Tools for working with NanoAOD (requiring only python + root, not CMSSW)
Python3 is needed to re-run the taggers w/ ONNXRuntime.
is needed for taggers/regression and PF inputs.
It also contains the module for the hh4b analysis selection.
cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3/src
git clone [email protected]:mstamenk/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
git clone [email protected]:mstamenk/NanoNN.git PhysicsTools/NanoNN
cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b -j 10
To run the HHH6b producer, copy one of the HHH NanoAOD v9 file from lxplus:
To run the producer:
python scripts/ tmp RunIISummer20UL17NANOAODSIM_1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hhh6bProducer hhh6bProducerFromConfig -N 500 --bo scripts/branch_hhh6b_output.txt
For the official CMS samples, the samples are stored on /store/
of CMS and don't need to be copied locally. This concerning data (JetHT), and QCD, V+jets, VV, VVV, TT.
For the signal samples, the following path can be used:
/eos/user/m/mstamenk/CxAOD31run/hhh-samples/HHH6b_RunIISummer20UL17 # 250k events (used by me so far)
/eos/user/m/mstamenk/CxAOD31run/hhh-6b/run_hhh6b # 10 million events - to be tested for 2016, 2017 and 2018
For local tests using 500 events, copy one sample locally and pass it directly to the framework.
For running on condor with the full production, the samples are given to the framework through a list:
NanoAODTools/condor/samples/xSections.dat # with corresponding cross-sections
These lists need to be updated for 2016 and 2018.
In addition to the config files (yaml) for the samples in the framework, a list of samples path needs to be created and provided with the correct name matching the yaml:
This list of files can be created using the following scripts for official and private MC productions (scripts need to be updated if using lxplus):
To simplify the launching of the production, following scripts are avaialble:
Modify commands to increase or decrease number of jobs to run. Currently runs about 2000 jobs per year.
Once the samples are done, the samples needs to be postprocessed to add the MC weightand merge them into a single file. Use the following script:
The output paths need to be modified accordingly to write on your private repository.
The analysis is defined in:
This is where all the main higgs bosons variables are built and defined. This is also where the reocnstruction is done, the pairing of the jets and all the event related variables are built.
In order to run on condor, don't forget to tar the CMSSW project. Only the version in the tar ball is used on the condor batch, the path to it needs to be modified (see instructions below in the README):
cd $CMSSW_BASE/../;
tar -zvcf CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3.tgz CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3 --exclude="*.pdf" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude=tmp --exclude-vcs --exclude-caches-all --exclude="*err*" --exclude=*out_* --exclude=condor --exclude=.git --exclude=hhh-bdt --exclude=plottting
The instructions to run the usual NanoAODTools post-processing step can be found in the nanoAOD-tools repo.
In our case we use e.g. the hh4bProducer. To test it locally you can use:
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms//store/group/lpcdihiggsboost/NanoTuples/V2p0//MC_Autumn18/v1/GluGluToHHTo4B_node_cHHH1_TuneCP5_PSWeights_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/NanoTuples-V2p0_RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-102X_v15-v1/200801_231026/0000/nano_1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hh4bProducer hh4bProducer_2017 --cut "(FatJet_pt>250)" -N 1000 --bo scripts/branch_hh4b_output.txt
or with an ``hh_cfg.json` in the same directory you can use:
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms//store/group/lpcdihiggsboost/NanoTuples/V2p0//MC_Autumn18/v1/GluGluToHHTo4B_node_cHHH1_TuneCP5_PSWeights_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/NanoTuples-V2p0_RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-102X_v15-v1/200801_231026/0000/nano_1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hh4bProducer hh4bProducerFromConfig -N 50 --bo scripts/branch_hh4b_output.txt
is the output directoryroot://
is the input file-I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hh4bProducer hh4bProducer_2017
is the module and function to run- the
option is used to pass a string expression (using the same syntax as in TTree::Draw) that will be used to select events. - the
option is used to pass the name of a JSON file that will be used to select events. It is used for data events. - the
option is selecting only 1000 events for this test. --bi
allows to specify the keep/drop file separately for input and output trees. Forhh4b
we use these output branches
Go to the condor directory:
cd Physics/NanoAODTools/condor
All the samples are listed in the samples directory in yaml files that point to list of files.
The main script to produce condor jobs (and later submit them), is ([], e.g.:
python [-i /path/of/input] -o /path/to/output -d datasets.yaml -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hh4bProducer hh4bProducer_2017 -n 1
However, the script allows to input some fixed options for the HH4b analysis.
you can specify the samples you want to run for each year here. Or you can keep samples=None
to run over all the samples listed over --sample-dir
(by default samples/
To run, and create jobs:
python --option OPTION -o EOSOUTPUTDIR --year YEAR
is equivalent to the selection option in the HHBoostedAnalyzer. Although for now only option=5 (signal region) has been implemented.-o
is the output directory in eos.--year
is the sample year.
First, you need to re-tar the CMSSW environment (this needs to be re-done if you modify the producer or any files):
cd $CMSSW_BASE/../
tar -zvcf CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3.tgz CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3 --exclude="*.pdf" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude=tmp --exclude-vcs --exclude-caches-all --exclude="*err*" --exclude=*out_* --exclude=condor --exclude=.git
and then copy to your eos directory (change your username here):
mv CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3.tgz /eos/uscms/store/user/$USER/
You will also need to change the condor script that points to this tar in
Once you have made these changes you can run
. For example, for the year 2018:
python --option 5 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0 --year 2018
which will create a metadata json file in jobs_v0_ak8_option5_2018/mc/metadata.json
and tell you the command to submit the condor jobs:
condor_submit jobs_v0_ak8_option5_2018/mc/submit.cmd
Command line options:
- the preselection for each option is coded in
. - add
to make data trees - can run data & MC for multiple years together w/ e.g., --year 2016,2017,2018. The --run-data option will be ignored in this case. Add also --run-syst to make the systematic trees. (TODO)
- use --sample-dir to specify the directory containing the sample lists. The main one is running over the HH4b NanoAOD datasets listed in
. - the --batch option will submit jobs to condor automatically without confirmation
- remove -i to run over remote files (e.g., official NanoAOD, or private NanoAOD published on DAS); consider adding --prefetch to copy files first before running
- add --run-mass-regression to run new ParticleNet mass regression on-the-fly.
e.g. to submit data:
python --option 5 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0 --year 2018 --run-data -n 10
The --post
option will hadd
the output of the condor jobs into OUTPUTDIR/pieces/
and add the weight branch (computed with the sum of genWeights) to the tree.
python --option 5 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0 --year 2018 --post
First, you need to re-tar the CMSSW environment (this needs to be re-done if you modify the producer in NanoNN or add any files):
cd $CMSSW_BASE/../
tar -zvcf CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3.tgz CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3 --exclude="*.pdf" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude=tmp --exclude-vcs --exclude-caches-all --exclude="*err*" --exclude=*out_* --exclude=condor --exclude=".tgz" --exclude=".tar.gz"
and then copy to your eos directory (change your username here):
mv CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5_PY3.tgz /eos/uscms/store/user/$USER/
You will also need to change the condor script that points to this tar in While you are there make sure you change the output directory to your username.
For AK8:
mkdir tmp/
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcdihiggsboost/cmantill/PFNano/2017_preUL/GluGluZH_HToWW_M125_13TeV_powheg_pythia8_TuneCP5/RunIIFall17Jan22-PU2017_12Apr2018_94X_mc2017_realistic_v14-v1/210202_002923/0000/nano_mc2017_1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK8 --cut "(FatJet_pt>300)&&(FatJet_msoftdrop>20)" --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 50000
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcdihiggsboost/cmantill/PFNano/2017_preUL_private/GravitonToHHToWWWW/apresyan-crab_PrivateProduction_Fall17_DR_step3_GravitonToHHToWWWW_batch1_v2-5f646ecd4e1c7a39ab0ed099ff55ceb9_Jan22/210202_164913/0000/nano_mc2017_93.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK8 --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 10
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcpfnano/cmantill/v2_2/2017/HWW/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ_M125_TuneCP5_PSweight_13TeV-powheg2-jhugen727-pythia8/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ/211115_173633/0000/nano_mc2017_1-1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK8 --cut "(FatJet_pt>300)&&(FatJet_msoftdrop>20)" --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 50000
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcpfnano/cmantill/v2_2/2017/HWW/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ_M125_TuneCP5_PSweight_13TeV-powheg2-jhugen727-pythia8/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ/211115_173633/0000/nano_mc2017_1-1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK8_PFNano --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 50000
For AK15:
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcdihiggsboost/cmantill/PFNano/2017_preUL_private_ak15/GravitonToHHToWWWW/apresyan-crab_PrivateProduction_Fall17_DR_step3_GravitonToHHToWWWW_batch1_v2-5f646ecd4e1c7a39ab0ed099ff55ceb9_Mar16/210317_160124/0000/nano_mc2017_1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK15 --cut "(FatJetAK15_pt>300)&&(FatJetAK15_msoftdrop>20)" --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 50000
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcpfnano/cmantill/v2_2/2017/HWW/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ_M125_TuneCP5_PSweight_13TeV-powheg2-jhugen727-pythia8/GluGluHToWWToLNuQQ/211115_173633/0000/nano_mc2017_1-1.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.inputProducer inputProducer_AK15_PFNano --cut "(FatJetAK15_pt>300)&&(FatJetAK15_msoftdrop>20)" --bi scripts/branch_inputs.txt --bo scripts/branch_inputs_output.txt --perJet -N 50000
python --tag $TAG --jet $JET_TYPE
- $TAG is the tag name for the output directory, e.g. ak8_v01hww_30Apr21
- $JET is the type of jet, by default is AK8
- --test allows you run test jobs in condor (recommended)
To test locally:
python scripts/ tmp/ /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcdihiggsboost/cmantill/PFNano/2017_preUL_private_ak15/HHToBBVVToBBQQQQ_cHHH1/apresyan-crab_PrivateProduction_Fall17_DR_step3_HHToBBVVToBBQQQQ_cHHH1_batch2_v1-5f646ecd4e1c7a39ab0ed099ff55ceb9_Mar16/210317_160337/0000/nano_mc2017_7.root -I PhysicsTools.NanoNN.producers.hhbbWWProducer hhbbWWProducer --bo scripts/branch_hh4b_output.txt ```
Running jobs:
cd condor/
python --option 1 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0bbWW --year 2017 # (for mc)
python --option 1 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0bbWW --year 2017 --run-signal # (for signal)
python --option 1 -o /eos/uscms/store/user/cmantill/analyzer/v0bbWW --year 2017 --run-data # (for data)
Make sure to re-tar the directory and copy to your eos space if there are any changes.
You will also need to change the condor script that points to this tar in