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YouTube Video

Advanced React Course with Typescript, React Router, React SSR and Clean Frontend Architecture youtube thumbnail


  • Create a new app using create-react-app
npm install -g create-react-app
npx create-react-app todo --template typescript

Note: Please don't use create-react-app for production projects

Project Commands

  • npm start - start the development server
  • npm run build - build the production bundle
  • npm run server - start the API server
  • npm run build:ssr - build the SSR bundle
  • npm run server:ssr - start the SSR Sever


Components Types

  • ReactElement - the result of a component function
  • ReactNode - ReactElement | ReactText
  • ComponentType - a component that can be rendered
  • PropsWithChildren - props with children prop


Internal State

  • useState hook
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([]);

Computed State

They are computed from the internal state. When using useMemo & useCallback hook, the function is only called when the dependencies change. They are useful when you want to avoid re-rendering the child component when the internal state of the parent changes.

  • useMemohook
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    const undoneTodos = useMemo(() => todos.filter(todo => !todo.done), [todos]);
  • useCallback hook
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    const addTodo = useCallback((todo: Todo) => {
        setTodos([...todos, todo]);
    }, [todos]);

Components that use the useMemo & useCallback hook are called Memoized Components. They are useful when you want to avoid re-rendering the child component when the internal state of the parent changes. To avoid re-rendering the child component, you can use React.memo or React.PureComponent.

Shared State

  • React.createContext and useContext hooks
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    const {todos, setTodos} = useContext(TodoContext);


  • React.PropsWithChildren type
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    return (
        <div className="todo-container">
            <TodoForm addTodo={props.addTodo}/>
            <TodoList todos={props.todos}/>
            <TodoStats todos={props.todos}/>


export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    return (
        <div className="todo-container">
            <TodoList onToggleTodo={props.onToggleTodo}/>

Side Effects

  • useEffect hook
export const TodoContainer = (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
    useEffect(() => {

        return cleanUpMethod;
    }, []);

useEffect run twice when using React.StrictMode as a way to protect against unpredicted or bad side effects. This to make sure you call the clean-up function for example and make sure the components are always predictable.

Change Detection

Reactivity in React is made possible through the use of a virtual DOM (Document Object Model). The virtual DOM is a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual DOM that is used to calculate the changes that need to be made to the actual DOM in order to update the UI. When the state or props of a component change, the virtual DOM is updated to reflect the new data. Then, the virtual DOM calculates the differences between the current virtual DOM workInProgress and the previous virtual DOM, and applies those changes to the actual DOM in an efficient manner.

This happens in two phases:

  1. render phase - React creates the new Virtual DOM
  2. commit phase - React updates the DOM

React changes detection is called reconciliation. It is a process of comparing two trees and figuring out the minimum. The reconciliation is done in chunks. This is to avoid blocking the main thread.

Two methods are used to queue the changes:

  • requestIdleCallback - when the browser is idle, for high priority updates
  • requestAnimationFrame - when the browser is ready to paint, for low priority updates

The old reconciliation algorithm is called Stack Reconciliation. The new one is called Fiber Reconciliation.



They hold the visual representation of the data. They are stateless and receive data via props.

export const TodoItem: React.FC<TodoContainerProps> = (props) => {


They hold the state and logic of the application. They are stateful and receive data via props.

export const TodoContainer: React.FC<TodoContainerProps> = (props) => {


They are functions that take a component as an argument and return a new component.

export const withTodoContainer = (Component: ComponentType<typeof Component>) => {

    return (props: TodoContainerProps) => {
        return <Component {...props} {...containerProps}/>;


They are functions that hold the business logic of the application. They are stateless and receive data via arguments. Famous examples are: API calls and State Management etc.

export class TodoService {
    public static addTodo = (todos: Todo[], todo: Todo): Todo[] => {


They allow us to use different implementations of the same interface. They are stateless and receive data via arguments.

export class HttpAdapter {
    public static get = (url: string): Promise<any> => {


They hold the state of the application. They are stateful and receive data via props.

Famous examples are: Redux, MobX, React Context etc.

export class TodoStore {
    public todos: Todo[] = [];

    public addTodo = (todo: Todo): void => {

export const TodoContext = React.createContext(new TodoStore());

Important Libraries

Official routing system for react and support multiple features:

  • Client Routing (dah :D)
  • Nested Routing
  • Passing params from route to react using useMatch
  • Correct Route ranking according to multiple factors
  • Passing current active link using useMatch and in the NavLink
  • Data loading while navigation using loader prop in Route
  • Redirects using redirect method
  • Pending state using useNavigation
  • Render UI while fetching data using <Suspense>+<Await>+defer()
  • Listening to form submissions using <Form> and action prop in the Router
  • Optimistic UI (preticate the api with always success) using useFetcher
  • Error Handing using errorElement prop
  • Scroll Restoration on navigation using <ScrollRestoration />

There are a couple of routers supported

  • createbrowserrouter/BrowserRouter: Uses the DOM Hostory APi and is the recommended router
  • createHasRouter: Use the # to append the routes
  • createMemoryRouter: Use memory, recommended for writing tests
  • StaticRouter: Used for server side rendering

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