diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/cell.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/cell.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..091b1deede7193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/cell.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import {
+ Cell as CellView,
+ Point,
+} from './styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles';
+export default function Cell( { isActive = false, value, ...props } ) {
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/icon.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/icon.js
index c747394815a930..c6fd7d66434ab8 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/icon.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/icon.js
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import classnames from 'classnames';
* Internal dependencies
@@ -9,6 +14,7 @@ import {
} from './styles/alignment-matrix-control-icon-styles';
export default function AlignmentMatrixControlIcon( {
+ className,
size: sizeProp = 24,
value = 'center',
@@ -18,12 +24,23 @@ export default function AlignmentMatrixControlIcon( {
const alignIndex = getAlignmentIndex( value );
const size = sizeProp || width || height;
+ const classes = classnames(
+ 'component-alignment-matrix-control-icon',
+ className
+ );
return (
{ ALIGNMENTS.map( ( align, index ) => {
const isActive = alignIndex === index;
return (
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/index.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/index.js
index 2b5e00bbab9704..12c923a6b91150 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/index.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/index.js
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
* External dependencies
import { noop } from 'lodash';
+import classnames from 'classnames';
* WordPress dependencies
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { useInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose';
import { useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element';
import { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT } from '@wordpress/keycodes';
@@ -19,22 +22,27 @@ import {
} from './utils';
-import { Root, Cell, Point } from './styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles';
+import Cell from './cell';
+import { Root } from './styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles';
import { useControlledState } from '../utils/hooks';
+import { useRTL } from '../utils/rtl';
import AlignmentMatrixControlIcon from './icon';
-// TODO: Account for RTL alignments
export default function AlignmentMatrixControl( {
+ className,
+ label = __( 'Alignment Matrix Control' ),
hasFocusBorder = true,
onChange = noop,
onKeyDown = noop,
value = 'center',
} ) {
+ const isRTL = useRTL();
const [ alignIndex, setAlignIndex ] = useControlledState(
getAlignmentIndex( value )
const nodeRef = useRef();
+ const instanceId = useInstanceId( AlignmentMatrixControl );
const handleOnChange = ( nextIndex, changeProps ) => {
const alignName = getAlignmentValueFromIndex( nextIndex );
@@ -46,41 +54,42 @@ export default function AlignmentMatrixControl( {
const handleOnKeyDown = ( event ) => {
const { keyCode } = event;
let nextIndex;
+ let direction;
onKeyDown( event );
switch ( keyCode ) {
case UP:
- nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection(
- alignIndex,
- );
+ direction = DIRECTION.UP;
+ nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection( alignIndex, direction );
handleOnChange( nextIndex, { event } );
case DOWN:
- nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection(
- alignIndex,
- );
+ direction = DIRECTION.DOWN;
+ nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection( alignIndex, direction );
handleOnChange( nextIndex, { event } );
case LEFT:
- nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection(
- alignIndex,
- );
+ nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection( alignIndex, direction );
handleOnChange( nextIndex, { event } );
case RIGHT:
- nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection(
- alignIndex,
- );
+ nextIndex = getNextIndexFromDirection( alignIndex, direction );
handleOnChange( nextIndex, { event } );
@@ -111,23 +120,40 @@ export default function AlignmentMatrixControl( {
}, [ handleOnKeyDown ] );
+ const id = `alignment-matrix-control-${ instanceId }`;
+ const activeCellId = `${ id }-${ alignIndex }`;
+ const classes = classnames(
+ 'component-alignment-matrix-control',
+ className
+ );
return (
{ ALIGNMENTS.map( ( align, index ) => {
const isActive = alignIndex === index;
+ const cellId = `${ id }-${ index }`;
+ const cellValue = getAlignmentValueFromIndex( index );
return (
- |
+ value={ cellValue }
+ />
} ) }
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles.js
index 8c17e1673db443..faf82d20ccfa01 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles.js
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ export const Root = styled.div`
grid-template-rows: repeat( 3, calc( var( --width ) / 3 ) );
width: var( --width, 92px );
- ${rootBase};
- ${rootBorder};
+ ${rootBase}
+ ${rootBorder}
const pointActive = ( { isActive } ) => {
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ export const pointBase = ( props ) => {
margin: auto;
transition: all 120ms linear;
- ${reduceMotion( 'transition' )};
- ${pointActive( props )};
+ ${reduceMotion( 'transition' )}
+ ${pointActive( props )}
export const Point = styled.span`
height: 6px;
width: 6px;
- ${pointBase};
+ ${pointBase}
export const Cell = styled.span`
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/index.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..05be599d4897e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
+import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import AlignmentMatrixControl from '../';
+let container = null;
+beforeEach( () => {
+ container = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ document.body.appendChild( container );
+} );
+afterEach( () => {
+ unmountComponentAtNode( container );
+ container.remove();
+ container = null;
+} );
+const getControl = () => {
+ return container.querySelector( '.component-alignment-matrix-control' );
+describe( 'AlignmentMatrixControl', () => {
+ describe( 'Basic rendering', () => {
+ it( 'should render', () => {
+ act( () => {
+ render( , container );
+ } );
+ const control = getControl();
+ expect( control ).toBeTruthy();
+ } );
+ } );
+} );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b44c6b1d92e1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import {
+ getAlignmentIndex,
+ isAlignmentValid,
+ getAlignmentValueFromIndex,
+ getNextIndexFromDirection,
+} from '../utils';
+describe( 'AlignmentMatrixControl', () => {
+ describe( 'isAlignmentValid', () => {
+ it( 'should return true for correctly matching alignment values', () => {
+ // x and y values
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center top' ) ).toBe( true );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top center' ) ).toBe( true );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center bottom' ) ).toBe( true );
+ // single center value
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center' ) ).toBe( true );
+ // x + y center value
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center center' ) ).toBe( true );
+ } );
+ it( 'should return false for invalid alignment values', () => {
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top bottom' ) ).toBe( false );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'left right' ) ).toBe( false );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'near mid' ) ).toBe( false );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'mid mid' ) ).toBe( false );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'mid' ) ).toBe( false );
+ } );
+ it( 'should only consider first 2 (max) values', () => {
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center top right bottom' ) ).toBe(
+ false
+ );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top center left right bottom' ) ).toBe(
+ false
+ );
+ } );
+ it( 'should remap middle to center', () => {
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle' ) ).toBe( true );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle middle' ) ).toBe( true );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top middle' ) ).toBe( true );
+ expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle bottom' ) ).toBe( true );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'getAlignmentIndex', () => {
+ it( 'should return correct index given an alignment value', () => {
+ ALIGNMENT_VALUES.forEach( ( alignment, index ) => {
+ expect( getAlignmentIndex( alignment ) ).toBe( index );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'getAlignmentValueFromIndex', () => {
+ it( 'should return correct value based on index', () => {
+ ALIGNMENT_VALUES.forEach( ( alignment, index ) => {
+ expect( getAlignmentValueFromIndex( index ) ).toBe( alignment );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'getNextIndexFromDirection', () => {
+ describe( 'Basic movements', () => {
+ it( 'should move index "up"', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 4;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 1 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should move index "DOWN"', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 4;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 7 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should move index "LEFT"', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 4;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 3 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should move index "RIGHT"', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 4;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 5 );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'Edge movements', () => {
+ it( 'should not move index "up" at at an edge', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 2;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 2 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should not move index "down" at at an edge', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 7;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 7 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should not move index "LEFT" at at an edge', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 3;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 3 );
+ } );
+ it( 'should not move index "RIGHT" at at an edge', () => {
+ const currentIndex = 5;
+ const nextDirection = getNextIndexFromDirection(
+ currentIndex,
+ );
+ expect( nextDirection ).toBe( 5 );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+} );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.test.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 65373269e1c8fe..00000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/test/utils.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import {
- getAlignmentIndex,
- isAlignmentValid,
-} from '../utils';
-describe( 'AlignmentMatrixControl', () => {
- describe( 'isAlignmentValid', () => {
- it( 'should return true for correctly matching alignment values', () => {
- // x and y values
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center top' ) ).toBe( true );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top center' ) ).toBe( true );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center bottom' ) ).toBe( true );
- // single center value
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center' ) ).toBe( true );
- // x + y center value
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center center' ) ).toBe( true );
- } );
- it( 'should return false for invalid alignment values', () => {
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top bottom' ) ).toBe( false );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'left right' ) ).toBe( false );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'near mid' ) ).toBe( false );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'mid mid' ) ).toBe( false );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'mid' ) ).toBe( false );
- } );
- it( 'should only consider first 2 (max) values', () => {
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'center top right bottom' ) ).toBe(
- false
- );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top center left right bottom' ) ).toBe(
- false
- );
- } );
- it( 'should remap middle to center', () => {
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle' ) ).toBe( true );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle middle' ) ).toBe( true );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'top middle' ) ).toBe( true );
- expect( isAlignmentValid( 'middle bottom' ) ).toBe( true );
- } );
- } );
- describe( 'getAlignmentIndex', () => {
- it( 'should return correct index given an alignment value', () => {
- ALIGNMENT_VALUES.forEach( ( alignment, index ) => {
- expect( getAlignmentIndex( alignment ) ).toBe( index );
- } );
- } );
- } );
-} );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/utils.js b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/utils.js
index dbb97e06966fb9..b21eeac4f2e868 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/utils.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/alignment-matrix-control/utils.js
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import { getRTL } from '../utils/rtl';
export const DIRECTION = {
UP: 'up',
DOWN: 'down',
@@ -51,7 +56,9 @@ export function transformAlignment( alignments = [] ) {
value = value
.map( ( v ) => v.toLowerCase() )
// Supports remapping of 'middle' to 'center'
- .map( ( v ) => v.replace( 'middle', 'center' ) );
+ .map( ( v ) => v.replace( 'middle', 'center' ) )
+ // Flips for RTL
+ .map( transformAlignmentRTL );
// Handles cases were only 'center' or ['center'] is provided
if ( value.length === 1 && value[ 0 ] === 'center' ) {
@@ -60,6 +67,28 @@ export function transformAlignment( alignments = [] ) {
return value.sort();
+ * Transforms alignment values to respect RTL.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value The alignment value to transform.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The flipped alignment value (if RTL).
+ */
+function transformAlignmentRTL( value ) {
+ const isRTL = getRTL();
+ const token = '$TMP';
+ if ( ! isRTL ) return value;
+ return (
+ value
+ // Temporarily swap left for token
+ .replace( 'left', token )
+ .replace( 'right', 'left' )
+ // Swap tokenized left for actual value
+ .replace( token, 'right' )
+ );
* Checks if a value is a valid alignment.
diff --git a/packages/components/src/range-control/index.js b/packages/components/src/range-control/index.js
index d718dec1a229a0..263abed8617a4e 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/range-control/index.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/range-control/index.js
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import {
} from './styles/range-control-styles';
-import { useRtl } from '../utils/rtl';
+import { useRTL } from '../utils/rtl';
const BaseRangeControl = forwardRef(
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ const BaseRangeControl = forwardRef(
) => {
- const isRTL = useRtl();
+ const isRTL = useRTL();
const sliderValue =
valueProp !== undefined ? valueProp : initialPosition;
diff --git a/packages/components/src/utils/rtl.js b/packages/components/src/utils/rtl.js
index bc312455baa3a6..88a3f651af96c1 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/utils/rtl.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/utils/rtl.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const UPPER_RIGHT_REGEXP = new RegExp( /Right/g );
* @return {boolean} Whether document is RTL.
-function getRtl() {
+export function getRTL() {
return !! ( document && document.documentElement.dir === 'rtl' );
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ function getRtl() {
* @return {boolean} Whether document is RTL.
-export function useRtl() {
- return getRtl();
+export function useRTL() {
+ return getRTL();
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ export const convertLTRToRTL = ( ltrStyles = {} ) => {
export function rtl( ltrStyles = {}, rtlStyles ) {
return () => {
- const isRtl = getRtl();
+ const isRTL = getRTL();
if ( rtlStyles ) {
- return isRtl ? css( rtlStyles ) : css( ltrStyles );
+ return isRTL ? css( rtlStyles ) : css( ltrStyles );
- return isRtl ? css( convertLTRToRTL( ltrStyles ) ) : css( ltrStyles );
+ return isRTL ? css( convertLTRToRTL( ltrStyles ) ) : css( ltrStyles );