I started collecting resources to share with the members of Write/Speak/Code. This repo is geared toward women interest in technical blogging and speaking.
- Is Your Conference Proposal Good Enough?: A list of Do's and Don'ts
- How to Submit Proposals and Influence People: Quick advice for finding an idea and writing an effective proposal
- How to Write a Conference Proposal: Tips for the title, abstract and bio from a Ruby conf organizer
- Slide Design for Developers: by Zach Holman. tldr; Huge text. Consistent colors. Less words.
- On Slide Decks: Advice for making a good slideshow
- Practical Tips for Creating Great Slides: 30 second read, great advice
- speaking.io: Thoughts on Public Speaking by Zach Holman
- Preparing to Speak: So you got accepted -- now what?
- How I Prep in the 24 Hours Before a Conference Talk
- Speaking Tips from a Grizzled Speaker: Collection of advice from speakers
- We are all Awesome: Motivation and advice for becoming a speaker
- Seize the Room: Blog dedicated to public speaking
- What you need to know about speaking at conferences: by Ashe Dryden
- Practical Public Speaking for Nerds: Last minute tips
- The Single Best Thing You Can Do for Your Career: Encouraging anecdote about how technical speaking can further your career
- Technically Speaking: CFPs, speaking tips, and inspirational videos
- Femgineer: Weekly lessons on public speaking
- Technical Women Speak Too: Google group
- Write/Speak/Code: Promoting women leadership in tech
- Toastmakers: Leadership and speaking club with locations in most cities
- Sit Down. Shut Up. Write. Don't Stop.: Advice from a professional writer
- How I Cut My Writing Time From 2 Days to 4 Hours: Buffer Blog
- The Clues to a Great Story: TED talk from the filmmaker behind Toy Story and Wall-E