Ansible scripts to configure and install Apache Custos pre-requisites and deploy the application on bare-metal web servers. The deployment process is divided into 4 steps -
- Prerequisites
- Initial VM set up
- Generate SSL certificates
- Deploy application
- Deploy application with data migration
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Git - Download & Install Git. OSX and Linux machines typically have this already installed.
- Python3 - Download and Install Python3. You can also use your system's package manager to install the latest stable version of python3.
Note: the following assumes a Bash shell.
Verify if git was installed successfully.
git --version
Verify if python3 was installed successfully.
python3 --version
Clone Custos git repo and switch branch.
git clone
cd airavata-custos
git switch develop
Create a virtual environment in the ansible directory
cd ansible
python3 -m venv ENV
Activate the virtual environment. (You'll need to do this each time before using ansible commands)
source ENV/bin/activate
The requirements.txt file contains ansible and any other dependencies. Install it by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need 3 Linux VMs (Preferably Ubuntu 20.04) for Custos Deployment. Make sure you have registered domain names for each of them.
- VM #1: for hosting Keycloak
- VM #2: for hosting Hashicorp Vault and Consul
- VM #3: for hosting Custos Spring Boot application.
Now, you need to configure Ansible vars with the domain names of these VMs so that ansible knows where to install custos dependencies.
Open the file test/hosts.yml
. Set ansible_host
for custos
, keycloak
and hashicorp
with their respective domain names. For ex:
Ansible connects to these VMs using ssh
. To allow ansible to do this, you will also need to provide it with ssh passwords for these VMs. To maintain security, these passwords cannot be exposed in plaintext. We use ansible's ansible-vault
command to encrypt these password strings.
Open the file test/group_vars/all/vault.yml
. You will need to decrypt the file to access it (it's been encrypted using ansible-vault for security).
Make sure you put the password text in this file - ansible/vault_pass
. You can reach out to the dev team to get the password for test env.
Here's the command:
ansible-vault decrypt inventories/test/group_vars/all/vault.yml
Anytime you change the vault.yml
file, don't forget to encrypt it back again.
Here's the command to encrypt:
ansible-vault encrypt inventories/test/group_vars/all/vault.yml
Now that you've configured the ssh user and password details for your VMs, we can install Java 17 on each of these servers at once by running the following command:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/test/ custos.yml --tags env_setup
The env_setup.yml
playbook installed certbot
along with nginx
in your VMs.
Now Certbot will help us manage letsencrypt SSL certificates. You need to generate SSL certs for each of your 3 VMs.
SSH into your VMs with your user:
ssh <myuser>@<>
Run the following command:
sudo certbot --nginx -d <> -m <[email protected]> --agree-tos --no-eff-email --redirect
Certbot generates a cert file (fullchain.pem
) and a keyfile (privkey.pem
) in the following location in your VM - /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/
Run the following commands to generate pkcs12 truststore files from you cert and key files. You will be asked to create a password for the pkcs12 file, keep the password in a safe location.
In the hashicorp VM:
sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -out certs/vault-client-truststore.pkcs12 -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/privkey.pem -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/fullchain.pem
In the keycloak VM:
sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -out certs/keycloak-client-truststore.pkcs12 -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/privkey.pem -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/fullchain.pem
You should see the respective pkcs12 file in the ~/certs
Now, you need to add the pkcs12 passwords in the ansible vars.
In the file test/group_vars/all/vault.yml
. Look for hashicorp_pkcs12_passphrase
and keycloak_pkcs12_passphrase
variables. Set these variables with their respective password strings. For ex:
# pkcs12 passwords
hashicorp_pkcs12_passphrase: XXX...XXX
keycloak_pkcs12_passphrase: YYY...YYY
You're just one step away from deploying Custos. The following command runs the ansible playbook custos.yml
which has roles to install all dependencies and deploy Custos on the given VM.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/test/ custos.yml
This will install HashiCorp Vault, Keycloak and Custos Services. Please edit the custos.yml
according to deploying services. By default vault, Keycloak and Custos services will be deployed.
Run ansible with host keycloak. Successfull run should enable keycloak service on host machine.Please check
systemctl status keycloak
You have to manually run
to add initial admin user.Once you ran it should be able to
login to the keycloak portal via URL https://<>/auth/
Run ansible with host vault. Successfull run should enable vault service on host machine.Please check
systemctl status vault
Configure vault.yml following properties based on above properties.
vault_token, custos_core_iam_server_admin_username,
custos_core_iam_server_admin_password, custos_core_ciLogon_admin_client_id,
And rest of the properties accordingly.
Login to vault UI URL and initialize the vault.URL should be https://<>:8200/ui
Run ansible with custos host. Check if custos core and integration services are up and running using the following commands:
systemctl status intcustos
systemctl status corecustos
Note: You have it regenerate keycloak-client-truststore.pkcs12
and vault-client-truststore.pkcs12
If those are expired.
When deploying Custos, you may want to import data from your old servers to the new ones. We can make use of ansible to automate this data migration.
You need to configure ansible vars with the domain names of the old VMS.
Open the file test/hosts.yml
. Set ansible_host and ansible_user for old_custos
, old_keycloak
and old_hashicorp
with their respective domain names and ssh users. For ex:
ansible_user: test_user
ansible_user: test_user
ansible_user: test_user
Make sure that passwordless ssh authentication is set up from your master node to the old servers.
Now Generate backups in your old servers. By default, ansible will load the backups from the locations specified in the file: ansible/roles/migrate_db/tasks/main.yml
To deploy Custos with data migration, run the following command:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/test/ custos.yml --tags migrate_db,all
- Deploy Custos with verbose option for debug messages:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/{inventory}/ custos.yml -vvv
Adding multiple -v will increase the verbosity, the builtin plugins currently evaluate up to -vvvvvv. A reasonable level to start is -vvv, connection debugging might require -vvvv.
- Decrypt ansible-vault strings
ansible all -i inventories/test/ -e '@inventories/test/group_vars/all/vars.yml' -m debug -a 'var=secret_string'
- Encrypt a string using
ansible-vault encrypt_string "MySecureString"