An open-source MIT License .NET 5.0 library for encoding/decoding/validating FHIR SMART Health Card JWS tokens and generating their QR Codes
See the official SMART Health Card specification page : SMART Health Cards Framework
A fantasic site for testing your development: Smart Health Card verifier site
Great example from Scott Brady : Creating Elliptical Curve Keys using OpenSSL
SmartHealthCard.Token: Encode, Decode & Verifiy SMART Health Card JWS tokens
Install-Package SmartHealthCard.QRCode -Version 1.0.2
SmartHealthCard.QRCode: Encode SMART Health Card JWS token QR Code images
Install-Package SmartHealthCard.QRCode -Version 1.0.1
using SmartHealthCard.QRCode;
using SmartHealthCard.Token;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Certificates;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Exceptions;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Model.Shc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SHC.EncoderDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Run the Encoder demo
static async Task EncoderDemoRunner()
//Get the Certificate containing a private Elliptic Curve key using the P-256 curve
//from the Windows Certificate Store by Thumb-print
string CertificateThumbprint = "72c78a3460fb27b9ef2ccfae2538675b75363fee";
X509Certificate2 Certificate = X509CertificateSupport.GetFirstMatchingCertificate(
//Set the Version of FHIR in use
string FhirVersion = "4.0.1";
//This library does not validate that the FHIR Bundle provided is valid FHIR, it only parses it as valid JSON.
//I strongly suggest you use the FIRELY .NET SDK as found here:
//See the FHIR SMART Health Card FHIR profile site here:
//Set a FHIR Bundle as a JSON string.
string FhirBundleJson = "[A Smart Health Card FHIR Bundle in JSON format]";
//Set the base of the URL where any validator will retrieve the public keys from (e.g : [Issuer]/.well-known/jwks.json)
Uri Issuer = new Uri("");
//Set when the Smart Health Card becomes valid, (e.g the from date).
DateTimeOffset IssuanceDateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(-1);
//Set the appropriate VerifiableCredentialsType enum list, for more info see: see:
List<VerifiableCredentialType> VerifiableCredentialTypeList = new List<VerifiableCredentialType>()
//Instantiate and populate the Smart Health Card Model with the properties we just setup
SmartHealthCardModel SmartHealthCard = new SmartHealthCardModel(Issuer, IssuanceDateTimeOffset,
new VerifiableCredential(VerifiableCredentialTypeList,
new CredentialSubject(FhirVersion, FhirBundleJson)));
//Instantiate the Smart Health Card Encoder
SmartHealthCardEncoder SmartHealthCardEncoder = new SmartHealthCardEncoder();
string SmartHealthCardJwsToken = string.Empty;
//Get the Smart Health Card JWS Token
SmartHealthCardJwsToken = await SmartHealthCardEncoder.GetTokenAsync(Certificate, SmartHealthCard);
catch (SmartHealthCardEncoderException EncoderException)
Console.WriteLine("The SMART Health Card Encoder has found an error, please see message below:");
catch (Exception Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Oops, there is an unexpected development exception");
//Instantiate the Smart Health Card QR Code Factory
SmartHealthCardQRCodeEncoder SmartHealthCardQRCodeEncoder = new SmartHealthCardQRCodeEncoder();
//Get list of SMART Health Card QR Codes images
//Note: If the SMART Health Card JWS payload is large then it will be split up into multiple QR Code images.
//SMART Health Card QR Code scanners can scan each image in any order to obtain the whole SMART Health Card
List<Bitmap> QRCodeImageList = SmartHealthCardQRCodeEncoder.GetQRCodeList(SmartHealthCardJwsToken);
//Write to file the SMART Health Card QR Codes images
for (int i = 0; i < QRCodeImageList.Count; i++)
QRCodeImageList[i].Save(@$"C:\Temp\SMARTHealthCard\QRCode-{i}.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
using SmartHealthCard.Token;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Certificates;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Exceptions;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Model.Jwks;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Model.Shc;
using SmartHealthCard.Token.Support;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SHC.DecoderDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Run the Decoder demo
static async Task DecoderDemoRunner()
//Get the ECC certificate from the Windows Certificate Store by Thumb-print
string CertificateThumbprint = "72c78a3460fb27b9ef2ccfae2538675b75363fee";
X509Certificate2 Certificate = X509CertificateSupport.GetFirstMatchingCertificate(
//Below is a single QR Code's raw data
string QRCodeRawData = "shc:/567629595326546034602....etc";
//We must add it to a string list as you may have many if the payload was large and spread accross many QR Code images.
List<string> QRCodeRawDataList = new List<string>() { QRCodeRawData };
//Next we use the SmartHealthCardQRCodeDecoder to convert the set of QR Code data into its equivalent JWS token
var SmartHealthCardQRCodeDecoder = new SmartHealthCard.QRCode.SmartHealthCardQRCodeDecoder();
string SmartHealthCardJwsToken = SmartHealthCardQRCodeDecoder.GetToken(QRCodeRawDataList);
//Instantiate the SmartHealthCard Decoder
SmartHealthCardDecoder Decoder = new SmartHealthCardDecoder();
//Decode and verify the JWS, returning an object model of the Smart Health Card, throws exceptions if not valid
SmartHealthCardModel DecodedSmartHealthCardModel = await Decoder.DecodeAsync(SmartHealthCardJwsToken, Verify: true);
//Or decode without verifying, not recommended for production systems
//SmartHealthCardModel DecodedSmartHealthCard = await Decoder.DecodeAsync(SmartHealthCardJwsToken);
//Or decode and verify, returning the Smart Health Card as a JSON string, throws exceptions if not valid
//string DecodedSmartHealthCardJson = await Decoder.DecodeToJsonAsync(SmartHealthCardJwsToken, Verify: true);
catch (SmartHealthCardSignatureInvalidException SignatureInvalidException)
//The decoder successfully validated the JWS signature and found it to be invalid
Console.WriteLine("The SMART Health Card's signing signature is invalid");
catch (SmartHealthCardJwksRequestException JwksRequestException)
//The decoder was unable to retrieved JWKS file that contains the token's public signing key.
//This is likely due to an Internet connectivity issue, the exception message will say more.
Console.WriteLine("The SMART Health Card's public key can not be retrieved.");
catch (SmartHealthCardDecoderException DecoderException)
//The decoder ran into an error while attempting to decode the JWS token and its SMART Health card payload.
//It is likely that the SMART Health card token is incorrectly structured
Console.WriteLine("The SMART Health Card Decoder has encountered an error, please see message below::");
catch (Exception Exception)
//Any unexpected errors that the decoder did not protect against.
Console.WriteLine("Oops, there is an unexpected development exception.");
//While in development!!
//Optionally for development, you can provide an implementation of the IJwksProvider interface
//which allows you to pass a JSON Web Key Set (JKWS) that contain the public key used to verify you
//token's signatures.
//If you don't do this the default implementation will use the Issuer (iss) value from Smart Health Card
//token payload to make a HTTP call to obtain the JWKS file, which in a production system it the behavior you want.
//Yet in development this means you must have a public endpoint to provide the JWKS.
//By providing this simple interface implementation (see MyJwksProvider class below) you can successfully
//validate signatures in development with out the need for a public endpoint.
//Of course you would not do this is production.
//Here is how you pass that interface implementation to the SmartHealthCardDecoder constructor.
//SmartHealthCard.Token.Providers.IJwksProvider MyJwksProvider = new MyJwksProvider(Certificate);
//SmartHealthCardDecoder Decoder = new SmartHealthCardDecoder(MyJwksProvider);
//Where below is an example implementation of the IJwksProvider interface
public class MyJwksProvider : SmartHealthCard.Token.Providers.IJwksProvider
private readonly X509Certificate2 Certificate;
public MyJwksProvider(X509Certificate2 Certificate)
this.Certificate = Certificate;
public Task<Result<JsonWebKeySet>> GetJwksAsync(Uri WellKnownJwksUri, CancellationToken? CancellationToken = null)
//In production the default implementation of this IJwksProvider interface would
//retrieve the JWKS file from the provided 'WellKnownJwksUri' URL that is found in
//the SMART Health Card Token payload.
//Yet for development we can just ignore the 'WellKnownJwksUri' URL and return our
//own JWKS which we have generated from our certificate as seen below.
//This allows you to test before you have a publicly exposed endpoint for you JWKS.
//Alternatively you could not do this and use a service such as :
SmartHealthCardJwks SmartHealthCardJwks = new SmartHealthCardJwks();
JsonWebKeySet Jwks = SmartHealthCardJwks.GetJsonWebKeySet(new List<X509Certificate2>() { Certificate });
return Task.FromResult(Result<JsonWebKeySet>.Ok(Jwks));
Angus Millar: [email protected]