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Sparse Tensor Type

MatX is in the process of adding experimental support for sparse tensors. The implementation is based on the Universal Sparse Tensor (UST) type that uses a tensor format DSL (Domain Specific Language) to describe a vast space of storage formats. Although the UST type can easily define many common storage formats (such as dense vectors and matrices, sparse vectors, sparse matrices in COO, CSR, CSC, DCSR, DCSC, or BSR format, with generalizations for sparse tensors), it can also define many less common storage formats. From MatX's perspective, the advantage of using the UST type (rather than various specific sparse storage formats) is that the framework code only has to deal with a single new sparse type (and only dispatch to specific formats when required by a high performance library implementation). Also, the tensor format DSL can be easily extended to include even more sparse storage formats in the future. From the user's perspective, the UST type provides more flexibility in changing storage formats by merely changing annotations in the type definitions, which allows for rapid experimentation with different ways of storing sparse tensors in a MatX computation.

Quick Start

Despite the forward looking design of using the UST type, the current experimental support provides a few factory methods with the common formats COO, CSR, and CSC. The factory methods look similar to e.g. sparse construction methods found in SciPy sparse or torch sparse.

For example, to create a COO representation of the following 4x8 matrix with 5 nonzero elements:

    | 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
A = | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
    | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 |
    | 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 0, 0 |

First, using a uniform memory space, set up the constituent 1-dim buffers that contain, respectively, the value, i-index, and j-index of each nonzero element, ordered lexicographically by row-then-column index, as follows:

auto vals = make_tensor<float>({5});
auto idxi = make_tensor<int>({5});
auto idxj = make_tensor<int>({5});
vals.SetVals({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
idxi.SetVals({0, 0, 3, 3, 3});
idxj.SetVals({0, 1, 2, 3, 5});

Then, the COO representation of A, residing in the same memory space as its constituent buffers is constructed as follows:

auto Acoo = experimental::make_tensor_coo(vals, idxi, idxj, {4, 8});


The result of the print statement is shown below:

tensor_impl_2_f32: SparseTensor{float} Rank: 2, Sizes:[4, 8], Levels:[4, 8]
nse    = 5
format = ( d0, d1 ) -> ( d0 : compressed(non-unique), d1 : singleton )
pos[0] = ( 0  5 )
crd[0] = ( 0  0  3  3  3 )
crd[1] = ( 0  1  2  3  5 )
values = ( 1.0000e+00  2.0000e+00  3.0000e+00  4.0000e+00  5.0000e+00 )
space  = CUDA managed memory

Note that, like dense tensors, sparse tensors provide ()-operations for indexing. However, users should never use the ()-operator in performance critical code, since sparse storage formats do not provide O(1) random access to their elements (compressed levels will use some form of search to determine if an element is present):

// Naive way to convert the sparse matrix back to a dense matrix.
auto A = make_tensor<float>({4, 8});
for (index_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  for (index_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
    A(i, j) = Acoo(i, j);

Instead, conversions (and other operations) should use sparse operations that are specifically optimized for the sparse storage format. The correct way of performing the conversion above is as follows:

auto A = make_tensor<float>({4, 8});
(A = sparse2dense(Acoo)).run(exec);

The current experimental sparse support in MatX provides efficient operations for sparse-to-dense, dense-to-sparse, matmul, and solve:

(A = sparse2dense(Acoo)).run(exec);
(Acoo = dense2sparse(D)).run(exec);
(C = matmul(Acoo, B)).run(exec);
(X = solve(Acsr, Y)).run(exec);     // CSR only

We expect the assortment of supported sparse operations and storage formats to grow if the experimental implementation is well-received.

Matx Sparse Tensor Factory Methods

The MatX implementation of the factory methods for common cases of the UST type can be found in the make_sparse_tensor.h file. All methods build a sparse tensor storage format from constituent 1-dim buffers similar to methods found in SciPy or torch sparse. A sample usage was already shown above. Currently only methods to construct COO, CSR, and CSC are provided:

// Constructs a sparse matrix in COO format directly from the values and
// the two coordinates vectors. The entries should be sorted by row, then
// column. Duplicate entries should not occur. Explicit zeros may be stored.
template <typename ValTensor, typename CrdTensor>
auto make_tensor_coo(ValTensor &val,
                     CrdTensor &row,
                     CrdTensor &col, const index_t (&shape)[2]);

// Constructs a sparse matrix in CSR format directly from the values, the
// row positions, and column coordinates vectors. The entries should be
// sorted by row, then column. Explicit zeros may be stored. Duplicate
// entries should not occur. Explicit zeros may be stored.
template <typename ValTensor, typename PosTensor, typename CrdTensor>
auto make_tensor_csr(ValTensor &val,
                     PosTensor &rowp,
                     CrdTensor &col, const index_t (&shape)[2]);

// Constructs a sparse matrix in CSC format directly from the values, the
// column positions, and row coordinates vectors. The entries should be
// sorted by columns, then row. Explicit zeros may be stored. Duplicate
// entries should not occur. Explicit zeros may be stored.
template <typename ValTensor, typename PosTensor, typename CrdTensor>
auto make_tensor_csc(ValTensor &val,
                     PosTensor &colp,
                     CrdTensor &row, const index_t (&shape)[2]);

Matx Implementation of the UST Type

The MatX implementation of the UST type can be found in the sparse_tensor.h file. Similar to a dense tensor tensor_t, the sparse_tensor_t is a memory-backed, reference-counted operator that contains metadata about the size, rank, and other properties, such as the storage format. Unlike dense tensors, that consist of primary storage for the elements only, a sparse tensor format consists of primary storage for the nonzero values (named values when printed) and secondary storage (named pos[] and crd[], respectively, for each level, when printed) to indicate the position of each nonzero value. Note that this latter storage is not called metadata on purpose, to not confuse it with the other metadata properties mentioned above.

The type of primary and secondary storage can be anything that is accessible to where the tensor is being used, including device memory, managed memory, and host memory. MatX sparse tensors are very similar to e.g. SciPy's or cuPy sparse arrays.

Matx Implementation of the Tensor Format DSL

The MatX implementation of the tensor format DSL can be found in the sparse_tensor_format.h file. Most users do not have to concern themselves with the details of this DSL, but can directly use predefined type definitions for common tensor formats, like COO and CSR.

In the tensor format DSL, the term dimension is used to refer to the axes of the semantic tensor (as seen by the user), and the term level to refer to the axes of the actual storage format (how it eventually resides in memory).

The tensor format contains a map that provides the following:

  1. An ordered sequence of dimension specifications, each of which includes:
    • a dimension-expression, which provides a reference to each dimension
  2. An ordered sequence of level specifications, each of which includes:
    • a level expression, which defines what is stored in each level
    • a required level type, which defines how the level is stored, including:
      • a required level format
      • a collection of level properties

Currently, the following level formats are supported:

  1. dense: level is dense, entries along the level are stored and linearized
  2. compressed: level is sparse, only nonzeros along the level are stored with positions and coordinates
  3. singleton: a variant of the compressed format, for when coordinates have no siblings

All level formats have the following level properties:

  1. non/unique (are duplicates allowed at that level),
  2. un/ordered (are coordinates sorted at that level).

Some 2-dim matrix examples are shown below (note that block format has 2 dimensions and 4 levels):

COO: map = (i, j) -> ( i : compressed(non-unique), j : singleton )

CSR: map = (i, j) -> ( i : dense, j : compressed )

CSC: map = (i, j) -> ( j : dense, i : compressed )  # j and i swapped!

DCSR: map = (i, j) -> ( i : compressed, j : compressed )

DCSC: map = (i, j) -> ( j : compressed, i : compressed )

BSR with 2x3 blocks: map = ( i, j ) -> ( i floordiv 2 : dense,
                                         j floordiv 3 : compressed,
                                         i mod 2      : dense,
                                         j mod 3      : dense )

Two 3-dim tensor examples are shown below:

COO3: map = (i, j, k) -> ( i : compressed(non-unique),
                           j : singleton,
                           k : singleton )
CSF3: map = (i, j, k) -> ( i : compressed,
                           j : compressed,
                           k : compressed )

Lastly, a 4-dim tensor examples is given here:

COO4: map = (i, j, k, l) -> ( i : compressed(non-unique),
                              j : singleton,
                              k : singleton,
                              l : singleton )

The C++ representation of the latter is given below:

using COO4 = SparseTensorFormat<4,
               LvlSpec<D0, LvlType::CompressedNonUnique>,
               LvlSpec<D1, LvlType::Singleton>,
               LvlSpec<D2, LvlType::Singleton>,
               LvlSpec<D3, LvlType::Singleton>>;

More examples can be found in the code.

Historical Background of the UST Type

The concept of the UST type has its roots in sparse compilers, first pioneered for sparse linear algebra in [B&W95, Bik96, Bik98] and formalized to sparse tensor algebra in [Kjolstad20, Chou22, Yadav22]. The tensor format DSL for the UST type, including the generalization to higher-dimensional levels, was introduced in [MLIR22, MLIR]. Please refer to this literature for a more extensive presentation of all topics only briefly discussed in this online documentation.