This repository contains an implementation of the GKR (Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum) protocol in Rust. The GKR protocol is an efficient interactive proof system for verifiable computation. In addition, it contains an implementation of a Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (SNARK) based on the GKR (Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum) protocol, enhanced with Multilinear KZG (Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg) polynomial commitments. This implementation transforms the interactive GKR protocol into a non-interactive, succinct proof system.
The implementation includes the following main components:
- GKR Protocol: The core implementation of the GKR protocol.
- Circuit Representation: A structure to represent arithmetic circuits.
- Gate Types: Support for addition and multiplication gates.
- Utility Functions: Helper functions for various computations.
- FiatShamirTranscript: Implements the Fiat-Shamir heuristic for non-interactive proofs.
- SuccintGKR
- SuccintGKRProof: Represents the succinct proof generated by the prover.
- SuccintGKRProtocol: The main structure implementing the succinct GKR protocol.
- Circuit: Represents the arithmetic circuit being proven.
- MultilinearKZG: Used for polynomial commitments, crucial for achieving succinctness.
- FiatShamirTranscript: Implements the Fiat-Shamir heuristic for non-interactive proofs.
- Proof Generation: Create proofs for correct circuit evaluation.
- Verification: Verify the correctness of generated proofs.
- Circuit Evaluation: Evaluate arithmetic circuits on given inputs.
- Multilinear Extension: Compute multilinear extensions of circuit layers.
Here's a basic example of how to use the GKR protocol:
let circuit = Circuit::new(/* ... */);
let input = vec![/* ... */];
// Generate proof
let proof = GKRProtocol::prove(&circuit, &input);
// Verify proof
let is_valid = GKRProtocol::verify(&circuit, &input, &proof);
let circuit = Circuit::new(/* ... */);
let input = vec![/* ... */];
let point = vec![/* ... */]
// Set up the trusted setup
let tau = TrustedSetup::<Bls12_381>::setup(&points);
// Generate the succinct proof
let (commitment, proof) = GKRProtocol::prove(&circuit, &input, &tau);
// Verify the succinct proof
let verify = GKRProtocol::verify(&circuit, &commitment, &proof, &tau);
- The protocol uses the Fiat-Shamir heuristic for non-interactive proofs.
- Supports arithmetic circuits with addition and multiplication gates.
- Utilizes multilinear polynomials and sumcheck protocols.