To build and publish a new version of abc
, including publishing binaries for
all supported OSes and architectures, you push a new tag containing the version
number, as follows.
Find the previously released version. You can do this by looking at the git tags or by looking at the frontpage of this repo on the right side under the "Releases" section.
Figure out the version number to use. We use "semantic versioning" (, which means our version numbers look like
. Quoting the MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes increment the MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner increment the PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
The most important thing is that if we change an API or command-line user journey in a way that could break an existing use-case, we must increment the major version.
Run the create tag workflow using the version number you've decided on. It's OK to leave the "message" field blank.
A GitHub workflow will be triggered by the tag push and will handle everything. You will see the new release created within a few minutes. If not, look for failed Release workflow runs and look at their logs.
If the release has anything interesting in it, consider sending a message to the abc-templates-announce mailing list to tell people that a new version has been released, and what's new about it (example).