diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 29d1fc2..644fe2e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# nginx-quic
Docker image for Nginx + HTTP/3 - used as base image for NPMplus
-Requires: `zlib luajit pcre2 libstdc++ yajl libxml2 libxslt perl libcurl lmdb lua5.1-libs geoip libmaxminddb-libs` and libmodsecurity
+Requires: `zlib luajit pcre2 libstdc++ yajl libxml2 libxslt perl libcurl lmdb libfuzzy2 lua5.1-libs geoip libmaxminddb-libs` and libmodsecurity
Please add: `lua_package_path "/usr/local/nginx/lib/lua/?.lua;;";` to the http part of your nginx.conf.
If you use the tar files, please move the `nginx/perl5` folder to `/usr/local/lib/perl5`
If you use the tar files, please move the `nginx/perllocal.pod` file to `/usr/lib/perl5/core_perl/perllocal.pod`