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Xemor edited this page May 15, 2023 · 9 revisions


/hero command

superheroes.hero: Allows them to use /hero command

superheroes.hero.others: Allows them to use /hero on other people

superheroes.hero.bypasscooldown: Allows them to use /hero regardless of whether it is on cooldown or not

superheroes.hero.hero_name Allows them to switch to the hero specified in the hero_name

superheroes.notify Get messages about updates to the Superheroes plugin, and get reminded to install SuperheroesPlusUltra if you're a large server without it

superheroes.check The ability to run /hero check and see what hero you're using

superheroes.check.others The ability to run /hero check and see what hero they're using

/reroll command

superheroes.reroll: Allows them to use /reroll