This will only work with HD client ( Client's default nameplates castbars appear on all the casting nameplates, and this plugin converts them to ElvUI standards.
Option to add Role (Healer, Tank or Damager) and Guild Master (message sent by your GM) icons to each chat message. Here's an example:
Adds Absorb bars directly into your unitframes. Works in parallel with Heal prediction. Tags for both absorbs and heal prediction were also included.
Adds Role Icons (Healer, Damager, Tank) to all player unitframes: Player, Target, Focus, Arena, Raid-40. Party and Raid were reworked to not depend on RDF roles and their options remained unchanged under ElvUI UnitFrame menu.
Displays gems and enchants to the character and inspect frames. Best paired with Enhanced Character Frame from ElvUI Enhanced plugin.
- Download the addon from the main repository (
- Inside the zip file, open ElvUI_ProjectZidras-main and copy (Ctrl+C) the folder over to your addons folder (Interface/Addons).
- (Advisable) On your addons folder (Interface/Addons), before pasting, delete ElvUI_ProjectZidras (you will not lose your profiles doing this, don't worry - those are on WTF folder). This ensures that there is no remnant file that could potentially conflict with the latest version of the plugin.
- On your addons folder (Interface/Addons), paste (Ctrl+V) the previously copied folder here. DO NOT put the ElvUI_ProjectZidras-main folder directly into the addon folder, it will not work.
If you would like to show your appreciation for my work (which is by no means required), you can donate in two ways:
- Streamelements: your Twitch name will show on my stream at the time of the donation, and in the widget as the latest donation!
- PayPal.
If you donate over 5EUR I will add your name into the Donators tab inside the addon!