
  • Update go from 1.14 to 1.18
  • +
  • Updated go from 1.14 to 1.18
  • Added Github workflows
  • Updated Makefile
  • Changed the AuditEntry rate from 10 sec to 50 secs
  • Increased sleep time in flush from 100 milliseconds to 500 milliseconds

Commit changes:


Quick Reference

  • https://github.com/rightscale/rightlinklite/commit/50bce384f5352d133e92697d0981593fd5237da9
  • -
- -

Release downloads:

- -
  • https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.tgz
  • -
  • https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.sh
  • -
  • https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.zip
  • -
  • https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.ps1
  • -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
RightLink10 Change Loghttps://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/CHANGES.md
Linux Base ServerTemplatehttps://www.rightscale.com/library/server_templates/RightLink-10/lineage/53250
Linux Install-on-imageInstallation package: https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.tgz
Linux Install-at-bootTo run: Import Linux Base ServerTemplate, create server from ST, pick desired MCI, launch
Linux Enable-runningScript: https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.sh
To run: Import Linux Base ServerTemplate, launch raw instance, copy key from
Settings > Account Settings > API credentials, SSH into raw instance
Run command:
curl -s https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.sh | bash -s -- -k "<your-key>" -d "<deployment-name>" -n "<your-server-name>" -t "RightLink 10.6.4 Linux Base" -a "us-3.rightscale.com" -c "<cloud_type>"
Windows Base ServerTemplatehttps://www.rightscale.com/library/server_templates/RightLink-10/lineage/55964
Windows Install-on-imageInstallation package: https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.zip
Windows Enable-runningScript: https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.ps1
To run: Import Windows Base ServerTemplate, launch raw instance, copy key from
Settings > Account Settings > API credentials, Remote Desktop into raw instance
Run command:
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile("https://rightlink.rightscale.com/rll/10.6.4/rightlink.enable.ps1", "rightlink.enable.ps1");
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File rightlink.enable.ps1 -k "<your-key>" -d "<deployment-name>" -n "<your-server-name>" -t "RightLink 10.6.4 Windows Base" -a "us-3.rightscale.com" -c "<cloud_type>"
Known Limitations
  • When using install-at-boot or custom images on vSphere/Softlayer on Linux, be aware of cloud-init limitations
  • Ensure hypervisor timezone matches instance timezone on Windows or time may be misset. If time is off you may not be able to run operational scripts.