My personal leetcode answers
This is a continually updated, open source project.
🎉🎉🎉 Finished 100 questions on 2018-05-28
🎉🎉🎉 Finished 150 questions on 2018-06-29
☝️Hey!!!, its clickable. references are moved💦
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
202.happy-number |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
836.rectangle-overlap |
cpp |
O(1) |
Easy |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
136.single-number |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
53.maximum-subarray |
python |
O(N) |
Easy |
54.spiral-matrix |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
| |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
118.pascals-triangle |
cpp |
O(N^2) |
Easy |
| |
cpp, python |
O(N + M) |
Medium |
350.intersection-of-two-arrays-ii |
python |
O(N * logN) |
Easy |
485.max-consecutive-ones |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
498.diagonal-traverse |
cpp |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
560.subarray-sum-equals-k |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
561.array-partition-i |
cpp |
O(N * logN) |
Easy |
724.find-pivot-index |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
747.largest-number-at-least-twice-of-others |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
796.rotate-string |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Easy |
string |
TODO: Rabin-Karp Algorithm, KMP algorithm |
859.buddy-strings |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
string |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
003.longest-substring-without-repeating-characters |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(N) |
Medium |
026.remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
027.remove-element |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
028.implement-strstr |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
O(1) |
Easy |
TODO: string, KMP, rolling hash? |
076.minimum-window-substring |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(N) |
Hard |
088.merge-sorted-array |
cpp, python |
O(N + M) |
O(1) |
Easy |
125.valid-palindrome |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
141.linked-list-cycle |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
159.longest-substring-with-at-most-two-distinct-characters |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(N) |
167.two-sum-ii-input-array-is-sorted |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
209.minimum-size-subarray-sum |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Medium |
234.palindrome-linked-list |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
maybe harder |
283.move-zeroes |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
340.longest-substring-with-at-most-k-distinct-characters |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(N) |
344.reverse-string |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
345.reverse-vowels-of-a-string |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
349.intersection-of-two-arrays |
cpp, python |
O(K * logK), k = max(M, N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
hash, binary-search |
350.intersection-of-two-arrays-ii |
cpp, python |
O(K * logK), k = max(M, N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
hash, binary-search |
532.k-diff-pairs-in-an-array |
cpp, python |
O(N * logN) |
O(1) |
Easy |
Hash |
844.backspace-string-compare |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Easy |
stack |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
15.3sum |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Medium |
16.3sum-closest |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Medium |
18.4sum |
cpp, python |
O(N^3) |
Medium |
19.remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Medium |
75.sort-colors |
cpp python |
O(N) |
Medium |
counting-sort |
142.linked-list-cycle-ii |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
linked-list |
160.intersection-of-two-linked-lists |
python |
O(N + M) |
Easy |
linked-list |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
21.merge-two-sorted-lists |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
25.reverse-nodes-in-k-group |
python |
O(N) |
Hard |
61.rotate-list |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
86.partition-list |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
92.reverse-linked-list-ii |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
138.copy-list-with-random-pointer |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
143.reorder-list |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
148.sort-list |
python |
O(N * logN) |
Medium |
203.remove-linked-list-elements |
python |
O(N) |
Easy |
206.reverse-linked-list |
python |
O(N) |
Easy |
237.delete-node-in-a-linked-list |
python |
O(1) |
Easy |
328.odd-even-linked-list |
python |
O(N) |
Medium |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note | |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
Medium |
34.find-first-and-last-position-of-element-in-sorted-array |
cpp |
Medium |
| |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
Medium |
N = row * column |
| |
cpp, python |
O(logN) ~ O(N) |
Medium |
153.find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
Medium |
154.find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii |
cpp, python |
O(logN) ~ O(N) |
Hard |
162.find-peak-element |
cpp |
O(logN) |
Meidum |
302.smallest-rectangle-enclosing-black-pixels |
cpp |
O(M * N) / O(N * LogN) |
Hard |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
069.sqrtx |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
O(1) |
Easy |
278.first-bad-version |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
O(1) |
Easy |
704.binary-search |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
O(1) |
Easy |
852.peak-index-in-a-mountain-array |
cpp, python |
O(logN) |
O(1) |
Easy |
Golden-section search |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
4.median-of-two-sorted-arrays |
cpp, python |
O(log(M + N)) |
Hard |
98.validate-binary-search-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Medium |
TODO: inorder-traversal |
104.maximum-depth-of-binary-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
110.balanced-binary-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
236.lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Medium |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
94.binary-tree-inorder-traversal |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
102.binary-tree-level-order-traversal |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
107.binary-tree-level-order-traversal-ii |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
144.binary-tree-preorder-traversal |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
127.word-ladder |
python |
O(N * L^2) |
Medium |
200.number-of-islands |
python |
O(M x N) |
Medium |
union-find |
207.course-schedule |
cpp |
O(V + E) |
Medium |
210.course-schedule-ii |
cpp |
O(V + E) |
Medium |
topological-sort |
444.sequence-reconstruction |
cpp, python |
O(V+E) |
Medium |
topological-sort |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
39.combination-sum |
python |
??? |
Medium |
40.combination-sum-ii |
python |
??? |
Medium |
46.permutations |
python |
??? |
Medium |
47.permutations-ii |
python |
??? |
Medium |
51.n-queens |
python |
??? |
Hard |
52.n-queens-ii |
python |
??? |
Hard |
78.subsets |
cpp, python |
O(N * 2^N) |
Medium |
bit-manipulation / iterative |
90.subsets-ii |
cpp, python |
O(N * 2^N) |
Medium |
bit-manipulation |
126.word-ladder-ii |
python |
O((V+E) * L^2) |
Hard |
131.palindrome-partitioning |
python |
??? |
Medium |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
079.word-search |
cpp, python |
O(M * N * L * L) |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
L = length of words |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
1.two-sum |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
36.valid-sudoku |
cpp |
O(N ^ 2) |
Medium |
array-indexes |
| |
cpp |
O(N * k * Logk) |
Medium |
170.two-sum-iii-data-structure-design |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
202.happy-number |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
205.isomorphic-strings |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
217.contains-duplicate |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
219.contains-duplicate-ii |
cpp |
O(N) |
Easy |
| |
cpp |
O(N * K) |
Medium |
288.unique-word-abbreviation |
cpp |
- |
Medium |
| |
cpp |
O(N * LogN) |
Medium |
TODO: quick-sort, bucket-sort |
349.intersection-of-two-arrays |
cpp |
O(M + N) |
Easy |
350.intersection-of-two-arrays-ii |
cpp |
O(M * N) |
Easy |
359.logger-rate-limiter |
cpp |
O(1) |
Easy |
amortized |
380.insert-delete-getrandom-o1 |
cpp |
O(1) |
Medium |
454.4sum-ii |
cpp |
O(N ^ 2) |
Medium |
599.minimum-index-sum-of-two-lists |
cpp |
O(M + N) |
Easy |
652.find-duplicate-subtrees |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
771.jewels-and-stones |
cpp |
O(M + N) |
Easy |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
23.merge-k-sorted-lists |
cpp |
O(N * LogK) |
- |
Hard |
TODO: merge-sort, bottom-up |
378.kth-smallest-element-in-a-sorted-matrix |
cpp, python |
O((K + M) * LogM) |
O(M) |
Medium |
TODO: binary-search, O(N) solution |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
62.unique-paths |
python |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
Coordinates |
63.unique-paths-ii |
python |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
Coordinates |
64.minimum-path-sum |
python |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
Coordinates |
70.climbing-stairs |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Easy |
Coordinates |
91.decode-ways |
cpp |
O(N) |
Medium |
conditional-climbing-stairs |
120.triangle |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Medium |
Coordinates |
300.longest-increasing-subsequence |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Medium |
follow-up is tricky |
354.russian-doll-envelopes |
cpp, python |
O(N^2) |
Hard |
TODO: Python Version Time Limit Exceeded |
368.largest-divisible-subset |
cpp |
O(N^2) |
Medium |
403.frog-jump |
cpp |
O(N^2) |
Hard |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
45.jump-game-ii |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Hard |
55.jump-game |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
Medium |
dynamic-programming |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
128.longest-consecutive-sequence |
cpp |
O(N) |
- |
Hard |
261.graph-valid-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(N) |
Medium |
305.number-of-islands-ii |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(M * N) |
Hard |
N = len(positions) |
721.accounts-merge |
cpp, python |
O(M * N) |
O(M * N) |
Medium |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
208.implement-trie-prefix-tree |
cpp, python |
O(L) |
<= (N * L) |
Medium |
- |
L = len(word), N = number of words |
211.add-and-search-word-data-structure-design |
cpp, python |
add = O(L), find >= O(L) |
<= O(N * L) |
Medium |
L = len(word), N = number of words |
212.word-search-ii |
cpp, python |
O(M * N * L * L) |
MAX(O(M * N), O(K * L)) |
K = number of words, L = avg length of words |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
215.kth-largest-element-in-an-array |
cpp, python |
O(N) |
O(1) |
Medium |
quick-select |
best = O(N), worst = O(N^2) |
Problem |
Solution |
Time |
Space |
Difficulty |
Tag |
Note |
465.kth-smallest-sum-in-two-sorted-arrays |
cpp, python |
O((K + N) * LogN) |
O(N) |
Hard |
heap |
N = B.size() |
543.kth-largest-in-n-arrays |
cpp, python |
O(M * N * LogK) |
O(K) |
Easy |
heap |
589.connecting-graph |
cpp, python |
O(1) |
O(N) |
Medium |
union-find |
590.connecting-graph-ii |
cpp, python |
O(1) |
O(N) |
Medium |
union-find |
591.connecting-graph-iii |
cpp, python |
O(1) |
O(N) |
Medium |
union-find |
629.minimum-spanning-tree |
cpp, python |
O(N * logN) |
O(N) |
Hard |
union-find, Kruskal |
Prim |