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Boot Finance contest
Boot Finance


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 code contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the code contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of Boot Finance contest smart contract system written in Solidity. The code contest took place between November 4—November 10 2021.


28 Wardens contributed reports to the Boot Finance contest:

  1. jonah1005
  2. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  3. pants
  4. pauliax
  5. Reigada
  6. Meta0xNull
  7. cmichel
  8. gpersoon
  9. gzeon
  10. leastwood
  11. fr0zn
  12. defsec
  13. JMukesh
  14. 0v3rf10w
  15. hyh
  16. nathaniel
  17. elprofesor
  18. Ruhum
  19. mics
  20. ye0lde
  21. loop
  22. rfa
  23. TomFrenchBlockchain
  24. tqts
  25. pmerkleplant
  26. 0x0x0x
  27. PranavG
  28. jah

This contest was judged by 0xean.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay and CloudEllie.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 55 unique vulnerabilities and 156 total findings. All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.

Of these vulnerabilities, 9 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 12 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 34 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

C4 analysis also identified 39 non-critical recommendations and 62 gas optimizations.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Boot Finance contest repository, and is composed of 27 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 5588 lines of Solidity code and 107 lines of JavaScript.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (9)

Submitted by Reigada, also found by WatchPug


As we can see in the contracts AirdropDistribution and InvestorDistribution, they both have the following approve() call: mainToken.approve(address(vestLock), 2\*\*256-1);

This is necessary because both contracts transfer tokens to the vesting contract by calling its vest() function:

The code of the vest() function in the Vesting contract performs a transfer from msg.sender to Vesting contract address -> vestingToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), \_amount);

Same is done in the BasicSale contract:

The problem is that this contract is missing the approve() call. For that reason, the contract is totally useless as the function \_withdrawShare() will always revert with the following message: revert reason: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance. This means that all the mainToken sent to the contract would be stuck there forever. No way to retrieve them.

How this issue was not detected in the testing phase? Very simple. The mock used by the team has an empty vest() function that performs no transfer call.

Proof of Concept

See below Brownie's custom output:

Calling -> publicsale.withdrawShare(1, 1, {'from': user2})
Transaction sent: 0x9976e4f48bd14f9be8e3e0f4d80fdb8f660afab96a7cbd64fa252510154e7fde
Gas price: 0.0 gwei   Gas limit: 6721975   Nonce: 5
BasicSale.withdrawShare confirmed (ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance)   Block: 13577532   Gas used: 323334 (4.81%)

Call trace for '0x9976e4f48bd14f9be8e3e0f4d80fdb8f660afab96a7cbd64fa252510154e7fde':
Initial call cost  \[21344 gas]
BasicSale.withdrawShare  0:3724  \[16114 / -193010 gas]
├── BasicSale.\_withdrawShare  111:1109  \[8643 / 63957 gas]
│   ├── BasicSale.\_updateEmission  116:405  \[53294 / 55739 gas]
│   │   └── BasicSale.getDayEmission  233:248  \[2445 gas]
│   ├── BasicSale.\_processWithdrawal  437:993  \[-7726 / -616 gas]
│   │   ├── BasicSale.getEmissionShare  484:859  \[4956 / 6919 gas]
│   │   │   │
│   │   │   └── MockERC20.balanceOf  \[STATICCALL]  616:738  \[1963 gas]
│   │   │           ├── address: mockerc20.address
│   │   │           ├── input arguments:
│   │   │           │   └── account: publicsale.address
│   │   │           └── return value: 100000000000000000000
│   │   │
│   │   └── SafeMath.sub  924:984  \[191 gas]
│   └── SafeMath.sub  1040:1100  \[191 gas]
├── MockERC20.transfer  \[CALL]  1269:1554  \[1115 / 30109 gas]
│   │   ├── address: mockerc20.address
│   │   ├── value: 0
│   │   ├── input arguments:
│   │   │   ├── recipient: user2.address
│   │   │   └── amount: 27272727272727272727
│   │   └── return value: True
│   │
│   └── ERC20.transfer  1366:1534  \[50 / 28994 gas]
│       └── ERC20.\_transfer  1374:1526  \[28944 gas]
└── Vesting.vest  \[CALL]  1705:3712  \[-330491 / -303190 gas]
│   ├── address: vesting.address
│   ├── value: 0
│   ├── input arguments:
│   │   ├── \_beneficiary: user2.address
│   │   ├── \_amount: 63636363636363636363
│   │   └── \_isRevocable: 0
│   └── revert reason: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance <-------------
├── SafeMath.add  1855:1883  \[94 gas]
├── SafeMath.add  3182:3210  \[94 gas]
├── SafeMath.add  3236:3264  \[94 gas]
└── MockERC20.transferFrom  \[CALL]  3341:3700  \[99923 / 27019 gas]
│   ├── address: mockerc20.address
│   ├── value: 0
│   ├── input arguments:
│   │   ├── sender: publicsale.address
│   │   ├── recipient: vesting.address
│   │   └── amount: 63636363636363636363
│   └── revert reason: ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance
└── ERC20.transferFrom  3465:3700  \[-97648 / -72904 gas]
└── ERC20.\_transfer  3473:3625  \[24744 gas]

Tools Used

Manual testing

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The following approve() call should be added in the constructor of the BasicSale contract: mainToken.approve(address(vestLock), 2\*\*256-1);

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by jonah1005, also found by WatchPug


The sanity checks in rampTargetPrice are broken SwapUtils.sol#L1571-L1581

        if (futureTargetPricePrecise < initialTargetPricePrecise) {
                futureTargetPricePrecise.mul(MAX_RELATIVE_PRICE_CHANGE).div(WEI_UNIT) >= initialTargetPricePrecise,
                "futureTargetPrice_ is too small"
        } else {
                futureTargetPricePrecise <= initialTargetPricePrecise.mul(MAX_RELATIVE_PRICE_CHANGE).div(WEI_UNIT),
                "futureTargetPrice_ is too large"

If futureTargetPricePrecise is smaller than initialTargetPricePrecise 0.01 of futureTargetPricePrecise would never larger than initialTargetPricePrecise.

Admin would not be able to ramp the target price. As it's one of the most important features of the customswap, I consider this is a high-risk issue

Proof of Concept

Here's a script to demo that it's not possible to change the target price even by 1 wei.

    p1, p2, _, _ =swap.functions.targetPriceStorage().call()
    future = w3.eth.getBlock(w3.eth.block_number)['timestamp'] + 200 * 24 * 3600

    # futureTargetPrice_ is too small
    swap.functions.rampTargetPrice(p1 -1, future).transact()
    # futureTargetPrice_ is too large
    swap.functions.rampTargetPrice(p1 + 1, future).transact()

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Would it be something like:

        if (futureTargetPricePrecise < initialTargetPricePrecise) {
                futureTargetPricePrecise.mul(MAX_RELATIVE_PRICE_CHANGE + WEI_UNIT).div(WEI_UNIT) >= initialTargetPricePrecise,
                "futureTargetPrice_ is too small"
        } else {
                futureTargetPricePrecise <= initialTargetPricePrecise.mul(MAX_RELATIVE_PRICE_CHANGE + WEI_UNIT).div(WEI_UNIT),
                "futureTargetPrice_ is too large"

I believe the dev would spot this mistake if there's a more relaxed timeline.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by WatchPug

Based on the context, the tokenPrecisionMultipliers used in price calculation should be calculated in realtime based on initialTargetPrice, futureTargetPrice, futureTargetPriceTime and current time, just like getA() and getA2().

However, in the current implementation, tokenPrecisionMultipliers used in price calculation is the stored value, it will only be changed when the owner called rampTargetPrice() and stopRampTargetPrice().

As a result, the targetPrice set by the owner will not be effective until another targetPrice is being set or stopRampTargetPrice() is called.


Consider adding Swap.targetPrice and changing the _xp() at L661 from:

function _xp(Swap storage self, uint256[] memory balances)
    returns (uint256[] memory)
    return _xp(balances, self.tokenPrecisionMultipliers);


function _xp(Swap storage self, uint256[] memory balances)
    returns (uint256[] memory)
    uint256[2] memory tokenPrecisionMultipliers = self.tokenPrecisionMultipliers;
    tokenPrecisionMultipliers[0] = self.targetPrice.originalPrecisionMultipliers[0].mul(_getTargetPricePrecise(self)).div(WEI_UNIT)
    return _xp(balances, tokenPrecisionMultipliers);

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by cmichel, also found by gzeon

The protocol uses two amplifier values A1 and A2 for the swap, depending on the target price, see SwapUtils.determineA. The swap curve is therefore a join of two different curves at the target price. When doing a trade that crosses the target price, it should first perform the trade partially with A1 up to the target price, and then the rest of the trade order with A2.

However, the SwapUtils.swap / _calculateSwap function does not do this, it only uses the "new A", see getYC step 5.

// 5. Check if we switched A's during the swap
if (aNew == a){     // We have used the correct A
    return y;
} else {    // We have switched A's, do it again with the new A
    return getY(self, tokenIndexFrom, tokenIndexTo, x, xp, aNew, d);


Trades that cross the target price and would lead to a new amplifier being used are not split up and use the new amplifier for the entire trade. This can lead to a worse (better) average execution price than manually splitting the trade into two transactions, first up to but below the target price, and a second one with the rest of the trader order size, using both A1 and A2 values.

In the worst case, it could even be possible to make the entire trade with one amplifier and then sell the swap result again using the other amplifier making a profit.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Trades that lead to a change in amplifier value need to be split up into two trades using both amplifiers to correctly calculate the swap result.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by gpersoon, also found by elprofesor, fr0zn, and pauliax


Suppose someone claims the last part of his airdrop via claimExact() of AirdropDistribution.sol Then airdrop\[msg.sender].amount will be set to 0.

Suppose you then call validate() again. The check airdrop\[msg.sender].amount == 0 will allow you to continue, because amount has just be set to 0. In the next part of the function, airdrop\[msg.sender] is overwritten with fresh values and airdrop\[msg.sender].claimed will be reset to 0.

Now you can claim your airdrop again (as long as there are tokens present in the contract)

Note: The function claim() prevents this from happening via assert(airdrop\[msg.sender].amount - claimable != 0);, which has its own problems, see other reported issues.

Proof of Concept


function claimExact(uint256 \_value) external nonReentrant {
require(msg.sender != address(0));
require(airdrop\[msg.sender].amount != 0);`

    uint256 avail = _available_supply();
    uint256 claimable = avail * airdrop[msg.sender].fraction / 10**18; //
    if (airdrop[msg.sender].claimed != 0){
        claimable -= airdrop[msg.sender].claimed;

    require(airdrop[msg.sender].amount >= claimable); // amount can be equal to claimable
    require(_value <= claimable);                       // _value can be equal to claimable
    airdrop[msg.sender].amount -= _value;      // amount will be set to 0 with the last claim


function validate() external nonReentrant {
require(airdrop\[msg.sender].amount == 0, "Already validated.");
Airdrop memory newAirdrop = Airdrop(airdroppable, 0, airdroppable, 10\*\*18 \* airdroppable / airdrop_supply);
airdrop\[msg.sender] = newAirdrop;
validated\[msg.sender] = 1;   // this is set, but isn't checked on entry of this function

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add the following to validate() : require(validated\[msg.sender]== 0, "Already validated.");

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed and resolved:

Addressed in issue #101

Submitted by jonah1005


When a user provides imbalanced liquidity, the fee is calculated according to the ideal balance. In saddle finance, the optimal balance should be the same ratio as in the Pool.

Take, for example, if there's 10000 USD and 10000 DAI in the saddle's USD/DAI pool, the user should get the optimal lp if he provides lp with ratio = 1.

However, if the customSwap pool is created with a target price = 2. The user would get 2 times more lp if he deposits DAI. SwapUtils.sol#L1227-L1245 The current implementation does not calculates ideal balance correctly.

If the target price is set to be 10, the ideal balance deviates by 10. The fee deviates a lot. I consider this is a high-risk issues.

Proof of Concept

We can observe the issue if we initiates two pools DAI/LINK pool and set the target price to be 4.

For the first pool, we deposit more DAI.

    swap = deploy_contract('Swap' 
        [dai.address, link.address], [18, 18], 'lp', 'lp', 1, 85, 10**7, 0, 0, 4* 10**18)
    link.functions.approve(swap.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    dai.functions.approve(swap.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    previous_lp = lptoken.functions.balanceOf(user).call()
    swap.functions.addLiquidity([deposit_amount, deposit_amount // 10], 10, 10**18).transact()
    post_lp = lptoken.functions.balanceOf(user).call()
    print('get lp', post_lp - previous_lp)

For the second pool, one we deposit more DAI.

    swap = deploy_contract('Swap' 
        [dai.address, link.address], [18, 18], 'lp', 'lp', 1, 85, 10**7, 0, 0, 4* 10**18)
    link.functions.approve(swap.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    dai.functions.approve(swap.address, deposit_amount).transact()
    previous_lp = lptoken.functions.balanceOf(user).call()
    swap.functions.addLiquidity([deposit_amount, deposit_amount // 10], 10, 10**18).transact()
    post_lp = lptoken.functions.balanceOf(user).call()
    print('get lp', post_lp - previous_lp)

We can get roughly 4x more lp in the first case

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

The current implementation uses self.balances

for (uint256 i = 0; i < self.pooledTokens.length; i++) {
    uint256 idealBalance = v.d1.mul(self.balances[i]).div(v.d0);
    fees[i] = feePerToken
    self.balances[i] = newBalances[i].sub(
    newBalances[i] = newBalances[i].sub(fees[i]);

Replaces self.balances with _xp(self, newBalances) would be a simple fix. I consider the team can take balance's weighted pool as a reference. WeightedMath.sol#L149-L179

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by jonah1005


CustomPrecisionMultipliers are set in the constructor:

customPrecisionMultipliers[0] = targetPriceStorage.originalPrecisionMultipliers[0].mul(_targetPrice).div(10 ** 18);

originalPrecisionMultipliers equal to 1 if the token's decimal = 18. The targe price could only be an integer.

If the target price is bigger than 10**18, the user can deposit and trade in the pool. Though, the functionality would be far from the spec.

If the target price is set to be smaller than 10**18, the pool would be broken and all funds would be stuck.

I consider this is a high-risk issue.

Proof of Concept

Please refer to the implementation. Swap.sol#L184-L187

We can also trigger the bug by setting a pool with target price = 0.5. (0.5 * 10**18)

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

I recommend providing extra 10**18 in both multipliers.

customPrecisionMultipliers[0] = targetPriceStorage.originalPrecisionMultipliers[0].mul(_targetPrice).mul(10**18).div(10 ** 18);
customPrecisionMultipliers[1] = targetPriceStorage.originalPrecisionMultipliers[1].mul(10**18);

The customswap only supports two tokens in a pool, there's should be enough space. Recommend the devs to go through the trade-off saddle finance has paid to support multiple tokens. The code could be more clean and efficient if the pools' not support multiple tokens.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by nathaniel, also found by WatchPug, leastwood, and pauliax


The timelocks for any beneficiary are unbounded, and can be vested by someone who is not the beneficiary. When the array becomes significantly big enough, the vestments will no longer be claimable for the beneficiary.

The vest() function in Vesting.sol does not check the beneficiary, hence anyone can vest for anyone else, pushing a new timelock to the timelocks[_beneficiary]. The _claimableAmount() function (used by claim() function), then loops through the timelocks[_beneficiary] to determine the amount to be claimed. A malicious actor can easy repeatedly call the vest() function with minute amounts to make the array large enough, such that when it comes to claiming, it will exceed the gas limit and revert, rendering the vestment for the beneficiary unclaimable. The malicious actor could do this to each beneficiary, locking up all the vestments.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Manual code review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  • Create a minimum on the vestment amounts, such that it won't be feasible for a malicious actor to create a large amount of vestments.
  • Restrict the vestment contribution of a beneficiary where require(beneficiary == msg.sender)

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by Meta0xNull


When add investor, addInvestor() does not check how many tokens is available from investors_supply. The total tokens allocated for Investors could more than investors_supply.

Possible Attack Scenario:

  1. Attacker who have Admin Private key call addInvestor() and Input \_amount >= investors_supply.
  2. Attacker can Claim All Available Tokens Now.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Manual Review


  1. Add require(\_amount <= (investors_supply - Allocated_Amount))
  2. When Add an Investor add the amount to Allocated_Amount with SafeMath

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) acknowledged:

While this is true, the addInvestor would be a one-time routine at deployment which would precisely send the allocated number of tokens to the contract as per to the allocatations.

Medium Risk Findings (12)

Submitted by Reigada, also found by Ruhum, loop, cmichel, defsec, pauliax, WatchPug, and 0v3rf10w


Multiple calls to transferFrom and transfer are frequently done without checking the results. For certain ERC20 tokens, if insufficient tokens are present, no revert occurs but a result of “false” is returned. It’s important to check this. If you don’t, in this concrete case, some airdrop eligible participants could be left without their tokens. It is also a best practice to check this.

Proof of Concept

AirdropDistributionMock.sol:132:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);
AirdropDistributionMock.sol:157:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);
AirdropDistribution.sol:542:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);
AirdropDistribution.sol:567:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);

InvestorDistribution.sol:132:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);
InvestorDistribution.sol:156:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, claimable_to_send);
InvestorDistribution.sol:207:        mainToken.transfer(msg.sender, bal);

Vesting.sol:95:        vestingToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), \_amount);

PublicSale.sol:224:            mainToken.transfer(\_member, v_value);

Tools Used

Manual testing

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check the result of transferFrom and transfer. Although if this is done, the contracts will not be compatible with non standard ERC20 tokens like USDT. For that reason, I would rather recommend making use of SafeERC20 library: safeTransfer and safeTransferFrom.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by 0v3rf10w, also found by Reigada


Unchecked low-level calls

Proof of Concept

Unchecked cases at 2 places :- BasicSale.receive() (2021-11-bootfinance/tge/contracts/PublicSale.sol#148-156) ignores return value by{value: msg.value}() (2021-11-bootfinance/tge/contracts/PublicSale.sol#154)

BasicSale.burnEtherForMember(address) (2021-11-bootfinance/tge/contracts/PublicSale.sol#158-166) ignores return value by{value: msg.value}() (2021-11-bootfinance/tge/contracts/PublicSale.sol#164)

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

The return value of the low-level call is not checked, so if the call fails, the Ether will be locked in the contract. If the low level is used to prevent blocking operations, consider logging failed calls.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by gpersoon


Suppose you are an investor and want to claim the last part of your claimable tokens (or your entire set of claimable tokens if you haven't claimed anything yet). Then you call the function claim() of InvestorDistribution.sol, which has the following statement: require(investors\[msg.sender].amount - claimable != 0); This statement will prevent you from claiming your tokens because it will stop execution.

Note: with the function claimExact() it is possible to claim the last part.

Proof of Concept


function claim() external nonReentrant {
require(investors\[msg.sender].amount - claimable != 0);
investors\[msg.sender].amount -= claimable;

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove the require statement.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) commented:

Duplicate of issue #130

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) commented:

I just noticed it's different files. The AirdropDistrbution.sol and InvestorDistribution.sol contracts were built on the same base, with slight changes.

0xean (judge) commented:

Downgrading to medium risk as an alternative path does exist for claiming the drop. Funds are not lost, but the availability of them is compromised. Per Docs:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.
3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).

Submitted by jonah1005


There's a feature of virtualPrice that is monotonically increasing regardless of the market. This function is heavily used in multiple protocols. e.g.(curve metapool, mim, ...) This is not held in the current implementation of customSwap since customPrecisionMultipliers can be changed by changing the target price.

There are two issues here: The meaning of virtualPrice would be vague. This may damage the lp providers as the protocol that adopts it may be hacked.

I consider this is a medium-risk issue.

Proof of Concept

We can set up a mockSwap with extra setPrecisionMultiplier to check the issue.

    function setPrecisionMultiplier(uint256 multipliers) external {
        swapStorage.tokenPrecisionMultipliers[0] = multipliers; 

# output log:
#   1000000000000000000
#   1499889859738721606

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Dealing with the target price with multiplier precision seems clever as we can reuse most of the existing code. However, the precision multiplier should be an immutable parameter. Changing it after the pool is set up would create multiple issues. This function could be implemented in a safer way IMHO.

The quick fix would be to remove the getVirtualPrice function. I can't come up with a safe way if other protocol wants to use this function.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by jonah1005

Stop ramp target price would create huge arbitrage space.


stopRampTargetPrice would set the tokenPrecisionMultipliers to originalPrecisionMultipliers[0].mul(currentTargetPrice).div(WEI_UNIT); Once the tokenPrecisionMultipliers is changed, the price in the AMM pool would change. Arbitrager can sandwich stopRampTargetPrice to gain profit.

Assume the decision is made in the DAO, an attacker can set up the bot once the proposal to stopRampTargetPrice has passed. I consider this is a medium-risk issue.

Proof of Concept

The precisionMultiplier is set here: Swap.sol#L661-L666

We can set up a mockSwap with extra setPrecisionMultiplier to check the issue.

function setPrecisionMultiplier(uint256 multipliers) external {
    swapStorage.tokenPrecisionMultipliers[0] = multipliers; 

# output log:
#     1000000000000000000
#     1499889859738721606

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Dealing with the target price with multiplier precision seems clever as we can reuse most of the existing code. However, the precision multiplier should be an immutable parameter. Changing it after the pool is setup would create multiple issues. This function could be implemented in a safer way IMHO.

A quick fix I would come up with is to ramp the tokenPrecisionMultipliers as the aPrecise is ramped. As the tokenPrecision is slowly increased/decreased, the arbitrage space would be slower and the profit would (probably) distribute evenly to lpers.

Please refer to _getAPreceise's implementation SwapUtils.sol#L227-L250

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by pants

The function MainToken.set_mint_multisig() doesn't check that _minting_multisig doesn't equal zero before it sets it as the new minting_multisig.


This function can be invoked by mistake with the zero address as _minting_multisig, causing the system to lose its minting_multisig forever, without the option to set a new minting_multisig.

Tool Used

Manual code review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check that _minting_multisig doesn't equal zero before setting it as the new minting_multisig.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by pants

The function LPToken.set_minter() doesn't check that _minter doesn't equal zero before it sets it as the new minter.


This function can be invoked by mistake with the zero address as _minter, causing the system to lose its minter forever, without the option to set a new minter.

Tool Used

Manual code review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check that _minter doesn't equal zero before setting it as the new minter.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed)

Submitted by pauliax


Public sale has a constraint that for the first 4 weeks only NFT holders can access the sale:

if (currentEra < firstPublicEra) {
    require(nft.balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, "You need NFT to participate in the sale.");

However, this check can be easily bypassed with the help of flash loans. You can borrow the NFT, participate in the sale and then return this NFT in one transaction. It takes only 1 NFT that could be flashloaned again and again to give access to the sale for everyone (burnEtherForMember).

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I am not sure what could be the most elegant solution to this problem. You may consider transferring and locking this NFT for at least 1 block but then the user will need to do an extra tx to retrieve it back. You may consider taking a snapshot of user balances so the same NFT can be used by one address only but then this NFT will lose its extra benefit of selling it during the pre-sale when it acts as a pre-sale token. You may consider checking that the caller is EOA but again there are ways to bypass that too.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) acknowledged

Submitted by gpersoon


Suppose you are eligible for the last part of your airdrop (or your entire airdrop if you haven't claimed anything yet). Then you call the function claim() of AirdropDistribution.sol, which has the following statement: assert(airdrop\[msg.sender].amount - claimable != 0); This statement will prevent you from claiming your airdrop because it will stop execution.

Note: with the function claimExact() it is possible to claim the last part.

Proof of Concept


function claim() external nonReentrant {
assert(airdrop\[msg.sender].amount - claimable != 0);
airdrop\[msg.sender].amount -= claimable;

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove the assert statement. Also add the following to validate() , to prevent claiming the airdrop again: require(validated\[msg.sender]== 0, "Already validated.");

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed:

Patched it with assert(airdrop[msg.sender].amount - claimable >= 0); the >=0 check is just to ensure the claimant does not end up claiming more than allocated due to any fringe case.

0xean (judge) commented:

Downgrading to medium risk as an alternative path does exist for claiming the drop. Funds are not lost, but the availability of them is compromised. Per Docs:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.
3 — High: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).

Submitted by gpersoon, also found by pauliax, WatchPug, cmichel, hyh, and leastwood


Anyone can call the function vest() of Vesting.sol, for example with a smail \_amount of tokens, for any \_beneficiary.

The function overwrites the value of benRevocable\[\_beneficiary], effectively erasing any previous value.

So you can set any \_beneficiary to Revocable. Although revoke() is only callable by the owner, this is circumventing the entire mechanism of benRevocable.

Proof of Concept


function vest(address \_beneficiary, uint256 \_amount, uint256 \_isRevocable) external payable whenNotPaused {
if(\_isRevocable == 0){
    benRevocable\[\_beneficiary] = \[false,false];  // just overwrites the value
else if(\_isRevocable == 1){
    benRevocable\[\_beneficiary] = \[true,false]; // just overwrites the value

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Whitelist the calling of vest() Or check if values for benRevocable are already set.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

Submitted by defsec, also found by Ruhum, elprofesor, pauliax, Reigada, and mics


The current ownership transfer process involves the current owner calling Swap.transferOwnership(). This function checks the new owner is not the zero address and proceeds to write the new owner's address into the owner's state variable. If the nominated EOA account is not a valid account, it is entirely possible the owner may accidentally transfer ownership to an uncontrolled account, breaking all functions with the onlyOwner() modifier.

Proof of Concept

  1. Navigate to ""
  2. The contract has many onlyOwner function.
  3. The contract is inherited from the Ownable which includes transferOwnership.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Implement zero address check and consider implementing a two step process where the owner nominates an account and the nominated account needs to call an acceptOwnership() function for the transfer of ownership to fully succeed. This ensures the nominated EOA account is a valid and active account.

chickenpie347 (Boot Finance) confirmed

0xean (judge) commented:

upgrading to med severity as this could impact availability of protocol

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

Low Risk Findings (34)

Non-Critical Findings (39)

Gas Optimizations (62)


C4 is an open organization governed by participants in the community.

C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

C4 does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this project. All smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and responsibility of users.