NOTE: If you haven't completed the GitHub Survey yet, please do so before Monday, July 31st.
In order to use github (or any other git provider) for source control and contribution, you need git installed locally.
If you are comfortable working in the command line:
If you would prefer a GUI:
- GitKraken - Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
- SourceTree - Available for Windows and Mac
- Login to Github
- From the homepage, click the Start a Project Button
- Put "test" in the repository name field (you should see a green check mark)
- Notice the public/private selection
- Make sure the checkbox for "Initialize this repository with a README"
- Leave "Add .gitignore" and "Add a License" both with None.
- Click "Create repository"
No we're going to clone the repository we created above into a local repository.
- Clone the repo wherever you like
- Check the status of the repository
- Fork this repository:
- Clone the repository locally as we did before
- Create a new local Branch
- Make a change
- Push changes to your version of the repository
- Create a PR from your local version to the original master.
- GitKraken - Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
- SourceTree - Available for Windows and Mac