Using inspector generator, you can generate corresponding inspector window directly from one of your registered objects.
The plugin provides a simple sample file of inspector generator, located in the demo
folder, you can play around with it.
The value of variables can be modified in the inspector window, and also the inspector window will update value of variables in real time.
You can create it via a predefeined object, specifically console.add_exporter(...)
Another point worth noting is that the settings window of REPL console is also generated entirely using this feature.
Currently supported types of exported variables are listed as follows.
#Export variables that start with an underscore will be ignored.
@export var _ignored := 0
#0. Grouping buttons
@export_group("Group 1")
#1. Rolling caption single line comment. Name needs to start with `export_comment_`.
@export var export_comment_1 = "This is a comment"
#2. button. The name should be in the format `export_button_xxx`, where `xxx` is the name of the function in the same file that will be called when the button is clicked.
@export var export_button_xxx = "Click Me"
#3. boolean variable.
@export var bool_val:bool = false
#4. color variable.
@export var color_val:Color = Color.WHITE
#5. string variable.
@export var string_val:String = ""
#6. simple int variables.
@export var int_val:int = 0
#7. simple float variable.
@export var float_val:float = 0
#8. numeric (int or float) variables with ranges.
@export_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.01) var ranged_number := 0.0
#9. vector2 variable.
@export var vec2_val:Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
#10. enumerate integer values
@export_enum("option 1", "option 2", "option 3") var enum_val := 0
#11. Unsupported variables will be displayed as read-only strings.
@export var node_val:Node
#12. You can control the access behavior with the setget function.
@export var dummy_val:int:
set(val): pass
get: return 0
#Button callback functions
func xxx():
print("xxx is called")