Fcore License 1.1
'Author' refers to Zmicier Gotowka.
'Project' refers to Fcore.
'Licence' refers to Fcore License 1.1
The Project is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis. The Author is not responsible of any actions and effects of using the Project.
The Project can be modified, copied, redistributed, used as a basis for derivative works and used in non-production processes.
The License applies to all original and modified full or partial copies of the Project and derivative works based on the Project. Any machine translation of the Project is considered as a derivative work. The License must be distributed with any content which is subject to the Licence.
Production use of the Project is allowed to the following categories or users:
- Individuals who use the Project for their own needs and do not provide any services based on the Project to 3-rd parties.
- Journalists and bloggers who use the Project to create a media product (article, video, audio) for mass media or media platform and the media product is distributed without limitations and free of charge. In such case it is required to mention in the media product that the media product was created using the Project.
If your needs do not comply with the current licence requirements, you may contact the author and inquiry about a custom license. You may contact the author by email zmiciergt at icloud dot com.
All contributions to the main repository are subject to Contributor Agreement (see CLA.md).