diff --git a/test/HelloWorldXT.py b/test/HelloWorldXT.py
index a83fc32..e263f4f 100644
--- a/test/HelloWorldXT.py
+++ b/test/HelloWorldXT.py
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-# Hello World! XT example
from pIceImarisConnector import pIceImarisConnector
-import Tkinter
+import tkinter
+import time
def HelloWorldXT(aImarisId):
@@ -19,10 +16,12 @@ def HelloWorldXT(aImarisId):
conn = pIceImarisConnector(aImarisId)
# Display version info in a dialog
- top = Tkinter.Tk()
+ top = tkinter.Tk()
top.title("Hello World!")
- l = Tkinter.Label(top,
+ l = tkinter.Label(top,
text = '... from pIceImarisConnector ' + conn.version +
' and ' + conn.mImarisApplication.GetVersion())
+ time.sleep(5)
diff --git a/test/TestPIceOne.py b/test/TestPIcePyramidalCell.py
similarity index 97%
rename from test/TestPIceOne.py
rename to test/TestPIcePyramidalCell.py
index 27071e6..175bae6 100644
--- a/test/TestPIceOne.py
+++ b/test/TestPIcePyramidalCell.py
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
import os
import numpy as np
from pIceImarisConnector import pIceImarisConnector
-def TestPIceOne(aImarisId):
+def PyramidalCell(aImarisId):
# Instantiate the pIceImarisConnector object
conn = pIceImarisConnector(aImarisId)
diff --git a/test/TestPIceTwo.py b/test/TestPIceSwimmingAlgae.py
similarity index 87%
rename from test/TestPIceTwo.py
rename to test/TestPIceSwimmingAlgae.py
index 27fc128..735d7bc 100644
--- a/test/TestPIceTwo.py
+++ b/test/TestPIceSwimmingAlgae.py
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
import os
import numpy as np
from pIceImarisConnector import pIceImarisConnector
-def TestPIceTwo(aImarisId):
+def TestPIceSwimmingAlgae(aImarisId):
# Instantiate the pIceImarisConnector object
conn = pIceImarisConnector(aImarisId)
diff --git a/test/test_pIceImarisConnector.py b/test/test_pIceImarisConnector.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18bac05..0000000
--- a/test/test_pIceImarisConnector.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-Name pIceImarisApplication Test Unit
-Purpose Test pIceImarisApplication
-Author Aaron Ponti
-Created 21-03-2013
-Copyright (c) Aaron Ponti 2013
-Licence GPL v2
-import os
-import numpy as np
-from pIceImarisConnector import pIceImarisConnector
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # ImarisConnector version
- # =========================================================================
- conn = pIceImarisConnector()
- print('Testing IceImarisConnector version ' + conn.version)
- del(conn)
- # Instantiate pIceImarisConnector object without parameters
- # =========================================================================
- print('Instantiate pIceImarisConnector conn1 object without parameters...')
- conn1 = pIceImarisConnector()
- conn1.display()
- conn1.info()
- # Instantiate pIceImarisConnector object with existing instance as parameter
- # =========================================================================
- print('Instantiate pIceImarisConnector object conn2 with existing instance conn1 as parameter...')
- conn2 = pIceImarisConnector(conn1)
- # Check that conn1 and conn2 are the same object
- # =========================================================================
- print("Check that conn1 and conn2 are the same object...")
- assert(conn1 is conn2)
- # Delete the objects
- # =========================================================================
- del(conn1)
- del(conn2)
- # Create an ImarisConnector object
- # =========================================================================
- print('Create a pIceImarisConnector object...')
- conn = pIceImarisConnector()
- # Start Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Start Imaris...')
- assert(conn.startImaris() is True)
- # Test that the connection is valid
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get version...')
- assert(conn.getImarisVersionAsInteger() > 0)
- print('Test if connection is alive...')
- assert(conn.isAlive() is True)
- # Open a file
- # =======================================================s==================
- print('Load file...')
- currFilePath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
- currPath = os.path.dirname(currFilePath)
- filename = os.path.join(currPath, 'PyramidalCell.ims')
- conn.mImarisApplication.FileOpen(filename, '')
- # Check that there is something loaded
- # =========================================================================
- print('Test that the file was loaded...')
- assert(conn.mImarisApplication.GetDataSet().GetSizeX > 0)
- # Check the extends
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check the dataset extends...')
- EXTENDS = (-0.1140, 57.8398, -0.1140, 57.8398, -0.1510, 20.6310)
- extends = conn.getExtends()
- assert(all([abs(x - y) < 1e-4 for x, y in zip(EXTENDS, extends)]))
- minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ = conn.getExtends()
- assert(all([abs(x - y) < 1e-4 for x, y in \
- zip(EXTENDS, (minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ))]))
- # Check the voxel size
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check the voxel size...')
- VOXELSIZES = (0.2273, 0.2282, 0.3012)
- voxelSizes = conn.getVoxelSizes()
- assert(all([abs(x - y) < 1e-4 for x, y in zip(VOXELSIZES, voxelSizes)]))
- vX, vY, vZ = conn.getVoxelSizes()
- assert(all([abs(x - y) < 1e-4 for x, y in zip(VOXELSIZES, (vX, vY, vZ))]))
- # Check the dataset size
- #
- # X = 255
- # Y = 254
- # Z = 69
- # C = 1
- # T = 1
- #
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check the dataset size...')
- DATASETSIZE = (255, 254, 69, 1, 1)
- sizes = conn.getSizes()
- assert(DATASETSIZE == sizes)
- sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeC, sizeT = conn.getSizes()
- assert(sizeX == DATASETSIZE[0])
- assert(sizeY == DATASETSIZE[1])
- assert(sizeZ == DATASETSIZE[2])
- assert(sizeC == DATASETSIZE[3])
- assert(sizeT == DATASETSIZE[4])
- # Get a spot object, its coordinates and check the unit conversions
- # =========================================================================
- print('Count all children at root level...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(False) # No recursion
- assert(len(children) == 4)
- # If the casting in getAllSurpassChildren() works, spot is an actual
- # spot object, and not an IDataItem. If the casting worked, the object will
- # have a method 'GetPositionsXYZ'.
- print('Test autocasting...')
- child = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(False, 'Spots')
- assert(len(child) == 1)
- spot = child[0]
- assert(callable(getattr(spot, 'GetPositionsXYZ')) is True)
- # Get the coordinates
- pos = spot.GetPositionsXYZ()
- # These are the expected spot coordinates
- print('Check spot coordinates and conversions units<->pixels...')
- POS = [
- [18.5396, 1.4178, 8.7341],
- [39.6139, 14.8819, 9.0352],
- [35.1155, 9.4574, 9.0352],
- [12.3907, 21.6221, 11.7459]]
- assert(np.all(abs(np.array(pos) - np.array(POS)) < 1e-4))
- # Convert
- posV = conn.mapPositionsUnitsToVoxels(pos)
- posU = conn.mapPositionsVoxelsToUnits(posV)
- # Check the conversion
- assert(np.all(abs(np.array(posU) - np.array(POS)) < 1e-4))
- # Test filtering the selection
- # =========================================================================
- print('Test filtering the surpass selection by type...')
- # "Select" the spots object
- conn.mImarisApplication.SetSurpassSelection(children[3])
- # Now get it back, first with the right filter, then with the wrong one
- assert(isinstance(conn.getSurpassSelection('Spots'), type(children[3])))
- assert(conn.getSurpassSelection('Surfaces') is None)
- # Test creating and adding new spots
- # =========================================================================
- print('Test creation of new spots...')
- vSpotsData = spot.Get()
- coords = (np.array(vSpotsData.mPositionsXYZ) + 1.00).tolist()
- timeIndices = vSpotsData.mIndicesT
- radii = vSpotsData.mRadii
- conn.createAndSetSpots(coords, timeIndices, radii, 'Test', np.random.uniform(0, 1, 4))
- spots = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(False, 'Spots')
- assert(len(spots) == 2)
- # Check the filtering and recursion of object finding
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get all 7 children with recursion (no filtering)...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True)
- assert(len(children) == 7)
- print('Check that there is exactly 1 Light Source...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'LightSource')
- assert(len(children) == 1)
- print('Check that there is exactly 1 Frame...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'Frame')
- assert(len(children) == 1)
- print('Check that there is exactly 1 Volume...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'Volume')
- assert(len(children) == 1)
- print('Check that there are exactly 2 Spots...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'Spots')
- assert(len(children) == 2)
- print('Check that there is exactly 1 Surface...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'Surfaces')
- assert(len(children) == 1)
- print('Check that there is exactly 1 Measurement Point...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'MeasurementPoints')
- assert(len(children) == 1)
- # Get the type
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get and check the datatype...')
- datatype = conn.getNumpyDatatype()
- assert(datatype == np.uint8)
- # Get the data volume
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get the data volume...')
- stack = conn.getDataVolume(0, 0)
- # Get and check a data slice
- print('Get and check a data slice...');
- slice = conn.getDataSlice(34, 0, 0);
- assert(np.all(stack[34, :, :] == slice))
- print('Check the data volume type...')
- assert(stack.dtype == conn.getNumpyDatatype())
- # Check the sizes
- print('Check the data volume size...')
- x = stack.shape[2]
- y = stack.shape[1]
- z = stack.shape[0]
- assert(x == DATASETSIZE[0])
- assert(y == DATASETSIZE[1])
- assert(z == DATASETSIZE[2])
- # Get the data volume by explicitly passing an iDataSet object
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get the data volume by explicitly passing an iDataSet object...')
- stack = conn.getDataVolume(0, 0, conn.mImarisApplication.GetDataSet())
- # Get a slice
- print('Get and check a data slice by explicitly passing an iDataSet object...');
- slice = conn.getDataSlice(34, 0, 0, conn.mImarisApplication.GetDataSet());
- assert(np.all(stack[34, :, :] == slice))
- print('Check the data volume type...')
- assert(stack.dtype == conn.getNumpyDatatype())
- # Check the sizes
- print('Check the data volume size...')
- x = stack.shape[2]
- y = stack.shape[1]
- z = stack.shape[0]
- assert(x == DATASETSIZE[0])
- assert(y == DATASETSIZE[1])
- assert(z == DATASETSIZE[2])
- # Check the getDataSubVolume() vs. the getDataVolume methods
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check that subvolumes are extracted correctly...')
- # Remember that with Numpy, to get the values between x0 and x, you must
- # use this notation: x0 : x + 1
- subVolume = conn.getDataSubVolume(112, 77, 38, 0, 0, 10, 10, 2)
- subStack = stack[38: 40, 77: 87, 112: 122]
- assert(np.array_equal(subStack, subVolume))
- # Check the boundaries
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check subvolume boundaries...')
- subVolume = conn.getDataSubVolume(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y, z)
- sX = subVolume.shape[2]
- sY = subVolume.shape[1]
- sZ = subVolume.shape[0]
- assert(sX == DATASETSIZE[0])
- assert(sY == DATASETSIZE[1])
- assert(sZ == DATASETSIZE[2])
- # Get the rotation matrix from the camera angle
- # =========================================================================
- print('Get the rotation matrix from the camera angle...')
- R_D = np.array(\
- [\
- [0.8471, 0.2345, -0.4769, 0.0000], \
- [-0.1484, 0.9661, 0.2115, 0.0000], \
- [0.5103, -0.1084, 0.8532, 0.0000], \
- [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000]], dtype=np.float32)
- R, isI = conn.getSurpassCameraRotationMatrix()
- assert(np.all((abs(R - R_D) < 1e-4)))
- # Check getting/setting colors and transparency
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check getting/setting colors and transparency...')
- children = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(True, 'Spots')
- spots = children[0]
- # We prepare some color/transparency combinations to circle through
- clr = [ \
- [1, 0, 0, 0.00], # Red, transparency = 0
- [0, 1, 0, 0.00], # Green, transparency = 0
- [0, 0, 1, 0.00], # Blue, transparency = 0
- [1, 1, 0, 0.00], # Yellow, transparency = 0
- [1, 0, 1, 0.00], # Purple, transparency = 0
- [1, 0, 1, 0.25], # Purple, transparency = 0.25
- [1, 0, 1, 0.50], # Purple, transparency = 0.50
- [1, 0, 1, 0.75], # Purple, transparency = 0.75
- [1, 0, 1, 1.00]] # Purple, transparency = 1.00
- for c in clr:
- # Set the RGBA color
- spots.SetColorRGBA(conn.mapRgbaVectorToScalar(c))
- # Get the RGBA color
- current = conn.mapRgbaScalarToVector(spots.GetColorRGBA())
- # Compare (rounding errors allowed)
- assert(all([abs(x - y) < 1e-2 for x, y in zip(c, current)]))
- # Copy channel a couple of times
- # ==========================================================================
- print('Test copying channels...')
- conn.mImarisApplication.GetDataSet().SetChannelName(0, 'One');
- conn.copyChannels(0)
- conn.copyChannels([0, 1])
- conn.copyChannels([0, 2])
- conn.copyChannels(3)
- channelNames = conn.getChannelNames()
- assert(channelNames[0] == 'One')
- assert(channelNames[1] == 'Copy of One')
- assert(channelNames[2] == 'Copy of One')
- assert(channelNames[3] == 'Copy of Copy of One')
- assert(channelNames[4] == 'Copy of One')
- assert(channelNames[5] == 'Copy of Copy of One')
- assert(channelNames[6] == 'Copy of Copy of Copy of One')
- # Close Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Close Imaris...')
- assert(conn.closeImaris(1) == 1)
- # Create an ImarisConnector object with starting index 0
- # =========================================================================
- print('Create an IceImarisConnector object...')
- conn = pIceImarisConnector()
- # Start Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Start Imaris...')
- assert(conn.startImaris() == 1)
- # Send a data volume that will force creation of a compatible dataset
- # =========================================================================
- print('Send volume (force dataset creation)...')
- stack = np.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9], \
- [10, 11, 12]], [[13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18]]], np.uint16)
- conn.setDataVolume(stack, 0, 0)
- # Test retrieving volume and slice for a non 8-bit dataset
- print('Test retrieving volume and slice for a non 8-bit dataset...')
- volume16 = conn.getDataVolume(0, 0)
- slice16 = conn.getDataSlice(1, 0, 0)
- assert(np.all(volume16[1, :, :] == slice16))
- # Create a dataset
- # =========================================================================
- print('Create a dataset (replace existing one)...')
- conn.createDataset('uint8', 100, 200, 50, 3, 10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1)
- # Check sizes
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check sizes...')
- sizes = conn.getSizes()
- assert(sizes[0] == 100)
- assert(sizes[1] == 200)
- assert(sizes[2] == 50)
- assert(sizes[3] == 3)
- assert(sizes[4] == 10)
- # Check voxel sizes
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check voxel sizes...')
- voxelSizes = conn.getVoxelSizes()
- assert(voxelSizes[0] == 0.2)
- assert(voxelSizes[1] == 0.25)
- assert(voxelSizes[2] == 0.5)
- # Check the time delta
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check time interval...')
- assert(conn.mImarisApplication.GetDataSet().GetTimePointsDelta() == 0.1)
- # Check transferring volume data
- # =========================================================================
- print('Check two-way data volume transfer...')
- data = np.zeros((2, 255, 255), dtype=np.uint8)
- x = np.linspace(1, 255, 255)
- y = np.linspace(1, 255, 255)
- xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
- data[0, :, :] = x
- data[1, :, :] = y
- data = data[:, :, 1:255] # Make it not square in xy
- conn.createDataset('uint8', 254, 255, 2, 1, 1)
- conn.setDataVolume(data, 0, 0)
- dataOut = conn.getDataVolume(0, 0)
- assert(np.array_equal(data, dataOut))
- # Close Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Close Imaris...')
- assert(conn.closeImaris(True) == 1)
- # Make sure Imaris is closed
- # =========================================================================
- print('Make sure Imaris is closed...')
- assert(conn.isAlive() == False)
- # Start Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Start Imaris...')
- assert(conn.startImaris() == 1)
- # Open a file
- # =========================================================================
- print('Load file...')
- currFilePath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
- currPath = os.path.dirname(currFilePath)
- filename = os.path.join(currPath, 'SwimmingAlgae.ims')
- conn.mImarisApplication.FileOpen(filename, '')
- # Get the Spots object
- iSpots = conn.getAllSurpassChildren(False, 'Spots')
- assert (len(iSpots) == 1)
- # Get the tracks
- [tracks, startTimes] = conn.getTracks(iSpots[0])
- # Compare
- TRACKS_0 = np.array([
- [257.0569, 158.0890, 0.5000],
- [258.2019, 160.3281, 0.5000],
- [258.6424, 161.7611, 0.5000],
- [257.0615, 162.8971, 0.5000],
- [254.7822, 163.0764, 0.5000],
- [252.9628, 162.2183, 0.5000],
- [251.9430, 160.6685, 0.5000],
- [252.0315, 159.2506, 0.5000],
- [252.5433, 157.9091, 0.5000],
- [254.0479, 156.8815, 0.5000],
- [255.7876, 156.3626, 0.5000],
- [257.4710, 156.3670, 0.5000]])
- TRACKS_1 = np.array([
- [245.0000, 125.4513, 0.5000],
- [248.0088, 127.2925, 0.5000],
- [251.1482, 128.9230, 0.5000],
- [254.2048, 130.3164, 0.5000],
- [257.1553, 132.4333, 0.5000],
- [259.4069, 134.9209, 0.5000],
- [261.9462, 137.7944, 0.5000],
- [264.0524, 140.6828, 0.5000]])
- TRACKS_2 = np.array([
- [284.0000, 128.0667, 0.5000],
- [281.3237, 130.0378, 0.5000],
- [278.5699, 131.9248, 0.5000],
- [275.9659, 133.9807, 0.5000]])
- # Check spot coordinates
- assert (np.all(abs(tracks[0] - TRACKS_0) < 1e-4))
- assert (np.all(abs(tracks[1] - TRACKS_1) < 1e-4))
- assert (np.all(abs(tracks[2] - TRACKS_2) < 1e-4))
- # Check start time points
- assert (np.all(startTimes == np.array([0, 4, 8])))
- # Close Imaris
- # =========================================================================
- print('Close Imaris...')
- assert(conn.closeImaris(True) is True)
- # Make sure Imaris is closed
- # =========================================================================
- print('Make sure Imaris is closed...')
- assert(conn.isAlive() is False)
- # All done
- # =========================================================================
- print('')
- print('All test successfully run.')