This directory contains all Ansible playbooks and files required to setup services automatically.
If you still do not have Ansible installed in your local system, setup EPEL yum repository and run:
yum install -y ansible
pip install ansible
First, in your source host, update all the hosts in the hosts.ini file, paying attention to the groups they belong to. When executing a playbook, only the hosts in the corresponding group will be updated (eg if you execute the jenkins-master playbook, a Jenkins master instance will be installed to all hosts in [jenkins-master] section in hosts.ini).
Then, update the variables values in vars.yaml. If you are creating a production Jenkins server, provide the production GitHub organization in github_organization_name and ghprb_admin_organization variables and leave ghprb_admin_user empty. If you are creating a test Jenkins server, provide your user name in github_organization_name and ghprb_admin_user variables and leave ghprb_admin_organization empty.
Finally, you can run Ansible playbooks by executing ansible-playbook
If you are using SSH keys:
ansible-playbook --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -i hosts.ini --tags=setup jenkins-master.yaml
If you are not using SSH keys to login in the target host, you can execute
command specifying the -k
option and you will be prompted
to enter the SSH password:
ansible-playbook -k -i hosts.ini --tags=setup jenkins-master.yaml
The --tags
option tells Ansible to only execute tasks with the specified tag.
In the previous examples, only tasks with the setup
tag would be executed.
Some Ansible playbooks will prompt you to input data to setup Jenkins master and slave nodes.
playbook- Username and password to access Jenkins web UI with administrative privileges. Note that
a passwordless
user will also be created in master and slave nodes. - Paths to SSH private and public keys used to communicate between master and slave nodes.
- Username and password to access Jenkins web UI with administrative privileges. Note that
a passwordless
playbook- Paths to SSH private and public keys used to communicate between master and slave nodes.
- Path to the SSH private key used to upload artifacts to the configured remote server.
- Path to the SSH private key used to push commits to GitHub.
- Path to the SSH known keys for remote hosts, usually
. The local file is just copied to remote target.
Provide the data requested by the playbooks (e.g. Jenkins admin user name/password and SSH keys locations) and wait for automatic setup to finish.
The bm-deploy.yaml
playbook allows the provisioning of a POWER
(baremetal) machine using PXE. A "controller node" that can serve DHCP
to the machine being provisioned is required.
The deployment consists of two steps:
This is a one time operation needed to prepare the machine that will be used as controller for the provisioning. This machine should be in the same network as the to-be provisioned (target) machine (this is due to the requirement of serving DHCP to the target machine). Using a virtual machine is OK.
The controller node is referred to in the hosts.ini
file as
Run once for each controller setup:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini --tags=setup bm-deploy.yaml
After that, the controller node will be capable of serving files to the target machine.
For detailed info, see the baremetal-ctrl role.
This step is executed each time a machine needs to be provisioned. It uses IPMI to power the machine on/off, DHCP for setting up PXE and HTTP for serving files. Services on the controller node are started on demand.
The variables file vars-baremetal.yaml should be edited with information about the baremetal machine prior to execution of the "deploy" tag.
A .iso file named after the MAC address of the network interface of the target machine (<mac_address>_deploy.iso) is expected to be at /tmp.
cp <iso_file> /tmp/<ma:ca:dd:re:ss>_deploy.iso
Run every time a deploy is required:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini --tags=deploy bm-deploy.yaml
The flow of the deploy after the user runs the playbook with the "deploy" tag (C - controller node, B - baremetal node) is:
C: Mount ISO file inside the HTTP server directory
C: Using IPMI, set machine to boot via network
C: Using IPMI, turn the baremetal machine on
C: Serve DHCP along with PXE configuration file location
B: Boot and download PXE configuration file from HTTP server containing kickstart location and boot params
B: Install via kickstart
B: Run post script that adds authorized SSH keys and starts SSH server
C: Detect that installation has finished by SSH server presence
C: Fetch installed filesystem UUID
C: Copy kernel/initramfs to the controller node
C: Reconfigure PXE to boot the new installation
C: Using IPMI, turn the machine off
C: Using IPMI, turn the back machine on
Deployment is finished and machine is accessible via SSH
For detailed info, see the deploy-baremetal role.