- Implement new wildcard security certificate (website#7883 extension)
- Updated version of wormbase/ids to 0.6.5
- EB config cleanup
- Fixed batch split API new-biotype argument processing (#319)
- Fixed UI history view for null events (#318)
- Replaced security certificate (website#7883)
- Improved & complemented docs
- Deployment scripts & procedure fixes & updates (#310, #311, #312)
- Follow-up fixes (#308, #313) on merge reference side swap (done for #306 fix)
- Fixed unsplit operation bugs (#314, #315)
- Fixed repetitive (un)split and (un)merge transaction selection
- Updated version of wormbase/ids to 0.6.1
- Revert attempt to display historic gene merges that produced no data change for the gene being merged into (gh issue #306).
- Fix: Merge history bugfix (gh issue #306).
- Fix: Provenance association in person update API.
- Fixed person update API.
- Fixes for person API.
- test-system: Apply Name tag to transactors.
- Fixed full ID search (gh issue #302)
- Upgraded to latest version of datomic-pro (1.0.6165)
- Removed all instance and usage person/roles from test fixtures and code.
- Fixed parameter passing for person API.
- Update release procedure to separate out the step of deploying application to Elastic Beanstalk.
- Trust any WB staff member to add and modify users.
- Improved validation error messages.
- Fixed error with migration code (incorrect use of "dorun").
- Use :db.unique/value instead of :db.unique/identity for primary identifiers.
- Switched to using magnetcoop.stork instead of conformity for schema and data alternations.
- Improved performance of id lookup in creation requests for large collections (e.g variation).
- UI improvements: increased user-friendly-ness of forms, avoid cropping names in history display.
- Login fixes (UI); check for API loggedin-ness after Google API login.
- Search fix: accept a minimum number of characters in search string before issuing API call.
- Creation API: Return unqualified names in response payload.
- Return specific attributes in the person summary API.
- Entity-type specific labels for "reason" inputs.
- Reason inputs now accept multi-line comments.
- Fixed import transformations (species was previously erroneously permitted to be blank).
- Fixed typo.
- Register new provenance event types upon generic entity registration.
- Fix bug where event type for new generic entity was not being registered upon creation.
- Initial production release.
- Minor fixes for importers.
- Importer fixes for un-named generic entities.
- Updated and fixed issues with importers.
- Avoid baking AWS credentials into the docker image.
- Updated transactor deps script to use latest clojure CLI tools.
- 1.0.0 release (fresh tag for failed AWS deploy).
- Fixes for exporter and tests.
- Species is now optional in gene update payloads.
- Improved auto-generated swagger docs.
- Moved not-modified middleware to top level (any GET request may result in 304 if nothing's changed to a given resource).
- Improved generated swagger docs.
- Fixed batch update bugs.
- Removed payload from consideration when calcualting batch-size.
- Minor swagger docs fixes.
- Added doc-strings.
- Now use npm instead of yarn for managing the client application.
- Fixed bugs in retract names endpoints (batch API)
- Fixed bugs related to whether a generic entity requires a name or not.
- Batch API data format change to change status endpoint.
- Added temporary hack to allow nil values in provenance due to bad data.
- Unqualified names for all provenance values (how and what where still rendered as clojure keywords in response bodies).
- Temporary fix for missing person provenance (importer defect).
- Fixed aws version bumping in Dockerrun.aws.json.
- Feature: Generic Entity API
- Updated deployment process (removed use of lein in favour of clojure CLI tools).
- Species listing API
- Fixed species-specifix regular expression pattern for gene names.
- Match up gene identifiers with names in batch creation endpoints.
- UI fix for recent activities.
- Added --profile flag for command for running awsebcli commands in Makefile.
- Redeploy of 0.5.0 to fix broken jar within container.
- Fix: rendering of static assets when run from jar.
- Require authentication for all endpoints.
- UI improvement: display message when no recent activities.
- Added ability to export current entity state (separate executable jar).
- Added endpoint to provide stats (entity counts).
- Fixed species update API.
- Fixed recent activities E-tag/caching bug.
- Fixed bugs with error handling of batch operations.
- Applied patch to fix initial data spec of per species cgc-name regular expressions.
- UI for recent activities.
- UI bufix for blank sequence name.
- Configured AWS Elasticbeanstalk app to use m4.xlarge EC2 instance type.
- Configured AWS Elasticbeanstalk HTTP termination-at-instance.
- Fixed incorrect conversion logic for gene history.
- Speed up gene history calculation by an order of magnitude.
- "Recent" API used to display recent activity and query what's changed over a given time period.
- Various improvements to UI/UX.
- Refactoring of UI code to make it easier to add new types.
- Improvements to automatically generated documentation.
- Fixed syntax error.
- Fixed yaml config file format.
- Bumped version of wormbase/ids
- Moved cognitect.transcriptor from dev to main dependency list to fix AWS startup error.
- Fixed resolving of references and values in gene history changes.
- Implemented variations API.
- Implemented Species API.
- Implemented recent API.
- Fixed issues with parsing of authentication tokens causing them to appear as expired.
- Fixed several issues with batch API.
- Implemented importer for variations.
- Changed importer tool to work for genes and variations.
- Fixed gene importer to ignore duplicate names on dead genes.
- Fixed status assignment in batch api.
- Schema migration for :batch/id
- Batch API: new entities always get a "live" status.
- Corrected batch/id spec.
- Corrected swagger doc summaries.
- Corrected provenance spec.
- Included wormbase.ids uberjar building.
- Added leiningen release tasks.
- Added Batch API (new, update, resurrect, kill end-points)
- Multiple bug fixes and features.
- Multiple UI/UX changes.
- Creation of new named genes.