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Arbitrary Token Transfers

Getting started

This repo contains a root package and 5 workspaces:

  • evm: which contains the EVM contracts
  • solana: contains the Solana programs
  • sdk/evm: contains the sdk for evm
  • sdk/solana: contains the solana sdk to interact with the contract
  • deployment: has all the scripts for deploying, configuring and interacting in general with the contracts

Clean installation

  • Run yarn to install all the global dependencies.
  • Checkout submodules: git submodules update --init
  • Make sure no previous builds output is present yarn clean:all

Depending on the desired target environment you have 2 different build options:

  • For testnet run:

    $ yarn build:all-testnet
  • For mainnet run:

    $ yarn build:all

Building EVM contracts

Run yarn ./evm build. It'll also generate the typechain.

Building Solana

For solana you have 2 different build options:

  • For testnet run:

    $ yarn ./solana build:testnet
  • For mainnet run:

    $ yarn ./solana build


Util libraries to interact with the EVM contracts and the Solana programs

Building the sdk commons

Run yarn ./sdk/common build

Building the EVM SDK

Run yarn ./sdk/evm build

Building the Solana SDK

Run yarn ./sdk/solana build

Building the deployment workspace

Run yarn ./deployment build:evm. This will build the evm contracts typechain and bring them over the deployment dir.


Running tests for EVM Contracts

  • Make a copy of the .env.evm-test.sample file contents into its own file

    $ cp .env.evm-test.sample .env.evm-test
  • Run the test

    $ yarn test:evm <eth-mainnet-rpc>