Here are resources for coding-related tools and language-independent resources.
Computer Science
- Computer Science 101 (Coursera) - teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Introduces necessary jargon and explains computer terminology you'll need to know in order to program.
Command Line
- **Codecademy: Learn the Command Line - in browser instruction on learning Command Line/Teriminal
- Book: Command Line Crash Course - teaches you the basics of command line, what it is and what commands you'll need.
Linux Administration
- Introduction to Linux (edX) - "Develop a good working knowledge of Linux using both the graphical interface and command line, covering the major Linux distribution families."
- Git
- Try Git (Code School) - a 15 minute challenge that teaches you the basics of Git via in-browser command line.
- Git-it (jlord) - A workshopper module for learning Git and GitHub.
- Learn Git Branching (pcottle) - An interactive visual tutorial to learn & understand git by completing small challenges. Covers beginner through advanced techniques. Great for programmers of all levels!
- WWCodeNYC GitGuide (sarahzinger) - sarahzinger's step by step guide to forking, cloning, and making a pull request! Developed for the WWCodeNYC Algorithms Meetup.
- Video: Git & GitHub (Udacity) - a super in-depth course on how to use command line Git and collaborating via GitHub. A little long, but visually teaches the concepts behind Git and GitHub step-by-step.
- Video: Git For Ages 4 And Up (YouTube) - A very in-depth presentation that uses Tinkertoys to show what happens internally when you use the various Git commands. (May be a bit obtuse for beginners)
Guides to Getting Started
- Getting Into Open Source for the First Time (Dean McDonnell)
Find a Project
- OS4W - a resource for connecting women to open source projects that welcome diversity in their contributors and have robust codes of conduct. Filter projects according to language or find a mentor or programming partner.
- Hacktoberfest (DigitalOcean) - a list of open source projects collected by DigitalOcean for their annual Hacktoberfest challenge. Projects marked by language.
- Explore GitHub (GitHub) - explore projects on GitHub. Scroll down and select "Trending repositoties" to see a list of trending open source projects in the GitHub community.
- OpenHatch - a nonprofit dedicated to matching open source contributors with communities, projects, and education.
- Code Montage - a nonprofit dedicated to empowering coders to improve their impact on the world and finding open source projects they care about.
- - a typing tutor/trainer for programmers in JavaScript, Ruby, C, C++, Java, PHP, Perl, Haskell, Scala, and more.
- - practice problems for learning to code with real world feedback from other people on the same assignments.
- Code Wars - practice coding through challenges.
- HackerRank - practice coding challenges.
- Project Euler - "a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve."
- coderbyte - "a web application built to help people practice their programming skills. The challenges range in difficulty and they can all be completed straight through our online application."
- Programmer Interview - "helps programmers successfully prepare for technical interviews."
- Interview Cake - "a study tool that preps software engineering candidates for coding interviews."
- CodinGame - "a coding platform where software developers from around the world can learn, improve and compete through fun online programming games."
- Code Buddies - remote peer-to-peer organized study hangouts. Screensharing/sometimes-audio; no video sharing.
- Free Programming Books: A List
- Code Newbie - a list of sites and bootcamps that can help you learn.