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File metadata and controls

177 lines (144 loc) · 7.73 KB

This file describes how to contribute code to Kresus. Note that many other contributions are valuable and would be glady accepted in all of the following domains: design, user interface, user experience, translations, documentation, tutorials. If you want to get started with those, please head to our community forum. The only limit is the imagination!

These rules and recommendations can change over time, and should change. If you have any ideas for improving them, please file an issue or open a merge request!


  • Branch off master.
  • One feature per commit.
  • In case of requests for changes, amend your commit.

How to hack on Kresus

  • First, install the app's dependencies:
npm install
  • Copy config.example.ini to config.ini and set values for your local development environment.
  • Start development mode: make dev. This will automatically build the server and client files, spawn the main server on localhost:9876, (and reload it whenever a server source file is changed), spawn a client server on localhost:8080 and opens the index page on a browser (which gets reloaded every time a client file is touched).

Alternatively, you can use make watch which will just automatically recompile the files without auto-spawning servers.

If watching doesn't work, under Unix based operating systems (Linux, MacOS), you might need to increase the number of inotify nodes.

Running tests

A series of tests are shipped with the code to avoid regressions. They are located in the ./tests folder. Some tests require a valid install of Weboob to work properly, some others do not. For that, the weboob related tests are disabled if the environment variable KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR is not set. Some other tests are disabled if this environment variable is set. To ensure all the tests pass, you need to run the test command twice, once with KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR set, once without. For example:

npm run check:test
KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR=/path/to/weboob npm run check:test

About package.json file

We use the package.json file in a reproducible way, specifying the exact version to use. Please make sure all version numbers are exact in package.json, thus using no version ranges specifiers like ~, > etc.

About scripts and scripty

To not have shell scripts in package.json, we use scripty: every command that has form a:b:c in the package descriptor file and that's sent to scripty will run the script scripts/a/b/ or scripts/a/b/c/ automatically.

About branches

  • master contains all changes in the current development version, including some experimental features that could break in production.
  • builds contains a stable version of the code for releases.

How to contribute

  • Please note that not every feature can make it into Kresus. New features add complexity and usually the maintenance burden is carried by the core team. Also, Kresus tries to limit its scope to doing one thing well.
  • If you're thinking about a new feature, see if there's already an issue open about it (but don't sweat it too much if you can't find one!), or open one otherwise. This will ensure that everybody is on track for the feature and willing to have it in Kresus.
  • One commit per feature.
  • Branch off the master branch.
  • Rebase when you're close to landing, to make sure there's no merge skew risk. We don't do merge commits, because they break bisection and add a lot of noise in the commit history.
  • Test your code with make check. This also runs linting and a few consistency checks.
  • For client changes, it is highly recommended to run extensive tests, and to note if there are tests known to fail. In particular, when touching a form, it's strongly advised to try to use invalid data, run it, close it, enter data and close it and re-open it, etc.
  • We'll look at your MR and might ask for a few changes. In this case, use your best judgement to consider wheter it's smarter to create new commits or to amend existing ones. When the final result looks good, we may ask you to squash the WIP commits into a single one, to maintain the invariant of "one feature, one commit".

Core team

  • Core contributors: nicofrand, ZeHiro, Phyks. Core contributors can review and merge MRs, and have full power on the repository, including but not limited to push access on the master branch.
  • Module owner: bnjbvr (if alive). They get the last word and can veto the progression of a particular merge request, which should only happen in last resort if no cooperative solutions have been found otherwise.

Review and merge rules

  • More than one person must have the commit accesses on master.
  • All code changes must pass through the process of review. As a matter of fact, it is not allowed to push directly on the master branch. All changes must go through a merge request.
  • All merge requests must be reviewed and approved by at least one core contributor before they can be considered for a merge. The marking of a merge request with the ship-it label indicates that a merge request can be merged by the author, once the remaining issues / remarks have been addressed; of course, if other questions arise, the author can ask for another round of review (and unmark the MR as ship-it).
  • Merge requests shouldn't be merged no less than one day after they've been proposed, to make sure people have time to test them and think about all the possible implications they could have.
  • Bug fixes can be merged without too much wait.
  • New features or anything involving architecture discussions and design interactions should be reviewed and approved by the module owner.
  • If a review takes more than a few days, it is appropriate to gently ping the reviewer(s). Note that they might be busy in meat space. Not getting a review isn't a reason to merge any time sooner.
  • Failing to respect these rules may result in losing the right to merge, after a first warning strike and a discussion between contributors.

Release process

Publish on git

  • Update the version number in the package.json file on the master branch.
  • Checkout the builds branch and merge from master with git checkout builds && git merge -X theirs master (which will always take master changes).
  • Run make release.
  • Check git status, unstage unwanted changes, and commit with Build; in the commit message.
  • Run git tag 0.14.0 with the version number.
  • Push the builds branch and the tag.

Publish on npm

  • Just after this on the same branch, run npm publish.
  • Test npm release with npm install --prefix /tmp kresus and run Kresus from there.

Publish on Docker hub

  • Run make docker-release (ensure it doesn't use cached images).
  • docker tag bnjbvr/kresus:latest bnjbvr/kresus:0.14.0 with the right version number.
  • docker push bnjbvr/kresus

Website and demo

  • Write a blog post for the release:
    • check commits.
    • don't talk too much about implementation details unless a lot of work has been done in a particular area, e.g. tests, migrating DB, etc.
    • give visibility to non-technical contributions too.
    • format the blog post so all images etc. are served locally
    • add Pelican metadata.
  • Update the demo on with the docker image, make sure it still works.

Extra communication

  • Create social media messages for Mastodon / Twitter and publish them with a link to the blog post.
  • Ideally, re-publish social media updates a few hours / days later.
  • Let package maintainers know about the update, and try to give instructions to make it easier to ugprade their packages (ArchLinux / YNH).