Component is normally build out of controller
and template
e.g. avatar.component.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.component('avatar', {
controller: 'AvatarController',
controllerAs: 'avatarCtrl', // alias for controller name in view instead of $ctrl
template: function($templateCache) {
return $templateCache.get('./some-path/avatar.component.html');
transclude: true,
bindings: {
url: '@'
e.g. avatar.controller.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('AvatarController', AvatarController);
function AvatarController() {
var vm = this;
vm.userAvatar = {};
vm.hasAvatar = hasAvatar;
function hasAvatar() {
return !_.isUndefined(vm.url) &&
!_.isNull(vm.url) &&
vm.url.length > 0;
e.g. avatar.component.html
ng-style="{'background-image': avatarCtrl.hasAvatar() ?
'url(' + avatarCtrl.url + ')' :
">{{ avatarCtrl.someProperty }}</div>
// or two way data binding
<input type="text" ng-model="avatarCtrl.anotherProperty" />
// or event handling
<button ng-click="avatarCtrl.someFunction()"></button>
This lifecycle hook will be executed when all controllers on an element have been constructed and after their bindings are initialized. This hook is meant to be used for any kind of initialization work of a controller.
function SomeController() {
var vm = this;
vm.$onInit = function() { = 'bar'; = 'foo';
This hook allows us to react to changes of one-way bindings of a component.
In component
bindings: {
user: '<'
In controller
this.$onChanges = function(changes) {
this.user = changes.user.currentValue;
A hook that is called when its containing scope is destroyed. We can use this hook to release external resources, watches and event handlers.
bindings: {
user: '<' // For one-way bindings, using expression
user: '=' // For two-way binding, using expression
title: '@' // For attribute hardcoded value
onDelete: '&' // Callbacks for component event
Presentation (stateless) component
- display user interface
- stateless (dumb / pure)
- data arrives via bindings (inputs), leaves via events (outputs)
Business (stateful) component
- access service & state
- stateful (smart / impure / container)
- do not provide interactive user interface
- render other components
View (router) component
- build the current view (from URL)
- specialist (smart / router) components
- create components dynamically (via a Router)
- can be entry points to the application
It is transplanting DOM nodes into another component.
View file of controller
<modal heading="Here goes some heading">
<p>Here goes some content.</p>
<a href="#">With some more content.</a>
View file of modal component
<a href="#" ng-click="modalCtrl.close()">X</a>
<div ng-transclude></div> // NOTE: This will output content of modal component
Component file
bindings: {
heading: '@'
controllerAs: modalCtrl,
transclude: true,
Controller file
vm.close = function() { ... }