The REST service software resides on the VistA instance to be queried. The KIDS build can be found here. Unzip and load the build. The build will download the M-Web-Server in the process of installation. The server will listen by default on port 9080.
There is no configuration required currently.
To test that the installation has completed succesfully run the following to obtain some ICN's (the example requests 3):
curl "http://localhost:8001/DHPPATICNALL?CNT=3"
Then make a call for a resource (e.g. vitals) using one of the ICN's returned by the above (DHPPATICNALL):
curl "http://localhost:8001/DHPPATVITICN?ICN=1001949719V291733"
1001949719V291733^27113001|Weight|158.2|20110901201904-0500|V_500_120.5_33062^27113001|Weight|170.9|20141216091908-0500|V_500_120.5_33065^50373000|Height|68|20110901201904-0500|V_500_120.5_33061^50373000|Height|68|20141216091908-0500|V_500_120.5_33064^75367002|Blood pressure|144/96|20110901201904-0500|V_500_120.5_33063^75367002|Blood pressure|167/116|20141216091908-0500|V_500_120.5_33066