This is my exploration of mrdbourke's awesome 🔥 course on Deep Learning using Tensorflow.
I wrote and rewrote all of the code myself. Yes, I am serious. Even though there will be much similarity with the original course notebooks, but I rewrote every markdown, every line of code in this entire repository. I took my time to:
✔️ study everything deeply
✔️ develop my own routines with loads of useful functionalities!
✔️ made this repository into a well structured, and an installable Python packagesrc
✔️ tracked issue, tasks, bugs and features like apro
😎 usingGithub Issues
andGithub Projects
|-- # the file of this repo 📖
|-- bugrefs # references for filing bugs 🐛
|-- checkpoints # model checkpointed weights for easy resuming of training 🏋️
|-- data # the datasets used in this repository 📈📉
|-- docs # docs for the deployed website of this repo 📗
|-- history_logs # logs of model training history useful for reloading models
|-- mkdocs.yml # Github Actions for making docs yml script 🌏
|-- models # TFSavedModel models trained on various deep learning tasks 🤖
|-- notebooks # the jupyter notebooks! 📚📚
|-- references # often images for easier insertion into jupyter notebooks
|-- reports # output reports of the analysis 🗒️
|-- requirements.txt # the library requirements of the installable package (src) 📄
|-- scripts # mainly download scripts for data 📃
|-- # the setup script for installing the src package
|-- src # the installable src package with useful routines
|-- tensorboard_logs # tensorboard logs of model training for visualing on TensorBoard
|-- # top level
|-- evaluate # performance evaluation of models
|-- image # image processing routines
|-- models # custom models
|-- preprocess # general preprocessing routines
|-- text # text processing routines
|-- tfplay # TensorFlowPlayground reimplementation
|-- utils # general utilities
`-- visualize # visualization routines
concepts | tensor algebra tensorflow-numpy link tensor manipulation constant tensor variable tensor random tensor sampling tensors tensor shapes intuition matrix multiplication intution aggregating tensors tensor datatypes tensor precision setting seed using GPUs with tensorflow |
data | constant tensors variable tensors drawing random tensors from probability distributions |
models | None |
concepts | function optimization with tensorflow polynomial regression OLS sklearn LinearRegression basic tensorflow regression polynomial featurization creating tensorflow models improving tensorflow models evaluating tensorflow models loading tensorflow models saving tensorflow models box-cox transformation |
data | polynomial model sampling medical cost |
models | 🤖 quadratic_regression: slr single_layer double_layer polyfeat 🤖 medical_cost_prediction: 3_layer_no_boxcox 3_layer_boxcox |
concepts | learning rate L1/L2 regularization activation functions gaussian noise sampling dummy data neurons layers learning curve decision boundary multiclass classification categorical crossentropy classification performance evaluation LearningRateScheduler feature engineering |
data | fashion mnist circles exclusive_or gaussian spiral |
models | 🤖 dummy_data_classification: TensorflowPlayground 🤖 fashion_mnist: simple-dense-2layer medium-dense-2layer cnn cnn-best_lr |
concepts | convolutional neural network parameter sharing data augmentation batch dataloader prefetching noise removal ClassicImageDataDirectory dropout regularization conv-pool conv-pool architecture LearningRateScheduler binary crossentropy categorical crossentropy classification report confusion matrix |
data | pizza_steak |
models | 🤖 pizza_steak_multiclass_classification: Dense TinyVGG TinyVGG-data-augment TinyVGG-data-augment-bestlr TinyVGG-data-augment-dropout-last 🤖 10_food_multiclass_classification: TinyVGG TinyVGG-data-augment TinyVGG-data-augment-bestlr TinyVGG-Extra-Conv-Dense TinyVGG-Extra-Conv-BatchNorm-Dense TinyVGG-Extra-Conv-BatchNorm-Dense-ReduceLROnPlateau efficientnetb0_feature_extraction_1_percent efficientnetb0_feature_extraction_10_percent efficientnetb0_fine_tuning_10_percent efficientnetb0_fine_tuning_100_percent |
concepts | transfer learning ReduceLRonPlateau data augmentation as regularization as-is transfer learning feature-extraction transfer learning fine-tuning transfer learning TensorflowHub training callbacks TensorBoard ModelCheckpoint EarlyStopping ImageDataGenerator pretrained task vs downstream task gradual unfreezing keras Functional API GlobalAveragePool top-n accuracy GPU compute capability mixed precision training image normalization image resizing API map() shuffle() batch() prefetch() sparse categorical crossentropy |
data | 10_food_classes |
models | 🤖 10_food_multiclass_classification: efficientnetb0_feature_extraction_1_percent efficientnetb0_feature_extraction_10_percent efficientnetb0_fine_tuning_10_percent efficientnetb0_fine_tuning_100_percent 🤖 101_food_multiclass_classification: efficientnetb0_fine_tune_10_percent (FoodVisionMini) resnet50v2_fine_tune_10_percent (FoodVisionMini) efficientnetb0_feature_extraction_all_data (FoodVisionBig) efficientnetb0_fine_tune_all_data (FoodVisionBig) |
concepts | Tf-idf count vectorization Multi-label classification machine translation seq2seq encoder-decoder attention ensembling text preprocessing text vectorization word-level tokenization character-level tokenization sub-word tokenization embeddings pretrained embeddings embedding layer embeddings as transfer learning high accuracy vs fast inference multimodal input models joint sentence classification Conv1D label smoothing TensorSliceDataset PrefetchDataset hybrid embeddings positional embeddings learning embedding representation of categorical feature |
data | disaster_tweets PubMed_RCT |
models | 🤖 disaster_tweets_classification: baseline-naive-bayes simple-dense GRU LSTM Bidirectional-LSTM CNN USE-Simple-Dense USE-Simple-Dense-10-percent ensemble-top3-avg ensemble-top3-majority ensemble-top3-meta-classifier 🤖 pubmed_rct_abstract_multiclass_classification: naive-bayes-baseline USE-feature-extraction Conv1D-word-embed Conv1D-char-embed USE-char-hybrid-embed use-char-pos-embed-tribrid |
concepts | anomaly detection as classification forecasting as supervised regression train-test split for time series time series window-horizon multivariate time series data uncertainty model uncertainty open and closed systems turkey problem black swan events tensorflow Layer subclassing ensemble tricks – variation on loss function window sizes seeds forecast uncertainty |
data | bitcoin_prices |
models | 🤖 bitcoin_time_series_prediction: naive-model-baseline_W1H1 simple-dense_W7H1 simple-dense_W30H1 simple-dense_W30H7 Conv1D_W7H1 LSTM_W7H1 multivariate-dense_W7H1 NbeatsGeneric_W7H1 ensemble-mean_W7H1 ensemble-median_W7H1 turkey-model_W7H1 |