- For register component we use
meta-data annotation. - Component is a directive which use shadow DOM to create encapsulate visual behavior called components. Components are typically used to create UI widgets.
- Component is used to break up the application into smaller components.
- @View decorator or template url template are mandatory in the component.
import { Component, View } from 'angular2/angular2';
selector: 'message'
template: `<h1>Hello Angular {{version}}</h1>`
class Message {
constructor(public version: string) {}
- For register directives we use
meta-data annotation. - Directives is used to add behavior to an existing DOM element.
- Directive is use to design re-usable components.
- Directive don’t have View.
import { Directive } from 'angular2/angular2';
selector: '[myDirective]',
hostListeners: {
'click': 'showMessage()'
class Message {
constructor() {}
showMessage() {
console.log('Hello Directive');
<button myDirective>Click here</button>
In summary
Write a component
when you want to create a reusable set of DOM elements of UI with custom behaviour.
Write a directive
when you want to write reusable behaviour to supplement existing DOM elements.
Angular provides an easy way to listen to events on window
or document
. Regular way window.onScoll
will not work - it's because the window object is instantiated outside Angular.
import { HostListener } from 'angular2/core';
class SomeClass {
@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event'])
onScroll(event) {
if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) >= document.body.scrollHeight) {
console.log('Bottom of page');