title | language_tabs | language_clients | toc_footers | includes | search | highlight_theme | headingLevel | ||||||||||||
In-mail Service v1.0.0 |
false |
darkula |
2 |
Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.
In mail microservice
Base URLs:
- HTTP Authentication, scheme: bearer
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PATCH /mails/bulk/restore
Permissions |
RestoreMail |
10 |
Body parameter
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
filter | query | object | false | none |
body | body | IdArraysPartial | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Restore Message Successful! | None |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist. | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'DELETE',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'DELETE',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
DELETE /mails/bulk/{storage}/{action}
Permissions |
TrashMail |
9 |
Body parameter
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
storage | path | string | true | none |
action | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
body | body | IdArraysPartial | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Trash/Deletion of Mail(s) sucessful! | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
404 | Not Found | Message identity does not exist. | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PATCH /mails/marking/{markType}
Permissions |
UpdateMail |
2 |
Body parameter
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
markType | path | string | true | none |
body | body | IdArraysPartial | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Message is marked read/unread/important | None |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'DELETE',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
DELETE /mails/{messageId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
Permissions |
DeleteAttachment |
14 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
attachmentId | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Deletetion of Attachment Successful! | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
404 | Not Found | Message identity does not exist. | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'POST',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
POST /mails/{messageId}/attachments
Permissions |
AddAttachments |
4 |
Body parameter
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
body | body | object | false | none |
» attachments | body | [AttachmentPartial] | false | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» AttachmentPartial | body | AttachmentPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» name | body | string | false | none |
»»» path | body | string | false | none |
»»» thumbnail | body | string | false | none |
»»» mime | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"items": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | collect single attachment for user by message identifier | [Attachment add response schema](#schemaattachment add response schema) |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist. | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PATCH /mails/{messageId}/send
Permissions |
ComposeMail |
1 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Mail is Successfully sent! | None |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist. | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PUT',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PUT',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PUT /mails/{messageId}
Permissions |
UpdateMail |
2 |
Body parameter
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
body | body | composeMailBody | false | none |
Example responses
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist. | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
application/json | Unknown | collect single message for user by message identifier | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'POST',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
POST /mails
Permissions |
ComposeMail |
1 |
Body parameter
"threadId": "string",
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | composeMailBody | false | none |
Example responses
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | collect single message for user by message identifier | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
404 | Not Found | Message identity does not exist. | None |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /mails/{messageId}
Permissions |
GetInMail |
8 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"item": "string"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Gets mail details based on unique message id | Inline |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthrized token in header. | None |
404 | Not Found | Message identity does not exist | None |
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» item | string | false | none | none |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /mails
Permissions |
GetInMails |
7 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
messageFilter | query | object | false | none |
groupFilter | query | object | false | none |
Example responses
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | fetch mails | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthrized token in header. | None |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /threads/{threadId}
Permissions |
GetThread |
6 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
threadId | path | string | true | none |
filter | query | object | false | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"item": {
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"subject": "string",
"messageCounts": 0,
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Fetches a thread along with message, group, attachment(s) etc based on unique thread Id | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» item | Thread | false | none | none |
»» deleted | boolean | false | none | none |
»» deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
»» deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
»» createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
»» modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
»» createdBy | string | false | none | none |
»» modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
»» id | string | false | none | none |
»» subject | string | true | none | none |
»» messageCounts | number | false | none | none |
»» extId | string | false | none | none |
»» extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
Code samples
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /threads
Permissions |
GetThread |
6 |
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
threadFilter | query | object | false | none |
groupFilter | query | object | false | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"version": "string",
"items": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"subject": "string",
"messageCounts": 0,
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | fetch threads | Inline |
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» version | string | false | none | none |
» items | [Thread] | false | none | none |
»» Thread | Thread | false | none | none |
»»» deleted | boolean | false | none | none |
»»» deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
»»» deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
»»» createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
»»» modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
»»» createdBy | string | false | none | none |
»»» modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
»»» id | string | false | none | none |
»»» subject | string | true | none | none |
»»» messageCounts | number | false | none | none |
»»» extId | string | false | none | none |
»»» extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"subject": "string",
"body": "string",
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"status": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"subject": "string",
"body": "string",
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"status": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PATCH /threads/{threadId}/forward
Permissions |
ComposeMail |
1 |
Body parameter
"groups": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"party": "string",
"type": "from",
"isImportant": true,
"storage": "draft",
"visibility": "read",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
"subject": "string",
"body": "string",
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"status": "string"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
threadId | path | string | true | none |
body | body | object | false | none |
» groups | body | [GroupPartial] | true | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» GroupPartial | body | GroupPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» party | body | string | false | none |
»»» type | body | string | false | none |
»»» isImportant | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» storage | body | string | false | none |
»»» visibility | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
»»» threadId | body | string | false | none |
» subject | body | string | false | none |
» body | body | string | false | none |
» attachments | body | [AttachmentPartial] | false | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» AttachmentPartial | body | AttachmentPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» name | body | string | false | none |
»»» path | body | string | false | none |
»»» thumbnail | body | string | false | none |
»»» mime | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
» meta | body | [MetaPartial] | false | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» MetaPartial | body | MetaPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» key | body | string | false | none |
»»» value | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
» status | body | string | false | none |
Parameter | Value |
»»» type | from |
»»» type | to |
»»» type | cc |
»»» type | bcc |
»»» storage | draft |
»»» storage | send |
»»» storage | inbox |
»»» storage | trash |
»»» visibility | read |
»»» visibility | new |
»»» visibility | unread |
»»» visibility | important |
»»» visibility | not-important |
Example responses
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
204 | No Content | Message is forwarded to another recipient | None |
400 | Bad Request | Message identity does not exist. | None |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden request due to unauthorized token in header. | None |
Code samples
const inputBody = '{
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: inputBody,
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = {
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string"
const headers = {
'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'
method: 'PATCH',
body: JSON.stringify(inputBody),
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
PATCH /threads/{threadId}/mails/{messageId}/replies
Permissions |
ReplyMail |
3 |
Body parameter
"attachments": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"meta": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"modifiedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"key": "string",
"value": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
threadId | path | string | true | none |
messageId | path | string | true | none |
replyAll | query | boolean | false | none |
body | body | object | false | none |
» attachments | body | [AttachmentPartial] | false | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» AttachmentPartial | body | AttachmentPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» name | body | string | false | none |
»»» path | body | string | false | none |
»»» thumbnail | body | string | false | none |
»»» mime | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
» meta | body | [MetaPartial] | false | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
»» MetaPartial | body | MetaPartial | false | (tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true }) |
»»» deleted | body | boolean | false | none |
»»» deletedOn | body | string(date-time)¦null | false | none |
»»» deletedBy | body | string¦null | false | none |
»»» createdOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» modifiedOn | body | string(date-time) | false | none |
»»» createdBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» modifiedBy | body | string | false | none |
»»» id | body | string | false | none |
»»» key | body | string | false | none |
»»» value | body | string | false | none |
»»» extId | body | string | false | none |
»»» extMetadata | body | object | false | none |
»»» messageId | body | string | false | none |
» body | body | string | true | none |
» subject | body | string | false | none |
» status | body | string | true | none |
» extId | body | string | false | none |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Message is replied back to the sender | None |
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"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
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"body": "string",
"subject": "string",
"status": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {}
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
threadId | string | false | none | none |
groups | [GroupPartial] | true | none | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
attachments | [AttachmentPartial] | false | none | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
meta | [MetaPartial] | false | none | [(tsType: Partial, schemaOptions: { partial: true })] |
body | string | true | none | none |
subject | string | false | none | none |
status | string | true | none | none |
extId | string | false | none | none |
extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"createdBy": "string",
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"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path": "string",
"thumbnail": "string",
"mime": "string",
"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
deleted | boolean | false | none | none |
deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
createdBy | string | false | none | none |
modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
id | string | false | none | none |
name | string | true | none | none |
path | string | true | none | none |
thumbnail | string | true | none | none |
mime | string | true | none | none |
extId | string | false | none | none |
extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
messageId | string | false | none | none |
"deleted": true,
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Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
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deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
createdBy | string | false | none | none |
modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
id | string | false | none | none |
name | string | false | none | none |
path | string | false | none | none |
thumbnail | string | false | none | none |
mime | string | false | none | none |
extId | string | false | none | none |
extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
messageId | string | false | none | none |
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
messageIds | [string] | false | none | none |
threadIds | [string] | false | none | none |
"messageIds": [
"threadIds": [
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
messageIds | [string] | false | none | none |
threadIds | [string] | false | none | none |
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Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
deleted | boolean | false | none | none |
deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
createdBy | string | false | none | none |
modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
id | string | false | none | none |
key | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
extId | string | false | none | none |
extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
messageId | string | false | none | none |
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"deletedBy": "string",
"createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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"createdBy": "string",
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"extId": "string",
"extMetadata": {},
"messageId": "string",
"threadId": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
deleted | boolean | false | none | none |
deletedOn | string(date-time)¦null | false | none | none |
deletedBy | string¦null | false | none | none |
createdOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
modifiedOn | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
createdBy | string | false | none | none |
modifiedBy | string | false | none | none |
id | string | false | none | none |
party | string | false | none | none |
type | string | false | none | none |
isImportant | boolean | false | none | none |
storage | string | false | none | none |
visibility | string | false | none | none |
extId | string | false | none | none |
extMetadata | object | false | none | none |
messageId | string | false | none | none |
threadId | string | false | none | none |
Property | Value |
type | from |
type | to |
type | cc |
type | bcc |
storage | draft |
storage | send |
storage | inbox |
storage | trash |
visibility | read |
visibility | new |
visibility | unread |
visibility | important |
visibility | not-important |
"items": [
"deleted": true,
"deletedOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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