If you find any mistakes in the sixth edition, C# 10 and .NET 6 - Modern Cross-Platform Development, or if you have suggestions for improvements, then please raise an issue in this repository or email me at markjprice (at) gmail.com.
- Errata, Improvements and Troubleshooting
- Print Book
- Page 8 - Installing other extensions
- Page 16 - Understanding .NET Standard
- Page 18 - Writing code using Visual Studio 2022
- Page 20 - Compiling and running code using Visual Studio
- Page 25 - Writing code using Visual Studio Code
- Page 28 - Adding a second project using Visual Studio Code
- Page 29 - Exploring code using .NET Interactive Notebooks
- Page 32 - Adding Markdown and special commands to a notebook
- Page 57 - Changing the color scheme for C# syntax
- Page 62 - Implicitly and globally importing namespaces
- Page 78 - Using target-typed new to instantiate objects
- Page 82 - Formatting using interpolated strings
- Page 83 - Understanding format strings
- Page 84 - Simplifying the usage of the console
- Page 87 - Passing arguments to a console app
- Page 88 - Setting options with arguments
- Page 92 - Exercise 2.3 – Practice number sizes and ranges
- Page 110 - Understanding iteration statements
- Page 136 - Converting numbers from cardinal to ordinal
- Page 137 - Calculating factorials with recursion
- Page 140 - Documenting functions with XML comments
- Page 152 - Customizing breakpoints
- Page 162 - Creating a class library that needs testing
- Page 168 - Understanding the call stack
- Page 172 - Rethrowing exceptions
- Page 183 - Importing a namespace to use a type
- Page 187 - Storing a value using an enum type
- Page 192 - Making a field constant
- Page 203 - Controlling how parameters are passed
- Page 233 - Comparing objects when sorting
- Page 235 - Comparing objects using a separate class
- Page 252 - Inheriting from classes
- Page 260 - Avoiding casting exceptions
- Page 289 - Creating a console application to publish
- Page 297 - Decompiling using the ILSpy extension for Visual Studio Code
- Page 311 - Understanding the .NET Portability Analyzer
- Page 316 - Exercise 7.2 – Explore topics
- Page 347 - Using immutable collections
- Page 360 - Working with images
- Page 384 - Disposing of file resources
- Page 391 - Encoding strings as byte arrays
- Page 396 - Serializing as XML
- Page 402 - Controlling JSON processing
- Page 414 - Setting Up SQLite for Windows
- Page 417 - Database Provider for MySQL
- Page 420 - Defining the Northwind database context class
- Page 428 - Setting up the dotnet-ef tool
- Page 438 - Getting the generated SQL
- Page 509 - Implementing a Recorder class
- Page 510 - Implementing a Recorder class
- Page 535 - Improving responsiveness for GUI apps
- Page 645 - Defining a typed view
- Page 688 - Controlling XML serialization
- Page 692 - Making other requests using REST Client
- Page 701 - Enabling HTTP logging
- Page 703 - Configuring HTTP clients using HttpClientFactory
- Page 706 - Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- Page 712 - Building a weather service using minimal APIs
- Page 768 - Exercise 17.3 – Practice by creating a country navigation item
- Bonus Content
Thanks to ifduyue for raising this issue on 14 November 2021.
In the table of extensions, the identifier for MSBuild project tools should be tintoy
not tinytoy
I wrote. ".NET 6 has a single BCL and two CLRs: CoreCLR is optimized for server or desktop scenarios like websites and Windows desktop apps, and the Mono runtime is optimized for mobile and web browser apps that have limited resources."
In August 2021, Stephen Toub (Partner Software Engineer, .NET) wrote the article, "Performance Improvements in .NET 6". It has a section about Blazor and mono where he wrote, "The runtime is itself compiled to WASM, downloaded to the browser, and used to execute the application and library code on which the app depends. I say “the runtime” here, but in reality there are actually multiple incarnations of a runtime for .NET. In .NET 6, all of the .NET core libraries for all of the .NET app models, whether it be console apps or ASP.NET Core or Blazor WASM or mobile apps, come from the same source in dotnet/runtime, but there are actually two runtime implementations in dotnet/runtime: “coreclr” and “mono”."
Read more at the following link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/performance-improvements-in-net-6/#blazor-and-mono
In Step 3, the project template name has been changed from Console Application to Console App in the final release of Visual Studio 2022.
In Step 1, I say, "In Visual Studio, navigate to Debug | Start Without Debugging."
I do not explain why it is best to start without debugging, or that the alternative is to start a project with the Visual Studio 2022 debugger attached. Some developers get into a bad habit of always starting their projects with the debugger attached.
Always start your Visual Studio 2022 projects without debugging unless you are actually debugging. This is for two good reasons. First, starting a project with the debugger attached is much slower, and second, it prevents that copy of Visual Studio from starting another project at the same time. If you start a project without the debugger attached then you can use that single copy of Visual Studio to start as many projects as you need. This is useful when a solution is composed of multiple projects like web services, websites, and client apps.
If you start a project with the debugger attached then you must start another copy of Visual Studio if you want to run another project at the same time.
In Step 14, I say that the first time you open a code file, Visual Studio Code may have to download and install C# dependencies and so on. This will not happen if you do not trust the workspace.
At the top of the window, in the blue bar, click Manage, as shown in the following screenshot:
Click the Trust button, as shown in the following screenshot:
You will then trust the workspace and extensions will activate as described in the book.
This issue has now been resolved with the release of C# extension 1.24.0 on January 20, 2022: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp
Thanks to johncflorida for raising this issue on 9 December 2021. Also thanks to Paul-Schroeder and ken-from-the-uk who raised the same issue and made suggestions.
In Step 6, I say to select OmniSharp: Select Project. Unfortuately if you have installed version 1.23.17 of the C# extension (released on December 3, 2021) then it gives an error, as shown in the following screenshot and described in these issues:
To avoid the issue, revert back to an earlier version or manually install version v1.24.0-beta1 by downloading the VSIX and then in Visual Studio Code EXTENSIONS, select the Views and More Actions menu (three dots) and then Install from VSIX....
I had hoped that the seriousness of this issue would prompt a non-beta fix by now but the holidays have probably slowed development down. I will leave both issues open and I have added this erratum to warn readers about this temporary issue.
Although the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension requires Visual Studio Code, Microsoft's ML.NET team have created a similar extension for Visual Studio 2022. It is not as capable as the extension for Visual Studio Code so I still recommend installing Visual Studio Code alongside Visual Studio 2022 but some readers may find it useful.
To install it:
- In Visual Studio 2022, navigate to Extensions | Manage Extensions.
- Search for
Notebook Editor
- Click Install.
- Restart Visual Studio 2022.
To create a new notebook:
- In Visual Studio 2022, navigate to Project | Add New Item.
- Search for
. - Enter a filename.
Thanks to exzzy22 for raising this issue on January 14, 2022.
In Step 3, I wrote to "click + Markup to add a Markdown cell." I should have written "click + Markdown to add a Markdown cell."
In Step 1, I say, "In Visual Studio Code, navigate to Code | Preferences | Color Theme (it is on the File menu on Windows)."
In the next edition, I will swap this around since Windows is more commonly used than macOS. For example, "In Visual Studio Code, navigate to File | Preferences | Color Theme (it is in the Code menu on macOS)."
After Step 9, I say that you can disable implicit usings by removing the entry, as shown in the following screenshot:
It would have been clearer to say, "You can disable the implicitly imported namespaces feature for all SDKs by removing the <ImplicitUsings>
element completely from the project file, or changing its value to disable
, as shown in the following markup:"
I show an example of how target-typed new works, as shown in the following code:
class Person
public DateTime BirthDate;
Person kim = new();
kim.BirthDate = new(1967, 12, 26); // instead of: new DateTime(1967, 12, 26)
I did not expect readers to type the code, so I did not give step-by-step instructions.
If a reader wants to try the code, note that the class must be declared either
at the bottom of the file, below the statements that use it, or in a separate file.
If you enter the code as shown in the book you will get a compiler error:
Error CS8803: Top-level statements must precede namespace and type declarations.
Thanks to GregStevenson for raising this issue on 26 November 2021.
In the last code block in this section, the string is missing the $
prefix that makes it interpolated, as shown in the following code:
private const string fullname = "{firstname} {lastname}";
The code should be as follows:
private const string fullname = $"{firstname} {lastname}";
Thanks to dpkwhan for raising this issue on 2 January 2022.
In Step 1, the statement to output the column headings does not need the number
format code :N0
because it is a string
value, although it does still need the
right-alignment format code ,6
to position it within the six character width column.
The following statement:
format: "{0,-10} {1,6:N0}",
arg0: "Name",
arg1: "Count");
Should be:
format: "{0,-10} {1,6}",
arg0: "Name",
arg1: "Count");
Thanks to Fercho for raising this issue on 12 June 2022.
In Step 1, I wrote, "At the top of the Program.cs
file, add a statement to statically import the
class, as shown in the following code:
using static System.Console;
Earlier in the chapter, in the Implicitly and globally importing namespaces section starting on page 59, I introduced the implicit usings feature of the .NET 6 SDK. But I did not show how to import a type statically using it. You will need to import the System.Console
class a lot throughout the book, and in multiple class files, so a better way is to use the implicit usings feature to do it once at the project level, as shown in the following markup:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Using Include="System.Console" Static="true" />
Note the <ImplicitUsings>
element must be set to enable
and the <Using>
element must have its Static
attribute set to true
In the seventh edition, I have changed the instructions throughout the book to do it this way, for example: https://github.com/markjprice/cs11dotnet7/blob/main/vs4win/Chapter06/PacktLibrary/PacktLibrary.csproj#L10
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Step 5, I say, "If you are using Visual Studio, then navigate to Project | Arguments Properties, select the Debug tab, and in the Application arguments box, enter some arguments".
Microsoft changed the user interface of Visual Studio 2022 after that step was written.
It should now say, "If you are using Visual Studio, then navigate to Project | Arguments Properties, select the Debug tab, click Open debug launch profiles UI, and in the Command line arguments box, enter some arguments", as shown in the following screenshot:
In Figure 2.6, it is difficult to see the hyphen in the second argument in the PDF edition (shown in the screenshot below) and impossible to see it in the Kindle edition.
In Step 5, it would have been clearer if I had written out the arguments as I did in Step 6 instead of relying on Amazon's image processing to clearly show the hyphen!
For example, firstarg second-arg third:arg "fourth arg"
Thanks to dpkwhan for raising this issue on 2 January 2022.
It would have been clearer if I had explained that ForegroundColor
, BackgroundColor
are all properties of Console
, and that we had earlier statically imported the
type so that we can call methods like WriteLine
and access all its properties
without explicitly typing the Console
class name.
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Exercise 2.3, I say, "create a console application project named Exercise02". I should have said, "create a console application project named Exercise03".
I wrote, "Iteration statements repeat a block of statements either while a condition is true or for each item in a collection."
Some readers do not realize that the for
statement does not iterate a specific number of times; it uses a while condition, or loops forever if the while condition is missing. To make that clearer, the sentence could be, "Iteration statements repeat a block of statements either while a condition is true
and for
statements) or for each item in a collection (foreach
Thanks to Felix Namutare for raising this issue.
The CardinalToOrdinal
function fails to properly convert numbers larger than 100 like 111, 112, 113. The fix is to calculate the last two digits and then switch on that value instead, as shown in the following code:
static string CardinalToOrdinal(int number)
int lastTwoDigits = number % 100;
switch (lastTwoDigits)
case 11: // special cases from 11th to 13th
case 12:
case 13:
return $"{number}th";
int lastDigit = number % 10;
string suffix = lastDigit switch
1 => "st",
2 => "nd",
3 => "rd",
_ => "th"
return $"{number}{suffix}";
The factorial function is defined for non-negative integers only i.e. for 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, and it is defined as:
n!=n×(n−1)!, for n∈{1,2,3,…}
So the implementation of the function in the book should be as shown in the following code:
static int Factorial(int number)
if (number < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
message: "The factorial function is defined for non-negative integers only.",
paramName: "number");
else if (number == 0)
return 1;
return number * Factorial(number - 1);
Thanks to Bob Molloy via email and CoRB-ops for raising this issue on 21 November 2021.
First, it is worth emphasizing that this feature is primarily designed to be used with a tool that converts the comments into documentation like Sandcastle (https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB). The tooltips that appear while entering code or hovering over the function name are a secondary feature. Understanding this will help you understand the limitation involved with this errata item.
Second, in Step 4, I say that when calling the function you will see more details. However, when the .NET 6 project templates changed in Preview 7 to use top-level statements and an automatically generated Program
class, the functions you write in the tasks became implemented as local functions declared inside the hidden automatically generated <Main>$
method. Local functions do not support XML comments because local functions cannot be used outside the member in which they are declared so it makes no sense to generate documentation from them. Sadly, this also means no tooltip, which would still be useful, but neither Visual Studio 2022 nor Visual Studio Code recognize that.
To enable XML comments for the CardinalToOrdinal
function, we must therefore define it inside a class. The easiest way to do this is to add the function to the automatically generated partial Program
class by moving the function to the bottom of the Program.cs
file and wrapping it in a partial Program
class, as shown in the following code:
// This must be at the bottom of the Program.cs file to avoid compile errors.
// Or you could create a separate file, perhaps named Program.CardinalToOrdinal.cs
partial class Program
/// <summary>
/// Pass a 32-bit integer and it will be converted into its ordinal equivalent.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">Number is a cardinal value e.g. 1, 2, 3, and so on.</param>
/// <returns>Number as an ordinal value e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on.</returns>
static string CardinalToOrdinal(int number)
switch (number)
case 11: // special cases for 11th to 13th
case 12:
case 13:
return $"{number}th";
int lastDigit = number % 10;
string suffix = lastDigit switch
1 => "st",
2 => "nd",
3 => "rd",
_ => "th"
return $"{number}{suffix}";
Thanks to ghlouwho for raising this issue on 1 January 2022.
In Steps 5 or 6, after typing the condition expression, press Enter to ensure the condition expression has been accepted before starting debugging. If you do not, it might look like the condition expression is defined but it might not be and the breakpoint could always be hit.
Thanks to ghlouwho for raising this issue on 3 January 2022.
At this point, readers have created at least a dozen new console app projects and added them to a Visual Studio Code workspace or Visual Studio 2022 solution. For example, to create the previous project I said, "Use your preferred coding tool to add a new Console Application to the Chapter04 workspace/solution named Instrumenting."
In Step 1, I tell the reader to "Use your preferred coding tool to add a new Class Library to the Chapter04 workspace/solution named CalculatorLib. The dotnet new template is named classlib."
The only difference when creating a Class Library/classlib is to select a different project template. The rest of the steps are exactly the same as creating a Console App/console project. Remember that you can refer to Chapter 1 for step-by-step instructions.
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Step 8, on page 170, I say to run the console app. Unless you need to step through your code to debug it, you should always run your code without the debugger attached. In this case it is especially important not to attach the debugger because if you do, then it will catch the exception and show it in a GUI dialog box instead of outputting it as shown in the book.
Thanks to ghlouwho for raising this issue on 5 January 2022.
In Step 4, instead of saying, "Delete the ex
when rethrowing", it would be clearer to say, "Remove the ex
by replacing the statement throw ex;
with throw;
In Step 3, I wrote a comment with the older C# syntax and a statement with the newer syntax for instantiating a new object, as shown in the following code:
// var bob = new Person(); // C# 1.0 or later
Person bob = new(); // C# 9.0 or later
The var
keyword was not introduced until C# 3.0, so I should have written the following:
// Person bob = new Person(); // C# 1.0 or later
// var bob = new Person(); // C# 3.0 or later
Person bob = new(); // C# 9.0 or later
Thanks to dpkwhan for raising this issue on 5 January 2022.
In the Good Practice box, the text "If you use are writing code" should be "If you are writing code"
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Step 1, the assigned string
literal should be "Homo Sapiens"
In Step 3, the output should be Bob Smith is a Homo Sapiens
Thanks to Rajiv Sonik for emailing me this improvement.
In Step 1, the code comment explains why the z
paramater must be initialized inside the method: (a) out
parameters cannot have a default value assigned in the parameter declaration, and (b) out
parameters cannot be left uninitialised so they must be set inside the method.
Like out
parameters, ref
parameters also cannot have default values, but since they can already be set outside the method, they do not need to be set inside the method.
In future editions I will add a note to say that both out
and ref
parameters cannot have default values in the bullets above the code example.
In Step 1, I say to add statements to create an array of Person
instances and write the
items to the console. But the array of Person
instances does not allow null
values and
it would be more interesting to write the example to include null
values for both a
instance and an instance with a null
value for its Name
, as shown in the following code:
Person?[] people =
new() { Name = "Simon" },
new() { Name = "Jenny" },
new() { Name = "Adam" },
new() { Name = null },
new() { Name = "Richard" }
WriteLine("Initial list of people:");
foreach (Person? p in people)
WriteLine($" {(p is null ? "<null> Person" : p.Name ?? "<null> Name")}");
WriteLine("Use Person's IComparable implementation to sort:");
foreach (Person? p in people)
WriteLine($" {(p is null ? "<null> Person" : p.Name ?? "<null> Name")}");
In Step 3, it would be better to implement the IComparable<T>
interface for a nullable Person
, as shown in the following code:
public class Person : object, IComparable<Person?>
In Step 5, I say to add a statement to call the CompareTo
method of the
field. This does not properly account for scenarios where the
instance of the Person
class might be null
, or various
combinations of null
values for the Name
field. A better implementation
is shown in the following code that handles null values and positions them
at the end of the sort order:
public int CompareTo(Person? other)
if ((this is not null) && (other is not null))
if (Name is null)
// if both this and the other person have null
// Name values then we occur at the same position
if (other.Name is null) return 0;
// else this follows other
return 1;
if (other.Name is null)
return -1;
// if both Name values are not null,
// use the string implementation of CompareTo
return Name.CompareTo(other.Name);
else if ((this is not null) && (other is null))
return -1; // this precedes other
else if ((this is null) && (other is not null))
return 1; // this follows other
return 0; // this and other are at same position
As with the erratum item above, the implementation could be improved to
better handle null
values, as shown in the following code:
namespace Packt.Shared;
public class PersonComparer : IComparer<Person?>
public int Compare(Person? x, Person? y)
if ((x is not null) && (y is not null))
if (x.Name is null)
// if both x and y person instances have null
// Name values then they occur at the same position
if (y.Name is null) return 0;
// else x follows y
return 1;
if (y.Name is null)
return -1;
// if both Name values are not null...
// Compare the Name lengths...
int result = x.Name.Length
/// ...if they are equal...
if (result == 0)
// ...then compare by the Names...
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
// ...otherwise compare by the lengths.
return result;
else if ((x is not null) && (y is null))
return -1; // x precedes y
else if ((x is null) && (y is not null))
return 1; // x follows y
return 0; // x and y are at same position
Then in Program.cs
// Comparing objects using a separate class
WriteLine("Use PersonComparer's IComparer implementation to sort:");
Array.Sort(people, new PersonComparer());
foreach (Person? p in people)
WriteLine($" {(p is null ? "<null> Person" : p.Name ?? "<null> Name")}");
The output will now be:
Use PersonComparer's IComparer implementation to sort:
<null> Name
<null> Person
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for emailing me this issue.
In Step 3, I wrote, "In Program.cs
, ...", but at that point there are now two
console app projects with a Program.cs
file. I should have said,
"In the PeopleApp
project, in Program.cs
, ..."
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for emailing me this issue.
In Step 3, I wrote, "In Main
, ...", but there is no Main
I should have written, "In Program.cs
, ..."
Thanks to Hoshyar Karimi for raising this issue on 27 May 2022.
In Step 5, I tell you to "add the runtime identifiers to target three
operating systems inside the <PropertyGroup>
element." It is easy to miss that
the element name must be plural, not singular. It must be
, not <RuntimeIdentifier>
Thanks to Dreamoochy for raising this issue on 24 June 2022.
The ILSpy .NET Decompiler extension for Visual Studio Code has changed behavior. It no longer shows two edit panes side-by-side. Instead, you can only see one language at a time. You can toggle between C# and IL code by clicking the Output language button in the top right corner.
In the next edition, I will tell the reader to open a different assembly so it works with the latest version of ILSpy. Probably the System.Linq
assembly and decompile the Enumerable
class and its Average
method for a sequence of int
And then show how to toggle between C# and IL code by clicking Output language:
Thanks to Hoshyar Karimi for raising this issue on 28 May 2022.
The link to the demonstration video has changed to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/shows/seth-juarez/brief-look-net-portability-analyzer
Thanks to Hoshyar Karimi for raising this issue on 28 May 2022.
The link to the chapter links has changed to: https://github.com/markjprice/cs10dotnet6/blob/main/book-links.md#chapter-7---packaging-and-distributing-net-types
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Step 4, I wrote, "note that the immutable list of cities does not get
modified when you call the Add
method on it; instead, it returns a new
list with the newly added city"
It would have been clearer to write that it returns a new list containing the members from the old list plus the newly added city.
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing me this issue.
In Step 3, I tell the reader to create an images
folder but I do not specify where.
- For Visual Studio 2022, the
folder must be in theWorkingWithImages\bin\Debug\net6.0
folder. - For Visual Studio Code that uses
dotnet run
, theimages
folder must be in theWorkingWithImages
I have extended the code in the GitHub solution to warn if the folder is in the wrong location, and to output when a file has already been converted and so should be skipped, and when each image file is converted, as shown in the following code:
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
using static System.Console;
string imagesFolder = Path.Combine(
Environment.CurrentDirectory, "images");
WriteLine($"I will look for images in the following folder:\n{imagesFolder}");
if (!Directory.Exists(imagesFolder))
WriteLine("Folder does not exist!");
IEnumerable<string> images =
foreach (string imagePath in images)
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imagePath).EndsWith("-thumbnail"))
WriteLine($"Skipping:\n {imagePath}");
continue; // this file has already been converted
string thumbnailPath = Path.Combine(
Environment.CurrentDirectory, "images",
+ "-thumbnail" + Path.GetExtension(imagePath));
using (Image image = Image.Load(imagePath))
WriteLine($"Converting:\n {imagePath}");
WriteLine($"To:\n {thumbnailPath}");
image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(image.Width / 10, image.Height / 10));
image.Mutate(x => x.Grayscale());
WriteLine("Image processing complete. View the images folder.");
Thanks to Dreamoochy for raising this issue on 5 July 2022.
In the finally
block, I tell the reader to dispose of the XmlWriter and the FileStream, as shown in the following code:
if (xml != null)
WriteLine("The XML writer's unmanaged resources have been disposed.");
if (xmlFileStream != null)
WriteLine("The file stream's unmanaged resources have been disposed.");
But the file stream will only be disposed if the XML writer is successfully created and therefore not null. It would be better to not nest the if
statements, as shown in the following code:
if (xml != null)
WriteLine("The XML writer's unmanaged resources have been disposed.");
if (xmlFileStream != null)
WriteLine("The file stream's unmanaged resources have been disposed.");
Thanks to KlarenAlexander for raising this issue on 17 December 2021.
In Step 4, you write code to detect numbers 1 to 5 entered on the keyboard to select between encodings. But the code only accepts numbers entered from the top row of the keyboard. To accept numbers entered on the number pad on an extended keyboard, the code needs to be modified, as shown in the following code:
Encoding encoder = number switch
ConsoleKey.D1 or ConsoleKey.NumPad1 => Encoding.ASCII,
ConsoleKey.D2 or ConsoleKey.NumPad2 => Encoding.UTF7,
ConsoleKey.D3 or ConsoleKey.NumPad3 => Encoding.UTF8,
ConsoleKey.D4 or ConsoleKey.NumPad4 => Encoding.Unicode,
ConsoleKey.D5 or ConsoleKey.NumPad5 => Encoding.UTF32,
_ => Encoding.Default
Thanks to Dreamoochy for raising this issue on 6 July 2022.
In Step 8, I show the XML output but I manually formatted it to be easier to read. The output you will see is all on one line.
Thanks to KlarenAlexander for raising this issue on 17 December 2021.
In Step 5, you write code to configure options for serializing JSON. The code was written in the spring of 2021 when the previews of .NET 6 at the time supported working with the new DateOnly
type, although in an inefficient format as shown in the book. Over the summer, the System.Text.Json team added source generator support to improve performance and decided to remove support for DateOnly
When you run the code in the book with the final release of .NET 6, it throws an, "Unhandled exception. System.NotSupportedException: Serialization and deserialization of 'System.DateOnly' instances are not supported. Path: $.PublishDate."
There is a request to add support for DateOnly
and TimeOnly
but it seems that we will have to wait for .NET 7 until it is officially supported. Support DateOnly and TimeOnly in JsonSerializer #53539: dotnet/runtime#53539
Meanwhile, we have to implement our own custom JsonConverter
classes, like Jørn H. Dalvik (jornhd) suggests in the comments:
dotnet/runtime#53539 (comment)
DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION CODE. Any custom converter implementation that you use is likely to be different from the official implementation so it will break if you serialize data today with your custom implementation and then try to deseralize it later with the official implementation.
I have used Jørn's code to add a new class file to the code solutions that defines converters for DateOnly
and DateOnly?
, as shown in the following code:
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace WorkingWithJson
public class DateOnlyConverter : JsonConverter<DateOnly>
public override DateOnly Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (reader.TryGetDateTime(out var dt))
return DateOnly.FromDateTime(dt);
var value = reader.GetString();
if (value == null)
return default;
var match = new Regex("^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)(T|\\s|\\z)").Match(value);
return match.Success
? new DateOnly(int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value))
: default;
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, DateOnly value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
=> writer.WriteStringValue(value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
public class DateOnlyNullableConverter : JsonConverter<DateOnly?>
public override DateOnly? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (reader.TryGetDateTime(out var dt))
return DateOnly.FromDateTime(dt);
var value = reader.GetString();
if (value == null)
return default;
var match = new Regex("^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)(T|\\s|\\z)").Match(value);
return match.Success
? new DateOnly(int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value))
: default;
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, DateOnly? value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
=> writer.WriteStringValue(value?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
Then you must add the DateOnly
(and optionally DateOnly?
) converters to the JSON options
to fix this issue.
// existing code to configure JSON options
JsonSerializerOptions options = new()
IncludeFields = true, // includes all fields
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
WriteIndented = true,
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
// add converters to enable working with DateOnly and DateOnly?
options.Converters.Add(new DateOnlyConverter());
options.Converters.Add(new DateOnlyNullableConverter());
Thanks to John David Bowman for emailing this issue.
In Step 4, I wrote, "Extract the ZIP file into a folder named C:\SQLite
." It would be clearer to add the following, "Make sure that the extracted sqlite3.exe
file is directly inside the C:\SQLite
folder or the executable will not be found later when you try to use it."
The table shows for MySQL the deprecated
NuGet package "MySQL.Data
The new one is "MySQL.EntityFrameworkCore"
Thanks to Hoshyar Karimi for raising this issue on 1 June 2022
After step 7, steps 8 to 10 are only needed for SQLite and its Northwind.db
if you are running the project using Visual Studio 2022.
Step 11 is needed for both SQLite and SQL Server. I should have made that clearer.
For example:
If you are using SQL Server then the data is stored in a database outside the project. It will be found if the connection string is valid for the server name and database name.
If you are using SQLite then the data is stored in a .db
database file in the project.
If you run the project with Visual Studio Code and the dotnet run
then the compiled application executes in the WorkingWithEFCore
folder. It will
be found if the connection string path is valid for the database file.
In both cases:
- Run the console application.
- Note the output showing which database provider you chose to use.
If you are using SQLite with Visual Studio 2022, then you need to ensure
that the Northwind.db
file is in the correct folder. The compiled application executes in
the WorkingWithEFCore\bin\Debug\net6.0
folder so it will not find the database file
and an exception will be thrown. We need to copy it to the output directory each time we run the project:
- In Solution Explorer, right-click the
file and select Properties. - In Properties, set Copy to Output Directory to Copy always.
- Run the console application and note the output showing which database provider you chose to use.
- Optionally, open
and note the new elements, as shown in the following markup:
<None Update="Northwind.db">
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for raising this issue on 30 March 2022
If you have an M1 Mac and you choose to install the .NET SDK 6 for Arm64, then beware there is an installer bug that means when you install the dotnet-ef
tool, it installs the tool for Intel x64 architecture instead of Arm64. You will not see any problem until you try to run dotnet-ef
commands, at which point you see the following error:
A fatal error occurred. The required library libhostfxr.dylib could not be found.
If this is a self-contained application, that library should exist in [/Users/[name]/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-ef/6.0.0/dotnet-ef/6.0.0/tools/netcoreapp3.1/any/].
If this is a framework-dependent application, install the runtime in the global location [/usr/local/share/dotnet/x64] or use the DOTNET_ROOT environment variable to specify the runtime location or register the runtime location in [/etc/dotnet].
To fix this problem:
- Uninstall the x86 version using:
dotnet tool uninstall --global dotnet-ef
. - Force the install of the ARM version using:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef -a arm64
Thanks to Bob Molloy for emailing this issue.
In Step 3, the ORDER BY
clause shows the SQL sorts by CategoryId
and then by ProductId
ORDER BY "c"."CategoryId", "t"."ProductId"
clause should only show the SQL sorts by CategoryId
ORDER BY "c"."CategoryId"
Thanks to HoshyarKarimi for raising this issue on 5 June 2022.
In Step 1, the implementation of the Stop method includes "elapsed" spelled wrong in the output text:
WriteLine("{0} time span ellapsed.", timer.Elapsed);
WriteLine("{0:N0} total milliseconds ellapsed.",
The code should be:
WriteLine("{0} time span elapsed.", timer.Elapsed);
WriteLine("{0:N0} total milliseconds elapsed.",
Thanks to akrsnr for raising this issue on 30 December 2021.
In Step 3, we see the result of generating an array of 10,000 integers in terms of memory usage. On an M1 Mac you might see a negative value for the physical bytes used, as shown in the following output:
Processing. Please wait...
-1,867,776 physical bytes used.
14,041,088 virtual bytes used.
00:00:06.0042556 time span ellapsed.
6,004 total milliseconds ellapsed.
This could be a bug but I am investigating.
Thanks to Chang-Ping for raising this issue on 27 April 2022.
If you get the error, "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted."
then either add the following to the database connection string:
"TrustServerCertificate=True;" +
Or run the following at the command line:
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Thanks to johncflorida for raising this issue.
In Step 3, I say to "add new markup to output categories in a carousel" but the attribute names that I use are for Bootstrap 4 rather than Bootstrap 5 that is included with the ASP.NET Core 6 MVC project template.
In Bootstrap 5, to avoid conflicts with other attribute names:
The four corrected elements are as shown in the following markup:
<div id="categories" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel"
data-bs-interval="3000" data-keyboard="true">
<li data-bs-target="#categories" data-bs-slide-to="@c"
<a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#categories"
role="button" data-bs-slide="prev">
<a class="carousel-control-next" href="#categories"
role="button" data-bs-slide="next">
In Step 4, I say, "In the Northwind.Common.EntityModels.SqlServer
project, decorate the
property with [XmlIgnore]
This should say, "In the Northwind.Common.EntityModels.SqlServer
project, in Customers.cs
, decorate the CustomerTypes
property with [XmlIgnore]
Thanks to Tim for raising this issue on 27 May 2022.
In Step 1, I say to define a POST
request to create a new customer, as shown in the following document:
POST https://localhost:5001/api/customers/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 301
"customerID": "ABCXY",
"companyName": "ABC Corp",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactTitle": "Sir",
"address": "Main Street",
"city": "New York",
"region": "NY",
"postalCode": "90210",
"country": "USA",
"phone": "(123) 555-1234",
"fax": null,
"orders": null
document would be better without the fax
and orders
since they are null
anyway and this avoids errors if the service expects orders
to not be null
. Change the POST
to request to remove those two properties, as shown in the following document:
POST https://localhost:5001/api/customers/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 266
"customerID": "ABCXY",
"companyName": "ABC Corp",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactTitle": "Sir",
"address": "Main Street",
"city": "New York",
"region": "NY",
"postalCode": "90210",
"country": "USA",
"phone": "(123) 555-1234"
Note the
has had to change too.
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for raising this issue on 27 April 2022.
The book misses an important step to enable HTTP logging. You must configure the level of ASP.NET Core logging to Information
because it usually is configured as Warning
and therefore does not output.
- Open
. - Add an entry or modify the log level of
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Information",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
Note: Although the
log level might be set toInformation
, more specific configurations take priority. For example, any logging systems in theMicrosoft
namespace will useWarning
level. Any logging systems in theMicrosoft.AspNetCore
namespace will now useInformation.
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for raising this issue on 27 April 2022.
In Step 1, I tell you to configure the Web API service to use port 5002 by calling the UseUrls
method, as shown in the following code:
But there is a bug in .NET 6 that causes it to ignore this configuration and continue to use the configuration in the launchSettings.json
file, as explained at the following link: dotnet/aspnetcore#38185
To fix this, modify applicationUrl
setting in the launchSettings.json
file, as shown in the following configuration:
"profiles": {
"Northwind.WebApi": {
"commandName": "Project",
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"launchBrowser": false,
"launchUrl": "swagger",
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5002",
"environmentVariables": {
In Step 4, I say, "Start the Northwind.WebApi project and confirm that the web service is listening only on port 5002." In the next edition I will add that if you are using Visual Studio then you should start it without debugging.
Good Practice: Always start your Visual Studio 2022 projects without debugging unless you are actually debugging. This is for two good reasons. First, starting a project with the debugger attached is much slower, and second, it prevents that copy of Visual Studio from starting another project at the same time. If you start a project without the debugger attached then you can use that single copy of Visual Studio to start as many projects as you need.
Thanks to Nick Tsiatinis for raising this issue on 27 April 2022.
In Step 1, I tell you to configure the Minimal Web API service to use port 5003 by calling the UseUrls
method, as shown in the following code:
But there is a bug in .NET 6 that causes it to ignore this configuration and continue to use the configuration in the launchSettings.json
file, as explained at the following link: dotnet/aspnetcore#38185
To fix this, modify applicationUrl
setting in the launchSettings.json
file, as shown in the following configuration:
"profiles": {
"Minimal.WebApi": {
"commandName": "Project",
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"launchBrowser": true,
"launchUrl": "api/weather",
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5003",
"environmentVariables": {
This exercise is probably too difficult to complete for Blazor WebAssembly with the knowledge that I cover in the chapter because it requires you to extend the service and then dynamically create components at runtime, as documented here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/dynamiccomponent
I am also looking at using pre-rendered components to solve the exercise for Blazor WebAssembly.
Instead, try to complete the exercise for Blazor Server. For example...
In the Northwind.BlazorServer
project, in INorthwindService.cs
, I added the following:
List<string?> GetCountries();
In NorthwindService.cs
, I added the following:
public List<string?> GetCountries()
return db.Customers.Select(c => c.Country).Distinct().OrderBy(country => country).ToList();
In NavMenu.razor
, I added the following:
@inject INorthwindService northwind
@foreach(string? country in northwind.GetCountries())
string countryLink = "customers/" + country;
<div class="nav-item px-3">
<NavLink class="nav-link" href="@countryLink">
<span class="oi oi-people" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Customers in @country
You cannot use <NavLink class="nav-link" href="customers/@c">
because Blazor does
not allow combined text and @ expression in components. That is why my code above
creates a local variable to do the combining to make the country URL.
Thanks to zeier for raising this issue on 1 December 2021.
Question 6 asked, "What are the three parts of a for
statement and which of them are required?"
Answer: The three parts of a for
statement are the initializer, condition, and
incrementer expressions. The condition expression is required to evaluate to true
, but the other two are optional.
But the conditional expression is NOT required to evaluate to true
or false
. Like the other two parts, it is optional. If it is missing then the for
statement will loop forever.
Question 8 asked, "Does the following statement compile? for ( ; true; ) ;"
For the same reasons, the description in the answer should read, "Yes. The for
statement does not require any of the three parts to be defined. The initializer, condition, and incrementer expressions are optional. Even if the true
value was missing, this for
statement will execute the empty ;
statement after the close brace, forever. It is an
example of an infinite loop."
Thanks to jbeale1 John Beale for raising this issue on 3 January 2022.
Question 3 asked, "In Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio, what is the difference between pressing F5, Ctrl or Cmd + F5, Shift + F5, and Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + F5?"
The answer included a typo: the word "with" instead of the correct "without", as shown in the following text:
Answer: F5 saves, compiles, runs, and attaches the debugger; Ctrl or Cmd + F5 saves, compiles, and runs the application without the debugger attached; Shift + F5 stops the debugger and running application; and Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + F5 restarts the application without the debugger attached.