Here you can see the full list of changes between each Flask-Security release.
Released TBD
- (:issue:`475`) Support for WebAuthn
- (:pr:`532`) Support for Python 3.10
- (:pr:`540`) Improve Templates in support of JS required by WebAuthn
- (:pr:`568`) Deprecate the old passwordless feature in favor of Unified Signin. Deprecate replacing login_manager so we can possibly vendor that in in the future.
- (:pr:`591`) Make the required zxcvbn complexity score configurable (mephi42)
- (:issue:`531`) Get rid of Flask-Mail. Flask-Mailman is now the default preferred email package. Flask-Mail is still supported so there should be no backwards compatability issues.
To use the new WebAuthn feature a new table and two new columns in the User model are required. To ease updates - Flask-Security will automatically create a fs_webauthn_user_handle upon first use for existing users. If you are using Alembic the schema migration is easy:
op.add_column('user', sa.Column('fs_webauthn_user_handle', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True))
Released March 2, 2022
- (:issue:`581`) Fix bug when attempting to disable register_blueprint. (halali)
- (:pr:`539`) Fix example documentation re: generating localized messages. (kazuhei2)
- (:pr:`546`) Make roles joinedload compatible with SQLAlchemy 2.0. (keats)
- (:pr:`586`) Ship py.typed as part of package.
- (:issue:`580`) Improve documentation around use of bleach and include in common install extra.
Released September 22, 2021
- (:issue:`526`) default_reauthn_handler doesn't honor SECURITY_URL_PREFIX
- (:pr:`528`) Improve German translations (sr-verde)
- (:pr:`527`) Fix two-factor sample code (djpnewton)
Released September 10, 2021
- (:issue:`518`) Fix corner case where Security object was being reused in tests.
- (:issue:`512`) If USERNAME_ENABLE is set, change LoginForm field from EmailField to StringField. Also - dynamically add fields to Login and Registration forms rather than always having them - this made the RegistrationForm much simpler.
- (:issue:`516`) Improved username feature handling solved issue of always requiring bleach.
- (:issue:`513`) Improve documentation of default username validation.
Released July 23, 2021
- (:issue:`474`) Add public API and CLI command to change a user's password.
- (:issue:`140`) Add type hints. Please note that many of the packages that flask-security depends on aren't typed yet - so there are likely errors in some of the types.
- (:issue:`466`) Add first-class support for using username for signing in.
- (:issue:`483`) 4.0 doesn't accept 3.4 authentication tokens. (kuba-lilz)
- (:issue:`490`) Flask-Mail sender name can be a tuple. (hrishikeshrt)
- (:issue:`486`) Possible open redirect vulnerability.
- (:pr:`478`) Improve/update German translation. (sr-verde)
- (:issue:`488`) Improve handling of Babel packages.
- (:pr:`496`) Documentation improvements, distribution extras, fix single message override.
- (:issue:`497`) Improve cookie handling and default
- (:pr:`488`) In 4.0.0, with the addition of Flask-Babel support, Flask-Security enforced that if it could import either Flask-Babel or Flask-BabelEx, that those modules had been initialized as proper Flask extensions. Prior to 4.0.0, just Flask-BabelEx was supported - and that didn't require any explicit initialization. Flask-Babel DOES require explicit initialization. However for some applications that don't completely control their environment (such as system pre-installed versions of python) this caused applications that didn't even want translation services to fail on startup. With this release, Flask-Security still attempts to import one or the other package - however if those modules are NOT initialized, Flask-Security will simply ignore them and no translations will occur.
- (:issue:`497`) The CSRF_COOKIE and TWO_FACTOR_VALIDITY cookie had their defaults
changed to set
. This follows the Flask-Security goal of making things more secure out-of-the-box. - (:issue:`140`) Type hinting. For the most part this of course has no runtime effects. However, this required a fairly major overhaul of how Flask-Security is initialized in order to provide valid types for the many constructor attributes. There are no known compatability concerns - however initialization used to convert all arguments into kwargs then add those as attributes and merge with application constants. That no longer happens and it is possible that some corner cases don't behave precisely as they did before.
Released April 2, 2021
- (:issue:`461`) 4.0 doesn't accept 3.4 authentication tokens. (kuba-lilz)
- (:issue:`460`) 2-fa error: Failed to send code - improved documentation and debuggability.
- (:issue:`454`) 2-fa error: TypeError - fixed documentation.
- (:issue:`443`) Calling create user without any arguments - fixed underlying cause of translating form errors in the CLI.
- (:issue:`442`) Email validation confusion - added documentation.
- (:issue:`450`) Add documentation on how to override specific error messages.
- (:pr:`439`) Don't install global-scope tests. (mgorny)
- (:pr:`470`) Add note about updating DB using MySQL. (jugmac00)
- (:pr:`468`) Fix documentation - uia_phone_number should be uia_phone_mapper. (dvrg)
- (:pr:`457`) Improve chinese translations. (zxjlm)
- (:pr:`453`) Improve basque and spanish translations. (mmozos)
- (:pr:`448`) Add Afrikaans translations. (lonelyvikingmichael)
- (:pr:`467`) Add Blinker as explicit dependency, improve/fix celery usage docs, dont require pyqrcode unless authenticator configured, improve SMS configuration variables documentation.
Released January 26, 2021
- Your UserModel must contain
- Either uninstall Flask-BabelEx (if you don't need translations) or add either Flask-Babel (>=2.0) or Flask-BabelEx to your dependencies AND be sure to initialize it in your app.
- Add Flask-Mail to your dependencies.
- If you have unicode emails or passwords read change notes below.
Released January 18, 2021
- Removal of python 2.7 and <3.6 support
- Removal of token caching feature (a relatively new feature that had some systemic issues)
- (:pr:`328`) Remove dependence on Flask-Mail and refactor.
- (:pr:`335`) Remove two-factor /tf-confirm endpoint and use generic freshness mechanism.
- (:pr:`336`) Remove
. In addition to not making sense - the documentation has never been correct. - (:pr:`339`) Require
in the UserModel and stop using/referencing the UserModel primary key. - (:pr:`349`) Change
configuration variable semantics. - Remove (all?) requirements around having an 'email' column in the UserModel. API change - JSON SPA redirects used to always include a query param 'email=xx'. While that is still sent (if and only if) the UserModel contains an 'email' columns, a new query param 'identity' is returned which returns the value of :meth:`.UserMixin.calc_username()`.
- (:pr:`382`) Improvements and documentation for two-factor authentication.
- (:pr:`394`) Add support for email validation and normalization (see :class:`.MailUtil`).
- (:issue:`231`) Normalize unicode passwords (see :class:`.PasswordUtil`).
- (:issue:`391`) Option to redirect to /confirm if user hits an endpoint that requires confirmation. New option :py:data:`SECURITY_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION_ERROR_VIEW` which if set and the user hits the /login, /reset, or /us-signin endpoint, and they require confirmation the response will be a redirect. (SnaKyEyeS)
- (:issue:`366`) Allow redirects on sub-domains. Please see :py:data:`SECURITY_REDIRECT_ALLOW_SUBDOMAINS`. (willcroft)
- (:pr:`376`) Have POST redirects default to Flask's
. Previously the default configuration was/
. Now it first looks at Flask's APPLICATION_ROOT configuration and uses that (which also by default is/
. (tysonholub) - (:pr:`401`) Add 2FA Validity Window so an application can configure how often the second factor has to be entered. (baurt)
- (:pr:`403`) Add HTML5 Email input types to email fields. This has some backwards compatibility concerns outlined below. (drola)
- (:pr:`413`) Add hy_AM translations. (rudolfamirjanyan)
- (:pr:`410`) Add Basque and fix Spanish translations. (mmozos)
- (:pr:`408`) Polish translations. (kamil559)
- (:pr:`390`) Update ru_RU translations. (TitaniumHocker)
- (:issue:`389`) Fixes for translations. First - email subjects were never being translated. Second, converted all templates to use _fsdomain(xx) rather than _(xx) so that they get translated regardless of the app's domain.
- (:issue:`381`) Support Flask-Babel 2.0 which has backported Domain support. Flask-Security now supports Flask-Babel (>=2.00), Flask-BabelEx, as well as no translation support. Please see backwards compatibility notes below.
- (:pr:`352`) Fix issue with adding/deleting permissions - all mutating methods must be at the datastore layer so that db.put() can be called. Added :meth:`.UserDatastore.add_permissions_to_role` and :meth:`.UserDatastore.remove_permissions_from_role`. The methods :meth:`.RoleMixin.add_permissions` and :meth:`.RoleMixin.remove_permissions` have been deprecated.
- (:issue:`395`) Provide ability to change table names for User and Role tables in the fsqla model.
- (:issue:`338`) All sessions are invalidated when a user changes or resets their password. This is accomplished by changing the user's fs_uniquifier. The user is automatically re-logged in (and a new session created) after a successful change operation.
- (:issue:`418`) Two-factor (and to a lesser extent unified sign in) QRcode fetching wasn't protected via CSRF. The fix makes things secure and simpler (always good); however read below for compatibility concerns. In addition, the elements that make up the QRcode (key, username, issuer) area also made available to the form and returned as part of the JSON return value - this allows for manual or other ways to initialize the authenticator app.
- (:issue:`421`) GET on /login and /change could return the callers authentication_token. This is a security concern since GETs don't have CSRF protection. This bug was introduced in 3.3.0.
- (:pr:`328`) Remove dependence on Flask-Mail and refactor. The
methods as part of Flask-Security initialization have been removed and replaced with a new :class:`.MailUtil` class. The utility method :func:`.send_mail` can still be used. If your application didn't use either of the deprecated methods, then the only change required is to add Flask-Mail to your package requirements (since Flask-Security no longer lists it). Please see the :ref:`emails_topic` for updated examples. - (:pr:`335`) Convert two-factor setup flow to use the freshness feature rather than
its own verify password endpoint. This COMPLETELY removes the
endpoint and associated form:two_factor_verify_password_form
. Now, when /tf-setup is invoked, the :meth:`flask_security.check_and_update_authn_fresh` is invoked, and if the current session isn't 'fresh' the caller will be redirected to a verify endpoint (either :py:data:`SECURITY_VERIFY_URL` or :py:data:`SECURITY_US_VERIFY_URL`). The simplest change would be to call/verify
everywhere the application used to call/tf-confirm
. - (:pr:`339`) Require
. In 3.3 thefs_uniquifier
was added in the UserModel to fix the slow authentication token issue. In 3.4 thefs_uniquifier
was used to implement Flask-Login's Alternative Token feature - thus decoupling the primary key (id) from any security context. All along, there have been a few issues with applications not wanting to use the name 'id' in their model, or wanting a different type for their primary key. With this change, Flask-Security no longer interprets or uses the UserModel primary key - just thefs_uniquifier
field. See the changes section for 3.3 for information on how to do the schema and data upgrades required to add this field. There is also an API change - the JSON response (via UserModel.get_security_payload()) returned
field. With this change the default is an empty directory - override :meth:`.UserMixin.get_security_payload()` to return any portion of the UserModel you need. - (:pr:`349`) :py:data:`SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES` has changed syntax and semantics. It now contains
the combined information from the old
and the newly introduced in 3.4 :py:data:`SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_MAPPINGS`. This enabled changing the underlying way we validate credentials in the login form and unified sign in form. In prior releases we simply tried to look up the form value as the PK of the UserModel - this often failed and then looped through the otherSECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES
. This had a history of issues, including many applications not wanting to have a standard PK for the user model. Now, using the mapping configuration, the UserModel attribute/column the input corresponds to is determined, then the UserModel is queried specifically for that attribute:value pair. If you application didn't change the variable, no modifications are required. - (:pr:`354`) The :class:`flask_security.PhoneUtil` is now initialized as part of Flask-Security initialization rather than
(since that broke the CLI). Since it isn't called in an application context, the app being initialized is passed as an argument to __init__. - (:issue:`381`) When using Flask-Babel (>= 2.0) it is required that the application initialize Flask-Babel (e.g. Babel(app)). Flask-BabelEx would self-initialize so it didn't matter. Flask-Security will throw a run time error upon first request if Flask-Babel OR FLask-BabelEx is installed, but not initialized. Also, Flask-Security no longer has a dependency on either Flask-Babel or Flask-BabelEx - if neither are installed, it falls back to a dummy translation. If your application expects translation services, it must specify the appropriate dependency AND initialize it.
- (:pr:`394`) Email input is now normalized prior to being stored in the DB. Previously, it was validated, but the raw input was stored. Normalization and validation rely on the email_validator package. The :class:`.MailUtil` class provides the interface for normalization and validation - allowing all this to be customized. If you have unicode local or domain parts - existing users may have difficulties logging in. Administratively you need to read each user record, normalize the email (see :class:`.MailUtil`), and write it back.
- (:issue:`381`) Passwords are now, by default, normalized using Python's unicodedata.normalize() method.
The :py:data:`SECURITY_PASSWORD_NORMALIZE_FORM` defaults to "NKFD". This brings Flask-Security
in line with the NIST recommendations outlined in Memorized Secret Verifiers
If your users have unicode passwords
they may have difficulty authenticating. You can turn off this normalization or have your users reset their passwords.
Password normalization and validation has been encapsulated in a new :class:`.PasswordUtil` class. This replaces
the method
introduced in 3.4.0. - (:pr:`403`) By default all forms that have an email as input now use the wtforms html5
. For most applications this will make the user experience slightly nicer - especially for mobile devices. Some applications use the email form field for other identity attributes (such as username). If your application does this you will probably need to subclassLoginForm
and change the email type back to StringField. - (:issue:`338`) By default, both passwords and authentication tokens use the same attribute
to uniquely identify the user. This means that if the user changes or resets their password, all authentication tokens also become invalid. This could be viewed as a feature or a bug. If this behavior isn't desired, add another uniquifier:fs_token_uniquifier
to your UserModel and that will be used to generate authentication tokens. - (:issue:`418`) Fix CSRF vulnerability w.r.t. getting QRcodes. Both two-factor and unified-signup had a separate GET endpoint to fetch the QRcode when setting up an authenticator app. GETS don't have any CSRF protection. Both of those endpoints have been completely removed, and the QRcode is embedded in a successful POST of the setup form. The changes to the templates are minimal and of course if you didn't override the template - there is no compatibility concern.
- (:issue:`421`) Fix CSRF vulnerability on /login and /change that could return the callers authentication token. Now, callers can only get the authentication token on successful POST calls.
Released January 8, 2021
Security Vulnerability Fix.
Two CSRF vulnerabilities were reported: qrcode and login. This release fixes the more severe of the 2 - the /login vulnerability. The QRcode issue has a much smaller risk profile since a) it is only for two-factor authentication using an authenticator app b) the qrcode is only available during the time the user is first setting up their authentication app. The QRcode issue has been fixed in 4.0.
- (:issue:`421`) GET on /login and /change could return the callers authentication_token. This is a security concern since GETs don't have CSRF protection. This bug was introduced in 3.3.0.
- (:issue:`421`) Fix CSRF vulnerability on /login and /change that could return the callers authentication token. Now, callers can only get the authentication token on successful POST calls.
Released July 27, 2020
Bug/regression fixes.
- (:issue:`359`) Basic Auth broken. When the unauthenticated handler was changed to provide a more
uniform/consistent response - it broke using Basic Auth from a browser, since it always redirected rather than
returning 401. Now, if the response headers contain
(which is set ifbasic
@auth_required method is used), a 401 is returned. See below for backwards compatibility concerns. - (:pr:`362`) As part of figuring out issue 359 - a redirect loop was found. In release 3.3.0 code was put
in to redirect to :py:data:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW` when GET or POST was called and the caller was already authenticated. The
method used would honor the request
query parameter. This could cause redirect loops. The pre-3.3.0 behavior of redirecting to :py:data:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW` and ignoring thenext
parameter has been restored. - (:issue:`347`) Fix peewee. Turns out - due to lack of unit tests - peewee hasn't worked since 'permissions' were added in 3.3. Furthermore, changes in 3.4 around get_id and alternative tokens also didn't work since peewee defines its own get_id method.
In 3.3.0, :meth:`flask_security.auth_required` was changed to add a default argument if none was given. The default
include all current methods - session
, token
, and basic
. However basic
really isn't like the others
and requires that we send back a WWW-Authenticate
header if authentication fails (and return a 401 and not redirect).
has been removed from the default set and must once again be explicitly requested.
Released June 12, 2020
Minor fixes for a regression and a couple other minor changes
- (:issue:`340`) Fix regression where tf_phone_number was required, even if SMS wasn't configured.
- (:pr:`342`) Pick up some small documentation fixes from 4.0.0.
Released May 2, 2020
Only change is to move repo to the Flask-Middleware github organization.
Released April 22, 2020
Fix a bunch of bugs in new unified sign in along with a couple other major issues.
- (:issue:`298`) Alternative ID feature ran afoul of postgres/psycopg2 finickiness.
- (:issue:`300`) JSON 401 responses had WWW-Authenticate Header attached - that caused browsers to pop up their own login/password form. Not what applications want.
- (:issue:`280`) Allow admin/api to setup TFA (and unified sign in) out of band. Please see :meth:`.UserDatastore.tf_set`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.tf_reset`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.us_set`, :meth:`.UserDatastore.us_reset` and :meth:`.UserDatastore.reset_user_access`.
- (:pr:`305`) We used form._errors which wasn't very pythonic, and it was removed in WTForms 2.3.0.
- (:pr:`310`) WTForms 2.3.0 made email_validator optional - we need it.
Released March 31, 2020
- (:pr:`257`) Support a unified sign in feature. Please see :ref:`unified-sign-in`.
- (:pr:`265`) Add phone number validation class. This is used in both unified sign in
as well as two-factor when using
. - (:pr:`274`) Add support for 'freshness' of caller's authentication. This permits endpoints to be additionally protected by ensuring a recent authentication.
- (:issue:`99`, :issue:`195`) Support pluggable password validators. Provide a default validator that offers complexity and breached support.
- (:issue:`266`) Provide interface to two-factor send_token so that applications can provide error mitigation. Defaults to returning errors if can't send the verification code.
- (:pr:`247`) Updated all-inclusive data models (fsqlaV2). Add fields necessary for the new unified sign in feature and changed 'username' to be unique (but not required).
- (:pr:`245`) Use fs_uniquifier as the default Flask-Login 'alternative token'. Basically this means that changing the fs_uniquifier will cause outstanding auth tokens, session and remember me cookies to be invalidated. So if an account gets compromised, an admin can easily stop access. Prior to this cookies were storing the 'id' which is the user's primary key - difficult to change! (kishi85)
- (:issue:`273`) Don't allow reset password for accounts that are disabled.
- (:issue:`282`) Add configuration that disallows GET for logout. Allowing GET can cause some denial of service issues. The default still allows GET for backwards compatibility. (kantorii)
- (:issue:`258`) Reset password wasn't integrated into the two-factor feature and therefore two-factor auth could be bypassed.
- (:issue:`254`) Allow lists and sets as underlying permissions. (pffs)
- (:issue:`251`) Allow a registration form to have additional fields that aren't part of the user model that are just passed to the user_registered.send signal, where the application can perform arbitrary additional actions required during registration. (kuba-lilz)
- (:issue:`249`) Add configuration to disable the 'role-joining' optimization for SQLAlchemy. (pffs)
- (:issue:`238`) Fix more issues with atomically setting the new TOTP secret when setting up two-factor. (kishi85)
- (:pr:`240`) Fix Quart Compatibility. (ristellise)
- (:issue:`232`) CSRF Cookie not being set when using 'Remember Me' cookie to re-sign in. (kishi85)
- (:issue:`229`) Two-factor enabled accounts didn't work with the Remember Me feature. (kishi85)
As part of adding unified sign in, there were many similarities with two-factor. Some refactoring was done to unify naming, configuration variables etc. It should all be backwards compatible.
- In TWO_FACTOR_ENABLED_METHODS "mail" was changed to "email". "mail" will still be honored if already stored in DB. Also "google_authenticator" is now just "authenticator".
- TWO_FACTOR_SECRET, TWO_FACTOR_URI_SERVICE_NAME, TWO_FACTOR_SMS_SERVICE, and TWO_FACTOR_SMS_SERVICE_CONFIG have all been deprecated in favor of names that are the same for two-factor and unified sign in.
Other changes with possible backwards compatibility issues:
never did any phone number validation. Now it does.two_factor_setup.html
template - the chosen_method check was changed toemail
. If you have your own custom template - be sure make that change.
Released February 11, 2020
Minor changes required to work with latest released Werkzeug and Flask-Login.
Released December 7, 2019
- (:issue:`215`) Fixed 2FA totp secret regeneration bug (kishi85)
- (:issue:`172`) Fixed 'next' redirect error in login view
- (:issue:`221`) Fixed regressions in login view when already authenticated user again does a GET or POST.
- (:issue:`219`) Added example code for unit testing FS protected routes.
- (:issue:`223`) Integrated two-factor auth into registration and confirmation.
Thanks to kuba-lilz and kishi85 for finding and providing detailed issue reports.
In Flask-Security 3.3.0 the login view was changed to allow already authenticated
users to access the view. Prior to 3.3.0, the login view was protected with
@anonymous_user_required - so any access (via GET or POST) would simply redirect
the user to the POST_LOGIN_VIEW
. With the 3.3.0 changes, both GET and POST
behaved oddly. GET simply returned the login template, and POST attempted to
log out the current user, and log in the new user. This was problematic since
this couldn't possibly work with CSRF.
The old behavior has been restored, with the subtle change that older Flask-Security
releases did not look at "next" in the form or request for the redirect,
and now, all redirects from the login view will honor "next".
Released November 16, 2019
- (:pr:`197`) Add Quart compatibility (Ristellise)
- (:pr:`194`) Add Python 3.8 support into CI (jdevera)
- (:pr:`196`) Improve docs around Single Page Applications and React (acidjunk)
- (:issue:`201`) fsqla model was added to making Sqlalchemy a required package.
That is wrong and has been removed. Applications must now explicitly import from
- (:pr:`204`) Fix/improve examples and quickstart to show one MUST call hash_password() when creating users programmatically. Also show real SECRET_KEYs and PASSWORD_SALTs and how to generate them.
- (:pr:`209`) Add argon2 as an allowable password hash.
- (:pr:`210`) Improve integration with Flask-Admin. Actually - this PR improves localization support
by adding a method
to jinja2's global environment. Added documentation around localization.
Released September 26, 2019
There are several default behavior changes that might break existing applications. Most have configuration variables that restore prior behavior.
If you use Authentication Tokens (rather than session cookies) you MUST make a (small) change. Please see below for details.
- (:pr:`120`) Native support for Permissions as part of Roles. Endpoints can be protected via permissions that are evaluated based on role(s) that the user has.
- (:issue:`126`, :issue:`93`, :issue:`96`) Revamp entire CSRF handling. This adds support for Single Page Applications and having CSRF protection for browser(session) authentication but ignored for token based authentication. Add extensive documentation about all the options.
- (:issue:`156`) Token authentication is slow. Please see below for details on how to enable a new, fast implementation.
- (:issue:`130`) Enable applications to provide their own :meth:`.render_json` method so that they can create unified API responses.
- (:issue:`121`) Unauthorized callback not quite right. Split into 2 different callbacks - one for unauthorized and one for unauthenticated. Made default unauthenticated handler use Flask-Login's unauthenticated method to make everything uniform. Extensive documentation added. .Security.unauthorized_callback has been deprecated.
- (:pr:`120`) Add complete User and Role model mixins that support all features. Modify tests and Quickstart documentation to show how to use these. Please see :ref:`responsetopic` for details.
- Improve documentation for :meth:`.UserDatastore.create_user` to make clear that hashed password should be passed in.
- Improve documentation for :class:`.UserDatastore` and :func:`.verify_and_update_password` to make clear that caller must commit changes to DB if using a session based datastore.
- (:issue:`122`) Clarify when to use
rather thanregister_form
. - Fix bug in 2FA that didn't commit DB after using verify_and_update_password.
- Fix bug(s) in UserDatastore where changes to user
flag weren't being added to DB. - (:issue:`127`) JSON response was failing due to LazyStrings in error response.
- (:issue:`117`) Making a user inactive should stop all access immediately.
- (:issue:`134`) Confirmation token can no longer be reused. Added SECURITY_AUTO_LOGIN_AFTER_CONFIRM option for applications that don't want the user to be automatically logged in after confirmation (defaults to True - existing behavior).
- (:issue:`159`) The
endpoint returned the Authentication Token even though confirmation was required. This was a huge security hole - it has been fixed. - (:issue:`160`) The 2FA totp_secret would be regenerated upon submission, making QRCode not work. (malware-watch)
- (:issue:`166`) default_render_json uses
and forces the Content-Type to JSON for generating the response (koekie) - (:issue:`166`) SECURITY_MSG_UNAUTHENTICATED added to the configuration.
- (:pr:`168`) When using the @auth_required or @auth_token_required decorators, the token would be verified twice, and the DB would be queried twice for the user. Given how slow token verification is - this was a significant issue. That has been fixed.
- (:issue:`84`) The :func:`.anonymous_user_required` was not JSON friendly - always performing a redirect. Now, if the request 'wants' a JSON response - it will receive a 400 with an error message defined by SECURITY_MSG_ANONYMOUS_USER_REQUIRED.
- (:pr:`145`) Improve 2FA templates to that they can be localized. (taavie)
- (:issue:`173`) SECURITY_UNAUTHORIZED_VIEW didn't accept a url (just an endpoint). All other view configurations did. That has been fixed.
(:pr:`164`) In prior releases, the Authentication Token was returned as part of the JSON response to each successful call to /login, /change, or /reset/{token} API call. This is not a great idea since for browser-based UIs that used JSON request/response, and used session based authentication - they would be sent this token - even though it was likely ignored. Since these tokens by default have no expiration time this exposed a needless security hole. The new default behavior is to ONLY return the Authentication Token from those APIs if the query param
is added to the request. Prior behavior can be restored by setting the SECURITY_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_AUTH_TOKEN configuration variable.(:pr:`120`) :class:`.RoleMixin` now has a method :meth:`.get_permissions` which is called as part each request to add Permissions to the authenticated user. It checks if the RoleModel has a property
and assumes it is a comma separated string of permissions. If your model already has such a property this will likely fail. You need to override :meth:`.get_permissions` and simply return an emtpy set.(:issue:`121`) Changes the default (failure) behavior for views protected with @auth_required, @token_auth_required, or @http_auth_required. Before, a 401 was returned with some stock html. Now, Flask-Login.unauthorized() is called (the same as @login_required does) - which by default redirects to a login page/view. If you had provided your own .Security.unauthorized_callback there are no changes - that will still be called first. The old default behavior can be restored by setting SECURITY_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_UNAUTHN to True. Please see :ref:`responsetopic` for details.
(:issue:`127`) Fix for LazyStrings in json error response. The fix for this has Flask-Security registering its own JsonEncoder on its blueprint. If you registered your own JsonEncoder for your app - it will no longer be called when serializing responses to Flask-Security endpoints. You can register your JsonEncoder on Flask-Security's blueprint by sending it as json_encoder_cls as part of initialization. Be aware that your JsonEncoder needs to handle LazyStrings (see speaklater).
(:issue:`84`) Prior to this fix - anytime the decorator :func:`.anonymous_user_required` failed, it caused a redirect to the post_login_view. Now, if the caller wanted a JSON response, it will return a 400.
(:issue:`156`) Faster Authentication Token introduced the following non-backwards compatible behavior change:
- Since the old Authentication Token algorithm used the (hashed) user's password, those tokens would be invalidated
whenever the user changed their password. This is not likely to be what most users expect. Since the new
Authentication Token algorithm doesn't refer to the user's password, changing the user's password won't invalidate
outstanding Authentication Tokens. The method :meth:`.UserDatastore.set_uniquifier` can be used by an administrator
to change a user's
- but nothing the user themselves can do to invalidate their Authentication Tokens. Setting the SECURITY_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_AUTH_TOKEN_INVALIDATE configuration variable will cause the user'sfs_uniquifier
to be changed when they change their password, thus restoring prior behavior.
- Since the old Authentication Token algorithm used the (hashed) user's password, those tokens would be invalidated
whenever the user changed their password. This is not likely to be what most users expect. Since the new
Authentication Token algorithm doesn't refer to the user's password, changing the user's password won't invalidate
outstanding Authentication Tokens. The method :meth:`.UserDatastore.set_uniquifier` can be used by an administrator
to change a user's
Current auth tokens are slow because they use the user's password (hashed) as a uniquifier (the user id isn't really enough since it might be reused). This requires checking the (hashed) password against what is in the token on EVERY request - however hashing is (on purpose) slow. So this can add almost a whole second to every request.
To solve this, a new attribute in the User model was added - fs_uniquifier
. If this is present in your
User model, then it will be used instead of the password for ensuring the token corresponds to the correct user.
This is very fast. If that attribute is NOT present - then the behavior falls back to the existing (slow) method.
To use the new UserModel mixins or to add the column user.fs_uniquifier
to speed up token
authentication, a schema AND data migration needs to happen. If you are using Alembic the schema migration is
easy - but you need to add fs_uniquifier
values to all your existing data. You can
add code like this to your migrations::update method:
# be sure to MODIFY this line to make nullable=True: op.add_column('user', sa.Column('fs_uniquifier', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True)) # update existing rows with unique fs_uniquifier import uuid user_table = sa.Table('user', sa.MetaData(), sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column('fs_uniquifier', sa.String)) conn = op.get_bind() for row in conn.execute([])): conn.execute(user_table.update().values(fs_uniquifier=uuid.uuid4().hex).where( == row['id'])) # finally - set nullable to false op.alter_column('user', 'fs_uniquifier', nullable=False) # for MySQL the previous line has to be replaced with... # op.alter_column('user', 'fs_uniquifier', existing_type=sa.String(length=64), nullable=False)
Released June 26th 2019
- (:pr:`80`) Support caching of authentication token (eregnier opr #839). This adds a new configuration variable SECURITY_USE_VERIFY_PASSWORD_CACHE which enables a cache (with configurable TTL) for authentication tokens. This is a big performance boost for those accessing Flask-Security via token as opposed to session.
- (:pr:`81`) Support for JSON/Single-Page-Application. This completes support for non-form based access to Flask-Security. See PR for details. (jwag956)
- (:pr:`79` Add POST logout to enhance JSON usage (jwag956).
- (:pr:`73`) Fix get_user for various DBs (jwag956). This is a more complete fix than in opr #633.
- (:pr:`78`, :pr:`103`) Add formal openapi API spec (jwag956).
- (:pr:`86`, :pr:`94`, :pr:`98`, :pr:`101`, :pr:`104`) Add Two-factor authentication (opr #842) (baurt, jwag956).
- (:issue:`108`) Fix form field label translations (jwag956)
- (:issue:`115`) Fix form error message translations (upstream #801) (jwag956)
- (:issue:`87`) Convert entire repo to Black (baurt)
Released never
- (:pr:`53`) Use Security.render_template in mails too (noirbizarre opr #487)
- (:pr:`56`) Optimize DB accesses by using an SQL JOIN when retrieving a user. (nfvs opr #679)
- (:pr:`57`) Add base template to security templates (grihabor opr #697)
- (:pr:`73`) datastore: get user by numeric identity attribute (jirikuncar opr #633)
- (:pr:`58`) bugfix: support application factory pattern (briancappello opr #703)
- (:pr:`60`) Make SECURITY_PASSWORD_SINGLE_HASH a list of scheme ignoring double hash (noirbizarre opr #714)
- (:pr:`61`) Allow custom login_manager to be passed in to Flask-Security (jaza opr #717)
- (:pr:`62`) Docs for OAauth2-based custom login manager (jaza opr #727)
- (:pr:`63`) core: make the User model check the password (mklassen opr #779)
- (:pr:`64`) Customizable send_mail (abulte opr #730)
- (:pr:`68`) core: fix default for UNAUTHORIZED_VIEW (jirijunkar opr #726)
These should all be backwards compatible.
Possible compatibility issues:
#487 - prior to this, render_template() was overridable for views, but not emails. If anyone actually relied on this behavior, this has changed.
#703 - get factory pattern working again. There was a very complex dance between Security() instantiation and init_app regarding kwargs. This has been rationalized (hopefully).
#679 - SqlAlchemy SQL improvement. It is possible you will get the following error:
Got exception during processing: <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError'> - 'User.roles' does not support object population - eager loading cannot be applied.
This is likely solvable by removing
from your Role definition.
Performance improvements:
- #679 - for sqlalchemy, for each request, there would be 2 DB accesses - now there is one.
Testing: For datastores operations, Sqlalchemy, peewee, pony were all tested against sqlite, postgres, and mysql real databases.
Released April 30th 2019
- (opr #439) HTTP Auth respects SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES (pnpnpn)
- (opr #660) csrf_enabled` deprecation fix (abulte)
- (opr #671) Fix referrer loop in _get_unauthorized_view(). (nfvs)
- (opr #675) Fix AttributeError in _request_loader (sbagan)
- (opr #676) Fix timing attack on login form (cript0nauta)
- (opr #683) Close db connection after running tests (reambus)
- (opr #691) docs: add password salt to SQLAlchemy app example (KshitijKarthick)
- (opr #692) utils: fix incorrect email sender type (switowski)
- (opr #696) Fixed broken Click link (williamhatcher)
- (opr #722) Fix password recovery confirmation on deleted user (kesara)
- (opr #747) Update login_user.html (rickwest)
- (opr #748) i18n: configurable the dirname domain (escudero)
- (opr #835) adds relevant user to reset password form for validation purposes (fuhrysteve)
These are bug fixes and a couple very small additions. No change in behavior and no new functionality. 'opr#' is the original pull request from
Released April 28th 2019
- Support 3.7 as part of CI
- Rebrand to this forked repo
- (#15) Build docs and translations as part of CI
- (#17) Move to msgcheck from pytest-translations
- (opr #669) Fix for Read the Docs (jirikuncar)
- (opr #710) Spanish translation (maukoquiroga)
- (opr #712) i18n: improvements of German translations (eseifert)
- (opr #713) i18n: add Portuguese (Brazilian) translation (dinorox)
- (opr #719) docs: fix anchor links and typos (kesara)
- (opr #751) i18n: fix missing space (abulte)
- (opr #762) docs: fixed proxy import (lsmith)
- (opr #767) Update customizing.rst (allanice001)
- (opr #776) i18n: add Portuguese (Portugal) translation (micael-grilo)
- (opr #791) Fix documentation for mattupstate#781 (fmerges)
- (opr #796) Chinese translations (Steinkuo)
- (opr #808) Clarify that a commit is needed after login_user (christophertull)
- (opr #823) Add Turkish translation (Admicos)
- (opr #831) Catalan translation (miceno)
These are all documentation and i18n changes - NO code changes. All except the last 3 were accepted and reviewed by the original Flask-Security team. Thanks as always to all the contributors.
Released May 29th 2017
- Fixed a bug when user clicking confirmation link after confirmation and expiration causes confirmation email to resend. (see #556)
- Added support for I18N.
- Added options SECURITY_EMAIL_PLAINTEXT and SECURITY_EMAIL_HTML for sending respectively plaintext and HTML version of email.
- Fixed validation when missing login information.
- Fixed condition for token extraction from JSON body.
- Better support for universal bdist wheel.
- Added port of CLI using Click configurable using options SECURITY_CLI_USERS_NAME and SECURITY_CLI_ROLES_NAME.
- Added new configuration option SECURITY_DATETIME_FACTORY which can be used to force default timezone for newly created datetimes. (see pallets-eco/flask-security-3.0#466)
- Better IP tracking if using Flask 0.12.
- Renamed deprecated Flask-WFT base form class.
- Added tests for custom forms configured using app config.
- Added validation and tests for next argument in logout endpoint. (see #499)
- Bumped minimal required versions of several packages.
- Extended test matric on Travis CI for minimal and released package versions.
- Added of .editorconfig and forced tests for code style.
- Fixed a security bug when validating a confirmation token, also checks if the email that the token was created with matches the user's current email.
- Replaced token loader with request loader.
- Changed trackable behavior of login_user when IP can not be detected from a request from 'untrackable' to None value.
- Use ProxyFix instead of inspecting X-Forwarded-For header.
- Fix identical problem with app as with datastore.
- Removed always-failing assertion.
- Fixed failure of init_app to set self.datastore.
- Changed to new style flask imports.
- Added proper error code when returning JSON response.
- Changed obsolete Required validator from WTForms to DataRequired. Bumped Flask-WTF to 0.13.
- Fixed missing SECURITY_SUBDOMAIN in config docs.
- Added cascade delete in PeeweeDatastore.
- Added notes to docs about SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES.
- Send password reset instructions if an attempt has expired.
- Added "Forgot password?" link to LoginForm description.
- Upgraded passlib, and removed bcrypt version restriction.
- Removed a duplicate line ('retype_password': 'Retype Password') in
- Various documentation improvement.
Released December 2nd 2015
- Added SECURITY_TOKEN_MAX_AGE configuration setting
- Fixed calls to SQLAlchemyUserDatastore.get_user(None) (this now returns False instead of raising a TypeError
- Fixed URL generation adding extra slashes in some cases (see GitHub #343)
- Fixed handling of trackable IP addresses when the X-Forwarded-For header contains multiple values
- Include WWW-Authenticate headers in @auth_required authentication checks
- Fixed error when check_token function is used with a json list
- Added support for custom AnonymousUser classes
- Restricted forgot_password endpoint to anonymous users
- Allowed unauthorized callback to be overridden
- Fixed issue where passwords cannot be reset if currently set to None
- Ensured that password reset tokens are invalidated after use
- Updated is_authenticated and is_active functions to support Flask-Login changes
- Various documentation improvements
Released October 13th 2014
- Fixed a bug related to changing existing passwords from plaintext to hashed
- Fixed a bug in form validation that did not enforce case insensitivity
- Fixed a bug with validating redirects
Released June 10th 2014
- Fixed a bug where redirection to SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW was not respected
- Fixed string encoding in various places to be friendly to unicode
- Now using to check tokens
- Removed user information from JSON output on /reset responses
- Added Python 3.4 support
Released May 6th 2014
- Updated IP tracking to check for X-Forwarded-For header
- Fixed a bug regarding the re-hashing of passwords with a new algorithm
- Fixed a bug regarding the password_changed signal.
Released January 14th 2014
- Fixed a bug where passwords would fail to verify when specifying a password hash algorithm
Released January 10th 2014
- Python 3.3 support!
- Dependency updates
- Fixed a bug when SECURITY_LOGIN_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION = True did not allow users to log in
- Added SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_RESET_NOTICE_EMAIL configuration option to optionally send password reset notice emails
- Add documentation for @security.send_mail_task
- Move to request.get_json as request.json is now deprecated in Flask
- Fixed a bug when using AJAX to change a user's password
- Added documentation for select functions in the flask_security.utils module
- Fixed a bug in flask_security.forms.NextFormMixin
- Added CHANGE_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE configuration option to optionally specify a different change password template
- Added the ability to specify addtional fields on the user model to be used for identifying the user via the USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES configuration option
- An error is now shown if a user tries to change their password and the password is the same as before. The message can be customed with the SECURITY_MSG_PASSWORD_IS_SAME configuration option
- Fixed a bug in MongoEngineUserDatastore where user model would not be updated when using the add_role_to_user method
- Added SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_CHANGE_EMAIL configuration option to optionally disable password change email from being sent
- Fixed a bug in the find_or_create_role method of the PeeWee datastore
- Removed pypy tests
- Fixed some tests
- Include CHANGES and LICENSE in
- A bit of documentation cleanup
- A bit of code cleanup including removal of unnecessary utcnow call and simplification of get_max_age method
Released August 20th 2013
- Fix bug in SQLAlchemy datastore's get_user function
- Fix bug in PeeWee datastore's remove_role_from_user function
- Fixed import error caused by new Flask-WTF release
Released August 1st 2013
- Fixed bug with case sensitivity of email address during login
- Code cleanup regarding token_callback
- Ignore validation errors in find_user function for MongoEngineUserDatastore
Released July 11th 2013
- Made password length form error message configurable
- Fixed email confirmation bug that prevented logged in users from confirming their email
Released June 28th 2013
- Fixed dependency versions
Released June 20th 2013
- Fixed bug in
Released June 18th 2013
- Added SECURITY_DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME configuration value to unify behavior between endpoints
- Fixed Flask-Login dependency problem
- Added optional next parameter to registration endpoint, similar to that of login
Released May 8th 2013
- Fixed bug in regards to imports with latest version of MongoEngine
Released April 4th 2013
- Fixed bug with http basic auth
Released April 3rd 2013
- Fixed bug with signals
Released March 13th 2013
- Added Flask-Pewee support
- Password hashing is now more flexible and can be changed to a different type at will
- Flask-Login messages are configurable
- AJAX requests must now send a CSRF token for security reasons
- Form messages are now configurable
- Forms can now be extended with more fields
- Added change password endpoint
- Added the user to the request context when successfully authenticated via http basic and token auth
- The Flask-Security blueprint subdomain is now configurable
- Redirects to other domains are now not allowed during requests that may redirect
- Template paths can be configured
- The welcome/register email can now optionally be sent to the user
- Passwords can now contain non-latin characters
- Fixed a bug when confirming an account but the account has been deleted
Released January 6th 2013
- Fix bug in forms with csrf_enabled parameter not accounting attempts to login using JSON data
Released December 23rd 2012
- Change dependency requirement
Released December 11th 2012
- Fix a small bug in flask_security.utils.login_user method
Released November 26th 2012
- Fixed bug with next form variable
- Added better documentation regarding Flask-Mail configuration
- Added ability to configure email subjects
Released October 11th 2012
- Major release. Upgrading from previous versions will require a bit of work to accommodate API changes. See documentation for a list of new features and for help on how to upgrade.
Released June 12th 2012
- Fixed a bug in the RoleMixin eq/ne functions
Released April 27th 2012
- Fixed bug where roles_required and roles_accepted did not pass the next argument to the login view
Released March 28th 2012
- Added optional user model mixin parameter for datastores
- Added CreateRoleCommand to available Flask-Script commands
Released March 12th 2012
- Added configuration option SECURITY_FLASH_MESSAGES which can be set to a boolean value to specify if Flask-Security should flash messages or not.
Initial release