Banner Church Summer Camp 2017旌旗傾城而出夏令營配合大地遊戲使用的App
- 1.)LottieFiles
- 2.)Lottie安裝使用
- 3.)vector-icons
- 前後端架構設計及實作(API)
- 開設工作坊教學
- 組織及分配工作
- react-native-fcm的串接
- react-native-qrcode-scanner的串接
- IOS & Android 上架
- integrate code and fix bug
- 規劃及設計App各個關卡的遊戲機制(資源表...等等)
- 組織及做時程的規劃
- 發想遊戲機制中的可能性
- 協助測試及模擬App於實際場域中的各種情形
- 介面UI名稱
- 製作各式文件(工作坊介紹、疑難雜症介紹)
- 協助整體遊戲機制及程式測試
- 優化整體App的介面UI設計及與設計師進行溝通
- 與Forest討論整體App的介面風格及設計
- App Icon、launch page、UI、國家icon
- 首頁設計
- 九宮格解謎
- 景文科大資源點背景圖(25格)
- 領土爭奪戰配合景文科大切分圖(49格)
- 各種資源(上架)的Icon圖
This App uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- React-Native - Build mobile apps with React
- React-Navigation - React Navigation is born from the React Native community's need for an extensible yet easy-to-use navigation solution. It replaces and improves upon several navigation libraries in the ecosystem, including Ex-Navigation, React Native's Navigator and NavigationExperimental components. React Navigation can also be used across React and React Native projects allowing for a higher degree of shared code.
- React-Native-Camera - Dependence on React-Native-Qrcode-Scanner
- React-Native-Code-Push - This plugin provides client-side integration for the CodePush service, allowing you to easily add a dynamic update experience to your React Native app(s).
- React-Native-FCM - Help you connect with firebase cloud message(FCM)
- React-Native-Qrcode-Scanner - A QR code scanner component for React Native
- React-Native-Modalbox - A react native component, easy, fully customizable, implementing the 'swipe down to close' feature.
- React-Native-Gifted-Chat - The most complete chat UI for React Native (formerly known as Gifted Messenger)
- React-Native-Material-ui - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- React-Native-Vector-Icons - Perfect for buttons, logos and nav/tab bars. Easy to extend, style and integrate into your project.
- React-Native-Radio-Buttons - A react component to implement radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only one option can be selected at a given time.
- React-Redux - Official React bindings for Redux for DataFlow
- Redux - Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
- Redux Online DevTools server - Already set up in configureStore.js
- Remote Redux DevTools monitor on React Native Debugger - React Native debugger for Redux
- Socket io - Reliable real-time engine
- FlexBox - CSS layout
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- MongoDB - noSQL DataBase
- Firebase - analyze and send cloud messages to your user
This Server uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Opencc - Open CHinese converter for cn robot api
- JWT - JSON WEB TOKEN for securing requests
- express-jwt - A middleware for express for jwt
- jsonwebtoken - A module for sign and verify jwt
- moment - A standard time module for time stamp for checking the time of keeper giving score.
- moment-timezone - A standard time module for timezone
- mongoose - A module for MongoDB
- MongoDB - This project's DB
- Express - Node.js web framework
- Ansible - Automatic deploy env to AWS EC2
- AWS EC2 - Deploy our project on it
- Nginx - proxy for express port
- LetsEncrypt - free SSL
- Certbot - generate SSL
TakeItOver App requires Node.js v7.4.0+ to run.
step1 -先至React Native 入門環境設定後,Clone一份程式到你的本機
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android