This mtd dump can be used to repair bricked Stick and switch between XG-99S and XE-99S.
To obtain a backup, use the dd
command to save it on /tmp
or use the cat command to transfer it via netcast.
# dd if=/dev/mtdX of=/tmp/mtdX.bin
# tftp -l /tmp/mtdX.bin -r remotehost-ip
# cat /dev/mtdX | nc remotehost-ip 10000
When partition writing to the stick, use the flash command set.
(Do not write with the dd
command because ecc is enabled)
# flash_eraseall /dev/mtdX
# flashcp -v targetfile /dev/mtdX
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd9 | mfginfo1 | 0x000007700000 | 0x000007800000 | 0x100000 |
mtd10 | mfginfo2 | 0x000007800000 | 0x000007900000 | 0x100000 |
mtd11 | uboot-env2 | 0x000007900000 | 0x000007a00000 | 0x100000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd9 | mfginfo1 | 0x000007700000 | 0x000007800000 | 0x100000 |
mtd10 | mfginfo2 | 0x000007800000 | 0x000007900000 | 0x100000 |
mtd11 | uboot-env2 | 0x000007900000 | 0x000007a00000 | 0x100000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd9 | mfginfo1 | 0x000007700000 | 0x000007800000 | 0x100000 |
mtd10 | mfginfo2 | 0x000007800000 | 0x000007900000 | 0x100000 |
mtd11 | uboot-env2 | 0x000007900000 | 0x000007a00000 | 0x100000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd9 | mfginfo1 | 0x000007700000 | 0x000007800000 | 0x100000 |
mtd10 | mfginfo2 | 0x000007800000 | 0x000007900000 | 0x100000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd9 | mfginfo1 | 0x000007700000 | 0x000007800000 | 0x100000 |
mtd10 | mfginfo2 | 0x000007800000 | 0x000007900000 | 0x100000 |
mtd11 | uboot-env2 | 0x000007900000 | 0x000007a00000 | 0x100000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | dtb0 | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000600000 | 0x100000 |
mtd3 | kernel0 | 0x000000600000 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd4 | rootfs0 | 0x000000c00000 | 0x000003400000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd5 | dtb1 | 0x000003400000 | 0x000003500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd6 | kernel1 | 0x000003500000 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x600000 |
mtd7 | rootfs1 | 0x000003b00000 | 0x000006300000 | 0x2800000 |
mtd8 | userdata | 0x000006300000 | 0x000007700000 | 0x1400000 |
mtd No. | mtd Name | Start Addr | End Addr | Size |
mtd0 | ssb | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000400000 | 0x400000 |
mtd1 | uboot-env | 0x000000400000 | 0x000000500000 | 0x100000 |
mtd2 | KernelA | 0x000000500000 | 0x000000f00000 | 0xA00000 |
mtd3 | RootfsA | 0x000000f00000 | 0x000003200000 | 0x2300000 |
mtd4 | KernelB | 0x000003200000 | 0x000003c00000 | 0xA00000 |
mtd5 | RootfsB | 0x000003c00000 | 0x000005f00000 | 0x2300000 |
mtd6 | Userdata | 0x000005f00000 | 0x000007b00000 | 0x1C00000 |
If the stick is bricked, it can be repaired by accessing uboot from the UART.
If Stick fails to boot, uboot will enable text input.
ERROR: can't get kernel image!
Alternatively, on some Sticks (LTF-726x-BH, CIG old models), it can access the uboot by pressing any key while the following is displayed.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
For new CIG models (XGS-ONU-25-20NI, XE-99S, etc.), uboot can be accessed by sending 0x1b 0x1d 0x0f 0x0b
raw binary while the above message is displayed. 1
RAW binaries can usually be sent using Teraterm Macro or PComm Terminal Emulator.
Next, download Stick's mtd dump from mtd dump. or, prepare a backup of the mtd partition obtained beforehand.
Enable nand with the following command.
SATURN# spi_nand probe 0
SPI_NAND ID: 0x12c200
SPI-NAND: MX35LF1GE4AB is found.
Receive the file with the loadb command.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...
Using Tera Term, send the Kernel image (mtd3 or mtd6) by kermit transfer.
Erase NAND and write the transferred kernel.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003500000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000003500000 0x600000
Receive the file with the loadb command.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...
Using Tera Term, send the dtb image (mtd2 or mtd5) by kermit transfer.
Erase NAND and write the transferred dtb.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000500000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003400000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000000500000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000003400000 0x100000
Receive the file with the loadb command.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...
Using Tera Term, send the mfginfo image (mtd9 or mtd10) by kermit transfer.
Erase NAND and write the transferred mfginfo.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000007700000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000007800000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000007700000 0x100000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000007800000 0x100000
Receive the file with the loadb command. and Using Tera Term, send the rootfs image (mtd4 or mtd7) by kermit transfer.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...
Erase NAND and write the transferred rootfs.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003b00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000003b00000 0x2800000
If tmpfs or userdata is ReadOnlyFileSystem, restore userdata (mtd8).
Receive the file with the loadb command.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...
Using Tera Term, send the userdata image (mtd8) by kermit transfer.
Erase NAND and write the transferred userdata.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000006300000 0x1400000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000006300000 0x1400000
The following command restores the partitions layout and bootargs env.
- XG-99S
env set more_args ubi.mtd=rootfs0 root=/dev/mtdblock12 rootfstype=squashfs
env set setpartlayout setenv partitions ${flash_id}:4M@0x0(ssb),1M(uboot-env),1M(dtb${active_part}),6M(kernel${active_part}),40M(rootfs${active_part}),1M(dtb${standby_part}),6M(kernel${standby_part}),40M(rootfs${standby_part}),20M(userdata),1M(mfginfo1)
env set setpartlayout ${setpartlayout},1M(mfginfo2),1M(uboot-env2)
env save
- XE-99S
env set more_args ubi.mtd=rootfs0 root=/dev/mtdblock11 rootfstype=squashfs
env set setpartlayout setenv partitions ${flash_id}:4M@0x0(ssb),1M(uboot-env),1M(dtb${active_part}),6M(kernel${active_part}),40M(rootfs${active_part}),1M(dtb${standby_part}),6M(kernel${standby_part}),40M(rootfs${standby_part}),20M(userdata),1M(mfginfo1)
env set setpartlayout ${setpartlayout},1M(mfginfo2)
env save
Disconnect and reconnect the Stick, it will boot with the transferred kernel and rootfs.