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Releases: YerongAI/Office-Tool

Office Tool Plus v8.1.5.15

16 Apr 03:16
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  1. According to Microsoft, the logging element was removed because it's no longer use.
  2. Fixed typos caused when the text is too long.
  3. Fixed that when you creating Office ISO, if the file is being used by other programs, Office Tool Plus will crash immediatily.
  4. Fixed that Visio 2019 can not deploy at Office 2019 Preprtual Enterprise channel.
  5. Fixed that Office Tool Plus can not get the correct Office version for Windows 7 users.
  6. Fixed that Office Tool Plus can not deploy proofing tool or partial languages correctly.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File SHA-256 562e62328a746eec6b79cdd2712eabdeed73e8750c6e4e843e3dcf516f1ce7d2 fff6191395d34aad4f9a9c62c1455d029609e5e9d747ce99bda9d8a2b0e9b446 cad4ae079bb9aa30c657a6dca405a788385bd8c385f2fddbcf54f264946cec90

Office Tool Plus v8.1.5.6

15 Apr 00:33
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  1. Support new Office 2021 channel.
  2. Modify Office 2021 appcalitions.
  3. Support to check exist products when adding a new product.
  4. Support to set fallback language when using MatchOS.
  5. Other issues fixed and performance improvement.
  6. Update batch file.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File SHA-256 8e5fbb6aa33b4040a5d0c0e56bfea3aea9434e6838b50bafdad98014912b4669 276d63ead35d92089c882d9d8f3216228d2df78f0c7ef985f114b3cfe09edf34 d756dc3e81be123940872f1dbf211f1bc922f34a83c84ca3b76c25ec8eff7b9b

Office Tool Plus v8.1.5.3

24 Mar 12:26
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  1. Support to match products and languages when downloading Office installation.
  2. Support to set UA when downloading Office.
  3. Support to sign out, shut down or restart Windows after deployment.
  4. Support to reset Office owner name to default value.
  5. Support to remove KMS hooker to resolve activation issues.
  6. When using "install after download", if all files existed, the installation will start immediately.
  7. When installing product key, the key will not clear automatically.
  8. When you are setting KMS port, we will apply it automatically if possible.
  9. Fixed theme issues.
  10. Fixed an issue that cannot change Office update channel.
  11. Fixed an issue that cannot change product owner name.
  12. Other issues fixed and performance improvement.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File SHA-256 a4bbba8a3c741c6c07568236a3f8d68d8dc6c0df5c975123fb886da36bb2c021 d06d329fd1934eaf54dacca9f403ec7ab413d5dcca3d5466851298aaad47d633 e0a48dc4b72016802f11d84b4a6fcb9db48ede3c688899ee306d2d01daf53877

Office Tool Plus v8.1.4.2

11 Mar 00:22
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  1. Fixed that can not read standalone products information properly.
  2. Translation update.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File Hash (SHA-256) 78f226269856ed042bc945db0075e99cc3ce716a564fe143f7713b1a946980cd c0cfde694a59d13da982802a10ea1d1b455f038e6ddea044b511982218c7f45d f4f7d61f2c47315e6191a9686cab63a86991fc39306460a1e703ae25f84d4714

Office Tool Plus v8.1.4.0

02 Mar 05:26
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  1. Added Dutch language, thanks to Kajoe.
  2. Support Office 2021 Channel (Beta), thanks to Долматов Алексей.
  3. Fix the problem that document conversion cannot save Excel file as xls format.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File Hash (SHA-256) 8397bbcc466943f227886f60dda003f2cd1fc4b51b052ed28c73b7f0cda1eb31 8396d324815c5952514b74d7dc6fb0027bf5a2a36102b82b7969567fc64e60a1 53f0fb8f9d83f5d3bce1256fcebf23d398c0f988f8f0d344eb8ee67d96f826bb

Office Tool Plus v8.1.2.7

10 Feb 05:18
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  1. Fixed that some data of application preferences cannot be read properly.
  2. Fixed that Office information could not be read properly under some circumstances.
  3. Fixed that Office belongers could not be saved properly in some cases.
  4. Fixed that Office update channel could not be saved properly in some cases.
  5. Fixed other issues and performance improvement.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with Runtime.

File Hash (SHA-256) fc68df202acbfcc40c67dbce22ce92d8bbf5d2e5edd883bc0c9a2d689f44878d 1a38e5fc0936764a52d9aa4348de3b0954f09b06c734b02271124eba47cc5673 00065bc7fea1c9ef2abbb9ecc59b82325cb6f5d81528b59f52ba515b870ab066

Office Tool Plus v8.1.2.2

22 Jan 06:07
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  1. Support for automatically matching the appropriate Office version when downloading/installing Office in Windows 7.
  2. Support retrieving information about older versions of Office and displaying it in the version list.
  3. Support setting the owner's name for new Microsoft 365 licenses.
  4. Support loading and using Office application preferences.
  5. Support for applying preferences to existing Office applications.
  6. Support enabling window transparency blur effect in Windows 10.
  7. Add GitHub Page as a server provider.
  8. Optimized the automatic installation of Office ISO file.
  9. Fix an issue that the latest logs are not shown at the top when viewing KMS or network activation logs.
  10. Fix an issue where the generated XML configuration was incorrect in some cases.
  11. Fix an issue that Slider can't scroll by touch event.
  12. Other issues fixed.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with runtime.

File Hash (SHA-256) 356767311602011f2886a3c695f043b2712c497b07399f7f5044bc2d37aacf39 eba291b24c72adca6ef111baefb19bb29a66188aa0f9a272fb8f4f86276ec33f 39c33584306a4faf3713caa23f042722c833c44918db98b18191b463178578af

Office Tool Plus v8.1.1.3

13 Jan 10:17
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  1. Fixed an issue when you set match previous MSI version of Office languages, Office Tool Plus will show an error message.
  2. New language of Russian, thanks to Долматов Алексей.
  3. Issues fixed and performance improvement.
  4. Update batch file.
  5. Update Office Deployment Tool.

Note: We recommand you to download Office Tool Plus with runtime.

File Hash (SHA-256) 529d7ff8bc40a485ece8a86cbaf12f38d51323f52dbd4cdc45c1de0d165dfe42 aa23dd0ed08eece715496271d77bc27c71cb7aebdd6deded7fc5e0c35029c1b6 2147ac3b4b837a5bc2ccfef809296a5581cd18b497fb1eb562b2311c840cfc82

Office Tool Plus v8.1.1.1

09 Dec 01:05
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  1. Fixed an issue when removing Office may cause failure "access denied".
  2. Fixed an issue that products will not be deleted when modifying applications.
  3. Support to install iSlide without deploying Office, use command "/InstalliSlide".
  4. Upgraded setup batch file.
  5. Upgraded Office Deployment Tool, version 16.0.13426.20308.
  6. Upgraded .Net Core 5 Desktop Runtime, version 5.0.1.

We recommand to download package with runtime for most users.

  1. 修復了在移除 Office 時發生「存取被拒」而導致移除失敗的問題。
  2. 修復了在同時編輯產品和應用程式時,無法正常使用「移除產品」功能的問題。
  3. 支援在不部署 Office 的情況下安裝 iSlide。(輸入指令 "/InstalliSlide")
  4. 升級 setup 批次處理文件。(with-runtime)
  5. 升級 Office 部署工具。(16.0.13426.20308)
  6. 升級 .Net Core 5 Desktop Runtime。(5.0.1)

我們建議您下載含有執行階段程式庫 (runtime)的安裝套件,以便利您的使用。

Office Tool Plus v8.1.0.10

21 Nov 09:58
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  1. New design of homepage.
  2. New documents converter.
  3. Other bugs fixed and performance improvement.
  4. Support Office 2021 Preview.

Note: We recommand to download and run Office-Tool-v8.1.exe


  1. 主畫面全新設計。
  2. 全新文檔轉換工具。
  3. 其他錯誤和問題改進。
  4. 支援 Microsoft Office 2021 Preview 部署。

注意:我們建議您下載並執行 Office-Tool-v8.1.exe 檔案。