It is a set in which members are allowed to appear more then once. The number of times an element belongs to the multiset is the multiplicity of that member. The total number of elements in a multiset, including repeated memberships, is the cardinality of the multiset. For example, in the multiset {a, a, b, b, b, c} the multiplicities of the members a, b, and c are respectively 2, 3, and 1, and the cardinality of the multiset is 6. Source
- members allowed to appear more than once. {a, a, b}
- the order of elements is irrelevant: The multisets {a, a, b} and {a, b, a} are equal.
- it provides the count or multiplicity of an element in the set.
count (a) = 2
- it can return the distinct elements of the set. {a, b}
- it returns the cardinality of the set, total number of elements including duplicates.
A multiset is not a hash but could be implemented as one, it could also be implemented as two arrays.
Google's Guava library provides a great explanation of MultiSet, with several different implementations backed by a Hash, a Tree and a LinkedList. It also has an implementation with concurrency support.
Clojure also has a MultiSet which provides all of the functionality with only 157 lines!
Ruby also has a [MultiSet][5] library
To create a MultiSet, we will take the TDD approach and identify what methods we need
The MultiSet api must allow
- Initialization with an array, or with a Range, or a Hash[1,2,3,3])[1..6]){"1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>2})
- Operations the multiset must support
m =[1,2,3,3])
m.multiplicity(3) == 2
m.multiplicity(2) == 1
m.multiplicity(4) == 0
m.cardinality == 4
m.to_set returns a Set object
m.to_a returns [1,2,3,3]
m.to_h {"1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>2}
m1 == m2
m1 | m2 (union)
m1 & m2 (intersection)
m1.subset? m2 (subset)
m1 * m2 (cartesian)
- What the api returns is important It should not allow modification of internal data structure Union, Intersection etc should return new object instances Initializer should only allow enumerable types, or even only array or set type.
- Shopping Cart, with items and quantity
- Prime Factors of a number
120 = {2, 2, 2, 3, 5}.
- What should the return type of the cartesian product be
In Math it is
{1,1}*{1,2} = {(1,1),(1,1),(1,2),(1,2)}