diff --git a/docs/pages/guide/best-pratice.md b/docs/pages/guide/best-pratice.md
index 9c3c44323..0ca5d7a02 100644
--- a/docs/pages/guide/best-pratice.md
+++ b/docs/pages/guide/best-pratice.md
@@ -6,11 +6,111 @@ categories:
top: 1
+## 文章 {lang="zh-CN"}
+## Post {lang="en"}
+::: zh-CN
-## 文章
+1. 建议使用英文命名文件夹和文件,如 `blog/pages/posts/your-post.md`。
+2. 插入第三方/大量动态内容时,优先将其封装为组件放置于 `components`,并通过组件标签名引入,以下是一个例子。
+// blog/components/BszComponent.vue
+// blog/pages/posts/test-custom-component.md
+# hello World
+3. 如果文章中不想使用外链图片,建议按照以下格式创建文件夹及引用图片,便于管理和迁移。
+├─ your-post
+│ ├─ a.png
+| ├─ b.png
+│ └─ index.md
+// posts/your-post/index.md
+::: en
+The following are some of our recommended best practices, but you do not need to fully adhere to them.
+1. It is recommended to name folders and files in English.
+blog/pages/posts/your-post. md
+2. When inserting third-party/large amounts of dynamic content, priority should be given to encapsulating it as a component and placing it in `blog/components`, and introducing it through component tag names.
+// blog/components/BszComponent.vue
+// blog/pages/posts/test-custom-component.md
+# hello World
+3. If you do not want to use external links in the post, it is recommended to create folders and reference images in the following format for easy management and migration.
+├─ your-post
+│ ├─ a.png
+| ├─ b.png
+│ └─ index.md
+// posts/your-post/index.md
-- 使用英文命名文件夹与文件,如 `/posts/your-post.md`。
-- 如需使用本地图片(且仅在对应文章中展示),您可以新建文件夹 `/posts/your-post/`,并将图片放置其中,如 `/posts/your-post/your-image.png`。
- -
-- 插入第三方/大量动态内容时,优先将其封装为组件放置于 `components`,并通过组件标签名引入。
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