- State: Minimal Representation of Data in your App
- Action: Minimal Representation of Change to that Data
- Reducer: Pure function that takes the previous state and an action and returns a new state
You Dispatch an Action
- Components only know they have to dispatch an action.
Dont | Do | Do (ES6) |
Pre E6 | ES6(Spread Operator) | |
list.push(0) |
list.concat([0] |
[...list, 0] |
splice(index,1) |
slice(0, index) |
[...list.slice(0, index)] |
Dont | Do | ES7(Object Spread) |
todo.completed =! todo.completed |
return Object.assign({}, todo, { |
return { |
- Replace single value in Array without mutating it
slice(0, index) //Take a slice before the index
.concat([array[index] +1]) // Concat it with a single item array with a new value
.concat(array.slice(index +1)) // Concat it with the rest of the original Array