A simple Rails banking app. Users can be created in console. You can create Users through console and add credit to their account.
User.create login: 'satoshi',password: 'nakomoto',:password_confirmation: 'nakomoto'
User.find_by_login('satoshi').account.add_credit 100
Users are able to sign in with their login and password. After login the User can make payments to other Users until they get an Account::BalanceExceededException because they tried to pay an amount which they don't have. It is also impossible to try and pay a negative amount in order to credit their account, a Transfer::NegativeAmountException is raised.
On the account page there is an audit trail so we can see how we got to the current balance.
Install gems
Setup database
bundle exec rake db:migrate bundle exec rake db:seed # to add test users
Run tests
bundle exec r spec
Run server
bundle exec rails s
Run console and add users
bundle exec rails c User.create login: 'mestdaght',password: '12345', password_confirmation: '12345'
- ruby 2.1.2
- rails 4.1