There is a widespread misconception that doing proofs and computations for arbitrary higher-dimensional mathematical objects is easier in HoTT, supposedly because HoTT supports higher-dimensional structures natively. The reality is more involved than this, because there are many kinds of higher-dimensional structure, and HoTT implements one of them.
Higher-dimensional variants of mathematical objects are often specified by data in countably many dimensions, together with coherence conditions in all those dimensions. Still, some higher-dimensional can be described finitely and very succinctly in HoTT. We give some notable examples.
If one interprets equivalences of types (as defined in e.g. chapter 2.4 of the HoTT book) in homotopical semantics, such as simplicial sets, one obtains weak homotopy equivalences. Normally, a weak homotopy equivalence is a continuous map, satisfying the condition that all its induced maps on homotopy groups are isomorphisms. The fact that all this is expressed by the concise definitions of chapter 2.4 is an example of the expressive power of HoTT.
Similarly, we can define when a type is n-truncated, without having to state any requirements above dimension n. Namely, if a type is n-truncated, it is also automatically (n+1)-truncated. Just like the previous example, this claim about truncatedness is true both as a statement in HoTT, and as a claim about the homotopical semantics of HoTT.
Univalence tells us that predicates on objects are invariant under equivalences. A predicate that holds for a type A automatically also holds B if there is an equivalence from A to B.
Suppose you naively translate the widely-known definition of higher-dimensional zoggblobs from classical mathematics into HoTT. It is unlikely you'll have such automatic invariance of predicates along zoggblobs that are considered equivalent [1]. It is unlikely you are automatically able to make use of the higher-dimensional structure of types of MLTT.
And it may not even be obvious how to translate certain structures into HoTT. If one wants to consider e.g. the Poincaré conjecture (which says that if you have a space homotopic to S^n, then, under some conditions, it is diffeomorphic to S^n), one wants to have a notion of differential structure that is compatible with the homotopical structure. But the obvious choice of homotopical structure - types - requires adding syntax (modalities) to obtain a differential structure. And there are different ways to use modalities to add differential structures to types. Under some given choice, a statement like the Poincaré conjecture may be true, it may require choice, it may be unprovable, and it may be provably false (not all at the same time).
.. todo:: cross-ref to cohesive type theory
You can ask what kind of universal properties a space X has when interpreted as an object of various categories of spaces. Similarly, you can ask what kind of universal properties X has as a type. These are all different questions, possibly with different answers.
HoTT won't automatically help you with higher-dimensional reasoning. In fact, a lot of research is about which definitions give you which kind of help.
.. todo:: Think about some examples. - :math:`(\infty,1)`-categories - double categories - give a def of lax double functors and coherence for them. if hott claims that it comes with an infty-categorical structure, then it should automatically give the higher coherence axioms. - double category of cobordisms - knot theory - semi-simplicial types - 2-category theory - there are different notions of functors: lax, strict, pseudo. not all of these (e.g. strict) are invariant under equivalence of 2-categories. if you define 2-categories so that they typally equal iff they are equivalent (as 2-categories), then you won't be able to define strict functors on these 2-categories. - this is good and bad at the same time. - sometimes HoTT *does* do a better job: e.g. claims about (infty-)groupoids are automatically invariant. but depends on the way you state this.
See also: :ref:`types_as_spaces`.
[1] | This tends to break for essentially the same reasons that you didn't used to have the invariance in classical mathematics in the first place. |
As a rule of thumb, the answer to such questions relating to topological definitions is "they aren't". But confusingly, there are a few exceptions to this. So really the answer is that this is (usually) the wrong question.
See also: :ref:`types_as_spaces`.
:ref:`book_hott` is not a theory of topological spaces, or about any kind of space. It is a type theory that can be used as a neutral foundations of mathematics. Because of this, it is often called univalent type theory or univalent mathematics instead, as homotopy theory is, from a logician's point of view, secondary to HoTT: it just so happens [2] that it admits semantics in certain Quillen model categories, and that allows us to use the intuition of types as spaces.
If you are trained in topos logic, and you are asking a HoTT expert when a map in HoTT is closed, then you have the obligation to first define, in the internal language of a topos, when a map between two objects in a topos is closed. HoTT does not give new expressive power. If it would give new expressive power, it would not be a neutral foundations of mathematics.
.. todo:: write something on the homotopy hypothesis, and cross-reference here.
The confusion starts with the exceptions: because some concepts from homotopy theory can be interpreted by the syntax of type theory. In some sense, types behave like certain kinds of spaces. In some sense, we can compute homotopy groups of spheres inside HoTT, when homotopy groups are defined in a certain way. In some sense, equivalences of types behave like weak equivalences in homotopy theory.
Indeed, already such concepts could be interpreted in other foundations of mathematics, such as constructive set theories. The reason that nobody did this, is that such foundations, by virtue of being set theories, exhibit no behavior that reminds of higher-dimensional homotopy theory: after all, all the objects are 0-dimensional. HoTT shows you the types that you have been missing before.
In other words: the types in HoTT aren't space-like because HoTT has a more specific idea about what a type is, but because it has a more general idea of what a type is.
Certain constructions in homotopy theory have analogues that can be expressed very succinctly in HoTT. These constructions have in common that they are always invariant under equivalences of types. And we think of such equivalences as weak equivalences of the spaces of homotopy theory: so by univalence, such constructions are thought of as invariant under weak equivalences of spaces, which rules out many definitions from point-set topology.
[2] | Well, this is not fair, of course:
Classical mathematicians are concerned with the truth or falsity of statements, whereas type theory is usually about constructions. Geometric questions such as the bisection of an angle are answered by construction using ruler and compass, but it is neither true nor false. In the same way, constructive logic offers aspects on mathematical questions that classical logic cannot provide.
Constructive mathematics is in its infancy. According to some, it is doomed to the role of scavenger. These people conceive of classical mathematics as establishing the grand design and the imaginative insight, leaving the constructivists to add whatever embellishments their credos demand. Although totally wrong, this viewpoint hints at a truth: The most urgent task of the constructivist is to give predictive embodiment to the ideas and techniques of classical mathematics. Classical mathematics is not totally divorced from reality. On the contrary, most of it has a strongly constructive cast. Much of the constructivization of classical mathematics is therefore routine; constructive versions of many standard results are readily at hand. This makes it easy to miss the point, which is not to find a constructive version of this or that, or even of every, classical result. The point is not even to find elegant substitutes for whole classical theories. The point rather is to use classical mathematics, at least initially, as a guide. Much will be of little value to the constructivist, much will be constructive per se, and much will raise fundamental questions which classically are trivial or perhaps do not even make sense. The emphasis will be on the discovery of useful and incisive numerical information. It is the incisiveness and scope of the information, not the elegencae of the format, that is relevant.
An accessible and entertaining introduction to constructive mathematics is Andrej Bauer's 2013 lecture "Five stages of accepting constructive mathematics", available on youtube. This talk was turned into a paper published in 2016 :cite:`bauer5️⃣stages`. The five phases are:
- Denial: various misconceptions about constructivism, and what is
and isn't considered constructive mathematics. Topics include:
- Excluded Middle: false or not?
- The difference between "proof by a contradiction" and "proof of a contradiction".
- Choice axioms, and how to spot them.
- Anger: how constructivism may seem bizarre from a classical point of view.
- Bargaining: where constructive logic and mathematics occur
naturally. Topics include:
- Constructive mathematics as a generalization of classical mathematics.
- Realizability (i.e. computability) models.
- Sheaf models, topos theory, and continuity.
- Depression: an interpretation of how the relevance of constructivism may be changing over time.
- Acceptance: ways to adapt to constructive mathematics, and make use
of its power. Topics include:
- How mathematics may be adapted to do away with excluded middle.
- How mathematics may be adapted to do away with choice.
One understanding of the term "constructivism" is that the logic should always pass around explicit constructions, which may in general not be unique. So existential quantifiers are understood to always be proved by constructing witnesses, and logical disjunctions are understood to always give a choice of a disjunct.
From this point of view, the truncation operation seems to be non-constructive: namely, it allows us to pass around a notion of truth without passing around the underlying witnesses. There are (at least) two problems with the conclusion that truncation is non-constructive.
- This understanding of constructivism is correct only for certain variants of constructive logic.
- Perhaps more importantly, witnesses are passed around, and this can be observed [4].
For the latter, :ref:`define <translating_natural>` the type P of primes numbers that are the sum of two consecutive primes. So P is a \Sigma-type. Then it can be shown that P is a proposition: any two of its elements are equal. The proof of this is essentially the same as the proof that there is at most one prime that is the sum of two consecutive primes. Moreover, the type P is inhabited. One constructs an element of P by pairing the number 5 with a proof that 5 is the sum of 2 and 3, which are also primes. But any proof of the proposition P is indeed very informative: for example, the first projection of any proof of P (recall that P is a \Sigma-type, and as such we can take the first and second projections of its elements) will yield the number 5.
By the above reasoning, the truncation \|P\| of P is equivalent to P itself, and hence from an element of \|P\| we can get an element of P, and hence the number 5, even if we did not have an element of P in the first place. The witness underlying \|P\| was exposed.
Another striking example of elements of truncated types carrying data is given by Nicolai Kraus' function that undoes the truncation map |\_|:\mathbb{N}\to\|\mathbb{N}\| :cite:`kraus:truncation:invertible` [3]. In this construction, for any natural n:\mathbb{N}, we consider the type
\operatorname{pathto}(\mathbb{N},n) := \sum_{Y:\sum_{X:\mathcal{U}}X}(Y=(\mathbb{N},n))
of :term:`pointed types <pointed type>` that are equal to the pointed type (\mathbb{N},n). We can show that \operatorname{pathto}(\mathbb{N},n) is a proposition. This allows us to extract the incoming point n, even if it was hidden by the truncation map |\_|. This construction shows that elements of truncated types can carry so much information that we can, in this case, undo the truncation, in a certain sense.
[3] | Note that |\_| is the truncation map, that sends a point x:X to its truncation |x|, an element of the truncated type \|X\|. |
[4] | The fact that witnesses are important also for propositions shows that the logic of propositions is not proof irrelevant. |
For any type X, its truncation \|X\| is inhabited (i.e. has elements) if and only if X is. However, by definition, \|X\| is a proposition.
This means that any two elements x,y:X give rise to elements |x|,|y|:\|X\|. However, since \|X\| is a proposition, we also have a proof that the identity type |x|=_{\|X\|}|y| is inhabited. So you can think of \|X\| as the type X, but with extra identities added, as well as higher identities, so that it becomes a proposition.
This is the wrong question in the same sense that one shouldn't ask "What is the killer application of the extensionality axiom in ZFC?" Univalence is an :term:`extensionality` :term:`axiom` in the same sense that ZFC's extensionality axiom is one. The ZFC axiom says that if two sets have the same elements, then they are equal as sets. Univalence, similarly, characterizes equality of types in terms of equivalences.
In the end, foundations of mathematics are to be used to prove mathematical theorems. Univalence helps us to phrase and prove theorems in a certain style, namely that of univalent mathematics. It is often possible to obtain intuition from univalence, and make an initial estimate whether some claim is going to be provable or not. Even if your entire theory can be built in MLTT, univalence can guide you. It allows us to phrase and prove theorems that are natural and correspond very well with informal mathematics.
See e.g. :cite:`escardo:self-contained`.
All the basic types of the type theory seem to come with an induction or coinduction principle, so why not the universe?
Induction principles are a form of pattern matching. That means that if a type X has an induction principle, and you have a point x:X, then you may, under various conditions, assume that x is of a certain form. In other words, all induction principles limit possibilities.
Having any kind of induction principle on the universe is undesirable because we think of the universe as being open, in the sense that we don't want to intentionally restrict the types that our theory can handle. For example, in a given univalent type theory, we may introduce additional type constructors, such as certain homotopical constructors, after a body of theory has already been formalized in that type theory. We want our existing theory to stay valid even if new type constructors are introduced.
On top of induction principles for the universe being undesirable, it can be a constructive taboo to have one. Namely, if we could tell the empty type \mathbf{0} and the unit type \mathbf{1} apart, that is, if we could use the induction principle to obtain a function f:\mathcal{U}\to\mathbf{2} from the universe to the booleans that outputs \mathsf{false} for \mathbf{0} and \mathsf{true} for \mathbf{1}, then using univalence we could prove :term:`weak excluded middle`.
If your language has a feature such as :ref:`induction-recursion <induction_recursion>`, you are always free to define your own universe of codes for types. So this allows you to seemingly do case analysis on a selection of types.