API documentation : https://bit.ly/content-service-g17
This is a Node Express Mongo application which is made along with User-Service and User-Interaction-Service.
Locate the service in the terminal.
If not already created , create a bridge network to connect docker containers of all the services .
docker network create bridge-network
After the bridge network has been created , use the command below to run the service , make sure
docker-compose up --build -d
This service contains two containers -
1) content : Node Express Backend to make CRUD operations on Content. A list of all APIs can be found here https://bit.ly/content-service-g17 .Service makes use of port 3000 which has to be free.
2) mongocontent : A mongo database to store contents. Schema of the database can be found here https://github.com/Yash-g17/Content-Service/blob/main/models/content.model.js . Service makes use of port 27017 which is an internal port.
Simply go to the terminal where you started the service and run
docker-compose down