Quicly clean all your files with prettier # npm install prettier npx prettier --write ./server/**/*.js npx prettier --write ./src/app/**/*.ts npx prettier --write ./src/app/**/*.html npx prettier --write ./src/app/**/*.scss MongoDB List all collections and their sizes var collectionNames = db.getCollectionNames(); var stats = []; collectionNames.forEach((n) => stats.push(db[n].stats())); var statsSorted = stats.sort((a, b) => a.size < b.size); for (var c in statsSorted) { const gbRaw = stats[c]["size"] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; const gb = gbRaw.toFixed(2); print(stats[c]["ns"] + " - " + stats[c]["count"] + " items"); print(gb + " Gb"); print(""); }