In order to create the tiles you need to install tippecanoe via:
brew install tippecanoe
You can then create the tiles:
npm run build:maptiles
If you want to create tiles for a different projects you need to create a new folder under maptiles/your-project-name
, put a data.geojson
file in it and run:
npm run build:maptiles
To use the tiles you can import src/maptiles/your-project-name.json
which contains the hash of the folder. You can use that to construct the URL to the maptiles.
import metaData from 'src/maptiles/gehaelter-karte.json';
const publicUrl = __PUBLIC_URL__;
const isProd = import.meta.env.PROD;
const isSSR = import.meta.env.SSR;
const mapTilesUrl =
isProd || isSSR
? `${publicUrl}maptiles/${metaData.path}`
: `http://${}/maptiles/${metaData.path}`,