diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/use-moving-animation/README.md b/packages/block-editor/src/components/use-moving-animation/README.md
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+# useMovingAnimation
+The `useMovingAnimation` hook provides animated transitions for moving blocks in the WordPress editor. It calculates position changes and applies smooth transformations using `react-spring`.
+## How It Works
+This animation works as follows:
+1. Initially, the element is rendered in its new position.
+2. A snapshot of its position is taken as a reference.
+3. The element is moved back to its previous position using a CSS transform.
+4. The animation smoothly transitions the element to its new position.
+5. If necessary, scrolling adjustments are made to preserve the user's viewport position.
+## Usage
+import useMovingAnimation from './useMovingAnimation';
+const MyAnimatedBlock = ({ clientId, triggerAnimationOnChange }) => {
+ const ref = useMovingAnimation({
+ triggerAnimationOnChange,
+ clientId,
+ });
+ return
Animated Block
+## Parameters
+### `triggerAnimationOnChange`
+- **Type:** `any`
+- **Description:** Changing this value will trigger a new animation.
+### `clientId`
+- **Type:** `string`
+- **Description:** The unique identifier for the block. Used to determine selection and movement behaviors.
+## Features
+- **Performance Optimizations:** The animation is disabled if the block count exceeds `BLOCK_ANIMATION_THRESHOLD` (200) to prevent lag.
+- **User Preferences:** Respects `prefers-reduced-motion` settings for accessibility.
+- **Selection Awareness:** Blocks involved in multi-selection are handled properly.
+- **Drag Handling:** Prevents animation during block dragging to avoid conflicts.
+## Dependencies
+- [`react-spring`](https://react-spring.io/): Provides smooth physics-based animations.
+- WordPress dependencies:
+ - `@wordpress/element`
+ - `@wordpress/dom`
+ - `@wordpress/data`
+ - `@wordpress/block-editor`
+## Related Components
+This hook is designed for use within the WordPress block editor and should be used under a [`BlockEditorProvider`](https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/HEAD/packages/block-editor/src/components/provider/README.md).
+## Notes
+- The animation is only applied when necessary to avoid unwanted motion.
+- When disabled, the block moves instantly to the new position.
+- Adjusts the scroll position to ensure a smooth user experience.