The format is
+ fairly simple, but it does have an inclusion mechanism to include
+ other extension files.
+ This argument can be specified multiple times. It is fine to specify an
+ extension name more than once, either in the file or on the command line.
+ The file's directory is relative to the path where the command line was
+ invoked.
+ -stdext
+ Works like extfile , except that the directory for the file
+ is relative to the extfiles directory, just under the
+ directory where the LoadGen.lua file is. These are used
+ primarily for working with the library
+ of common extension files.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Common_Extension_Files.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Common_Extension_Files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68b0e7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Common_Extension_Files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ Common Extension Files
+ Extension files are a good mechanism for
+ collating useful sets of extensions for easy referencing. The LoadGen system comes with a
+ small library of pre-built extension files which you may find useful.
+ To include these names from the command-line, you should use the
+ -stdext option, instead of -extfile . The
+ difference is where they search; extfile is always relative to the
+ directory you're currently in, while stdext will search the
+ extfiles/ directory of where LoadGen is stored.
+ To include these names from an extension file, you should use #include
+ <> instead of #include "" , for the same reasons as
+ above.
+ All of these extension files are located in the directory extfiles of
+ LoadGen's directory. However, you don't need to prefix the name with
+ extfiles/ Therefore, any inclusion of them should be as this:
+ -stdext=extfiles/<include filename> or #include
+ <extfiles/<include filename>> .
+ Here is a list of the files and what they include:
+ gl_ubiquitous.txt
+ For the
+ kinds of extensions that should be core OpenGL, but aren't for IP
+ reasons. Namely, anisotropic filtering, and the extensions needed for
+ S3TC.
+ gl_core_post_3_3.txt
+ Core extensions that are widely available on OpenGL 3.3, but aren't part of GL
+ 3.3 itself. These are for post-3.3 API improvements, like internalformat_query,
+ shading_language_420pack, separate_shader_objects, and so forth.
+ gl_plat_3_3.txt
+ Vendor-specific extensions that are implemented by multiple vendors for
+ 3.x-class hardware. Things like NV_texture_barrier.
+ gl_AMD_3_3.txt
+ AMD's HD-2xxx, 3xxx, and 4xxx line of hardware all support GL 3.3. However,
+ they also support some features of 4.x-class hardware via non-core extensions.
+ This file includes those extensions (transform_feedback2/3, draw_buffers_blend,
+ etc).
+ gl_macosx_3_2.txt
+ All of the extensions allowed by core 3.2 profiles in MacOSX, as of version
+ MacOSX 10.8.
+ wgl_common.txt
+ Commonly useful non-vendor-specific WGL extensions. The basic stuff: getting
+ extensions_string, create_context, swap_control, various pixel-format
+ extensions, etc.
+ wgl_AMD.txt
+ Useful AMD vendor WGL extensions.
+ wgl_NV.txt
+ Useful NVIDIA vendor WGL extensions.
+ glx_common.txt
+ Commonly useful non-vendor-specific GLX extensions. The basic stuff:
+ fbconfig_float, framebuffer_sRGB, multisample, etc.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Extension_Files.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Extension_Files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0d49fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Extension_Files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ Extension Files
+ The extension file format is pretty simple, but it does have quite a bit of power to
+ it.
+ Every line of the file is expected to be one of the following:
+ Nothing. An empty line, spaces, anything that isn't visible text.
+ A #include "" statement. This will cause the loading of another
+ extension file named in the "" s. The current file's
+ location will be the base directory for any relative paths. So if you
+ do #include "more.txt" , it will search for
+ more.txt in the same directory as this extension
+ file.
+ A #include <> statement. This will cause the loading of
+ another extension file named in the <> s. The location of the
+ glLoadGen will be used for the base directory of any relative paths. This is mostly
+ intended to allow easy inclusion of the standard extension files, located in the extfiles
+ directory. Note that here, you will need to prefix the filename with
+ extfiles/ ; you don't do that with the
+ -stdext option.
+ Anything starting with // will be ignored as a comment.
+ Anything starting with -- will be ignored as a comment.
+ Any other text in a line will be interpreted as an extension name. Extension names
+ should not have the GL_
+ prefixes.
+ Note that the system will cull out duplicates, so don't worry too much about putting the
+ same name in multiple times. The system will also error out if type an extension that
+ doesn't exist.
+ What the system will not do is handle infinite recursion. You could
+ include a file that includes itself ad-infinitum, and the system will just stack-overflow.
+ And there are no include-guards to cover this case; you are expected to deal with such
+ inclusion yourself.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Home.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Home.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbeb9543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Home.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ Home
+ OpenGL Loader Generator
+ This loader generation system is used to create OpenGL headers and loading code for
+ your specific needs. Rather than getting every extension and core enumerator/function
+ all in one massive header, you get only what you actually want and ask for. This tool
+ supports OpenGL 4.4 and the recent crop of OpenGL extensions.
+ Download it
+ here; you will need to have the Lua runtime installed on your machine to use
+ the code generation scripts. It's pretty tiny, so it shouldn't be a problem. Windows
+ users can install Lua For
+ Windows, or just the
+ Lua binaries packages. The code should be compatible with Lua 5.1 and 5.2,
+ but it has only been tested on 5.1.
+ Note: this script is designed to be stand-alone. There is a caveat: Lua lacks any real
+ filesystem commands, so the script cannot create directories for the destination files.
+ However, if you have installed the Lua FileSystem
+ Lua module (such that Lua can detect it), then this script will access and use it to
+ create directories. It comes with Lua For Windows, but you can use LuaRocks to install it on any platform
+ as well.
+ The scripts in this package are licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
+ Basic Usage
+ To use the code generator, with Lua in your path (assuming that
+ lua is the name of your Lua executable), type this:
+ lua LoadGen.lua -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core core_3_3
+ This tells the system to generate a header/source pair for OpenGL
+ (-spec=gl , as opposed to WGL or GLX), for version 3.3, the
+ core profile. It will generate it in the pointer_c style, which
+ means that it will use function pointer-style, with C linkage and source. Such code
+ is usable from C and C++, or other languages that can interface with C.
+ The option core_3_3 is the basic component of the filename
+ that will be used for the generation. Since it is generating OpenGL loaders (again,
+ as opposed to WGL or GLX), it will generate files named
+ gl_core_3_3.* , where * is the extension used by the
+ particular style.
+ The above command line will generate gl_core_3_3.h and
+ gl_core_3_3.c files. Simply include them in your project;
+ there is no library to build, no unresolved externals to filter through.
+ You will need to call ogl_LoadFunctions to initialize the
+ library if you use the pointer_c style. And you must call it
+ after OpenGL context creation. For example, if you are
+ using FreeGLUT, your code looks like this:
+ //Pre-window creation.
+int windowID = glutCreateWindow("Name");
+if(ogl_LoadFunctions() == ogl_LOAD_FAILED)
+ glutDestroyWindow(windowID);
+//Call functions here.
+ Replace the "Pre-window creation" and glutCreateWindow call with
+ your usual OpenGL context creation code.
+ The full command-line syntax
+ documentation is available. Of particular note is the
+ -style parameter, which defines how the loader is generated.
+ Different styles will have different initialization needs and so forth (you don't
+ even need to initialize some styles at all). The available styles are:
+ pointer_c :
+ Function-pointer-based style for C. It is the most widely compatible,
+ comparable to GLEW. It has variables to test whether an extension was loaded
+ (and how many of its functions were loaded). Like GLEW, it requires calling
+ an initialization function to set it up. This is best used for C or C++
+ users who need to be able to share the headers with other tools (note:
+ usually, you don't need to do this).
+ pointer_cpp : Function-pointer-based style for
+ C++. It wraps all function pointers, extension variables, and enumerators in
+ a namespace (not the typedefs). It requires calling an initialization
+ function to set it up. This is best used for C++ users who don't need
+ compatibility, but would like OpenGL stuff to not pollute the global
+ namespace so much.
+ func_cpp :
+ Inline-function-based style for C++. This means that the header contains
+ actual inline functions, which forward their parameters to the actual
+ function pointers internally. Like pointer_cpp , most of
+ OpenGL is in a namespace. This is best used for C++ users who want the best
+ possible autocompletion from their IDE or coding tool of choice.
+ noload_c :
+ Automatic loading style for C. This is similar to the old loading tool GLee.
+ Unlike the other styles, it does not require an initialization function; you
+ simply call whatever function you want to use. The first time a call is
+ encountered, it will load that function. This is best used for C or C++
+ users who don't want to do explicit initialization, and also want header
+ compatibility like pointer_c .
+ noload_cpp :
+ Automatic loading style for C++. This is similar to the old loading tool
+ GLee. Unlike the other styles, it does not require an initialization
+ function; you simply call whatever function you want to use. The first time
+ a call is encountered, it will load that function. It will wrap most of
+ OpenGL in a namespace. This is best used for C++ users who don't want to do
+ explicit initialization.
+ Each linked page has instructions on how to use the generated interface.
+ More about styles can be found on the style
+ page.
+ Extensions
+ Note that the above command line will only generate
+ enumerators and functions for core OpenGL 3.3. It doesn't offer any extensions. To
+ use extensions, you must ask for them with command line parameters, as
+ follows:
+ lua LoadGen.lua -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core core_3_3 -exts ARB_texture_view ARB_vertex_attrib_binding EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic -ext=EXT_texture_compression_s3tc -extfile=SomeFile.txt
+ The -exts option starts a list of space-separated extension
+ names (note: don't try to put the output filename after -exts ;
+ the system can't tell the difference between a filename and an extension). The
+ -ext option only specifies a single name.
+ -extfile specifies a filename to load
+ extensions from. The format of this file is fairly simple; it is explained here on this site. The file is
+ expected to contain extension names, one on each line. Extension files can also have
+ #include directives, which will include another extension
+ file (relative pathing only). Please don't infinitely recurse your inclusions;
+ there's no protection in the system to check for it.
+ The system has a number of common
+ extension files that store useful sets of extensions. You may use these
+ as you wish.
+ Examples
+ Here are some example command lines. This command-line generates loaders for core
+ OpenGL 3.3, without proprietary extensions, but with non-hardware features that were
+ added to OpenGL in later versions:
+ lua LoadGen.lua core_3_3 -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=3.3 -profile=core -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt -stdext=gl_core_post_3_3.txt
+ This command-line is for OpenGL 4.4, but with certain commonly-provided extensions
+ that are generally useful.
+ lua LoadGen.lua core_4_4 -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=4.4 -profile=core -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt -stdext=gl_plat_3_3.txt
+ This command-line generates a header that exposes OpenGL 3.2 for what MacOSX 10.8
+ uses (note: the loader generator files have not been tested with MacOSX of any
+ kind):
+ lua LoadGen.lua core_3_2 -style=pointer_c -spec=gl -version=3.2 -profile=core -stdext=gl_ubiquitous.txt -stdext=gl_macosx_3_2.txt
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Load Docs.xpr b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Load Docs.xpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ca11739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Load Docs.xpr
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+ scenario.associations
+ ToCreole
+ Styles.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_Pointer_CPP.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_Pointer_C.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_No_Load_CPP.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_No_Load_C.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_Function_CPP.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Style_Creation.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Structure_Reference.xml
+ ToCreole
+ New_Style_Step_By_Step.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Home.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Extension_Files.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Common_Extension_Files.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Command_Line_Options.xml
+ ToCreole
+ ToCreole.xsl
+ ToCreole
+ Style%20Pointer%20C.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Command%20Line%20Options.xml
+ ToCreole
+ Extension%20Files.xml
+ ToMarkdown
+ ToMarkdown.xsl
+ scenarios
+ Execute DDXQuery
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ DataDirect
+ ToCreole
+ pdf
+ Apache FOP
+ ${pdu}/ToCreole.xsl
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ ${cfd}/${cfn}.wiki
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ basename
+ ${cfn}
+ Saxon-PE
+ ToMarkdown
+ pdf
+ Apache FOP
+ ${pdu}/ToMarkdown.xsl
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ ${cfd}/${cfn}.md
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ basename
+ ${cfn}
+ Saxon-PE
+ Execute XQuery
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ Saxon-PE XQuery
+ Execute XQuery v11.1
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ Saxon-PE XQuery
+ Execute SQL
+ ${currentFileURL}
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ scenarios.load.from.project
+ true
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/New_Style_Step_By_Step.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/New_Style_Step_By_Step.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ca3c9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/New_Style_Step_By_Step.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1280 @@
+ New Style Step By Step
+ Making a style is a somewhat complex process. This will be a step-by-step guide to using
+ the system to make a part of a style. The style we will create will be a simple C-style
+ function loader.
+ Initial setup
+ All of the Lua scripts should go in the modules folder. For this
+ demonstration, we will create two files: one for the style and one for the structure.
+ The style will go into a file called StyleTest.lua , while the
+ structure will go into StructTest.lua .
+ The basic boilerplate for the structure is very simple:
+ local struct = require "Structure"
+local common = require "CommonStruct"
+local my_struct =
+my_struct = struct.BuildStructure(my_struct)
+return my_struct
+ The first two statements include the Structure module, which allows
+ us to build our structure, and the CommonStruct module, which
+ provides some commonly used structural elements.
+ my_struct is the base table for our structure. It's currently
+ empty, but we'll work on that as we progress.
+ Notice that what is returned is the built structure, which is a table. Lua's module
+ loading system will store this, so that the structure will only be built once.
+ The boilerplate for our style is fairly simple as well:
+ local util = require "util"
+local struct = require "StructTest"
+local common = require "CommonStyle"
+local my_style = {}
+local function Create()
+ return util.DeepCopyTable(my_style), struct
+return { Create = Create }
+ The util module contains some basic utility functions that we will
+ use. The style is what decides which structure it uses, so we include our structure's
+ module table. And the CommonStyle are functions commonly used by
+ styles.
+ my_style is the base style table. It's empty; we will fill it in
+ through this demonstration.
+ The return value is a table that exports a single function: Create .
+ The processing system expects Create to return both a style and a
+ structure. So we perform a table copy of our style and return the structure as
+ presented.
+ There is one final step before we begin: we must hook our style into the glLoadGen
+ system. To do this, we create a file called UserStyle.lua . This
+ file should go in the modules directory with the rest. All it does
+ is return a table containing any additional styles.
+ In our case, we will do this:
+ return
+ test = require("StyleTest")
+ The key name "test" here is the command-line name for the style. So to execute our
+ style, we use the -style=test parameter, with an appropriate set of
+ other options.
+ Header
+ Our C-style loader will generate two files: a header and a source file. So our first
+ major step is to generate the header file.
+ The header file and source files will have to do two very different things. The header
+ file will contain function pointers, extension variables and #defines for enumerators
+ that the user will use. But since this is C, variables in headers must be declared with
+ extern . So the declaration in the headers has to be different
+ from the definitions in the source files.
+ Therefore, we are going to split our main style (my_style ) into two
+ sub-styles: hdr and src . hdr
+ contains the writing logic for header-specific issues, and the same goes for
+ src for source-specific issues.
+ So let's start doing that. In our style file, we now have this:
+ local my_style = {}
+local hdr = {}
+my_style.hdr = hdr
+local src = {}
+my_style.src = src
+ Everything before and after this looks the same as before. my_style
+ will contain functions that both the src and hdr
+ sub-styles share.
+ Now that we have divided our style, we now must start building our structure. We need
+ to generate a header file. So we use the file structure
+ action:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ },
+ The style attribute in the file action says to
+ use the substyle named hdr , which we have defined in our main style.
+ The function GetFilename now must be placed into our style. We could
+ put it in either my_style or hdr and the system
+ would find it. But since it is header-specific, it should go into
+ hdr ; that's the whole point of splitting them up to begin
+ with.
+ So, in our style, we add a function to get the appropriate filename:
+ local hdr = {}
+my_style.hdr = hdr
+function hdr.GetFilename(basename, spec, options)
+ return basename .. ".h"
+ The variable basename contains all of the pathing information, as
+ well as the specific name that the user requested. All we need to do is add an
+ appropriate extension. We could decorate the name with anything as we see fit, but we
+ only need to add an extension.
+ You should be able to run this and have an empty file be generated.
+ Every header in C or C++ should have include guards; this is standard practice and is
+ very important. Include guards effectively have scope: the
+ #ifndef/#define at the top, and the #endif at
+ the bottom. So we will handle this in our structure using the block
+ action:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard",
+ },
+ },
+ Here, we don't provide a parameter list, so the block's default parameter list is
+ used. The default for block actions is (hFile, spec,
+ options) .
+ block actions will call two different functions. In our case, it
+ will call WriteBlockBeginIncludeGuard before executing any child
+ actions, and WriteBlockEndIncludeGuard after writing all child
+ actions. There are no child actions as of yet, so we will just see include-guards
+ guarding nothing.
+ To actually write our beginning and ending include guards, we need some style code.
+ The first code we need is a function that will compute the include guard name.
+ local function GetIncludeGuard(spec, options)
+ local temp =
+ options.prefix .. spec.GetIncludeGuardString() .. "_THIS_IS_A_TEST_H"
+ return temp:upper()
+ Note that this function takes spec and options ,
+ and that it uses both of them. The reason for this goes back to some of the responsibilities that styles must fulfill.
+ Remember that styles must allow the user to specify a prefix to allow two different
+ invocations of the same style with the same specification to coexist in a program. So
+ our include guard need to incorporate the user's specified prefix. Also it includes a
+ string generated by the spec , which will differ between OpenGL, WGL,
+ and GLX. That way, you can include the GL generated header in the same source file as
+ the WGL generated one.
+ Now that we have a function that computes the include guard, we simply need to write
+ it:
+ function hdr.GetFilename(basename, spec, options)
+ return basename .. ".h"
+function hdr.WriteBlockBeginIncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)
+ local guard = GetIncludeGuard(spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("#ifndef %s\n", guard)
+ hFile:fmt("#define %s\n", guard)
+function hdr.WriteBlockEndIncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("#endif /*%s*/\n", GetIncludeGuard(spec, options))
+ Note the use of hFile:fmt , which works like a form of
+ printf for Lua files. This is provided by the
+ TabbedFile.lua module.
+ Header preamble
+ The next steps are very specific to writing OpenGL loading systems. If your intent
+ is to generate something else with this system, then you won't need this preamble
+ stuff.
+ First, we need to recognize the intent of our loading system. Like most OpenGL loading
+ libraries, we expect our header to completely
+ replace all uses of gl.h (though not WGL or
+ GLX's headers). Because of that, we need to make sure that the user has not included
+ gl.h or other similar files first. Also, if they try to
+ include gl.h afterwards, we want it to not be included.
+ Similarly, there are wglext.h and
+ glxext.h files (available from the OpenGL.org registry)
+ that do the same job as our loaders. We want to stop users from including them
+ too.
+ To do this, we need to put some #define s into our header. What
+ we want to do is #define the include guards that these file use,
+ so that they think they've already been included. And if we detect that they were
+ already defined, we issue a #error to halt compilation.
+ The hard work has been done for us; the function
+ spec.GetHeaderInit() will get the appropriate header
+ #define s that perform these tricks. All we need to do is
+ write what this function returns.
+ To do that, we add a write action to our structure:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard",
+ { type="write", name="Guards(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ The function WriteGuards will be called. As a header-specific
+ function, it goes into hdr . To write it, we simply do this in our
+ style:
+ function hdr.WriteGuards(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:rawwrite(spec.GetHeaderInit())
+ The rawwrite command ignores all indentation in the
+ TabbedFile and simply directly writes the block of text to
+ the output.
+ The next step is to write some necessary definitions. Our system is designed to
+ replace gl.h and the platform-specific extension headers.
+ However, these headers do more than just declare some functions. They also define
+ typedefs, things like GLuint , GLenum , and so
+ forth. These are crucial, and they must be defined before you can start declaring
+ function pointers and such. If you're writing a C++ loader, it's probably best to
+ not stick them in a namespace.
+ OpenGL versions have increased the number of typedefs over the years. And we will
+ need to write these typedefs into our headers. If you were writing a non C/C++-based
+ loader, you would have quite a time figuring out how to define these typedefs and
+ such for your platform of interest, since the .spec files are geared towards C/C++.
+ But you would work something out, based on the definitions in the OpenGL
+ specification and your platform of interest.
+ Given that we're writing a C loader, we have an easier time; the hard work has
+ been done for us. The typedefs exists as blocks of text waiting to be thrown into a
+ header. The only thing we need is to simply regurgitate the information into the
+ file of interest.
+ To do this, we need to add another write action to our
+ style:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard",
+ { type="write", name="Guards(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="Typedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ },
+ },
+ Note that WriteTypedefs takes the specData
+ parameter. That's because some of the data we need to write lives in the
+ specification data and some of it lives in the spec .
+ Also, note that we use a blank to insert a blank line between
+ them. This is just for clarity.
+ As for writing the data, here is how we do it in the style:
+ function hdr.WriteTypedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ local defArray = common.GetStdTypedefs()
+ hFile:write("#ifndef GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS\n")
+ hFile:write("#define GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ for _, def in ipairs(defArray) do
+ hFile:write(def)
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:write("#endif /*GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS*/\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ common.WritePassthruData(hFile, specData.funcData.passthru)
+ This is a bit complicated. common.GetStdTypedefs() is where the
+ standard typedefs for the OpenGL 1.1 types live. We wrap them in their own set of
+ include guards to ensure that they never get defined multiple times; all of these
+ definitions will be used for our OpenGL, WGL, and GLX headers, which need to
+ co-exist with one another.
+ Once we have that, we use the function common.WritePassthruData
+ to write the spec-specific typedefs, passing it the passthru
+ table loaded from the specification files.
+ You should be able to run the code generation process and get a header with a
+ bunch of type definitions in it.
+ Extension variables
+ With that task out of the way, we can now proceed to write our extension variable
+ declarations. However, if we want this file to co-exist with C and C++ (ie: you can
+ include the header from C++ code, even though the source code for it is C), then we
+ need to wrap all of our real C code in an extern "C"
+ block.
+ Since this is a block in terms of C logic, we use the block for
+ it in our structure:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard",
+ { type="write", name="Guards(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="Typedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Our style needs two functions. Since both of these are header specific, they both
+ go into the hdr table:
+ function hdr.WriteBlockBeginExtern(hFile)
+ common.WriteExternCStart(hFile)
+function hdr.WriteBlockEndExtern(hFile)
+ common.WriteExternCEnd(hFile)
+ Because of how common this is, there are functions in the
+ common table for doing exactly this task. Indeed, we can
+ shorten this by directly copying those functions into our table:
+ hdr.WriteBlockBeginExtern = common.WriteExternCStart
+hdr.WriteBlockEndExtern = common.WriteExternCEnd
+ Now that we have an extern block, we need to write an extension variable for every
+ extension that we were told to export. Since this is plain C89, we don't have access
+ to bool , so we'll use int for the type instead
+ with the usual boolean semantics.
+ To iterate over extensions and write them, we use the ext-iter
+ iterator in our structure:
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ For each extension, we will call WriteExtension in the style,
+ passing it the name of the extension via extName .
+ To write the extension variable declaration, we first need a function to compute
+ the name of the extension variable. We'll make this a separate function because we
+ will need to write the variable definitions in the source file, and it would be best
+ not to copy-and-paste code. So we need a local function to
+ generate this:
+ local function GetExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options)
+ return options.prefix .. spec.DeclPrefix() .. "ext_" .. extName
+ Notice that we again decorate the name with the user-defined prefix as well as a
+ specification-defined prefix. spec.DeclPrefix() is a common
+ prefix used for user-created variables and functions. The spec
+ also has functions for getting canonical prefixes (GL_ ,
+ WGL_ , etc), as we will see later.
+ Armed with this function, we can now add the writing function to
+ hdr :
+ function hdr.WriteExtension(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("extern int %s;\n", GetExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options));
+ You should be able to run this and get a number of extern
+ declarations in the header now.
+ Enumerators
+ Wasn't that easy? Well, it won't be quite so easy anymore.
+ Now it's time to generate our enumerators. Since this is a C-style loader, we will
+ use the standard convention in C for enumerators: #define s. We
+ could define an actual C enumeration, but we'll go with the common way it's done,
+ for now.
+ Iterating over all of the extensions was simple. However, enumerators can come
+ from one of three sources:
+ Extensions the user asked for.
+ OpenGL extensions that are core for the version the user asked for, but
+ the user didn't specifically ask for that extension.
+ The version of OpenGL the user asked for, outside of any core
+ extensions.
+ And we must iterate over each of these individually.
+ Compounding this is the fact that we also need to avoid
+ writing the same enumerator #define twice (sometimes an enum will
+ be in a version and an extension). This problem is easily solved via special
+ structure actions.
+ So, the first step with our structure is to introduce an
+ enum-seen action. Any enumeration that is iterated over by
+ any child action will be captured. Later iterations that produce the same enumerator
+ can detect it and choose not write the #define statement.
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ },
+ In order to iterate over every enum in every extension the user requested, we must
+ do exactly that: iterate over each extension, then iterate over every enumerator in
+ that extension. For the former, we use the ext-iter as before;
+ for the latter, we use enum-iter :
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ This will call the WriteEnumerator function for every
+ enumerator in every extension. The blank action here uses the
+ attribute last , which means that it will only insert a blank line
+ on the last iteration of the inner-most enumerator. So this puts a space between
+ every extension's enumerator. But it doesn't insert a space if
+ the extension had no enumerators at all. This is because
+ enum-iter doesn't execute any of its children if there are no
+ enumerators, much like a for-loop over an empty list.
+ So, how do we write an enumerator in our style? That's kind of complicated. First,
+ we need a function to generate an enumerator name.
+ local function GetEnumName(enum, spec, options)
+ return spec.EnumNamePrefix() .. enum.name
+ Note that the enumerator does not prefix the enum name with
+ the user-specified prefix options.prefix . This is a concession to
+ the purpose of this loader: it's trying to emulate the common OpenGL style as much
+ as possible. Furthermore, multiply-defined enums are usually a warning, not an
+ error, so it isn't too big of a problem.
+ To write the enumerator, we use this function:
+ function hdr.WriteEnumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)
+ if(enumSeen[enum.name]) then return end
+ hFile:fmt("#define %s %s\n",
+ GetEnumName(enum, spec, options),
+ common.ResolveEnumValue(enum, enumTable))
+ The if statement checks to see if the enum has been processed
+ before. If not, we generate a #define . Note that it is
+ not this function's responsibility to actually store a
+ value in the enumSeen table. That is done by the
+ enum-iter internally.
+ The value of the enumerator is stored oddly. One enum can reference another, so
+ resolving the value requires recursively going from enum to enum until you find one
+ with a real value. That is the job of common.ResolveEnumValue ,
+ which uses the enumTable .
+ You can run this code, and you will get a file that contains enumerator
+ definitions for the requested extensions. But not for any core versions.
+ To get them, we need to augment our structure a bit. The user asked for a specific
+ version and profile (assume we're talking about OpenGL, rather than WGL/GLX). This
+ means that the user wants the enums for that particular version/profile. To do this,
+ we have to iterate over all of the versions between the first version (1.1) and the
+ one the user asked for, writing out the appropriate enumerators for each
+ version.
+ We do that with a version-iter action:
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ },
+ Within that iterator, we need to iterate over all extensions that were
+ not explicitly requested. There is a special extension
+ iterator for this: core-ext-cull-iter . It only works in the
+ presence of a version-iter . Once in place, we do our previous
+ enumeration iteration code:
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ { type="core-ext-cull-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ This time, we don't even have to touch the style; this will now print the
+ enumerators for any core extensions not asked for explicitly.
+ To add in the enumerators for a version that aren't in core extensions from that
+ version, we make one more enum-iter pass, directly beneath the
+ version-iter . enum-iter iterates over an
+ extension if an extension iterator is in use, but if none is in use, it looks for a
+ version iterator:
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ { type="core-ext-cull-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ Again, no style changes are necessary.
+ Now, you might be thinking that maybe this should all just be one big
+ iterate over all of the enumerators
action, rather than a bunch
+ of little ones. While that is not available, there is the next best thing: the
+ common structural elements in the common table we created in our
+ StructTest.lua file. It has a number of useful structural
+ elements, and this is one of them:
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ { type="blank" },
+ common.Enumerators(),
+ This is almost exactly equivalent to the above block, right down to the name of
+ the function it calls (Enumerator ) and the parameters it uses.
+ The only difference is that it adds some optional function calls to print headers
+ (naming each extension and version number), but that's unimportant. And
+ optional.
+ Functions
+ Functions work more or less like enumerators, in that you have to iterate over
+ them like enumerators. In fact, they work so much like
+ enumerators that the only difference between the final version of the structure for
+ enums and for functions is the use of func-seen ,
+ func-iter , and writing with a call to
+ Function(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen) . So
+ let's not waste time and skip right to the end:
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Function(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ { type="core-ext-cull-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Function(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Function(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ As before, there is a common structural element to replace this:
+ common.Functions() . And as before, it calls the same
+ Function we defined with the same arguments.
+ The biggest issue here is the writing of the actual functions. First, we need a
+ function to compute the name of the function pointer variable we want to
+ declare:
+ local function GetFuncPtrName(func, spec, options)
+ return options.prefix .. "_testc_".. spec.FuncNamePrefix() .. func.name
+ Here, we actually need to prefix the variable name; otherwise linker errors could
+ occur. We also apply spec-based decoration, as well as a fixed string based on this
+ particular generator.
+ The usual method of writing function pointers would involve creating typedefs for
+ the function pointer types. You may have seen some
-kind of
+ things. We won't be doing that.
+ We still need a function to build a string containing the full function pointer
+ definition.
+ local function GetFuncPtrDef(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)
+ return string.format("%s (%s *%s)(%s)",
+ common.GetFuncReturnType(func, typemap),
+ spec.GetCodegenPtrType(),
+ GetFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamList(func, typemap))
+ This function calls a lot of things. Functions use types, for parameter types and
+ return types. Resolving these into the actual GL types is a non-trivial process, so
+ common.GetFuncReturnType and
+ common.GetFuncParamList are used to get the return type and
+ parameter list respectively. If you want the parameter names for the function
+ parameter list, pass true for a third parameter to the
+ function.
+ The spec.GetCodegenPtrType() part is very much not
+ optional. It adds an important modifier to the function pointer,
+ which is needed on some systems (Windows). Without it, bad things happen.
+ function hdr.WriteFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen)
+ if(funcSeen[func.name]) then return end
+ hFile:fmt("extern %s;\n",
+ GetFuncPtrDef(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options))
+ hFile:fmt("#define %s %s\n",
+ common.GetOpenGLFuncName(func, spec),
+ GetFuncPtrName(func, spec, options))
+ After checking to see if the pointer has been written before, we get down to
+ business. We write an extern declaration for our function pointer with that type.
+ Then we write a #define statement, which effectively aliases the
+ name. This is a common tactic when dealing with function pointers and OpenGL
+ loaders: the pointer is given an innocuous name to avoid conflicting with user code,
+ and a #define is used to map it to the actual OpenGL function
+ name. That's what common.GetOpenGLFuncName returns.
+ Main loader
+ The last step for our header is to write the function prototype for our function
+ that actually loads everything. It will just be a simple write
+ statement:
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ ...
+ common.Functions(),
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ The hdr portion of our structure is now complete. In total, it
+ looks like this (using the common structure elements):
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard",
+ { type="write", name="Guards(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="Typedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="block", name="Extern(hFile)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ { type="blank" },
+ common.Enumerators(),
+ { type="blank" },
+ common.Functions(),
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFunc(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Reasonably compact and quite powerful.
+ The WriteMainLoaderFunc style function needs a function to get
+ the name of the function to write.
+ local function GetMainLoaderFuncName(spec, options)
+ return options.prefix .. spec.DeclPrefix() .. "LoadFunctions"
+ Note that our loader function name is prefixed with both the user-specified prefix
+ and the spec-defined declaration prefix.
+ The actual function to write the prototype requires a small bit of
+ explanation:
+ function hdr.WriteMainLoaderFunc(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("int %s(%s);\n",
+ GetMainLoaderFuncName(spec, options),
+ spec.GetLoaderParams())
+ The function loader has parameters, but the specific parameters they take depends
+ on the specification. The reason for this is that
+ wglGetExtensionStringARB and
+ glXQueryExtensionsString both take parameters. The former
+ takes a HDC device context that has a pixel format on it, while
+ the latter takes a Display and a screen number.
+ Our loader will load extensions based on what is advertised. As such, we need to
+ call those functions to see what is advertised. So our loader function needs to take
+ those parameters and pass them along.
+ Source
+ The header was the easy part. The source file is where things get tricky.
+ Since we're making a new file, we need to make a new file action in
+ our structure:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ ...
+ },
+ { type="file", style="src", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ },
+ We're switching to the src substyle table here. So we need a
+ function to produce a filename for our source file:
+ local src = {}
+my_style.src = src
+function src.GetFilename(basename, spec, options)
+ return basename .. ".c"
+ If you run this, you'll see a blank source file.
+ Source preamble
+ Next step: we need to #include the things our source file
+ needs. Since we'll be doing some string comparisons, we need
+ string.h , among others. Also, we need to include our own
+ header, which we will assume is in the include path of the project.
+ First, we need to augment our structure with an include writer:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ ...
+ },
+ { type="file", style="src", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="Includes(hFile, basename, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ In our structure, we add an appropriate WriteIncludes
+ function:
+ function src.WriteIncludes(hFile, basename, spec, options)
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+ local base = util.ParsePath(hdr.GetFilename(basename, spec, options))
+ hFile:fmt('#include "%s"\n', base)
+ The util.ParsePath function takes a path and breaks it up into
+ a filename and a directory. We write the filename produced by the header as an
+ include statement in our source file.
+ After this, we need to write the function that actually loads a function pointer.
+ This is very platform specific; fortunately, the system has a simple way around all
+ of that junk (well, for C/C++, at least).
+ In our structure, we add a write action for it:
+ { type="file", style="src", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="Includes(hFile, basename, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="LoaderFunc(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ And in our style, we add this:
+ function src.WriteLoaderFunc(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:writeblock(spec.GetLoaderFunc())
+ All very easy. Everything is statically defined, so there will be no interference
+ across different files.
+ Extension variables
+ We wrote extern declarations for our extension variables in the
+ header; now we need to write proper definitions for them. So we need to iterate over
+ the extensions again; we can use the exact same code as we did in the header:
+ { type="file", style="src", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="Includes(hFile, basename, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="LoaderFunc(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ The src table needs its own version of
+ Extension which defines the variable and initializes it to
+ 0:
+ function src.WriteExtension(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("int %s = 0;\n", GetExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options));
+ You can run that and get extension variable definitions in your source file. That
+ was easy.
+ Functions
+ We now need to define the extension function pointers and initialize them to
+ We'll use our handy common structure element for iterating over all
+ functions:
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+{ type="blank" },
+ This means we need a WriteFunction function in our
+ src table:
+ function src.WriteFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options, funcSeen)
+ if(funcSeen[func.name]) then return end
+ hFile:fmt("%s = NULL;\n", GetFuncPtrDef(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options));
+ You can run that and get function pointer definitions in your source file. That
+ was easy too. Good thing we have GetFuncPtrDef lying
+ around.
+ Function loaders
+ Before we can proceed further, we need to talk a bit about what it is we're
+ actually trying to achieve here.
+ When the user calls our function to load the function pointers with actual
+ functions, our code needs to do the following:
+ For each extension that the user asked us to export, if it is in the
+ extension string:
+ Set its extension variable.
+ If it has functions, load its function pointers.
+ Load all of the functions associated with the version of OpenGL we were
+ asked to export.
+ In order to do this, we need a few things. For every extension the user asked for,
+ we need a function that will load its function pointers. And we need a function that
+ will load the function pointers for the OpenGL version.
+ So let's do that.
+ The first step is one of those for each extension
things, so
+ obviously we need an extension iterator in our structure:
+ { type="blank" },
+{ type="ext-iter",
+ We need to write a function to load an extension's function pointers. These
+ functions have a beginning, a series of load commands for each function, and an
+ ending. That sounds like a block surrounding a function iterator:
+ { type="blank" },
+{ type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ },
+ }
+ We don't need a func-seen here, because we're not interested in
+ duplicates. Or rather, we're not interested in doing things differently for
+ duplicate functions. It's fine to load the same function twice (and we will
+ certainly do that later).
+ There is one problem with this. We will generate loader functions for extensions
+ that don't have functions. Now, this would just be a function
+ that's empty, but it's a bit sloppy to deal with. We can do better.
+ We avoid this by using the cond attribute on our
+ block :
+ { type="blank" },
+{ type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ },
+ }
+ The cond attribute means that the action (and its children)
+ will only be executed if the condition is true. And the func-iter
+ condition is only true if using a function iterator will iterate over at least one
+ element.
+ Within the function iterator, we need to write some code for each function to do
+ the actual loading:
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="LoadFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank", cond="func-iter",},
+ We also add a blank line after each function, just to make it nicer to
+ read.
+ That's good enough for the structure for now. Time to do the style code. First, we
+ need a function to get the name of the function we intend to write:
+ local function GetExtFuncLoaderName(extName, spec, options)
+ return "Load_" .. extName;
+ Next comes the two functions for our block:
+ function src.WriteBlockBeginExtFuncLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("static void %s()\n", GetExtFuncLoaderName(extName, spec, options))
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+function src.WriteBlockEndExtFuncLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+ Since this is a static function, we don't have to worry about
+ name conflicts (except for within this file, of course). The
+ hFile:inc() and hFile:dec() calls are for
+ incrementing and decrementing the tab count inserted by the various
+ hFile writing commands. It helps us properly format our
+ generated code.
+ For each function, we need to load a pointer into the appropriate function
+ pointer. However, there's one problem: standard C does not allow implicit conversion
+ between pointers-to-variables (like void* ) and
+ pointers-to-functions (like void(*)()) ). It also doesn't allow
+ implicit conversions from different kinds of function pointers. So we need an
+ explicit cast to our function pointer type.
+ To make this easier, we need a function to return the function pointer
+ type:
+ local function GetFuncPtrType(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)
+ return string.format("%s (%s *)(%s)",
+ common.GetFuncReturnType(func, typemap),
+ spec.GetCodegenPtrType(),
+ common.GetFuncParamList(func, typemap))
+ Now armed with that, we can write our function pointer loading code:
+ function src.WriteLoadFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt('%s = (%s)%s("%s%s");\n',
+ GetFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ GetFuncPtrType(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options),
+ spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName(),
+ spec.FuncNamePrefix(),
+ func.name)
+ The function spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName() gets the name of the
+ function pointer loading function written by
+ spec.GetLoaderFunc() . spec.FuncNamePrefix() is
+ the prefix used by OpenGL/WGL/GLX for its function names.
+ You can run that and get static functions that load any extensions that have added
+ functions.
+ We still need one more thing: a function that loads all core function pointers.
+ This will be a slightly more difficult to build. We first need a block that
+ represents the function itself:
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ ...
+{ type="block", name="CoreLoader(hFile, spec, options)", cond="core-funcs",
+ Here, we see the use of another cond ,
+ core-funcs . This one doesn't have an iterator analog. It is
+ true if the specification has any core functions (which basically means if the
+ specification is OpenGL and not WGL/GLX).
+ Inside, we must iterate over each version and print all of the functions. This
+ requires the core extension trick we used before, but with one big
+ difference:
+ { type="block", name="CoreLoader(hFile, spec, options)", cond="core-funcs",
+ { type="version-iter",
+ { type="core-ext-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="LoadFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="LoadFunction(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ Notice the use of core-ext-iter instead of
+ core-ext-cull-iter . This iterates over
+ all of the core extensions in that version, whether or not
+ the user asked for them.
+ That means if the user asked for a core extension, we may load the function twice:
+ once if it is in the extension list and once with all of the other core functions in
+ this version. That's fine.
+ We already have a WriteLoadFunction , so all we need in the
+ style is the block defining the function:
+ function src.WriteBlockBeginCoreLoader(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("static void Load_Version()\n")
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+function src.WriteBlockEndCoreLoader(hFile, version, spec, options)
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+ The name doesn't need to change, since there is only ever one of them.
+ Main loader
+ The most complex part is the generation of the main loading function. This is
+ complicated because there are a lot of things you need to take into
+ account. The easiest part of this is the structure. We simply need a
+ write action to call into our src
+ style:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="hdr", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ ...
+ },
+ { type="file", style="src", name="GetFilename(basename, spec, options)",
+ ...
+ { type="blank", },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ },
+ That's the only part of this that is easy.
+ A detailed breakdown of our loading algorithm is as follows:
+ Clear the extension variables. This will allow the user to call our loader
+ multiple times. Resetting the function pointers is not necessary, since the user
+ shouldn't be calling non-core function pointers if the extension variable is not
+ set. And we'll be re-loading all the core functions anyway.
+ Iterate over the extensions the context provides. For each extension, if it is
+ among the extensions we care about:
+ Set its extension variable to non-zero.
+ If that extension has functions, call the function to load all of the
+ function pointers.
+ Load all of the functions for the OpenGL version, if any.
+ This tells us right away that we need some helper functions. So let's make some. Our
+ WriteMainLoaderFunc will be broken up into two steps: the writing
+ of helper functions/definitions and the writing of the main function:
+ local function WriteHelpers(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+function src.WriteMainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ WriteHelpers(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:fmt("int %s(%s)\n",
+ GetMainLoaderFuncName(spec, options),
+ spec.GetLoaderParams())
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+ Running this will create an empty function definition.
+ Clear extension variables
+ We could have used the structure to help us build this (ie: used its
+ ext-iter functionality), but it's simpler at this point to do
+ this task ourselves.
+ local function WriteHelpers(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ common.WriteCClearExtensionVarsFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options,
+ GetExtensionVarName, "0")
+ This will write a static function called ClearExtensionVars ; it
+ will walk through options.extensions , writing a line that sets
+ the value to "0" . To get the extension name, it calls the
+ function we provided, which takes (extName, spec,
+ options) .
+ Load extensions
+ Well, that was the last easy part; now it all gets incredibly complicated. There
+ are two big problems when dealing with trying to load the extensions.
+ The function used to get the extensions string is a function which in many
+ cases must be loaded.
+ OpenGL (but not WGL/GLX) changed how you get the list of available
+ extensions in GL 3.0.
+ That last problem is the most devious (we will solve #1 by just trying to load the
+ function. If it's not there, we exit with a failure). Let's investigate
+ further.
+ In OpenGL 2.1 and below, you use glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) to
+ get a space-separated list of extensions. This was fairly simple, but people kept
+ screwing it up. So in GL 3.0, they added glGetStringi , which gets
+ a string by an enum name and an index. So you use
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS) to get the number of
+ extensions, then iterate through that number, calling
+ glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i) for each.
+ The problem is that in OpenGL 3.1, they removed the old
+ space-separated list of extensions from core OpenGL. So if you create a core OpenGL
+ 3.2 context, you have to use the new style. However, if you're dealing with a 2.1 or
+ below context, glGetStringi doesn't exist, so we have to use the
+ old way. If you create a 3.2 compatibility context, you can use either.
+ Incidentally, this is why GLEW has problems with core contexts; it only knows how
+ to use the old way, and it doesn't bother to implement the machinery needed to
+ actually test at runtime which to use.
+ If we wanted, we could write the code to process things both ways, then pick which
+ one to use based on what the actual context is. However, for the sake of simplicity,
+ we won't be doing that. We will instead do what pointer_c and
+ pointer_cpp do: they expect you to actually be serious about
+ the version number. If you create an OpenGL 3.3 header, then you expect to be using
+ OpenGL 3.3 or greater, and the loader is allowed to fail if that's not
+ available.
+ Therefore, if the user asks for OpenGL 3.0 or above, we will use the new-style
+ functions; if the user asks for a lower version, we use the old style. Oh, and while
+ we're doing this, remember that this code generator needs to work with WGL and GLX,
+ which only use old-style. So we only use the new-style if we're
+ writing OpenGL and version 3.0 or above is requested.
+ Is that complicated enough?
+ Extension Mapping Table
+ Well, let's get the simple part out of the way first. In both cases, we search
+ the extension list, and if we find one of our extensions in the list, we set the
+ extension variable and load those functions, if any. In order to do this, we
+ need some way to map extension string names to extension variables and loading
+ functions.
+ We do this with a mapping table. There is actually a nice common bit of code
+ to do this all for us in common.WriteCMappingTable . But we'll
+ do it by ourselves, just to show off what needs to be done.
+ First, we need a typedef for the function pointer type, because those are
+ annoying to write without one. All of the loaders use the same prototype:
+ local function WriteHelpers(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ common.WriteCClearExtensionVarsFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options,
+ GetExtensionVarName, "0")
+ hFile("\n")
+ hFile:write("typedef void (*PFN_LOADFUNCPOINTERS)();\n")
+ After this, we need to write a struct that serves as an entry in the mapping
+ table. So we need a function to get the name of the struct:
+ local function GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options)
+ return string.format("%s%sStringToExtMap",
+ options.prefix, spec.DeclPrefix())
+ Each entry in the table has a string literal (the name of the extension), a
+ pointer to the extension variable, and a function pointer to call to load the
+ extensions (or NULL ):
+ hFile:write("typedef void (*PFN_LOADFUNCPOINTERS)();\n")
+hFile:fmt("typedef struct %s_s\n",
+ GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options))
+hFile:writeblock [[
+char *extensionName;
+int *extensionVariable;
+hFile:fmt("} %s;\n", GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options))
+hFile:write "\n"
+ Because struct definitions can't be file-static, we have to prefix them with
+ our specification and options prefixes.
+ We then need to declare a static global variable that represents our mapping
+ table. So again, we need a function to compute that. However, since this will be
+ file-static, there's no need to prefix it:
+ local function GetMappingTableVarName()
+ return "g_stringToExtMap"
+ This will just be a global array of these structures, one for each
+ extension.
+ hFile:write "\n" --From last line of previous code.
+hFile:fmt("static %s %s[] = {\n",
+ GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options),
+ GetMappingTableVarName())
+for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ if(#specData.extdefs[extName].funcs > 0) then
+ hFile:fmt('{"%s", &%s, %s},\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GetExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options),
+ GetExtFuncLoaderName(extName, spec, options))
+ else
+ hFile:fmt('{"%s", &%s, NULL},\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GetExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options))
+ end
+ options.extensions contains the list of extensions the user
+ asked for. So we iterate over each one. We also check to see if the named
+ extension has actual functions; if not, we put NULL instead
+ of a loader function.
+ Now it's time to think ahead. We're creating this table so that we can iterate
+ through it and find an extension by name. In order to iterate through it, we
+ need to know how big it is. While we could play some games with
+ sizeof to compute it, there's no point, since we already
+ know it: #options.extensions . So we write that as a
+ static integer:
+ hFile:write("};\n") --From last line of previous code
+hFile:fmt("static int g_extensionMapSize = %i;\n", #options.extensions);
+ Run it and see what you get.
+ Both the old-style algorithm and the new-style one are dependent on iterating
+ through the table, looking for an extension by name. So we will create a
+ function that does exactly that: it takes a string name of an extension and
+ returns a pointer to an entry for that extension. Or NULL if
+ none is available. Since that's mostly boiler-plate code, we'll do it by using a
+ common method:
+ hFile:fmt("static int g_extensionMapSize = %i;\n", #options.extensions);
+common.WriteCFindExtEntryFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options,
+ GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options),
+ GetMappingTableVarName())
+ This creates a function named FindExtEntry .
+ One last thing. Both algorithms will call this FindExtEntry
+ with a string name. Both algorithms will set the extension variable to 1 if it
+ is found. And both will call the loader function if it exists. Therefore, we
+ should write a function to do that. There isn't quite one of those in the common
+ system (there's something close), so we'll have to write the boiler-plate
+ ourselves:
+ hFile:write("\n")
+static void LoadExtByName(const char *extensionName)
+ %s *entry = NULL;
+ entry = FindExtEntry(extensionName);
+ if(entry)
+ {
+ if(entry->LoadExtension)
+ {
+ int numFailed = entry->LoadExtension();
+ if(numFailed == 0)
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = 1;
+ }
+ }
+]], GetMappingTableStructName(spec, options))
+ Old style
+ This is where it gets complicated. Since WGL/GLX and many uses of OpenGL will
+ use the old style, let's handle that one first.
+ To tell which is which, we could check the spec and the
+ options against expected values. However, a certain bit
+ of setup work has to be done to make the new style loader work out. The
+ spec will provide part of it, and it will do the
+ detection for us.
+ Thus, our next bit of code looks like this:
+ local indexed = spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options);
+if(not indexed) then
+ --Old style
+ --New style
+ We'll talk more about exactly what goes on in indexed
+ later.
+ We're still writing helper functions. Remember that old-style extension
+ processing deals with a single string containing space-separated extension
+ names. So obviously, we need a way to walk this list, break it up into
+ extensions, and run our LoadExtByName function. So let's
+ write that function.
+ Actually, let's not; that's tedious. Let's just use the
+ common code version:
+ local indexed = spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options);
+if(not indexed) then
+ common.WriteProcessExtsFromStringFunc(hFile, "LoadExtByName(%s)")
+ --New style
+ The second parameter to WriteProcessExtsFromStringFunc is
+ the name of the function to call for each extension. That's the function we just
+ wrote.
+ Now, we need to do one more thing: our helper writing function needs to return
+ indexed , because we're about to shift to our main loader
+ function:
+ hFile:write("\n")
+local indexed = spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options);
+if(not indexed) then
+ common.WriteProcessExtsFromStringFunc(hFile, "LoadExtByName(%s)")
+ --New style
+return indexed
+ Now, for our main loader, we have another if-statement:
+ function src.WriteMainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ local indexed = WriteHelpers(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:fmt("int %s(%s)\n",
+ GetMainLoaderFuncName(spec, options),
+ spec.GetLoaderParams())
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ if(not indexed) then
+ else
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Structure_Reference.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Structure_Reference.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99f55312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Structure_Reference.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+ Structure Reference
+ This is a reference manual for making structures. It covers all of the information about
+ valid structure actions, parameters, and the specific interactions with styles.
+ Concepts
+ Structures are defined by a Lua table. Lua's table mechanism is a lot like
+ JavaScript's similar constructs; it makes for a handy data storage format. And since it
+ is a Lua table, it doesn't have to be parsed;
it's just a valid Lua
+ object. This also allows parts of tables to be used in different places, and for tables
+ to effectively be copied
by simply using another variable.
+ A structure is built as a nested series of tables. So you would define one like
+ this:
+ local my_struct =
+ { type="foo", },
+ { type="bar", },
+ The contents of the base structure is an array of values. Once you have created the
+ table, the actual data structure is created as follows:
+ local Structure = require "Structure"
+ The return value is a special object that should be returned along with your
+ style.
+ Each element of a structure is called an action. The type of
+ action is defined by the type field. Using an invalid type will
+ result in a build-time error (ie: BuildStructure will error). This
+ makes it easy to do some basic verification by simply executing your structure's script.
+ That won't verify things like whether a function exists or the correctness of
+ parameters, but at least you know you've spelled your action types correctly.
+ Each type can have a number of attributes. Some attributes are specific to certain
+ types, while others can be used anywhere.
+ Actions can be nested within other actions. For some actions, it generally does not
+ make sense to nest them, while others only make sense if they contain other actions. The
+ outer action can influence how inner actions are processed. For example, actions that
+ iterate over something will execute their contents once per iteration. There are actions
+ that will execute their contents only if a style-provided function returns true. And so
+ forth.
+ When a structure is processed, each action will be executed in the order provided. Do
+ note that no steps are taken to prevent infinite recursion/iteration; if your structure
+ uses a table which uses another table which itself contains the first table, that is a
+ legal table in Lua. Attempting to process such a structure with
+ BuildStructure will halt with a Lua stack overflow or execute
+ infinitely.
+ Context
+ There is a notion of a current context . The context
+ represents all of the information currently available to an action (and therefore
+ whatever style functions it calls). Some actions will augment the current context
+ with new information. These take the form of parameters passed to style
+ functions.
+ If an action provides some new context variable(s), then all child actions may
+ access them. Actions that provide new context variables will provide them to all
+ child actions contained within that action.
+ Some actions require certain context variables to be
+ available. If they are not, then a runtime error will result. For example, the
+ function iterator action iterates over all of the functions within the current
+ extension or version (both of which are context variables). If no extension or
+ version is available, then the action will fail to execute.
+ Similarly, actions cannot modify already existing context variables. So you cannot
+ nest actions that provide the same context variable(s).
+ In the reference table below, there will be text that says, must be within
+ the scope of X.
This means that the action needs to be inside an action
+ that provides the context variable(s) X.
+ Current Style
+ When style functions need to be called, the system will use the current style to
+ do so. The style will be the table provided to the generation system.
+ However, it is often convenient for the user to put different functions within
+ tables in a style. For example, you could have a function called
+ WriteExtVariable . When generating your header file, you want
+ it to write an extern declaration, but in your source file, it
+ should write it as a non-extern definition. What you can do is
+ define a pair of sub-tables of your main style table. A table called
+ header would have one version of
+ WriteExtVariable , while the table called
+ source would have another version.
+ Thus, you could use the same structural element to process both. Like this:
+ local piece =
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtVariable(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ }
+local my_struct =
+ { type="group", style="header"
+ piece,
+ }
+ { type="group", style="source"
+ piece,
+ }
+ When the system goes to find WriteExtVariable , it will first
+ check the most recently set sub-style. If it does not find the function there, it
+ will check the next one. And the next. Until it comes to the main style table. If
+ it's not there, then it errors out. Thus, every additional
+ substyle increases the number of functions available; it never
+ reduces them.
+ Indeed, the style parameter itself uses similar resolution
+ methods. For example, you could have a second table inside the
+ header table also given the name source
+ (so it's full name relative to the main style is header.source ).
+ If you are inside the header style and then ask for the
+ source style, you will get the
+ header.source sub-style.
+ This is a very useful tool for making large structure construction more
+ manageable.
+ Action Reference
+ This is a list of all of the actions and their associated attributes.
+ When an action says, Provides access to the X variable,
this also means
+ that the action cannot nest with any action that provides the X
+ variable. Including itself.
+ System
+ These actions are system-level actions. They can be used in any context, and they
+ don't have anything to do (directly at least) with writing data or even the spec
+ data at all.
+ group
+ Represents a collection of actions. This has no real semantics; it's
+ mainly used as the base table for variables that contain actions. Every
+ table in the structure must have an action, so this is used to group
+ them. They can also have conditional attributes and such.
+ filter
+ Will execute its child actions only if the named style function
+ returns true. The default parameters are () (ie: no
+ parameters).
+ name : The base name of the function that
+ does filtering. The full name will be prefixed by
+ Filter
+ neg : If this is true, then the meaning of
+ the return value is inverted. That is, if the function returns
+ true, then it will not process the
+ children. This is useful for reusing filter functions in
+ opposite ways without having to write a new one.
+ context
+ Adds a user-defined value to the current context. This will create a
+ new parameter within the scope of this action that any function can
+ reference. The default parameter list is () .
+ key : The string name of the new context
+ variable. Required. Must end in the
+ _
character, to ensure
+ that it doesn't conflict with system context variables.
+ data : A Lua value that represents the new
+ context variable's data.
+ name : The base name of the function to call
+ to fill in the context variable. The full name will be prefixed
+ by State
+ dispose : The base name of a function that
+ takes the context variable (and only the
+ context variable, so no parameter selection). This will be
+ called when the variable is disposed of. This would be for
+ clean-up work, like for file closing and such. The full name
+ will be prefixed by
+ Dispose
+ Either name or data must be
+ defined. data takes priority if both are
+ defined.
+ Provides access to the parameter named by key . Note
+ that this means you can't nest context 's that provide
+ the same variable.
+ call
+ Calls a given style function. The default parameter list is
+ () .
+ name : The name of the function to call. The
+ name will be exactly as specified.
+ File
+ These actions are for dealing with file data. Creating files, writing data to
+ files, etc.
+ file
+ Creates a tabbed-file. See the TabbedFile.lua module to understand
+ what this is. The default function parameters are: (basename,
+ options)
+ name : The exact name of the style function
+ to call that returns the full pathname of the file to
+ create
+ Provides access to the hFile variable.
+ Note that you really need the basename variable. At
+ the very least, you should extract the directory name from it, so that
+ the user can provide a proper directory name. You can use
+ util.ParsePath for this. Thus, your code should
+ look like:
+ function style_name.GetFilenameFunc(basename, ...)
+ local base, dir = util.ParsePath(basename)
+ local filename = --compute filename here.
+ return dir .. filename
+ block
+ Writes the beginning of a block before executing its children, and
+ writes the ending of a block after executing the children. The default
+ function parameters are: (hFile, spec,
+ options)
+ name : The base name of a pair of functions
+ to call to write the beginning and end of the block. The block
+ beginning function's name will be prefixed by
+ WriteBlockBegin
+ similarly the ending function is prefixed with
+ WriteBlockEnd
+ Must be within the scope of hFile .
+ write
+ Calls a function to write something to the file. The default
+ parameters to the function are (hFile, specData, spec,
+ options) .
+ name : The base name of the function that
+ does the actual writing. The full name will be prefixed by
+ Write
+ Must be within the scope of hFile .
+ blank
+ Writes a blank line to the file.
+ Must be within the scope of hFile .
+ Iterators
+ These actions are for iterating over lists of data in the specification.
+ ext-iter
+ Executes its children once for every extension that the user has
+ explicitly asked to generate code for.
+ Provides access to the extName parameter.
+ version-iter
+ Executes its children once for every version in the specification that
+ is less than or equal to the one the user asked for. If we are
+ processing a specification that doesn't have any versions (ie: isn't
+ OpenGL), then none of the children will be executed.
+ Provides access to the version parameter.
+ sub-version-iter
+ Execute its children once for every version less than or equal to the
+ current version parameter.
+ Must be within the scope of version . Provides
+ access to the sub_version parameter.
+ This is useful for generating a group of functions or files that do
+ something for each version, and for each version of OpenGL <= that
+ version. For example, you can have a bunch of headers that only provide
+ functions/enums for features introduced within that version. Then, you
+ can generate a file for each version, which includes headers only for
+ the contents of everything up to that version of
+ OpenGL and not just within it.
+ enum-iter
+ Executes its children once for every enumerator within scope.
+ Scope
is defined by the extName
+ and/or version parameters. If
+ extName is available, then it will iterate over
+ all enums in the extension. If version is available,
+ then it will iterate over all enums that were introduced within that
+ particular version (and only them). If both are
+ available, extName takes priority.
+ Must be within the scope of extName or
+ version . Provides access to the
+ enum and enumTable
+ parameters.
+ func-iter
+ Executes its children once for every function within scope. Scope is
+ defined as for enum-iter .
+ Must be within the scope of extName or
+ version . Provides access to the
+ func parameters.
+ enum-seen
+ This is a special action which records which enumerators were iterated
+ over within its scope. Every time an enum-iter
+ finishes processing an enumerator, the enumerator name that was
+ processed will be recorded in enumSeen . That allows
+ the user to be able to detect if this is the first time (inside this
+ scope) that the enum was processed. This helps styles execute
+ statelessly.
+ To see if an enumerator was processed already, use
+ enumSeen[enum.name] . The value stored there will
+ be a string containing the extension name or the version that it was
+ most recently seen within.
+ Provides access to the enumSeen parameter.
+ Note that if you place a filter within an enum-iter
+ block that is in an enum-seen scope, the filter's
+ active/inactive status will not affect whether
+ enumSeen will be updated. It doesn't matter if
+ nothing was written; the enumerator being iterated over is
+ enough.
+ If that's not good enough, if you need the filter mechanism to be
+ respected, you can use context and
+ call actions to create the equivalent. The
+ context would create some key as a new table, and
+ the call would be used to update the table with an
+ enumerator.
+ func-seen
+ Works like enum-seen , except for functions.
+ Provides access to the funcSeen parameter.
+ Common Attributes
+ Actions can have attributes. What follows is a list of attributes that can be used
+ in any action (or at least in a lot of them).
+ name
+ Part or all of a function name to call. The name, when possibly
+ augmented with action-specific text, will used to fetch a function from
+ the various styles and sub-styles as stated in the Current Style
+ section. If the name is followed by a parenthesized list of parameters,
+ then these parameters will be used in that order to call the
+ function(s). If a particular parameter is not available in this context,
+ a runtime error will occur. Each action that defines a name also defines
+ a default set of parameters for functions that don't provide their own
+ parameter list.
+ style
+ Adds a new sub-style scoping. It fetches the style table using the
+ rules specified above in the Current Style section.
+ optional
+ Normally, the inability to resolve a function name to a function will
+ result in an error. If this attribute is set to true however, then the
+ failure to resolve a function will simply mean that the function is not
+ called. All children are processed as though the function had been
+ called normally, UNLESS it is a filter action. In
+ that case, the filter will be assumed to have returned false, meaning
+ that children will not be processed (unless neg is
+ also set, in which case it will flip that into
+ true , thus always processing children if the
+ function isn't present).
+ first
+ If it is set to true, this action (and any of its children) will only
+ be processed the first time through the most recent iteration loop. This
+ only works with the most recent iteration
+ loop.
+ The interaction with filters can play havoc with this.
+ first will only work when it is the numerically
+ first time the node is seen within the most recent iterator. If a filter
+ filters out the first time through, then the first action and its
+ children will never be executed.
+ last
+ If it is set to true, this action (and any of its children) will only
+ be processed the last time through the most recent iteration loop. The
+ same caveats apply with respect to filters.
+ value
+ If this is set, then the given Lua value will be passed to any
+ functions called by this action as the value
+ parameter. Note that this parameter is not
+ inherited . This parameter is not given to any child
+ actions; only the action this value is set on will have access to this
+ value.
+ The value must be a string. However, to allow the string to use
+ various names defined by the system, the string can have special codes
+ in it. Any use of %
in the string will denote the
+ beginning of a special name. Thus, you shouldn't do things like this:
+ some%string ,
this will make
+ the system think that %string is a special name. If
+ you use %
by itself, with a space or non-identifier
+ characters after it, then it will remain a % sign. So
+ some% string
is fine, as is
+ some%-string
+ The special names are just context variable names, only a limited
+ subset of them. Of the standard context variables, the only ones you can
+ use are those which are naturally strings (like
+ version and extName ) or those
+ which are reasonably convertible to strings (enum
+ would return it's basic string name, with no prefixing).
+ The main purpose of this is to be able to print messages easily, like
+ comments that say that extension X's declarations begin here.
+ User-defined context variables can also be used, but they must be
+ either strings or tables. If they are tables, then they either must have
+ a __tostring metamethod, or they must have a member
+ function called _ValueResolve function. This function
+ only takes the table as a parameter.
+ cond
+ These are special conditionals that act like single-action filters.
+ Unlike regular filters, they are pre-defined by the system. When they
+ are false, the current action and its children will not be
+ processed.
+ There are a fixed set of conditions. Most of them match iterator
+ names. For these, they are considered to pass if the corresponding
+ iterator would execute at least once. Also, since they are based on
+ iterators, they can only be used in the same
+ context that their corresponding iterators can:
+ ext-iter
+ version-iter
+ core-ext-iter
+ core-ext-cull-iter
+ enum-iter
+ func-iter
+ core-funcs : Returns true if the spec has
+ core functions/enumerators at all. Basically, checks if the
+ specification is OpenGL and not WGL or GLX. Technically
+ version-iter would do the same job, but
+ in a less obvious way.
+ Standard Context Variables
+ Here are a list of the various standard context variables, with references to the
+ actions that provide them.
+ Again, DO NOT MODIFY THEM! You can call member functions on them
+ and inspect them. But unless they're user-defined parameters, do not directly change
+ their tables.
+ specData
+ This is the entire data containing every enumeration, typedef, function,
+ etc for the specification (OpenGL, WGL, GLX). It is a massive struct, and
+ it's format is complex.
+ You can see what specData looks like by reading
+ glspecs/glspec.lua . specData is
+ derived from this table, but with some modifications. The modifications are
+ detailed in the comments at the top of
+ modules/LoadLuaSpec.lua . They're primarily
+ convenience stuff, to make it easier to find enums and functions by name and
+ so forth.
+ Normally, you should not need to look at this data structure directly. So
+ include it in a parameter list sparingly.
+ This parameter is always available.
+ spec
+ This is a struct containing functions used to get specification-specific
+ strings. This allows the style of writing to be mostly independent of things
+ like whether it is writing to OpenGL or WGL. For example, if you have the
+ base name of an enumeration, and you want to prefix it with the spec-defined
+ prefix for enumerations, you do this:
+ spec.EnumNamePrefix() .. enumName
+ There are a number of spec functions that return prefix strings or other
+ spec-based strings. You can find these in the
+ modules/Specs.lua file, with a comment stating what
+ each one returns.
+ There are also some functions that provide general information: list of
+ versions, list of core extensions, a string containing the definitions for
+ the OpenGL function to load function pointers, etc. These lists are all
+ stored in the data directory, using the file format
+ data/<specName>_spec<data>.lua .
+ This parameter is always available.
+ options
+ The options data structure. It contains the options processed from the
+ command-line. Among these is extensions , the list of
+ extension names that are being explicitly written. You can tell which spec
+ is being used with options.spec , but it's better to rely
+ on the spec parameter as seen below.
+ This parameter is always available.
+ basename
+ The base filename provided by the user, relative to the current working
+ directory. You will need this to generate files in the directory the user
+ wants for file action types.
+ This parameter is always available.
+ value
+ A user-defined value. This parameter is only available if the action
+ itself has the value attribute. Child actions of actions
+ that have value attributes will not
+ inherit them.
+ hFile
+ A TabbedFile . This is a special kind of Lua IO file. It
+ supports all of the Lua IO methods (DO NOT CLOSE IT! ),
+ but it's designed to handle indentation. As such, it extends the Lua IO with
+ specialized routines to auto-indent individual lines. This allows the system
+ to determine the indention to use based on command-line options. The
+ assumption with almost all of the writing functions is that each write is an
+ individual line.
+ This parameter is provided by the file action.
+ Note that you must use it with Lua's member calling conventions
+ (hFile:write , for example). If you try to use
+ io.write , things will break.
+ hFile:inc and hFile:dec are
+ functions that increment/decrement the current indention level. The
+ indention can be preserved with hFile:push and restored
+ with hFile:pop .
+ The TabbedFile also offers the ability to do string
+ formatting directly into the write. hFile:fmt takes a
+ format string and some parameters, forwards the parameters to
+ string.format , then writes that string as a
+ line.
+ There are block writing functions, hFile:writeblock and
+ hFile:fmtblock . These functions will split the
+ written string into individual lines and indent each one.
+ If you don't want indented writes, then use
+ hFile:rawwrite and
+ hFile:rawfmt .
+ extName
+ The base name of an extension. Usually paired with
+ specData , as the name alone isn't terribly useful.
+ You can get the list of enumerators and functions defined by this extension
+ with specData[extName].enums/funcs . These are not named
+ of enumerators and functions; they're the actual part of the
+ specData that defines everything about that
+ enum/func.
+ This parameter is provided by the ext-iter ,
+ core-ext-iter , and
+ core-ext-cull-iter actions.
+ version
+ A string (remember this) that contains the version of
+ interest. Since it's a string, you need to apply tonumber
+ to it to get a proper number.
+ This parameter is provided by the version-iter
+ action.
+ sub_version
+ A string (remember this) that contains a version
+ between the first version and the current version
+ version.
+ This parameter is provided by the sub-version-iter
+ action.
+ enum
+ This is an enumeration. Not the name of an
+ enumeration; the enumeration itself. It contains the name
+ enum.name , but it also contains versioning
+ information and so forth. It is an entry from the
+ specData.enumerations table.
+ This parameter is provided by the enum-iter
+ action.
+ If you want to get the value of an enumerator, you cannot simply use
+ enum.value . You need the enum and
+ the enumTable (see below). Then, you use
+ common.ResolveEnumValue , where
+ common is the CommonStyle module
+ table.
+ enumTable
+ A table of enum s, indexed by enumeration name. It comes
+ from specData.enumtable .
+ This parameter is provided by the enum-iter
+ action.
+ func
+ This is a function. As with enum , it is not merely the
+ name of a function (that's func.name ); it is the function
+ itself. It is an element taken from the
+ specData.funcData.functions array. It contains many
+ properties of a function.
+ This parameter is provided by the func-iter
+ action.
+ If you want to get the parameters (C-style) in a function, you can use
+ common.GetFuncParamList , which requires a
+ typename (see below). Otherwise, you would have to
+ deal with the many difficulties of pulling a viable parameter list from a
+ func .
+ enumSeen
+ A table indexed by enumerator name. If an entry is present, then the
+ enumerator was already seen at least once before.
+ This parameter is provided by the func-seen
+ action.
+ funcSeen
+ A table indexed by function name. If an entry is present, then the
+ function was already seen at least once before.
+ This parameter is provided by the func-seen
+ action.
+ Common Structure
+ The module CommonStruct represents reuseable components for your
+ structure. You can use them as you see fit. Each of the following is a function within
+ the CommonStruct table. These are useful for more complex iteration
+ mechanism than what the standard structure iterators provide. They call functions with
+ specific names, but you can use the style scoping mechanism to put the right styles into
+ position to make them work.
+ Extensions
+ This function takes no arguments and returns a group of actions will
+ iterate over every extension the user asked to export. For each extension,
+ it will call a function named WriteExtension(hFile, extName, spec,
+ options) to write each component.
+ Obviously, since it is writing things, it needs to be used within a
+ file action. Also, since it uses the
+ ext-iter action, it cannot be used
+ within an ext-iter
+ action.
+ Enumerators
+ This function takes no arguments and returns a group of actions that will
+ iterate over every enumerator in every extension and version that the user
+ asked to export. This will respect core/compatibility. For each enumerator,
+ it will call a function named WriteEnumerator(hFile, enum,
+ enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen) to write each
+ enumerator.
+ It will first iterate over the enumerators in extensions that the user
+ asked for. Each extension will be in its own group, optionally writing a
+ header for each using WriteSmallHeader(hFile, value,
+ options) (so if you wish to suppress the header, make this an
+ empty function on the current style). Then it will iterate over all of the
+ versions. For each version, it will iterate over any core extension enums
+ that were not explicitly requested (writing a header
+ for each). Then it will iterate over that version's non-core-extension
+ enums.
+ This must be used within the scope of hFile , and since
+ it uses extension, version, and enumerator iterators, it can't be in scope
+ of any of those. It also uses enum-seen .
+ Functions
+ This function optionally takes one argument and returns a group of actions
+ that will iterate over every function in every extension and version that
+ the user asked to export. This will respect core/compatibility. For each
+ function, it will call a function named WriteFunction(hFile, func,
+ spec, options, funcSeen) to write each function.
+ It will iterate over functions in the same group order as with
+ enumerators. It will write headers where appropriate, which can be
+ omitted.
+ This must be used within the scope of hFile , and since
+ it uses extension, version, and function iterators, it can't be in scope of
+ any of those. It also uses func-seen .
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Creation.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Creation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa64cb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Creation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ Style Creation
+ The style system is designed to be extensible. But it is also somewhat complex. There are
+ two concepts that are important: a style and a structure.
+ A structure is a Lua table that effectively defines the basic layout of
+ where information goes in the generated files. It also defines which files are generated. In
+ a structure, you can do things like loop over all the extensions and/or versions. The
+ structure system is very flexible, allowing you to create virtually any kind of output you
+ could imagine.
+ The structure defines the basic layout of everything, but it doesn't define the actual
+ words and characters that get written. This is defined by the style .
+ Styles and structures interact; structures can say things like, Loop over all
+ extensions and call this style function for each.
The particular style function
+ will decide what to do with the extension it is given. Because of this, different styles can
+ share the same structure. pointer_c and
+ pointer_cpp both use the style defined in
+ StyleCommon , even though they do very different things.
+ For example, let's say you have part of a code generation system, where you need to
+ iterate over each extension and create a function for it. In that function, you iterate over
+ all of the function pointers within that extension, writing loading code for each one. The
+ part of the structure that provides this would look like this:
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtensionFunctionDef(hFile, extName, spec, options),
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="LoadFunctionPtr(hFile, func, typemap, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ The first section has an ext-iter , which iterates all of the extensions
+ the user asked for. It will perform all of the contents once for each extension. Within that
+ is a user-written block that defines the beginning and end of the
+ function. Inside of the block is a func-iter , which iterates over all of
+ the functions inside of the current extension. So it's like a nested for-loop. Inside of the
+ function iterator is a write statement that writes something for each
+ function.
+ The stuff in the name tags represent (part of) the name of functions
+ stored within the style . Exactly how this is interpreted depends on the
+ particular statement. For example, the write statement above will call a
+ function named Write LoadFunctionPtr , because the
+ write statement always appends Write to its statements.
+ The block statement is a bit more complex, as it will call two separate
+ functions: WriteBlockBeginExtensionFunctionDef and
+ WriteBlockEndExtensionFunctionDef . It calls the first one before
+ executing any of its containing statements, and it calls the second after executing its
+ contents. Thus the block's contents are bound.
+ The style should have functions with the appropriate names; if it does not, a runtime
+ error will occur, providing information that the function name couldn't be called.
+ The parameter list is actually quite special. Each parameter name has a very specific
+ meaning and stores very specific data (which you must never modify ).
+ But different parameters are available at different times. For example,
+ extName represents the name of the current extension. But there can
+ only be a current extension
when you are iterating over a group of
+ extensions. Likewise, func is a function loaded from the appropriate spec
+ file, but it is only available while iterating over a set of functions.
+ As with function names, if a parameter is specified in a place where it is not made
+ available (such as providing func to
+ ExtensionFunctionDef ), a runtime error explaining the problem will
+ occur.
+ This is a simple overview of the process. There is a rather lot more complexity than
+ that.
+ In general, a style and a structure are created in tandem; if a structure is to be used in
+ multiple styles, then the structure can be created first. But it's much easier to make part
+ of a structure, implement enough style functions to use it, then expand on it.
+ There are two documents available to help you learn about making styles. The first is a
+ step-by-step guide to making a new style and
+ structure. The second is a reference
+ manual for the structure system.
+ Responsibilities
+ Your style may create global definitions and so forth. In C/C++, definitions in one
+ source file can come into conflict with definitions in another. Here are the rules that
+ the system expects new styles to follow when creating such definitions:
+ The user should be able to use different specs with the same style and link
+ them together in the same program without conflicts. Files generated like this
+ should coexist. This effectively means that you need to make sure that your
+ names are prefixed with something spec-specific. The spec
+ table has functions to get an appropriate prefix; the
+ spec.DeclPrefix() function is the general prefix for
+ declaration/definitions of things that can conflict at link time.
+ The user should be able to supply a prefix with the -prefix
+ option. The user should be able to generate two separate source/header files
+ with the exact same options with the exception of the
+ prefixes. That is, the user can supply the same specification, version,
+ extensions list, etc. And both files should be able to be linked together into a
+ single program entirely without incident. Both loaders should be able to
+ co-exist peacefully; loading function pointers for one should not impact the
+ loading of function pointers for another
+ Note: if your style does static linking, such as for Linux or OSX, then the
+ part about loading pointers for one not impacting the other can be
+ ignored.
+ This rule effectively means that you must prefix every non-static definition.
+ Namespace scoping would also work, if you use the prefix as the namespace (or
+ prefix the namespace with it).
+ The prefix string is in options.prefix . Note that it will
+ always be present; if you want to test for a user-defined prefix, test it
+ against the empty string.
+ So decorate names that can conflict with the user-prefix and the
+ spec's prefix. In C, you'll have to prefix the actual names.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Function_CPP.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Function_CPP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c080e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Function_CPP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Style Function C++
+ The func_cpp style is functionally equivalent to pointer_cpp in every way except
+ for one. Instead of using function pointers directly, it uses inline functions in the
+ headers. These forward the calls to the function pointers.
+ The only reason to use this style over pointer_cpp
+ is that it makes it easier for IDEs and other autocompletion tools to recognize a function
+ call. Many such tools can handle function pointers, but if yours cannot, you can use this to
+ give it the help it needs.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_GL_Load.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_GL_Load.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..583f7fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_GL_Load.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Style GL Load
+ Reserved for future use.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_C.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_C.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25951b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_C.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Style No Load C
+ The noload_c style works a lot like the near-defunct GLee loader. You
+ don't need to call a function to load all of the function pointers; instead, you simply call
+ the GL functions as normal. If it hasn't been loaded, it will be. This makes it among the
+ most user-friendly of the loader styles.
+ As a C style, it follows the naming conventions of the pointer_c style. It prefixes enums and
+ functions with GL/WGL/GLX and gl/wgl/glX as
+ appropriate.
+ The system is designed to be automatic, responding to your application's needs. However,
+ calling a function that cannot be loaded from the implementation will result in a
+ crash.
+ To help alleviate this, the system does have variables to tell you which extensions are
+ available (at least, according to the extension strings). They are named by this convention
+ ogl/wgl/glx_exts_<extension name> . These are
+ int types. However, unlike the magic function pointers, you have to
+ call another function to initialize them. You must call
+ ogl/wgl/glx_CheckExtensions . This function only checks what is
+ exported by the extension string, so it cannot report on the number of functions that failed
+ to load.
+ Example
+ This example is for loading the OpenGL functions; it expects the OpenGL header to be
+ included. For loading WGL/GLX functions, include their headers and change the
+ ogl_ prefixes to wgl or glx
+ as appropriate.
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+ That was a trick question: there is no initialization required. That is the whole
+ point of this style, after all.
+ However, if you want to query which extensions are around, you
+ need to initialize that:
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+ The presence of extensions can be checked as follows:
+ if(ogl_exts_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ void *decompressedPixels = DecompressPixels(256, 256,
+ compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ GLRGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, decompressedPixels);
+ free(decompressedPixels);
+ Versions
+ When you use this system and provide a version number of OpenGL,
+ noload_c will assume that you are serious
+ about that version number. Which means that if you create a 3.3 header, and you do not
+ supply a context that claims support for at least OpenGL version 3.3, crashing
+ may occur .
+ In particular, OpenGL changed the mechanism to check for the presence/absence of
+ extensions in version 3.0. Therefore, noload_c will also change how
+ it checks for the presence/absence of extensions based on that. If you provide a version
+ 3.0 or greater, it will use the new style of extension querying. Thus, if your context
+ is only version 2.1, then this style will be unable to function and will likely crash
+ when it fails to load an appropriate function pointer.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_CPP.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_CPP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d75e3dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_No_Load_CPP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Style No Load C++
+ The noload_cpp style works a lot like the near-defunct GLee loader. You
+ don't need to call a function to load all of the function pointers; instead, you simply call
+ the GL functions as normal. If it hasn't been loaded, it will be. This makes it among the
+ most user-friendly of the loader styles.
+ As a C++ style, it follows the naming conventions of the pointer_cpp style. Everything is scoped into
+ namespaces. The enumerators don't have the GL_ prefix on them, and so
+ forth.
+ The system is designed to be automatic, responding to your application's needs. However,
+ calling a function that the implementation does not provide will result in a crash, just as
+ it would for the previous system.
+ To help alleviate this, the system does have variables to tell you which extensions are
+ available (at least, according to the extension strings). They are located in the
+ exts namespace, using the var_<extension name>
+ syntax, and they are C++ bool types. However, unlike the magic function
+ pointers, you have to actually initialize them. You can call
+ sys::CheckExtensions to initialize them. This function only
+ initializes the extension variables, so it cannot report on the number of functions that
+ failed to load.
+ Example
+ This example is for loading the OpenGL functions; it expects the OpenGL header to be
+ included. For loading WGL/GLX functions, include their headers and change the
+ gl
namespaces to wgl
or glx
+ appropriate.
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+ That was a trick question: there is no initialization required. That is the whole
+ point of this style, after all.
+ However, if you want to query which extensions are around, you
+ need to initialize that:
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+ The presence of extensions can be checked as follows:
+ if(gl::exts::var_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ gl::CompressedTexSubImage2D(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ gl::COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ void *decompressedPixels = DecompressPixels(256, 256,
+ compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ gl::TexSubImage2D(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, decompressedPixels);
+ free(decompressedPixels);
+ Versions
+ When you use this system and provide a version number of OpenGL,
+ noload_cpp will assume that you are serious
+ about that version number. Which means that if you create a 3.3 header, and you do not
+ supply a context that claims support for at least OpenGL version 3.3, crashing
+ may occur .
+ In particular, OpenGL changed the mechanism to check for the presence/absence of
+ extensions in version 3.0. Therefore, noload_cpp will also change how
+ it checks for the presence/absence of extensions based on that. If you provide a version
+ 3.0 or greater, it will use the new style. Thus, if your context is only version 2.1,
+ then this style will be unable to function and will likely crash when it fails to load
+ an appropriate function pointer.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_C.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_C.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1e13dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_C.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ Style Pointer C
+ The pointer_c style is the default style. It is also the one that most
+ mimics the way common OpenGL loaders work. This style generates a .h
+ and .c file. The header file can be included by C and C++; the source
+ file should be compiled as C. The generated source is compatible with C89.
+ Since these are compatible with C, all of the typedefs, enumerations, extension variables,
+ and function pointers are global. The extension variables are of type
+ int . Enumerations are #define s. The functions are
+ function pointers with mangled names that have been #define d into the
+ real OpenGL function name. The latter is done to avoid name conflicts with static linking of
+ certain core OpenGL function names.
+ The function that loads the extensions and OpenGL version is called
+ LoadFunction , prefixed by a specification-specific prefix. The return
+ value of this function, as well as the value stored in the extension variables, is special.
+ There is an enumeration, prefixed again by the spec-specific prefix.
+ If the value is LOAD_FAILED , then the extension was not found in the
+ extension string, so no attempt was made to load it. If the value is
+ LOAD_SUCCEEDED , then the extension was loaded in its entirety (all
+ function pointers accounted for, if it has some). Otherwise, some number of function
+ pointers failed to load. To get the number of functions that failed to load for the
+ extension, take the integer value and subtract LOAD_SUCCEEDED from
+ it.
+ The return value for the function loader works mostly the same way.
+ LOAD_FAILED does not signal the failure to load the core functions or
+ some extensions. It signals the failure of the process to work at all.
+ This is for something very basic, like the failure to get the function pointers needed to
+ get the extension string. Without the extension string, we cannot detect what should and
+ shouldn't be loaded. Therefore, if this is returned, nothing was
+ loaded.
+ For non-fail states, the value works like for the individual extension variables, except
+ that the number that failed to load refer to core functions. So for specs that don't load
+ core functions, it will always return LOAD_SUCCEEDED .
+ Also, this style will generate functions to query the version of the OpenGL context. They
+ are:
+ <prefix>ogl_GetMajorVersion() : Returns an integer
+ identifying the major version number of this OpenGL context.
+ <prefix>ogl_GetMinorVersion() : Returns an integer
+ identifying the minor version number of this OpenGL context.
+ <prefix>ogl_ogl_IsVersionGEQ(int majorVersion, int
+ minorVersion) : Returns non-zero if the current context version is
+ larger than or equal to the given major and minor versions.
+ Example
+ This example is for loading the OpenGL functions; it expects the OpenGL header
+ generated by glLoadGen to be included. For loading WGL/GLX functions, include their
+ headers and change the ogl
s to wgl
or glx
+ as appropriate.
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+int loaded = ogl_LoadFunctions();
+if(loaded == ogl_LOAD_FAILED)
+ //The context cannot work with the generated headers for some reason. Abort.
+ //Destroy the context
+ return;
+int num_failed = loaded - ogl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED;
+printf("Number of functions that failed to load: %i.\n", num_failed);
+ The presence of extensions can be checked as follows:
+ if(ogl_ext_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc != ogl_LOAD_FAILED)
+ glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ void *decompressedPixels = DecompressPixels(256, 256,
+ compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, decompressedPixels);
+ free(decompressedPixels);
+ Of course, this requires asking for the
+ EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extension on the command-line (or in
+ a referenced file).
+ Versions
+ When you use this system and provide a version number of OpenGL,
+ pointer_c will assume that you are serious
+ about that version number. Which means that if you create a 3.3 header, and you do not
+ supply a context that claims support for at least OpenGL version 3.3, loading failure
+ may occur.
+ In particular, OpenGL changed the mechanism to check for the presence/absence of
+ extensions in version 3.0. Therefore, pointer_c will also change how
+ it checks for the presence/absence of extensions based on that. If you provide a version
+ 3.0 or greater, it will use the new style. Thus, if your context is only version 2.1,
+ then this style will be unable to function and will return
+ Compatibility
+ This style is intended to be maximally compatible with regular OpenGL programs. You
+ should be able to take this header and include it into a standard GL program and use it
+ as is. Furthermore, it should be compatible with other systems like FreeGLUT, GLFW, and
+ so forth, as it provides information in the way that traditional OpenGL headers
+ do.
+ However, in all cases, you should include these generated headers
+ before anything from FreeGLUT, GLFW, etc.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_CPP.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_CPP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9e80d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Style_Pointer_CPP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ Style Pointer C++
+ The pointer_cpp style is designed to work well in C++. Where
+ pointer_c maximizes interoperability with other systems (it defines
+ global functions with the expected C names), pointer_cpp is primarily
+ about making it easy for intellisense and the like to find the function definitions for easy
+ work.
+ With the exception of the typedefs, everything lives in a C++ namespace based on each
+ spec: gl , wgl , and glX (the same
+ names that would have gone on the front of the function names). If the
+ -prefix option was provided, then the spec namespace will itself be
+ within a namespace named for the prefix.
+ The extension variables are in their own namespace:
+ <prefix>::<spec>::exts . The type of the variable is not a mere
+ bool ; it is an exts::LoadTest . This type is
+ convertible to bool (via the safe-bool idiom, so no need to worry about that), but it also
+ has a function to see how many functions failed to load for that extension. It will always
+ report that it loaded if the extension string is in the spec; the
+ exts::LoadTest::GetNumFailed() will return the number of functions
+ that failed to load (if any).
+ The enumerators are actual C++ enums now. There is no enumeration name; all of the enums
+ live in one big enumeration. Because the enumerators are namespace-qualified now, there is
+ no need to put the (W)GL(X)_ in front of them. So we do not. However,
+ this causes two problems:
+ Some enumerators (2D , for example. Yes, that is an OpenGL
+ enumerator; it's for feedback rendering) begin with characters that C++ doesn't
+ allow as identifiers. Thus, these enumerators are prefixed with an
+ _
character. So 2D
+ becomes _2D .
+ Certain enumerators use widely used by OS's for various things. Windows for
+ example #define s TRUE and
+ FALSE , among others. There's no automated way to detect this,
+ so there's just a list of the known ones. The C++ standard states that all
+ identifiers that begin with an underscore followed by a capital letter are reserved
+ for the standard library. So we cannot prefix them with an underscore; instead, we
+ suffix them with one. So TRUE becomes
+ TRUE_ .
+ The functions are function pointers, but their names are not hidden behind a
+ #define . This should allow code-completion tools to be more useful.
+ They also aren't prefixed with (w)gl(X) , since they live in a
+ namespace.
+ The system functions (the function that loads the function pointers, version getting, etc)
+ are contained in the <prefix>::<spec>::sys namespace. The loader
+ function will always be called LoadFunctions . It returns an
+ ext::LoadTest , which works as above. It will only be false if it
+ couldn't even attempt to load functions (due to being unable to get the extension string).
+ The number of functions that failed to load refers to the core functions (and core extension
+ functions).
+ Example
+ This example is for loading the OpenGL functions; it expects the OpenGL header to be
+ included. For loading WGL/GLX functions, include their headers and change the
+ gl
namespaces to wgl
or glx
+ appropriate.
+ //Create OpenGL context and make it current.
+gl::exts::LoadTest didLoad = gl::sys::LoadFunctions();
+ //The context cannot work with the generated headers for some reason. Abort.
+ //Destroy the context
+ return;
+printf("Number of functions that failed to load: %i.\n", didLoad.GetNumMissing());
+ The presence of extensions can be checked as follows:
+ if(gl::exts::var_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ gl::CompressedTexSubImage2D(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ gl::COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ void *decompressedPixels = DecompressPixels(256, 256,
+ compressedSize, compressedPixels);
+ gl::TexSubImage2D(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256,
+ gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, decompressedPixels);
+ free(decompressedPixels);
+ Versions
+ When you use this system and provide a version number of OpenGL,
+ pointer_cpp will assume that you are serious
+ about that version number. Which means that if you create a 3.3 header, and you do not
+ supply a context that claims support for at least OpenGL version 3.3, loading failure
+ may occur.
+ In particular, OpenGL changed the mechanism to check for the presence/absence of
+ extensions in version 3.0. Therefore, pointer_cpp will also change
+ how it checks for the presence/absence of extensions based on that. If you provide a
+ version 3.0 or greater, it will use the new style. Thus, if your context is only version
+ 2.1, then this style will be unable to function and will return
+ Compatibility
+ These headers are "compatible" with headers from other libraries (FreeGLUT, GLFW,
+ etc), but only in the sense that they define the appropriate typedefs globally. If any
+ of these headers have inline functions that make calls into GL, expecting functions to
+ be named in the standard GL style, then they're in trouble. Also, these headers
+ prevent the later inclusion of gl.h and
+ similar headers, so that kind of code will likely complain.
+ If you're using some kind of hybrid like this, you need to create an insulation layer
+ between those inline functions and the appropriate typedefs.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Styles.xml b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Styles.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb91e113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/Styles.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ Styles
+ The -style command line option defines how the header and source files
+ are generated. They will always generate the same information (more or less); the difference
+ between styles explains the form that this information takes. The information generated
+ is:
+ Typedefs for OpenGL types (GLenum , GLint ,
+ etc).
+ A means to tell whether each of the extensions specified by the user is loaded or
+ not. This is usually exposed via a global variable who's name contains the extension
+ name.
+ The enumerators for all of the extensions specified as well as any specified
+ OpenGL versions/profiles (where applicable).
+ Functions (whether function pointers or something else, that's up to the style)
+ for the various extensions specified, as well as any specified OpenGL
+ versions/profiles (where applicable).
+ A function that will load all function pointers. Even if the style uses static
+ linking, a function will still be provided. Until this function is called, you
+ cannot use any of the mechanisms to test whether an extension is loaded, nor can you
+ call any other functions.
+ The function's return value will be a status code saying whether it succeeded.
+ Success is defined solely in terms of loading the specified core OpenGL version;
+ therefore, WGL or GLX loader functions will always succeed
. Test for
+ individual extensions if you want to know what happened there.
+ Optionally, if using the OpenGL specification, the style will export a number of
+ useful helper functions to query OpenGL version information. This is
+ per-style.
+ The different types of styles will decide what form these take (enumerators could be
+ const variables of some kind instead of the usual
+ #define s, for example). But each style must provide this set of
+ information.
+ Available styles
+ There are a number of styles available, with documentation explaining exactly what
+ they generate:
+ pointer_c :
+ Function-pointer-based style for C. It is the most widely compatible, comparable
+ to GLEW. It has variables to test whether an extension was loaded (and how many
+ of its functions were loaded). Like GLEW, it requires calling an initialization
+ function to set it up. This is best used for C or C++ users who need to be able
+ to share the headers with other tools (note: usually, you don't need to do
+ this).
+ pointer_cpp :
+ Function-pointer-based style for C++. It wraps all function pointers, extension
+ variables, and enumerators in a namespace (not the typedefs). It requires
+ calling an initialization function to set it up. This is best used for C++ users
+ who don't need compatibility, but would like OpenGL stuff to not pollute the
+ global namespace so much.
+ func_cpp :
+ Inline-function-based style for C++. This means that the header contains actual
+ inline functions, which forward their parameters to the actual function pointers
+ internally. Like pointer_cpp , most of OpenGL is in a
+ namespace. This is best used for C++ users who want the best possible
+ autocompletion from their IDE or coding tool of choice.
+ noload_c :
+ Automatic loading style for C. This is similar to the old loading tool GLee.
+ Unlike the other styles, it does not require an initialization function; you
+ simply call whatever function you want to use. The first time a call is
+ encountered, it will load that function. This is best used for C or C++ users
+ who don't want to do explicit initialization, and also want header compatibility
+ like pointer_c .
+ noload_cpp :
+ Automatic loading style for C++. This is similar to the old loading tool GLee.
+ Unlike the other styles, it does not require an initialization function; you
+ simply call whatever function you want to use. The first time a call is
+ encountered, it will load that function. It will wrap most of OpenGL in a
+ namespace. This is best used for C++ users who don't want to do explicit
+ initialization.
+ Core Extensions
+ OpenGL 3.0 introduced the concept of core extensions.
Normally with
+ extensions, even ARB extensions, the enumerators, functions and typedefs end in the
+ extension type suffix: ARB, EXT, etc. This allows any extension that is to be inducted
+ into the core to have its behavior modified where necessary.
+ With GL 3.0, the ARB changed things by making certain extensions core extensions.
+ These are extensions where their declarations don't have the extension suffix. This
+ represents APIs that do not change between extension and core. As such, the
+ enums/functions/etc are considered part of both the extension and a version of
+ OpenGL.
+ Core extensions are special in that part of OpenGL is effectively in an extension. For
+ example, ARB_uniform_buffer_object is a core extension; all of the functions/enums it
+ defines are part of GL 3.1 as well as the extension.
+ Because of this, it is possible to ask for GL 3.1 (which will provide those
+ functions/enums) and ARB_uniform_buffer_object at the same time. Or
+ to ask for GL 3.0 (where it isn't core) and ARB_uniform_buffer_object. Or to ask for GL
+ 3.1 without explicitly asking for ARB_uniform_buffer_object.
+ The way this works is as follows. If you explicitly ask for an extension, the system
+ will always provide you a way to query whether that extension is
+ loaded. If you don't ask for the extension, but the version number effectively requires
+ that extension (asking for GL 3.1+ requires ARB_uniform_buffer_object), you'll still get
+ the enums and functions, but you won't get a way to query whether
+ that extension specifically is loaded.
+ In short, if you want GL 4.2, but you want to verify whether particular parts are
+ available,
(ie: if you only get GL version 4.1, but there are 4.2
+ features exposed via extensions), you must explicitly request each extension.
+ Compatibility profile
+ The compatibility profile complicates code generation a bit. The system will do its
+ best to cull inappropriate enumerators/functions based on core/compatibility.
+ However, this may not be possible in every case. For example, take the
+ GL_QUADS enumerator. This enumerator was defined way back in GL
+ 1.1. But 3.1 removed it, so if you ask for a 3.1 core header, you shouldn't get
+ The problem is that it didn't stay removed. GL
+ 4.0/ARB_tessellation_shader brought it back (though only as a tessellation target).
+ Which means if you ask for a 3.1 core header it should be gone, but if you ask for a 3.1
+ core header that includes ARB_tessellation_shader, it should return. As it should if you
+ ask for a 4.1 core header (with or without ARB_tessellation_shader).
+ This system cannot due that, primarily because the source of the OpenGL specification
+ information (the .spec files, as processed through various scripts) does not provide
+ enough information. The spec files only define what is core or compatibility in the
+ current OpenGL version, not what used to be core for a while, then
+ was only in compatibility, then came back into core.
+ Therefore, the system errs on the side of being inclusive. If it came back into core,
+ it is considered to have never left core OpenGL. Thus, if you ask
+ the system for 3.1, core profiles, you will see GL_QUADS , as well as
+ a few others. The number of these are rather few, so it should not be a problem.
+ User-created styles
+ The style mechanism is designed to be extensible. You should be able to write new
+ styles relatively painlessly. This system is covered
+ in some detail. The general idea is that you write a Lua script that exposes
+ a number of functions. Then you hook this script into the build system by adding a line
+ of code to one of the files. At which point, you're done. Making the style script is the
+ hard part.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/TagsToSupport.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/TagsToSupport.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e79488b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/TagsToSupport.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* orderedlist, itemizedlist, listitem
+* glosslist and its ilk.
+* programlisting
+* filename
+* literal
+* pg:pagelink, from the namespace https://bitbucket.org/alfonse/glloadgen
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToCreole.xsl b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToCreole.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..505cdcd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToCreole.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ ->
+ \\
+ **
+ **:
+ **
+ **:
+ {{{
+ **
+ **
+ //
+ //
+ **
+ **
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+ }}}
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+ }}}
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+ "
+ "
+ [[
+ |
+ ]]
+ [[
+ |
+ ]]
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+ //**
+ **//
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ [[
+ #!
+ |
+ ]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToMarkdown.xsl b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToMarkdown.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6cb1f24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/docs/ToMarkdown.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ >
+ *
+ 1.
+ **
+ **:
+ **
+ **:
+ {{{
+ **
+ **
+ //
+ //
+ **
+ **
+ //
+ //
+ {{{
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ }}}
+ **
+ **
+ "
+ "
+ [[
+ |
+ ]]
+ [[
+ |
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+ //**
+ **//
+ //**
+ **//
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ =
+ [[
+ #!
+ |
+ ]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_AMD_3_3.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_AMD_3_3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf7dd9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_AMD_3_3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+--ARB extensions implemented on 3.3 hardware by AMD.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_core_post_3_3.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_core_post_3_3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..468bb144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_core_post_3_3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--Core extensions frequently provided for 3.3-class hardware, yet aren't part of core 3.3.
+--The extensions were added after 3.3 and there was no 3.4 to drop them into.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_macosx_3_2.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_macosx_3_2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f278b92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_macosx_3_2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+-- All of the extensions supported by core 3.2 in MacOSX.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_plat_3_3.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_plat_3_3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8761725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_plat_3_3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-- Platform-specific non-core extensions that provide access to hardware features.
+-- These extensions are fairly widely implemented.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_ubiquitous.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_ubiquitous.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd3801a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/gl_ubiquitous.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+--Extensions that are *widely* available and vital for basic functionality.
+--IE: things that should be core, but aren't.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/glx_common.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/glx_common.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24c49c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/glx_common.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_AMD.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_AMD.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..060ac41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_AMD.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_NV.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_NV.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84ae58f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_NV.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_common.txt b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_common.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f54fe7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/extfiles/wgl_common.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glspec.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glspec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f01c2aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glspec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,114804 @@
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetUniformi64vNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT *]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program4]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[bufsize]==],
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+ [==[NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_paletted_texture]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ResolveDepthValuesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_sample_locations]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[IndexPointerListIBM]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[IBM_vertex_array_lists]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sfactorRGB]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sfactorAlpha]==],
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+ [==[INGR_blend_func_separate]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint64EXT *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[primitiveMode]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_transform_feedback]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[s]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[monitor]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ClipControl]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_clip_control]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numSurfaces]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_vdpau_interop]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_fog_coord]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sampler]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_bindless_texture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_light_texture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[shader]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[BindBufferBaseEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_transform_feedback]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[matrixMode]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.6]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetnPolygonStipple]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[weight]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_weighting]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[2.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[surface]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[gpuMask]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64 *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_timer_query]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLenum *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[IBM_multimode_draw_arrays]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_convolution]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[queryId]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[source]==],
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+ [==[ARB_debug_output]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[component]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[unit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[objectType]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
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+ [==[NV_half_float]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[monitor]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[LinkProgramARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ [==[EXT_gpu_shader4]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[queryHandle]==],
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+ [==[INTEL_performance_query]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[a]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[op]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[arg1Mod]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ATI_fragment_shader]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[PolygonMode]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[EndPerfMonitorAMD]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[monitor]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SignalVkFenceNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vkFence]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_draw_vulkan_image]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[Color3usv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetShaderSourceARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[obj]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLcharARB *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[minX]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_ES3_2_compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ClearBufferfi]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stencil]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[bits]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[tx]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_multi_bind]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[DrawMeshArraysSUN]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[Disablei]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[LabelObjectEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ [==[EXT_debug_label]==],
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+ [==[AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[KHR_robustness]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[range]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[Color3sv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uniformBlockBinding]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ColorP3ui]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_explicit_multisample]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_flush_raster]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buf]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[ARB_matrix_palette]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[containerObj]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[rc]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[handle]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ATI_element_array]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OVR_multiview]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[EndVertexShaderEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetMaterialiv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_capture_slot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[shaderType]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VertexAttribPointerARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PointParameteri]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[framebuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateCommandListsNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[lists]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attachment]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[level]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[layer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[FramebufferTextureLayer]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetnUniformui64vARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[RasterPos3iv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[residences]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_fragment_program]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_map_buffer_range]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_multi_bind]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[indirect]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[stride]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_indirect_parameters]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_pixel_transform]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[ATI_element_array]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ [==[NV_conditional_render]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ [==[EXT_convolution]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vaobj]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_texture_compression]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fence]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[NV_half_float]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[frontfunc]==],
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+ [==[ATI_separate_stencil]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[primitiveMode]==],
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[state]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multi_draw_indirect]==],
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+ [==[NV_texture_multisample]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_blend]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[m]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transpose_matrix]==],
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+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[EndQuery]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_viewport_array]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[m]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLchar *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_subroutine]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
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+ [==[AMD_debug_output]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[IBM_vertex_array_lists]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_viewport_array]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[res]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[NormalStream3sATI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[variable]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_coordinate_frame]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[category]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[AMD_debug_output]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[MatrixFrustumEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[zNear]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[zFar]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[base]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ColorSubTableEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_color_subtable]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback3]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_blend_equation_advanced]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[bufferMode]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[2.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[gpu]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[SecondaryColor3uivEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhalfNV]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[numGroups]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[BufferStorageExternalEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_external_buffer]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramParameters4fvNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[LoadTransposeMatrixxOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[num_groups_x]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[num_groups_y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[num_groups_z]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group_size_x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group_size_y]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[ARB_compute_variable_group_size]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[shaderObj]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[string]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[Color3uiv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pathListMode]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[numPaths]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[paths]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pathBase]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[kerningScale]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[transformType]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[returnedSpacing]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramParameteri]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_get_program_binary]==],
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_occlusion_query]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_multi_draw_indirect]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[obj]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_draw_texture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ARB_point_parameters]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback_instanced]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[texCoordSet]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ [==[ARB_draw_instanced]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[KHR_debug]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetQueryIndexediv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback3]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ [==[ARB_window_pos]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[StringMarkerGREMEDY]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[len]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[GREMEDY_string_marker]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[handle]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_bindless_texture]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attachment]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffers]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BlendBarrierNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_blend_equation_advanced]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_bindless_texture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLhalfNV *]==],
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+ [==[NV_half_float]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.6]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[memory]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_gpu_shader4]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fence]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[vkSemaphore]==],
+ },
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+ [==[NV_draw_vulkan_image]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLhalfNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[StencilOp]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[zpass]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_occlusion_query]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[object]==],
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+ [==[APPLE_fence]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[Indexsv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[c]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[BlendFunci]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dst]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_copy_image]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[DrawRangeElementsEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_draw_range_elements]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_program4]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[metricQueryMask]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[metrics]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[values]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_convolution]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_gpu_program4]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[resultPath]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
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+ [==[SUN_global_alpha]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[Uniform1i64NV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[GlobalAlphaFactorbSUN]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbyte]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SUN_global_alpha]==],
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+ {
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SUNX_constant_data]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[SGI_color_table]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[baseinstance]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_base_instance]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[Uniform4ivARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_multisample]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGI_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_color_table]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[source]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ARB_debug_output]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGI_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_sprite]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_sprite]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_semaphore]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_pixel_texture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texCoordSet]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_list_priority]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ [==[NV_fence]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[vaobj]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[StopInstrumentsSGIX]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[marker]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReadInstrumentsSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[marker]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PollInstrumentsSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[marker_p]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[InstrumentsBufferSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void **]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[offset]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[FlushMappedNamedBufferRange]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[IsProgram]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[TexStorage2D]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_texture_storage]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[CopyPathNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[resultPath]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nz]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentMaterialiSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EvaluateDepthValuesARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_sample_locations]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SampleCoverageARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[invert]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_multisample]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentMaterialfvSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[TexCoord4f]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[s]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[t]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[r]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[q]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VertexAttribL3i64NV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentLightModelivSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentLightModeliSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SetFenceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fence]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[condition]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_fence]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FramebufferTextureEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attachment]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[level]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_geometry_program4]==],
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+ },
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[xoffset]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[yoffset]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[zoffset]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[imageSize]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[CompressedTextureSubImage3D]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentLightfvSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPointervEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void **]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numCoords]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coordType]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentColorMaterialSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[result]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[q]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[PresentFrameDualFillNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_slot]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[minPresentTime]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[beginPresentTimeId]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[presentDurationId]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target3]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fill3]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GenAsyncMarkersSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_async]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Vertex4bvOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
+ },
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+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPointeri_vEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void **]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[AsyncMarkerSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[marker]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_async]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[TexFilterFuncSGIS]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[filter]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIS_texture_filter4]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Tangent3svEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_coordinate_frame]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[z]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
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+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVariantFloatvEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ [==[NV_conservative_raster]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ATI_element_array]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[components]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_bindless_texture]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[DrawCommandsStatesNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_program5]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[arg2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ATI_fragment_shader]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[op]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[namelen]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[m]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v0]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramParameteriARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_geometry_shader4]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[APPLE_element_array]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[PathCoverDepthFuncNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[func]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateProgram]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GenLists]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BlendFuncSeparate]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sfactorAlpha]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dfactorAlpha]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[LightModelxOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetFixedvOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DrawCommandsStatesAddressNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[indirects]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLsizei *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sizes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[states]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fbos]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[UniformMatrix3x4fv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[transpose]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ShaderOp1EXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[op]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[res]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[arg1]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint64EXT *]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[VertexWeightPointerEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stride]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_weighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[FogxvOES]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[storageBlockIndex]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[storageBlockBinding]==],
+ },
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ResetHistogram]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DepthRangexOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[f]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[green]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[alpha]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programInterface]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetProgramInterfaceiv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_program_interface_query]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ClipPlanexOES]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[plane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v2]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v3]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniform4d]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ClearDepthxOES]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[imageSize]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[handle]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_bindless_texture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetInfoLogARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[obj]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxLength]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLcharARB *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[infoLog]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[AlphaFuncxOES]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[func]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbyte]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbyte]==],
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+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Vertex2bvOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
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+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ConservativeRasterParameterfNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_conservative_raster_dilate]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[table]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramParameteriEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_geometry_shader4]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_histogram]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_list_priority]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_list_priority]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetInstrumentsSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[resultPath]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[transformType]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[APPLE_fence]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ },
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ [==[ARB_shading_language_include]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_ES2_compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[marker]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_async]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[pixels]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[IBM_multimode_draw_arrays]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLvdpauSurfaceNV]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[VDPAUFiniNV]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vdpau_interop]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vertex_program4]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT]==],
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EdgeFlagPointerListIBM]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stride]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLboolean **]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[IBM_vertex_array_lists]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetActiveVaryingNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVaryingLocationNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLchar *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stencil]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[ClearNamedFramebufferfi]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[TexParameterIiv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[array]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[offset]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_array_object]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
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+ [==[APPLE_vertex_array_range]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[NormalP3ui]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[offset]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BeginTransformFeedbackNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[primitiveMode]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vaobj]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_texture_multisample]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[samples]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ [==[NV_texture_multisample]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DeleteStatesNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Clear]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT *]==],
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_texture_barrier]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CompileShaderARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[shaderObj]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Uniformui64vNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint64EXT *]==],
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VertexPointervINTEL]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void **]==],
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+ [==[INTEL_parallel_arrays]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VertexStream2dATI]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[IsBufferResidentNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[precision]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetShaderPrecisionFormat]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_ES2_compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeBufferResidentNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[framebuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[start]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_sample_locations]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPathParameterivNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[InvalidateBufferSubData]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_invalidate_subdata]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[WindowPos2dv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[variable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[portion]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PointParameterfv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetMapControlPointsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vstride]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[packed]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[points]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Fogi]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EvalCoord1dv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[u]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FinalCombinerInputNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[variable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[input]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mapping]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[componentUsage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PixelDataRangeNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_pixel_data_range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CombinerInputNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[portion]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[variable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[input]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mapping]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[componentUsage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PrimitiveRestartNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_primitive_restart]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoi64vNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_slot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint64EXT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MinSampleShading]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Uniform3ui64ARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoivNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_slot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CopyTextureImage2DEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[level]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[internalformat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[border]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MatrixRotatefEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[z]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readBuffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeBuffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readOffset]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeOffset]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniform4dvEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FlushPixelDataRangeNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_pixel_data_range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CombinerOutputNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[portion]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[abOutput]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[cdOutput]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sumOutput]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[scale]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[bias]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[abDotProduct]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[cdDotProduct]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[muxSum]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ListParameterivSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_list_priority]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetClipPlanexOES]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[plane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[indices]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[basevertex]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[DrawElementsBaseVertex]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PathGlyphRangeNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[firstPathName]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numGlyphs]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[handleMissingGlyphs]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pathParameterTemplate]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[emScale]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_timer_query]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[commands]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_register_combiners2]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numPaths]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coverMode]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[transformType]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64EXT]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numPaths]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[transformValues]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[CompressedTextureSubImage2D]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PathStencilDepthOffsetNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[PathParameterfvNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[level]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[layer]==],
+ },
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[matrixMode]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GlobalAlphaFactorfSUN]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SUN_global_alpha]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[z]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[Uniform4d]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetnUniformi64vARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[bufSize]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetNamedProgramivEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[memoryObject]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[MESA_window_pos]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[matrixMode]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[map]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[values]==],
+ },
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+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[PathGlyphsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[firstPathName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[charcodes]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pathParameterTemplate]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[emScale]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[tx]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[tz]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_coordinate_frame]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ClearStencil]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[s]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[commandsToDelete]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[commands]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[coordType]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coords]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[PushAttrib]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[FragmentLightiSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[light]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[param]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramBufferParametersfvNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_parameter_buffer_object]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[Fogfv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[AMD_draw_buffers_blend]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[gpu]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[filter]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[NV_gpu_program4]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[factor]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_geometry_program4]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[bufSize]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pixels]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pname]==],
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+ [==[EXT_light_texture]==],
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+ },
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_fragment_program]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ [==[NV_fragment_program]==],
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+ [==[NV_half_float]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[color]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ [==[NV_parameter_buffer_object]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fence]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_fence]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramParameter4dNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v0]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stage]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pattern]==],
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+ [==[EXT_multisample]==],
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLchar *]==],
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+ [==[NV_draw_vulkan_image]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_depth_buffer_float]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_draw_indirect]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_compute_shader]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DepthRangedNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[zNear]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_depth_buffer_float]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[dstLevel]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_copy_image]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLclampf]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_array_object]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CommandListSegmentsNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[list]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[shadertype]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[handle]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback3]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfixed *]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetnUniformfv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[KHR_robustness]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ [==[NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NVX_linked_gpu_multicast]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NVX_conditional_render]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[noInstances]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[queryId]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[HP_image_transform]==],
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+ [==[HP_image_transform]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[HP_image_transform]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[filter]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_histogram]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ClipPlanefOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[plane]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OES_single_precision]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ [==[EXT_point_parameters]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[BlendEquation]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VariantusvEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[res]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[res]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ShaderOp3EXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[op]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[VertexPointerEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLboolean *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[FogCoordd]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coord]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[VertexAttrib2sARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[i]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
+ },
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[name]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[renderbuffertarget]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Uniform1ivARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_coordinate_frame]==],
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+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
+ },
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[UnmapNamedBuffer]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_blend]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_perturb_normal]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MatrixLoadTransposedEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[BindTextureEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[VertexStream4svATI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[stream]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ClearColorIuiEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[alpha]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_integer]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EvalCoord1xOES]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[u]==],
+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texunit]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Color3bv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[EndTransformFeedback]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BlendColorEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[alpha]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_blend_color]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetnConvolutionFilter]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[image]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ClearColorIiEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_integer]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[normalized]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[VertexAttribP2ui]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[Normal3sv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[MulticastCopyBufferSubDataNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readGpu]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeGpuMask]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readBuffer]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readOffset]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeOffset]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EndOcclusionQueryNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_occlusion_query]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_capture_slot]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_cull_vertex]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_texture3D]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_index_material]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ActiveStencilFaceEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[face]==],
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+ [==[EXT_stencil_two_side]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
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+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniform4uivEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[bindingindex]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[RasterPos3dv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfixed]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_separate_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[BinormalPointerEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLchar *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_subroutine]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ATI_fragment_shader]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLubyte]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[FrontFace]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[MultiDrawElements]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[drawcount]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[v1]==],
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLDEBUGPROCAMD]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[callback]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[numlevels]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[minlayer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numlayers]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[SGIS_point_parameters]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ [==[EXT_semaphore]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[semaphore]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fence]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[semaphore]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_array_object]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_semaphore]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[containerObj]==],
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+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[samples]==],
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+ [==[MESA_window_pos]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.3]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLhandleARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[programObj]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_subroutine]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbyte]==],
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+ [==[EXT_pixel_transform]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ [==[APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
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+ [==[NV_bindless_texture]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_color_buffer_float]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_debug_marker]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_multisample]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
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+ [==[EXT_multi_draw_arrays]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLshort *]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[texture]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[HP_image_transform]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[basevertex]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[baseinstance]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_base_instance]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[TbufferMask3DFX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[3DFX_tbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SignalVkSemaphoreNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vkSemaphore]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_draw_vulkan_image]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[t]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[q]==],
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+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[program]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[bufferMode]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_transform_feedback]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FogFuncSGIS]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[n]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIS_fog_function]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[level]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPerfCounterInfoINTEL]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[queryId]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterId]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterNameLength]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterDescLength]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterDesc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterOffset]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterDataSize]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterTypeEnum]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[counterDataTypeEnum]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[rawCounterMaxValue]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[INTEL_performance_query]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramLocalParameterI4uivNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLuint *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_gpu_program4]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
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+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[internalformat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ ["name"] = [==[GetInternalformativ]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.2]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_internalformat_query]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[buffer]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void **]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CurrentPaletteMatrixARB]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[index]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_matrix_palette]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ColorPointerListIBM]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[ptrstride]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[IBM_vertex_array_lists]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLfloat *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[WindowPos3dv]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[renderbuffer]==],
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coord]==],
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+ [==[EXT_fog_coord]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coord]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[coord]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat *]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_draw_instanced]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vaobj]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[LoadMatrixf]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[m]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_occlusion_query]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[barriers]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLchar *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_shader_subroutine]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[monitor]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v3]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramUniform4f]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[ClearColor]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLshort]==],
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+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[identifier]==],
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+ {
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
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+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble *]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_bindless_texture]==],
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+ {
+ [==[4.5]==],
+ [==[core]==],
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+ {
+ [==[2.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLint *]==],
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+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[c]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SecondaryColor3bv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLbyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DrawArraysInstanced]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[3.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[first]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[instancecount]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pipeline]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindProgramPipeline]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.1]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ProgramStringARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[format]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[len]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[string]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[RasterPos4d]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[z]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLdouble]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EvalCoord1f]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[u]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SecondaryColor3i]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[red]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[green]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[blue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[location]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[transpose]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[UniformMatrix3x4dv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[4.0]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SecondaryColor3dv]==],
+ ["core"] = {
+ {
+ [==[1.4]==],
+ [==[core]==],
+ },
+ {
+ [==[3.2]==],
+ [==[compatibility]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLdouble *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[v]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["passthru"] = {
+ [==[#include ]==],
+ [==[#ifndef GLEXT_64_TYPES_DEFINED
+/* This code block is duplicated in glxext.h, so must be protected */
+/* Define int32_t, int64_t, and uint64_t types for UST/MSC */
+/* (as used in the GL_EXT_timer_query extension). */
+#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#elif defined(__sun__) || defined(__digital__)
+#if defined(__STDC__)
+#if defined(__arch64__) || defined(_LP64)
+typedef long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
+typedef long long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
+#endif /* __arch64__ */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#elif defined( __VMS ) || defined(__sgi)
+#elif defined(__SCO__) || defined(__USLC__)
+#elif defined(__UNIXOS2__) || defined(__SOL64__)
+typedef long int int32_t;
+typedef long long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
+#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+typedef __int32 int32_t;
+typedef __int64 int64_t;
+typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+/* Fallback if nothing above works */
+ [==[typedef unsigned int GLenum;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned char GLboolean;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;]==],
+ [==[typedef void GLvoid;]==],
+ [==[typedef signed char GLbyte;]==],
+ [==[typedef short GLshort;]==],
+ [==[typedef int GLint;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned char GLubyte;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned short GLushort;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned int GLuint;]==],
+ [==[typedef int GLsizei;]==],
+ [==[typedef float GLfloat;]==],
+ [==[typedef float GLclampf;]==],
+ [==[typedef double GLdouble;]==],
+ [==[typedef double GLclampd;]==],
+ [==[typedef void *GLeglClientBufferEXT;]==],
+ [==[typedef char GLchar;]==],
+ [==[typedef char GLcharARB;]==],
+ [==[#ifdef __APPLE__
+typedef void *GLhandleARB;
+typedef unsigned int GLhandleARB;
+ [==[typedef unsigned short GLhalfARB;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned short GLhalf;]==],
+ [==[typedef GLint GLfixed;]==],
+ [==[typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr;]==],
+ [==[typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr;]==],
+ [==[typedef int64_t GLint64;]==],
+ [==[typedef uint64_t GLuint64;]==],
+ [==[typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptrARB;]==],
+ [==[typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptrARB;]==],
+ [==[typedef int64_t GLint64EXT;]==],
+ [==[typedef uint64_t GLuint64EXT;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct __GLsync *GLsync;]==],
+ [==[struct _cl_context;]==],
+ [==[struct _cl_event;]==],
+ [==[typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROC)(GLenum source,GLenum type,GLuint id,GLenum severity,GLsizei length,const GLchar *message,const void *userParam);]==],
+ [==[typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROCARB)(GLenum source,GLenum type,GLuint id,GLenum severity,GLsizei length,const GLchar *message,const void *userParam);]==],
+ [==[typedef void (APIENTRY *GLDEBUGPROCAMD)(GLuint id,GLenum category,GLenum severity,GLsizei length,const GLchar *message,void *userParam);]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned short GLhalfNV;]==],
+ [==[typedef GLintptr GLvdpauSurfaceNV;]==],
+ [==[typedef void (APIENTRY *GLVULKANPROCNV)(void);]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[3DFX_multisample]==],
+ [==[3DFX_tbuffer]==],
+ [==[3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1]==],
+ [==[AMD_blend_minmax_factor]==],
+ [==[AMD_conservative_depth]==],
+ [==[AMD_debug_output]==],
+ [==[AMD_depth_clamp_separate]==],
+ [==[AMD_draw_buffers_blend]==],
+ [==[AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions]==],
+ [==[AMD_gcn_shader]==],
+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_half_float]==],
+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int16]==],
+ [==[AMD_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[AMD_interleaved_elements]==],
+ [==[AMD_multi_draw_indirect]==],
+ [==[AMD_name_gen_delete]==],
+ [==[AMD_occlusion_query_event]==],
+ [==[AMD_performance_monitor]==],
+ [==[AMD_pinned_memory]==],
+ [==[AMD_query_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[AMD_sample_positions]==],
+ [==[AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture]==],
+ [==[AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops]==],
+ [==[AMD_shader_ballot]==],
+ [==[AMD_shader_stencil_export]==],
+ [==[AMD_shader_trinary_minmax]==],
+ [==[AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter]==],
+ [==[AMD_sparse_texture]==],
+ [==[AMD_stencil_operation_extended]==],
+ [==[AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod]==],
+ [==[AMD_texture_texture4]==],
+ [==[AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles]==],
+ [==[AMD_transform_feedback4]==],
+ [==[AMD_vertex_shader_layer]==],
+ [==[AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator]==],
+ [==[AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index]==],
+ [==[APPLE_aux_depth_stencil]==],
+ [==[APPLE_client_storage]==],
+ [==[APPLE_element_array]==],
+ [==[APPLE_fence]==],
+ [==[APPLE_float_pixels]==],
+ [==[APPLE_flush_buffer_range]==],
+ [==[APPLE_object_purgeable]==],
+ [==[APPLE_rgb_422]==],
+ [==[APPLE_row_bytes]==],
+ [==[APPLE_specular_vector]==],
+ [==[APPLE_texture_range]==],
+ [==[APPLE_transform_hint]==],
+ [==[APPLE_vertex_array_object]==],
+ [==[APPLE_vertex_array_range]==],
+ [==[APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators]==],
+ [==[APPLE_ycbcr_422]==],
+ [==[ARB_ES2_compatibility]==],
+ [==[ARB_ES3_1_compatibility]==],
+ [==[ARB_ES3_2_compatibility]==],
+ [==[ARB_ES3_compatibility]==],
+ [==[ARB_arrays_of_arrays]==],
+ [==[ARB_base_instance]==],
+ [==[ARB_bindless_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_blend_func_extended]==],
+ [==[ARB_buffer_storage]==],
+ [==[ARB_cl_event]==],
+ [==[ARB_clear_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_clear_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_clip_control]==],
+ [==[ARB_color_buffer_float]==],
+ [==[ARB_compatibility]==],
+ [==[ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage]==],
+ [==[ARB_compute_shader]==],
+ [==[ARB_compute_variable_group_size]==],
+ [==[ARB_conditional_render_inverted]==],
+ [==[ARB_conservative_depth]==],
+ [==[ARB_copy_buffer]==],
+ [==[ARB_copy_image]==],
+ [==[ARB_cull_distance]==],
+ [==[ARB_debug_output]==],
+ [==[ARB_depth_buffer_float]==],
+ [==[ARB_depth_clamp]==],
+ [==[ARB_depth_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_derivative_control]==],
+ [==[ARB_direct_state_access]==],
+ [==[ARB_draw_buffers]==],
+ [==[ARB_draw_buffers_blend]==],
+ [==[ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex]==],
+ [==[ARB_draw_indirect]==],
+ [==[ARB_draw_instanced]==],
+ [==[ARB_enhanced_layouts]==],
+ [==[ARB_explicit_attrib_location]==],
+ [==[ARB_explicit_uniform_location]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_coord_conventions]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_layer_viewport]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_program_shadow]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_shader]==],
+ [==[ARB_fragment_shader_interlock]==],
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments]==],
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
+ [==[ARB_geometry_shader4]==],
+ [==[ARB_get_program_binary]==],
+ [==[ARB_get_texture_sub_image]==],
+ [==[ARB_gl_spirv]==],
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader5]==],
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_fp64]==],
+ [==[ARB_gpu_shader_int64]==],
+ [==[ARB_half_float_pixel]==],
+ [==[ARB_half_float_vertex]==],
+ [==[ARB_imaging]==],
+ [==[ARB_indirect_parameters]==],
+ [==[ARB_instanced_arrays]==],
+ [==[ARB_internalformat_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_internalformat_query2]==],
+ [==[ARB_invalidate_subdata]==],
+ [==[ARB_map_buffer_alignment]==],
+ [==[ARB_map_buffer_range]==],
+ [==[ARB_matrix_palette]==],
+ [==[ARB_multi_bind]==],
+ [==[ARB_multi_draw_indirect]==],
+ [==[ARB_multisample]==],
+ [==[ARB_multitexture]==],
+ [==[ARB_occlusion_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_occlusion_query2]==],
+ [==[ARB_parallel_shader_compile]==],
+ [==[ARB_pipeline_statistics_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_pixel_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_point_parameters]==],
+ [==[ARB_point_sprite]==],
+ [==[ARB_polygon_offset_clamp]==],
+ [==[ARB_post_depth_coverage]==],
+ [==[ARB_program_interface_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_provoking_vertex]==],
+ [==[ARB_query_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior]==],
+ [==[ARB_robustness]==],
+ [==[ARB_robustness_isolation]==],
+ [==[ARB_sample_locations]==],
+ [==[ARB_sample_shading]==],
+ [==[ARB_sampler_objects]==],
+ [==[ARB_seamless_cube_map]==],
+ [==[ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_atomic_counters]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_ballot]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_bit_encoding]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_clock]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_draw_parameters]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_group_vote]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_image_load_store]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_image_size]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_objects]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_precision]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_stencil_export]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_subroutine]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_texture_image_samples]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_texture_lod]==],
+ [==[ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array]==],
+ [==[ARB_shading_language_100]==],
+ [==[ARB_shading_language_420pack]==],
+ [==[ARB_shading_language_include]==],
+ [==[ARB_shading_language_packing]==],
+ [==[ARB_shadow]==],
+ [==[ARB_shadow_ambient]==],
+ [==[ARB_sparse_buffer]==],
+ [==[ARB_sparse_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_sparse_texture2]==],
+ [==[ARB_sparse_texture_clamp]==],
+ [==[ARB_spirv_extensions]==],
+ [==[ARB_stencil_texturing]==],
+ [==[ARB_sync]==],
+ [==[ARB_tessellation_shader]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_barrier]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_border_clamp]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_buffer_range]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_compression]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_compression_bptc]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_compression_rgtc]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_cube_map]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_cube_map_array]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_env_add]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_env_combine]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_env_crossbar]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_env_dot3]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_filter_minmax]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_float]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_gather]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_multisample]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_non_power_of_two]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_query_levels]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_query_lod]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_rectangle]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_rg]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_stencil8]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_storage]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_storage_multisample]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_swizzle]==],
+ [==[ARB_texture_view]==],
+ [==[ARB_timer_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback2]==],
+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback3]==],
+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback_instanced]==],
+ [==[ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query]==],
+ [==[ARB_transpose_matrix]==],
+ [==[ARB_uniform_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_array_bgra]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_array_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_attrib_binding]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_blend]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_shader]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev]==],
+ [==[ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev]==],
+ [==[ARB_viewport_array]==],
+ [==[ARB_window_pos]==],
+ [==[ATI_draw_buffers]==],
+ [==[ATI_element_array]==],
+ [==[ATI_envmap_bumpmap]==],
+ [==[ATI_fragment_shader]==],
+ [==[ATI_map_object_buffer]==],
+ [==[ATI_meminfo]==],
+ [==[ATI_pixel_format_float]==],
+ [==[ATI_pn_triangles]==],
+ [==[ATI_separate_stencil]==],
+ [==[ATI_text_fragment_shader]==],
+ [==[ATI_texture_env_combine3]==],
+ [==[ATI_texture_float]==],
+ [==[ATI_texture_mirror_once]==],
+ [==[ATI_vertex_array_object]==],
+ [==[ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object]==],
+ [==[ATI_vertex_streams]==],
+ [==[EXT_422_pixels]==],
+ [==[EXT_abgr]==],
+ [==[EXT_bgra]==],
+ [==[EXT_bindable_uniform]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_color]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_equation_separate]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_func_separate]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_logic_op]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_minmax]==],
+ [==[EXT_blend_subtract]==],
+ [==[EXT_clip_volume_hint]==],
+ [==[EXT_cmyka]==],
+ [==[EXT_color_subtable]==],
+ [==[EXT_compiled_vertex_array]==],
+ [==[EXT_convolution]==],
+ [==[EXT_coordinate_frame]==],
+ [==[EXT_copy_texture]==],
+ [==[EXT_cull_vertex]==],
+ [==[EXT_debug_label]==],
+ [==[EXT_debug_marker]==],
+ [==[EXT_depth_bounds_test]==],
+ [==[EXT_direct_state_access]==],
+ [==[EXT_draw_buffers2]==],
+ [==[EXT_draw_instanced]==],
+ [==[EXT_draw_range_elements]==],
+ [==[EXT_external_buffer]==],
+ [==[EXT_fog_coord]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_blit]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_multisample]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
+ [==[EXT_geometry_shader4]==],
+ [==[EXT_gpu_program_parameters]==],
+ [==[EXT_gpu_shader4]==],
+ [==[EXT_histogram]==],
+ [==[EXT_index_array_formats]==],
+ [==[EXT_index_func]==],
+ [==[EXT_index_material]==],
+ [==[EXT_index_texture]==],
+ [==[EXT_light_texture]==],
+ [==[EXT_memory_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_memory_object_fd]==],
+ [==[EXT_memory_object_win32]==],
+ [==[EXT_misc_attribute]==],
+ [==[EXT_multi_draw_arrays]==],
+ [==[EXT_multisample]==],
+ [==[EXT_packed_depth_stencil]==],
+ [==[EXT_packed_float]==],
+ [==[EXT_packed_pixels]==],
+ [==[EXT_paletted_texture]==],
+ [==[EXT_pixel_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_pixel_transform]==],
+ [==[EXT_pixel_transform_color_table]==],
+ [==[EXT_point_parameters]==],
+ [==[EXT_polygon_offset]==],
+ [==[EXT_polygon_offset_clamp]==],
+ [==[EXT_post_depth_coverage]==],
+ [==[EXT_provoking_vertex]==],
+ [==[EXT_raster_multisample]==],
+ [==[EXT_rescale_normal]==],
+ [==[EXT_semaphore]==],
+ [==[EXT_semaphore_fd]==],
+ [==[EXT_semaphore_win32]==],
+ [==[EXT_secondary_color]==],
+ [==[EXT_separate_shader_objects]==],
+ [==[EXT_separate_specular_color]==],
+ [==[EXT_shader_image_load_formatted]==],
+ [==[EXT_shader_image_load_store]==],
+ [==[EXT_shader_integer_mix]==],
+ [==[EXT_shadow_funcs]==],
+ [==[EXT_shared_texture_palette]==],
+ [==[EXT_sparse_texture2]==],
+ [==[EXT_stencil_clear_tag]==],
+ [==[EXT_stencil_two_side]==],
+ [==[EXT_stencil_wrap]==],
+ [==[EXT_subtexture]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture3D]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_array]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_compression_latc]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_compression_rgtc]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_compression_s3tc]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_cube_map]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_env_add]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_env_combine]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_env_dot3]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_filter_minmax]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_integer]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_lod_bias]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_mirror_clamp]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_object]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_perturb_normal]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_sRGB]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_sRGB_decode]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_shared_exponent]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_snorm]==],
+ [==[EXT_texture_swizzle]==],
+ [==[EXT_timer_query]==],
+ [==[EXT_transform_feedback]==],
+ [==[EXT_vertex_array]==],
+ [==[EXT_vertex_array_bgra]==],
+ [==[EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit]==],
+ [==[EXT_vertex_shader]==],
+ [==[EXT_vertex_weighting]==],
+ [==[EXT_win32_keyed_mutex]==],
+ [==[EXT_window_rectangles]==],
+ [==[EXT_x11_sync_object]==],
+ [==[GREMEDY_frame_terminator]==],
+ [==[GREMEDY_string_marker]==],
+ [==[HP_convolution_border_modes]==],
+ [==[HP_image_transform]==],
+ [==[HP_occlusion_test]==],
+ [==[HP_texture_lighting]==],
+ [==[IBM_cull_vertex]==],
+ [==[IBM_multimode_draw_arrays]==],
+ [==[IBM_rasterpos_clip]==],
+ [==[IBM_static_data]==],
+ [==[IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat]==],
+ [==[IBM_vertex_array_lists]==],
+ [==[INGR_blend_func_separate]==],
+ [==[INGR_color_clamp]==],
+ [==[INGR_interlace_read]==],
+ [==[INTEL_conservative_rasterization]==],
+ [==[INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering]==],
+ [==[INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA]==],
+ [==[INTEL_map_texture]==],
+ [==[INTEL_parallel_arrays]==],
+ [==[INTEL_performance_query]==],
+ [==[KHR_blend_equation_advanced]==],
+ [==[KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent]==],
+ [==[KHR_context_flush_control]==],
+ [==[KHR_debug]==],
+ [==[KHR_no_error]==],
+ [==[KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior]==],
+ [==[KHR_robustness]==],
+ [==[KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr]==],
+ [==[KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr]==],
+ [==[KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d]==],
+ [==[MESAX_texture_stack]==],
+ [==[MESA_pack_invert]==],
+ [==[MESA_resize_buffers]==],
+ [==[MESA_shader_integer_functions]==],
+ [==[MESA_window_pos]==],
+ [==[MESA_ycbcr_texture]==],
+ [==[NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers]==],
+ [==[NVX_conditional_render]==],
+ [==[NVX_gpu_memory_info]==],
+ [==[NVX_linked_gpu_multicast]==],
+ [==[NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control]==],
+ [==[NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect]==],
+ [==[NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count]==],
+ [==[NV_bindless_texture]==],
+ [==[NV_blend_equation_advanced]==],
+ [==[NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent]==],
+ [==[NV_blend_minmax_factor]==],
+ [==[NV_blend_square]==],
+ [==[NV_clip_space_w_scaling]==],
+ [==[NV_command_list]==],
+ [==[NV_compute_program5]==],
+ [==[NV_conditional_render]==],
+ [==[NV_conservative_raster]==],
+ [==[NV_conservative_raster_dilate]==],
+ [==[NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles]==],
+ [==[NV_copy_depth_to_color]==],
+ [==[NV_copy_image]==],
+ [==[NV_deep_texture3D]==],
+ [==[NV_depth_buffer_float]==],
+ [==[NV_depth_clamp]==],
+ [==[NV_draw_texture]==],
+ [==[NV_draw_vulkan_image]==],
+ [==[NV_evaluators]==],
+ [==[NV_explicit_multisample]==],
+ [==[NV_fence]==],
+ [==[NV_fill_rectangle]==],
+ [==[NV_float_buffer]==],
+ [==[NV_fog_distance]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_coverage_to_color]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_program]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_program2]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_program4]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_program_option]==],
+ [==[NV_fragment_shader_interlock]==],
+ [==[NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples]==],
+ [==[NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage]==],
+ [==[NV_geometry_program4]==],
+ [==[NV_geometry_shader4]==],
+ [==[NV_geometry_shader_passthrough]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_program4]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_program5]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_shader5]==],
+ [==[NV_half_float]==],
+ [==[NV_internalformat_sample_query]==],
+ [==[NV_light_max_exponent]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_multicast]==],
+ [==[NV_multisample_coverage]==],
+ [==[NV_multisample_filter_hint]==],
+ [==[NV_occlusion_query]==],
+ [==[NV_packed_depth_stencil]==],
+ [==[NV_parameter_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[NV_parameter_buffer_object2]==],
+ [==[NV_path_rendering]==],
+ [==[NV_path_rendering_shared_edge]==],
+ [==[NV_pixel_data_range]==],
+ [==[NV_point_sprite]==],
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ [==[NV_primitive_restart]==],
+ [==[NV_register_combiners]==],
+ [==[NV_register_combiners2]==],
+ [==[NV_robustness_video_memory_purge]==],
+ [==[NV_sample_locations]==],
+ [==[NV_sample_mask_override_coverage]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_atomic_counters]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_atomic_float]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_atomic_float64]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_atomic_int64]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_load]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_buffer_store]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_storage_buffer_object]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_thread_group]==],
+ [==[NV_shader_thread_shuffle]==],
+ [==[NV_stereo_view_rendering]==],
+ [==[NV_tessellation_program5]==],
+ [==[NV_texgen_emboss]==],
+ [==[NV_texgen_reflection]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_barrier]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_compression_vtc]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_env_combine4]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_expand_normal]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_multisample]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_rectangle]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_rectangle_compressed]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_shader]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_shader2]==],
+ [==[NV_texture_shader3]==],
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback]==],
+ [==[NV_transform_feedback2]==],
+ [==[NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory]==],
+ [==[NV_vdpau_interop]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_array_range]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_array_range2]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program1_1]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program2]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program2_option]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program3]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_program4]==],
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ [==[NV_viewport_array2]==],
+ [==[NV_viewport_swizzle]==],
+ [==[OES_byte_coordinates]==],
+ [==[OES_compressed_paletted_texture]==],
+ [==[OES_fixed_point]==],
+ [==[OES_query_matrix]==],
+ [==[OES_read_format]==],
+ [==[OES_single_precision]==],
+ [==[OML_interlace]==],
+ [==[OML_resample]==],
+ [==[OML_subsample]==],
+ [==[OVR_multiview]==],
+ [==[OVR_multiview2]==],
+ [==[PGI_misc_hints]==],
+ [==[PGI_vertex_hints]==],
+ [==[REND_screen_coordinates]==],
+ [==[S3_s3tc]==],
+ [==[SGIS_detail_texture]==],
+ [==[SGIS_fog_function]==],
+ [==[SGIS_generate_mipmap]==],
+ [==[SGIS_multisample]==],
+ [==[SGIS_pixel_texture]==],
+ [==[SGIS_point_line_texgen]==],
+ [==[SGIS_point_parameters]==],
+ [==[SGIS_sharpen_texture]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture4D]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_border_clamp]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_color_mask]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_edge_clamp]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_filter4]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_lod]==],
+ [==[SGIS_texture_select]==],
+ [==[SGIX_async]==],
+ [==[SGIX_async_histogram]==],
+ [==[SGIX_async_pixel]==],
+ [==[SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax]==],
+ [==[SGIX_calligraphic_fragment]==],
+ [==[SGIX_clipmap]==],
+ [==[SGIX_convolution_accuracy]==],
+ [==[SGIX_depth_pass_instrument]==],
+ [==[SGIX_depth_texture]==],
+ [==[SGIX_flush_raster]==],
+ [==[SGIX_fog_offset]==],
+ [==[SGIX_fragment_lighting]==],
+ [==[SGIX_framezoom]==],
+ [==[SGIX_igloo_interface]==],
+ [==[SGIX_instruments]==],
+ [==[SGIX_interlace]==],
+ [==[SGIX_ir_instrument1]==],
+ [==[SGIX_list_priority]==],
+ [==[SGIX_pixel_texture]==],
+ [==[SGIX_pixel_tiles]==],
+ [==[SGIX_polynomial_ffd]==],
+ [==[SGIX_reference_plane]==],
+ [==[SGIX_resample]==],
+ [==[SGIX_scalebias_hint]==],
+ [==[SGIX_shadow]==],
+ [==[SGIX_shadow_ambient]==],
+ [==[SGIX_sprite]==],
+ [==[SGIX_subsample]==],
+ [==[SGIX_tag_sample_buffer]==],
+ [==[SGIX_texture_add_env]==],
+ [==[SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp]==],
+ [==[SGIX_texture_lod_bias]==],
+ [==[SGIX_texture_multi_buffer]==],
+ [==[SGIX_texture_scale_bias]==],
+ [==[SGIX_vertex_preclip]==],
+ [==[SGIX_ycrcb]==],
+ [==[SGIX_ycrcb_subsample]==],
+ [==[SGIX_ycrcba]==],
+ [==[SGI_color_matrix]==],
+ [==[SGI_color_table]==],
+ [==[SGI_texture_color_table]==],
+ [==[SUNX_constant_data]==],
+ [==[SUN_convolution_border_modes]==],
+ [==[SUN_global_alpha]==],
+ [==[SUN_mesh_array]==],
+ [==[SUN_slice_accum]==],
+ [==[SUN_triangle_list]==],
+ [==[SUN_vertex]==],
+ [==[WIN_phong_shading]==],
+ [==[WIN_specular_fog]==],
+ },
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glxspec.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glxspec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe2854ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/glspecs/glxspec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,3724 @@
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+ {
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+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
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+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
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+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
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+ {
+ ["value"] = [==[0x20D6]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ {
+ ["value"] = [==[0x8001]==],
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+ [==[EXT_visual_rating]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[ARB_multisample]==],
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+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
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+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
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+ [==[EXT_visual_info]==],
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+ [==[EXT_swap_control]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ [==[EXT_visual_info]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
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+ {
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ [==[ARB_create_context_robustness]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
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+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
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+ [==[EXT_visual_info]==],
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ [==[ARB_create_context]==],
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+ [==[ARB_context_flush_control]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[QueryHyperpipeConfigSGIX]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[npipes]==],
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+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
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+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ctx]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[Set3DfxModeMESA]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mode]==],
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+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbufferSGIX]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ctx]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
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+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[VideoDevice]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbuffer]==],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_texture_from_pixmap]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbuffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ {
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[device]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FreeContextEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_import_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxCount]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ids]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryContextInfoEXT]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[context]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
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+ },
+ },
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+ [==[EXT_import_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[__GLXextFuncPtr]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLubyte *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[procName]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_get_proc_address]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
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+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfig]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[share_context]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[direct]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_create_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryChannelRectSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
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+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dw]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dh]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryFrameCountNV]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCurrentReadDrawableSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_make_current_read]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CopyImageSubDataNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcLevel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcZ]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstLevel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY]==],
+ },
+ {
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+ ["name"] = [==[dstZ]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[width]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_copy_image]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CopyBufferSubDataNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readOffset]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeOffset]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_copy_buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[WaitForSbcOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_sbc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ust]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sbc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[device]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXPixmap]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateGLXPixmapMESA]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[XVisualInfo *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[visual]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Pixmap]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pixmap]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Colormap]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[cmap]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_pixmap_colormap]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContextID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetContextIDEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_import_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Status]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetTransparentIndexSUN]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Window]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[overlay]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Window]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[underlay]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pTransparentIndex]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SUN_get_transparent_index]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DestroyGLXVideoSourceSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoSourceSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[glxvideosource]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_source]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[JoinSwapGroupNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateContextWithConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[render_type]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[share_list]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[direct]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetAGPOffsetMESA]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_agp_offset]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[share_context]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nelements]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ChannelRectSyncSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[channel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[synctype]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[XVisualInfo *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoInfoNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pulCounterOutputPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pulCounterOutputVideo]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateAssociatedContextAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[share_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ChannelRectSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[channel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[h]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryGLXPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pbuf]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[JoinSwapGroupSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[member]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[device]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapIntervalSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[interval]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_swap_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetMscRateOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int32_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numerator]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int32_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[denominator]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryHyperpipeBestAttribSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[timeSlice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribList]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[returnAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindHyperpipeSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hpId]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ResetFrameCountNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindChannelToWindowSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[channel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Window]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[window]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetSelectedEventSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumerateVideoDevicesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nelements]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SelectEventSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindSwapBarrierSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_swap_barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryMaxSwapGroupsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxGroups]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxBarriers]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateGLXPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[width]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CopySubBufferMESA]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[width]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_copy_sub_buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryHyperpipeAttribSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[timeSlice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[returnAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_slot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[video_device]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib_list]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[LockVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[device]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[HyperpipeAttribSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[timeSlice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DestroyHyperpipeConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hpId]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseBuffersMESA]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_release_buffers]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[npipes]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapIntervalEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[interval]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_swap_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ctx]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QuerySwapGroupNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[XVisualInfo *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[vis]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoSourceSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateGLXVideoSourceSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[VLServer]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[server]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[VLPath]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[path]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nodeClass]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[VLNode]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drainNode]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_source]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ChooseFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attrib_list]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nelements]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numVideoDevices]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoDeviceNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pVideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[AssociateDMPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbufferSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[DMparams *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[params]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[DMbuffer]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dmbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_dmbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetFBConfigAttribSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseVideoImageNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXPbuffer]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pbuf]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCurrentDisplayEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_import_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapBuffersMscOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BlitContextFramebufferAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[filter]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[VideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_out]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryMaxSwapBarriersSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[max]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_swap_barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeCurrentReadSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[draw]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[read]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ctx]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_make_current_read]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[NamedCopyBufferSubDataNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readBuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeBuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readOffset]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLintptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writeOffset]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizeiptr]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_copy_buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryRendererIntegerMESA]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[renderer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[value]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[MESA_query_renderer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[WaitForMscOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ust]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int64_t *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sbc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXContext]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ImportContextEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXContextID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[contextID]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_import_context]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[WaitVideoSyncSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_video_sync]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CushionSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Window]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[window]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[float]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[cushion]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_cushion]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLXPixmap]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateGLXPixmapWithConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXFBConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[config]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Pixmap]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pixmap]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_fbconfig]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryChannelDeltasSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[display]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[screen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[channel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[w]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[h]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_video_resize]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[Bool]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DelayBeforeSwapNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXDrawable]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[drawable]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[seconds]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_delay_before_swap]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGPUInfoAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[property]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dataType]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoSyncSGI]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGI_video_sync]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[HyperpipeConfigSGIX]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[Display *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dpy]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[networkId]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[npipes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[cfg]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hpId]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[SGIX_hyperpipe]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["passthru"] = {
+ [==[#ifndef GLEXT_64_TYPES_DEFINED
+/* This code block is duplicated in glext.h, so must be protected */
+/* Define int32_t, int64_t, and uint64_t types for UST/MSC */
+/* (as used in the GLX_OML_sync_control extension). */
+#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#elif defined(__sun__) || defined(__digital__)
+#if defined(__STDC__)
+#if defined(__arch64__) || defined(_LP64)
+typedef long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
+typedef long long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
+#endif /* __arch64__ */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#elif defined( __VMS ) || defined(__sgi)
+#elif defined(__SCO__) || defined(__USLC__)
+#elif defined(__UNIXOS2__) || defined(__SOL64__)
+typedef long int int32_t;
+typedef long long int int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
+#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__)
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+typedef __int32 int32_t;
+typedef __int64 int64_t;
+typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+/* Fallback if nothing above works */
+ [==[typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec *GLXFBConfig;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXContextID;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct __GLXcontextRec *GLXContext;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXPixmap;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXDrawable;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXPbuffer;]==],
+ [==[typedef void (APIENTRY *__GLXextFuncPtr)(void);]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV;]==],
+ [==[typedef unsigned int GLXVideoDeviceNV;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXVideoSourceSGIX;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec *GLXFBConfigSGIX;]==],
+ [==[typedef XID GLXPbufferSGIX;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct {
+ int type;
+ unsigned long serial;
+ Bool send_event;
+ Display *display;
+ int extension;
+ int evtype;
+ GLXDrawable window;
+ Bool stereo_tree;
+} GLXStereoNotifyEventEXT;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct {
+ char pipeName[80]; /* Should be [GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX] */
+ int networkId;
+} GLXHyperpipeNetworkSGIX;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct {
+ char pipeName[80]; /* Should be [GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX] */
+ int channel;
+ unsigned int participationType;
+ int timeSlice;
+} GLXHyperpipeConfigSGIX;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct {
+ char pipeName[80]; /* Should be [GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX] */
+ int srcXOrigin, srcYOrigin, srcWidth, srcHeight;
+ int destXOrigin, destYOrigin, destWidth, destHeight;
+} GLXPipeRect;]==],
+ [==[typedef struct {
+ char pipeName[80]; /* Should be [GLX_HYPERPIPE_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH_SGIX] */
+ int XOrigin, YOrigin, maxHeight, maxWidth;
+} GLXPipeRectLimits;]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[3DFX_multisample]==],
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ [==[ARB_context_flush_control]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_no_error]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_profile]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_robustness]==],
+ [==[ARB_fbconfig_float]==],
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
+ [==[ARB_get_proc_address]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_make_current_read]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[ARB_pixel_format]==],
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+ [==[I3D_image_buffer]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[hDc]==],
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+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
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+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
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+ },
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+ [==[EXT_pixel_format]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
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+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
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+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group]==],
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+ ["name"] = [==[barrier]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnableFrameLockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_lock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const LPVOID *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pAddress]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_image_buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryFrameCountNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFEREXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreatePbufferEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iPixelFormat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iWidth]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iHeight]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SaveBufferRegionARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hRegion]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[x]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[y]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[width]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_buffer_region]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapBuffersMscOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BeginFrameTrackingI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_usage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPbufferDCEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFEREXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPixelFormatAttribfvARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iPixelFormat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iLayerPlane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[FLOAT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pfValues]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pixel_format]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetContextGPUIDAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hglrc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DelayBeforeSwapNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[seconds]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_delay_before_swap]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[LockVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXSetResourceShareHandleNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dxObject]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[shareHandle]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoInfoNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPVIDEODEV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hpVideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pulCounterOutputPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pulCounterOutputVideo]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateAssociatedContextAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SendPbufferToVideoNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iBufferType]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned long *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pulCounterPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[bBlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[numDevices]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPVIDEODEV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hVideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateDisplayColorTableEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_display_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXObjectAccessNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hObject]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseVideoImageNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iVideoBuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindVideoImageNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPVIDEODEV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hVideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iVideoBuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGenlockSourceI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uSource]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SetGammaTableParametersI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iAttribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_gamma]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindTexImageARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iBuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_render_texture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[LoadDisplayColorTableEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const GLushort *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[table]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[length]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_display_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetFrameUsageI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[float *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pUsage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_usage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[AllocateMemoryNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[readfreq]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[writefreq]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLfloat]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[priority]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vertex_array_range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EndFrameTrackingI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_usage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[IsEnabledGenlockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[BOOL *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pFlag]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[phDeviceList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[INT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGPUInfoAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[property]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dataType]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[size]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[data]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXOpenDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dxDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXUnregisterObjectNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hObject]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[VOID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DeleteBufferRegionARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hRegion]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_buffer_region]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumerateVideoDevicesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[phDeviceList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryCurrentContextNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iAttribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ResetFrameCountNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iPixelFormat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iLayerPlane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[FLOAT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pfValues]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pixel_format]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SetPbufferAttribARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_render_texture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryMaxSwapGroupsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxGroups]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxBarriers]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[WaitForMscOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ust]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sbc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[JoinSwapGroupNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleaseTexImageARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iBuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_render_texture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindVideoDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[unsigned int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uVideoSlot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hVideoDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[GLboolean]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindDisplayColorTableEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_display_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnableGenlockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DestroyPbufferARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXLockObjectsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hObjects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SetGammaTableI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iEntries]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puRed]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puGreen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puBlue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_gamma]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGammaTableI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iEntries]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puRed]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puGreen]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[USHORT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[puBlue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_gamma]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGPUIDsAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[maxCount]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ids]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hAffinityDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iGpuIndex]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGPUNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hGpu]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateAffinityDCNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const HGPUNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[phGpuList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXRegisterObjectNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dxObject]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[name]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[type]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[access]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hShareContext]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[attribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetGenlockSourceDelayI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uDelay]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumGpusNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iGpuIndex]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGPUNV *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[phGpu]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXUnlockObjectsNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[count]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hObjects]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetCurrentReadDCARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_make_current_read]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DeleteDCNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CopyImageSubDataNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hSrcRC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcLevel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcZ]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDstRC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLuint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstName]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstTarget]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstLevel]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstZ]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[width]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[height]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLsizei]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[depth]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_copy_image]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapIntervalEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[interval]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_swap_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BindVideoCaptureDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uVideoSlot]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DXCloseDeviceNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hglrc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[void]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[FreeMemoryNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[void *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pointer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_vertex_array_range]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryFrameTrackingI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[DWORD *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pFrameCount]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[DWORD *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pMissedFrames]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[float *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pLastMissedUsage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_usage]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[const char *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetExtensionsStringARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_extensions_string]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryFrameLockMasterI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[BOOL *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pFlag]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_lock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[IsEnabledFrameLockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[BOOL *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[pFlag]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_lock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DisableFrameLockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_lock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SwapLayerBuffersMscOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[fuPlanes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[target_msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[divisor]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[remainder]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[LPVOID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateImageBufferI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[DWORD]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dwSize]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uFlags]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_image_buffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetPixelFormatAttribivARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iPixelFormat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iLayerPlane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[nAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttributes]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValues]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pixel_format]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[const char *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetExtensionsStringEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_extensions_string]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[VOID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DestroyDisplayColorTableEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLushort]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[id]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_display_color_table]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DestroyPbufferEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFEREXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[MakeContextCurrentARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDrawDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hReadDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hglrc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_make_current_read]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleasePbufferDCARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DeleteAssociatedContextAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hglrc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreatePbufferARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iPixelFormat]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iWidth]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iHeight]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[const int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piAttribList]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[VOID]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[BlitContextFramebufferAMD]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGLRC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstCtx]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcX1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[srcY1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY0]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstX1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLint]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[dstY1]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLbitfield]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[mask]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[GLenum]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[filter]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uMaxLineDelay]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uMaxPixelDelay]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[EnumGpuDevicesNV]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HGPUNV]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hGpu]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iDeviceIndex]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[PGPU_DEVICE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[lpGpuDevice]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ReleasePbufferDCEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFEREXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetSyncValuesOML]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hdc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[ust]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[msc]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[INT64 *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[sbc]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[HANDLE]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[CreateBufferRegionARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iLayerPlane]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uType]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_buffer_region]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GenlockSampleRateI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uRate]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[DisableGenlockI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[SetStereoEmitterState3DL]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[UINT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[uState]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[3DL_stereo_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[GetDigitalVideoParametersI3D]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HDC]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hDC]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iAttribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[I3D_digital_video_control]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryPbufferARB]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFERARB]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iAttribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ["return_ctype"] = [==[BOOL]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[QueryPbufferEXT]==],
+ ["parameters"] = {
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[HPBUFFEREXT]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[hPbuffer]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[iAttribute]==],
+ },
+ {
+ ["ctype"] = [==[int *]==],
+ ["name"] = [==[piValue]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ["passthru"] = {
+ [==[struct _GPU_DEVICE {
+ DWORD cb;
+ CHAR DeviceName[32];
+ CHAR DeviceString[128];
+ DWORD Flags;
+ RECT rcVirtualScreen;
+ [==[typedef struct _GPU_DEVICE *PGPU_DEVICE;]==],
+ },
+ },
+ ["extensions"] = {
+ [==[3DFX_multisample]==],
+ [==[3DL_stereo_control]==],
+ [==[AMD_gpu_association]==],
+ [==[ARB_buffer_region]==],
+ [==[ARB_context_flush_control]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_no_error]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_profile]==],
+ [==[ARB_create_context_robustness]==],
+ [==[ARB_extensions_string]==],
+ [==[ARB_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
+ [==[ARB_make_current_read]==],
+ [==[ARB_multisample]==],
+ [==[ARB_pbuffer]==],
+ [==[ARB_pixel_format]==],
+ [==[ARB_pixel_format_float]==],
+ [==[ARB_render_texture]==],
+ [==[ARB_robustness_application_isolation]==],
+ [==[ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation]==],
+ [==[ATI_pixel_format_float]==],
+ [==[EXT_colorspace]==],
+ [==[EXT_create_context_es_profile]==],
+ [==[EXT_create_context_es2_profile]==],
+ [==[EXT_depth_float]==],
+ [==[EXT_display_color_table]==],
+ [==[EXT_extensions_string]==],
+ [==[EXT_framebuffer_sRGB]==],
+ [==[EXT_make_current_read]==],
+ [==[EXT_multisample]==],
+ [==[EXT_pbuffer]==],
+ [==[EXT_pixel_format]==],
+ [==[EXT_pixel_format_packed_float]==],
+ [==[EXT_swap_control]==],
+ [==[EXT_swap_control_tear]==],
+ [==[I3D_digital_video_control]==],
+ [==[I3D_gamma]==],
+ [==[I3D_genlock]==],
+ [==[I3D_image_buffer]==],
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_lock]==],
+ [==[I3D_swap_frame_usage]==],
+ [==[NV_copy_image]==],
+ [==[NV_delay_before_swap]==],
+ [==[NV_DX_interop]==],
+ [==[NV_DX_interop2]==],
+ [==[NV_float_buffer]==],
+ [==[NV_gpu_affinity]==],
+ [==[NV_multisample_coverage]==],
+ [==[NV_present_video]==],
+ [==[NV_render_depth_texture]==],
+ [==[NV_render_texture_rectangle]==],
+ [==[NV_swap_group]==],
+ [==[NV_video_capture]==],
+ [==[NV_video_output]==],
+ [==[NV_vertex_array_range]==],
+ [==[OML_sync_control]==],
+ },
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/make_distro.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/make_distro.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ea35d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/make_distro.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Will automatically generate all files from the current sources.
+Takes three parameters:
+- The destination directory, as a relative directory. This will create that directory and put the distro in that directory
+- The Mercurial revision number to archive to the destination directory.
+- The version number of the loader.
+require "lfs"
+require "ufs"
+require "_FindFileInPath"
+local baseDir, hgChangelist, versionNum = ...
+if(#({...}) ~= 3) then
+ print("Not enough commandline parameters. You provided: " .. #({...}));
+ print("Paramters:")
+ print("\tDestination dir, relative to this path.")
+ print("\tMercurial revision to archive.")
+ print("\tVersion number of the SDK.")
+ return
+local buildDirname = "glLoadGen_" .. versionNum:gsub("%.", "_")
+local pathDestDir = ufs.path(baseDir) / buildDirname;
+local destDir = tostring(pathDestDir);
+local pathCurrent = ufs.current_path()
+local pathDest = pathCurrent / destDir;
+local pathBase = pathCurrent / baseDir;
+-- Step 1: Copy the Mercurial repo number to the location.
+local clone = [[hg archive -r "%s" "%s"]];
+clone = clone:format(hgChangelist, destDir);
+-- Step 2: Delete select files from the destination location.
+local toDelete =
+ --files
+ "make_distro.lua", ".hgignore", ".hgtags",
+ "_FindFileInPath.lua", ".hg_archival.txt",
+ --directories
+for i, filename in ipairs(toDelete) do
+ local pathFile = pathDest / filename;
+ print("deleting:", pathFile);
+ ufs.remove_all(pathFile);
+-- Step 3: Create a LoadgenVersion.lua file in modules, which returns the current glLoadGen version number.
+ local fname = tostring(pathDest / "modules\\LoadgenVersion.lua")
+ print(fname)
+ local hFile = assert(io.open(fname, "w"))
+ hFile:write("return \'", versionNum, "\'\n")
+ hFile:close()
+-- Step 4: Create Zip archive of the distro.
+local szFilename = "7z.exe"
+local archiveName = buildDirname .. ".7z"
+local pathSZ = ufs.path(FindFileInPath(szFilename))
+if(pathSZ:empty()) then
+ print("Could not find 7zip.");
+ return;
+local depProc = ex.spawn(tostring(pathSZ),
+ {args={"a", "-r", archiveName, buildDirname}});
+-- Step 5: Destroy the directory.
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CmdLineOptions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CmdLineOptions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52d73a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CmdLineOptions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+--[[ The function CmdLineOptions takes the command-line options and processes them according to a series of functions it is given. It can handle any options of the standard forms, such as:
+- "-optName param"
+- "--optName option1 option2 option3"
+- "-optName=param"
+It takes the following parameters:
+- An array of command-line options as strings.
+- A table of functions, where the key name matches the options. Note that the match will be case-sensitive.
+- A value to be passed to the functions. This allows them to be a bit more independent without having to use upvalue tricks.
+The return value is a list of any positional arguments, in order.
+The option processor functions take the following parameters:
+- The value to be passed to the processor. A candidate for a `self` parameter.
+- The first parameter string of the option, if any.
+- A nullary iterator function to iterate over all of the options associated with the command. It can have 0 iterations. It is OK to iterate multiple times. The iterator returns two values: the parameter and the parameter's 1-base index.
+The return value from the processing function is the number of options processed. If `nil` is returned, then it is assumed that *all* available options were processed.
+The processor functions are called within a `pcall`, so any errors will be assumed to be processing errors related to that option. Appropriate error messages will be emitted mentioning the option name, so it doesn't need to keep its own name. It is up to each processor to decide if it has enough or too many parameters and error out if it does. Processing of command line options will error if there is a failure.
+The processor assumes that strings that begin with a `-` character is an option. If a parameter is specified with the `-option=param` syntax, then it is assumed to have exactly one parameter. Thus the next value is assumed to be an option. For all other option formats, the number of processed arguments is decided upon by the processing function. If it returns `nil`, then it assumes all arguments were processed.
+Any "options" that do not conform to option syntax are assumed to be positional arguments. They are stored in an array and returned by the function.
+local util = require "util"
+--Returns nil if not an option. Otherwise returns the option and a possible
+--parameter name if it is of the form "--option=foo".
+local function GetOptionName(option)
+ local option, param = string.match(option, "^%-%-?([^%-%=][^%=]*)%=?(.*)")
+ if(param and #param == 0) then
+ param = nil
+ end
+ return option, param
+--Returns a nullary function that iterates over a single parameter. Namely, this one.
+local function GetParamIterator(param)
+ return function()
+ return function(s, var)
+ if(var) then
+ return nil, nil
+ else
+ return param, 1
+ end
+ end, nil, nil
+ end
+--Returns a nullary function that iterates over all parameters from the given
+--index to the next option.
+local function GetParamListIterator(params, startIx)
+ return function()
+ local state = {startIx}
+ return function(state, var)
+ --Stop if out of parameters
+ if(state[1] > #params) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ --Stop if the parameter is an option name.
+ if(GetOptionName(params[state[1]])) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ state[1] = state[1] + 1
+ return params[state[1] - 1], state[1] - startIx
+ end, state, nil
+ end
+local function CountNumOptions(iter)
+ local numOpts = 0
+ for _ in iter() do
+ numOpts = numOpts + 1
+ end
+ return numOpts
+local function CallProcessor(func, option, value, param, iter)
+ local status, nargs = pcall(func, value, param, iter)
+ if(not status) then
+ error("The option '" .. option .. "' had an error:\n" .. nargs)
+ end
+ return nargs or CountNumOptions(iter)
+local modTbl = {}
+function modTbl.CmdLineOptions(cmd_line, processors, value)
+ local posArgs = {}
+ local optIx = 1
+ local numOpts = #cmd_line
+ while(optIx <= numOpts) do
+ local option, param = GetOptionName(cmd_line[optIx])
+ if(not option) then
+ posArgs[#posArgs + 1] = cmd_line[optIx]
+ optIx = optIx + 1
+ else
+ assert(processors[option], "The option '" .. option .. "' is not a valid option for this program.")
+ if(param) then
+ CallProcessor(processors[option], option, value,
+ param, GetParamIterator(param))
+ else
+ local paramIter = GetParamListIterator(cmd_line, optIx + 1)
+ local numOpts = CountNumOptions(paramIter)
+ if(numOpts > 0) then
+ param = cmd_line[optIx + 1]
+ end
+ local nargs = CallProcessor(processors[option], option, value,
+ param, paramIter)
+ optIx = optIx + nargs
+ end
+ optIx = optIx + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return posArgs
+-- Option group logic.
+local group = {}
+local function ExtractDescArray(desc)
+ if(type(desc) == "table") then
+ local descArray = {}
+ for i, val in ipairs(desc) do
+ descArray[#descArray + 1] = val
+ end
+ return descArray
+ else
+ return { desc }
+ end
+function group:value(optName, tblName, desc, default, optional)
+ table.insert(self._doc_order, optName)
+ self._procs[optName] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ default = default,
+ optional = optional,
+ --self is the destination table, where the data goes
+ proc = function(self, param, iter)
+ assert(param, "This option needs a single parameter")
+ assert(not self[tblName], "Cannot specify the option twice")
+ self[tblName] = param
+ return 1
+ end,
+ document = function(self)
+ local docs = ExtractDescArray(self.desc)
+ if(self.default) then
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "Default value: " .. self.default
+ else
+ if(self.optional) then
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "This option is not required."
+ end
+ end
+ return docs
+ end,
+ }
+function group:enum(optName, tblName, desc, values, defaultIx, optional)
+ table.insert(self._doc_order, optName)
+ local valuesInv = util.InvertTable(values)
+ self._procs[optName] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ values = values,
+ valuesInv = valuesInv,
+ optional = optional,
+ proc = function(self, param, iter)
+ assert(param, "This option needs a parameter")
+ assert(valuesInv[param], param .. " is not a valid value.")
+ assert(not self[tblName], "Cannot specify this option twice.");
+ self[tblName] = param
+ return 1
+ end,
+ document = function(self)
+ local docs = ExtractDescArray(self.desc)
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "Allowed values:"
+ docs[#docs + 1] = table.concat(self.values, ", ")
+ if(self.default) then
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "Default value: " .. self.default
+ else
+ if(self.optional) then
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "This option is not required."
+ end
+ end
+ return docs
+ end,
+ }
+ if(defaultIx) then
+ self._procs[optName].default = values[defaultIx]
+ end
+function group:array(optName, tblName, desc, modifier, optional)
+ table.insert(self._doc_order, optName)
+ self._procs[optName] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ optional = optional,
+ proc = function(self, param, iter)
+ self[tblName] = self[tblName] or {}
+ local bFound = false
+ for ext in iter() do
+ if(modifier) then
+ ext = modifier(ext)
+ end
+ table.insert(self[tblName], ext)
+ bFound = true
+ end
+ assert(bFound, "Must provide at least one value.");
+ end,
+ document = function(self)
+ local docs = ExtractDescArray(self.desc)
+ return docs
+ end,
+ }
+--As group:array, but can return an empty list.
+function group:array_empty(optName, tblName, desc, modifier, optional)
+ table.insert(self._doc_order, optName)
+ self._procs[optName] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ optional = optional,
+ proc = function(self, param, iter)
+ self[tblName] = self[tblName] or {}
+ local bFound = false
+ for ext in iter() do
+ if(modifier) then
+ ext = modifier(ext)
+ end
+ table.insert(self[tblName], ext)
+ end
+ end,
+ document = function(self)
+ local docs = ExtractDescArray(self.desc)
+ return docs
+ end,
+ }
+--Stores its data in an array, but it only takes one parameter.
+function group:array_single(optName, tblName, desc, modifier, optional)
+ table.insert(self._doc_order, optName)
+ self._procs[optName] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ optional = optional,
+ proc = function(self, param, iter)
+ assert(param, "This option needs a single parameter")
+ self[tblName] = self[tblName] or {}
+ if(modifier) then
+ param = modifier(param)
+ end
+ table.insert(self[tblName], param)
+ return 1
+ end,
+ document = function(self)
+ local docs = ExtractDescArray(self.desc)
+ docs[#docs + 1] = "Can be used multiple times."
+ return docs
+ end,
+ }
+function group:pos_opt(index, tblName, desc, optName, default, optional)
+ assert(not self._pos_opts[index],
+ "Positional argument " .. index .. " is already in use")
+ self._pos_opts[index] = {
+ desc = desc,
+ tableName = tblName,
+ optName = optName,
+ default = default,
+ optional = optional,
+ }
+function group:AssertParse(test, msg)
+ if(not test) then
+ io.stdout:write(msg, "\n")
+ self:DisplayHelp()
+ error("", 0)
+ end
+function group:ProcessCmdLine(cmd_line)
+ local procs = {}
+ for option, data in pairs(self._procs) do
+ procs[option] = data.proc
+ end
+ local options = {}
+ local status, posOpts =
+ pcall(modTbl.CmdLineOptions, cmd_line, procs, options)
+ self:AssertParse(status, posOpts)
+ --Apply positional arguments.
+ for ix, pos_arg in pairs(self._pos_opts) do
+ if(posOpts[ix]) then
+ options[pos_arg.tableName] = posOpts[ix]
+ elseif(pos_arg.default) then
+ options[pos_arg.tableName] = default
+ else
+ self:AssertParse(pos_arg.optional,
+ "Missing positional argument " .. pos_arg.optName)
+ end
+ end
+ --Apply defaults.
+ for option, data in pairs(self._procs) do
+ if(not options[data.tableName]) then
+ if(data.default) then
+ options[data.tableName] = data.default
+ else
+ self:AssertParse(data.optional,
+ "Option " .. option .. " was not specified.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return options, posOpts
+function group:DisplayHelp()
+ local hFile = io.stdout
+ local function MaxVal(tbl)
+ local maxval = 0
+ for ix, val in pairs(tbl) do
+ if(ix > maxval) then
+ maxval = ix
+ end
+ end
+ return maxval
+ end
+ --Write the command-line, including positional arguments.
+ hFile:write("Command Line:")
+ local maxPosArg = MaxVal(self._pos_opts)
+ for i = 1, maxPosArg do
+ if(self._pos_opts[i]) then
+ hFile:write(" <", self._pos_opts[i].optName, ">")
+ else
+ hFile:write(" ")
+ end
+ end
+ hFile:write(" \n")
+ --Write each option.
+ hFile:write("Options:\n")
+ for _, option in ipairs(self._doc_order) do
+ local data = self._procs[option]
+ hFile:write("-", option, ":\n")
+ local docs = data:document()
+ for _, str in ipairs(docs) do
+ hFile:write("\t", str, "\n")
+ end
+ end
+function modTbl.CreateOptionGroup()
+ local optGroup = {}
+ for key, func in pairs(group) do
+ optGroup[key] = func
+ end
+ optGroup._procs = {}
+ optGroup._pos_opts = {}
+ optGroup._doc_order = {}
+ return optGroup
+return modTbl
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStruct.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStruct.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7794bce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStruct.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+local common = {}
+--Iterates over all requested extensions
+--Calls Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+local extensions =
+{ type="group",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="Extension(hFile, extName, spec, options)", },
+ },
+function common.Extensions() return extensions end
+--Iterates over every enumerator, in order:
+-- Requested extension enums.
+-- For each version:
+-- Core extension enumerators from version X
+-- Core enumerators from version X
+-- Calls Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)
+-- Optional small headers
+local enumerators =
+{ type="group",
+{ type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="SmallHeader(hFile, value, options)", value="Extension: %extName", first=true, optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="SmallHeader(hFile, value, options)", value="Version: %version", first=true, optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Enumerator(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+function common.Enumerators() return enumerators end
+--Iterates over each function, in order:
+-- Requested extension functions.
+-- For each version:
+-- Core extensions from for version X
+-- Core functions from version X
+-- Calls Function(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)
+-- Optional small headers.
+-- Can provide an optional ending table, that will be placed within
+-- the "func-seen" block.
+function common.Functions(ending)
+ ending = ending or { type="group" }
+ return
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="SmallHeader(hFile, value, options)", value="Extension: %extName", first=true, optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Function(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="SmallHeader(hFile, value, options)", value="Extension: %version", first=true, optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Function(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ ending,
+ }
+return common
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStyle.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStyle.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6ce354d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/CommonStyle.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+--[[Useful style utility functions. This file will contain commonly useful strings and functions that generate useful data.]]
+local util = require "util"
+local struct = require "Structure"
+local common = {}
+--Creates a tabbed file.
+function common.CreateFile(filename, indent, lineends)
+ return util.CreateFile(filename, indent, lineends)
+--Retrieves the common typedefs used by OpenGL 1.1.
+function common.GetStdTypedefs()
+ return dofile(util.GetDataFilePath() .. "style_commontypedefs.lua")
+--Writes passthru data from the specData, with proper indentation.
+function common.WritePassthruData(hFile, strArray)
+ for _, str in ipairs(strArray) do
+ --unindent after #endif
+ if(str:match("^#endif") or str:match("^#elif")) then
+ hFile:dec()
+ end
+ hFile:write(str, "\n")
+ --Indent after #if.
+ if(str:match("^#if") or str:match("^#elif")) then
+ hFile:inc()
+ end
+ end
+function common.WriteExternCStart(hFile)
+ hFile:write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n")
+ hFile:write('extern "C" {\n')
+ hFile:write("#endif /*__cplusplus*/\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+function common.WriteExternCEnd(hFile)
+ hFile:write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n")
+ hFile:write('}\n')
+ hFile:write("#endif /*__cplusplus*/\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+--Determines the value of the enumeration.
+local function ResolveEnumValue(enum, enumTable)
+ if(enum.copy) then
+ return common.ResolveEnumValue(enumTable[enum.value], enumTable),
+ enum.value;
+ else
+ return enum.value;
+ end
+common.ResolveEnumValue = ResolveEnumValue
+function common.GetCppEnumName(enum)
+ --Note: some enumerators start with characters C++ forbids as initial
+ --identifiers. If we detect such an enum, prefix it with `_`.
+ local enumName = enum.name
+ if(not enumName:match("^[a-zA-Z_]")) then
+ enumName = "_" .. enumName
+ end
+ --Also, certain identifiers can need it because they conflict.
+ local badIdent = {"TRUE", "FALSE", "NO_ERROR", "WAIT_FAILED", "DOMAIN"}
+ for _, ident in ipairs(badIdent) do
+ if(enumName == ident) then
+ enumName = enumName .. "_"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return enumName
+function common.GetNameLengthPadding(name, length)
+ local numSpaces = length - #name
+ if(numSpaces < 1) then
+ numSpaces = 1
+ end
+ return string.rep(" ", numSpaces)
+--Gets the return type for a function.
+function common.GetFuncReturnType(func)
+ return func["return_ctype"]
+function common.DoesFuncReturnSomething(func)
+ local returnType = func["return_ctype"]
+ return (returnType == "void") or (returnType == "GLvoid")
+local bIsKindPtr ={
+ value = false,
+ array = true,
+ reference = true,
+--Important due to name conflicts. Some names have to re-mapped to others.
+--Won't really affect things.
+local paramNameRemap = {
+ near = "ren_near",
+ far = "ren_far",
+ array = "ren_array",
+--Returns the parameter list as a string.
+--Parameter list does not include parenthesis.
+function common.GetFuncParamList(func, bWriteVarNames)
+ local paramList = {}
+ for i, param in ipairs(func.parameters) do
+ local paramType = param.ctype;
+ if(bWriteVarNames) then
+ local paramName = param.name
+ if(paramNameRemap[paramName]) then paramName = paramNameRemap[paramName]end
+ paramList[#paramList + 1] = string.format("%s %s", paramType, paramName)
+ else
+ paramList[#paramList + 1] = paramType
+ end
+ end
+ if(#paramList == 0) then
+ --C makes () different from (void). So use (void).
+ return "void"
+ else
+ return table.concat(paramList, ", ")
+ end
+--Get the list of parameter names, as a string ready to be put into ().
+function common.GetFuncParamCallList(func)
+ local paramList = {}
+ for i, param in ipairs(func.parameters) do
+ local paramName = param.name
+ if(paramNameRemap[paramName]) then
+ paramName = paramNameRemap[paramName]
+ end
+ paramList[#paramList + 1] = paramName
+ end
+ return table.concat(paramList, ", ");
+--Retrieves the name of the function according to OpenGL.
+function common.GetOpenGLFuncName(func, spec)
+ return spec.FuncNamePrefix() .. func.name
+function common.GetProcAddressName(spec)
+ return spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName()
+function common.FixupIndexedList(specData, indexed)
+ assert(indexed)
+ for _, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ if(indexed[1] == func.name) then
+ indexed[1] = func
+ end
+ if(indexed[3] == func.name) then
+ indexed[3] = func
+ end
+ end
+ for _, enum in ipairs(specData.enumerators) do
+ if(indexed[2] == enum.name) then
+ indexed[2] = enum
+ end
+ if(indexed[4] == enum.name) then
+ indexed[4] = enum
+ end
+ end
+function common.GetProcExtsFromExtListFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options,
+ indexed, GetFuncPtrName, GetEnumName)
+ return [[
+static void ProcExtsFromExtList(void)
+ GLint iLoop;
+ GLint iNumExtensions = 0;
+ ]] .. GetFuncPtrName(indexed[1], spec, options)
+ .. [[(]] .. GetEnumName(indexed[2], spec, options)
+ .. [[, &iNumExtensions);
+ for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < iNumExtensions; iLoop++)
+ {
+ const char *strExtensionName = (const char *)]] ..
+ GetFuncPtrName(indexed[3], spec, options) ..
+ [[(]] .. GetEnumName(indexed[4], spec, options) .. [[, iLoop);
+ LoadExtByName(strExtensionName);
+ }
+--You give it a function that takes a const char*.
+function common.GetProcessExtsFromStringFunc(funcFormat, arguments)
+ return [[
+static void ProcExtsFromExtString(const char *strExtList]] .. (arguments or "") .. [[)
+ size_t iExtListLen = strlen(strExtList);
+ const char *strExtListEnd = strExtList + iExtListLen;
+ const char *strCurrPos = strExtList;
+ char strWorkBuff[256];
+ while(*strCurrPos)
+ {
+ /*Get the extension at our position.*/
+ int iStrLen = 0;
+ const char *strEndStr = strchr(strCurrPos, ' ');
+ int iStop = 0;
+ if(strEndStr == NULL)
+ {
+ strEndStr = strExtListEnd;
+ iStop = 1;
+ }
+ iStrLen = (int)((ptrdiff_t)strEndStr - (ptrdiff_t)strCurrPos);
+ if(iStrLen > 255)
+ return;
+ strncpy(strWorkBuff, strCurrPos, iStrLen);
+ strWorkBuff[iStrLen] = '\0';
+ ]] .. funcFormat:format("strWorkBuff") ..[[;
+ strCurrPos = strEndStr + 1;
+ if(iStop) break;
+ }
+function common.WriteProcessExtsFromStringFunc(hFile, ...)
+ hFile:writeblock(common.GetProcessExtsFromStringFunc(...))
+function common.GetParseVersionFromString()
+ return [[
+static void ParseVersionFromString(int *pOutMajor, int *pOutMinor, const char *strVersion)
+ const char *strDotPos = NULL;
+ int iLength = 0;
+ char strWorkBuff[10];
+ *pOutMinor = 0;
+ *pOutMajor = 0;
+ strDotPos = strchr(strVersion, '.');
+ if(!strDotPos)
+ return;
+ iLength = (int)((ptrdiff_t)strDotPos - (ptrdiff_t)strVersion);
+ strncpy(strWorkBuff, strVersion, iLength);
+ strWorkBuff[iLength] = '\0';
+ *pOutMajor = atoi(strWorkBuff);
+ strDotPos = strchr(strVersion + iLength + 1, ' ');
+ if(!strDotPos)
+ {
+ /*No extra data. Take the whole rest of the string.*/
+ strcpy(strWorkBuff, strVersion + iLength + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*Copy only up until the space.*/
+ int iLengthMinor = (int)((ptrdiff_t)strDotPos - (ptrdiff_t)strVersion);
+ iLengthMinor = iLengthMinor - (iLength + 1);
+ strncpy(strWorkBuff, strVersion + iLength + 1, iLengthMinor);
+ strWorkBuff[iLengthMinor] = '\0';
+ }
+ *pOutMinor = atoi(strWorkBuff);
+local function DeepCopyTable(tbl)
+ local ret = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
+ if(type(value) == "table") then
+ ret[key] = DeepCopyTable(value)
+ else
+ ret[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+function common.WriteCMappingTable(hFile, specData, spec,
+ options, structName, varName, GetExtVariableName, GetExtLoaderFuncName)
+ --Write the struct for the mapping table.
+ hFile:write("typedef int (*PFN_LOADFUNCPOINTERS)(void);\n")
+ hFile:fmt("typedef struct %s%sStrToExtMap_s\n",
+ options.prefix, spec.DeclPrefix())
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:write("char *extensionName;\n")
+ hFile:write("int *extensionVariable;\n")
+ hFile:write("PFN_LOADFUNCPOINTERS LoadExtension;\n")
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:fmt("} %s;\n", structName)
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ --Write the mapping table itself.
+ local arrayLength = #options.extensions
+ if(arrayLength == 0) then arrayLength = 1 end
+ hFile:fmt("static %s %s[%i] = {\n",
+ structName,
+ varName,
+ arrayLength)
+ hFile:inc()
+ for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ if(#specData.extdefs[extName].funcs > 0) then
+ hFile:fmt('{"%s", &%s, %s},\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GetExtVariableName(extName, spec, options),
+ GetExtLoaderFuncName(extName, spec, options))
+ else
+ hFile:fmt('{"%s", &%s, NULL},\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GetExtVariableName(extName, spec, options))
+ end
+ end
+ --Because C is stupid, write bogus entry.
+ if(#options.extensions == 0) then
+ hFile:fmt('{"", NULL, NULL},\n')
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("};\n")
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:fmt("static int g_extensionMapSize = %i;\n", #options.extensions);
+function common.WriteCFindExtEntryFunc(hFile, specData, spec,
+ options, structName, varName, sizeName)
+ hFile:fmt("static %s *FindExtEntry(const char *extensionName)\n",
+ structName)
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:write("int loop;\n")
+ hFile:fmt("%s *currLoc = %s;\n",
+ structName,
+ varName)
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+for(loop = 0; loop < g_extensionMapSize; ++loop, ++currLoc)
+ if(strcmp(extensionName, currLoc->extensionName) == 0)
+ return currLoc;
+return NULL;
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+function common.WriteCClearExtensionVarsFunc(hFile, specData, spec,
+ options, GetExtVariableName, clearValue)
+ hFile:fmt("static void ClearExtensionVars(void)\n")
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ hFile:fmt('%s = %s;\n',
+ GetExtVariableName(extName, spec, options),
+ clearValue)
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+ hFile:write "\n"
+--Write a function that loads an extension by name. It is called when
+--processing, so it should also set the extension variable based on the load.
+function common.WriteCLoadExtByNameFunc(hFile, specData, spec,
+ options, structName, successValue)
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+static void LoadExtByName(const char *extensionName)
+ ]] .. structName .. [[ *entry = NULL;
+ entry = FindExtEntry(extensionName);
+ if(entry)
+ {
+ if(entry->LoadExtension)
+ {
+ int numFailed = entry->LoadExtension();
+ if(numFailed == 0)
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = ]] ..
+ successValue ..
+ [[;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = ]] ..
+ successValue ..
+ [[ + numFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(entry->extensionVariable) = ]] ..
+ successValue ..
+ [[;
+ }
+ }
+--The info data contains:
+-- `returnType`: The type that is returned by the function.
+-- `funcName`: The name to call the function.
+-- `True`: the (string) value to return when true.
+-- `False`: the (string) value to return when false.
+-- `majorVersion`: The variable containing the major OpenGL version.
+-- `minorVersion`: The variable containing the minor OpenGL version.
+-- `verLoader`: Optional. The function to call if the major version is zero.
+function common.WriteCIsVersionGEQFunc(hFile, info)
+ hFile:fmt("%s %s(int majorVersion, int minorVersion)\n",
+ info.returnType, info.funcName)
+ hFile:writeblock("{\n");
+ hFile:inc();
+ if(info.verLoader) then
+ hFile:fmtblock([[
+if(%s == 0)
+ %s();
+]], info.majorVersion, info.verLoader)
+ end
+ hFile:fmtblock([[if(majorVersion < %s) return %s;]], info.majorVersion, info.True)
+ hFile:fmtblock([[if(majorVersion > %s) return %s;]], info.majorVersion, info.False)
+ hFile:fmtblock([[if(minorVersion <= %s) return %s;]], info.minorVersion, info.True)
+ hFile:fmtblock([[return %s;]], info.False)
+ hFile:dec();
+ hFile:writeblock("}\n");
+function common.WriteNamespaceBegin(hFile, namespace)
+ hFile:fmt("namespace %s\n", namespace)
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+function common.WriteNamespaceEnd(hFile)
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+function common.WriteCGeneratorInfo(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ --Write any appropriate generator info.
+ if(options.geninfo and #options.geninfo > 0) then
+ for _, info in ipairs(options.geninfo) do
+ hFile:write("/** ", info, "**/\n")
+ end
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function common.WriteCPPGeneratorInfo(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ --Write any appropriate generator info.
+ if(options.geninfo and #options.geninfo > 0) then
+ hFile:write("//////////////////////\n")
+ for _, info in ipairs(options.geninfo) do
+ hFile:write("/// ", info, "\n")
+ end
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+common.DeepCopyTable = DeepCopyTable
+local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="header", name="GetFilename",
+ { type="write", name="FilePreamble", optional=true} ,
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="Init(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="StdTypedefs(hFile, specData, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="SpecTypedefs(hFile, specData, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="Decl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="ExtVarDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtVariableDecl(hFile, extName, specData, spec, options)" },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="EnumDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="EnumDecl(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="EnumDecl(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="FuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="SysDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="UtilityDecls(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="VersioningFuncDecls(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="file", style="source", name="GetFilename",
+ { type="write", name="FilePreamble", optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Includes(hFile, basename, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="LoaderData(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="Def(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="ExtVarDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtVariableDef(hFile, extName, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank", last=true},
+ },
+ },
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncDef(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDef(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="ExtLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)", }
+ }
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="CoreFuncDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ cond="core-funcs",
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDef(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="CoreLoader(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="CoreFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ { type="write", name="ExtStringFuncDef(hFile, specData, spec, options, funcSeen)"},
+ },
+ { type="block", name="SysDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="UtilityDefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="VersioningFuncs(hFile, specData, spec, options)", cond="version-iter"},
+ { type="blank", cond="version-iter" },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+my_struct = struct.BuildStructure(my_struct)
+function common.GetStandardStructure()
+ return my_struct
+return common
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Struct.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Struct.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cfda1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Struct.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+local struct = require "Structure"
+local common = require "CommonStruct"
+local my_struct =
+ { type="file", style="header", name="GetFilename",
+ { type="write", name="FilePreamble", optional=true},
+ { type="block", name="IncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="Init(hFile, spec, options)", },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="StdTypedefs(hFile, specData, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="SpecTypedefs(hFile, specData, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="Decl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="ExtVarDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtVariableDecl(hFile, extName, specData, spec, options)" },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="EnumDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="enum-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="EnumDecl(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="enum-iter",
+ { type="write", name="EnumDecl(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options, enumSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="FuncPtrDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncPtrDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncPtrDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncPtrDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="FuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncDecl(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="SysDecl(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="UtilityDecls(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="VersioningFuncDecls(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="file", style="source", name="GetFilename",
+ { type="write", name="FilePreamble", optional=true},
+ { type="write", name="Includes(hFile, basename, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="write", name="LoaderData(hFile, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="Def(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="block", name="ExtVarDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtVariableDef(hFile, extName, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank", last=true},
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="PtrDefs(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-seen",
+ { type="ext-iter",
+ { type="block", name="ExtFuncPtrDef(hFile, extName, spec, options)", cond="func-iter",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncPtrDef(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="ExtLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)",
+ { type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="ExtFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)", }
+ }
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="CoreFuncPtrDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ cond="core-funcs",
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="FuncPtrDef(hFile, func, spec, options, funcSeen)", },
+ { type="blank", last=true },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="block", name="CoreLoader(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="version-iter",
+ {type="func-iter",
+ { type="write", name="CoreFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)", },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ },
+ { type="write", name="ExtStringFuncDef(hFile, specData, spec, options, funcSeen)"},
+ },
+ },
+ { type="blank"},
+ { type="block", name="SysDef(hFile, spec, options)",
+ { type="write", name="UtilityDefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="MainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)",},
+ { type="blank" },
+ { type="write", name="VersioningFuncs(hFile, specData, spec, options)", cond="version-iter"},
+ { type="blank", cond="version-iter" },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+my_struct = struct.BuildStructure(my_struct)
+return my_struct
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Style.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Style.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0f5af9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/FuncCpp_Style.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+local common = require "CommonStyle"
+local struct = require "FuncCpp_Struct"
+local util = require "util"
+local my_style = {}
+my_style.header = {}
+my_style.source = {}
+-- Global styling functions.
+function my_style.WriteLargeHeading(hFile, headingName)
+ hFile:write(string.rep("/", 6 + #headingName), "\n")
+ hFile:write("// ", headingName, "\n")
+ hFile:write(string.rep("/", 6 + #headingName), "\n")
+function my_style.WriteSmallHeading(hFile, headingName)
+ hFile:write("// ", headingName, "\n")
+function my_style.WriteFilePreamble(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ common.WriteCPPGeneratorInfo(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+-- Header styling functions
+function my_style.header.GetFilename(basename, options)
+ return basename .. ".hpp"
+ local function GenIncludeGuardName(hFile, spec, options)
+ spec.GetIncludeGuardString() .. "_HPP"
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ return options.prefix:upper() .. "_" .. str
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginIncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)
+ local inclGuard = GenIncludeGuardName(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("#ifndef %s\n", inclGuard)
+ hFile:fmt("#define %s\n", inclGuard)
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndIncludeGuard(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("#endif //%s\n", GenIncludeGuardName(hFile, spec, options))
+function my_style.header.WriteInit(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:rawwrite(spec.GetHeaderInit())
+function my_style.header.WriteStdTypedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ local defArray = common.GetStdTypedefs()
+ hFile:write("#ifndef GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS\n")
+ hFile:write("#define GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ for _, def in ipairs(defArray) do
+ hFile:write(def)
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:write("#endif /*GL_LOAD_GEN_BASIC_OPENGL_TYPEDEFS*/\n")
+function my_style.header.WriteSpecTypedefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:push()
+ common.WritePassthruData(hFile, specData.funcData.passthru)
+ hFile:pop()
+ local function StartNamespace(hFile, namespaceName)
+ hFile:fmt("namespace %s\n", namespaceName or "")
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ end
+ local function EndNamespace(hFile, namespaceName)
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:fmt("} //namespace %s\n", namespaceName or "")
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ StartNamespace(hFile, options.prefix)
+ end
+ StartNamespace(hFile, spec.FuncNamePrefix())
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, spec.FuncNamePrefix())
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ EndNamespace(hFile, options.prefix)
+ end
+ local extBlockNamespace = "exts"
+ local extVariableTypeDefinition = [[
+class LoadTest
+ //Safe bool idiom. Joy!
+ typedef void (LoadTest::*bool_type)() const;
+ void big_long_name_that_really_doesnt_matter() const {}
+ operator bool_type() const
+ {
+ return m_isLoaded ? &LoadTest::big_long_name_that_really_doesnt_matter : 0;
+ }
+ int GetNumMissing() const {return m_numMissing;}
+ LoadTest() : m_isLoaded(false), m_numMissing(0) {}
+ LoadTest(bool isLoaded, int numMissing) : m_isLoaded(isLoaded), m_numMissing(numMissing) {}
+ bool m_isLoaded;
+ int m_numMissing;
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginExtVarDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, extBlockNamespace)
+ hFile:writeblock(extVariableTypeDefinition)
+ hFile:write("\n")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndExtVarDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, extBlockNamespace)
+ local function GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options)
+ return "var_" .. extName;
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteExtVariableDecl(hFile, extName,
+ specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("extern LoadTest %s;\n",
+ GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options));
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginEnumDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("enum\n")
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndEnumDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("};\n")
+ local function GenEnumName(enum)
+ return common.GetCppEnumName(enum)
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteEnumDecl(hFile, enum, enumTable, spec, options,
+ enumSeen)
+ if(enumSeen[enum.name]) then
+ hFile:fmt("//%s taken from ext: %s\n", enum.name, enumSeen[enum.name])
+ else
+ local enumName = GenEnumName(enum)
+ local lenEnum = #enumName
+ local numIndent = 33
+ local numSpaces = numIndent - lenEnum
+ if(numSpaces < 1) then
+ numSpaces = 1
+ end
+ hFile:fmt("%s%s= %s,\n",
+ enumName,
+ string.rep(" ", numSpaces),
+ common.ResolveEnumValue(enum, enumTable))
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginFuncPtrDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, "_detail")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndFuncPtrDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, "_detail")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginExtFuncPtrDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ --Block containing all spec function declarations for a particular extension.
+ --Useful for include-guards around extension function pointers.
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndExtFuncPtrDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ --Block containing all spec function declarations for a particular extension.
+ local function GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options)
+ return func.name
+ end
+ local function GenFuncName(func, spec, options)
+ return func.name
+ end
+ local function GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options)
+ return "PFN" .. GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options):upper()
+ end
+ local function WriteFuncPtrTypedefStmt(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("typedef %s (%s *%s)(%s);\n",
+ common.GetFuncReturnType(func),
+ spec.GetCodegenPtrType(),
+ GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamList(func))
+ end
+ local function GenFuncPtrDefDirect(func, spec, options)
+ return string.format("%s (%s *%s)(%s)",
+ common.GetFuncReturnType(func),
+ spec.GetCodegenPtrType(),
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamList(func, true))
+ end
+ local function GenFuncPtrDefTypedef(func, spec, options)
+ return string.format("%s %s",
+ GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options),
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options))
+ end
+function my_style.header.WriteFuncPtrDecl(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("extern ",
+ GenFuncPtrDefDirect(func, spec, options),
+ ";\n")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginFuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndFuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginExtFuncDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ --Block containing all spec function declarations for a particular extension.
+ --Useful for include-guards around extension function pointers.
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndExtFuncDecl(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ --Block containing all spec function declarations for a particular extension.
+function my_style.header.WriteFuncDecl(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("inline %s %s(%s){",
+ common.GetFuncReturnType(func),
+ GenFuncName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamList(func, true))
+ if(common.DoesFuncReturnSomething(func)) then
+ hFile:rawfmt('_detail::%s(%s);',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamCallList(func))
+ else
+ hFile:rawfmt('return _detail::%s(%s);',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetFuncParamCallList(func))
+ end
+ hFile:rawwrite("}\n")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockBeginSysDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, "sys")
+function my_style.header.WriteBlockEndSysDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, "sys")
+function my_style.header.WriteUtilityDecls(hFile, spec, options)
+ --Write declarations for public utility stuff. Enums for return values, etc.
+function my_style.header.WriteMainLoaderFuncDecl(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("%s::LoadTest LoadFunctions(%s);\n", extBlockNamespace, spec.GetLoaderParams())
+function my_style.header.WriteVersioningFuncDecls(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+int GetMinorVersion();
+int GetMajorVersion();
+bool IsVersionGEQ(int majorVersion, int minorVersion);
+-- Source code styling functions.
+function my_style.source.GetFilename(basename, options)
+ return basename .. ".cpp"
+function my_style.source.WriteIncludes(hFile, basename, spec, options)
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+ local base = util.ParsePath(my_style.header.GetFilename(basename, options))
+ hFile:fmt('#include "%s"\n', base)
+function my_style.source.WriteLoaderData(hFile, spec, options)
+ hFile:writeblock(spec.GetLoaderFunc())
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ StartNamespace(hFile, options.prefix)
+ end
+ StartNamespace(hFile, spec.FuncNamePrefix())
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, spec.FuncNamePrefix())
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ EndNamespace(hFile, options.prefix)
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginExtVarDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, extBlockNamespace)
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndExtVarDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, extBlockNamespace)
+function my_style.source.WriteExtVariableDef(hFile, extName,
+ specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("LoadTest %s;\n",
+ GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options));
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginPtrDefs(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, "_detail")
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndPtrDefs(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, "_detail")
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginExtFuncPtrDef(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndExtFuncPtrDef(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+function my_style.source.WriteFuncPtrDef(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ WriteFuncPtrTypedefStmt(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:write(GenFuncPtrDefTypedef(func, spec, options),
+ " = 0;\n")
+ local function GenExtLoaderFuncName(extName, spec, options)
+ return "Load_" .. extName;
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginExtLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("static int %s()\n", GenExtLoaderFuncName(extName, spec, options))
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:write("int numFailed = 0;\n")
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndExtLoader(hFile, extName, spec, options)
+ hFile:write "return numFailed;\n"
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+function my_style.source.WriteExtFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt('%s = reinterpret_cast<%s>(%s("%s%s"));\n',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetProcAddressName(spec),
+ spec.FuncNamePrefix(), func.name)
+ hFile:fmt('if(!%s) ++numFailed;\n', GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options))
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginCoreFuncPtrDef(hFile, version, spec, options)
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndCoreFuncPtrDef(hFile, version, spec, options)
+ local function GenCoreLoaderFuncName(version, spec, options)
+ return "LoadCoreFunctions"
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginCoreLoader(hFile, version, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("static int %s()\n", GenCoreLoaderFuncName(version, spec, options))
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:write("int numFailed = 0;\n")
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndCoreLoader(hFile, version, spec, options)
+ hFile:write "return numFailed;\n"
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+function my_style.source.WriteCoreFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt('%s = reinterpret_cast<%s>(%s("%s%s"));\n',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetProcAddressName(spec),
+ spec.FuncNamePrefix(), func.name)
+ --Special hack for DSA_EXT functions in core functions.
+ --They do not count against the loaded count.
+ if(func.name:match("EXT$")) then
+ hFile:write("//An EXT_direct_state_access-based function. Don't count it if it fails to load.\n")
+ else
+ hFile:fmt('if(!%s) ++numFailed;\n', GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options))
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteExtStringFuncDef(hFile, specData, spec, options, funcSeen)
+ if(funcSeen[spec.GetExtStringFuncName()]) then
+ return
+ end
+ --Check to see if its something we have to load.
+ local function FindFuncName(funcName)
+ for _, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ if(func.name == funcName) then
+ return func
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local extStringFunc = FindFuncName(spec.GetExtStringFuncName())
+ if(extStringFunc) then
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ WriteFuncPtrTypedefStmt(hFile, extStringFunc, spec, options)
+ hFile:write("static ", GenFuncPtrDefTypedef(extStringFunc, spec, options),
+ " = 0;\n")
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockBeginSysDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile, "sys")
+function my_style.source.WriteBlockEndSysDef(hFile, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile, "sys")
+function my_style.source.WriteUtilityDefs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ --Write our mapping table definitions.
+ StartNamespace(hFile)
+ hFile:writeblock[[
+typedef int (*PFN_LOADEXTENSION)();
+struct MapEntry
+ MapEntry(const char *_extName, exts::LoadTest *_extVariable)
+ : extName(_extName)
+ , extVariable(_extVariable)
+ , loaderFunc(0)
+ {}
+ MapEntry(const char *_extName, exts::LoadTest *_extVariable, PFN_LOADEXTENSION _loaderFunc)
+ : extName(_extName)
+ , extVariable(_extVariable)
+ , loaderFunc(_loaderFunc)
+ {}
+ const char *extName;
+ exts::LoadTest *extVariable;
+struct MapCompare
+ MapCompare(const char *test_) : test(test_) {}
+ bool operator()(const MapEntry &other) { return strcmp(test, other.extName) == 0; }
+ const char *test;
+ --Write the table initialization function.
+ hFile:write "void InitializeMappingTable(std::vector &table)\n"
+ hFile:write "{\n"
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:fmt("table.reserve(%i);\n", #options.extensions)
+ for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ if(#specData.extdefs[extName].funcs > 0) then
+ hFile:fmt('table.push_back(MapEntry("%s", &exts::%s, _detail::%s));\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options),
+ GenExtLoaderFuncName(extName, spec, options))
+ else
+ hFile:fmt('table.push_back(MapEntry("%s", &exts::%s));\n',
+ spec.ExtNamePrefix() .. extName,
+ GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options))
+ end
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write "}\n"
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ --Write the function to clear the extension variables.
+ hFile:fmt("void ClearExtensionVars()\n")
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ for _, extName in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ hFile:fmt('exts::%s = exts::LoadTest();\n',
+ GenExtensionVarName(extName, spec, options))
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ --Write a function that loads an extension by name. It is called when
+ --processing, so it should also set the extension variable based on the load.
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+void LoadExtByName(std::vector &table, const char *extensionName)
+ std::vector::iterator entry = std::find_if(table.begin(), table.end(), MapCompare(extensionName));
+ if(entry != table.end())
+ {
+ if(entry->loaderFunc)
+ (*entry->extVariable) = exts::LoadTest(true, entry->loaderFunc());
+ else
+ (*entry->extVariable) = exts::LoadTest(true, 0);
+ }
+ EndNamespace(hFile)
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ local function GenQualifier(spec, options)
+ local ret = ""
+ if(#options.prefix > 0) then
+ ret = options.prefix .. "::"
+ end
+ ret = ret .. spec.FuncNamePrefix() .. "::"
+ return ret
+ end
+ local function GenQualifiedEnumName(enum, spec, options)
+ return GenQualifier(spec, options) .. GenEnumName(enum, spec, options)
+ end
+ local function GenQualifiedFuncPtrName(func, spec, options)
+ return GenQualifier(spec, options) .. "_detail::"
+ .. GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options)
+ end
+ local function WriteAncillaryFuncs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ local indexed = spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options);
+ if(indexed) then
+ for _, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ if(indexed[1] == func.name) then
+ indexed[1] = func
+ end
+ if(indexed[3] == func.name) then
+ indexed[3] = func
+ end
+ end
+ for _, enum in ipairs(specData.enumerators) do
+ if(indexed[2] == enum.name) then
+ indexed[2] = enum
+ end
+ if(indexed[4] == enum.name) then
+ indexed[4] = enum
+ end
+ end
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+static void ProcExtsFromExtList(std::vector &table)
+ GLint iLoop;
+ GLint iNumExtensions = 0;
+ ]] .. GenQualifiedFuncPtrName(indexed[1], spec, options)
+ .. [[(]] .. GenQualifiedEnumName(indexed[2], spec, options)
+ .. [[, &iNumExtensions);
+ for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < iNumExtensions; iLoop++)
+ {
+ const char *strExtensionName = (const char *)]] ..
+ GenQualifiedFuncPtrName(indexed[3], spec, options) ..
+ [[(]] .. GenQualifiedEnumName(indexed[4], spec, options) .. [[, iLoop);
+ LoadExtByName(table, strExtensionName);
+ }
+ else
+ hFile:writeblock(common.GetProcessExtsFromStringFunc(
+ "LoadExtByName(table, %s)", ", std::vector &table"))
+ end
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ return indexed
+ end
+ local function WriteInMainFuncLoader(hFile, func, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt('_detail::%s = reinterpret_cast<_detail::%s>(%s("%s%s"));\n',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options),
+ GenFuncPtrTypedefName(func, spec, options),
+ common.GetProcAddressName(spec),
+ spec.FuncNamePrefix(), func.name)
+ hFile:fmt('if(!_detail::%s) return exts::LoadTest();\n',
+ GenFuncPtrName(func, spec, options))
+ end
+function my_style.source.WriteMainLoaderFunc(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ StartNamespace(hFile)
+ local indexed = WriteAncillaryFuncs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ EndNamespace(hFile)
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:fmt("exts::LoadTest LoadFunctions(%s)\n", spec.GetLoaderParams())
+ hFile:write("{\n")
+ hFile:inc()
+ hFile:writeblock[[
+std::vector table;
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ if(indexed) then
+ WriteInMainFuncLoader(hFile, indexed[1], spec, options)
+ WriteInMainFuncLoader(hFile, indexed[3], spec, options)
+ hFile:write("\n")
+ hFile:write("ProcExtsFromExtList(table);\n")
+ else
+ local extListName, needLoad = spec.GetExtStringFuncName()
+ if(needLoad) then
+ for _, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ if(extListName == func.name) then
+ extListName = func
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ WriteInMainFuncLoader(hFile, extListName, spec, options)
+ extListName = GenQualifiedFuncPtrName(extListName, spec, options);
+ end
+ local function EnumResolve(enumName)
+ return GenQualifiedEnumName(specData.enumtable[enumName], spec, options)
+ end
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:fmt("ProcExtsFromExtString((const char *)%s(%s), table);\n",
+ extListName,
+ spec.GetExtStringParamList(EnumResolve))
+ end
+ if(options.version) then
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:fmt("int numFailed = _detail::%s();\n",
+ GenCoreLoaderFuncName(options.version, spec, options))
+ hFile:write("return exts::LoadTest(true, numFailed);\n")
+ else
+ hFile:fmt("return exts::LoadTest(true, 0);\n")
+ end
+ hFile:dec()
+ hFile:write("}\n")
+function my_style.source.WriteVersioningFuncs(hFile, specData, spec, options)
+ hFile:fmt("static int g_major_version = 0;\n")
+ hFile:fmt("static int g_minor_version = 0;\n")
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ if(tonumber(options.version) >= 3.0) then
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+static void GetGLVersion()
+ _detail::GetIntegerv(MAJOR_VERSION, &g_major_version);
+ _detail::GetIntegerv(MINOR_VERSION, &g_minor_version);
+ else
+ hFile:writeblock(common.GetParseVersionFromString())
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+static void GetGLVersion()
+ ParseVersionFromString(&g_major_version, &g_minor_version, (const char *)_detail::GetString(VERSION));
+ end
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+int GetMajorVersion()
+ if(g_major_version == 0)
+ GetGLVersion();
+ return g_major_version;
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ hFile:writeblock([[
+int GetMinorVersion()
+ if(g_major_version == 0) //Yes, check the major version to get the minor one.
+ GetGLVersion();
+ return g_minor_version;
+ hFile:write "\n"
+ common.WriteCIsVersionGEQFunc(hFile,
+ {
+ returnType = "bool",
+ funcName = "IsVersionGEQ",
+ True = "true",
+ False = "false",
+ majorVersion = "g_major_version",
+ minorVersion = "g_minor_version",
+ verLoader = "GetGLVersion",
+ })
+-- Style retrieval machinery
+local function Create()
+ return common.DeepCopyTable(my_style), struct
+return { Create = Create }
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/GetOptions.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/GetOptions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13efd131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/GetOptions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+--[[ The function GetOptions retrieves the list of extensions and other command-line options. It pulls data from a multitude of sources, though it begins with the command-line.
+It takes the following parameters:
+- An array of the command-line options.
+It returns a table containing the following entries:
+- spec: What specification will be generated. One of the following:
+- gl: Uses the OpenGL spec. Default
+- glX: Uses the glX spec.
+- wgl: Uses the WGL "spec".
+- version: OpenGL version to export. All core features from that version and below will be exported. Will only be present when exporting "gl" loaders.
+- profile: OpenGL profile to use. Default is chosen based on GL version. One of the following:
+- core: Default
+- compatibility:
+- extensions: A list of OpenGL extensions to export.
+- outname: The base filename of the file to create.
+- style: A string containing the particular style of binding. This can be:
+- pointer_c: The default. The functions will be stored in pointers exposed to the user. #defines will be used to rename the pointers to the core GL function names.
+- pointer_cpp: The functions will be stored in pointers, but the pointers and enumerators will be placed in the namespace "gl".
+- indent: A string that defines the indentation style for the output.
+- tab: Uses tabs. Default.
+- space: Uses 2 spaces.
+- prefix: A prefix to be added to the names of identifiers that must be global, while avoiding name clashes. This is useful if you want to have different sets of bindings to different APIs (like a GL 3.3 and 2.1 binding). Defaults to the empty string.
+- geninfo: Information about the glLoadGen that built these files, to be placed (in comments) at the top of each file. You can specify which information you want to provide; if you specify the option without any arguments (just `geninfo`), then you want to provide all generation info. Generation info includes:
+- version: The version of glLoadGen used.
+- location: The location to find glLoadGen (internet URL).
+- cmdline: The entire set of command line parameters used to generate these files.
+local cmd = require "CmdLineOptions"
+local util = require "util"
+local Styles = require "Styles"
+local Specs = require "Specs"
+local function FixupExtensionName(ext)
+ return ext
+local parseOpts = cmd.CreateOptionGroup()
+ "spec",
+ "spec",
+ "Specification to use.",
+ {"gl", "glX", "wgl"},
+ 1)
+ "version",
+ "version",
+ {"OpenGL version to export.", "Only use this with the 'gl' spec."},
+ nil,
+ true)
+ "profile",
+ "profile",
+ {"OpenGL profile to use.", "Only use this with the 'gl' spec."},
+ {"core", "compatibility"},
+ 1,
+ true)
+ "style",
+ "style",
+ {"Export style."},
+ Styles.GetStyleList(),
+ 1)
+ "indent",
+ "indent",
+ {"Indentation style."},
+ {"tab", "space"},
+ 1)
+ "lineends",
+ "lineends",
+ {"Line ending styles.","'plat' means the platform-specific one, while 'unix' means '\\n'."},
+ {"plat", "unix"},
+ 1)
+ "exts",
+ "extensions",
+ {"A list of extensions to export."},
+ FixupExtensionName,
+ true)
+ "ext",
+ "extensions",
+ {"A single extension name to export."},
+ FixupExtensionName,
+ true)
+ "extfile",
+ "extfiles",
+ {"A file to load extensions from.", "Files are always relative to the current directory."},
+ nil,
+ true)
+ "stdext",
+ "stdexts",
+ {"A file to load extensions from, within the ./extfiles directory.", "These are the standard extension files."},
+ nil,
+ true)
+ "geninfo",
+ "geninfo",
+ {"Information about the generator to put at the top of generated files.", "May be a sequence of 'version', 'location', or 'cmdline'"},
+ nil,
+ true)
+ "prefix",
+ "prefix",
+ {
+ "String to prefix to various globals. Set this to ",
+ "prevent interference with multiple loaders."
+ },
+ "")
+ 1,
+ "outname",
+ "Base filename (sans extension)",
+ "outname")
+local extFileLines;
+local function LoadExtFile(extensions, extfilename, baseDir)
+ if(baseDir) then
+ extfilename = baseDir .. extfilename
+ end
+ local hFile = assert(io.open(extfilename, "r"), "Could not find the file " .. extfilename)
+ for line in hFile:lines() do
+ for _, test in ipairs(extFileLines) do
+ local matches = {line:match(test.pttrn)}
+ if(#matches ~= 0) then
+ test.proc(extensions, baseDir, unpack(matches))
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ hFile:close()
+--Function gets the list of extensions, the base directory of the currently
+--processing file, and whatever matches came from the pattern.
+extFileLines =
+ {
+ pttrn = '^%s*%#include [%"](.+)[%"]',
+ proc = function(extensions, basedir, file)
+ local name, dir = util.ParsePath(file)
+ if(baseDir and dir) then
+ dir = baseDir .. dir
+ elseif(baseDir) then
+ dir = baseDir
+ end
+ file = name
+ LoadExtFile(extensions, file, dir)
+ end,
+ },
+ {
+ pttrn = '^%s*%#include [%<](.+)[%>]',
+ proc = function(extensions, basedir, file)
+ local name, dir = util.ParsePath(SysRelPath(file))
+ --Ignore the base directory; we start with the system directory.
+ LoadExtFile(extensions, name, dir)
+ end,
+ },
+ {
+ pttrn = '^%s*%-%-',
+ proc = function(extensions, basedir) --[[Ignore the line. Comment]] end,
+ },
+ {
+ pttrn = '^%s*%/%/',
+ proc = function(extensions, basedir) --[[Ignore the line. Comment]] end,
+ },
+ {
+ pttrn = '(%S+)',
+ proc = function(extensions, basedir, ext)
+ table.insert(extensions, ext)
+ end,
+ },
+local function FixupExtname(ext)
+ --Cull the (W)GL(X)_ part of the name, if any.
+ local bareName = ext:match("W?GLX?_(.+)")
+ return bareName or ext
+local optTbl = {}
+local infoData =
+ "version",
+ "location",
+ "cmdline",
+local infoGetter = {}
+function infoGetter.version(cmd_line)
+ local status, version = pcall(require, "LoadgenVersion")
+ if(not status) then
+ version = "Development"
+ end
+ return "File generated by glLoadGen, version " .. version
+function infoGetter.location(cmd_line)
+ return "glLoadGen's website: https://bitbucket.org/alfonse/glloadgen/wiki/Home"
+function infoGetter.cmdline(cmd_line)
+ return "File generated from command line: " .. table.concat(cmd_line, " ")
+function optTbl.GetOptions(cmd_line)
+ local options, pos_args = parseOpts:ProcessCmdLine(cmd_line)
+ local spec = Specs.GetSpec(options.spec)
+ if(options.version) then
+ --Check the version against the allowed versions.
+ local versionTest = spec.GetCoreVersions()
+ if(options.version == "max") then
+ parseOpts:AssertParse(#versionTest ~= 0, "You cannot have a maximum version for a spec that has no version." .. #versionTest);
+ options.version = versionTest[#versionTest]
+ else
+ versionTest = util.InvertTable(versionTest)
+ parseOpts:AssertParse(versionTest[options.version], "The version " .. options.version .. " is not a legal version number.")
+ end
+ else
+ --Check to see that no versions are offered.
+ parseOpts:AssertParse(#spec.GetCoreVersions() == 0, "You must specify a version for the specification " .. options.spec)
+ end
+ spec.VerifyOptions(options, parseOpts)
+ if(options.geninfo) then
+ if(#options.geninfo == 0) then
+ options.geninfo = util.DeepCopyTable(infoData)
+ end
+ local oldInfo = options.geninfo
+ local newInfo = {}
+ for _, info in ipairs(oldInfo) do
+ parseOpts:AssertParse(infoGetter[info],
+ "The generation info '" .. info .. "' does not exist.")
+ newInfo[#newInfo + 1] = infoGetter[info](cmd_line)
+ end
+ options.geninfo = newInfo
+ else
+ options.geninfo = {}
+ end
+ --Load and collate the extensions.
+ options.extensions = options.extensions or {}
+ options.extfiles = options.extfiles or {}
+ options.stdexts = options.stdexts or {}
+ for _, file in ipairs(options.extfiles) do
+ LoadExtFile(options.extensions, util.ParsePath(file)) --vararg
+ end
+ --Local extension files.
+ for _, file in ipairs(options.stdexts) do
+ LoadExtFile(options.extensions, util.ParsePath(SysRelPath("extfiles/" .. file))) --vararg
+ end
+ --Fixup names and remove duplicates.
+ local dups = {}
+ local exts = {}
+ for _, ext in ipairs(options.extensions) do
+ local fixExt = FixupExtname(ext)
+ if(not dups[fixExt]) then
+ exts[#exts + 1] = fixExt
+ dups[fixExt] = true
+ end
+ end
+ options.extensions = exts
+ options.extfiles = nil
+ options.stdexts = nil
+ return options
+return optTbl
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/LoadLuaSpec.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/LoadLuaSpec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccc1bee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/LoadLuaSpec.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+The function, LoadLuaSpec exposed here will load a spec.lua file. It takes a filename
+pointing to a spec.lua file.
+This function will also add some features to the object before returning it.
+The format will be as defined in LuaFormat.md, with the following addendums:
+- enumtable: A table of enumerators, indexed by their names.
+- functable: A table of functions, indexed by their names.
+- extdefs: This is a table of extensions, indexed by extension name.
+ Each entry contains:
+-- enums: An array of enumerators. These enumerators are the entries in the main enum array.
+-- funcs: An array of functions. These functions are the entries in the main funcData array.
+- core_profiledefs: This is a table of core versions, listing all the funcs/enums in the core profile of the spec.
+-- enums: An array of enumerators. These enumerators are the entries in the main enum array.
+-- funcs: An array of functions. These functions are the entries in the main funcData array.
+- compat_profiledefs: This is a table of core versions, listing all the funcs/enums in the compatibility profile of the spec. As per `coredefs`.
+All enumerators and functions are found in one of these two lists. Some of them are in both.
+Other changes are:
+- Fixes for certain extensions. Certain extensions are non-core, but the enums and functions have no suffixes as if they were core.
+local util = require "util"
+local listOfExtensionsToRemove =
+ "SGIX_video_source",
+ "SGIX_dmbuffer",
+ "SGIX_hyperpipe",
+local load = {}
+function load.LoadLuaSpec(luaFilename, spec)
+ local listOfCoreVersions = spec.GetCoreVersions()
+ local specData = dofile(luaFilename)
+ --HACK! Remove certain offensive extensions.
+ local toRemove = {}
+ for i, ext in ipairs(specData.extensions) do
+ for j, test in ipairs(listOfExtensionsToRemove) do
+ if(ext == test) then
+ table.insert(toRemove, 1, i);
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, index in ipairs(toRemove) do
+ table.remove(specData.extensions, index);
+ end
+ toRemove = {}
+ for i, enum in ipairs(specData.enumerators) do
+ if(enum.extensions) then
+ for j, enumExt in ipairs(enum.extensions) do
+ local bBreak = false;
+ for _, test in ipairs(listOfExtensionsToRemove) do
+ if(enumExt == test) then
+ table.insert(toRemove, 1, i);
+ bBreak = true;
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ if(bBreak) then break; end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, index in ipairs(toRemove) do
+ table.remove(specData.enumerators, index);
+ end
+ toRemove = {}
+ for i, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ if(func.extensions) then
+ for j, funcExt in ipairs(func.extensions) do
+ local bBreak = false;
+ for _, test in ipairs(listOfExtensionsToRemove) do
+ if(funcExt == test) then
+ table.insert(toRemove, 1, i);
+ bBreak = true;
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, index in ipairs(toRemove) do
+ table.remove(specData.funcData.functions, index);
+ end
+ specData.extdefs = {}
+ specData.coredefs = {}
+ specData.enumtable = {}
+ specData.functable = {}
+ local extdefs = specData.extdefs
+ local coredefs = specData.coredefs
+ local enumtable = specData.enumtable
+ local functable = specData.functable
+ local function GetCore(version)
+ if(not coredefs[version]) then
+ local coredef = {}
+ coredefs[version] = coredef
+ coredef.enums = {}
+ coredef.funcs = {}
+ end
+ return coredefs[version]
+ end
+ local function GetExt(extName)
+ if(not extdefs[extName]) then
+ local extdef = {}
+ extdefs[extName] = extdef
+ extdef.enums = {}
+ extdef.funcs = {}
+ end
+ return extdefs[extName]
+ end
+ --Add all extensions to the extdefs.
+ for i, extName in ipairs(specData.extensions) do
+ GetExt(extName)
+ end
+ for i, enum in ipairs(specData.enumerators) do
+ if(not enum.name) then print(enum.value) end
+ enumtable[enum.name] = enum
+ if(enum.extensions) then
+ for k, extName in ipairs(enum.extensions) do
+ table.insert(GetExt(extName).enums, enum)
+ end
+ end
+ if(enum.core) then
+ for _, coreSpec in ipairs(enum.core) do
+ if(coreSpec[2] == "core") then
+ table.insert(GetCore(coreSpec[1]).enums, enum)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, func in ipairs(specData.funcData.functions) do
+ functable[func.name] = func
+ if(func.extensions) then
+ for k, extName in ipairs(func.extensions) do
+ table.insert(GetExt(extName).funcs, func)
+ end
+ end
+ if(func.core) then
+ for _, coreSpec in ipairs(func.core) do
+ if(coreSpec[2] == "core") then
+ table.insert(GetCore(coreSpec[1]).funcs, func)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --Sort functions and enums by name. Just for nicer presentation.
+ for extName, data in pairs(extdefs) do
+ table.sort(data.enums, function(lhs, rhs) return lhs.name < rhs.name end)
+ table.sort(data.funcs, function(lhs, rhs) return lhs.name < rhs.name end)
+ end
+ for version, data in pairs(coredefs) do
+ table.sort(data.enums, function(lhs, rhs) return lhs.name < rhs.name end)
+ table.sort(data.funcs, function(lhs, rhs) return lhs.name < rhs.name end)
+ end
+ local coreextsByVersion = spec.GetCoreExts()
+ local coreexts = {}
+ specData.coreexts = coreexts
+ for coreVersion, coreExtList in pairs(coreextsByVersion) do
+ for i, coreExt in pairs(coreExtList) do
+ coreexts[coreExt] = {name = coreExt, version = coreVersion}
+ end
+ end
+ return specData
+return load
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Specs.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Specs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cf5fa1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Specs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+--[[ This module contains all of the spec-specific constructs (except where specs and styles overlap. That is, where styles have to do spec-specific work).
+This module has a function called GetSpec which is given the spec name and returns a table containing functions/data that can be evaluated to do different jobs. This "class" contains:
+- FilePrefix: nullary function that returns the filename prefix for this spec type.
+- PlatformSetup: Takes a file and writes out platform-specific setup stuff.
+- GetHeaderInit: Nullary function that returns a string to be written to the beginning of a header, just after the include guards.
+- DeclPrefix: nullary function that returns the name of a prefix string for declarations.
+local util = require "util"
+local LoadSpec = require "LoadLuaSpec"
+local gl_spec = {}
+local wgl_spec = {}
+local glx_spec = {}
+local specTbl =
+ gl = gl_spec,
+ wgl = wgl_spec,
+ glX = glx_spec,
+-- Spec-specific functions.
+--Validate the options.
+function gl_spec.VerifyOptions(options, parseOpts)
+ if(options.profile == "compatibility") then
+ parseOpts:AssertParse(tonumber(options.version) >= 3.0, "The OpenGL compatibility profile cannot be used with version " .. options.version)
+ end
+function wgl_spec.VerifyOptions(options, parseOpts)
+ return "wgl_"
+function glx_spec.VerifyOptions(options, parseOpts)
+ return "glx_"
+--Loads the appropriate Lua .spec file.
+function gl_spec.LoadSpec() return LoadSpec.LoadLuaSpec(util.GetSpecFilePath() .. "glspec.lua", gl_spec) end
+function wgl_spec.LoadSpec() return LoadSpec.LoadLuaSpec(util.GetSpecFilePath() .. "wglspec.lua", wgl_spec) end
+function glx_spec.LoadSpec() return LoadSpec.LoadLuaSpec(util.GetSpecFilePath() .. "glxspec.lua", glx_spec) end
+--Name for displaying.
+function gl_spec.DisplayName() return "OpenGL" end
+function wgl_spec.DisplayName() return "WGL" end
+function glx_spec.DisplayName() return "GLX" end
+function gl_spec.FilePrefix() return "gl_" end
+function wgl_spec.FilePrefix() return "wgl_" end
+function glx_spec.FilePrefix() return "glx_" end
+--Include-guard string.
+function gl_spec.GetIncludeGuardString() return "OPENGL" end
+function wgl_spec.GetIncludeGuardString() return "WINDOWSGL" end
+function glx_spec.GetIncludeGuardString() return "GLXWIN" end
+--Declaration prefix.
+function gl_spec.DeclPrefix() return "ogl_" end
+function wgl_spec.DeclPrefix() return "wgl_" end
+function glx_spec.DeclPrefix() return "glx_" end
+--Extension name prefix.
+function gl_spec.ExtNamePrefix() return "GL_" end
+function wgl_spec.ExtNamePrefix() return "WGL_" end
+function glx_spec.ExtNamePrefix() return "GLX_" end
+--Enumerator name prefix. This is for defining "proper" GL enumerators.
+function gl_spec.EnumNamePrefix() return "GL_" end
+function wgl_spec.EnumNamePrefix() return "WGL_" end
+function glx_spec.EnumNamePrefix() return "GLX_" end
+--Function name prefix. This is for defining "proper" GL function names.
+function gl_spec.FuncNamePrefix() return "gl" end
+function wgl_spec.FuncNamePrefix() return "wgl" end
+function glx_spec.FuncNamePrefix() return "glX" end
+--Parameters given to the loader. No (), just the internals.
+function gl_spec.GetLoaderParams() return "" end
+function wgl_spec.GetLoaderParams() return "HDC hdc" end
+function glx_spec.GetLoaderParams() return "Display *display, int screen" end
+--CodeGen function pointer type. For APIFUNC and so forth.
+function gl_spec.GetCodegenPtrType() return "CODEGEN_FUNCPTR" end
+function wgl_spec.GetCodegenPtrType() return "CODEGEN_FUNCPTR" end
+function glx_spec.GetCodegenPtrType() return "CODEGEN_FUNCPTR" end
+--Name of the function that loads pointers
+function gl_spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName() return "IntGetProcAddress" end
+function wgl_spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName() return "IntGetProcAddress" end
+function glx_spec.GetPtrLoaderFuncName() return "IntGetProcAddress" end
+--Name of extension string function. Also returns true if this function needs to be loaded. If false is returned, then use the string name *exactly as is*.
+function gl_spec.GetExtStringFuncName() return "GetString", true end
+function wgl_spec.GetExtStringFuncName() return "GetExtensionsStringARB", true end
+function glx_spec.GetExtStringFuncName() return "glXQueryExtensionsString", false end
+--Gets the list of parameters that the extension string function will use. No (), just the internals. Pass a function used to resolve enumerator names into actual enumerator identifiers.
+function gl_spec.GetExtStringParamList(enumResolve)
+ return enumResolve("EXTENSIONS")
+function wgl_spec.GetExtStringParamList(enumResolve) return "hdc" end
+function glx_spec.GetExtStringParamList(enumResolve) return "display, screen" end
+--Returns a table if it should use the indexed extension string functions. Returns false/nil otherwise.
+-- The table is an array of:
+-- Function name used to get the number of extensions.
+-- Enumerator name used to get the number of extensions.
+-- Function name used to get an extension string.
+-- Enumerator name used to get an extension string.
+function gl_spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options)
+ if(tonumber(options.version) >= 3.0) then
+ return {"GetIntegerv", "NUM_EXTENSIONS", "GetStringi", "EXTENSIONS"}
+ end
+ return nil
+function wgl_spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options) return nil end
+function glx_spec.GetIndexedExtStringFunc(options) return nil end
+local fileProps =
+ {"GetHeaderInit", "init"},
+-- {"GetVersions", "versions"},
+ {"GetCoreVersions", "coreversions"},
+ {"GetCoreExts", "coreexts"},
+ {"GetLoaderFunc", "loaderfunc"},
+--Header initialization.
+for key, spec in pairs(specTbl) do
+ for _, props in ipairs(fileProps) do
+ spec[props[1]] = function()
+ return dofile(util.GetDataFilePath() .. spec:FilePrefix() ..
+ "spec" .. props[2] .. ".lua")
+ end
+ end
+-- Spec retrieval machinery
+local function CopyTable(tbl)
+ local ret = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
+ ret[key] = value
+ end
+ return ret
+local function GetSpec(spec)
+ local spec_tbl = specTbl[spec]
+ assert(spec_tbl, "Unknown specification " .. spec)
+ return CopyTable(spec_tbl)
+return { GetSpec = GetSpec }
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Structure.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Structure.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bbb7bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Structure.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+local util = require "util"
+local TabbedFile = require "TabbedFile"
+local actionTypes = {}
+local conditionals = {}
+-- Action base-class
+local action = {}
+function action:Process(context)
+ --Allow start-of-iteration only data to parse.
+ if(self.first) then
+ --Note that it's *specifically* equal to false. Being 'nil' isn't enough.
+ if(context._first == false) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ --Allow end-if-iteration only data to parse.
+ if(self.last) then
+ --Note that it's *specifically* equal to false. Being 'nil' isn't enough.
+ if(context._last == false) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ --Conditional
+ if(self._cond) then
+ if(not conditionals[self._cond](context)) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if(self.newStyle) then
+ context:PushStyle(self.newStyle)
+ end
+ local noChildren = nil
+ if(self.PreProcess) then
+ noChildren = self:PreProcess(context)
+ end
+ if(not noChildren) then
+ self:ProcessChildren(context)
+ end
+ if(self.PostProcess) then
+ self:PostProcess(context)
+ end
+ if(self.newStyle) then
+ context:PopStyle()
+ end
+function action:ProcessChildren(context)
+ for _, action in ipairs(self) do
+ --Preserve the first value.
+ local oldFirst = context._first
+ local oldLast = context._last
+ action:Process(context)
+ context._first = oldFirst
+ context._last = oldLast
+ end
+local valueResolvers =
+ enum = function(enum) return enum.name end,
+ func = function(func) return func.name end,
+ spec = function(spec) return spec.FuncNamePrefix() end,
+local function ResolveValue(context, value)
+ --Find every occurrance of %chars, and try to turn that into a context variable.
+ local possibleVars = {}
+ for var in value:gmatch("%%([_%a][_%w]*)") do
+ possibleVars[var] = true
+ end
+ for var, _ in pairs(possibleVars) do
+ if(not context[var]) then
+ return nil, "The variable " .. var .. " from the value string was not found.\n" .. value
+ end
+ local replace = context[var]
+ if(type(replace) ~= "string") then
+ local str = tostring(replace)
+ if(str) then
+ replace = str
+ elseif(valueResolvers[var]) then
+ replace = valueResolvers[var](replace)
+ elseif(type(replace) == "table" and replace._ValueResolve) then
+ replace = replace:_ValueResolve()
+ end
+ end
+ if(type(replace) ~= "string") then
+ return nil, "Could not convert the variable " .. var .. " into a string."
+ end
+ value = value:gsub("%%" .. var, replace)
+ end
+ return value
+function action:CallFunction(context, name)
+ name = name or self.name
+ self:Assert(name, "Unknown function name.")
+ local style = context:FindStyleForFunc(name)
+ if(not style) then
+ if(self.optional) then
+ return
+ else
+ self:Assert(nil, "The style does not have a function " .. name)
+ end
+ end
+ if(self.value) then
+ context.value = self:Assert(ResolveValue(context, self.value))
+ end
+ local paramList = {}
+ for _, param in ipairs(self.params) do
+ assert(context[param], "The function " .. name ..
+ " need a parameter " .. param .. " which doesn't exist at this point")
+ paramList[#paramList + 1] = context[param]
+ end
+ local rets = { style[name](unpack(paramList)) }
+ if(self.value) then
+ context.value = nil
+ end
+ return unpack(rets)
+function action:Assert(...)
+ local test, text = ...
+ if(not test) then
+ local msg = ": " .. text
+ if(self.name) then
+ msg = self._actionType .. "." .. self.name .. msg
+ else
+ msg = self._actionType .. msg
+ end
+ assert(test, msg)
+ end
+ return ...
+--Iterates over the list, setting the second element returned from the iterator
+--as the given context table key.
+function action:IterateChildren(context, list, key, PostProc)
+ PostProc = PostProc or function() end
+ local oldVal = context[key]
+ for _, val in ipairs(list) do
+ context[key] = val
+ context._first = (_ == 1)
+ context._last = (_ == #list)
+ self:ProcessChildren(context)
+ PostProc(context, val)
+ end
+ context[key] = oldVal
+local function CreateAction(data, actionType)
+ local act = {}
+ util.DeepCopyTable(action, act)
+ assert(actionType, "No name given for action type")
+ --Create custom param list.
+ if(data.name) then
+ local name, params = data.name:match("([_%w]+)%s*%((.*)%)")
+ if(name) then
+ local paramList = {}
+ for param in params:gmatch("([_%a][_%w]*)") do
+ paramList[#paramList + 1] = param
+ end
+ params = paramList
+ else
+ name = data.name
+ end
+ act.name = name
+ act.params = params
+ end
+ if(data.cond) then
+ assert(conditionals[data.cond], "Unknown conditional " .. data.cond)
+ act._cond = data.cond
+ end
+ act.newStyle = data.style
+ act.optional = data.optional
+ act.value = data.value
+ --Make child actions recursively.
+ for _, child in ipairs(data) do
+ assert(actionTypes[child.type], "Unknown command type " .. child.type)
+ act[#act + 1] = actionTypes[child.type](child)
+ end
+ if(data.first) then
+ act.first = true
+ end
+ if(data.last) then
+ act.last = true
+ end
+ act._actionType = actionType
+ return act
+local function MakeActionType(typeName, typeTable, PostInitFunc)
+ actionTypes[typeName] = function(data)
+ local act = CreateAction(data, typeName)
+ util.DeepCopyTable(typeTable, act)
+ PostInitFunc(act, data)
+ return act
+ end
+-- Group Action
+local groupAction = {}
+MakeActionType("group", groupAction, function(self, data)
+-- Call Action
+local callAction = {}
+function callAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:CallFunction(context, self.name)
+MakeActionType("call", callAction, function(self, data)
+ self.params = self.params or {}
+-- Context Action
+local contextAction = {}
+function contextAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context[self.key] == nil,
+ "Attempt to nest the context variable " .. self.key)
+ if(self.data) then
+ context[self.key] = self.data
+ else
+ context[self.key] = self:CallFunction(context, self.name)
+ end
+function contextAction:PostProcess(context)
+ if(self.dispose) then
+ local style = context:FindStyleForFunc(self.dispose)
+ self:Assert(style,
+ string.format("Could not find the disposal function %s for %s.",
+ self.dispose, self.key))
+ style[self.dispose](context[self.key])
+ end
+ context[self.key] = nil
+MakeActionType("context", contextAction, function(self, data)
+ assert(data.key, "Context actions must have a `key`.")
+ assert(data.key:match("%_$"), "Context action keys must end in `_`.")
+ self.key = data.key
+ self.data = data.data
+ if(self.name) then
+ self.name = "State" .. self.name
+ end
+ self.dispose = data.dispose
+ if(self.dispose) then
+ self.dispose = "Dispose" .. self.dispose
+ end
+ assert(self.data or self.name, "Context actions must have either `data` or `name`.")
+ self.params = self.params or {}
+-- Filter Action
+local filterAction = {}
+function filterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ local shouldFilter = self:CallFunction(context, self.name)
+ if(self.neg) then
+ shouldFilter = not shouldFilter
+ end
+ return not shouldFilter
+MakeActionType("filter", filterAction, function(self, data)
+ assert(data.name, "Filter actions must have a `name`")
+ self.name = "Filter" .. self.name
+ self.neg = data.neg
+ self.params = self.params or {}
+-- File Action
+local fileAction = {}
+function fileAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.hFile == nil, "You cannot nest `file` blocks.")
+ local filename = self:CallFunction(context)
+ context.hFile = util.CreateFile(filename, context.options.indent, context.options.lineends)
+function fileAction:PostProcess(context)
+ context.hFile:close()
+ context.hFile = nil
+MakeActionType("file", fileAction, function(self, data)
+ assert(data.style, "File actions must have a `style`")
+ assert(data.name, "File actions need a name to call.")
+ self.params = self.params or {"basename", "options"}
+-- Block Action
+local blockAction = {}
+function blockAction:PreProcess(context)
+ assert(context.hFile, "Cannot write a block outside of a file. " .. self.name)
+ self:CallFunction(context, "WriteBlockBegin" .. self.name)
+function blockAction:PostProcess(context)
+ self:CallFunction(context, "WriteBlockEnd" .. self.name)
+MakeActionType("block", blockAction, function(self, data)
+ assert(data.name, "Block actions must have a `name`")
+ self.params = self.params or {"hFile", "spec", "options"}
+-- Write Action
+local writeAction = {}
+function writeAction:PreProcess(context)
+ assert(context.hFile, "Cannot write data outside of a file.")
+ self:CallFunction(context)
+MakeActionType("write", writeAction, function(self, data)
+ assert(data.name, "Write actions must have a `name`")
+ self.name = "Write" .. self.name
+ self.params = self.params or {"hFile", "specData", "spec", "options"}
+-- Blank Action
+local blankAction = {}
+function blankAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.hFile, "Blanks must be in files.")
+ context.hFile:write("\n")
+MakeActionType("blank", blankAction, function(self, data)
+-- Extension Iterator Action
+local extIterAction = {}
+function extIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.extName == nil, "Cannot nest ext-iter actions.")
+ self:IterateChildren(context, context.options.extensions, "extName")
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("ext-iter", extIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["ext-iter"] = function(context)
+ return #context.options.extensions ~= 0
+-- Version Iterator
+local versionIterAction = {}
+function versionIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.version == nil, "Cannot nest version-iter actions.")
+ local rawVersionList = context.specData.versions or {}
+ local versionList = {}
+ for _, version in ipairs(rawVersionList) do
+ if(tonumber(version) <= tonumber(context.options.version)) then
+ versionList[#versionList + 1] = version
+ end
+ end
+ self:IterateChildren(context, versionList, "version")
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("version-iter", versionIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["version-iter"] = function(context)
+ return context.specData.versions ~= nil
+-- Sub-Version Iterator
+local subVersionIterAction = {}
+function subVersionIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.sub_version == nil, "Cannot nest sub-version-iter actions.")
+ self:Assert(context.version, "Must put sub-version-iter inside versions.")
+ local rawVersionList = context.specData.versions or {}
+ local versionList = {}
+ for _, version in ipairs(rawVersionList) do
+ if(tonumber(version) <= tonumber(context.version)) then
+ versionList[#versionList + 1] = version
+ end
+ end
+ self:IterateChildren(context, versionList, "sub_version")
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("sub-version-iter", subVersionIterAction, function(self, data)
+-- Core Extension Iterator Action
+local coreExtIterAction = {}
+function coreExtIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.version, "Must put this in a version iterator")
+ self:Assert(context.extName == nil, "Cannot nest core-ext-iter actions.")
+ local coreExts = context._coreExts
+ if(coreExts[context.version]) then
+ self:IterateChildren(context, coreExts[context.version], "extName")
+ end
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("core-ext-iter", coreExtIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["core-ext-iter"] = function(context)
+ assert(context.version, "Cannot have a core-ext-iter conditional outside of a version.")
+ return context._coreExts[context.version] ~= nil
+-- Core Extension Iterator Action, culled against the requested extensions.
+local coreExtCullIterAction = {}
+local function BuildCulledExtList(context)
+ local coreExts = context._coreExts
+ if(coreExts[context.version]) then
+ local extList = {}
+ for _, ext in ipairs(coreExts[context.version]) do
+ if(not context._extTbl[ext]) then
+ extList[#extList + 1] = ext
+ end
+ end
+ return extList
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+function coreExtCullIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.version, "Must put core-ext-cull-iters in a version")
+ self:Assert(context.extName == nil, "Cannot nest core-ext-cull-iter actions.")
+ local extList = BuildCulledExtList(context)
+ if(#extList > 0) then
+ self:IterateChildren(context, extList, "extName")
+ end
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("core-ext-cull-iter", coreExtCullIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["core-ext-cull-iter"] = function(context)
+ assert(context.version, "Cannot have a core-ext-cull-iter conditional outside of a version.")
+ return #BuildCulledExtList(context) > 0
+-- Enum Seen Action
+local enumSeenAction = {}
+function enumSeenAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.enumSeen == nil, "Cannot nest enum-seen actions.")
+ context.enumSeen = {}
+function enumSeenAction:PostProcess(context)
+ context.enumSeen = nil
+MakeActionType("enum-seen", enumSeenAction, function(self, data)
+-- Enumerator Iterator
+local enumIterAction = {}
+local function GetEnumList(context)
+ if(context.extName) then
+ --Get enum list for the extension.
+ return context.specData.extdefs[context.extName].enums, context.extName
+ else
+ --Get enum list from core version.
+ if(context.options.profile ~= "core") then
+ return context.specData.coredefs[context.version].enums, context.version
+ end
+ local defList = {}
+ local targetVersion = tonumber(context.options.version)
+ for _, def in ipairs(context.specData.coredefs[context.version].enums) do
+ for ix = #def.core, 1, -1 do
+ if(tonumber(def.core[ix][1]) <= targetVersion) then
+ if(def.core[ix][2] == "core") then
+ table.insert(defList, def)
+ end
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return defList, context.version
+ end
+function enumIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.version or context.extName, "Enumeration iterators must go within a version or extension iterator.")
+ local enumList, source = GetEnumList(context)
+ if(not source) then
+ print(context.version, context.extName)
+ end
+ context.enumTable = context.specData.enumtable
+ self:IterateChildren(context, enumList, "enum",
+ function(context, enum)
+ if(context.enumSeen) then
+ context.enumSeen[enum.name] = source
+ end
+ end)
+ context.enumTable = nil
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("enum-iter", enumIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["enum-iter"] = function(context)
+ assert(context.version or context.extName, "Cannot have an enum-iter conditional outside of a version or extension iterator.")
+ return #GetEnumList(context) > 0
+-- Func Seen Action
+local funcSeenAction = {}
+function funcSeenAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.funcSeen == nil, "Cannot nest func-seen actions.")
+ context.funcSeen = {}
+function funcSeenAction:PostProcess(context)
+ context.funcSeen = nil
+MakeActionType("func-seen", funcSeenAction, function(self, data)
+-- Function Iterator
+local funcIterAction = {}
+local function GetFuncList(context)
+ if(context.extName) then
+ --Get function list for the extension.
+ return context.specData.extdefs[context.extName].funcs, context.extName
+ else
+ --Get function list from core version.
+ if(context.options.profile ~= "core") then
+ return context.specData.coredefs[context.version].funcs, context.version
+ end
+ local defList = {}
+ local targetVersion = tonumber(context.options.version)
+ for _, def in ipairs(context.specData.coredefs[context.version].funcs) do
+ for ix = #def.core, 1, -1 do
+ if(tonumber(def.core[ix][1]) <= targetVersion) then
+ if(def.core[ix][2] == "core") then
+ table.insert(defList, def)
+ end
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return defList, context.version
+ end
+function funcIterAction:PreProcess(context)
+ self:Assert(context.version or context.extName, "Function iterators must go within a version or extension iterator.")
+ local funcList, source = GetFuncList(context)
+ self:IterateChildren(context, funcList, "func",
+ function(context, func)
+ if(context.funcSeen) then
+ context.funcSeen[func.name] = source
+ end
+ end)
+ return true --Stops regular child processing.
+MakeActionType("func-iter", funcIterAction, function(self, data)
+conditionals["func-iter"] = function(context)
+ assert(context.version or context.extName, "Cannot have a func-iter conditional outside of a version or extension iterator.")
+ return #GetFuncList(context) > 0
+conditionals["core-funcs"] = function(context)
+ return context.options.spec == "gl"
+local struct = {}
+function struct.BuildStructure(structure)
+ local actions = {}
+ for _, data in ipairs(structure) do
+ assert(actionTypes[data.type], "Unknown command type " .. data.type)
+ actions[#actions + 1] = actionTypes[data.type](data)
+ end
+ actions.Proc = function(basename, style, specData, spec, options)
+ local context = {}
+ context.basename = basename
+ context.style = style
+ context.specData = specData
+ context.spec = spec
+ context.options = options
+ context._coreExts = spec.GetCoreExts()
+ context._extTbl = util.InvertTable(options.extensions)
+ context._styles = { style }
+ function context:GetStyle()
+ return context._styles[#context._styles]
+ end
+ function context:FindStyleForFunc(funcName)
+ for i = #context._styles, 1, -1 do
+ if(context._styles[i][funcName]) then
+ return context._styles[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ function context:PushStyle(newStyleName)
+ --Find the style in the stack, from top to bottom.
+ local ix = nil
+ for styleIx = #context._styles, 1, -1 do
+ if(context._styles[styleIx][newStyleName]) then
+ ix = styleIx
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ assert(ix, "Could not find a style named " .. newStyleName)
+ table.insert(context._styles, context._styles[ix][newStyleName])
+ context.style = context._styles[#context._styles]
+ if(context.style._init) then
+ context.style._init()
+ end
+ end
+ function context:PopStyle()
+ local ret = context._styles[#context._styles]
+ context._styles[#context._styles] = nil
+ context.style = context._styles[#context._styles]
+ if(ret._exit) then
+ ret._exit()
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ for _, action in ipairs(actions) do
+ action:Process(context)
+ end
+ end
+ return actions
+return struct
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Styles.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Styles.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebc936e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/Styles.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+--[[This module is the interface to all of the style-based code generation facilities.
+The module has a function called GetStyleList, which returns a list of all available styles.
+This module has a function called GetStyle, which is given a style name. It will return a table of functions that can be evaluated to do different code generation tasks.
+SampleStyle.lua contains an example, with documentation for what's going on. Every function you need to define will be there, with comments. Just copy and use as needed.
+If you want to extend this to new styles, then create a file in this directory called "UserStyles.lua". In that file, return a table, where the keys in that table are string names for the command-line style name, and the value is the style data itself. The style data is a table containing a Create function, which takes no parameters and returns a style and a structure (two return values).
+local style_registry =
+ pointer_c = require("PointerC_Style"),
+ pointer_cpp = require("PointerCPP_Style"),
+ func_cpp = require("FuncCpp_Style"),
+ noload_cpp = require("NoloadCpp_Style"),
+ noload_c = require("NoloadC_Style"),
+local default_style = "pointer_c"
+local status, userStyles = pcall(require, "UserStyles")
+if(status and type(userStyles) == "table") then
+ for styleName, style in pairs(userStyles) do
+ if(style_registry[styleName] ~= nil) then
+ print("User-defined style name " .. styleName .. " conflicts with an existing style.")
+ else
+ style_registry[styleName] = style
+ end
+ end
+ if(not status) then
+ --Error out, but only if the file is there found.
+ local status, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
+ if(status and lfs.attributes("modules/UserStyles.lua", "mode") == "file") then
+ error(userStyles);
+ end
+ end
+local function GetStyleList()
+ --Make sure the default is first.
+ local list = {default_style}
+ assert(style_registry[default_style], "Bad default style.")
+ for style, data in pairs(style_registry) do
+ if(style ~= default_style) then
+ list[#list + 1] = style
+ end
+ end
+ return list
+local function GetStyle(name)
+ assert(style_registry[name], "Unknown style named " .. name)
+ return style_registry[name].Create()
+ GetStyleList = GetStyleList,
+ GetStyle = GetStyle,
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/TabbedFile.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/TabbedFile.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2116b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/TabbedFile.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+--[[ Exports a table containing one function: TabbedFile. It wraps a regular Lua file-handle, providing extra functions. Tabs can either be a number of spaces or one tab. It provides the following functions, in addition to (or replacing) the Lua standard ones:
+- inc: Increments the tab count by the number given, or by 1 if nothing is given.
+- dec: Decrements the tab count by the number given, or by 1 if nothing is given.
+- push: Preserves the current tab count.
+- pop: Restores the previously preserved tab count.
+- write: An indented write; everything is written after the indent.
+- writeblock: Takes a single string, breaks it down into multiple lines, and writes each line indented.
+- fmt: As string.format followed by an indented write
+- fmtblock: As string.format, followed by calling `writeblock`.
+- rawfmt: As string.format followed by a NON-indented write.
+- rawwrite: hFile:write.
+Each call to one of the non-raw writing functions will indent the text.
+local members = {}
+function members:inc(count)
+ count = count or 1
+ rawset(self, "_indent", self._indent + count)
+function members:dec(count)
+ count = count or 1
+ rawset(self, "_indent", self._indent - count)
+function members:push()
+ local stack = rawget(self, "_indentStack")
+ stack[#stack + 1] = rawget(self, "_indent")
+function members:pop()
+ local stack = rawget(self, "_indentStack")
+ assert(#stack > 0, "Tab stack underflow.")
+ rawset(self, "_indent", stack[#stack])
+ stack[#stack] = nil
+function members:fmt(fmt, ...)
+ self:_Indent()
+ local str = fmt:format(...)
+ rawget(self, "_hFile"):write(str)
+function members:rawfmt(fmt, ...)
+ local str = fmt:format(...)
+ rawget(self, "_hFile"):write(str)
+function members:write(...)
+ self:_Indent()
+ rawget(self, "_hFile"):write(...)
+function members:writeblock(block, ...)
+ assert(#{...} == 0, "writeblock takes one argument")
+ for line in block:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n") do
+ self:write(line, "\n")
+ end
+ local last = block:match("\n([^\n]*)$")
+ if(last and #last ~= 0) then
+ self:write(last)
+ end
+ --No \n. Check to see if there's one anywhere in string.
+ --If not, then we never wrote anything, so just write the block, with a \n.
+ if(not last and not block:match("\n")) then
+ self:write(block, "\n")
+ end
+function members:fmtblock(block, ...)
+ self:writeblock(block:format(...))
+function members:rawwrite(...)
+ rawget(self, "_hFile"):write(...)
+-- Standard members
+local fileMembers =
+ "close",
+ "flush",
+ "lines",
+ "read",
+ "seek",
+ "setvbuf",
+ "write",
+for _, fileMem in ipairs(fileMembers) do
+ if(not members[fileMem]) then
+ members[fileMem] = function(self, ...)
+ local hFile = rawget(self, "_hFile")
+ return hFile[fileMem](hFile, ...)
+ end
+ end
+local metatable = {}
+function metatable.__index(self, key)
+ return members[key]
+metatable.__newindex = {}
+local function IndentFunc(self)
+ self._hFile:write(string.rep(self._indentStr, self._indent))
+local function TabbedFile(hFile, style, numSpaces)
+ numSpaces = numSpaces or 2
+ local proxy =
+ {
+ _hFile = hFile,
+ _indent = 0,
+ _Indent = IndentFunc,
+ _indentStack = {}
+ }
+ if(style == "tab") then
+ proxy._indentStr = "\t"
+ elseif(style == "space") then
+ proxy._indentStr = string.rep(" ", numSpaces)
+ else
+ error("Unknown indent style " .. style)
+ end
+ setmetatable(proxy, metatable)
+ return proxy
+return { TabbedFile = TabbedFile }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glLoadGen/modules/awlib_Struct.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/awlib_Struct.lua
similarity index 100%
rename from graphics/glLoadGen/modules/awlib_Struct.lua
rename to graphics/glloadgen/modules/awlib_Struct.lua
diff --git a/graphics/glLoadGen/modules/awlib_Style.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/awlib_Style.lua
similarity index 100%
rename from graphics/glLoadGen/modules/awlib_Style.lua
rename to graphics/glloadgen/modules/awlib_Style.lua
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/modules/util.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/util.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cc7d8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/modules/util.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+local TabbedFile = require "TabbedFile"
+local util = {}
+function util.GetSpecFilePath()
+ return FixupPath("glspecs/");
+function util.GetDataFilePath()
+ return FixupPath("data/");
+function util.InvertTable(tbl)
+ local ret = {}
+ for i, val in ipairs(tbl) do
+ ret[val] = true
+ end
+ return ret
+function util.InvertTableIndex(tbl)
+ local ret = {}
+ for i, val in ipairs(tbl) do
+ ret[val] = i
+ end
+ return ret
+--Returns two values: the base filename and the directory.
+--If the base filename is nil, it doesn't have a pathname.
+--If the directory is nil, then there was no directory.
+function util.ParsePath(pathname)
+ local base = pathname:match("([^\\/]+)$")
+ local dir = pathname:match("^(.*[\\/])")
+ return base, dir
+local function DeepCopyTable(tbl, destTbl)
+ local ret = destTbl or {}
+ for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
+ if(type(value) == "table") then
+ if(type(ret[key]) == "table") then
+ ret[key] = DeepCopyTable(value, ret[key])
+ else
+ ret[key] = DeepCopyTable(value)
+ end
+ else
+ ret[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+util.DeepCopyTable = DeepCopyTable
+--Ensures the given path exists. Creates the directories when they don't.
+--Note: Only works if LFS is available.
+--`path` should end in a directory separator.
+function util.EnsurePath(path)
+ local status, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
+ if(not status) then return end
+ --strip the last directory separator off.
+ path = path:match("^(.+)[/\\]$")
+ local mode, err = lfs.attributes(path, "mode")
+ if(not mode) then
+ local creates = {}
+ local currPath = path
+ repeat
+ table.insert(creates, 1, currPath)
+ currPath = currPath:match("(.*[/\\])[^/\\]*$")
+ if(currPath) then
+ currPath = currPath:match("^(.+)[/\\]$")
+ mode, err = lfs.attributes(currPath, "mode")
+ end
+ until(mode or currPath == nil)
+ for _, newDir in ipairs(creates) do
+ assert(lfs.mkdir(newDir))
+ end
+ end
+function util.CreateFile(filename, indent, lineends)
+ local base, dir = util.ParsePath(filename)
+ util.EnsurePath(dir)
+ local mode = "w"
+ if(lineends == "unix") then mode = "wb" end
+ local hFile = assert(io.open(filename, mode))
+ return TabbedFile.TabbedFile(hFile, indent)
+return util
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/tablewriter.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/tablewriter.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1efa9bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/tablewriter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+--This file exports a function, WriteTable, which takes a file stream
+-- and a table to write.
+local function WriteTabs(hFile, iRecursion)
+ hFile:write(string.rep("\t", iRecursion));
+local writeKey = {};
+function writeKey.string(hFile, value, iRecursion)
+ hFile:write("[\"", value, "\"]")
+function writeKey.number(hFile, value, iRecursion)
+ hFile:write("[", value, "]")
+local writeValue = {};
+function writeValue.string(hFile, value, iRecursion)
+ hFile:write("[==[", value, "]==]")
+function writeValue.number(hFile, value, iRecursion)
+ hFile:write(value)
+function writeValue.boolean(hFile, value, iRecursion)
+ if(value) then hFile:write("true"); else hFile:write("false"); end;
+function writeValue.table(hFile, outTable, iRecursion)
+ if(iRecursion == nil) then iRecursion = 1; end
+ hFile:write("{\n");
+ local bHasArray = false;
+ local arraySize = 0;
+ if(#outTable > 0) then bHasArray = true; arraySize = #outTable; end;
+ for key, value in pairs(outTable) do
+ if(writeKey[type(key)] == nil) then print("Malformed table key."); return; end
+ if(writeValue[type(value)] == nil) then
+ print( string.format("Bad value in table: key: '%s' value type '%s'.", key, type(value)));
+ return;
+ end
+ --If the key is not an array index, process it.
+ if((not bHasArray) or
+ (type(key) ~= "number") or
+ not((1 <= key) and (key <= arraySize))) then
+ WriteTabs(hFile, iRecursion);
+ writeKey[type(key)](hFile, key, iRecursion + 1);
+ hFile:write(" = ");
+ writeValue[type(value)](hFile, value, iRecursion + 1);
+ hFile:write(",\n");
+ end
+ end
+ if(bHasArray) then
+ for i, value in ipairs(outTable) do
+ WriteTabs(hFile, iRecursion);
+ writeValue[type(value)](hFile, value, iRecursion + 1);
+ hFile:write(",\n");
+ end
+ end
+ WriteTabs(hFile, iRecursion - 1);
+ hFile:write("}");
+return { WriteTable = function(hFile, outTable) writeValue.table(hFile, outTable) end, }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6b9517c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ gl::BindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::exts::LoadTest didLoad = gl::sys::LoadFunctions();
+ if(!didLoad)
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", didLoad.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL Loaded!\n");
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ wgl::exts::LoadTest load = wgl::sys::LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!load)
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", load.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("WGL Loaded!\n");
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp_comp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp_comp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab3fab8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/func_cpp_comp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (2, 1);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::exts::LoadTest didLoad = gl::sys::LoadFunctions();
+ if(!didLoad)
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", didLoad.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL Loaded!\n");
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ wgl::exts::LoadTest load = wgl::sys::LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!load)
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", load.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("WGL Loaded!\n");
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f85248e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include "gl_test.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.h"
+#include "glx_test.h"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = glCreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ glShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ glCompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ glGenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ glAttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ glLinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glUseProgram(program);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call glViewport or GL_Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ ogl_CheckExtensions();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ wgl_CheckExtensions(wglGetCurrentDC());
+ if(ogl_ext_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ printf("Yay!\n");
+ else
+ printf("Fooey.\n");
+ init();
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_noext/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_noext/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dcee713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_noext/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include "gl_test.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.h"
+#include "glx_test.h"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = glCreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ glShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ glCompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ glGenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ glAttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ glLinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glUseProgram(program);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call glViewport or GL_Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ ogl_CheckExtensions();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ wgl_CheckExtensions(wglGetCurrentDC());
+ init();
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_old/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_old/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d0031a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_c_old/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include "gl_test.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.h"
+#include "glx_test.h"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = glCreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ glShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ glCompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ glGenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ glAttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ glLinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glUseProgram(program);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call glViewport or GL_Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (2, 1);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ ogl_CheckExtensions();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ wgl_CheckExtensions(wglGetCurrentDC());
+ if(ogl_ext_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ printf("Yay!\n");
+ else
+ printf("Fooey.\n");
+ init();
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a61078e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ gl::BindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::sys::CheckExtensions();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ wgl::sys::CheckExtensions(wglGetCurrentDC());
+ if(gl::exts::var_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ printf("Yay!\n");
+ else
+ printf("Fooey.\n");
+ init();
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp_noext/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp_noext/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77ce85aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/noload_cpp_noext/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ gl::BindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::sys::CheckExtensions();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ wgl::sys::CheckExtensions(wglGetCurrentDC());
+ if(gl::exts::var_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc)
+ printf("Yay!\n");
+ else
+ printf("Fooey.\n");
+ init();
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/premake4.lua b/graphics/glloadgen/test/premake4.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4f6dc22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/premake4.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+dofile "glsdk/links.lua"
+solution "test"
+ configurations {"Debug", "Release"}
+local tests =
+ {name = "ptr_cpp"},
+ {name = "ptr_c"},
+ {name = "ptr_cpp_comp"},
+ {name = "ptr_c_comp"},
+ {name = "func_cpp"},
+ {name = "func_cpp_comp"},
+ {name = "noload_cpp"},
+ {name = "noload_cpp_noext"},
+ {name = "noload_c"},
+ {name = "noload_c_old"},
+ {name = "noload_c_noext"},
+local oldDir = os.getcwd()
+for _, test in ipairs(tests) do
+ os.chdir(path.getabsolute(test.name))
+ project(test.name .. "_test")
+ kind "ConsoleApp"
+ language "c++"
+ objdir("obj")
+ files {"**.cpp"}
+ files {"**.c"}
+ files {"**.hpp"}
+ files {"**.h"}
+ if(test.include) then
+ includedirs(test.include)
+ end
+ UseLibs {"freeglut"}
+ configuration "windows"
+ links {"glu32", "opengl32", "gdi32", "winmm", "user32"}
+ configuration "linux"
+ links {"GL", "GLU", "Xrandr", "X11"}
+ configuration "Debug"
+ targetsuffix "D"
+ defines "_DEBUG"
+ flags "Symbols"
+ configuration "Release"
+ defines "NDEBUG"
+ flags {"OptimizeSpeed", "NoFramePointer", "ExtraWarnings", "NoEditAndContinue"};
+ os.chdir(oldDir)
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2d922b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "gl_test.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.h"
+#include "glx_test.h"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = glCreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ glShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ glCompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ glGenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ glAttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ glLinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glUseProgram(program);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call glViewport or glScissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ int loaded_gl = ogl_LoadFunctions();
+ if(!loaded_gl)
+ printf("Failed to load OpenGL.\n");
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", loaded_gl - ogl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED);
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ int loaded_wgl = wgl_LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!loaded_wgl)
+ printf("Failed to load WGL.\n");
+ else
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", loaded_wgl - wgl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED);
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c_comp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c_comp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..437020b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_c_comp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "gl_test.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.h"
+#include "glx_test.h"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = glCreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ glShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ glCompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ glBindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ glGenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = glCreateProgram();
+ glAttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ glAttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ glLinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ glGetProgramiv (program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == GL_FALSE)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ glGetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glUseProgram(program);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ glUseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call glViewport or glScissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ int loaded_gl = ogl_LoadFunctions();
+ if(!loaded_gl)
+ printf("Failed to load OpenGL.\n");
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", loaded_gl - ogl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED);
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ int loaded_wgl = wgl_LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!loaded_wgl)
+ printf("Failed to load WGL.\n");
+ else
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", loaded_wgl - wgl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED);
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6b9517c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ gl::BindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitContextProfile(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::exts::LoadTest didLoad = gl::sys::LoadFunctions();
+ if(!didLoad)
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", didLoad.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL Loaded!\n");
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ wgl::exts::LoadTest load = wgl::sys::LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!load)
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", load.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("WGL Loaded!\n");
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp_comp/test.cpp b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp_comp/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61f30d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/glloadgen/test/ptr_cpp_comp/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "gl_test.hpp"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "wgl_test.hpp"
+#include "glx_test.hpp"
+GLuint positionBufferObject;
+GLuint program;
+GLuint vao;
+GLuint BuildShader(GLenum eShaderType, const std::string &shaderText)
+ GLuint shader = gl::CreateShader(eShaderType);
+ const char *strFileData = shaderText.c_str();
+ gl::ShaderSource(shader, 1, &strFileData, NULL);
+ gl::CompileShader(shader);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetShaderiv(shader, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ const char *strShaderType = NULL;
+ switch(eShaderType)
+ {
+ case gl::VERTEX_SHADER: strShaderType = "vertex"; break;
+// case gl::GEOMETRY_SHADER: strShaderType = "geometry"; break;
+ case gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER: strShaderType = "fragment"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compile failure in %s shader:\n%s\n", strShaderType, strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Compile failure in shader.");
+ }
+ return shader;
+void init()
+ gl::GenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
+ gl::BindVertexArray(vao);
+ const float vertexPositions[] = {
+ 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ 0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ -0.75f, -0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
+ };
+ gl::GenBuffers(1, &positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::BufferData(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertexPositions), vertexPositions, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ const std::string vertexShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_Position = position;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ const std::string fragmentShader(
+ "#version 330\n"
+ "out vec4 outputColor;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " outputColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ GLuint vertShader = BuildShader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader);
+ GLuint fragShader = BuildShader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader);
+ program = gl::CreateProgram();
+ gl::AttachShader(program, vertShader);
+ gl::AttachShader(program, fragShader);
+ gl::LinkProgram(program);
+ GLint status;
+ gl::GetProgramiv (program, gl::LINK_STATUS, &status);
+ if (status == gl::FALSE_)
+ {
+ GLint infoLogLength;
+ gl::GetProgramiv(program, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLogLength);
+ GLchar *strInfoLog = new GLchar[infoLogLength + 1];
+ gl::GetProgramInfoLog(program, infoLogLength, NULL, strInfoLog);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Linker failure: %s\n", strInfoLog);
+ delete[] strInfoLog;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Shader could not be linked.");
+ }
+//Called to update the display.
+//You should call glutSwapBuffers after all of your rendering to display what you rendered.
+//If you need continuous updates of the screen, call glutPostRedisplay() at the end of the function.
+void display()
+ gl::ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl::UseProgram(program);
+ gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBufferObject);
+ gl::EnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, gl::FLOAT, gl::FALSE_, 0, 0);
+ gl::DrawArrays(gl::TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ gl::DisableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl::UseProgram(0);
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+//Called whenever the window is resized. The new window size is given, in pixels.
+//This is an opportunity to call gl::Viewport or gl::Scissor to keep up with the change in size.
+void reshape (int w, int h)
+ gl::Viewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);
+//Called whenever a key on the keyboard was pressed.
+//The key is given by the ''key'' parameter, which is in ASCII.
+//It's often a good idea to have the escape key (ASCII value 27) call glutLeaveMainLoop() to
+//exit the program.
+void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 27:
+ glutLeaveMainLoop();
+ break;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ glutInit(&argc, argv);
+ int width = 500;
+ int height = 500;
+ unsigned int displayMode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(displayMode);
+ glutInitContextVersion (3, 3);
+ glutInitWindowSize (width, height);
+ glutInitWindowPosition (300, 200);
+ glutCreateWindow (argv[0]);
+ gl::exts::LoadTest didLoad = gl::sys::LoadFunctions();
+ if(!didLoad)
+ printf("OpenGL: %i\n", didLoad.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("OpenGL Loaded!\n");
+ init();
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
+ wgl::exts::LoadTest load = wgl::sys::LoadFunctions(hdc);
+ if(!load)
+ printf("WGL: %i\n", load.GetNumMissing());
+ else
+ printf("WGL Loaded!\n");
+ glutDisplayFunc(display);
+ glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
+ glutMainLoop();
+ return 0;