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File metadata and controls

147 lines (106 loc) · 5.95 KB

Scripts used by the NGO Zero Waste Paris to automate new memberships.

You probably don't want to use this code as-is because it is specific to our workflow, but you might be able to re-use part of it.

What this code does

We have a registration form on HelloAsso on which new members can register. When those scripts run they:

  • Look for new registrations on HelloAsso
  • Insert them in
    • a MailChimp mailing list (which is used in particular to send automatic tutorial emails to newcomers)
    • a Google Group (which we use for bidirectional communications)
    • a mysql database (so we don't rely only on 3rd party for data about our members)
  • Once a year it deletes outdated memberships

An image is worth a thousand words, here is what is done:

                                  | cron |
                                     | perform an HTTP query to launch the scripts
+----------+   Get new data   +---------------+
| HelloAsso| <--------------- | Those scripts |
+----------+                  +---------------+
                                      | Insert data here
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>| mailchimp |
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>|  G-Group  |
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>|  sql db   |

Those scripts are written in PHP in order to be used from our web hosting.

This repo also contains as a git submodule the slack-agenda-app

How to run locally


After cloning this repo and from the top of it:

# Generate code from OpenApi specification

# Setup local conf
cd symfony-server
	cp .env .env.local
	vim .env.local # update the values you want to override
# to have a complete setup you also need some google tokens, but for local debug run we can skip it

# install the PHP packages and run the tests
composer install
../scripts/ # This setups a test local sqlite db and runs the tests against it

# Setup the database
## If you want to create a brand new database, run this.
## (what it does exactly depends on your local configuration. By default it creates a sqlite db (in var/data.db)
php bin/console doctrine:database:create

## if you want to use an existing database, then just create the tables with this instead:
# php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

## Initialize a value for the 'last succesful run date'
php bin/console doctrine:database:initialize-last-successful-run-date 2022-01-01

## For debug runs we may also insert some test data
## /!\ Do not do this in prod obviously /!\
	php bin/console member:add [email protected]
	php bin/console member:add [email protected]
## And now let's create your user account (to access the API)
	php bin/console user:add [email protected] # you will be prompted to enter a password interactively

## Launch the local server
symfony server:start --no-tls # add --port=value to listen on a specific port

We now have a server which listens by default on port 8000. For it to be useful we now need to setup the UI

cd ../angular-front/
	npm install
	ng build -c development # For a prod build just run `ng build`
	cp -r dist/angular-front/* ../symfony-server/public

That's it, now you can open http://localhost:8000 in your browser, and log in with the credentials created previously (if you followed those instructions, the login is [email protected] and the password is my_password).

How to deploy in prod


  • rsync

from the root of the repo:

cd scripts/prod-config

	vim  # put the rsync destination where to deploy. Nb: it is the `public` directory which should be the root of your web server

	cp symfony.template.conf symfony.conf
	vim symfony.conf # same kind of content as .env.local (nb: change at least the `APP_SECRET` to ay random string)

	cp slack-config/config.json.sample slack-config/config.json
	vim slack-config/config.json # conf for the agenda submodule

# you may also put in "prod-config" a favicon.webp
# When all is done, run `./ --env prod`
# Nb: you may put some conf in `scripts/preprod-config`, and then run `./` to take those confs into account

What the repo looks like

  • The files directory contains the files which will end up on the server
  • The tests directory contains the non regression tests.
  • The scripts directory contains the scripts to perform a release
  • The slack-agenda-app directory is a git submodule. See its README for more info

How to update the slack-agenda-app

From the root of this repo:

pushd slack-agenda-app
git pull
git add slack-agenda-app # no trailing '/' !
git commit -m "Update slack-agenda-app"